Teaching Learning Process and Development Curriculum

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Republic of the Philippines


Mc Lain, Buenavista, Guimaras


Reporter Professor

Educ 220 Curriculum Development



Teaching Learning Process and Curriculum Development

-One of the most often repeated definitions of a curriculum is that
curriculum is the total learning experience.

* What do you know about teaching?

* What knowledge is needed to understand this process?
-Good teaching is difficult to agree upon. While it remains to be
difficult to agree on what good teaching is, effective teaching can be
demonstrated. Effective teaching is one that will bring about the
intended learning outcomes.

Traditionalists believe that….

 Teaching is a process of imparting and skills required
 It is a process of dispensing knowledge to the learner.
 Teaching is showing, telling giving instruction, making someone
understand in order to learn. In this instance, the person who
teaches, controls learning.
 Teaching.


 Teaching is a process of imparting and skills required to matter a

subject matter
 It is a process of dispensing knowledge to an empty vessel which
is the mind of the learner
 Teaching is showing, telling giving instruction, making someone
understand in order to learn.In this instance, the person who
teaches, controls learning.
 Teaching-Learning – can be defined as engagement with
learners to enable their understanding and application of
knowledge, concepts and processes while learning is the
Republic of the Philippines
Mc Lain, Buenavista, Guimaras

acquisition of knowledge or skills through study, experience, or

being taught.
-is now perceived as stimulating, directing, guiding the learner and
evaluating the learning outcomes of teaching. The teacher’s role in
teaching becomes complex but has given the learner the responsibility
to learn. Teaching then is a process that enables the learner to learn
on his/her own.

The teacher now becomes a decision maker in the teaching process.

Let us look at the process as a series of actions from PLANNING,

In teaching, the Planning phase

 The needs of the learners
 The achievable goals and objectives to meet the needs
 The selection of the content to be taught
 The motivation carry out the goals
 The strategies most fit to carry out the goals and
 The evaluation process to measure learning outcomes

The Implementation phase requires the teacher to implement what

has been planned. Base on the objectives, Implementation means to
put into action the different activities in order to achieve the objectives
through the subject matter. Hence, two important players involved:
the teacher and the learner. Their interaction is important in the
accomplishment of the plan.

In the evaluation phase, a match of the objectives with the learning

outcomes will be made. The kind of information should be determined
so that the type of evaluation should be chosen to fit the purpose.

To give a feedback is to give information as to whether the three

phases were appropriately done and gave the results.
Republic of the Philippines
Mc Lain, Buenavista, Guimaras

Reflection is a process embedded in teaching where the teacher

inquires into his or her actions and provides deep critical thinking.

What are the basic assumptions of teaching, learning processes, and

curriculum development?
 These assumptions are; learning is the result of individual, rather
than group, activity; teachers are consumers, rather than
generators, of theory ; assessment is concerned with evaluating
learning outcomes, rather than learning processes; teaching and
learning are primarily cognitive rather than aesthetic.
 Some basic assumptions in teaching, learning and curriculum
1. Constructivism- knowledge is constructed, not given and
learners should actively engage in constructing knowledge
2. Behaviorism- Learning manifested by a change in behavior,
and the learning environment shapes behavior
3. Cognitivism- learning focuses on the internal thoughts of the
observer, rather than observing others behavior
4. Context – classroom assignments and tasks should have real-
world application so learners can connect with what they are
5. Collaboration students should share ideas and expand their
thinking through discussions with other students.
6. Independent and self –directed learners – Learners take
responsibility for their own learning, ask questions, seek out
information, and are proactive learning.

Educator’s assumptions about their classroom, students, goals ,

role and ability to provide the foundation for many of their
instructional actions and attitudes.

Indicators which you can use to guide in the process of good

 Good teaching is one that is well planned and where
activities are interrelated each other
 Good teaching is one that provides learning experiences or
situations that will ensure understanding, application and
critical thinking
 Good teaching is based on the theories of learning
 Good teaching is one where the learner is stimulated to
think and reason.
 Good teaching utilizes prior learning and its application to
new situations
 Good teaching is governed by democratic principles
 Good teaching embeds a sound evaluation process.
Republic of the Philippines
Mc Lain, Buenavista, Guimaras

“To teach, is to make someone to learn”

• The main purpose of learning is about being prepared for their

future and reaching their fullest potential as lifelong process.
• Development Curriculum is planned, thoughtful, and deliberate
course of actions that ultimately enhance the quality and impact of the
learning experience for students.
• Curriculum Development sets forward a clear purpose and goals


Every curriculum development framework includes four main stages

 Analysis
- Analyze the entire scenario, its learners, and the type of
learning they can handle
- Gives shapes to the entire learning material and process
 Building
- After analysis, they include lessons theories, practices and
other learning materials.
 Implementation
- The curriculum developers give both instructors and learners
directions on how they need to approach lesson.
- Implied on the children to see whether they can cope the

 Evaluation
- The final stage evaluation the developers evaluate the
response of the learners the instructors for an effective
- The main aim of the curriculum development companies is to
meet the educational goals and cater the learners


On line sources

By: Purita P. Bilboa,Ed.D


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