Ravinder Kumar MA S2017
Ravinder Kumar MA S2017
Ravinder Kumar MA S2017
A Meta-Analysis
Ravinder Kumar
A Thesis
The Department
Concordia University
April 2017
_______________________________ Chair
Chair’s name/ Dr. Saul Carliner
_______________________________ Examiner
Examiner’s name / Dr. Robert M. Bernard
_______________________________ Examiner
Examiner’s name / Dr. Claude Martel
_______________________________ Supervisor
Supervisor’s name / Dr. Richard F. Schmid
Approved by ___________________________________________________
Chair of Department or Graduate Program Director
_______________ _______________________________________________
Date Dean of Faculty
The purpose of this meta-analysis was to investigate the effect of collaborative learning
on student achievement. The sample of the study consisted of 20 representative studies involving
2434 participants selected from an extensive literature search based on the use of collaborative
activities in a formal education setting cutting across multiple grade levels and subject domains.
Analysis of representative studies (k = 28) yielded a moderately weighted average effect size of
0.26. A mixed effects model was used for the analysis of the moderators of effect size. The
research design was not significant across true and quasi- designs. Two groups – high
compared to measure the effect of collaborative learning on the dependent variable of student
achievement. The analyses of moderator variables were not significant or suffered from a lack of
statistical power (i.e., grade levels). Implications for the use of the collaborative learning are
discussed, and recommendations for future researchers are suggested along with the limitation
and conclusions.
As a graduate student, I experienced many memorable learning moments during the entire
program. The thesis option provided me with a real task to synthesize my experiences as a
capstone of all the learning. The journey was rigorous and challenging. However, the continuous
support and guidance provided by some of the wonderful individuals in the department helped
me complete this task successfully. I want to extend my immeasurable appreciation and deepest
Foremost, Dr. Richard Schmid, my supervisor, chair, and professor, for his full support from
the day one. He showed confidence in my abilities and helped me through his continuous
advices, suggestions, feedback, comments, and support during the wrting process of the entire
thesis. In addition, I am indebted to him for his official support to complete the departmental
formalities for my thesis defense and submission. His commitment, patience, and sincerity were
manifested during every meeting and/or communication with him which boosted my morale to
stay in tune at every stage of this work. In addition, I thank him again for serving as my referee
Dr. Robert Bernard, my professor and research committee member, and a specialist in meta-
analysis, for his guidance during every stage of this project for all his advices on technical
matters. I sincerely thank him for allowing to use the dataset for my study sample. In addition, he
always showed his willingness to help me out whenever it was needed. His expertise has
Dr. Claude Martel, my second committee member and professor, for his emotional support and
time-to-time help during the program. His expertise in applied research and educational
consultancy helped me devise better strategies for a successful planning of this project. I always
found him a great person with his empathetic touch to uplift my morale and motivation.
Evgueni Borokhovski, another faculty member from Concordia University, for his regular
support and motivation during the entire journey of this work. He has been exceptional to
support me through all the phases of this work including coding, data analysis and reporting of
the results. He always rendered his services to polish this work. He is such an appealing person
Saul Carliner, another professor from the faculty of education technology, for offering his
service to chair my defense committee. He has been a great influence on my learning, as his
quality books on instructional design and resourceful peer-reviewed publications throughout his
academic career.
Lastly, I would extend my thanks to all the other teaching community members for their support
and teaching. In addition, I express my gratitude to all the administrative staff of the Department
of Educational technology for their continuous support and care during the entire program. In
particular, I would like to thank Mr. Sean Gordon, my program coordinator, for his amazing
interactions and timely information during the my entire journay in this program.
Dedicated to
academic career,
Table of Contents
Inter-rater reliability ............................................................................................................................ 34
Achievement Outcomes. ..................................................................................................................... 34
Research design and methodological quality. ..................................................................................... 35
Publication Bias Analysis. .................................................................................................................. 36
Sensitivity Analysis. ........................................................................................................................... 39
Chapter Five : Discussion ....................................................................................................................... 46
Limitations of the Study.......................................................................................................................... 50
Implications and Future Directions ......................................................................................................... 51
Chapter Five : Conclusion........................................................................................................................ 54
Appendix A ................................................................................................................................................ 70
Appendix B ................................................................................................................................................ 74
List of Figures
Figure 1. Funnel plot with effect size for using random model .................................................... 38
Figure 2. Forest plot of 28 effect size from the distribution (k =20) and study-level statistics .... 40
List of Tables
Chapter One : Introduction
Teaching and learning in a modern classroom is no longer an act of transferring knowledge. The
act of teaching has become a multidiciplinary enterprize to develop critical thinking, interaction,
and collaboration among learners (Nelson ,1994). Given these multidisciplinary changes in
curriculum and its relative learning objectives, the need to collaborate in order to create learning
environments has gained momnetum in this decade or so. Instead of teacher-centred approaches,
the focus has shifted to learner-centred and learning-centred strategies. In the current educational
landscape, learners are no more the empty vessels to be filled in, rather they need to be the co-
creators of knowledge; they should be willing to take ownership of their learning and contribute
to the development of knowledge.
According to Lai (2011), research on collaboration has stemmed from three distinct
strands: research comparing group performance to individual performance, identifying the
conditions which favor or challenge collaboration as more or less effective, and research
exploring the characteristics of interactions that evaluate the impact of collaboration on learning
and achievement including the moderators such as use of new technologies that facilitate
numerous interactions. For example, research have been conducted in this domain including
designing interactive learning environments (Borokhovski, Tamim, Bernard, Abrami, &
Sokolovskaya, 2012), technology integration in postsecondary education (Schmid, Bernard,
Borokhovski, Tamim, Abrami, Surkes, Wade & Woods, 2014), and collaboration and its impact
on student learning (Uribe, Klein, & Sullivan, 2003; Beldarrain, 2006; Williams, 2009; Tomcho,
& Foels, 2012).
Research Questions
The current study attempts to investigate the effect of collaborative learning on student
achievement while comparing the two conditions – high collaboration (experimental condition)
and less or no collaboration (control condition). In addition, the study is interested in exploring
the moderator variables which affect student collaboration and achievement outcomes. The study
also examines if the degree of collaboration has a varying effect at different grade levels, subject
domains, and duration which in turn might influence student achievement outcomes. The
following three research questions guide this meta-analysis:
1) Does collaborative learning have any statistically significant effect on student
achievement outcomes when compared learning without (or under lesser degree of)
2) Do different types of technology have varying effects on student achievement when used
to enhance/support /promote collaboration?
3) Do grade levels and subject domains have any moderating effects on student`s
The study is significant in that interaction and collaboration help develop and improve
student performance and their achievement outcomes. Accroding to Van Boxtel, Van der Linden,
and Kanselaar (2000), collaborative learning activities help learners to find explanations of their
understanding that assists them elaborate and reorganize their knowledge. Various studies have
found that collaboration among students has considerable impact on their achievement outcomes
(Borokhovski, Bernard, Tamim, Schmid, & Sokolovskaya, 2016; Fjermestad, 2004; Schmid et
al., 2014). Some meta-analyses which focussed on the use of technology in distance and/or
online learning, have found a positive impact of technology on student collaboration and on
learning outcomes (Abrami, Bernard, Bures, Borokhovski, & Tamim, 2011; Beldarrain, 2006).
Another group of studies explored design-based cooperative /collaborative learning, and reported
a significant impact of collaborative activities on student learning outcomes (Lou, Abrami, &
Appolonia, 2001; Chou & Min, 2009; Lee, 2007; Puzio & Colby, 2013; Wright, Kandel-Cisco,
Hodges, Metoyer, Boriack, Franco-Fuenmayor & Waxman, 2013). Other researchers who
investigated the pedagogical and theoretical aspects of technology integration (Arts, Gijselaers &
Segers, 2002; Jehng, 1997; Kanuka & Anderson, 1999; Pedró, 2005; Lou, Bernard, & Abrami,
2006; Mantri, Dutt, Gupta & Chitkara, 2008), found mixed effects of technology intergration on
student learning outcomes.
Furthermore, Bernard, Abrami, Borokhovski, Wade, Tamim, Surkes, and Bethel (2009)
were interested in the relative effectiveness of the designed and contextual interaction treatments
in distance education . They found a strong association between the strength of interaction
treatments and achievement for asynchronous DE courses compared to courses containing
mediated synchronous or face-to-face inter (p. 1243). Borokhovski et al. (2012) found that
higher levels of collaboration and cooperation among students could be achived by employing
technology to enable , support and facilitate discussions (p. 321). Schmid et al. (2014) explored
the impact of technology-enhanced instruction in postsecondary education and reported that
learning is best supported when students are engaged in active and meaningful exercises via
technological tools that provide cognitive support. (p. 285). According to Baepler, Walker, and
Driessen (2014), in an active learning classroom, student faculty contact could be reduced by
two-thirds and students achieved learning outcomes that were at least as good, and in one
comparison significantly better than, those in a traditional classroom (p. 227).
Borokhovski et al. (2016) tried to map out the added value of planned collaborative
activities versus unplanned grouping of students in the context of postsecondary education. They
reported that the designed-based treatments outperformed contextual treatments on measures of
achievement and they strongly suggested the value of planning and instructional designing in
technology integration in post-secondary education (p. 15). These studies have contributed to the
literature on collaborative learning. Though Kyndt, Raes, Lismont, Timmers, Cascallar, and
Dochy (2013) have explored the effects of face-to-face cooperative learning in this regard, no
study has attempted to investigate the effect (s) of collaborative learning on student achievement
in both online and and face-to -face modes collectively across varied levels of formal education
and subject domains. Therefore, it would be interesting to investigate how the effect of
collaborative learning on student achievement varys, especially, amidst the different grade levels
and subject domains in both online and face-to-face modes of instruction.The current meta-
analysis will fill this gap by exploring the effect of collaborative learning on student achievement
in the context of formal education settings cutting across all grades and subject domains. Indeed,
the findings of this study will contribute to the pool of existing body of knowledge on
collaboration. Furthermore, while the outcomes of this meta-analysis may have limited
generalizability, this study would serve as a springboard for the prospective studies in the
(in-class group project) and online technology-mediated formats (synchronous and asynchronous
media–wikis, blogs, forums and any other forms of online communication). However, Kirschner
and Erkens (2013) relate:
It has become clear that simply placing learners in a group and assigning them a task does
not guarantee that they will work together … coordinate their activities … engage in
effective collaborative learning processes… lead to positive learning outcomes (p. 1).
Technology and pedagogy. Technology has been revolutionizing the learning sciences
significantly since the 1990s when the internet access with personal computers became widely
available for educational purposes (Kozma, 1994), and computers provided more capacity for
information processing and other advanced functions. The historical debate between Clark and
Kozma over the use of technology as a medium or more than a medium opened the floodgate for
experimentation on and initiation of multiple instructional strategies in and out of the classroom,
promising the significance of technology to support student learning and attitudes (Dede, 1996,
2004; Kozma, 1991, 1994; Mayer, 2008).
Since then, technology has become a buzz word in the parlance of the current educational
practices. In the last fifteen years, the influx of technological innovations has bombarded the
field of education immensely. Technology is not merely a set of hardware or software
paraphernalia, but also is, as Ross, Morrison, and Lowther (2010) define, “a broad variety of
modalities, tools, and strategies for learning, [whose] effectiveness, therefore, depends on how
well [they] help teachers and students achieve the desired instructional goals” (p. 19).
Technology-mediated instruction has complimented education in enhancing teaching and
learning both inside and outside the classroom. Uses of computer-assisted technology and cloud-
based authoring technology have facilitated multiple forms of pedagogical and instructional
strategies such as online learning/distance education (Bernard, Rojo de Rubalcava, & St-Pierre,
2000 ; Bernard, Abrami, Lou, Borokhovski, Wade, Wozney, 2004 ; Bernard et al., 2009),
blended learning (Henrie, Halverson, & Graham, 2015 ; Schmid et al., 2014), and MOOCs
(Margaryan, Bianco, & Littlejohn, 2015). In addition, technology has widened the access and
scope of learning and offered options to collaborate worldwide.
The use and impact of technology on student learning, however, are two different
things. This is so because the impact is directly decided by the manner and the purpose of the use
of technology. Technology as a moderator variable in collaborative learning is interesting for
many reasons. Given recent technologies such as cognitive tools, communication methods,
search and retrieval strategies, and other presentational tools, it would be interesting to
investigate the use of technology in collaborative activities that impacts student achievement. A
meta-analysis by Susman (1998) found that participants in collaborative, computer-based
conditions showed a greater increase in elaboration, higher-order thinking, metacognitive
processes, and divergent thinking than participants in individual computer-based instruction.
Given this perspective, it would be interesting to know how the use of technology in its varied
manifestations facilitate collaboration which might affect student achievement. In other words,
this study explores whether and how technology-supported collaborative activities help learners
interact and collaborate leading to enhanced achievement outcomes.
Chapter Two : Literature Review
On the contrary, regarding cognitive conflict Vygotsky stressed the value of social
interaction itself for causing individual cognitive change, as opposed to being merely stimulated
by it (Dillenbourg et al., 1996). Internalized social interaction causes conceptual changes in
participants that help them negotiate meaning. A similar concept, the zone of proximal
development, according to Vygotsky, is the distance between what a student can accomplish
individually and what he/she can accomplish with the help of a more capable “other.” While
Piaget suggests pairing children based on different developmental stages to facilitate cognitive
conflict, Vygotsky, on the other hand, recommends pairing children with adults. Unlike Piaget
and Vygotsky who maintain that cognitive conflict causes conceptual change, socio-culturalists
privilege collaborative learning that takes place within the zone of proximal development
(Dillenbourg et al., 1996).
According to Kreijns, Kirschner, and Jochems (2003), a new strand of research regarding
collaborative learning emerged in the late 1990s that focused on new technologies for mediating,
observing, and recording interactions during. On the whole, four strands came into existence out
of the seminal works of Piaget, Vygotsky and their shared concept of cognition and research
built on them – the “effect” paradigm, the “conditions” paradigm, the “interactions” paradigm,
and “computer-supported” paradigm respectively (Dillenbourg et al., 1996, pp. 8 -17 ). In the
next paragraphs, the author discusses these paradigms.
The “effect” paradigm investigates outcomes of collaboration rather than the
collaborative process itself, and compares group performance with individual performance. This
paradigm maintains that a collaborative classroom culture can have powerful effects on student
learning and performance. Webb (1993) found that the students who worked in groups on
computational math problems scored significantly higher than equivalent-ability students who
worked individually.
The “conditions” paradigm tries to determine the conditions that moderate the
effectiveness of collaboration on learning, for instance, individual characteristics of group
members, group heterogeneity and size, and task features. Webb’s (1991) study reported
significant differences in the collaborative learning experiences of boys and girls. Boys were
more likely than girls to give and receive elaborated explanations, and their explanations were
more likely to be accepted by group mates than girls’ explanations (Dillenbourg et al., 1996).
The fourth paradigm, the contemporary one, was developed to explore whether the
theoretical benefits of collaborative learning as harvested in face-to-face settings can be repeated
in a computer-mediated or computer-assisted interactions given the asynchronous, text-based
interactions. For example, Curtis and Lawson (2001) found that in online media there were fewer
exchanges among student during collaboration given their unfamiliarity prior to online
interactions. Further, the “online medium was found effective only in planning activities and
coordinating work than challenging ideas” (pp. 29-30). For the purpose of the current study, the
author will rely upon the collective contributions of these approaches to investigate his research
Over the past three and half decades numerous meta-analyses have been conducted to
investigate the effects of collaborative and small-group instruction on student learning and
achievement outcomes. Twelve meta-analyses spanning from 1981 to 2016 are discussed in the
next section (See Table 1). Johnson, Maruyama, Johnson, Nelson, and Skon (1981) reported that
cooperation both with and without intergroup competition is more effective than the
interpersonal competition and individual efforts. Similarly, Newmann and Thompson’s (1987)
study which was conducted in the context of secondary education found 68% of the studies
yielded positive effects in favor of the cooperative condition. Qin, Johnson, and Johnson (1995)
investigated cooperative versus competitive efforts and problem solving. They found that studies
with non-linguistic problems (for example the study domain of mathematics or exact sciences)
showed slightly more positive effects than studies with linguistic problems. Lou, Abrami,
Spence, Poulson, Chambers, and d’Apollonia, (1996) who explored the differences in
achievement and attitudes at all grade levels of education, concluded that “on average, students
learning in small groups within classrooms achieved significantly more than students not
learning in small groups” (p. 439).
On the other hand, Johnson, Johnson, and Smith (1998) focused their research on higher
education settings and adults. They reported that cooperative learning results in positive effects
on achievement in comparison with competitive or individualistic learning. Springer, Stanne, and
Donovan’s meta-analysis (1999) investigated the effects of cooperative learning on achievement,
attitudes and persistence in the context of undergraduate STEM courses. They reported that
students who were learning in cooperative groups showed better achievement than students who
were not learning in cooperative groups. Bowen’s (2000) second meta-analysis, which focused
on high school and college level chemistry students, pointed out that “on average, using aspects
of cooperative learning can enhance chemistry achievement for high school and college
students” (p. 119). He found that cooperative learning had a significant positive effect on student
attitudes toward STEM courses.
Another meta-analysis conducted by Lou, Abrami, and D’Appolonia (2001) reported
that, on average, small group learning had significantly more positive effects than individual
learning on student individual achievement (mean ES = + 0.15) and on group task performance
(mean ES = +0.31). Similarly, Lou et al. (2006) reported a significant correlation between
student-student interaction and greater achievement success (g+ = 0.11, k = 30, p < .05) in the
context of the undergraduate distance education courses. In the same vein, Bernard et al. (2009)
were interested in three types of interaction treatments (i.e. student-student, student-teacher, and
student-content). They found an explicit link between interaction and academic performance in
distance education that improved student learning. The student-student interaction emerged as
the most important group among the three ( g+ = 0.49, k = 10, p < .05). In addition, they found
higher achievement effect size regarding the presence of technology which appeared to have
facilitated or at least improved the effectiveness of interaction among students, as reflected in
achievement learning outcomes.
[J]ust because opportunities for interactions were offered to students does not mean that
students availed themselves of them, or if they did interact, that they did so effectively.
The latter case is the more likely event, so the achievement effects resulting from well-
implemented interaction conditions may be underestimated in our review (p. 86).
Borokhovski et al. (2012) observed that interactively designed activities are more
conducive to increase student learning than do the contextual instructional settings which are not
intentionally designed to create collaborative learning environments. Recently, Borokhovski and
colleagues (2016) found that designed treatments outperformed contextual treatments ( g+ =
0.52, k = 25 vs. g+ = 0.11, k = 20, Q-Between = 7.91, p < .02) on measures of achievement and
emphasized the importance of planning and instructional design in the integration of technology
at postsecondary levels. Similarly, Kyndt, Raes, Lismont, Timmers, Cascallar, and Dochy (2013)
reported a positive effect of cooperative learning on student achievement and attitudes. In
addition, they reported that the study domain, the age group, and the students’ cultures also
produce variations in effect size.
Table 1. Meta-analyses addressing the effects of cooperative/collaborative learning
Review Study (Year) k Dependent Conditions of the Independent Mean Effect Size
variable variable
Johnson et al. (1981) 122 Achievement Coop./Competitive 0.78
Chapter Three : Methodology
In this section, firstly, the author defines the major terms as the working definitions
associated with the research problem and the research questions to be investigated in the current
study. Secondly, he informs about the proceedures used for the ethical considerations meant for
this meta-analysis. Thirdly, the author unpacks the methodology which includes : 1) the study
design, variables, methods and instruments ; 2) literature search ; 3) the coding study features ;
and 4) process of the calculation and synthesis of the effect sizes.
Formal educational settings: According to Coombs and Ahmed (1974), a formal education
setting is structured in a hierarchical manner that spans from primary school to university levels
including general academic studies and a varied of specialized programs for full-time technical
and professional training.
Pedagogical uses of technology : Based on the meta-analysis of Schmid et al. (2014), the
current meta-analysis distinguishes among the following pedagogical uses (major purposes) of
educational technology :
1) To promote communication and/or facilitate the exchange of information that includes
technology which enables a higher level of interaction between individuals (i.e., two-way
communications among learners and between learners and the teacher);
2) To provide cognitive support for learners which encompasses various technologies that
enable, facilitate, and support learning by providing cognitive tools (e.g., concept maps,
simulations, wikis, different forms of elaborate feedback, spreadsheets, word processing);
Formulating the problem/ research questions. The current project primarily attempts to
explore the differential effects of high versus low/no level of collaboration on student
achievement. Of the additional interest is to decipher further the moderators which promote and
/or hinder the effect of collaborative on student achievement. The author formulated three
research questions to investigate the effect of collaborative learning on achievement:
To answer these questions, a quantitative approach was used. More specifically, the
author utilized a meta-analysis approach. Collaboration, as the independent treatment variable,
used to measure its effect on student achievement. In addition, an analysis of moderator variables
was conducted to examine whether moderators such as specific forms (purposes) of technology
use, subject demographics, and grade levels could help or hinder collaboration that would affect
student achievement outcomes.
characteristics of other approaches. In this approach, all studies related to a given problem are
collected without any consideration to the qualities of studies. Then, the distribution of effect
sizes is corrected for any variability among studies such as sampling error, measurement error,
range restriction, and other systematic artifacts. Even if any variability affect the distribution of
overall effect size, then, “the effect sizes are grouped into subsets according to preselected study
features, and each subset is meta-analyzed separately” (p.3). Unfortunately, this technique is not
very feasible for my project, for this requires substantial information from individual studies for
accurate correction of effect sizes. In reality, however, such information are not always available
in all the studies.
On the other hand, Glass' approach to meta-analysis is much more of conventional. This
approach starts with defining questions to be examined, then, collecting studies, coding study
features and outcomes, and finally, analyzing the relations between study features and outcomes.
In addition, firstly, Glassian meta-analysis applies liberal inclusion criteria and stresses not to
disregard studies based on study quality a priori; a meta-analysis itself can determine if
study quality is related to variance in reported treatment effect. Secondly, the unit of
analysis is the study finding. A single study can report many comparisons between
groups and subgroups on different criteria. Effect sizes are calculated for each
comparison. Thirdly, meta-analysts using this approach may average effects from
different dependent variables, even when these measure different constructs (Bangert-
Drowns, & Rudner, 1991, p. 3).
For the current meta-analysis, I will use Glassian approach because it is quite robust for the
critical re-analysis, its use of conventional statistical tests, and systematic in design.
Study design. The sample for this analysis was selected from an existing pool of studies
which belonged to Bernard and colleagues’ (2014) onging larger meta-analysis. The current
meta-analysis included 20 studies representative of the main research question resulted for a
review process involving abstracts and full study analysis of 78 potentially relevant studies. The
study compared two groups – higher degree of collaboration (as the experimental condition) with
low/no collaboration (the control condition). Additionally, the moderator analyses of the other
associative variables such as type and major purpose of technology use, subject domains,
duration, and grade levels also conducted to measure the relative influences of these factors on
collaboration and for that matter on student achievement.
First, two reviewers coded five studies independently to decide whether the experimental
condition of each study satisfy the inclusion criteria of been higher in collaboration than the
control condition and featuring educational technology in experimental condition. In addition,
twenty-four study features (methodological, substantive, and demographic) were coded for
further use in the moderator variable analysis. The average pairwise agreement rate on the initial
coding was 84.17% (Cohen’s kappa = 0.68). Disagreements were resolved either through
discussion between reviewers or by the involvement of a third party. Two studies (Terwel, Oers,
Dijk, & Eden, 2009; Mastropieri, Scruggs, Norland, Berkeley, Mcduffie, Tornquist, & Connors,
(2006) were excluded from the sample given the absence of technology in those studies. After
establishing sufficient reliability, the author reviewed the rest of the original sample. A final
sample of 20 included studies yielded 28 independent effect sizes with a total of 2434
Variables. The current study investigates the effect of collaborative learning on student
achievement. As stated previously, a treatment variable collaboration is used (with high in
experimental and low or no collaboration in control conditions) to measure its effect on the
dependent variable of student achievement. Specifically, the meta-analysis aimed to estimate the
weighted average effect size (i.e. how much better – positive effect, or worth – negative effect
Experimental group compared to Control group in terms of their respective achievement
outcomes). Among other variables, included in analyses as moderators, were technology type
and major purpose of use, subject demographics, grade level, and treatment duration.
Searching the literature/ data sources. As mentioned earlier, the current representative
sample is a part of the study collection authored by Bernard et al. (2014), comprised of numerous
primary research studies identified through extensive systematic literature searches designed and
conducted to identify and retrieve studies relevant to the research questions. The literature search
involved more than ten electronic databases (e.g. ERIC, EdLib, Education Abstracts, Medline,
ProQuest Digital Dissertations & Theses, PsycINFO, British Education Index) branching from
previous relevant reviews and tables of content for major educational journals. In addition, the
manual Google Internet searches and searches for various conference proceedings to form a pool
of relevant studies were performed.
Criteria for inclusion and exclusion and review procedure. The representative sample
was selected using several qualifying criteria before including the studies into the current meta-
analysis. The criteria entailed, firstly, the studies should be conducted in formal educational
settings with varying grade levels from elementary and secondary to higher education. Only
empirical studies with collaboration /cooperation either in face-to-face and/or virtual
learning/online such as computer-based collaborative learning were included. A set of inclusion
criteria, as discussed below, guided the study characteristics required to retain the studies for
inclusion. Studies that did not meet the following criteria were excluded from the current meta-
analysis.The inclusion of studies needed to have:
Coding Study Features. Coded moderator variables (i.e., study features) used to explore
between-study variability in effect sizes. The study features used were mainly based on those
employed by Bernard et al., 2009 (in studying distance education) and Schmid et al., 2014
(technology integration in postsecondary education). Major study features, in addition to effect-
size defining difference in degree of collaboration, include type and purpose of technology uses,
presence of technology, subject demographics, grade levels, treatment duration, etc. (See
Appendix A for the codebook).
Synthesis of the Effect Size (ES). The synthesis of the data conducted using the random
effects model. Model selection is justified by relative non-uniformity of treatment conditions,
rather limited, i.e., non-exhaustive nature of the collection of studies, and, thus, likely
heterogeneity of the distribution of effect sizes, confirmed in actual analyses (Borenstein,
Hedges, Higgins, & Rothstein, 2009; Hedges & Olkin, 1985). The random effects model is used
to aggregate and report average effect sizes (g +), standard errors (SE), confidence intervals
(lower 95th and upper 95th) and z values with associated p-values, when systematic variation in
the distribution of effect sizes is not assumed and error term (tau-squared) is randomly added to
the weights of individual effects.
Furthermore, the analyses of the moderator variables was conducted to ascertain the
relative effectiveness of the moderators on the dependent variable according to the so-called
mixed model. In this model, the average effect sizes for categories of the moderators were
calculated using the random effects model. The variance component Q-Between calculated
across categories using a fixed effect model (Borenstein et al., 2009). All analyses, including
sensitivity and publication bias analysis, were performed in Comprehensive Meta-AnalysisTM
2.2.048 (Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins, & Rothstein, 2005). Eventually, a posthoc test
(Bonferroni correction) was conducted at the selected levels of the moderator variables.
Chapter Four : Analysis and Results
This chapter entails various stages of the analyses and reporting of the results including
an overview of the selected studies, analyses aiming at the publication bias and sensitivity for
any outlier effect, and explaining heterogeneity across the included studies using moderator
variable analysis of methodological, substantive, and demographic study features.
This section consists of the descriptive data regarding general study information,
explanation of the Effect Size (ES) extraction procedures, as well as substantive, methodological
and contextual/demographic features of the included studies. Microsoft Word and Excel software
were used to classifiy these study features.
General study information. The general study information includes the type and the
year of publication. The studies included in this meta-analysis were selected from journal
publications, dissertations, and reports. The most frequent type was the journal publication
consisting of 16 of the included studies representing 80% of the included sample .
As for the year of publication, the included studies were published between the years 1997
and 2010. The years of 2006 and 2008 offered the larger number of studies comprised four and
six published studies respectively. The frequency distribution is presented in Table 3.
Then the publication dates were grouped into four units for a broader look. In the years between
2006 and 2010, fifteen studies (75%) published. The frequency distribution within respective
time frames is presented in Table 4.
Total 20 100
Substantive Characteristics. The primary premise established for this meta-analysis was
the investigation of the effect of collaborative learning on student achievement. The operational
definition for the variable of collaboration is presented in the codebook. A higher level of
collaboration was the necessary and sufficient criterion to distinguish the experimental
conditions from control ones. Among the moderator variables, technology was the most
important factor. The technology was further classified either as instrumental in
enabling/promoting/supporting collaboration among students or as just contextually present,
without any apparent influence on student collaborative work. Given the criterion of high
collaboration in the experimental condition, the moderator analysis was conducted to know the
role of technology in supporting, scaffolding and/or enhancing collaboration and to determine
what effect it has on student achievement. In the experimental condition, technology was
investigated via its types, purposes, and instrumental values when it was intentionally integrated
into the collaborative activities.
Table 5 in the next section maps out the types of technology included and their purposes
of use. In eight studies (40%), technology was used in a mixed manner, i.e. used for more than
one purpose. In five studies representing 25% of the total, technology was used for cognitive
support II (i.e., deep learning, e.g., simulations) and in three studies, technology was utilized for
the cognitive support I (i.e., distributed cognition, e.g., Excel) representing 15% of the total.
Interestingly, out of the final 20 included studies for analysis, 16 studies found a link between
collaboration and technology forming 80% of the collection. Only four studies were found with
no connection. Among the major types of technology utilized were web-based computer-driven
technology including ICT and other software applications followed by multimedia and videos.
Table 5. Shows the collaboration, use of technology and its principal purpose, and the link between collaboration & technology
Hummel, H. G. et al. (2006) "Plea checker" computer program & Virtual 2 YES
Program/ emails
Lin, J. M., Wu, C., & Liu, H. SimCPU software package for computer 3 NO
(1999) _1 labSimCPU
(Computer software)
Lin, J. M., Wu, C., & Liu, H. SimCPU software package for computer 3 NO
(1999) _2
Nugent, G. et al. (2008) Mobile library, digital cameras & digital 6: 3&4 YES
Olgun, O. S., & Adali, B. Low Internet sites & Internet search tools 4 YES
Pariseau, S. E. et al. (2007) Computer applications (e.g., Excel) & 2 YES
Priebe, R. (1997) Burton Comprehension Instrument (BCI) & 3 NO
Propositional Logic Test (PLT)
Tsai, M. (2002) _1 Computers & electronic Bulletin Board 6: 1&2 NO
System (BBS)
Tsai, M. (2002) _2 Computers & (BBS) 6: 1&2 NO
Tsai, M. (2002) _3 Computers & (BBS) 6: 1&2 NO
Tsai, M. (2002) _4 Computers & (BBS) 6: 1&2 NO
Wenk, M. et al. (2008) Mannequin (Simulator) 3 YES
Zumbach, J. et al. (2004) Interactive MS PowerPoint & PPT 6: 3&5 YES
Legend: Technology use: 1 = Communication/interaction, 2 = Cognitive support (distributed cognition, e.g. Excel, Word, SPSS),
3 = Cognitive support (deep understanding - e.g., simulations, knowledge creation), 4 = Informational resources
5 = Presentation, 6 = A mixture of max two (should be really two major purposes where one cannot be singled out - e.g., 6: 2&5)
N/A = 999 Missing information.
Link between collaboration and technology: Yes, and NO
The moderator analyses of the grade level, subject domain, and treatment duration were
interventions in question. As for grade level, the included studies targeted all the grade levels
(from kindergarten to post-secondary). The undergraduate level was the most frequent with ten
studies forming 50% of the total collection. The second highest was high school representing
four studies (20%). It is worth noting that while calculating the individual grade levels, the entire
collection of 20 studies was considered. Table 6 shows the grade level distribution.
Regarding the subject matter (Table 7), two categories were formd – STEM and Non-
STEM, encompassing a large variability of individual disciplines. Twelve studies related to
STEM represented 60% of the population. The Non-STEM category included eight studies
forming 40% of the total collection. STEM included the subjects in the domains of science,
math, technology, and engineering, while Non-STEM comprised subject categories related to
humanities, social sciences, languages, and arts.
Table 7. Frequency distribution of subject matter addressed in the studies
For the ES calculation, the author used the Cohen`s d metric (1988), based on the
division of the mean differences by the pooled standard deviations of both groups. The equations
and formulas used for the calculation of ES can be found in Table 8. The information for ES
calculation was gathered from means, precisely reported standard deviations, and sample sizes
for the experimental and control conditions (Shymansky & Woodworth, 1989). To correct for
small sample bias, d was converted to the unbiased estimator g (Hedges & Olkin, 1985). In the
case of non-availability of the descriptive statistics, the ES was extracted from inferential
statistics, such as t-tests, F-tests, or exact p-values, using conversion equations from Glass,
McGaw & Smith (1981), and Hedges, Shymansky & Woodworth (1989).
Additionally, Cohen`s (1988) benchmark was used for the qualitative assessment of the
magnitude of an ES. It states three types of magnitude of an ES: (a) d ≥ 0.20 ≤ 0.50 = small
effect; (b) d > 0.50 ≤ .080 = medium effect and (c) d > 0.80 is called a large effect. However,
Valentine & Cooper (2003) warned against this type of fallacy saying that in the domain like
education even smaller ES can be considered effective
Table 8. Study- level statistics used in meta-analysis and explanations (adapted from Bernard et al. 2014)
Synthesis of ES. An analytical approach of the random effects model (Borenstein et al.,
2009; Hedges & Olkin, 1985) was chosen for this meta-analysis. In the random effects model,
effect sizes are weighted by the inverse of the sum of their within-study variance (Vi) and
average between-study variance (tau-squared). This resulted in no between-study variance left
unaccounted for after the analysis is performed. The random effects model was used to interpret
and report average effect sizes (g+), standard errors (SE), confidence intervals (lower 95th and
upper 95th) and z values with relative p-values. In addition, a fixed effect model was used to
estimate total between-study variability (Q-Total) and test for heterogeneity. I2 (i.e., the
percentage of heterogeneity in effect sizes exceeding chance sampling expectations, e.g. Higgins,
Thompson, Deeks, & Altman, 2003). A total of 28 effect sizes were extracted from the twenty
studies. Four studies, namely, Faro, & Swan (2006) ; Freeman, O'connor, Parks, Cunningham,
Hurley & Haak et al. (2007) ; Gersten, Baker, Smith-Johnson, Dimino, and Peterson (2006) ;
Lin, Wu & Liu (1999), and Tsai (2002) produced more than one independent effect size.
Sample size. The current meta-analysis is a part of the ongoing larger meta-analysis
conducting by Bernard et al. (2016). A collection of 78 studies was considered for the current
project. Only empirical studies that address collaboration/cooperation either in face-to-face, real-
life classroom and/or virtual learning/online such as computer-based collaborative learning are
included. A set of inclusion criteria below presents the study characteristics used to retain the
studies for the meta-analysis. The included studies needed to be published no earlier than 1996
and be publically available (or archived), and necessarily feature some form of student
collaborative work as the major instructional variable. Moreover, they must have contained at
least one between-group comparison where one group is considered the experimental condition
(i.e., higher level of collaboration) and the other group the control condition (i.e., lower/ no
collaboration) and contains sufficient statistical information for effect size extraction.
The primary abstract reviews resulted in twenty-two eligible studies according to the set
criterion (see criterion for inclusion/exclusion in the methods section). After this, reviews of the
full-text was conducted of the selected studies to ensure compliance with all of the project
inclusion criteria. A close analysis of the studies reported two studies (Mastropieri et al., (2006)
and Terwel et al., (2009) as ineligible given missing data, and they were therefore removed from
the collection of the final analysis. A total of twenty-eight effect sizes were extracted from
twenty studies involving 2434 participants. Two groups – collaborative learning environment
with high collaboration versus traditional instruction setting with less or no collaboration – were
compared for the relative effect on student achievement. The twenty studies entailed a variety of
collaborative activities to measure their impact on student learning outcomes. Table 9 presents
the list of included studies in this meta-analysis with the title for each.
Table 9. Studies included in the meta-analysis with titles
Pariseau, S. E. et al. The Effect of Using Case Studies in Business Statistics
Priebe, R. (1997) The Effects of Cooperative Learning in a Second-Semester University
Computer Science Course.
Tsai, M. (2002) Do male students often perform better than female students when
learning computers? A study of Taiwanese eighth graders’ computer
education through strategic and cooperative learning
Wenk, M. et al. Simulation-based medical education is no better than problem-based
(2008) discussions and induces misjudgment in self-assessment
Zumbach, J. et al. Using multimedia to enhance problem-based learning in elementary
(2004) school
Inter-rater reliability. Two trained raters were involved in the reviewing and coding of
studies throughout the entire process of this meta-analysis. Following is the agreement rates
regarding each stage:
Effect size calculation (for accuracy of data extraction, selection and application of
equations) – 96.06%, (k = 0.92).
Effect size comparison decisions (for defining the treatment and control conditions and
number of ES and data sources to use) – 91.66% (k = 0.83)
statistically significant random weighted effect size of g+ = 0.266 was found. It is a low-to-
moderate positive effect size according to Cohen`s standards (For detail see Cohen, 1988).
Comprehensive Meta-AnalysisTM software (Borenstein et al. 2005) was used to carry out
analyses and derive the outcomes. Main results are presented in Table 10. The summary statistics
are based on k = 28. It shows an average effect size with both fixed and random effects models.
The table depicts the lower limit, and upper limits of the CI (0.09 and 0.44 respectively) and the
z-value along with the two-tailed probability is 2.93. The fixed weighted average effect of g+ =
0.281 which is also low to moderately low average effect size according to Cohen`s standards.
Overall the weighted average effect sizes for both random and fixed models are significant with
p < 0.001. The heterogeneity statistics as shown for the fixed effect model, Q-Total = 99.67, p <
.001 and I2 = 72.91% which reports that almost 73% variability is due to real differences in the
effect size and only 27% can be attributed to the sampling error. The Q- value statistics validates
that the distribution is significantly heterogeneous. This magnitude of between-study variability,
according to Higgins, Thompson, Deeks, and Altman (2003) is moderately high.
Table 10. Overall weighted average random effects and fixed effects sizes & heterogeneity
Research design and methodological quality. It was necessary to ensure that the
methodological quality of the included studies did not substantially affect the outcomes of this
meta-analysis. The first thing was to ascertain if there was any difference in primary studies’
research design that might have favored one category of study methodological quality over
others. With this intention, research design of each study was reviewed. The study designs of the
included studies in this meta-analysis were of a true experimental (randomized control trials)
nature representing 25% of total effect sizes (the gold standard) and quasi-experimental (adjusted
and refined by various means of statistical control) representing 75% of the total effect sizes. For
the quality methodological checks, the author used Valentine and Cooper`s (2008) instrument
called The Study Design and Implementation Assessment Device (Study DIAD). The moderator
variable analysis comparing two types of research design (RCT vs. QE) was not statistically
significant (Q-value = 3.47, p = .063). Though the p value (p = 0.63) was quite close to affect the
design, the study research design did not differentially bias the findings of the meta-analysis.
The second concern was to verify if the psychometric quality and representativeness of
the assessment tool had not affected the outcomes of the meta-analysis. For the analysis, two
major measure types – single cumulative and calculated average of several complementary
measures – were used. In this regard, the mixed effects analysis by measure source was
conducted. The results showed no statistical significance (p = .152 with one study removed)
regarding any effect on overall effect size. One selected single measure which did not belong to
either category of measure type was removed. This did not affect any significant change in the
outcomes (Q-value = 2.05). Similarly, the effect size extraction procedure (p = .562 with one
study removed) proved non-significant. The ES extraction involved two procedures – ES
precisely calculated from reported descriptive or inferential statistics and ES estimated with
various reasonable assumptions.
Furthermore, there might have been other factors that could have affected the outcomes
given the methodological quality of the analysis (e.g., instructor’s equivalence, the equivalence
of content materials). Considering these factors, the author collapsed the several aspects of the
methodological qualities (including previously described individually tested qualities of research
design, assessment instruments, and extraction procedures) of the studies to enable a composite
analysis. The mixed effects analysis of this composite also reported a non-significant effect Q-
value = 0.24 (p = .624).
In this case, the author used the funnel plot for the visual inspection and two statistical
procedures – classic fail-safe analysis (for nullifying the average effect) and Orwin`s fail-safe
(for the trivial effect of magnitude) – to verify the publication bias for the current meta-analysis.
The visual inspection of the funnel plot depicted in Fig. 1, the Funnel plot, showed the
symmetrical dispersion of effect sizes around the mean of the distribution (g+ = 0.266). The
following analytical statement about publication bias analysis appears in Comprehensive Meta-
This meta-analysis incorporates data from 28 studies, which yield a z-value of 5.72 and
corresponding 2-tailed p-value of 0.000. The fail-safe N is 212. This means that we would
need to locate and include 212 'null' studies for the combined 2-tailed p-value to exceed
0.050. The Orwin fail-safe N is 51. This means that we would need to locate 51 studies with
mean Hedges' g of 0 to bring the combined Hedges' g under 0.1. The Trim and Fill (Duval
and Tweedie, 2004) analysis also reported the same pattern of inclusiveness. Using these
parameters, the method suggests that no studies are missing. Under the fixed effect model the
point estimate and 95% confidence interval for the combined studies is 0.28123 (Lower 95th
= 0.19184, Upper 95th = 0.37061). Under the random effects model the point estimate and
95% confidence interval for the combined studies is 0.26566 (Lower 95th = 0.08815, Upper
95th = 0.44317). Using Trim and Fill these values are unchanged (p = 0.000).
The author judged and concluded that there was no publication bias present which might impact
the effect size adversely resulting in skewness or any negotiation with the results.
Figure 1. Funnel plot with effect size for using random model
Sensitivity Analysis. The sensitivity analysis aimed to eschew the distorting effects (both
overall mean and variability) due to the presence of any outlier in the included studies. The
author encountered one study (Hernández-Ramos, & Paz, 2009) with a comparatively higher
positive ES (g = 2.534). The reason for this outlier was not known given the missing information
in the study. Therefore, the author reduced the magnitude of this aberrant effect size to the
second highest effect size, within the range of other large ES by using Comprehensive Meta-
AnalysisTM. This adjustment of ES resulted in g = 1.409 which was in the range of other effect
sizes in the distribution. After the outlier adjustment, the newly calculated averages fall within
the confidence interval of the total collection g+ = 0.266 (k = 28, SE = 0.09, Lower 95th = 0.09
and Upper 95th 0.44). After this, the data were found quite stable and unaffected by any outliers
for the further analysis.
Figure 2. depicts the Forest plot with individual and overall ESs for the included studies.
On the left side of the figure are the study identifications, in this case, the author names. In the
center are the study-level statistics for the twenty-eight ES : Hedges g, the standard error, the
variance, the upper and lower boundaries of the 95th confidence interval, the z value, and its
relative probability (p-value). A visual representation called a Forest plot is on the right side of
the figure. The ES for each study are depicted in the shape of squares. The lines around squares
show the width of the 95th confidence interval for each study. The z-test of these effect sizes was
significant (p > .05). Furthermore, the smaller dots represent, the lower leverage effect sizes (i.e.,
smaller contributors to the weighted averages ES ), while larger dots demonstrate the higher
leverage effects characterized by larger sample size.
Figure 2. Forest plot of 28 effect size from the distribution (k =20) and study-level statistics
Table 11. shows the mixed effects analysis by treatment (i.e., Collaboration) strength. It
relates the degree of difference between two groups in collaboration. It clearly depicts that
average effect size with a high degree of difference in collaboration (k = 9) with g = 0.35 which
is significantly different from zero and average effect size g = 0.29 (k = 12) that is moderately
different while an average effect size g = 0.08 (k = 7) which is at a low level of difference in
collaborative work. Q-Between = 2.46 was not statistically significant (p = .293). This analysis
shows an increasing trend in effect size magnitude with the difference in collaboration in two
conditions across groups.
To further explain the detected variability in g+, four moderators – technology (both
regarding its relevance to collaborative work and its functionality), subject matter, grade levels,
and treatment duration – were analyzed. The moderator analysis of technology types was
conducted using the mixed model analysis (Borenstein et al., 2009). Two qualitative categories
about the added instrumental value were created – Yes and No. Yes (k = 22) favored the
instrumental value of technology in collaboration (i.e., technology was an important factor in
enabling and supporting collaborative learning activities), while No category (k = 6) (merely
reflected some contextual presence of technology). However, an upward trend for the
instrumental value of technology was discernible in the analysis (see Table 12). The moderator
analysis of the instrumental value of technology in collaboration was not statistically significant
(Q-Between = 0.34, p = .558). This trend may inform that though technology had added value in
collaboration, it was not statistically significant to affect the overall effect.
To dig deeper into the matter, another analysis for the types of cognitive support provided
by technology was conducted (see table 13). By cognitive support, the author means the use of
technology for two types of supports – cognitive support for distributed cognition (e.g. Word,
Excel, and SPSS) and cognitive support for deep learning/understanding ( e.g. simulations and
knowledge creation). The Q-Between = 0.17 with p = 0.681 was not statistically significant for
the type of cognitive support. When tested for the presence of technology for cognitive support
(distributed and deep learning), the trend refers that k = 17 did not favor both distributed and
deep learning and only k =10 favored the value of technology for both types of cognitive support.
Table 13. Mixed-effects analysis of cognitive support for Distributed Cognition & Deep
* ES 27 since one study was excluded from this analysis given the missing information (999)
Legend: No = No cognitive support of the use of technology in collaboration
Yes = Cognitive support offered by the use of technology in collaboration
Next, the author decided to explore the use of technology in collaboration for cognitive
support for deep learning only. To perform the analysis, the frequency were calculated. This
analysis was also not statistically significant (Q-Between = 0.02, p = 0.893). Table 14
demonstrates the use of technology for the cognitive support for deep learning only.
Table 14. Mixed effects analysis using technology for the cognitive support for deep learning
* ES 27 since one study was excluded from this analysis given the missing information
Legend: No = No cognitive support, Yes = Cognitive support offered for deep learning
Furthermore, the author investigated if the subject domains had any moderating effects
on the overall effect of collaboration. Table 15 shows that there was no difference in learning
across STEM and Non-STEM subjects. Collaborative learning is equally effective across all
subject domains. The Q-between = 0.00 with p = 0.992 inferred a statistically non-significant
effect of subject domains. This result informed that collaboration is not limited only to STEM
domains. Table 15 portrays an equal effect of collaboration across Non-STEM (g = 0.26 with k =
10) and STEM ( g = 0.26 with k = 18) subject domains. Notwithstanding this outcome, it is
important to note the the classification of a course being STEM versus non-STEM is
problematic, so any interpretation of this result should be qualified.
Non-STEM = Social Sciences, Humanities and STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
Furthermore, the author tried to explore the effect of duration on collaboration. Three
groups of duration were formulated to measure the impact of duration on overall effect size. As
Table 16 depicts the effect of duration on collaborative learning was not statistically significant
(Q-between = 3.27, p = 0.19). The In Between group ( k = 14) produced showed the highest
Legend: More than three days but less than eight weeks = In Between
Nine weeks or more = semester, Three days or less = short
Next, the author had committed to conducting a moderator analysis of grade level to
investigate its effect on collaboration. The analysis included grades from Elementary school to
Undergraduate levels. There were no eligible studies found from Kindergarten and Graduate
levels in the collection according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Even though the
variation in grade level of education significantly differentiated student achievement outcomes
(Q-Between = 11.18, p = 0.011), the small k sizes (high school - k = 6; elementary k = 3; and
middle school - k = 5) were such that any further interpretation of this outcomes was abamdoned
due to lack of statistical power.
Chapter Five : Discussion
This section involves the interpretations of the evidence in the form of discussion about
the results obtained. The author here discusses the results to inform the three research questions
which guided this meta-analysis and to underline any possible conceptual, theoretical and/or
practical implications of the findings. This discussion is orchestrated in the backdrop of the
literature of the domain and in the light of previous studies.
The purpose of the current meta-analysis was to measure the effect of collaborative
learning on student achievement in the context of formal education across multiple subject
domains and grade levels. As mentioned earlier, it included a total of 28 effect sizes from a
collection of 20 studies. The main research question was: Does collaborative learning have any
statistically significant effect on student achievement outcomes when compared learning without
(or under lesser degree of) collaboration? The most explicit statement drawn from the analysis is
that the effect of collaborative learning on student achievement is positive but low, though
significantly greater than zero. Regarding percentile difference (i.e. U3 minus 50%), 60% of
students yielded an increase in scores, or a person with an average (50th percentile) could expect
to move to the 60th percentile after participating in a collaborative learning group. The average
effect size of g+ = 0.266 (k = 28) is a little higher than the low category in terms of Cohen’s
(1988) qualitative effect size magnitude (i.e. g+ > 0.20 < 0.50). However, given the considerable
degree of heterogeneity among studies, it was difficult to fix the exact location of the population
mean aside from the probability that it is located between g+ = 0.09 and 0.44 (i.e. lower and
upper levels of 95th confidence interval respectively).
The next few paragraphs discuss the findings in the light of previous studies undertaken
to measure the effects of collaborative/cooperative learning on student achievement . The
findings of the current study are consistent with Johnson et al. (1988, 1998) who found high
positive effects g+ = 0.78 and g+ = 0.49 ( k = 122 and k = 168 respectively) of
cooperative/competitive conditions on student achievement. In comparison to the Bowen’s study
(2000) that found a statistically significant effect (g+ = 0.51, k = 37) of cooperative learning on
student achievement in high school and college chemistry courses, the current study relates the
same positive effect i.e. findings are consistent. Springer’s (1999) findings suggested that various
forms of small-group learning are effective in promoting greater academic achievement in case
of STEM courses and reported a statistically significant effect of small-group learning on student
achievement (g+ = 0.51, k = 37). Here, again the results of the current study are in line with
Springer’s findings. Further, the findings of the current analysis are consistent with Lou et al.
(2001) who found that small group learning had significantly more positive effects than
individual learning on student individual achievement (g+ = 0.15, k =122). Therefore, this
consistent positive trend indicates that collaborative learning helps enhance student achievement
Comparatively, the average effect size of the current study (g+ = 0.26 ) is in the middle
of achievement effect of g+ = 0.17 for Lou et al. (1996) and Bernard et al. (2009) which is g+ =
0.38. This difference may be accounted for by the number of studies and the variables
incorporated in those meta-analyses. For example, Bernard et al. (2009) were interested in the
three types of interactional conditions in distance education. However, the current study aimed at
the investigation of the effect of collaborative learning in all forms of instruction in multiple
subject levels across all grade levels. Also worth noting are the findings of Borokhovski et al.
(2016) on the use of collaborative activities to support student-student interaction in a technology
rich environment, i.e., g+ = 0.52 (k = 25) is much higher in magnitude. The possible explanation
for this difference may be again be the number of studies included with multiple collaborative
conditions, use and purpose of technology in instructional design, grade levels, and the primary
research questions asked.
The second research question was: Do different types of technology have varying effects
in collaborative activities when used to enhance/support/promote collaboration? A study by
Schmid et al. (2014) reported a statistically significant effect of technology for cognitive support.
However, the findings of the current study are not consistent with Schmid et al. (2014). The use
of technology for collaborative activities did not favor cognitive support in distributed cognition
and deep learning, collectively. This difference in the findings could be attributed to the
difference in the use and degree of technology in classroom. For example, in the current study,
technology as moderator was analyzed to measure its effect on collaborative learning rather than
the effect of technology on student achievement. In addition, small k-sizes and varied treatment
conditions might have resulted in different outcomes in both of the studies.
Interestingly, the use of technology for deep learning was also not statistically significant
in the current study. On the contrary, Tamim, Bernard, Borokhovski, Abrami, & Schmid, (2011),
found an average effect size g+ = 0.28 (k = 25) while investigating the effect of technology on
student achievement. They tried to map out the exclusive effect of technology on student
achievement. However, unlike both Tamim et al., (2011), and Schmid et al., (2009, 2014), the
current study aimed at the exploration of technology as a moderator to enhance/support/promote
collaborative learning affecting student achievement . The possible explanation for the different
findings in these studies could be attributed to the insufficient sample size, lack of training for
both teachers and students, and use of technology for secondary purposes other than the
collaborative activities.
In some studies, technology was used for cognitive support in the treatment condition.
For example, Wenk, Waurick, Schotes, Gerdes, Aken, & Pöpping, (2008) used an electronic
mannequin ( a life size simulator ) to enhance deep learning on the processes of medical
treatment. Similarly, in other studies ( Hoon et al., 2010 ; Hernández-Ramos et al., 2009; Tsai,
2002; Priebe, 1997; Freeman et al., 2007; Faro et al., 2006) technology was used to support the
deep learning and for information resources.
In the context of the current findings, it would be interesting to reflect on the ongoing
great debate between Clark (1983, 1994) and Kozma (1994). What Clark (1983, 1994, 2009)
claims is that role of technology in learning is minimal (or negligible ). Instead, it is the nature of
pedagogy (for example deep learning) and learning design (learning environment) that matter in
teaching and learning process irrespective of any mode of technology use. Kozma claims that
technology is helpful for learners to remember, seek information, and to collaborate. However,
these claims are too big to generalize from the findings of current studies given the lack the
statistical power.
The third research question was: Do grade levels, and subject domains have any
moderating effects on student achievement? As noted above, the lack of statistical power for this
analysis resulted in abandoning any further discussion that might misinform the literature.
Hence, there is a need for further exploration to understand what factors influence collaboration
at various grade levels.
Regarding the subject domain, there was no significant difference found between STEM
and Non-STEM comparisons groups. Students achieved almost equally in both domains.
Therefore, the findings relate that collaborative activities can impact student learning outcomes
across all subjects as opposed to the findings of Lou et al., (1996) and Qin et al., (1995), who
reported that STEM influenced more significantly student achievement. The rationale for the
outcome of current study is that collaborative activities are employed almost equally to enhance
interactions among learners across STEM and Non-STEM subject domains. Therefore,
collaborative activities serve as a means to create learning environment rather than as an end to
maximize any subject specific content.
Further, the author decided to investigate if the duration of treatment had any impact on
the determination of the degree of collaboration. The findings of the current analysis indicated
that duration as moderator was not statistically significant which differed from the findings of
other studies. In the between-study comparison group, however, there was an indication that
students liked moderate duration (In Between) for collaborative activities. This outcome is
consistent with what Fisher (1981) says that students’ interest and choice of the content may
determine their inclination toward specific duration. In this regard, the construct of academic
learning time is important to predict student achievement. It is so because, for example, allocated
time, engagement rate, and success rate of school activities are all associated with student
achievement. This signifies that more academic learning time can be interpreted as helpful to an
ongoing measure of student learning.
This study has encountered some general and specific limitations. First, only a small
number of the studies qualified for the final sample meant for the analysis. Here is the biggest
limitation of this study because the number of samples included (k) were very low.
Consequently, the low k affects the power of the study to find significant effects, especially in
moderator variable analysis where the total number of samples is split by the number of levels of
the moderator variable. Therefore, the generalizability of the findings of this study cannot be
established given this small sample.
Third, the study might have publication bias regarding the exclusion of studies published
in the languages other than English. In addition, the accommodation of the studies with more
positive findings in journals could have affected the representativeness of the sample (Polanin,
Tanner-Smith & Hennessy, 2015).
The primary purpose of the current meta-analysis was to explore the effect of
collaborative learning on student achievement. In general, the collaborative learning was found
favourable to enhance student achievement. The analysis reported some implications as to how
collaborative activities with what combination of conditions yield better learning outcomes for
students. In collaboratively designed instruction, students outperformed their control
counterparts. Collaborative learning activities are beneficial in that these help enhance student
achievement and persistence, (e.g. Bowen, 2000) change attitude and self-concept, and support
those students who feel fearful while participating in classroom activities (e.g. Kyndt et al.
Next ,the differential use of technology in collaborative activities was not found to
matter. Though technology was used in both groups for various purposes, the impact of different
technology on student achievement was not significant. This outcome may provide opportunities
for future researchers to explore the questions of what types of technology and what contexts
help teachers design collaborative activities which can enhance student achievement.
Among the other future implications include, firstly, the cultural differences among
learners impact their degree of collaboration considerably (Kyndt et al., 2013). Culture, as a
moderator which has not been explored in this analysis, may be added for future exploration. It is
so because the exploration of culture as moderator will add more insights into the factors which
are conducive/detrimental for collaborative learning. The cultural differences between
Western/individualistic and Eastern/collectivistic cultures may have significant influences on the
ways students cooperate in the learning activities. Studies have found that ‘‘cross-cultural studies
have shown that Northern and Western Europeans and North Americans tend to be
individualistic and that Chinese people, other Asians, Latin-Americans, and most East and West
Africans tend to be collectivists’’ (Cox, Lobel, & McLeod , 1991, p. 828). This means that the
Western approach of cooperative learning embraces critiquing opinions by challenging each
other’s reasoning and dealing with conflicts which may be culturally inappropriate for
collectivistic cultures. For example, Thanh et al. (2008) found that the incongruity between
cooperative learning principles and Asian culture accounted partially for the failure of
cooperative learning.
Secondly, the aspects such as the forms, contexts and purposes of any selected
collaborative activities and the roles of a teacher ( e.g. either facilitator, partner or observer)
during the process of collaboration are other major areas to guide how cooperative learning can
be used to enhance student achievement.
Thirdly, the investigation of the use of technology for secondary purposes will be helpful,
as these secondary purposes trigger students’ interests to participate in classroom activities. This
means that how students’ previous exposures to various forms of social technology such as
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat may help them collaborate in their learning activities
(Phua, Jin, & Kim, 2017; Kim & Kim, 2017).
A fourth direction for future researchers may be to verify whether collaborative activities
are favourable among lower grade levels in comparison to higher educational levels. It would be
interesting to unpack the favourable conditions and types of tools which enhance participation
among post-secondary students for collaborative activities. An extensive study is warranted to
investigate the factors that influence collaboration at all levels.
Lastly, Bowen (2000) collected data on persistence from nine studies and found that
cooperative learning has a significant and positive effect on student attitudes towards STEM
courses. There is no clear cut definition of the construct of persistence. In the educational
context, a student persistence entails the capacity which allows students to continue his efforts
through self-regulation, motivation, and positive affirmation to the achieve the set goals. The
degree of persistence dictates the student achievement. Bowen’s (2000) meta-analysis reported
that persistence for continued study in STEM courses taught with cooperative learning
approaches was 22% greater than persistence of students taught by traditional approaches.
Students in cooperative learning classes also had more positive attitudes toward their classes
(p.11). Therefore, it would be interesting to investigate other personality characteristics such as
“persistence or fear” (e.g. Bowen, 2000) which affect student collaboration.
Chapter Five : Conclusion
The overall effect of collaborative learning on student achievement was positive and
significant despite some limitations of the study. However, there are some moderators which
impact student achievement. The analysis found that collaborative activities organized at
different school levels may affect student achievement. Technology in its various forms are used
in classroom, however, these forms are integrated purposefully in instructional and curricular
designs (Borokhovski et al., 2016). Embeding technology in pedagogy may help improve student
collaboration and thereby their social, and academic success. Instead of incorporating technology
as a mere extension or ancillary in instructional designs, technology might be added in curricula
to improve student collaboration.
Furthermore, the subject domains and treatment duration are important to understand the
impact of collaborative learning on student achievement. STEM and Non-STEM subjects can be
taught equally successfully when one uses collaborative methodology. While duration dictates
the level of collaboration among learners, however, the reasons for favouring small duration over
longer duration depend on learners’ interests, teacher, available time, and nature of content.
Again, an understanding of learners’ needs and interests may help them choose their best options
in this regard.
On the whole, the findings of this meta-analysis are valuable for teacher-educators and
curriculum designers to take informed decisions on the conditions and forms of collaborative
activities to be included while planning, designing, and implementing effective instructional
strategies. For example, a teacher may employ collaborative activities based on arts, culture and
local issues related to science, environment and health to develop group projects. These exercises
will serve two purposes - knowledge creation and development of critical skills.
Further, these findings may guide teachers in making choices of types and purposes of
technology use in their classroom. For instance, the use of augmented and virtual reality can
help create an environment to simulate scientific and natural phenomena such as study of stars
and galaxies, earthquakes and earth. Findings on the other contextual factors such as grade levels
and subject domains along with duration of treatment will help inform subject experts and
researchers to improve student learning. Finally, these findings have added to the knowledge of
the domains and have replicated the results of the previous studies.
Note: A leading asterisk (*) indicates the primary studies included for the meta-analysis.
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Appendix A
Codebook: based on the meta-analysis conducted by Schmid et al. (2014).
Study ID number
Publication Data
Year of publication
Type of publication
1) Journal
2) Dissertation
3) Conference Proceedings
4) Report/Gray literature
Procedure of ES extraction
3) Estimated from partial inferential statistics, e.g. reported p-value
4) Estimated from hypothesis (p < a) or assumption of equal sample size when only N is
Outcome Information
Outcome type:
Nature of comparison
Brief description of both, experimental and control, conditions and of the source of data for ES
extraction (open-ended entry)
Methodological Quality
Research design
1) Quasi-experimental design (QED, non-equivalent groups with control for selection bias, etc.)
Learner Demographics
1 = Kindergarten (KG)
Subject matter
Open entry:
Nature of Treatment
More than three days but less than eight weeks = In Between
Nine weeks or more = semester,
Three days or less = short
999 = Missing information
Delivery mode (Ge & Gc)
3 = DE (Distance Education)
4 = Fixed Computer automated program: in lab, class or on campus, with or without the
presence of a lab assistant
1 = Yes
2 = No
Open entry:
Please, name technological tool(s) as reported in the study OR N/A - when none
1 = Communication/interaction
4 = Informational resources
5 = Presentation
6 = A mixture of max two (should be really two major purposes where one cannot be
singled out - e.g., 6: 2 & 5)
Appendix B
(k =1 removed)
Mixed analysis by ES extraction Procedure
(k =1 removed)