Formolene HB5502B

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Formolene® HB5502B

High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Resin

Designed for Blow Molding Applications
Formolene® HB5502B is designed for applications requiring excellent stiffness and stress
crack resistance properties. It may be used as a general-purpose blow molding resin or sheet
extrusion thermoforming resin.

Formolene® HB5502B meets all requirements of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as specified
in 21 CFR 177.1520, covering safe use of polyolefin articles intended for direct food contact.

Suggested Applications:
Pharmaceutical Packaging Personal Care Products
Bleach and Detergents Industrial Chemicals & Parts

Nominal Physical Properties:

PROPERTY* METHOD Unit Value Unit Value
Density D1505 g/cc 0.955 g/cc 0.955
Melt Index, Condition E, D1238 g/10 min. 0.35 g/10 min. 0.35
190C/2.16 kg
Environmental Stress Crack
Resistance (ESCR)
Condition B, F50 (100% Igepal) D1693 h 35 h 35
Tensile Yield Strength, D638
2” (50 mm) per min. Type IV psi. 4000 MPa 28
Ultimate Elongation, D638
2” (50 mm) per min. Type IV % >600 % >600
Brittleness Temperature D746 °F <-180 °C <-118
Flexural Modulus Tangent - 16:1 D790 psi. 200,000 MPa 1370
span: depth, 0.5 in/min
* Physical properties reported herein were determined on compression molded specimens prepared in accordance with
Procedure C of ASTM D4703, Annex A1.

The nominal properties reported herein are typical of the product but do not reflect normal testing variance and therefore
should not be used for specification purposes.

Published 6/01/01, Revised 07/20


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