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This study investigates consumer preferences towards Parle-G biscuits, a staple in many households worldwide. Employing
both qualitative and quantitative methods, the research aims to discern the factors influencing consumer choices, including
taste, price, brand loyalty, and nutritional considerations. Through surveys, interviews, and data analysis, the study seeks to
uncover patterns in consumer behavior and perceptions, shedding light on the significance of Parle-G in the biscuit market.
Findings from this study can inform marketing strategies and product development initiatives, enabling companies to better
meet consumer needs and preferences in this competitive market landscape.
Parle Products has been India's largest manufacturer of influencing purchasing decisions, evaluating satisfaction
biscuits and confectionery for almost 80 years. Makers of levels, and identifying areas for product improvement. It
the world's largest-selling biscuit, Parle-G, and a host of aims to explore what drives consumers to choose Parle G,
other very popular brands, the Parle name symbolizes their expectations, and any challenges they may face,
quality, nutrition and great taste. With a reach spanning ultimately providing insights for enhancing the brand's
even to the remotest villages of India, the company has market positioning.
come a very long way since its inception. Many of the Parle 1.3 REVIEW OF LITERATURE
products biscuits or confectioneries, are market leaders in
their category and have won acclaim at the Monde Srivastava, A. (2019). Consumer Perception and
Selection, since 1971. With a 40% share of the total biscuit Buying Behavior towards Parle-G Biscuits: A Study
market and a 15% share of the total confectionary market in Delhi-NCR Region. International Journal of
in India, Parle has grown to become a multi-million dollar Marketing and Business Communication, 5(2),
company. While to the consumers it's a beacon of faith and 45-56.
trust, competitors look upon Parle as an example of Chatterjee, P., & Gupta, R. (2020). Analyzing
marketing brilliance. Every nation dreams of a better Consumer Preferences for Biscuits: A Case Study
tomorrow. And every nation's tomorrow lies in the hands of Parle-G in Kolkata Journal of Consumer
of its children: the young stars who shape the future of the Behavior, 17(3), 245-258.
nation. So, it's important to nourish these young stars, Patel, R., & Desai, K. (2021). A Comparative
after all it's a question of the nation's future. Filled with the Analysis of Parle-G and Competitor Brands:
goodness of milk and wheat, Parle-G is a source of Consumer Preferences and Satisfaction. Journal of
all-round nourishment. Treat yourself to a pack of yummy Retailing and Consumer Services, 58, 102342.
Parle-G biscuits to experience what has nurtured and 1.4 OBJECTIVIES
strengthened millions for over 70 years. A meal substitute
for some and a tasty and healthy snack for many others. To find out the satisfaction levels towards service
Consumed by some for the value it offers, and many others provided by PARLE G.
for its taste. Whatever the occasion, it has always been To find out the major competitor of PARLE G
around as an instant source of nourishment. Little wonder BISCUIT.
that it's the largest-selling biscuit brand in the world. To give an extensive distribution network.
1.2 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM To reach to remote rural areas.
The statement of the problem for Parle G's consumer To maintain public relations.
preferences could involve understanding factors