Department of Education
Region VII-Central Visyas
A. Preparation
● Opening Prayer.
● Setting the classroom environment (arranging the chairs, checking if the
classroom is clean and orderly).
● Ensuring a safe learning environment for everyone. Giving of New Normal
classroom rules.
● Checking of attendance and uniform.
● Stating the objectives of the lesson.
● Activating Prior Knowledge:
Day 1 – Monday
Recall how you came up with your argumentative essay in the previous quarter. You
also did some research to get information to support your details. By activating your
prior knowledge and skills learned, you are to gather information through conducting
research. Decide on a local heritage that you would like to preserve. Gather information
about , its history, and influence on your culture. Use the template to complete this
activity. Afterwards, answer the questions that follow.
1. Based on the activity, how do you define research?
2. Based on your data gathered, is it only enough to gather data? Why?
Day 2 - Tuesday
B. Presentation
1. Drills/Activity:
C.Lesson Proper
1. Are you really interested in the topic? It can be said that a certain topic
is really interesting if it arouses your curiosity to learn and discover more
and or because the results may offer great help to you in your future life.
After having chosen the topic and finally decided which aspect of the
topic you will focus in your research report, proceed to the formulation of your
theses statement. Remember that a thesis statement is simple a sentence that
explains your research report in one statement and this should be found at the
end of the first paragraph of your research report.
Step 4 – Make a preliminary outline
Introduce your outline by writing first your topic and then your thesis
statement. Then, begin consider the following format.
2. Introduction
3. Background Information
4. Objectives of the Study/Statement of the Problem
5. Significance of the Study
6. Review of Related Literature
Having prepared the tentative outline, you are now ready since you
already have the direction for taking notes from different source materials. In
gathering notes, always bring your outline with you so that you do not waste
time gathering information that is not needed in your research report. Observe
the guidelines in note-taking:
1. Use a new index card for each new source which you gather data.
2. At the top of the index card, write down your source in the correct
bibliography form.
3. Take down notes. Do not copy whole paragraphs word for word. Jot
down only the main points and condense lengthy explanations. Most
of your borrowed ideas and data should be summarized or restated in
your own words. Resist the urge to merely copy. Reflect upon what
you have read.
4. Write the page containing the data from which you have copied.
5. Take down notes following the different parts of your outline.
6. Number your notecards to maintain order.
Printed materials like books and eBooks are not the only sources of
information. You can also get information from resource persons who are
knowledgeable on your chosen topic. And you can do this by conducting an
interview. Immediately after conducting the interview, write down the
information that you need to have a ready copy of these when you write the
draft of your research report
Step 6 – Write your draft
Using your tentative outline and notes that you have gathered you
can now proceed to writing the draft. These tools will help you organize your
research report easily. However, you need to understand thoroughly what each
topic and sub-topic in your outline means. You can refer to the following:
I. Introduction
A. Brief Background: Give an overview of the scope or coverage of
your research.
B. Objectives of the Study: Explain what you earlier want to find out
or learn in your study. You can write your objectives in the form of
questions that you will answer in your research.
C. Significance of the Study: Discuss the applicability of the study to
your intended audience. Point out the specific benefits that they
can get from the findings of your study.
D. Literature Review: Present previous studies done on your chosen
topic. Explain how your research connects to previous researches.
II. Results and Discussions
Clearly and accurately present and analyse. These data or information should
particularly answer the research questions or objectives. In this part, you can
use graphic organizers like pie charts, charts and tables, for the readers to have
a quick grasp of information.
In writing this part you can include related studies to support your claim
either by summarizing using quotes or paraphrasing ideas from different
authors. But always remember to acknowledge sources using the recommended
methods of documentation.
III. Conclusion
A. Findings: summarize your findings
B. Recommendations: Present here recommendations or suggestions
that you want your readers to do in line with your findings.
In preparing your research report you will use factual information, ideas
and opinions from experts as these will make it exciting and reliable. In return, it
is your duty to acknowledge these sources.
To do these, you can apply the much simplified methods of citing sources.
You can enclose in parenthesis the surname of the author and the year the
information was published (parenthetical documentation) immediately after the
borrowed material. You may also use direct or indirect quotes.
Note: Teachers may provide examples for each step. You may refer to the
EN10LM pp. 446-447
Day 4 - Thursday
D. Problem/Application
Directions: In the table below are five topics about local treasure or heritage in
your community. After some serious thoughts, rank them according to your
preference. Use a separate sheet of paper.
Rank Topics
Ancestral houses
Carpentry tools
China wares
Farm implements
Historical churches
Directions: Complete the table below by filling it in with the topic you have
selected in the previous activity and your possible sources. Use a separate
sheet of paper.
Possible sources: (Printed Materials: Books, newspapers, etc. Online sources)
Possible Interviewees ( Resource Persons)
Direction: Given in each box is part of the research report on the topic “Depletion of the
Ozone Layer”. Identify which part of the research report does each belong.
Day 5 - Friday
E. Generalization
Directions: Complete the statements below:
G. Closing
Prepared by:
Subject Teacher