673dbf6e2d824ee28d19697c_A Buyer's Guide to Network Security Solutions
673dbf6e2d824ee28d19697c_A Buyer's Guide to Network Security Solutions
673dbf6e2d824ee28d19697c_A Buyer's Guide to Network Security Solutions
to Network Security
Going beyond NDR
Traditional NDR
solutions fall short of
modern network attacks
Figure 01: XDR and point solutions that rely on known attack data fail to keep pace with multi-vector attacks
A platform-based approach unifies End-to-end visibility across your entire environment equips defenders with a holistic
coverage across multiple domains understanding of their digital estate in order to prioritize sophisticated threats.
The Darktrace ActiveAI Security Platform deploys anywhere data resides within an
organization to give security professionals a unified view of data — and risk — across
corporate networks, cloud/SaaS applications, endpoints, email, and even operational
technology (OT) networks in a single-pane-of-glass.
The same UI consolidates email, Microsoft, Google, and other account activity into a
single, easily accessible view, something XDR solutions lack. This integrated perspec-
tive empowers faster, more accurate threat classification and response, ensuring that
no critical threat goes unnoticed across your network.
Figure 02: Darktrace is designed with an open architecture that complements your existing infrastructure and products for an end-to-end approach
· AI-driven prevention: Enable your team to address security The right platform prepares defenders for whatever comes
gaps and potential risks by analyzing your internal and next. Such a solution not only meets current network security
external threat surfaces and pinpointing areas for improved needs but also scales and adapts to emerging threats, optimizing
preparedness both automation and human expertise. By going beyond tra-
· Efficient compliance: Streamline regulatory compliance and ditional NDR, or a mix of tools, and choosing a versatile, AI-driven
platform, you ensure a robust, dynamic and proactive security
reporting processes, simplifying adherence to data privacy and
posture that evolves with your organization.
security regulations
The journey
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Darktrace / NETWORK
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