NGOs working in Arts and Craft Sector
(Code: HCLF/RfP/My E-Haat/26122024)
HCLFoundation Invites Proposals from NGOs/ CSR Implementing Agencies for ‘My E-
Haat’ under the Special Initiative by HCLFoundation
HCLFoundation delivers the corporate social responsibility agenda of HCLTech in India through
its flagship programs and special initiatives. As a not-for-profit organization, it strives to contribute
towards national and international development goals, bringing about positive impact in the lives
of people through long-term sustainable programs.
HCLFoundation aims to alleviate poverty and achieve inclusive growth and development through
life cycle-based, integrated community development approach that focuses on Education, Health,
Skill Development and Livelihoods, Environment, and Disaster Risk Reduction and Response. At
present, it is implementing five flagship programs, Samuday and HCLTech Grant (Rural
Development); Uday and My Clean City (Urban Development); Harit - (Environment Action) and
4 special initiatives of Power of One, Sports for Change, Academy and My E-Haat.
To be the source code for sustainable socio-economic and environmental development.
Nurture clean, green and healthy communities where everyone is empowered and equipped to
reach their full potential in partnership with its employees, communities and stakeholders, while
promoting volunteerism and establishing international standards of strategic planning,
implementation and measuring impact.
HCLFoundation: https://youtu.be/EkxVM856rHk
Uday: https://youtu.be/eMRYLnEun4s
What Comprises ‘My E-Haat’?
With the objective of strengthening the Handicraft Supply Chain and providing greater say of the
Artisans/ primary producers in the entire value chain, ‘My E-Haat’ initiative is broadly categorized
into Backward Integration and Forward Linkages.
Backward Integration comprises of:
• Procurement of Raw Materials: Artisans/ primary producers will be trained on
collectivization of raw materials demand and conducting bulk procurement. Focus will be
on eco-friendly materials at discounted deals.
• Product designing & training: Training and skill upgradation of Artisans/ primary
producers group in order to make the products more market ready with high uptake.
Collaboration with Institutions like National Institute of Design (NID), National Institute of
Fashion Technology (NIFT) and other institutions.
• Social Security & Financial Inclusion: Collectivization of Artisan/ primary producer
groups and bringing them into formal sector. Formation of Joint Liability Groups.
• Linkages with Government Schemes: Handholding and facilitating them with various
Government Linkages and Entitlements like Artisan Cards, bank linkage, setting up of
MSME clusters etc.
HCLFoundation will be partnering with organizations (Not for Profits) with expertise in
Handicraft space and working closely with Artisans/ primary producer groups.
The purpose of this document is to invite proposals from reputable and qualified NGOs (Trusts,
Societies, Section 08 companies) with a strong record of accomplishment of success in
implementing project, which is directly related to Artisans/Self Help Groups/Producer
Groups. The partner should have at least 5-7 years of relevant work experience in the
Handloom and Handicraft sector and must be able to demonstrate their work or proof of
concept in the proposal. The partner should have strong experience of working with
Artisans/Self Help Groups/Producer Groups across products/ portfolio and able to
showcase products national/international market . The partner should have relevant
experience of working with the Artisans/Self Help Groups/Producer Groups to improve
the quality, design and innovation across the products.
Scope of Work
The selected partner will work with the HCLFoundation to implement the project on the below
key objectives but not limited to:
Preference would be given to those organizations who worked on the below areas:
• Having direct implementation experience in Arts and crafts and Handicraft sector with
the Artisans/Self Help Groups/Producer Groups would be given preference.
• Having worked with Master Craftsmen who are National or State Awardee.
• Having women who are part of the Artisans/Self Help Groups/Producer Groups who
prepare the Handloom and Handicraft Products.
• Having worked on several handicraft projects with several artisans/primary producers.
• Participated National/Regional handicraft fairs in the country.
• Having prior experience working with incubation setups
• Dedicated team of experienced project implementation team to roll out the project.
Location Details
HCL Uday has its presence in 11 cities of India. At present HCLFoundation is inviting proposals
for the following clusters where NGOs has strong connect/presence in the Handloom and
Handicraft clusters and have some prior experience in working in the below regions:
1. Madhya Pradesh
2. Rajasthan
3. Tamil Nadu
4. Telangana
5. Gujarat
6. Assam
7. Odisha
The role of NGOs is to ensure quality of the products, due diligence of the products,
bringing innovation in the product making, scouting of the artisans, convergence with
the Government Departments, social and financial inclusion of the Artisans/Self Help
Groups/Producer Groups, maintaining inventory of the products, training and
strengthening of the Artisans/Self Help Groups/Producer Groups and other activities
which is mentioned in the scope of work but not limited to.
Submission Details
Reputed NGOs/agencies may submit proposals as per their strength and area of expertise.
All proposals must be submitted as per the prescribed Proposal Format along with Annexure A
(Budget) and Annexure B (Gantt Chart). All 3 formats can be downloaded from the link
below: HCL F - Proposal Formats
Budget: Budget must be submitted as per the attached template. Please provide detailed break-
up of each line item and all sub-line item costs with clear budget explanatory notes. Any taxes
including Service Tax, Sales Tax, Value Added Tax or any other applicable tax, duty, cess or
levies, must be quoted separately from the price of goods and services. The terms of payment
along with a tentative timeline must also be attached.
Gantt Chart: The Gantt Chart must detail the comprehensive list of activities proposed in the
proposal along with a tentative timeline. A sample Gantt Chart can be downloaded from the link
above. NGOs/Implementation Agencies may make the required changes in the Gantt Chart as
per the activities proposed by them.
Please send in your submissions with Subject Line in the given format:
Proposals must be submitted along with Budget and Gantt Chart ONLY in the formats
shared on the link. Proposals not shared in the given format are liable for rejection. Proposals
received after the due date and time will not be considered.
All enquiries regarding this RFP should be made by 20th Jan 2025 via email to
Deadline: Proposals received after the designated deadline may be subject to rejection by
Validity: Your proposal must remain valid for a minimum of six (6) months from the date of receipt
by HCLFoundation.
Negotiations: The most competitive proposal is requested. It is anticipated that the contract will
be awarded on the basis of merit of proposal. However, HCLFoundation reserves the right to
request responses to questions and conduct negotiations with any potential agency/consultant
prior to awarding a contract.
Rejection of proposal: This document is a request for proposals only, and in no way binds
HCLFoundation to make an award. HCLFoundation reserves the right to reject any and all offers
received and/or to cancel the RFP. HCLFoundation will not be obliged to either inform or provide
a justification for rejection of proposals.
Incurring costs: HCLFoundation will not be liable for any cost incurred during preparation,
submission, or negotiation of an award for this RfP.
Financial responsibility: Proposals must certify the financial viability and adequacy of resources
of the agency/organization to complete the proposed assignment within the agreed time frame and
in conformity with the agreed terms of payment. HCLFoundation reserves the right to request and
review up to the last three financial statements and audit reports including schedules and
annexures, as part of the basis of the award if required.
Branding aligned: HCLFoundation has set brand guidelines that should be incorporated and
followed while demonstrating the Foundation’s brand.
Copyright and Patents: HCLFoundation shall be entitled to all copyrights, patents and other
proprietary rights and trademarks with regard to the products or documents and other materials
which bear a direct relation to or are produced or prepared or collected in consequences of or in
the course of the execution of the contract. All plans, reports, recommendations, estimates,
documents and data compiled by the service providers under the contract shall be the property
of HCLFoundation and shall be treated as confidential. All confidential documents should be
delivered to the relevant people within HCLFoundation during the project duration and upon