11th comm
11th comm
11th comm
1. Revision Exercise.
(1) State the Law of supply
(2) Define Supply Curve.
Salve All-Numerical Questions mean, median. Mode
(1) Journal entry
(2) G.S.T
(3) B.R.S
(4) Depreciation
(5) Rectification
(6) Financial statement-I
(7) Financial Statement-II
Business Studies
1. Make a Project on FMCG goods.
2. Make a Project file on the following topics anyone of Visit to an Industry.
Visit to a depart mental store visit to a mall.
(2) Aids to trade
(3) Import/Export Procedure
Physical Education
Q-1 Define Physical Education and explain its aim and objectives in detail.
Q-2 Elaborate the "Khelo India" programme in detail.
2-3 Write down a detailed note on ancient olympic games.
Q4 Explain the origin of Modern Olympic games.
Q-5 What do you mean by yoga? Explain its importance in daily life.
Q-6 Discuss the role of pranayama in managing is tress in detail.
6-7 Discuss the objectives of Adaptive physical education in detail.
Q-8Whatdoyoumeanbydisability?Discussthe types of disability.
wellness in detail.
What do you mean by test, measurement and Evaluation? Elucidate the importance of Test,
measurement and evaluation in the field of sports.
What do you mean by Body Mass Index? Explain the procedure of calculation of BMI.
Q-12 Revise all the multiple Choice questions of Lesson - 1, 2,3,4,5,6.
2) Surya Namaskar
2 Bhujang Asana
3) Kamal Asana
4) Kati Chakма Asana
Makeafileonthetopic'Silkroad'thereyouwilltalkaboutatravellingdestinationreference to this
chapter, Make some figures related to this chapter.
Whatdoyouthinkabouttherelationsinthesedays.Telltheactualconditiontoyour chapter’
father to son'.
Q-Do you have ever seen amanoranorgan is action like your chapter’ The Tale of the Melon city.