Airbase 00382
Airbase 00382
Airbase 00382
1 IntroductiO:l
, lations is often mentioned and is usually implied, although the
term equilibrium is seldom defined precisely. What is usually.
The neutral atmospheric boundary la~' can be simulated in a
meant by equilibrium is that, boundary layer characteristics such
wind tunnel 9Y creating a thick turbulent boundary layer on
as velocity profile shape, nondJmensional spectra, etc" are not
one ~prface of the tunnel (usually the floor) so that measurements
changing significantly in the streamwise direction. A more
can"be made in the turbulent region witli IllDdels of appropriate
exact form of equilibrium is defined by the term "se1f-preserva-
scale. Upstream of the model, which may inchlde scaled sections
of an urban area for example, the thick turbulent boundary la)ler
tion" used by Townsend. [4J. Self preservattorl describes a tur-
bulent shear flow whose turbulence is in exact; dynamic equilib-
is developed by combinations of spires, wedges or trips together
ritlm so that the mean distributions of the turbulence, nondi-
with roughness elements di~tributed on the wall. Various tech-'"
mensionalizea by a single velocity and lengthscale,.do not change
niques have been used (see discussions by Davenport and.
at all in the streamwise direction. Such exacj:. equilibrium is
Isyumov [1],1 Standen [2J, and Counihan [3]) but in each case the .
strictly possible for rough wall boundary layers in zero pressure
wall roughness geometry used waS apparently chosen by trial
gradient only when certain rather artificial! conditions are sat-
.and error and ~ot produced It predicfable wall shear
isfied: either the roughness elements are.high compared to their
, ,stress or velocity distribution. This work pr0vides Il. relatic;1 be-
spacing (which must be regular),p'roducing,J.he •"d-type" rough-
tween roughness geometry and velocity profile shape whi~h should
ness d~cribed by Perry, et al. [51 or else !the ~ouli\hness height
.allow a more rational choice of the. roughness tu be made {or any
and spacing must vary directly with strel"llwise p,istance so that
,\iesired profile or 'effective wall shear stress. .
each remains a constant fra.ction or the bOundary layer height,
. ~ .' '. The equilibrium of bOundary layers used for atmospheric .simu-
as described by Rotta [6). i -
Some anaiytical results implied by exabt self-preservation are
-.-.-. prese~ted in Section \0£ this paper. !. "
, ·1.Numbers in braeketc design ..~ References at end of paPe~. • r%
A restricted region of' a boundary layer with zero pressure
. ',.\ Contributed by the Fluid!, Bngineering· Dh-laion and p,,,,,,,nted at the Winter gre.dirnt and constant roughnesS height and spacing is in.approxi•
'·"Annual Meeting, New York, N. Y., DeC\l!lIber 5, £976 of Tllm AMERI'::"N
J~<>~lEiY OF ,MECIIANICAL ENGlNE>lR8. M~nllscript received at ~\S~I E Head-
mate. equilibrium provided the start of thl'l rQughness or. any
quarters August It,~976. P",per No. 76-WA/FE-18. change in roug:~ne3S is far from the region considered. Mellor
)'" "
';480 (SEPTEM'BER 1977 '. '(raitsactions
,: ,. .'
of the AS.ME
. . '
nnd (;ihson [71 hn\"c concluded thnt t\lrb\llent, zero-pressure- tern of square hars normal to the flow and it is necessary to geu- ,
gr,, (licnt hotlltd"r~"I\I:'('rs on smooth walls closely ('onforln to the cralizc these results to three-dimensional roughhess elements of
f'('quiremcnts for eX:lct rq\lilihritllll o\'er limited strenmwise nrious shapes. This is done here by defining an effective spacing
length,", and it seems reru;onahle to tlssume that the same is t1\le between t~o-dimensional bars which produces surface drag per
for ro\lgh-wall boundary layers', :\ disc\lssion of this point is in- unit area (or average shear stress) equal to that of the more gen-
duded in Section (i of this paper, eral roughness pattern. rJ
In ordcr (0 !'stimate the rO\lghncs" which is required to pr~uce The drag of a unit width of a single two-dimensional square
('crtain ' houndary layer charnelcristics, evcn for approximate bar (subscript b) is:
equilibrium, it is'nece"ssary (0 formulate'sgmc relationship for the
\\::111 shear stres~ in terms of other hn\lIH.lnry layer propert.ies, The Db = CD. 21 piflk
strellll1wise development of the flow <:1I1t then he predicted by
:\nv one cif a varict \' of well known semi-empirical methods , where It is t he height of the bar and (j the average velocity ap-
TI;ese two steps fire 'o utlined in t he next two sections, follow!'d proaching it.. The drag per \\nit area is t.hen D'b = Db/ A. where
h~' a presentation of the ex,,!'t eq\lilibrium \es\llts implied In- the A, i ~ the spacing between the bars in the flow direction.
simple met.hod adopted. Some new experimental e\"idencc '1Il Similarly, the lwemge drag of a unit area of general three-di-
rO\lgh wall bO\lndary la.\·er;'; is th en presented and the approach mellsionnl elements each of similar shape and each 'having a drag
to eCJ\lilibrium is discllssed, Finally a procedure is suggested for
coefficient C IJR hn.c;ed on its frontal area, is
estimating the roughness required to produce a desired boundary
lay~r shape needed for atmospheric simulation, and an example
is given of this procedure.
2 , A Wall.StressRelationship for Rough Walls where ( AR), and (AR), an~ spacings between element centers in
the laternl and t.he longitudinal directions respectively and Ap is
The flow around individual roughness elements [It high Iteyn-
one element's fronfal area. Equating D'Rto D\ for equal (j:
old& numbers i3 not Y"et predictable in detail from the equations
of motion. Previous empirical work has related the wall shear
stress to some }ntegral boundary layer thickness, usually,:i~t
displacement thickness (0'), and this empirical approach.. ,is.
followed here. :' .... This can be rewritten as:
A rather extensive review of t.he results obtained using squ!,
two-dimensional bar roughness elements has been made by (3)
Dvorak [8] wh'o ,related the bar height (k) and the bar spacing
(A,) to the effective wal[ shear st.ress (To) and displacement thick-
where A. = (AN), (AR)! is ~he effective plan area associat,ed
ness 0', using the form proposed by CltIllser [91, a.~ follows: , ,with each element. The ratio (A./ k) is nilw the equivalent s~ng
,,"o-dimensional bars of height k whi~~-we.11 stress
~ = kIn {~':k'}
+ A-C. (1) equal to the general roughness whose height is also k.
The drai c~fficients (CD). and (CD)R vary with varying 'up-
stream boundary layers, but we assume that the ratio of one to
where: U =
the other will remain constant for identical upstream conditionJ
. " and identical heights of bar and roughness element. We further
J "
free ,!'tream velocity
assu1lle that ~e mean characteristics of the turbulent boundary
layer, and its turbulent properties as well, are dependent only
A constant = 4.8 on the"valueof the effective wall shear stress, so that two rough- patterns which produce identica.l.loca.l. wail stress will produce
K constant = 0.41 identical boundary layers. These assumptions remain to be
and C is a constant depending on A, and k as follows: tested in detail hut they produce plausible and tentatively useful
C = - 5.95 [ O.4S In ~ - 1]
We must now det~mine the ratio of (CD). to (CD)R measured
with identical element heights and identical upstream boundary
IlIyers. If the upstream boundary la:yeds considerably smaller
This con elation is valid for (A,/ k) > .':i and for (U,It / v) > 70, than. the height k, the drag co-efficient,of a surfaoo:-mounted
both satisfied in most atmospheric simulations of high winds .. , square plate normal to the flow is about 1.15, and that of s. two-
Few natural rough boundaries can be al?proximated by p. pat- dimensional surface-mounted plate infinitely wide nonnal to the
Ap frontal 'lrea of one roughness ele- K von Karman'si' constant; taken to Z distance normal to wall • \
ment ' be equal to 0.41 ('" Ii r.ominal bounde,ry layer thlckn.~
Ap plan a; <!a assOcillted. with one roughness element height · related too· and n by equation
roughness element fl = shape fa.ctor related: to H by equa- (11)
A ,;.. 4.8, constant associated with tion (13); equal to the~El,Xionent 0· displacement ~hickness
equation (1) of a ,power law veloqliy. trofiHl e momentum thlckness
C runction of roughness geometry, if equation (7) is val~tt ~ A. or
effective streamwise spacing two
equa tior: (2) . mean velocity at height Z~ dimensional bars; see also ~ua
H EO o· /e, shape fietor for boundary , free stream velocity (constant) tions (3) and (4)
layer .. [To/pPI'l shear velocity p - density of fluid (constant)
H, shape factor related te H by equa- x = streamwise distance, measured To ~ average shear strElS& on roughened
tion (6) from start of roughneSs wall
Fl ( 8;) t
= exp -3.512 - 0.617 In (HI - 3)]
is also used. Thus, equation (1) describing the shear stress, and Flg.l Wall shear stress expected for various roughness \leometrles.
Dvorak's correlation (8) __ - - - - ' present dau 0: O'uughlln
equations (5) and (8) describing the development, can be used from Woodlnll, et al. [14], >',/k - 64-<:;): Antonla rnd Luxton, [12].
to predict the streamwise variation of the three boundary layer >',/k - 4, 8.
Program Format
One to two days of paper presentations are planned. The symposium will commence with a
session of papers hroadly covering fluid tra;l.~ients fwd acoustics as related to the power industry.
The remaining sessions will be devoted to symposium papers on more specialized topics.
Those wishing to participate should prepare 1,000 word abstracts for submission by February 1,
1978. Abstracts in the area of fluid transients Hhould be sent to Const.antine Papadakis, Bechtel
Inc., P. O. Box 1000, Ann Arbor, l\fichigan 48106, tel. (313)994-7179; and those in acoustics to
Henry Scarton, Mechanical Engineering Department, Hensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy,
New York 12181, tel. (518)270-6334. Selection or papen; will be made by February 28, 1978.
Completed papers should be submitted by May 31, 1978 on author-prepared mats which will be
sent to each author at the time of accept,lnce.
Preprinting of the symposium papers on the AS:\I:E author-prepared mats will not impair
later consideration for publication in Transactions of ASME.