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Teaching Dates and Time November 18-22, 2024 Quarter 2
Tuesday (9:45-10:45), Wednesday (2:00-3:00) Friday (10:45-
11:45) Monday – Friday (4:00-5:00)

I. OBJECTIVES Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of underlying principles in the installation of electrical lighting system, auxiliary outlets and lighting fixtures.
B. Performance Standards The learner independently installs electrical lighting systems, auxiliary outlets and lighting fixtures based on the Philippine Electrical Code (PEC) standards
and Local Code/Utility Company Regulations
C. Learning Competencies / Reading and proper care and maintenance of the Electrical connection of series and parallel circuits. Install wiring method using different types of
Objectives (Write the LC Code) different measuring and testing tools TLE_IAEI9-12EP-IIa-j-2 wiring method
OBJECTIVES: 1. Define Series/Parallel circuit OBJECTIVES
1. Read measurement in terms of resistance, 2. Draw a schematic diagram and actual wiring 1. Identify the different types of wiring
current flow and voltage. diagram of a series and a parallel circuit. method.
2. Perform measuring and testing instrument using 2. Familiarize the different types of wiring
ohmmeter, voltmeter and ammeter. method.
Reading and proper care and maintenance of the Electrical connection of series and parallel circuits Install wiring method using different
different measuring and testing tools types of wiring method
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages TLE-Module 1 Learners Material, IA-Electrical Installation and Maintenance First Edition 2018
2. Learners’ Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources Portals
B. Other Learning Resources PowerPoint presentation, Multimeter, Internet, Circuit components (e.g., bulbs, resistors, wires, PowerPoint presentation, flexible hose, PVC,
resistor, battery, bulbs, wires switches, battery, and multimeter), Whiteboard, metallic tubing
markers, or presentation software for drawing
A. Revising previous lesson or Briefly review the concept of measuring and Ask learners about our previous lesson. Ask them Recap on the previous topic by asking
presenting the new lesson testing tools used in previous lessons (multimeter) on how to measures, resistance, voltage and question. How do you differ series and
and connect them to today’s lesson on electrical current? parallel connection?
Ask: Have you ever used an electrical tester or any Introduce the new lesson by showing a short
device to measure voltage or current? Encourage video or images of wiring systems used in
learner responses to build interest. homes, offices, or industries.
State that the focus today will be on using
instruments to measure electrical properties:
resistance, voltage, and current.

B. Establishing a purpose for the Activity: Ask the learners to answer the 1-10 Activity: Ask the learners to answer the 1-10 Activity: Ask the learners to answer the 1-10
lesson Pretest pp. 17-18 Pretest pp. 26-27 Pretest pp. 2-3
C. Presenting examples/ instances Demonstrate each instrument:
of the new lesson  Ohmmeter: Explain and show how it
-Show visual aids and samples of various
measures resistance in ohms. For Draw a series circuit on the board (e.g., a simple
wiring methods:
example, measuring the resistance of a circuit with a battery and two bulbs in series).
1. Cleat wiring
resistor or a wire.
2. Wooden casing and capping wiring
 Voltmeter: Show how to measure voltage Draw a parallel circuit on the board (e.g., a simple
3. CTS or TRS or PVC sheath wiring
across two points in a circuit (e.g., across a circuit with a battery and two bulbs in parallel).
4. Lead sheathed or metal sheathed wiring
battery or across a lightbulb).
5. Conduit wiring
 Ammeter: Demonstrate how to measure Point out the differences in the diagrams: series
current in a circuit, such as the current components are connected in a single path, while
-Relate each method to real-world
flowing through a wire or component. parallel components are connected across multiple
applications, such as residential, commercial,
Provide examples of readings: paths.
and industrial settings.
Show the readings on each instrument, explaining
how to read the dials or digital displays accurately.
D. Discussing new concepts and Discuss and demonstrate the following: Define and Discuss Series connection and Parallel - Discuss the characteristics, advantages, and
practicing new skills #1 1. Parts of a Multimeter connection disadvantages of each wiring method.
2. Reading and Using the Ohmmeter
3. Reading and Using the Voltmeter Drawing Schematic Diagrams: - Provide detailed explanations of their
4. Reading and Using the Ammeter Teach learners the basic symbols used in schematic appropriate usage based on environmental
5. Continuity Testing diagrams for electrical components: and functional requirements.
-Battery (two parallel lines of different length).
-Bulb (a circle with an "X" inside).
-Wire (a line connecting components).
-Switch (a break in the line with a small lever or a
line with a gap).
Drawing a Series Circuit:
-Have learners practice drawing a series circuit
schematic diagram with a battery and two light
bulbs in series.
-Ask them to label the components and current
flow direction.
Drawing a Parallel Circuit:
-Have learners practice drawing a parallel circuit
schematic diagram with a battery and two light
bulbs in parallel.
-Again, have them label the components and
current flow direction.
E. Discussing concepts and Hands-on Practice: Explain and Demonstrate: -Discuss the Comparison of different Wiring
 Allow learners to practice using each System
instrument (ohmmeter, voltmeter, 1. Actual Wiring Diagrams
ammeter) on different electrical 2. Wiring a Series Circuit
components such as resistors, batteries, 3. Wiring a Parallel Circuit
and lightbulbs.
practicing new skills #2
Walk around the classroom to assist learners with
reading measurements and proper tool handling.
Ensure that learners are using the instruments
correctly and following safety procedures.
F. Developing mastery Group Assessment: Practical Task: Group Activity:
(Leads to Formative  Have learners work in small groups to Divide learners into pairs assign them the task
Assessment 3) complete a practical task where they of: 1. Each group is assigned a scenario (e.g.,
measure resistance, voltage, and 1. Drawing a schematic diagram for both a residential installation, outdoor lighting,
current on a simple circuit using the series and parallel circuit. industrial equipment) and tasked to
correct instrument. 2. Wiring both circuits on a circuit board or choose the most suitable wiring method.
 Each group will present their findings breadboard. 2. Groups will explain their choice and
to the class, explaining the readings justify its appropriateness.
they obtained and how they used the Assess learners' ability to draw accurate
tools. schematic diagrams and wire functional series
Formative Feedback: and parallel circuits. Provide corrections and
 Observe learners during their practice guidance where needed.
and provide feedback on their
technique and accuracy in reading the
G. Finding practical applications  Ask learners to think about where they
of concepts and skills in daily might use these measuring tools in real Discuss how understanding wiring methods is
living Ask learners: Where in everyday life do we see
life, such as checking the battery life of useful in real-life applications, such as:
series and parallel circuits?
devices, troubleshooting household  Troubleshooting home electrical
Series Circuits: Used in decorative lighting, fuse
electrical issues, or repairing electronic systems.
boxes, and older systems.
gadgets.  Planning electrical installations for
Parallel Circuits: Used in most modern
 Discuss the importance of knowing how to various projects.
electrical appliances, home wiring, and in
measure electrical properties for safety  Promoting safety and efficiency in
devices like household fans, refrigerators, and
and efficiency, especially in tasks like electrical work.
fixing electrical circuits or checking the
health of electrical devices.
H. Making generalizations and 1. Ask learners to summarize why measuring 1. Ask learners: What are the advantages of Ask learners some question to
abstractions about the lesson electrical properties is essential. using a parallel circuit over a series circuit in a summarize the lesson.
2. Lead the class to recognize that understanding household setup? 1.What are the different types of wiring
resistance, voltage, and current is necessary for 2. Discuss how parallel circuits allow method?
diagnosing problems in electrical systems and
independent control of devices and prevent
the failure of one device from affecting others,
ensuring safe operations. whereas series circuits can be cheaper but
3. Emphasize the importance of tool maintenance
have limitations when one component fails.
and care. Just as measurements are essential for 2. Give them a scenario and identify what
3. Emphasize that understanding series and
ensuring the correct operation of electrical types of wiring method use.
devices, proper maintenance ensures tools parallel circuits is fundamental for anyone
continue to provide accurate readings. working with electricity, as it affects
everything from home wiring to electrical
I. Evaluating learning Activity:
Activity: Activity:
Let learners answer the 1-10 Post-Test pp. 6-
Let learners answer the 1-10 Post-Test pp. 24-25 Let learners answer the 1-10 Post-Test pp. 31-32
J. Additional activities for For learners who need more practice:
application or remediation -Assign them to research more on wiring
Provide additional one-on-one practice sessions for safety tips and precautions.
Have learners explore the use of a multimeter,
learners who need more help using the tools or
which combines the functions of an ohmmeter,
understanding the maintenance procedures. For advanced learners:
voltmeter, and ammeter in one device.
(During Free-Time) - Ask them to sketch a wiring plan for a small
home or room and indicate which wiring
method they would use.
____Modular Learning ____Modular Learning ____Modular Learning
____The lesson was successfully done. ____The lesson was successfully done. ____The lesson was successfully done.
V. REMARKS ____The lesson was not carried due to ____The lesson was not carried due to ____The lesson was not carried due to
Reason: Reason: Reason:
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to
VI. REFLECTION help the students learn? Identify what help your Instructional Supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in ___ of Learners who earned 80% above ___ of Learners who earned 80% above ___ of Learners who earned 80% above
the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require ___ of Learners who require additional activities for ___ of Learners who require additional activities for ___ of Learners who require additional
additional activities for remediation remediation activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to require ___ of Learners who continue to require ___ of Learners who continue to require
require remediation. remediation remediation remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well:
worked well? Why did it work? ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration
___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw
___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary
activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises
___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method
__ Lecture Method __ Lecture Method __ Lecture Method
Why? Why? Why?
___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs
___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
___ Group member’s Cooperation in doing their ___ Group member’s Cooperation in doing their ___ Group member’s Cooperation in doing
tasks tasks their tasks
F. What difficulties did I encounter __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils
which my principal or supervisor __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized __ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/
materials did I used/discover Internet Lab Internet Lab Internet Lab
which I wish to share with other __ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works
learners? Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:
__ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos
__ Making big books from __ Making big books from __ Making big books from
views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality

Prepared by: Checked and Reviewed by: Approved:


Teacher I Master Teacher I School Principal IV

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