Academic Year 2024-2025
Table of Contents
Dear Students:
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the Department of Environmental Health and
Engineering (EHE) at the beginning of the 2024-2025 Academic Year. You are joining a
department which is uniquely situated at the interface of engineering and public health.
We are committed to applying the principles of environmental health and engineering to solving
the local and global environmental challenges of the 21st century and beyond. At no other time in
history is environmental health more important than at the present time-in face of the looming
existential climate crisis. EHE faculty members are at the forefront of their fields, seeking solutions
to the world’s most pressing environmental challenges. They conduct cutting-edge research and
develop policy on topics including the physical environment (air, water, soil, food) and the fate
and transport of pollutants through the environment and the resulting human exposures, their
health consequences, and mitigation strategies. Their expertise ranges from basic physical,
chemical, and biological sciences to population studies to engineering controls and policy
interventions. Our faculty and students have applied their diverse skills to confront the major
environmental challenges of the day including climate change and its health consequences, global
pandemics, and environmental justice concerns.
EHE is committed to a diverse and inclusive Departmental community that provides unparalleled
training for the next generation of environmental scientists, environmental engineers, and public
health practitioners to generate and translate fundamental science and engineering into
transformative environmental policies and practice. Our program emphasizes the role of context
and complexity, including the ways environmental, socioeconomic, biological, and other factors
intertwine and interact to shape outcomes and possibilities.
The Department’s master’s, doctoral and postdoctoral programs offer trainees a wide range of
opportunities to advance their careers in environmental health and engineering. Our broad,
interdisciplinary approach creates a collaborative and supportive learning atmosphere for
students with diverse backgrounds and interests, while assisting them in developing lifetime
careers in environmental and public health research and practice. Our graduates are prepared for
diverse careers, including working in academic research institutions, multiple levels of
government, intergovernmental bodies, non-profit/non-governmental organizations, and private
industry in the U.S. and in many countries around the world.
The 2024-2025 edition of our Department of EHE Student Handbook introduces you to the
Department and helps you to set and meet your educational goals and to have a productive and
enjoyable year. The Student Handbook summarizes the required and recommended courses and
the requirements for each of the degree and non-degree programs offered by our department,
and other essential information you will need. Because the Student Handbook is revised
annually, please be sure to use this 2024-2025 edition of the Handbook in planning and following
your academic program in the Department. Of course, this is not a contract, and changes do
occur occasionally.
We are extremely excited about you joining us in our commitment to tackling the most pressing
environmental challenges and preserving the health of our environment and its inhabitants.
Faculty and staff join me in wishing you a rich and rewarding experience, both academically and
personally. We look forward to getting to know each of you over the course of this academic year.
Warm regards,
Mission of the Department
EHE’s mission is to use scientific and engineering principles to improve the health of the
environment, communities, and people. The health and sustainability of humanity and life
on Earth depends on protection against threats to our environment and ensuring the
health of environmental resources and systems.
Paramount to our mission is a commitment to inspire and educate the next generation of
diverse scholars to solve environmental challenges of the 21st century and beyond ranging
in scale from molecular to global. EHE is committed to fostering collaboration,
encouraging diversity, and embracing inclusion of all people in our educational and
research endeavors.
Marsha Wills-Karp, PhD
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 410-955-2452; BSPH E7527A
Deputy Chairs
Gurumurthy Ramachandran, PhD
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 410-501-0182; BSPH E6634
Chair’s Office
Christina Price
Administrative Specialist
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 410-955-2452; BSPH E7527
Marlee Rendel
Sr. Administrative Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 410-955-5214; BSPH W7032
Jana Mihalic, Sr. Grants & Contracts Analyst
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 410-502-2054; BSPH E7534
Danielle Underferth, Communication and Marketing Manager
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 443-927-3496; BSPH E5132
Academic Core Leadership
Program Directors
EHESO is the departmental student organization formed for the purpose of facilitating social,
intellectual, and service-oriented interaction between students, staff, and faculty of the
Department of Environmental Health and Engineering. EHESO unites students from the different
disciplines of the Department and provides a forum for students to voice their opinions,
concerns and share ideas and research. Networking opportunities, social events, student-
sponsored conferences, and lectures are all benefits of EHESO. For further information, please
contact [email protected], visit the EHESO webpage, or the EHESO Facebook page.
Secretary, WSE grad rep, WSE masters student rep all TBD
Our objective is to develop solutions to key challenges in local, national, and global environmental
health, from the molecular to population-wide impacts. This is accomplished by investigating
sources and distributions of exposures, mechanisms of action, biomarkers of exposure and
biological effects, individual and population-based responses, and susceptibility factors at both the
individual (molecular, cellular, organ, whole-body) and societal levels. In addition, environmental
risks are assessed, and we devise and evaluate both prevention and intervention strategies.
Our graduates are prepared for careers in academia, government, national laboratories, non-profit
organizations, and the private sector, both nationally and internationally.
These policies include those related to grade requirements, registration, academic progress,
deadlines, satisfactory completion of exams, and BSPH’s Academic Ethics Code or WSE’s
Academic Ethics Code. Students who fail to follow or meet the established policies may be
subject to dismissal.
Cumulative GPA
Master’s students in EHE must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.75 and cannot get more than one C
in a required course. The Whiting School of Engineering does not track graduate student grade
point averages, but WSE students should not get more than two C's (anywhere from a C- to a C+)
in department courses.
The Bloomberg School of Public Health places students with a GPA falling below 2.75 on academic
warning. They will have one term of registration in which to raise their GPA above the threshold
for their degree. The Academic Program Manager will notify students placed on academic warning
and their performance will be reviewed by the Department’s Educational Programs Committee
(EPC). All recommendations about academic standing will be then presented to the Department’s
Executive Committee for final disposition. BSPH students not meeting the minimum GPA after one
term may be granted additional term(s) on academic warning if academic progress has been
shown in the cumulative GPA; that approval beyond one term must be reported to the School’s
Committee on Academic Standards.
Students on academic warning must meet with their academic adviser and program director (or
academic program administrator) each term to review their academic plan and receive approval
for their course schedule prior to registering for courses. Students with a cumulative GPA below
the minimum may not register for more than 18 credits per term. Any repeated courses count
towards this 18-credit limit.
Code Of Conduct
The fundamental purpose of the Johns Hopkins University’s (the “University” or “JHU”)
regulation of student conduct is to promote and to protect the health, safety, welfare, property,
and rights of all members of the University community as well as to promote the orderly
operation of the University and to safeguard its property and facilities. As members of the
University community, students accept certain responsibilities which support the educational
mission and create an environment in which all students are afforded the same opportunity to
succeed academically.
Allegations of sexual misconduct are covered by JHU’s Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures
for faculty, staff, and students. The University encourages individuals to report incidents of
sexual misconduct and provides a variety of avenues, both formal and informal, by which
individuals can report complaints of sexual harassment. Allegations of sexual harassment by
students are covered under the JHU program and under the Student Conduct Code.
Allegations of fraud in research by students will be handled and resolved according to the policies
and procedures specified in Faculty PPM 7 – Research Misconduct. Penalties for students who are
found responsible for engaging in fraud in research under Faculty PPM 7 may be
selected from among the penalties specified in the Student Academic Ethics Code (Student PPM 1)
as appropriate.
Allegations of violations of academic integrity by students in the School are covered under the
policies and procedures contained in PPM for Students - 1 (Academic Ethics) and the School’s
Academic Ethics Code. Allegations of unsatisfactory performance or unacceptable behavior by
faculty are covered by PPM Faculty - 8 (Procedure for Handling Allegations of Unsatisfactory
Performance or Unacceptable Behavior), and allegations of fraud or misconduct during the
conduct of research by faculty are covered by PPM Faculty - 7 (Fraud in Research).
Allegations of misconduct by staff are covered by policies and procedures established by the
University Office of Human Resources as stated in the Personnel Policy Manual. (This
information is taken from the School’s POLICY AND PROCEDURE MEMORANDUM STUDENTS – 1,
SUBJECT: Academic Ethics).
For IRB announcements and updates, and for additional information and requirements on
conducting human research, please contact either the: Bloomberg School’s IRB Office, Room
E1100, Wolfe Street Building (410-955-3193); email at [email protected], or Homewood
IRB Office (410-516-4820); email at [email protected];
Animal Research
The Johns Hopkins University is committed to protecting the rights and welfare of animals used
in research. All students involved in animal research must first complete an online training
module, Animal Care and Use, available through myLearning in the JHU Portal, before beginning
work with animals. Additional training may also be required. Students must also be listed as
student investigators on projects they are working on that involve animals.
The care and use of animal subjects are regulated by the Animal Welfare Act, which is
implemented by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The University has one assurance with the
federal government (the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare [OLAW]) and, therefore, the
University has one animal care and use committee (IACUC). Faculty from the Bloomberg School,
the School of Medicine, and the Homewood campus serve on this committee. An approved
protocol MUST be obtained before animals can be purchased. Questions regarding submission of
animal research protocols should be addressed to the IACUC Office at 443-287- 3738. Animal
care and procurement are under the purview of Johns Hopkins Research Animal Resources.
For those exposed to animals either directly or indirectly, their bedding, waste products, fresh
animal tissues, or equipment involved in animal use and care, Johns Hopkins requires the
following to reduce health risks associated with animal exposures. You may view the full animal
research policy here.
Leave of Absence
Academic leave of absence refers to, and is limited to, students in a degree program requiring
continuous enrollment who, while in good academic standing, are forced to withdraw
temporarily from graduate work due to maternity/paternal/family leave or reasons beyond their
control, such as illness, military service, or pressing personal reasons justifying an interruption of
the degree program. Students may be given a leave of absence for other reasons (e.g.,
involuntary, medical leave). Leaves of absence are typically limited to one year except for military
Students requiring additional terms of leave beyond one year must reapply. Students who have
had federal financial aid may be subject to additional restrictions and should check with the
Financial Aid Office before extending a leave of absence. No more than two years of leave may be
If it becomes necessary to take a break from studies, students should contact their adviser and
academic program manager to determine if a formal leave of absence (LOA) is necessary. Any
request for change of status must be discussed with the program or track director(s) and academic
program manager and approved by the department and school.
International Travel
The following policy applies to students enrolled in BSPH. The Whiting School of Engineering does
not have a formal travel policy; however, resources and recommendations are offered.
Students enrolled in WSE should check the Travel Resources page provided by the Office of
Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs.
Students are not obligated to travel internationally, and each student has the right to decline to
travel abroad. If the student is supported by a research project that requires such travel and the
student chooses not to travel, the student may be removed from that project following
discussions with the principal investigator and the EHE program or track directors.
Graduate students who decide to travel abroad must demonstrate that they understand and
voluntarily accept the risks inherent in international travel. To do so, students must first receive
the appropriate departmental approvals for the trip through their adviser and program or track
director(s). Students should also evaluate options for registering travel and obtaining pre-travel
immunizations through the school or health care system.
If you are traveling to a less developed part of the world, you should be certain to contact your
health care provider or the Johns Hopkins International Travel clinic to learn about
recommended immunizations and other matters to guard your health. Located on the East
Baltimore campus, you can reach the International Travel Clinic by telephone at 410-955- 8931.
Stay Informed
Students are encouraged to vigilantly monitor consular and press reports regarding the country
(or countries) where they plan to travel. Students may also check the consular reports of
countries friendly to the U.S. (e.g., Australia, Canada, United Kingdom) as well as reports from
other international agencies (e.g., United Nations). Students should participate in the security
briefings offered by other organizations with whom they may be working.
Maintain Communication
When traveling in an area where regular communication is difficult, students are encouraged to
maintain contact with their adviser and/or the academic program manager.
International Students
OIS may be contacted at 410-955-3371. International students must contact the Office of
International Services (OIS) well in advance of any travel to avoid compliance issues with their
visa status.
Healix International
Johns Hopkins has implemented a comprehensive travel assistance program supported by Healix
International. For more information visit the International Travel for the University & Health System
Parental Accommodations
Please see the university page on parental accommodations for full-time graduate students and
post-doctoral fellows.
Personal Relationships
The Johns Hopkins University is committed to the personal, academic, and professional well- being
and development of its students, trainees, faculty, staff, postdoctoral fellows, clinical
residents, and all other members of the University community. The University seeks to maintain
an atmosphere of mutual respect, collegiality, fairness, and trust. The Personal Relationships
Policy implements the University’s commitment to maintaining the integrity of its educational and
working environment. This policy focuses on the conflict of interest that may exist when
individuals simultaneously engage in both personal and professional relationships in which one
individual has the potential to exert substantial academic or professional influence over the other.
Student Grievance Procedure
On occasion, problems may arise between students and other members of the JHU community.
The purpose of these guidelines is to help resolve disputes informally between students and
other members of the Hopkins community. The student is encouraged to make a good faith
effort to resolve the dispute informally prior to initiating formal grievance procedures. For those
disputes that cannot be resolved informally, a BSPH Student Grievance Procedure and a WSE
Student Grievance Procedure has been created to provide students and student groups with a
formal process to seek resolution of a grievance. In certain circumstances, other governing
bodies also assist in these situations. A student who has a concern about an academic decision
or act of a faculty, staff member, or student of the Department of Environmental Health and
Engineering, should follow the steps outlined below.
1. The student should first approach the person or parties (e.g., academic adviser, related
office, etc.) directly involved as soon as possible to discuss questions or concerns.
2. If the issue or concern is not resolved informally, the student should contact the program
for assistance. A written request for problem resolution is requested at this stage. This
request should include specific details about the problem, documentation if appropriate,
and a suggestion for resolution.
3. If no resolution can be found in prior steps, the matter will be referred to a Grievance
Arbitration sub-Committee within the EPC, who will address the problem as they deem
necessary, and make a recommendation to the Department Chair.
4. If the matter is not resolved within the Department or requires review and/or decision at
the School or University level, a student should refer to the Bloomberg School’s Student
Grievance Procedure document or the Whiting School of Engineering’s Grievance
Procedure document.
Students can also contact the Johns Hopkins Student Assistance Program (JHSAP) which provides
resources to assist students across the Johns Hopkins community with any pressures and
difficulties they may face during their academic careers. Getting help is free, convenient, and
confidential. Counselors are available to speak with you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 443-
287-7000. Services include short-term counseling, crisis response, healthy relationship support,
school-life coaching and adjustment and educational workshops.
Students have access to University Health Services (UHS) which offers primary care and mental
health clinical services. Primary care appointments can be made by calling 410-955- 3250.
UHS-Mental Health provides psychiatric assessment and follow-up, medication management and
individual psychotherapy. To make an appointment, call 410-955-1892.
If you or someone you know is in crisis, call JHSAP at 443-287-7000 for help immediately. In an
emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
To make an appointment to discuss a personal or academic challenge, please reach out to Allison
Leventhal, Outreach and Support Case Manager at [email protected] (410-516-2328), or to
Christine Kavanagh, Assistant Dean for Graduate and Postdoctoral Academic Affairs at
[email protected] (410-516- 0777). Additional resources are available through the
Homewood Counseling Center.
If you are feeling overwhelmed and stress is impacting your mental health, you may contact the
Counseling Center for safe and confidential services. Students have a wide variety of services
available, including workshops, group therapy, medication management, psychiatric
assessment, and 24/7 crisis intervention services. All counseling services are offered free of
charge to students. Please contact the Counseling Center at 410-516-8278. To reach an after-
hours on-call counselor, call 410-516-8278 and press “1”.
WSE students can seek medical attention and health care services through the Student Health
and Wellness Center. Services include acute and chronic illness care, alcohol and other drug
problem assessments, allergy injections, international travel consults and immunizations,
physical exams, and routine immunizations. Please contact the center at 410-516-8270.
MHS in Environmental Health Sciences
The Master of Health Science in Environmental Health program provides a firm academic
foundation in the field of environmental health. The program primarily targets individuals holding
a bachelor’s degree who see a place for environmental health in their future academic or career
goals. Some graduates pursue doctoral degrees in public health, medicine, and law, while others
work for governmental agencies, non-profit organizations, or the private sector. The program also
accommodates the educational needs of those already working in these sectors, who want to
develop a stronger knowledge base in environmental health.
Graduates have competence in the following: basic biological mechanisms; toxicology; statistical
evaluation of data; epidemiological studies in environmental health; risk sciences and public
policy; research ethics; and public health perspectives in research. If desired, the MHS further
offers specialization in the following areas:
• Food Systems, Water and Environmental Sustainability
• Health Security
• Population Environmental Health
• Pre-medicine
• Toxicology and Risk Assessment
Areas of Interest
Students may choose an area of interest from the following options, or they may develop their
own path in consultation with their adviser. The area of interest does not appear on student’s
transcript or diploma, rather it simply helps students choose classes in line with their personal
educational goals.
Food Systems, Water, and Environmental Sustainability: The Food systems, Water, and
Environmental Sustainability area of interest provides a deeper understanding of changes in the
global environment and how their consequences affect human health at the individual and
population levels. Graduates understand the environmental health implications of a rapidly
increasing global population, at a time of diminishing food and fuel resources, and a changing
Coursework and seminars expose students to a range of sustainability topics: food production,
security and systems; energy source impacts on public health; water supply and reuse; policy
and health impacts of climate change, urban sprawl, and the green movement. Students
critically analyze the complex interactions of global environmental problems, such as climate
change, loss of biodiversity, ecosystem degradation and the depletion of other global resources,
all in the context of their impact on health. These students often pursue the Food System,
Environment and Public Health Certificate. Ideal for students with a strong background in
environmental science and sustainability.
Health Security: The Health Security area of interest provides an understanding of domestic and
international health threats, including epidemics, natural disasters, technological accidents, and
intentional attacks. Students examine major organizations and initiatives designed to prevent,
detect, and respond to health security threats; assess the current status of health security
preparedness, and evaluate strategies to enhance health security. The area of interest is designed
for individuals who would like careers in public health and healthcare preparedness, global health
security, outbreak and epidemic management, disaster response, and related fields. A subset of
courses are taught by faculty from the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and informed by
the Center’s two decades of scholarship and advocacy on health security policy.
Population Environmental Health: The Population Environmental Health area of interest presents a
population view of environmental health with courses in epidemiology, statistics, and
environmental health principles. Through coursework and optional direct participation, students
develop an understanding of the problems that affect subsets of the population, as well as
challenges faced in their solution. Students master the use of statistical approaches to public
health and develop skills in epidemiologic research. Individuals interested in applying
environmental health sciences in a community or clinical setting benefit from this focus. The Risk
Sciences and Public Policy Certificate is often completed concurrently. Ideal for students with a
good basic science and quantitative foundation.
Pre-Medicine: The Pre-medicine area of interest provides a foundation for students planning to
attend medical school. Core courses lead to basic mastery of statistics as well as an
understanding of epidemiology. Elective courses in physiology, advanced toxicology, and
environmental and occupational disease not only emphasize knowledge covered on the MCAT, but
they also differentiate graduates from the typical medical school applicant. Electives in
biochemistry and molecular biology, among others, may help improve the biology, chemistry,
physics, math GPA that some med schools emphasize in their application review. Ideal candidates
possess a strong foundation in the basic sciences and math.
Toxicology for Human Risk Assessment: Toxicology for human risk assessment emphasizes
laboratory and basic science approaches to the study of environmental agents that affect health.
Building upon the required introductory course in toxicology, additional courses cover advanced
toxicology, environment- related disease, and laboratory-based statistics. Through lectures,
discussion and class assignments, students develop a solid understanding of the ways in which
environmental exposures can translate into health risks, as well as ways in which these risks can
be evaluated and mitigated. Many students also complete requirements for the Risk Sciences and
Public Policy Certificate. Ideal candidates possess a strong background in the basic sciences,
including biology and chemistry.
Students should consult the student resources page which lists all core requirements as well as
electives in the department and get formal approval from their faculty adviser prior to
registration. To substitute a course with something not listed, approval must be granted by the
program director. Students may also consider earning certificates while earning the MHS.
Discuss with your adviser options for meeting the biostatistics and epidemiology course
requirements. There are several options ranging from introductory to advanced; choosing
between them involves a discussion of student goals, background in these areas, schedule, and
area of interest.
The program requires two terms of statistics. Based on focus area, we typically recommend:
• FSWES, PM, THRA - two-terms of the Statistical Reasoning (140.611-12) sequence HS –
• two terms Statistical Methods (140.621-22)
• PEH - three-terms of the Statistical Methods sequence (140.621-23)
The program requires at least one epidemiology course. Below is what we recommend:
FSWES, PM & THRA - Epidemiologic Inference in Public Health I & II (340.721-22) in
terms 1-2 or online in terms 3-4
HS & PEH – four terms of epidemiology, modified somewhat to meet their career
needs. For most, this begins with Epidemiologic Inference in Public Health I & II.
Students with an epidemiology foundation or a strong drive to do epidemiology, can enroll in the
Epidemiological Methods 1-3 (340.751-53), which is coordinated with the Statistical Methods I-III
sequence. Professional Epidemiological Methods (340.763) may be taken in Term 3 as an
alternative to Epidemiological Methods III. All PEH students should take Environmental &
Occupational Epidemiology (340.680) 4th term.
Pre-Medicine Students
The school contracts with Kaplan to offer our students a significant discount on MCAT
preparation courses. Interested students register through the BSPH registration system: https:// or directly at the MCAT site: An email is sent
to the department to verify that the student is active, and the Kaplan Code is correct with the
date. The department approves registration. BSPH MCAT registration goes to Academic Affairs
and registration is shared with Kaplan and Student Accounts for payment. If you have questions
about the med school application process, reach out to Aisha Rivera Margarin (Director of the
Occupational & Environmental Medicine Residency).
Additionally, premedical students might consider taking Premedical Seminars: Planning and
Preparing for Medical School Application (120.607) in terms 1, 2, 3, or 4, which supports
students in putting together a strong application to medical schools. Topics include assessing the
portfolio and identifying areas that need strengthening, how to best plan for MCAT, which
courses to take, writing a strong personal statement, identifying proper activities for the list of
15 experiences and much more.
This attendance, along with monthly check-ins with advisers, and meeting deadlines for the
essay, forms the basis of the grade for special studies courses in terms 2-4 (181.845 MHS Special
Studies & Research in term 2 and 181.850 MHS Essay in terms 3 and 4). Students who do not
successfully complete the requirements for all three terms these special studies courses face
dismissal from the program. Failure to complete the program within four years from the date of
matriculation also serves as grounds for dismissal.
MHS students write an essay and present a summary of it during a formal symposium. The essay
serves as an integrating experience for students, representing an application of knowledge
learned during the degree program. The content addresses a current environmental health
problem pertinent to the educational goals of the student and ideally something that can
advance the work of their adviser (although they are allowed to find a separate essay adviser if
they prefer). Students will conduct a literature review, data analysis, field work, policy analysis,
or some other project. They will write a five-page project summary (or another paper format
approved by the essay adviser) for a pre- specified target audience (e.g., policymakers,
organization stakeholders, funders, etc.). Students should consider taking advantage of the school’s
Writing Center.
Students should arrange to meet with their adviser throughout the essay-writing process to
ensure fulfillment of essay requirements, as well as assure that the essay is properly prepared
for presentation and final approval. The essay must be reviewed and approved by the adviser.
The MHS essay must be prepared in a timely manner, so that the adviser has adequate time to
provide comments to be incorporated into the final document. timely manner, so that the
adviser has adequate time to provide comments to be incorporated into the final document.
2024-25 Timeline
The chart below contains the list of milestones and deadlines that must be met for full-time
students, or part- time students finishing up their essay. Note that meeting these expectations
is linked to receiving a grade of “pass” in the Special Studies courses. It is ultimately the
student’s responsibility to meet the benchmarks and deadlines listed below. Students should
confirm the timeline and review period needed with their adviser. Any student who fails to
meet the April or May deadlines will be automatically removed from the May graduation list.
Conferral deadlines can be found here.
Date Deliverable
All students completing the MHS are required to make at least one presentation of their essay to
an audience of faculty and students of the Department. This presentation will be based on the
student’s essay. Each student is allotted 10 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for
questions and answers.
Credit Transfer
A limited number of course credits taken at Johns Hopkins prior to matriculation into the
Master’s Program (e.g., up to 16 as a special student and 32 credits from another degree
program) can be applied toward the 64 total credits, provided the courses were completed not
more than 5 years prior to the date of matriculation into the Master’s Program. Students must
have earned a grade of B or higher in courses to fulfill a program requirement; grades of C may
only be transferred towards elective credits. Bachelors/Masters students in the public health
studies major must fulfill the requirement for 15 credits of coursework taken at BSPH while a
senior. Up to one-half, but no more than 16, of the BSPH credits taken as a public health studies
undergraduate student may be applied to the MHS program.
Course Waivers
Waivers and substitutions for students are only approved by the student matters subcommittee,
not the adviser. The sr. academic program coordinator will notify the student of the outcome
and a copy of the form will be kept in the students’ academic file.
By the middle of term 2, MHS students submit an ScM transfer request form. The form includes a
brief explanation of how the ScM research opportunity fits with the student’s educational and
research goals. It must be signed by the current MHS adviser. In addition, the proposed research
faculty needs to provide a letter of willingness to assume the role and responsibilities of ScM
thesis adviser (this person may or may not be the current MHS adviser). A transcript of grades
(obtained by the academic team) completes the file for review. Students must demonstrate
excellent academic success at the graduate level (minimum GPA of 3.0)
A sub-group of the ScM research faculty will review the file to confirm that the requirements
have been met and based on that input, the program director will approve or disapprove of the
request for degree transfer. The academic team will inform the Office of Records and
Registration of the degree transfer and adviser change (if appropriate) to be effective term 3.
Following approval, MHS-to- ScM students shift from drafting an essay to drafting a proposal. In
the third term, the transfer from MHS to ScM is finalized and students begin taking the 183.840
ScM Special Studies & Research instead of the MHS Special Studies course.
MHS students need 64 credits to graduate. Each term they should register for the required
courses listed below, then choose from among the elective courses. Please refer to the course
directory for the most current information. If you would like to substitute a course with
something not listed, contact the program director.
Students should plan to reach the 64-total credit requirement within four years. Please refer to the
course directory for the most current information. If you would like to substitute a course with
something not listed, contact the program director.
MHS Part-Time Requirements and Elective Options
Please see the electives list linked above for elective class options to bring your total
credits to 64. Lastly, 3 credits related to the MHS Essay is required for completion of the
program –181.845 for two consecutive terms, followed by 181.850. When ready to begin
working on the essay, students should register for the following consecutive classes in
consultation with the adviser.
• 181.845 (1 credit) - development and approval of the essay outline and literature review
181.845 (2 credit) - development and approval of a final draft of the essay
• 181.850 (1 credit) – 2nd reader approval of the essay and the formal presentation to faculty
and students.
ScM in Environmental Health
The two-year ScM degree provides an opportunity to do a year-long research project with a
faculty member. ScM students are responsible for identifying a faculty member who matches their
research interest and is willing to take them on in the second year of the program. It is
recommended that students find a faculty member before arriving or as late as the end of their
first term. The first year of the program follows the full-time MHS guidance above and focuses on
coursework designed to provide a strong foundation in environmental health. Instead of writing
an essay, first-year ScM students write a research proposal. Like the MHS program, ScM students
may or may not choose an area of interest.
The only course difference between the MHS and first-year ScM curriculum is that the latter
students take 183.840 ScM Special Studies & Research instead of the MHS Special Studies courses.
This allows the adviser to evaluate the student’s progress in completing the proposal and
attendance at required meetings. ScM advisers may also require students to attend a relevant
journal club. Deadlines for first- year ScM students are the same as deadlines for MHS students
(substitute the words ‘ScM proposal’ for ‘MHS essay’).
The research committee will have a minimum of two people, consisting of the research adviser
and one to two other faculty members. These members should include at least one other member
from the department and may include someone from outside the department, whose expertise is
valuable to the student’s project. These individuals will serve as a student resource throughout the
research year.
The Committee typically meets in late spring, as the student finishes their first-year
coursework and the adviser has approved a first draft of their proposal. At least two weeks
before the first meeting, students must submit a completed ScM Research Committee Form to the
academic team. The student’s adviser serves as chair of the Committee and will get the student’s
file from the academic team prior to the first meeting.
Typically, the student presentation lasts 15-20 minutes, followed by 45-60 minutes of comments
and questions. In private, the Committee members discuss suggestions for what the student
should explore with their adviser as it pertains to their research project. The adviser returns the
file to the academic team who then notifies the Registrar and CAS (the Committee on Academic
Standards) of the outcome of the exam.
If the Committee provides specific recommendations, these must be presented in detail to the
student, along with the plan for confirming their fulfillment. The conditions must be fulfilled prior
to the start of full-time research, unless otherwise decided by the committee. The Masters Tuition
Scholarship will not be applied if students haven't completed these steps before the beginning of
the 1st term in their second year.
Second Year
After completing fourth-term coursework and a successful first meeting with their committee, the
student begins a year-long research project under the direction of their adviser. We highly
recommend that ScM students begin research in the summer between the program's first and
second year. Students should take four credits during the summer and enroll in 188.840 under
their adviser. These credits will be added to the first term of the second year, so tuition is not
During the second year, full-time enrollment must be maintained by taking a minimum of 16
credits of 183.825 ScM Thesis Research in each of the four terms. Students are required to
participate in all journal clubs, seminars, and meetings deemed necessary by the faculty research
adviser. Students must complete the program at the end of their second year's fourth term and
graduate in May.
If at any point after the first year, the student is unable to successfully complete their research
project and thesis, the student will be transferred back to the MHS program and be eligible for
graduation with that degree. The completed research document will be considered as fulfilling the
MHS essay requirement. Deadlines for the second year can be found on the master’s candidate
page; these dates are subject to change each year so the dates in the table at the end of this
section are meant to give a general idea for planning purposes. Students should use the master’s
candidate page for official deadlines and make sure advisers approve of their timeline.
Timeframe Deliverable
Early February Verify with the senior academic team that you are on track to graduate
Early March Submit first draft of your thesis to adviser for feedback,
submit thesis form to [email protected]
Mid March Submit thesis reader appointment form to the Office of Records &
Registration ([email protected])
Early April Submit final draft of your thesis to your adviser and thesis reader
Late April Submit thesis to JHU Electronic Thesis or Dissertation (ETD) system
Early May Submit thesis acceptance letters to the Office of Records & Registration
and approval of elec- tronic copy of thesis from Sheridan Library.
Early May MHS/ScM Presentations
Research and Thesis Requirements
The ScM degree requires successful completion of a research project and the writing of a
master’s thesis based on that work. A thesis form must be submitted to [email protected]
approximately six months after completing the written comprehensive exam. This form can be
found in the students resource. The research will be completed under the direction of a
faculty mentor (research adviser) who is a member of the Department of Environmental Health
and Engineering. The work must represent an original hypothesis-driven investigation on a topic of
interest to the student and agreed upon by the adviser. The format will adhere to University
guidelines which can be found on the Johns Hopkins Sheridan Libraries website. The document
quality must be suitable for publication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Example sections
include: Abstract, Background, Methods, Publishable Paper, Conclusions, Appendix (Raw Analysis
Once a thesis reader has agreed to serve on the committee, the student must submit a thesis
reader appointment form to the academic team by the deadline proposed by the registrar. You
can find theses deadlines in the student resources page. The form requires the signatures of the
research adviser, department chair, and academic team; it certifies that the student has
completed all school and departmental requirements for the degree, except for the thesis.
The student is responsible for distributing the thesis to their research adviser and the thesis reader
at least four weeks before the student expects to complete the degree. The adviser and thesis
reader should review the thesis in a timely manner and send a letter to the student listing any
recommended changes. The thesis reader will also send the adviser a copy of the letter. It is the
responsibility of the adviser to adjudicate suggested revisions and approve the final version of the
thesis. The adviser will then submit a letter to that effect to the registrar.
Completion of the degree is not finalized until the registrar receives letters from the adviser and
thesis reader approving the thesis, and the student submits an electronic version of the
dissertation to the JHU Electronic Theses & Dissertations (ETD) system.
Graduating students must present their research during the MHS & ScM Student Presentations
in May. Presentations should be 10 minutes in length followed by 5 minutes of questions and
answers from faculty and students. The academic team will work with students to schedule the
The Department requests one bound copy of the thesis; all copies are placed in W7023. The
School recommends using Thesis on Demand. The binding should be black and include the
students name, degree, and year on the spine; the thesis title and name on the front.
Program Funding
Partial tuition support is available for second-year students enrolled full-time in the ScM
program. Second-year students must have successfully completed 64 credits of coursework in
their first year and have successfully completed the ScM Written Proposal and Research
Committee Meeting to be considered for the Master’s Tuition Scholarship (MTS) in the second
year. Students must meet all curriculum, grade, Grade Point Average (GPA), and registration
requirements. In addition, ScM students must complete at least 12 credits of formal coursework
outside of EHE. At least six of these credits must be taken in the School of Public Health. The MTS
is worth up to 75% off tuition.
MS in Geography and Environmental Engineering
MS students can choose from two tracks within the program: Environmental Science, or
Environmental Science and Policy. MS students may also choose to follow the curricula of tracks
within the MSE degree program. Each student’s program of study involves planning by the
student in consultation with department faculty and must be approved by the faculty adviser
before the student registers.
MSE in Geography and Environmental Engineering
The MSE in Geography and Environmental Engineering is open to students with ABET-accredited
undergraduate degrees in engineering, mathematics, biology, chemistry, physic, geology, and
other scientific disciplines. The MSE degree requires a minimum of two semesters of coursework.
MSE students have the option to complete an independent research project, submitted as a
formal essay.
MSE students can choose from four tracks within the program: Environmental Engineering and
Science, Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering, Data Science and Analytics in Environmental
Health and Engineering, and Environmental Management and Economics. Each student’s program
of study involves planning by the student in consultation with department faculty and must be
approved by the faculty adviser.
MS in Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
The Master of Science (MS) in Occupational and Environmental Hygiene (OEH) program is a
professional degree designed for students interested in advancing their careers in occupational
and environmental risk assessment and management. Graduates of the program work in
consulting, private industry, or government; many pursue doctoral studies in environmental
health sciences.
Affiliated with the Department’s NIOSH- sponsored Education and Research Center in
Occupational Safety and Health, the OEH program has four broad educational objectives:
• Anticipate, recognize, evaluate, and control factors in the workplace and the
environment that may cause illness, injury, or impairment;
• Build a successful career and obtain professional certification using the
comprehensive education and training received:
• Integrate industrial hygiene techniques, biostatistics, epidemiology, management, and
environmental health concepts into a broader occupational/environmental health practice;
• Pursue continuing education in research and professional practice of Occupational
and Environmental Health.
In addition to the five core areas mentioned in #3 above, coursework includes toxicology,
occupational health, occupational and environmental hygiene, air pollution, environmental
sampling, exposure assessment, and program management, as well as risk assessment, risk
management and risk communication.
The essay should serve as an integrating experience for the students, with content based on an
occupational or environmental health problem pertinent to the educational goals of the student
(and approved by the adviser). The essay typically represents the product of the internship or
employment experience. It involves a substantive application of professional technical skills
through collecting and summarizing data and reviewing appropriate literature. Where possible,
students should consider essay topics that can lead to a publishable manuscript.
Students Seeking Additional Research/Internship Opportunities
Additional laboratory and internship opportunities are assessed on a case-by-case basis and
should be discussed with your adviser before starting any work. Students who would like credit for
working in a faculty lab can register for 182.845. Students who would like credit for additional
internship hours outside of JHU can enroll in 182.810. This applies to both domestic students and
international students (who need to meet visa requirements).
Course Requirements
Although the degree is granted by the Whiting School of Engineering, Bloomberg School of
Public Health houses the curriculum for the MS in Occupational and Environmental Hygiene.
Please note that BSPH schedules all courses by term rather than semester. Responsible conduct of
research (AS.360.624) as well as Academic Ethics (EN.500.603) are required courses that must be
taken in the first semester of enrollment.
Students who would like to pursue the Risk Sciences and Public Policy Certificate should take the
courses listed on that web page. They are not required for this degree.
MS in Toxicology for Human Risk Assessment
The Master of Science in Toxicology for Human Risk Assessment is intended for students
interested in toxicity testing and risk assessment. The degree emphasizes the integration of
traditional in vivo models and emerging in vitro and in silico models into work by regulators and
risk assessors. Graduates can play an essential role in the scientific evaluation of such toxicity
testing information. Students completing the program will also fulfill the requirements to earn the
Certificate in Risk Sciences and Public Policy.
The full-time program consists of nine months of coursework focused on the fundamental
concepts and testing approaches used in classic risk assessment processes, as well as those used in
the new paradigm for toxicity in the 21st Century, and an internship with a government agency,
non-governmental organization, industry, or private sector group.
Program Requirements
The curriculum consists of core courses that will be taken during the first year of the program,
during the four 8-week terms from September to mid-May. The internship and a capstone essay
will be completed in the second year.
Students in this professional degree program assume responsibility for a professional project to be
carried out off-site at a governmental agency, non-governmental organization, industry, or private
sector company. Students will work with the faculty adviser to identify internship
opportunities. The minimum duration of the internship will be four months (two academic
terms). The student will be directed in the internship experience by an on-site mentor and will
regularly communicate with their academic adviser. The overall length of the project period may
be extended beyond the minimum requirement.
For full-time students, the internship involves 32 course credits of 182.810 MS Field Placement.
For part-time students, it involves 3 credits. The latter students should register for these classes on
the following basis: 1 credit of 182.810 for preparation of the internship proposal and data
collection; 1 credit of 182.850 to draft the essay; and 1 credit of 182.850 for finalizing the essay
and formally presenting it at a seminar with faculty and fellow students. The registration timeline
for these courses is decided between the student and their adviser.
The topic of the essay will be linked to the specific or general focus of the internship experience
and will be chosen in consultation with the adviser, who must approve it. Ideally, students select
a topic that will lend itself to publication in a scientific journal. Following approval of the essay,
students must make a formal oral presentation to the Department.
Essay Format
• Title page Abstract (1 page)
• Table of contents/list of figures
• Introduction/background (approx. 5-10 pages) - Include objectives of the project and explain
the significance of the objectives
• Methods (approx. 5-8 pages) Results (approx. 4-8 pages)
• Discussion and conclusions (approx. 5-10 pages) - In addition to discussing the results,
include any steps your organization will take to continue the project. Also, describe the
benefit of the project to industry, government (local, state and/or federal), and the
regulatory community. References - refer to the PNAS style, which includes published
articles, books and websites.
Program Funding
Partial tuition support is available for second-year students enrolled full-time in the MS program.
Eligibility for the Master’s Tuition Scholarship (MTS) requires students are in good academic
standing and pay tuition for at least 64 approved credits. In addition, MS students must
complete at least 12 credits of formal coursework outside of EHE. At least six of these credits
must be taken in the School of Public Health. The MTS is worth up to 75% off tuition.