Abdul Jaleel
Abdul Jaleel
Abdul Jaleel
It was contended for the appellant that the Family Court had no
G jurisdiction to resolve property dispute by a divorced wife; and that since
the respondent had already been awarded certain amount in a proceedings
under the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, the
proceeding under the Family Act was not maintainable.
Abdul Ja/eel v. Sahida, (1997( 1 KLT 734 and Smt. P. Jaya/akshmi and
Anr. v. V. Revichandran and Anr., AIR (1992) AP 190, referred to. H
500 ·.,,,SUPREME .COURT REPORTS (2003) 3 S.CR.
- , Civil
. Appeal
. No .. 3322 of2003.
!." ,• ' -' ' - ·- ' ' .. . l i • ' . . •, ' . '-' ''
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the 'Judgment
and Order
- ''· ; ..
Court in M.F.A. No. 196 of 1999.
. -. dated 203.2001
' ,., . . . ..
, '
.of the Kerala
- ,- ' -
_ '- ,., ·,
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_;' .
Haris Beeran and S. Udaya Kumar Sagar for the Appellant. . .
B . .. ' .. ..·'
. ,T.L.V .. Iyer, Subramonium Prasad, AbhayKumar and Gopal Krishnan,
for ~heRespondent.- · : · · · - ·- - ·: - . '. · :· .··••
•• ' . -' ' .'- .. . :- '- -: ' ., . . . . ..· :.
~ ' --. :\ '. ' - ." '
The Family Courts Act was enacted to provide for the establishinent of
Family Courts with a view to promote conciliation in, and secure speedy
settlement of, disputes relating to marriage and family affairs and for matters
connected therewith. From a perusal of the Statement of Objects and Reasons, H
it appears that the said Act, inter alia, seeks to exclusively provide within the
A jurisdiction of the Family Courts the matters relating to the property of the
spouses or either of them. Section 7 of the Act provides for the jurisdiction
of the Family Court in respect of suits and proceedings as referred to in the
Explanation appended thereto. Explanation (c) appended to Section 7 refers
to a suit or proceeding between the parties to a marriage with respect to the
B property of the parties or of either of them.
The fact of the matter, as noticed hereinbefore, clearlly shows that the
dispute between the parties to the marriage arose out of the properties claimed
by one spouse against the other. The respondent herein made a categorical
statement to the effect that the properties were purchased out the amount paid
C in cash or by way of ornaments and the source of consideration for purchasing
the properties described in Schedules 'A' and 'B' of the suit having been
borne out of the same, the appellant herein was merely a trustee in relation
thereto and could not have claimed any independent interest thereupon. It is
also apparent that whereas the agreement marked as Exhibit A I was executed
D on 17.09.1994, the appellant pronounced Talaq on 01.11.1995. The wordings
'disputes relating to marriage and family affairs and for matters connected
therewith' in the view of this Court must be given a broad construction. The
Statement of Objects and Reasons, as referred to herein before, would clearly
go to show that the jurisdiction of the Family Court extends, inter alia, in
relation to properties of spouses or of either of them which would clearly
E mean that the properties claimed by the parties thereto as a spouse of other;
irrespective of the claim whether property is claimed during the subsistence
of a marriage or otherwise.
The submission of the learned counsel to the effect that this Court
should read the words "a suit or proceeding between the parties to a marriage"
F as parties to a subsisting marriage, in our considered view would lead to
miscarriage of justice.
The Family Court was set up for settlement of family disputes. The
reason for enactment of the said Act was to set up a court which would deal
G with disputes concerning the family by adopting an approach radically different
from that adopted in ordinary civil proceedings. The said Act was enacted
despite the fact that Order 32A of the Code of Civil Procedure was inserted
by reason of the Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act, 1976, which
could not bring about any desired result.
The two proceedings are absolutely separate and distinct. The impugned
judgment does not show that the said question was even argued before the H