BOOK - My Battle Against Cancer
BOOK - My Battle Against Cancer
BOOK - My Battle Against Cancer
My thanks to Nath. Without her I would never have been able to write this book.
It's too hard to think about everything that's happened to me over the past year.
She knew how to put into words all my thoughts and all the mp3s that I sent her.
Thanks again for his precious help.
If I am joining this book today and if I suggested that Guy write it with him, it is above all in order to give a little hope
to all the patients who no longer have it. I was very touched by his story. I got to know him through his YouTube
"Cancer Therapy", which I have followed diligently for a few months. From the start I was impressed by his fierce
determination, by his exceptional courage in the face of the announcement of "his programmed death" by the doctors,
by his unfailing fight for himself and for other patients, to such an extent that his subscribers have nicknamed him "the
samurai". I also felt a lot of emotions in front of his blues, his doubts, his fears and also laughed a lot because Guy
has a sharp humor, that cancer has never managed to take away from him and never will be. I rejoiced with joy at
each of his victories over this damn crab that took with him my godfather and my father and cruelly touched my
mother. A samurai never fights in vain, he always triumphs in the end and Guy will win his crusade, I'm sure. His
strength, his sensitivity, his values, which are in line with mine, have made me feel very fond of him.
All profits from this book will be donated to the association
"Survive from cancer", Non-profit
[email protected]
The definition of cancer is cell division out of control. It is the mitochondria in the cytoplasm of our cells that maintains
the state of quiescent differentiation and regulated growth. The mitochondria control the energy homeostasis of our
cells and ultimately that of our entire body through the process of oxidative phosphorylation (OxPhos). The carbons
from the food we eat are combined in the mitochondria with the oxygen that we breath to form the energy of life. This
respiratory energy production is highly efficient in maintaining regulated cell growth. The waste products of OxPhos
are water and carbon dioxide, much of which is released in our breath.
Cancer involves chronic damage to the number, structure, and function of mitochondria. This damage can arise from
diet and lifestyle issues together with broad range of risk factors including radiation, chronic inflammation, intermittent
hypoxia, chemical carcinogens, rare inherited mutations, oncogenic viruses, and advancing age. Abnormalities to
mitochondrial integrity within a cell will gradually disrupt energy production through OxPhos causing the cell to
compensate by increasing energy production through the ancient pathways of fermentation. Fermentation involves
energy production in the absence of oxygen. Fermentation was the predominant mechanism for energy production in
all cells prior to the emergence of oxygen in the atmosphere some 2.5 billion years ago. Unbridled growth
characterized all of the cells living at that time.
Energy production from fermentation is highly inefficient. Large amounts of fermentable fuels are required in the local
environment to drive energy production through fermentation. Fermentation is also the mechanism for energy
generation in all major cancers including those of the breast, the colon, the lung, the brain, the liver, the kidney, the
ovary, the bladder, the pancreas, the bone, and the prostate. The sugar glucose and the amino acid glutamine are
the fuels necessary for driving the fermentation metabolism of the growing tumor. The higher the blood sugar, the
faster is the tumor growth, whereas the lower the blood sugar, the slower is the tumor growth. Unfortunately, the
linkage of high blood sugar to rapid cancer growth remains unknown to many, as cancer patients are often given high
carbohydrate drinks and foods during their treatments.
In contrast to normal cells that produce water and CO2 as waste products, cancer cells produce large amounts of
lactic acid as a waste product of their fermentation metabolism. Oxidative stress from defective respiration together
with lactic acid dumping into the tumor microenvironment causes the genetic abnormalities observed in the nucleus of
the cancer cells. In other words, the mutations observed in the tumor cells are not the cause of cancer, but are
downstream effects of the abnormal energy metabolism. Hence, the management and eventual resolution of cancer
will involve therapies that can effectively restrict fermentable fuels (glucose and glutamine) to the tumor cells while
transitioning the body to non-fermentable fuels (ketone bodies), which the tumor cells cannot use for energy.
Guy Tenenbaum is successfully managing his prostate cancer using metabolic therapy as an alternative to radiation
and chemotherapy. His low-carbohydrate, high-fat dietary choices and water-only fasting protocols will restrict his
tumor cells of the fermentable fuels they require for dysregulated growth. His elevated blood ketone levels will not
only enhance energy production in Guy's body while starving his tumor cells, but will further restrict glutamine-linked
energy production in the tumor cells. No tumor cell can survive for very long without glucose and glutamine. Guy is
truly battling his cancer in choosing a non-toxic therapeutic strategy that attacks the fermentation mechanism needed
for tumor cell survival. He is now in control of his destiny and is not dependent on toxic chemotherapies or radiation
that would undermine his vitality and will to live.
Guy Tenenbaum is a pioneer in using metabolic therapy to manage his advanced prostate cancer. Many more cancer
suffers will follow Guy's lead. It is not clear how long it will take for the cancer industry to recognize that cancer is
primarily a mitochondrial metabolic disease and not a genetic disease. Most of the current cancer therapies are
based on the belief that cancer is a genetic disease. Many of the therapies based on this misunderstanding are
unacceptably toxic and do not target the glucose and glutamine necessary for tumor cell survival and growth.
Consequently, over 1,600 people are dying each day from cancer (650,000/year) in the US, while millions more are
dying world-wide from this disease. This tragic situation will end once cancer becomes recognized as a manageable
metabolic disease.
Thomas N. Seyfried, Ph.D.
Professor of Biology
Author of "Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: On the Origin, Management, and Prevention of Cancer"
A standard diet today is roughly 50% carbohydrate, 35% fat, and 15% protein.
Conversely, the ketogenic diet contains very few carbohydrates. It is almost exclusively composed of fats and
proteins, the objective being to no longer derive our energy from glucose but from lipids.
Indeed, during this diet, to adapt to the shortage of sugar and continue to supply the muscles and the brain, the liver
makes ketone bodies'* from our fats, just like during fasting, which has the effect of a fairly rapid weight loss. On the
other hand, ketones are a great source of energy for healthy cells, but not for malignant cells, which also no longer
have access to their favorite food, glucose.
The state of ketosis is by no means an abnormal state of the body. Indeed, in the history of mankind, the phases
during which the human diet contained few sugars constitute more the norm than the exception, as well as the
shortage of food which was not rare (wars, famines). We can say that it is a state of adaptation of the body in the
event of a drastic lack of food or carbohydrates.
This diet was developed over 90 years ago, exactly in 1921, by Dr. Russell Wilder (Mayo Clinic Minnesota), originally
to treat epilepsy, especially for children. A strict ketogenic diet is about 90% fat, 8% protein, and just 2%
carbohydrate. Due to the imbalance of the diet, it is necessary to have additional contributions in vitamins, minerals,
and it is better to have a medical and nutritional follow-up if you decide to adopt it. This diet has very few side effects.
In the first days you may feel fatigue, headaches, nausea, difficulty concentrating but these effects do not last.
Afterwards, cramps and constipation are possible.
For my part, I only noticed a little discomfort and dizziness during the transition to the state of ketosis. It is
recommended that you drink a lot, take magnesium and potassium, and get enough fiber.
This diet mimics the effects of fasting but without muscle wasting which is a big advantage. Its goal is to limit the
access of tumors to glucose and also to decrease the insulin which promotes the growth of tumor cells. It therefore
harms diseased cells and is a major asset in the fight against cancer.
It is in the service of Dr. Thomas Seyfried that this diet has been studied in a concrete and scientific way, which
according to him makes it possible to fight effectively against cancer. It is also increasingly requested by patients and
used in addition to conventional treatments. It has the advantage of
reducing the
adverse effects of chemotherapy, increasing its effectiveness and supporting the energy and mood of patients.
Studies, still few in humans, show very good results, particularly on brain tumors. It is followed especially by epileptics
but is experiencing a resurgence of interest in other neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's
disease, brain damage during strokes but also diabetes and, as previously said,
To find out if you are in ketosis, you can measure it using special urine test
Foods Allowed in the Standard Ketogenic Diet :
● Sea food
● Poultry
● Meats
● fish
● Eggs
● Butter
● Vegetable oils
● Vinegar
● Lemon juice
● Olives
● avocados
● Low-carb vegetables (spinach, lettuce, kale, etc.)
● Hard cheeses (100 g per day), milk, yoghurts
● Vegetables rich in carbohydrates (except carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, peas and corn)
● Red or blue berries (blackberries, blueberries, blackcurrants, etc.)
● Coffee without sugar
Personally, I'm not really on this diet anymore, l'm on a ketogenic diet of my own, where there are no inflammatory
foods 5 and which is a little closer to the Mediterranean diet. I think this is one of the keys because if I have no pain
anywhere and if I am doing better than other unfortunate "comrades in misfortune" it is probably because I have no
inflammation. Is as simple as that.
On the other hand, studies have confirmed that inflammation and cancer are closely related. I therefore do not eat all
the authorized foods but only take those which are antioxidants, alkaline and especially anti-inflammatory, and of
course no sugar or carbohydrate.
My special anti-cancer ketogenic diet36:
Foods that I allow myself:
*Small fish (sardines, mackerel, anchovies, etc.)
• The olives, avocados
*Olive oil and avocado oil, almonds, brazil nuts and chia and flax seeds
● Unsweetened and raw vegetables (garlic, onion, crucifers, green peppers, asparagus, mushrooms, celery,
scallion, etc.
● No fruit except lemon and once a week a pomegranate or berries
● Coffee without sugar, almond milk and matcha green tea + mint
6.4 Alkalinization :
The pH (potential of hydrogen) is the measurement that determines whether a solution is acidic or basic. The pH
scale ranges from 0 to 14, 7 being the measure of neutrality. A liquid is considered acidic from 0 to 6.9 (vinegar,
soda) and alkaline from 7.1 to 14 (lye). The pH of our blood is between 7.32 and 7.42.
During digestion, the food we eat is reduced in amino acids (from proteins), simple sugars and fatty acids, which are
either alkalizing or acidifying. Note that an acidic food is not necessarily acidifying, such as lemon for example. You
can test the pH of your urine with pH paper strips. The first urine in the morning can have an acidic pH of 5 or even
less as the body sheds its acidity overnight. During the day our urine should have a pH between 7 and 7.5.
It is estimated that a growing number of people suffer from systemic acidity (or acidosis) which can be caused by the
stresses of everyday life (anxiety, trauma).
These stresses, added to fatigue and junk food, lead to an imbalance in pH. To rebalance it, the body will use the
alkaline compounds in the diet first and if it does not have enough, it will draw calcium from bones, teeth and
potassium from muscles. Chronic acidosis could accelerate the damage done by free radicals, possibly contributing
to cancerous mutations.
Following an alkaline diet is often promoted to prevent and treat cancer. The resulting decrease in acidity would lead
to an increase in the pH of the blood, thus providing a less favorable environment for tumor growth. But as with many
elements of my CBT there is a dearth of scientific information on this question.
Only Otto Warburg was interested in it and discovered that two factors are always present in cancer, the acidity
outside the cells and their poor respiration. This is because the inside of the cancer cell is more alkaline than in a
healthy cell. Oxygen is not lacking, but mitochondria fail to use it (because they are too few or defective). By
correcting these two factors that are the cause of cancer, we can reduce or reverse the cancer process. It needs an
acidic and oxygen-poor environment to survive and develop. In fact, terminally ill cancer patients are more acidic than
they should be. In fact, the ph of their urine and saliva is very often between 4.0 and 5.5. When the cancer turns to
metastasize, the pH drops further. Our body cannot fight disease if the pH is not properly balanced.
This is why I eat alkalizing food, drink high pH water, and take baking soda. I add lemon juice or apple cider vinegar
to the latter (organic obviously). I first took two teaspoons every 12 hours and then a single teaspoon every 12 hours,
so that my pH remained around 7.5 or 8. I tested my saliva and urine to adapt my dosage according to the result.
6.6 Artemisinin
Artemisinin is the active medicinal substance of the plant Artemisia annua whose medicinal properties have been
known in China for more than 2000 years.
It was discovered by a Chinese research team led by Tu Youyou, pharmacology researcher, research director at the
Chinese Academy of Traditional Medicine and Nobel Prize in medicine in 2015. It seems to be the most effective way
to fight Malaria today. Henry Lai and Narendra Singh, from the University of Washington, have demonstrated the
effectiveness of the drug which could kill 98% of cancer cells, especially in blood and breast cancer. It is freely sold in
the United States but banned in Europe. The WHO has in fact recommended stopping the marketing in oral
monotherapy because this would promote resistance of the parasite to artemisinin, a bit like antibiotics with bacteria.
Dandelion root : Dandelion is a plant that has many properties, including being a depurative, a diuretic, and effective
against gallstones and kidney stones. A group of researchers in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the
University of Windsor, Canada, conducted research on this plant and the good results have raised new hope for all
those suffering from cancer. Dandelion root has been shown to be very effective in killing cancer cells, without
damaging healthy cells (especially for leukemia).
Moringa: it is a plant native to India. It is very rich in flavonoids: rutin, quercetin.
In some studies, we notice an antioxidant power greater than vitamin C. Moringa has an anticancer action proven in-
Nettle leaves : their content of natural bioactive products, including polyphenols, have antioxidant, anti-mutagenic and
antiproliferative properties.
The effectiveness of this edible plant in preventing or reducing human cancer has been demonstrated in the
laboratory as well as in animals.
Ashwagandha: it is a shrub native to India also called Indian ginseng. According to some studies it would prevent
metastases and angiogenesis of tumors (growth of their own blood network). It would also prevent them from
absorbing glutamine.
Wheatgrass: it is the young growth of wheat. A Chinese study has shown that it considerably slows the development
of cancer, which is very good for me. I take it in tablets and powder but the fresh herb juice seems the best.
Vitamin D69: vitamin D_is a potent inhibitor of tumors. It also plays an important anti-inflammatory role. In any case, it
is my most pleasant TCC. Indeed I have to take it in tablets but above all stay two to three hours a day in the sun.
This has the effect of oxygenating my blood and making my surroundings a little more unpleasant for cancer. This is
the best time of my treatment! A little anecdote about this : a doctor asked me what I was doing to heal myself. I told
him I was sunning for two or three hours every day and he said "but be careful you can get cance r!" Suddenly he
turned all red, realizing the enormity he had just said!
Vitamin K2 : It is used to fix vitamin D and also has an anticancer role°
. If we are
to believe the results of the " European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)" study, a high
consumption of vitamin K2 is associated with both a reduced risk of cancer and a reduced risk of cancer mortality.
These results are not found with vitamin K1.
Vitamin C : Linus Pauling, Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1954, tests its effectiveness on himself. Excited by the results,
he began to study this vitamin.
In 1971, he began a long collaboration with the Scottish oncologist Ewan Cameron, about the use of vitamin C by
intravenous or oral injection for the care of terminally ill cancer patients. Cameron and Pauling write extensively as
well as an outreach book, titled " Vitamin C and Cancer," which describes their observations. The use of high dose
vitamin C injections is quite controversial at the moment with conflicting studies again. I take it in 1000 mg tablets
several times a day.
Vitamin E: Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant whose main function is to protect the body from damage to cells. It can
also help maintain a healthy immune system and protect against chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer.
Vitamin B12 : It is mainly used to reduce the tremors of my hand and not to be anemic.
Vitamin B1 : it is useful in case of diabetes and helps to normalize the metabolism.
Vitamin B17 or bitter apricot kernel almond: it is believed to contain cyanide which could kill cancer cells. On the
packages that I buy it is advisable to take only two to ten per day. I don't believe it at all, moreover they taste most of
the time not at all bitter. I took up to 300 in a day and I am still alive so I am not sure it has any effectiveness but in
doubt I use it anyway. And then it serves me as dessert.
Selenium: In our diet, selenium is mainly found in fish, seafood, meat (offal), grains, dairy products and eggs.
Selenium is a trace element with antioxidant properties. Overall, it is known for its protective effects against prostate
cancer, but the results of studies are sometimes contradictory. Oh yes again !
Magnesium: In my blood tests my level is neither too high nor too low but I think I need it and I have seen a lot of
articles that say it reduces the risk of cancer.
Iron: I take it when I have anemia (lack of red blood cells). As usual, many studies say that it is an anticancer but also
the opposite. If in doubt, as soon as my red blood cells are raised, I will stop absorbing them. It is definitely very
difficult to navigate all these contradictions !
Potassium: Like iron this is a contested supplement. On some websites it is said that it is good and on others it is not.
It seems it's dangerous to run out of it so I'm watching my blood tests.
Calcium: to strengthen the bones (if calcium is lacking).
6.8 Lifestyle and sport
To better fight against my cancer, I of course banned deodorants and perfume. Instead, | wash ... sometimes. The
same with household deodorants and other more or less chemical products.
When it comes to sport, its usefulness or not is a matter of controversy. Until now it was thought to be positive for
cancer. Tests were in fact carried out by injecting the radioactive product of the scintigraphie into people who were
then made to run and move for two or three hours. The result is an absence of traces of glucose ingested by tumors,
proving that the muscles have absorbed everything without leaving anything for the cancer.
According to Thomas Seyfried it is quite different. Muscles do eat the glucose that your body has made while
exercising, but as the malignant cells no longer have anything to eat, they transform and then feed on glutamine
(amino acid from our food and our own proteins). The problem is that we know how to kill cells that work with glucose
but not cells that use glutamine.
I have found a lot of articles that deal with this subject and I have concluded that in phase 4 it is better not to play
sports. That's why I limit myself to doing a little weight lifting and walking.
Chapter 7: my results, my doubts, my victories
"They didn't know it was impossible so they did it"
Mark Twain
February 4, 2019:
After my seventeenth day of fasting, I feel a lot of benefits. Besides the fact that I lost 11 kilos I no longer have the
urgency to go to the bathroom at night.
When I saw my oncologist a month ago, he told me that nothing could be done about it. The point is, I am no longer
in a rush to pee, I can wait in my bed and restrain myself without a problem. In addition, all my pain due to diabetes
(calves, soles of the feet) have completely disappeared. Regarding my fasting, I no longer have a dry mouth or a
feeling of hunger. I don't feel like I'm terminally dying and hope to show my doctors lies.
February 16, 2019 :
I saw my two oncologists who were very clear about me that I have no chance of getting out. It also seems that my
cancer is growing in my lungs. I have tried the diet, haven't eaten for 25 days, and seeing my PSA results it seems
like it didn't help. A recent study on autophagy has shown that it puts cancer cells on the back burner but does not
destroy them. I also took baking soda dreaming it was going to work. My doctors told me that by continuing with what
I am doing I will kill the patient and that for sure I will kill the cancer with it!
February 21, 2019 :
It's really not terrible because the disease has gained ground, basically I eventually come to an end because it is
definitely incurable according to my doctors. I have an operation on February 27 (orchiectomy) and on March 27,
after having recovered, I will find myself in Houston at Anderson hospital, in palliative care, for clinical trials to which I
am entitled since in the terminal phase.
For that at least I can say thank you to Donald Trump because until last year it was forbidden to try treatments not yet
approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), American agency for food and drug products.
I will therefore be able to benefit from a treatment that will prolong me longer possible with a certain quality of life.
This is not really good, as none of my four doctors gave me the slightest chance of survival. Beside my official
treatment I continue my non-traditional methods, baking soda, autophagy and anti-cancer poisons (antioxidants). I
will know at my next scan in July if it's useful or if I'm torturing myself for nothing.
March 4, 2019 :
I seem to be in great shape and am almost a young man again. I lost twenty-five pounds in forty-five days and lost
three sizes up, three sizes down. I feel great and yet my doctors tell me I'm going to die healthy, that's all I'm going to
gain by torturing myself like I do, but I don't want to die so I fight.
I eliminate stress as much as possible, I have delegated all my problems to my notaries and lawyers and I don't take
care of anything at all. I fast trying to starve the cancer before I do, stuff myself with antioxidants, baking soda with
lemon. I take the treatments from my oncologists, who only delay the maturity without curing me, while wondering if
the patients are dying from the treatments or from the cancer itself.
My doctors tell me to enjoy life but I definitely can't, so I'm going to fight until the last moment. I hope not to receive a
big slap in two or three months as they predict to me, that it starts and that there is nothing more to do. Well no I do
not accept it and I will prove to them that they are wrong!
April 4, 2019 :
My oncologist is surprised by my results, they are very encouraging. I am happy because he did not notice any
deterioration in my study of my scintigraphy and my scanner. So, I ask him if I'm going to live longer, but for him it's
still two years of survival if all goes well, if I don't develop a new cancer. And for me if I don't die of a heart attack or
side effect of medication.
I'm doing all I can to save myself with my CBTs. I have the idea of disseminating my "treatment" and why not make it
a therapeutic trial for terminally ill patients.
I think it is effective because I feel it and have seen it since going to the hospital every month. I see in fact the other
patients who have been diagnosed at the same time as me who are unfortunately deteriorating and I who remain in
"good health". All my pain and inflammation have disappeared, I no longer have hypertension, no more diabetes, no
more pressing urges to urinate. To all the questions I ask my oncologists about what I do I have never had an answer
because they have never had a case like mine.
My doctor calls me back half an hour after our appointment to tell me that my
PSA has gone from 5.83 to 2.53 and he cannot explain it. Same ten minutes later to tell me that my testosterone is
undetectable. He then said a superb phrase to me: "Whatever you are doing, keep doing it". First sentence coming
out of his mouth is not like "Enjoy life" or "When you kill the patient the cancer will be dead!" For once I am going to
follow his advice scrupulously. I can be a model patient whenever I want.
April 17, 2019 :
Ten days after my excellent PSA level, I took another blood test because my doctor warned me against possible side
effects due to all the products that I take and their surprise, it went down to 1.44! In 20 years, my oncologist had
never seen this, but he told me it could fluctuate. I absolutely do not believe in these stories, for me it either drops and
it's good or it climbs and it's not good at all.
Unfortunately, as Professor Joyeux says, cancer always finds its way. So, I take all the treatments that I think are
effective to kill him or he will kill me. It's not easy, it's a lot of suffering, I no longer live; I only live with the word
cancer, I think cancer, I sleep cancer, I no longer have a family life, I do not have any more life at all.
April 24, 2019 :
Another victory against cancer, my PSA went down to 1.10. I have not changed my treatment. I still do all my
"nonsense." The problem is, I don't know if it's useful or not because it doesn't seem to extend my lifespan, according
to my doctor. If my PSA goes up, I guess the duration will be shortened and I haven't found any information that tells
me I will live longer otherwise or if the cancer has changed in severity. This is nevertheless very good news.
May 16, 2019 :
The benefits I recieved from this suffering are huge compared to the few ridiculous side effects. The Zytiga gives me
wrist pain every night, it's annoying but very bearable. I also have a metallic taste in my mouth when I drink water,
quite a foul taste I must say. Also, my brain is disconnected from my bladder, it wakes me up every hour at night to
pee when I don't want to. As a result, I have bad nights and have a hard time going back to sleep because I
immediately think about my cancer, how to beat it, what to do. My doctors tell me that my body needs to get used to
The positive effects are many more and not the least; I have no more cholesterol, no more hypertension and no more
type 2 diabetes! The most incredible thing is that two weeks after the start of my fast all my pains disappeared (back
pain, calves, feet, all my joint inflammation, etc.). I also have the impression that I can see and hear better, that my
mind is clearer. However, I still have blackouts, probably because of fatigue.
In summary, I only get considerable benefits from having autophagy and taking all my TCC.
June 1, 2019 :
Bad news, my PSA level rose to 1.40 and my blood sugar level to 110.
Obviously, I immediately looked for what I had done wrong. Before my fast I did not eat anything sweet other than red
fruits so I will cut them out. Also, during my diet, I may have resumed my vitamins and minerals a little too early. I do
not think it is catastrophic because it is the norm but my rate rose twice in a row and it is annoying.
The additional bad news is that my doctors have decided to postpone my CT
Scan until the end of September or the beginning of October because it takes at least six months for the cancer not to
benefit from the beam cluster or the injection of glucose.
July 12, 2019 :
My results are exceptional, my PSA level is 0.88. My oncologist congratulated me and again encouraged me to
continue with what I am doing. Mount Sinai Hospital is the most beautiful hospital | have ever seen. Waiting times are
very low, at most a quarter of an hour between two stages. Its staff are smiling and welcoming, the parking, the
cleanliness, the premises, everything is perfect, apart from the industrial snacks stuffed with sugar that are served in
abundance to patients. I would also like to warmly thank all those who work there and my doctors too of course.
August 14, 2019 :
My results are excellent: PSA of 1 and sugar 88, everything else in my analysis is perfect. I'm just missing a few white
and red blood cells. It is always an anxiety for me because if my rate goes up it means that nothing of what I do is
To those who say that in case of phase 4 cancer it is necessary to do autophagy only I can only answer in the
negative, the body is no longer able to provide for its own needs. It's not me saying it, but Nobel Prize winners and
great professors.
I will therefore continue on this path. Nothing that I do is due to chance, everything is thought out.
September 10, 201984 :
I got my results, my PSA is 0.40. This has never been seen on a terminally il person for twenty months. My
testosterone is still undetectable, which means that my mint leaves have the same effect as Zytiga! All vitamins and
minerals are at normal levels. No one could find my cancer with these blood tests. My next scan is scheduled for
March 2020. My wife and I have hugged each other as we are starting to really believe it, and who knows I may have
discovered something. If I save myself, I will strive to save the other patients and I will continue my videos, I made the
October 10, 2019 :
Nine months ago, in this same place, there was a fat man who thought he was going to die because he had been
told. Nine months later, this same man, thirty-five kilos less, hopes to be able to live, by dint of fights, struggles,
research, refusal of what the doctors consider inexorable. So yes, it was very difficult and it still is today. I have
excellent blood results, a blood pressure of 12-7 (from a young man), a heart rate of 64 (from an athlete that I am
not). My doctor confirms to me that diet is very important and that I do everything that is humanly possible to maintain
health with cancer in phase 4, but that it never improves at this stage. For my lifetime, the answer now is "God only
knows." There is progress! So I will continue to fight, to seek, to find what to do.
November 21, 201986 :
I have had a more in-depth blood test and have four times the normal ferritin level. My creatinine is a little too low, my
red blood cells too (anemia). Other than that, everything is perfect, my PSA is at 0.2 and my glycated hemoglobin at
4.5, which is extraordinary. I still find it strange to have anemia but no lack of iron or vitamin B12. I think I have
inflammation of the liver from one of my TBIs, probably artemisinin or vitamin B17. So I'm going to stop taking all my
CBTs (except the metabolic treatment and methylene blue) until my next blood test in December to see if that's it.
Vitamins and minerals also to know if my levels remain within the norm and if my body is able to provide for itself from
now on.
I keep my spirits up and keep fighting. Am I not a samurai ?!
December 26, 201987:
It's even better than I expected: 0.1 from PSA. Faced with such a result, my doctor joked that I will no longer have a
prostate at 0. My ferritin has returned to normal; it has increased to 179 against more than 1400 previously! My liver
has released the stock it had so I won't be supplementing with iron just yet.
Regarding the minerals I will unfortunately only have an analysis in three months, it's a shame, I did not know that
these examinations were done every quarter and I would have liked to know if my rates fluctuate without input of
supplements. For the first time I think my cancer is regressing, I did not say that I was saved but I think that with the
help of great researchers I will be cured in the near future.
March 3, 2020 :
My blood test results are again very good. For the third month in a row my PSA is at 0.105, barely discernible. I only
have a slight deficiency in creatinine and hemoglobin (probably due to a lack of animal protein). My ferritin level has
fallen again, it went from over 2000 to 170 then 103. As my oncologist made it clear to me that it was a marker of
bone cancer, this is rather excellent news for me. My blood sugar levels are normal, my diabetes seems to be
permanently cured, yet the doctors say it is not reversible. I've been eating a lot more sugar lately, in Sanary and
Paris in particular, to find out how my body will react, and my glucose has not gone over 93 which had never
happened until now. Unfortunately, my scanner and my CT Scan were postponed to May 25 and that annoys me, it is
anxiety and more.
May 29, 2020 :
Finally I was able to do my blood test and my CT Scan but, to make matters worse, the scanner broke down ! It is
really nerve-racking to have to wait a little longer to find out what it really is with my cancer, especially since it will not
take place until July 13! My PSA rate is still very good: 0.114 with a really insignificant increase, so I have no worries
about that. My blood work is also generally good.
My scan shows that there is no more cancerous activity and confirms the result previously obtained 15 months ago,
when my French oncologist told me that what we saw on the images were only the scars of my metastases, which
will undoubtedly take time to disappear. There is improvement in the joints and soft tissue (cartilage) that will likely
continue. So, I can say it, it's a victory, I don't have bone cancer anymore and I'm really very happy. If I can do it, you
can do it too, I am not an alien. You just have to hang on, you have to be in good spirits, give up stress, bad food,
have a little pleasure from time to time but without exaggerating and in this way, you can save yourself.
July 18, 2020 :
I received my scan results over the internet and I have to say I'm a little shocked that my doctor didn't even call me to
give me details because it's not easy to navigate the gibberish medical. The conclusion of the balance sheet is; stable
results. My prostate has enlarged a bit. My ganglion in the right groin has returned to normal, the one on the left has
grown slightly (Arnaud Tisserand thinks that this may come from oxidative stress following my problems with the
"Fondation de France-guérir du cancer"). My lung thickening is gone, there are a few micronodules though. I will
supplement myself with vitamin k2 to decrease the arterial calcification that I have also been found. The pictures also
show a stone in one of my kidneys. I have an appointment on September 2, I would have more details at that time.
July 28, 2020% :
My son gave me a big surprise, he called my urologist and my oncologist to get more details on my results. My
doctors confirmed the total disappearance of metastases so I no longer have stage 4 cancer. The micronodules in the
lungs, according to them, are 98% benign, the prostate is a little enlarged and the swollen lymph node that I have left
is not from probably not cancer, because my PSA (that of August 2) is still 0.1 so no worries on this side, it is
probably due to the bike that I stopped for the moment. What great news after all these months of hard fighting !
However, I will probably always fear that he will come back another way so I will continue with what I am doing
August 10, 2020*2:
I have an appointment with my son today to review all the points that need to be clarified because I see my family
doctor tomorrow and thanks to a very recent law from Donald Trump, patients are now allowed to demand health
insurance exams, which suits me a lot. For example, for my nodules, even if they have the probability of being 98%
benign, I would like to know what it really is. Ditto for my swollen lymph nodes. For my kidney stone, I have not been
offered anything, so I will try to have it removed, I will not wait for it to grow and cause me problems later. I also want
to know all of my mineral and vitamin balance. It might be hard to get these exams because the doctors know
everything and usually say it's not worth doing them but I don't care If they say that. I am a textbook case, I cured
myself of incurable cancer on my own. In addition, there are people who do not believe it they say that my cancer is
stable so I want to remove any doubt about my cure. My oncologists have told me that they no longer see tumors or
metastases, but that they cannot tell if the cancer is gone, so l have to get to the bottom of this to prove my cure and
thus help others.
August 11, 2020 :
The appointment with my family doctor went well. He congratulates me and asks me what brings me. I explain to him
that cancer, always finding a way, I would like it not to find it at home and I explain to him the various little things that I
have. He orders me to have a complete blood test including lactic acid. I tell him about my groin pain that radiates
down my thigh to the knee and my muscle stiffness in my left arm. He then gives us the name of a doctor specializing
in pain management who, depending on the pain I feel, will know which exams I should take. Appointment is made on
August 20. I hope to document more and follow the evolution of my health extremely seriously so as not to be caught
off guard.
Chapter 8: Beautiful Encounters
"False friends support you with one hand and overthrow you with the other"
Danish proverb
The only advantage, if I may say so, that I have had with my illness, is that I have made very good encounters, which
I probably never would have had if I had been in good health. Men and women of worth, great researchers and
Thierry Casanovas :
He is the first to have answered my call for help on YouTube and to have supported me by telling me not to give up.
He's a good guy. I consider him a friend and I share a lot of things with his way of thinking, of doing. We
communicate by MP3, he encourages me and responds to my requests for advice. We don't always agree but I
appreciate it, how can we not love someone who dedicates their life to helping others. For the past ten years, he has
been giving useful advice in the field of food, health and lifestyle on his YouTube channel and his website. For this he
is brutalized by some, we even take him for a guru and the press has been unleashed against him! Yet he only
informs and helps. I discovered autophagy on his videos even before I discovered it with the Nobel Prize winners and
American professors. He knows a lot of things because he did like me, eight years early. He has sought and tried to
understand and his knowledge he gives for free. Given its audience, it seems that there is a real need from people in
this area. My claims are less because I address myself mainly to those dying of cancer.
Meeting with Pr. Thomas Seyfried :
You can't know how much my adorable son went out of his way to make this meeting happen ! Thomas Seyfried is
not a doctor with whom you make an appointment by phone for money, he is an eminent biochemist who receives
whom he wants, when he wants and how he wants. His first response was to go see a man who had survived severe
prostate cancer but was less advanced than mine. His second response was to go see a medical specialist. At the
insistence of my son, he agreed to give us an appointment because he told him that we had an important message to
send him.
Until the last moment, I was afraid of being received by a colleague of his and my son wrote back to him the day
before to tell him that the important message was from Laurent Schwartz, to be sure that it was he who we were
talking about welcomes us. It was and it was extraordinary. He immediately told us that chimpanzees did not have
cancer and I replied that it was because in nature there was no fast food. We joked about it a bit and I passed our
message on to him. He called his collaborator and their research brains kicked in and so to speak, me and my son
didn't exist for them at all. Fortunately, they returned to earth a few minutes later, phew! I was delighted with the
quality of his approach and the richness of our discussions and what we are going to be able to do together. He's
going to submit my file to his medical staff to see what I'm doing. Then I will have to send my results every month. If I
exceed the year I have left according to my oncologists and I am still in this world in August 2020 he will write a book
or a thesis on me and I fully intend to be there to read it ! If necessary, they will correct me if I make mistakes but as I
am a "tête de cochon", not sure that I do what they say because it is my life, it is me who decides.
Meeting with Arnaud Tisserand :
He is a professor of health education graduated from the School of Biological Sciences of Health directed by Dr. Trino
Soriano, the equivalent of Maurice Israël and Thomas Seyfried with regard to metabolic diseases, but in Spain. He
also graduated in Biology and Naturopathy from Miami University of Advanced Sciences. He came very kindly to visit
me at my home to tell me about marine plasma and the analysis of live blood using a dark field microscope.
Marine plasma or Quinton water is sea water filtered according to the protocol of René Quinton, a biologist from the
beginning of the 20th century who demonstrated the fact that sea water had the same chemical and mineral
composition as our blood plasma. In this protocol, water is taken from vortex areas called Quinton points. There are
two forms of plasma, the hypertonic form is three times more concentrated in minerals and trace elements than the
isotonic form (sea water + fresh water), the concentration of mineral salts of which is identical to that of human blood.
After having been very successtul thanks to the cure of many children with cholera, sometimes even hopeless cases,
the injectable form has lost its marketing authorization in France. in 1982 and Quinton water became a food
supplement and no longer a medicine.
Analysis of live blood with a dark field microscope gives indicators on the level of health and on the body's capacity
for regeneration and return to health. We can observe the activities in vivo, the interactions of its various components,
if there are bacteria or fungi for example. We thus have a real picture of the metabolic state of the person. He
analyzed my blood® at the end of December with his dark field microscope. Overall, this one doesn't show a huge
biological mess but does have bacteria and some fungi. Not the blood of a terminally ill cancer patient anyway ! All
my efforts are therefore clearly visible but I still have work to do to clean my body according to him.
My english videos : OvQRw6jvy6djayLnv
July 5, 2020 : Eric Berg, doctor of chiropractic (|2vWfk1M4)
January 23, 2021 : Eric Berg
( )
May 19, 2021 : Eric Berg
( U)
● I also continue to try to find the ideal diet for cancer (without gaining too much weight after fasting and
having all the necessary nutrients without having to do a blood test every month).
● Professor Eto was kind enough to send me some fagaricin. A study is underway by very competent people
who will be able to give me the information to make it accessible in the United States. It is a plant which
boosts the immune system and it would be an additional aid in the fight against cancer. Of course, we will
test if there is no incompatibility with the other products that I already take.
Whether you decide to do conventional therapy or not, it is recommended that you do this protocol as your
foundation. For those people also doing chemo/radiation, they too can benefit from this same protocol as the
nutrients and diet below may also help protect against the side effects and damage of chemo and radiation. This data
(diet, nutritional protocol) is not a treatment or replace for any medical treatment or prevention for any medical
diseases including cancer and is only research data. No promise of any claim is given in this document.
The higher-level strategy is to target at cancer's weakest link, which is the metabolic enzyme called SCOT
(abbreviation of the longer chemical name). You can look at SCOT as a door to cancer's food and building blocks. If
left open it will keep it growing.
There is two ways we will block SCOT : (1) specific herbal compounds, which chemically block SCOT and (2)
reducing dietary fat (and their byproduct called ketones). It is a lot more complex as you can see below.
There will be additional strategies as well. One is to inhibit those factors that affect the growth of cancer (called
proliferation). The enzyme that controls growth in the body is called mTOR. The most powerful way to turn this off is
through: (1) Fasting and (2) a low protein diet.
Arginine and glutamate are two amino acid that also must be reduced. The diet listed below will give you examples of
foods to eat.
All the herbs recommended to help block SCOT also have additional anti-cancer properties.
FASTING (daily and periodic prolonged) is THE most important action to implement when addressing cancer. This is
because of the following :
1. It works epigenetically, which means it controls your genes in the direction of anti-cancer effects.
2. It stops mTOR (the growth factor)
3. Decreases IGF-1 (another growth factor)
4. Increases immune stem cells (giving you your immune defense).
5. Stimulates autophagy, which rids damaged mitochondria and inhibits inflammation. Carbohydrates also
can feed cancer, so your carbs must be low.
The diet recommended for cancer is not the same diet to prevent cancer. The diet to help prevent cancer is the
Ketogenic Diet (high fat, moderate protein and low carb and Intermittent Fasting. Cancer uses a different metabolic
pathway, so the diet macros needs to be different.
Here are some specific points :
1. The lion-share of food should be vegetable, especially cruciferous vegetables.
2. The fruits you can consume were chosen for their lowered amounts of sugar, nutrient density and with anti-cancer
properties. You will not be exceeding 50 grams per day of fruits.
● Crab apples
● Berries
● Figs
● Ajwa Dates
● Tart cherries f. Muscadine Grape
3. Fats feed cancer, except omega 3 fatty acids. Fatty fish has high amounts of omega 3 fatty acids but fish also is
high in protein. However, cod liver (canned) is 20 percent omega 3 and low in protein not to mention high in vitamin D
and A. Consuming this 2x per week could be done.
4. How much protein is low protein? Roughly 4 ounces (21 grams) per day or you could use this formula to be more
exact : 0.28 grams / kg of weight. This would look like roughly the size of the palm of your hand. And when we talk
about grams of protein, we are talking about the actual protein in protein. For example, you have the gram weight of
an egg, which is 50 grams, but the protein in that egg is only 7 grams. All your calculations will be the grams of
protein in each protein source
5. Examples of 4 ounces of protein
● Hickory nuts
● Pistachios
9. You want foods that are low in arginine. This is an amino acid that can trigger the growth of cancer.
* Eat fish, chicken, beef, lamb, and eggs.
• Avoid turkey, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, walnuts and hazelnuts, chocolate, grains and squash.
Vary fasting with different patterns but keep these constant :
● OMAD daily
● 48-hour fast each week
● 72-hour fast each month
● Alpha lipoic acid : 4 grams to 1.8 grams per day ; start with less and gradually increase over 3 weeks.
Hydroxycitrate (garcinia) : 1.2 grams to 3 grams per day; start with less and gradually increase over 3
● Red Algae: take 8 grams per day
● Spirulina : take 10 - 14 grams per day (you may need to work up to this dosage)
● Black Seed Oil: 500mg 2x per day as this can increase somatostatin, which lowers insulin and glucagon,
which will slow the ketone fuel to the cancer.
"Life is like a bicycle, you have to move forward so as not to lose your balance"
Albert Einstein