kmucat 2
kmucat 2
kmucat 2
Bundle of his
Syllabus (BIO chapter 7-12, Che chapter 5-9, physic chapter 5- B. Medulla oblongata
8) + English, Pakistan Studies & Islamiyat C. SA Node
D. AV Node
For answer keys + video explanation visit our YOUTUBE
channel “Dr. Mohsin Javed” 12. Normal rate of heart beat in healthy human being A. 72 beats / sec
B. 80 beats / sec
1. First vertebrate having a closed blood circulatory system C. 72 beats / min
A. Arthropoda D. 80 beats / min
B. Annelida
C. Mollusca 13. Vessels carrying the blood away from heart
D. Coelentrata A. Veins
B. Arteries
2. Round warm belongs to C. Capillaries
A. Platyhelminthes D. Portal vein
B. Nematoda
C. Annelida 14. Average blood pressure in the vein is 2mm Hg. While in
D. Arthropoda arteries it is about
A. 10 mmHg
3. Number of caudal vertebrae in archaeopteryx B. 40 mmHg
A. 30 C. 60 mmHg
B. 15 D. 100 mmHg
C. 10
D. 20 15. Blood clot which migrates to secondary site is called
A. Thrombus
4. Double fertilization occurs in B. Embolus
A. Bryophytes C. Cyanosis
B. Ferns D. Angina
C. Gymnosperms
D. Angiosperms 16. Myocardial infraction is caused due to
A. Stroke
5. The inflorescence which look like a single flower is B. Coronary thrombosis
A. Spike C. Angioplasty
B. Capitulum D. Angina
C. Catkin
D. Umbel 17. P wave on ECG represents
A. Ventricular systole
6. Which one of the following is used in auto immune B. Ventricular diastole
disease’s & glaucoma C. Auricular systole
A. Cannabis D. Relaxation of atria & ventricles
B. Coca
C. English yew 18. Teeth which is used for cutting of something is called
D. Fever tree A. Canine
B. Incisor
7. Quinine is obtained from the bark of C. Premolar
A. Atropa D. Molar
B. Cinchona
C. Taxus 19. Time taken by bolus to reach stomach from buccal cavity
D. Cannabis A. 5-20 sec
B. 4-8 min
8. Continuous contraction & relaxation of cardiac muscle in C. 4-8 sec
the human heart is initiated by D. 5-20 min
A. AV nodes
B. Purkinji fibers 20. Gastrin is secreted by
C. SA nodes A. Stomach
D. Bundle of HIS B. Intestine
C. Liver
9. Tricuspid valve connects D. Pancreas
A. R auricle to R ventricle
B. R auricle to L ventricle 21. Enzyme responsible for the digestion of milk protein in the
C. L ventricle to L auricle human infants is
D. L auricle to R ventricle A. Lipase
B. Rennin
10. Coronary artery supply oxygen & food to the muscles of C. Steapsin
A. Heart D. Bile
B. Lung 🫁
C. Stomach 22. Structure in the mouth that prevents food from entering
D. Kidney the nosal cavities is the
A. Epiglottis
11. Heart beat is initiated by B. Soft palate
C. Tongue A. Phycology , mycology
D. Pharynx B. Mycology , Bryology
C. Bryology , Paleontology
23. Lingual lipase is recreated by D. Paleontology , Phycology
A. Ebners gland
B. Stomach 35. Symptoms of malaria appears when
C. Pancreas A. Gametes are produced
D. Liver B. RBC burst
C. Sporozoites enter liver cells
24. Digestive enzymes in pancreases are secreted by D. Oocyst is formed
A. Alpha cells
B. Beta cells 36. Moment of inertia or rotational inertia(I) is equal to
C. Delta cells A. mvr
D. Acinar cells B. mv^2/r
C. mr^2
25. Which one of the following is not the function of liver D. Ir
A. Storage of food
B. Manufacturing insulin 37. The minimum required velocity to put a satellite into the
C. Producing digestive juices orbit is called critical velocity. Which is
D. Healing itself A. 7.9 k/m
B. 7 k/m
26. Junction between stomach & duodenum is known as C. 9 k/m
A. Fundus D. 11 k/m
B. Cardiac end
C. Pyloric end 38. A body weight in downward moving lift
D.Pyloric oriface A. Increases
B. Decreases
27. Digestion of proteins completed in C. Constant
A. Stomach D. Infinite
B. Duodenum
C. Ileum 39. The dimension of angular acceleration is
D. Jejunum A. [T^-1]
B. [T]
28. Select secondary macronutrients C. [T^-2]
A. N, P, K D. [T^2]
B. Ca, Mg, S
C. Fe, Cl, Cu 40. The value of G at the moon as compared to earth is
D. All of these A. One half
B. One 4th
29. All of the followings are passive trap plants except C. One 6th
A. Drosera intermedia D. Same
B. Nepenthes
C. Darlingtonia 41. 1 rev = ________ & 1 rad = ______
D. Sarracenia A. π rad & 57.3*
B. 2π rad & 57.7*
30. Which one of the following is living pathway C. 2π rad & 57.3*
A. Symplast D. π rad & 57.7*
B. Apoplast
C. Vacuolar 42. SI unit of angular displacement & angular velocity is
D. Both A & C A. Radian^-1 & Radian
B. Radian & Rad/sec
31. Salsola is an example of C. Rad/sec & radian^-1
A. Hydrophytes D. Rad.sec & Rad/sec
B. Mesophytes
C. Xerophytes 43. The number of revolution per second of a body is called
D. Halophytes A. Frequency
B. Angular revolution
32. Premature formation of flowers, fruits is called C. Angular displacement
A. Vernalization D. Angular frequency
B. Bolting
C. Photoperiodism 44. At mean position K.E is
D. Dormancy A. Maximum
B. Minimum
33. Trypansoma cause african sickness disease when it reaches C. Constant
to D. Infinite
A. Blood steam
B. Synovial fluid 45. To find time period of simple pendulum we keep
C. Cerebrospinal fluid amplitude
D. None of these A. Small
B. Large
34. Study of algae & fungi is called C. Medium
D. Half B. And
C. Although
46. The mechanism by energy is transferred from one point to D. Because of
another point is
A. Wave motion 57. John likes chocolate, ice cream, ________his brother
B. Mechanical waves jimmy hates it
C. Transverse waves A. While
D. Longitudinal waves B. Yet
C. And
47. Speed of sound founded by Newton D. But
A. 332 m/s
B. 331 m/s 58. Ahmed is failing two of his two subjects Anatomy &
C. 281 m/s pharmacology _______ people still consider him one of the
D. 280 m/s most gifted student in Khyber Medical University
A. Because of this
48. Increase in speed of sound for each degree rise above 00 C B. In spite of this
is C. To summarize
A. 0.61 m s-1 D. To conclude
B. 1 m s-1
C. 1.9 m s-1 59. He not only visited Peshawar ____ also Mardan
D. 0.001 m s-1 A. Not
B. And
49. The effective distance for echo is C. But
A. 1 m D. Or
B. 1 km
C. 17 m 60. I read the paper ________ it interests me
D. 17 km A. Whether
B. Because
50. When water reach to an obstacle in the medium, they C. Also
bend around in obstacle the region behind it, this is the D. But
evidence of the phenomenon of
A. Propagation 61. On the day of judgement. What will be asked first
B. Diffraction A. Good & bad deeds
C. polarization B. Zukat
D. Cavitaions C. Roza
D. Namaz
51. Two fog droplets have radius 2:3 their terminal velocities
are 62. What is the 4th rukn (pillar) of Islam
A. 4:6 A. Namaz
B. 4:9 B. Roza
C. 2:9 C. Zukat
D. 4.3 D. Hajj
52. The density of human blood is 63. The oldest mosque on the earth is
A. Less than water A. Masjid e Aqsa
B. Greater than water B. Kabba
C. Equals to water C. Masjid e Quba
D. Nearly equals to water D. Masjid e Nabvi
53. Bernoulli’s equation is obtained by applying the law of 64. Kalma shahadat is the kalma number
conservation of _ A. 1st
A. Mass B. 2nd
B. Energy C. 3rd
C. Momentum D. 4th
D. Fluid
65. Which mosque was built first of all in Islam
54. Venturi meter is used to measure A. Masjid e Aqsa
A. Fluid pressure B. Kabba
B. Fluid density C. Masjid e Quba
C. Fluid speed D. Masjid e Nabvi
D. All of these
66. Pakistan day is observed on
55. The dimensions of the coefficient of viscosity are A. 5th February
A. ML-1T-1 B. 8th March
B. M2L1T1 C. 21st March
C. ML1T-1 D. 23rd March
D. M2L-1T-1
67. Quaid e Azam Day is observed on
56. The girl walked home by herself, _______ she knew that it A. 1st May
was dangerous B. 15th May
A. Despite C. 25th December
D. 15th December C. NaNO3
D. CaCO3
68. World largest tribal society is
A. Baloch 79. All are true regarding Kc except
B. Pashtuns A. Kc is independent to initial concentrations.
C. Sindhi B. Kc change with change in temperature.
D. Punjabi C. If Kc very large → reaction almost complete
D. If Qc > Kc →forward reaction
69. How many districts are there in KPK
A. 36 80. All are correct about solubility product except
B. 32 A. product of molar concentrations of its ions in the saturated
C. 29 solution
D. 26 B. usually very large at room temperature
C. Temperature dependent
70. Swat valley became the part of Pakistan in D. Represented by Ksp
A. 1971
B. 1969 81. Ionic product is the product of molar concentrations of its
C. 1947 ions in the saturated solution at particular solution. So if the
D. 1978 ionic product is > Ksp then solution is
A. saturated solution
71. All are the properties of hydrogen bonding except B. super saturated solution
A. 20 times stronger than covalent bond C. Unsaturated solution
B. HF is weaker acid than HCl,HBr,HI due to hydrogen bonding D. Ionic product does not help us to predict about the type of
C. Ethyl alcohol is miscible in water in all proportion due to H- solution
D. Sticky action of glue and honey is due to H-bonding 82. All are true regarding rate of reaction except
A. When conc doubles and rate doubles → first order
72. All of the following are correct about evaporation except B. When conc doubles and rate quadruples → second order
A. Evaporation occurs at constant temperature C. For finding order of reaction we use isolation method
B. Evaporation continues at the same rate D. It is independent of temperature
C. Evaporation of water is faster than ether
D. Factors affecting evaporation are surface area, temperature, 83. Select correct order of forces on the basis of their strength
inter molecular forces A. Covalent > Hydrogen > dipole diploe > Lon dispersion
B. Hydrogen > Covalent > dipole diploe > Lon dispersion
73. Molar heat of fusion, ΔHf → for ice is 6 K J/mol C. Covalent > Hydrogen > Lon dispersion > dipole diploe
A. 6 J/mol D. Hydrogen > Covalent > Lon dispersion > dipole diploe
B. 6 K J/mol
C. 40.7 K J/mol 84. All are true regarding boiling point except
D. 40.7 J/mol A. At B.P. K.E of molecule become maximum
B. Temperature remains constant at B.P
74. All are correct regarding surface tension except C. Factors affecting boiling point are external pressure & IMF
A. Liquid surface tension (indirectly)
Amount of energy required to expand thesurface of liquid by D. Pressure cooking, an example of increased pressure
unit area
B. Unit is Jm-2 or Nm-1. 85. The reason for exceptionally high boiling point of water is
C. Surface tension increase with increase in temperature. A. Its high specific heat
D. Measurement of surface tension Torsion method, Capillary B. Its high dielectric constant
method, Drop method or stalagmometer meter C. Low ionization of water molecules
D. Hydrogen bonding in the molecules of water
75. All are true about viscosity except
A. Viscosity near sides → low & Velocity near sides → high 86. The pairs of bases in DNA are held together by
B. At Centre velocity is high but viscosity is low A. Hydrogen bonds
C. SI unit of viscosity =kg/ms B. Ionic bonds
D. Viscosity of Water is 1 centipoise at 250C C. Phosphate groups
D. Deoxyribose groups
76. super cooled liquids are
A. Crystalline solids 87. Under a given set of experimental conditions, with
B. Amorphous solids increase in the concentration of the reactants, the rate of a
C. Cubic lattice chemical reaction
D. Both A & C A. Decreases
B. Increases
77. All are non polar molecular crystals except C. Remains unaltered
A. Sugar & ice D. First decreases and then increases
B. solidified noble gas
C. Carbon dioxide 88. For reaction 2A + B → products, the active mass of B is
D. S, P and I kept constant and that of A is doubled. The rate of reaction
will then
78. All are isomorphic to each other with Rhombohedral A. Increase 2 times
geometry except B. Increase 4 times
A. KNO3 C. Decrease 2 times
B. NaCl3 D. Decrease 4 times
C. No change
89. One calorie is equal to D. Forward activation energy is > reverse activation energy
A. 0.4184 Joule
B. 4.184 Joule
C. 41.84 Joule
D. 418.4 Joule
99. Which one of the following factor does not influence the
rate of reaction
A. Concentration of reactants
B. Nature of reactants
C. Molecularity of reaction
D. Temperature