1) A student performs some activities on two substances and records the observations in a table as shown.
3) The image shows an incomplete chemical equation of the reaction between iron and oxygen.
7) When calcium oxide is added to water, it completely dissolves in water without forming bubbles. What products are formed
in this reaction?
(a) Ca and H2 (b) Ca and H2O2 (c) Ca(OH)2 (d) CaH2
8) A student adds some metallic ash in water taken in a test tube. The ash gets completely dissolved in water and the solution
changes colour. What should the student do next to test the chemical properties of the product formed?
(a) Evaporate the solution to get crystals. (b) Test the basicity using a red litmus paper.
(c) Test the acidity using a blue litmus paper. (d) Measure the temperature change using a thermometer.
9) What happens when a pellet of sodium is dropped in water?
(a) It catches fire and forms oxide. (b) It absorbs heat and forms oxide.
(c) It catches fire and forms hydroxide. (d) It absorbs heat and forms hydroxide.
10) A student drops pieces of potassium and silver in beakers containing water. The image shows the reaction.
What are the products formed in each beaker?
11) Which product is formed in the chemical reaction between a small strip of magnesium and dilute nitric acid?
(a) MgNO3 and 2H2 (b) MgNO3 and H2O
(c) Mg(NO3)2 and 2H2 (d) Mg(NO3)2 and H2O
12) The chemical reaction between a piece of copper and nitric acid is given by the chemical equations,
Which option explains the reason for the formation of lead chloride?
(a) copper is more reactive than lead (b) is less reactive than copper
(c) and copper are equally reactive (d) lead is more reactive than copper
14) A student adds an equal amount of copper sulphate solution in two beakers. He adds zinc in beaker P and silver in beaker
Q. The student observes that the color of the solution in beaker P changes while no change is observed in beaker Q. Which
option arranges the metals in increasing order of reactivity?
15) A student learns that sodium and magnesium react with chloride to form sodium chloride and magnesium chloride, as
The melting point of sodium chloride is 1074 K while the melting point of magnesium chloride is 981 K. Why does sodium
chloride and magnesium chloride have a difference in melting point?
16) A student makes an electric circuit using an LED, a battery and connecting wires, as shown.
The student notices that the LED does not glow. He replaces the distilled water with a salt solution and observes that the LED
glows. How does the salt solution help the LED to glow?
17) Which option gives the process of extraction of mercury from its ore cinnabar?
(b) cooling cinnabar to convert it into mercuric oxide and then heating it
(c) cinnabar to convert it into mercuric oxide and then heating it again
(d) cinnabar in the presence of limited air to and then adding a small amount of water
18) A researcher conducts an experiment to obtain zinc from its ore. Which option gives the process that the researcher must
(a) converting metal sulphides into metallic oxides and then using carbon to reduce it to obtain pure metal
(b) metal oxides into metallic sulphides and then using carbon to reduce it to obtain pure metal
(c) converting metal oxides into metallic carbonates and then using carbon to reduce it to obtain pure metal
(d) metallic sulphides into metallic carbonates and then heating to reduce it to obtain pure metal
19) Which option explains the process to obtain pure copper from copper sulphate by electrolytic refining?
(a) When current is passed, pure copper from anode deposits to the cathode.
(b) When current is passed, pure copper from anode deposits in the electrolytic solution.
(c) When current is passed, pure copper from the electrolytic solution deposits at the anode.
(d) When current is passed, pure copper from the electrolytic solution deposits at the cathode.
20) A student notices that the surface of the iron swings in his society playground has turned brown
over the years. Which process must be done on the swings to save them from corroding?
(a) putting shades over swings (b) swings from the playground
(c) covering the surface of the swings with paint (d) the swings with black paper to protect them from sunlight
21) The table lists the process which explains how pure metals are obtained from impure samples by electrolytic refining.
(a) 2-1-3-4
(b) 1-2-4-3
(c) 3-1-4-2
(d) 4-2-3-2
22) A student notices that the surface of the iron swings in his society playground has turned brown over the years. Which
process must be done on the swings to save them from corroding?
(a) putting shades over swings (b) swings from the playground
(c) covering the surface of the swings with paint (d) the swings with black paper to protect them from sunlight
23) Earlier, every utensil or tool used at homes was made of iron. The image shows an iron bucket that has deposits of rust
over it by using over the years.
24) Reaction between X and Y , forms compound Z .X loses electron and Y gains electron. Which of the following properties is
not shown by Z ?
(a) Has high melting point (b) Has low melting point
(c) Conducts electricity in molten state (d) Occurs as solid
25) Which among the following statements is incorrect for magnesium metal ?
(a) It burns in oxygen with a dazzling white flame
(b) It reacts with cold water to form magnesium oxide and evolves hydrogen gas
(c) It reacts with hot water to form magnesium hydroxide and evolves hydrogen gas
(d) It reacts with steam to form magnesium hydroxide and evolves hydrogen gas
26) Aluminium is used for making cooking utensils. Which of the following properties of aluminium are responsible for the
same ?
(i) Good thermal conductivity (ii) Good electrical conductivity
(iii) Ductility (iv) High melting point.
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (i) and (iii)
(c) (ii) and (iii) (d) (i) and (iv)
27) During electrolytic refining of zinc, it gets
(a) deposited on cathode (b) deposited on anode (c) deposited on cathode as well as anode (d) remains in the solution
28) Match the column I to column II and select the correct answer using the codes given