Fibaro HCL Cookbook (1)

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Fibaro HCL Cookbook Guide

1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................2
1.1 Motivation.................................................................................................................................................2
1.2 Things I would like to document ..............................................................................................................2
1.3 Abbreviations ...........................................................................................................................................2
1.4 Definitions ................................................................................................................................................2
1.5 References...............................................................................................................................................2
1.6 Disclaimer ................................................................................................................................................2
2 Introduction .................................................................................................................................2
2.1 Recommended Update Procedure by chaicka ........................................................................................3
2.2 Time Synchronization ..............................................................................................................................3
3 Forcing Brackets in Block Scenes ............................................................................................3
4 Virtual Device calling a Specific Scene .....................................................................................4
4.1 Definition of the Global Variables ............................................................................................................4
4.2 Definition of the scenes ...........................................................................................................................4
4.3 Definition of the Virtual Device ................................................................................................................5
4.4 Overview and Function ............................................................................................................................6
5 Virtual Device Setting Global Variable ......................................................................................7
5.1 Definition of the Global Variables ............................................................................................................7
5.2 Definition of the Virtual Device ................................................................................................................7
5.3 Overview and Function ............................................................................................................................9
6 Virtual Device Setting Global Variables using Scenes ...........................................................10
6.1 Definition of the Global Variables ..........................................................................................................10
6.2 Definition of the Virtual Device ..............................................................................................................11
6.3 Definition of the scenes .........................................................................................................................12
6.4 Overview and Function ..........................................................................................................................16
7 Virtual Device and Scenes to Globally Activate/Deactivate Scene Execution ......................16
7.1 Definition of the Global Variables ..........................................................................................................16
7.2 Definition of the Virtual Device ..............................................................................................................17
7.3 Definition of the scenes .........................................................................................................................19
7.4 Overview and Function ..........................................................................................................................21
7.5 Using the Conditions to execute Scenes ...............................................................................................21
8 Restarting HCL with a VD and Scene with Bootup Scene .....................................................23
8.1 The VD initiating the restart ...................................................................................................................23
8.2 Scene to call the VD to restart ...............................................................................................................25
9 Smart heating, using Scenes Instead of the Panel .................................................................27
9.1 Global Variables ....................................................................................................................................27
9.2 Scene definition .....................................................................................................................................28
9.3 VD ..........................................................................................................................................................33
10 Robomow® RS615 Telling Operational State .........................................................................36
10.1 The VD representing the mower ............................................................................................................36
10.2 Global Variable ......................................................................................................................................37
10.3 Scenes to evaluate the mower state .....................................................................................................37
11 Downgrading HCL/HC2.............................................................................................................41
12 HCL Recovery mode (as available from .............................................................43

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1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation
A cookbook guide to the HCL for this and that. Helping newbies to avoid frustration.
Thanks to all the contributors in the Fibaro Forum (, without these I would have not
been able to get this all working as intended.

Keep in mind:
Do NOT copy scenes as they will most probably not work as intended, open a second window and rewrite it with
the necessary modifications.
If a global variable used in a scene is changed, the scene must most probably be rewritten, as it will not be
possible to change the variable in the scene unless all the commands below the variable are deleted. The same
applies if a VD is renamed.
Try to have items where a modification is very likely all at the bottom of the IF and the THEN, because this
allows removing and adding without deleting most of the scene.

It is recommended to use Internet Explorer® to access the web interface as firefox and chrome show a slow
performance when updating the pages. At least this is the observation on computers running Windows®.

1.2 Things I would like to document

 Writing an event from a Scene or VD to the the event log (not SMS or e-mail, only an event)
 Clearing the event log from a scene or VD
 Writing more than one variable from a VD
 Calling more than one scene from a VD not using InvokeScene, but calling with the Scene ID

1.3 Abbreviations

1.4 Definitions

1.5 References

1.6 Disclaimer
All the proposals are tested on the available HCL and seem to work fine on this system. If they perform the
same way on other system is unknown.

2 Introduction
For all examples, the following user account is used:
Username (superuser or administrator): admin
Password for this account: password
To make this account usable in all the examples, where the authentication is necessary the string
admin:password is to be converted to a base64 string.
Human readable admin:password
base64 encoded YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ=
This can be done using the following web service:

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Good to know:
Built in documentation:
All commands can be tested and work fine here, but how this is to be translated into HCL VD code I have no
Getting info on a device: http:// HCL-IP-Address/api/devices/ID
Getting info on a scene: http:// HCL-IP-Address/api/scenes/ID
All the rooms: http:// HCL-IP-Address/api/rooms
Firmware patches:
(seems to change often. Trial and error with the version number necessary)

2.1 Recommended Update Procedure by chaicka

1. Perform a configuration backup,
2. Reboot HC2/HCL (logic: flush out non-visible stuffs such as abnormalities, cache, hung processor threads,
3. Sanity Check for 5-15 minutes (logic: reboot usually boots up fine but just in case of unforeseeable
abnormal behavior),
4. Proceed to firmware update,
5. Clear web browser cache,
6. Terminate web browser,
7. Relaunch web browser,
8. Repeat step 5-7 if firmware update still in progress,
9. Change Freeze for 1 hour (logic: allows non-visible backend scripts/processes to complete any conversions,
system changes, etc. that the new firmware has to perform).

To have the system totally cleaned up and start from scratch, refer to chapter 11 or 0 after having made a
backup of the system. Running the recovery is for sure the cleanest way.

2.2 Time Synchronization

As the time synchronization with an internet timeserver seems not working properly, the following approach can
resolve this issue.
If the router provides the timeserver functionality, have the HCL point to this device (IP Address) as the
timeserver. This seems to work reliably.
If the router does not provide this functionality, set the time manual and adjust it every now and then.

3 Forcing Brackets in Block Scenes

The strategy when brackets are automatically inserted in block scenes is a mystery.
Brackets are only automatically inserted, when a physical device is added to the IF, AND or OR condition.
To force the block scene editor to add brackets, start the IF or immediately after the AND or OR with a physical
device. Then add all the rest of the items necessary for the decision. To make the scene work properly, the
physical device must be available in the system.

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4 Virtual Device calling a Specific Scene
This virtual device calls a specific scene, which is incrementing a global variable.
Very basic using one button, but showing how it is done. The very same approach is used if several buttons are
defined in the VD calling different scenes.

Attention: the THEN of the scene is executed without any evaluation of the IF. So, even the IF is FALSE, the
THEN will be executed. Might be wanted in some situations, but might not be wanted in others. If the IF needs
to be evaluated before the THEN is executed, the approach as described in chapter 6 is to be used.

4.1 Definition of the Global Variables

Create a global variable, which will then be modified by the scene called by the VD

4.2 Definition of the scenes

The scene to be called by the VD must be created first, as the ID of the scene must be known in the VD.

In this example the scenes gets the ID 83 after it is saved.

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Even the scene will be called explicitly, there is an IF condition needed. Another variable is used to make the IF
being true. Without an IF the scene does not work.
Even a scene without an IF can be defined and does not lead to an error message when saved, the THEN will
never be called, even the scene is explicitely called by the VD or with the button in the scene overview
Would be very nice if the current value of the variable could be shown in the label. However, I do not know how
this might work.

4.3 Definition of the Virtual Device

This virtual device calls a specific scene.

Create the VD with one button.

Make sure to put in the correct ID of the scene. Scene ID is 83 in this example (red circle in above scene

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Explanation of the code-lines in the buttons:
POST /api/scenes/83/action/start HTTP/1.1 # start the scene with ID 83
Host: # the local host of the HCL
Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ= # admin:password coded base64

4.4 Overview and Function

In the house overview there is now the VD in the Testroom.

Each time the button is pressed, the Scene with ID 83 is called and the testvariable is incremented by 10.

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5 Virtual Device Setting Global Variable
5.1 Definition of the Global Variables
Create a global variable, which will then be modified by the Virtual Device

5.2 Definition of the Virtual Device

This virtual device will modify the variable.

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In the advanced section, create a VD having 3 buttons:

Explanation to the code-lines in the buttons:

PUT /api/globalVariables/Testvariable HTTP/1.1 # command to be executed, including the name of the variable to be modified
Host: # the local host of the HCL
Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ= # admin:password coded base64
# empty line between header and body
{"name":"Testvariable","value":"12"} # body, setting the Testvariable to the desired value

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5.3 Overview and Function
In the house overview there is now the VD in the Testroom.

Clicking the buttons Low, Medium or High leads to the values as below in the global variable
When clicking Low:

When clicking Medium:

When clicking High:

This does not make the current value of the variable visible in the VD. If this is wanted, use the scene approach
as described in chapter 6. Unfortunately, the value to be shown in the Label of the VD has to be hard wired as
the content of the variable cannot be used directly (or I do not know how).

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6 Virtual Device Setting Global Variables using Scenes
Use this approach to test scenes, as the execution of a scene ( ) overrides all the IF conditions and directly
executes the THEN. Using this approach makes sure the IF condition is properly checked. It should be easily
possible to add the global variable as an AND condition at the end of the IF, so it can be removed when the
scene is tested and considered good.
By clicking the Play ( ) button in the scene overview the THEN is executed without any evaluation of the IF,
so the THEN can be tested, even the IF is not TRUE.

6.1 Definition of the Global Variables

This variable is only used to trigger scenes:

Some real variables modified by the scene, when triggered by the virtual device:

For the examples used, this variable has three predefined values as shown below:

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6.2 Definition of the Virtual Device
The first step is to define a virtual device, which will be used to modify the SceneTrigger and check the scenes,
using this trigger in the IF condition and the THEN action is performed when the condition is fulfilled (TRUE).

In the advanced section, define a device using a label and three buttons:

Select Main and tick Favorite to have the label visible in the overview

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Explanation of the code-lines in the buttons:
PUT /api/globalVariables/SceneTrigger HTTP/1.1 # command to be executes
Host: # the local host for the device
Content Length: 33 # the exact length of the string below
Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ= # admin:password coded base64
# empty line between header and body
{"value":"1","invokeScenes":true} # body with {}, having 33 characters as defined above
# set the SceneTrigger to the value 1 and invokeScenes
# to check all IF conditions of scenes using the SceneTrigger variable

6.3 Definition of the scenes

There are three scenes necessary to fulfill the task. The scenes are made in such a way that the direct change
from ON to OFF and vice versa is not possible. It is only allowed to switch from Neutral to ON or OFF.
If the condition is true, the scene body modifies the global variable to the desired value and writes a human
readable text to the Label of the VD. Make sure not to violate the max label length.

The scene switching from Neutral to OFF:

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The scene switching from Neutral to ON:

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The scene switching from ON or OFF to Neutral:

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6.4 Overview and Function
In the house overview, there are now these items in the Testroom. As the label of the VD has not been set, it is
still an empty field in the overview.

Open the VD and click any button to initialize the Status. In the background, the running instances of the scenes
are visible.

The status of the VD is updated as defined in the scenes.

7 Virtual Device and Scenes to Globally Activate/Deactivate Scene Execution

Use this approach to have global criteria to enable and disable scenes and hinder scenes still being under test
to be executed, while not finished. This approach also overcomes the drawback of the Play ( ) button in the
scene overview as the THEN is executed without any evaluation of the IF, which makes sense to test the THEN,
even the IF is not TRUE.

7.1 Definition of the Global Variables

Two predefined variables are defined in the Variables Panel.
Production Disabled would then hinder all Scenes to run. Production Enabled would allow their normal
execution based on the IF condition.
Development Disabled would hinder all Scenes being still under development from running. Development
Enable would allow then to run and evaluate their IF and execute the THEN.

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7.2 Definition of the Virtual Device
As the VDs need to know the ID of the scenes and the scenes need to know label information of the VD, the
development of the two parts can not be done independently. So fist a ‘stub’ of the VD is created and later
completed by adding the Scene ID of the scenes created. The example here shows the final VD, where the ID
of the scene is already correct.
Additional explanation of the VD ‘code’ is not given, as this is available in previous chapters, where the basics of
the interaction between VDs and Scenes are shown.
Create a new VD with the following settings in the General tab

Within the Advanced tab a VD having two labels and twice two buttons is created. The label will later show the
state of the global variable, while the buttons call the scenes to change the value of the global variable and the
label value.
Add twice a Label and two buttons:

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Within the created Label and Button panels, put some reasonable name for the label and the buttons:

After saving, the basic layout of the VD is already available:

As now all the information from the VD is available, the scenes should be created, so the IDs of the Scenes are
known to complete the code of the VD.

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The VD with the necessary code to call the scenes:

7.3 Definition of the scenes

There are four scenes necessary to fulfill the task. The scenes put a human readable text to the label of the VD
and change the global variable to the desired value.
Make sure all scenes are set to manual and have no triggering variable as they will be called by the VD.

Enable the production mode:

Disable the production mode:

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Enable the development mode:

Disable the development mode:

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7.4 Overview and Function
In the house overview, there is now the VD and the scenes in the Testroom. As there is none of the labels the
main label the VD is just an empty block.

Open the VD and click any buttons to initialize the Status. In the background, the running instances of the
scenes are visible.
The status of the VD is updated as defined in the scenes.

7.5 Using the Conditions to execute Scenes

Any scene can now be equipped with the check for the value of the production and while still in development the
development variable like shown below.

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Make sure to neither define the Production nor the Development variable status as a trigger condition. In
addition the Scene trigger could be added as shown in earlier chapters to allow a test of the scene with the
entire IF conditions.
Major disadvantage is the fact that individual And or Or statements in the IF cannot be removed, so it is required
to remove all the conditions bottom up and add them again top down.

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8 Restarting HCL with a VD and Scene with Bootup Scene
This VD together with the scene restarts the HCL when the IF of the Scene is TRUE.
This VD and scene might ONLY work with SW Version 4.120 (This is the only SW version this has been tested

8.1 The VD initiating the restart

Create a VD with one button.

The IP address must be set to the IP address of the HCL, the local address does not work in this
case. The port is to be set to 80, also here the local port 11111 does not work.

GET /api/service/reboot HTTP/1.1 # command to be executes

Host: # the local host for the device
Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ= # admin:password coded base64
# empty line
# empty line
The VD does not work, if the two empty lines are not added to the end. More than two lines have no effect on
the behavior.
Best is to double check the VD in the ‘non-string’ view, then it should look like this, the lines 4 and 5 should be
there but without any text shown:

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For older SW version it might be needed to exchange the GET with a POST and service with settings, so the
first line would look like. This is untested:
GET /api/service/reboot HTTP/1.1 # command to be executes

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8.2 Scene to call the VD to restart
The Scene is using a global variable for the example. There might be another trigger condition, e.g. time based.
Make sure to choose a trigger condition at a point in time where no scene is running, which has a delayed
switch on or off or alike as these timers will not work anymore.

Define a global variable to save the restart:

The restart Scene, setting the variable to true and ‘pressing’ the button of the VD to initiate the restart.

More reasonable would be a scene like this to trigger a regular restart of the HCL:

On Monday, Wednesday and Friday at noon the scene presses the button of the VD and restarts the HCL.

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Create another scene, evaluating the value of the HCL_Restart variable:

As this scene will trigger immediately when the variable is TRUE, something is needed to delay the setting of
the variable to FALSE again. This delay must be longer than it takes the previous scene to press the restart
button of the VD. In the example, an AEON wall switch is taken and the wattage of the switch is evaluated to be
something bigger or equal to 0W after 300 Seconds. This is long enough for the restart to be initiated, before the
variable is set to FLASE again. As far as tested it does even work when the AEON wall switch is not present in
the network. To be on the safe side, there could be several of such silly conditions ORed.
About 5 minutes after the restart of the HCL, the variable is then set back to FLASE. Within this THEN anything
can be done, necessary after a restart of the HCL.

If there are scenes like the one shown below, the restart of the HCL must not be done between the on and Off
time, as the restart will not ‘return’ to the scene and finish it, so the controlled switch “Ventilatoren” will remain
on until the next time the scene is triggered and the “Turn Off” command is reached. So if the HCL is restarted
e.g. at 10:00, the “Turn Off” which should happen at 09:00 + 7200 s (11:00) will not be performed.

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9 Smart heating, using Scenes Instead of the Panel
The aim of the smart heating is to somewhat automate the heating with the aim to optimize it and maybe also
save some energy. Similar approach can also be used for AC systems, partially controlling the temperatures the
other way round.
The following situations are supported by the scenes and VD:
Normal: the heating should maintain a comfortable room temperature during the day and lower the
temperature during the night.
Away: the room temperature is lowered, as the house is empty; maybe just keep it from freezing
Party: keep the temperature up to the comfortable level
Daytime: the normal time during the day, when the comfortable room temperature should be kept
Nighttime: the room temperature can be lowered somewhat
Summer: the heating is off, so even the thermostats would regulate, there is no warm water flowing in the
pipes. This could be triggered by a feedback from the central heating system, e.g. when the
heating is off or the pump is shut down. Attention: most nowadays combined heating system shut
off the heating pump, when the warm water is re-heated in a combined system.
Returning: this could be an additional situation, forcing the heating system to intentionally overshoot. This
might make sense as the thermal resistance of the air inside the house and all the furniture cannot
be changed but the ΔT, so the overall time to get the house to comfortable temperature could be

9.1 Global Variables

It is the aim to use one predefined variable only having the following values:
Normal, Abwesend (Away), Party, Sommer (Summer), Heimkehr (Returning)

As some of the scenes are called explicitly and do not have an internal or automatic trigger condition an artificial
scene trigger is needed as a scene does not work without a valid if condition.

The scene trigger is set to TRUE in the variable panel, but also allows easily to disable scenes when set to

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9.2 Scene definition
Some scenes do interact with the VD, so the minimal ‘backbone’ of the VD is created as described in the
following chapter. As the thermostats do have a wakeup time, this should be considered in some of the scenes,
especially when getting back to comfortable temperature, the 3 Min., 5 Min. or other predefined wakeup time
could make the difference. Worst case, the content of the Scene is only reaching the thermostats after this
wakeup time (delay).

9.2.1 Basic Temperature Setting Scenes Daytime Temperature Setting

This scene is setting the comfortable temperature for all the valves

In the advanced section, the trigger condition and the temperatures for all the valves are defined.

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The very same for the lower temperature, usually used during the night Summer

In the advanced section, it looks identical to the normal day or night temperature settings. My valves support a
minimal temperature of 4°C, so the “Set target level” is set to 4.

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Here the temperature is set to 15°C. However, this could be same as the night scene for the room temperature. Returning

The temperature in the advanced section is set to 24°C for all the valves and at the very end of the scene after
4h, the button in the VD to return to normal operation mode is ‘pressed’. The scene is also checking if the
heating is in the away (Abwesend) mode.
For testing purposes the time is set to e.g. 10 Minutes to allow the valves to adjust to the returning temperature
(24°C) and then to the normal operation mode again. Check the wakeup time of the valves and set the time for
testing ot e.g. 3 times the wakeup time to be sure the settings can be transferred to the valves.

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The scene for party to override especially the lowering of the temperature during the night: Normal Operation

The scene to force the system into normal operation mode:

The scene could also be split up to allow returning to normal operation mode fir daytime and nighttime. In this
example the scene will always put the system to the day mode (Heizung Tag). An IF-THEN-ELSE would be
perfect to sort day and night time heating in one scene. An additional variable like daytime (TRUE/FALSE) can
be used to have two scenes, sorting it out.
IF (SceneTrigger == TRUE)
Heizbetrieb = Normal
Betriebszustand = Normalbetrieb
CallScene(Heizung Tag)
CallScene(Check Day or Night) #this scene would check if daytime is FALSE and call the Scene
Heizung Nacht

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9.2.2 Scenes for Normal Operation
The normal heating control is split up in four scenes controlling the day and night temperatures during the week
and the weekends. These scenes are timer triggered and call the scenes where the valve temperature is set to
a specific value. Day Temperature from Monday to Friday Day Temperature on Saturday and Sunday Night Temperature from Monday to Thursday:

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9.2.3 All the Heating Scenes

These are all the scenes defined for the heating system. All the scenes setting a temperature can be set to
OFF, as they are called explicitly.

9.3 VD
Create a device with a Label, one button and four buttons

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The label is only used to show the status of the heating system, so the label does not need a name, the text
shown there should be self-explaining.

The button for Normalbetrieb is also set as the main button, so this will force the heating system into normal
operation mode.

This button is calling the scene with the ID 96, which is the normal operation mode of the heating system

The buttons for the different special modes of the heating system

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These buttons are calling the scenes with the appropriate ID
Scene ID 94: Abwesend (being away)
Scene ID 97: Party
Scene IP 93: Sommer (Summer)
Scene ID 95: Heimkehr (Returning)
When all is set up and hopefully not Scene ID mismatch, the VD looks like this when the variable is updated for
the first time

Opening the VD gives this view with not so nice text on the buttons:

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10 Robomow® RS615 Telling Operational State
Unfortunately Robomow® only has a Bluetooth interface and not web interface nor a Z-Wave interface. To get
at least some info from the mower, the following approach can be used.
The VD Scenes are based on the power measurement of an AEON Labs Smart Switch Gen5. With other
devices it might look different

Phase Power (old FW) 2018 FW

Charging >20 50W 34.8W (>22)
Balancing >8 <=20 20.93W 11.69W (>10 <=22
Mowing >6.6 <= 7 6.95W 6.89W (>6.6 <=10
Waiting >=5 <6.6 7.36/6.9/5.25/5.21 (>=7 <=10)

10.1 The VD representing the mower

With one label:

And two buttons:

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Attention: the buttons do not make really sense, as the mower will drive out of the charging station if the power
is switched off. If the power off remains for longer than 1 or 2 hours, the mower will not return to the charging
station. So for general purpose the label would be good enough to provide the feedback from the mower.

10.2 Global Variable

Even it would also work without a global variable if only the state of the mower should be shown in the VD the
mower state is stored in a global variable, so it can be used as a condition as well.

10.3 Scenes to evaluate the mower state

The scenes evaluate the power consumption of the mower and set the global variable based on this and the
label of the VD.
Took some time to find out the correct levels to be set in the scenes so there is no false information shown.
Could also be much simpler with e.g. mowing, charging and waiting only.

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Charging = Laden, Mowing = Mähen, Balancing = Akkupflege, Waiting = Warten, ON = EIN, OFF = AUS



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How it looks in the overview:

And when the VD is opened:

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11 Downgrading HCL/HC2
The following guideline is taken from:
Users of home automation controllers Fibaro Home Center 2 and Fibaro Home Center Lite are often
prompted to install a new firmware version. Sometimes the new version is a Beta. Despite the warnings, many
users install it to enjoy or test the new features. On the other hand, there are some times, some former features
that do not work. Firmware version it is not so stable (actually, that is a beta).

Fibaro firmware update beta available

We are often asked how it is the procedure put back the Z-Wave controller HClite Fibaro HC2 or into a stable
previous firmware version.
The first thing to do is a backup of the system, just in case, as usual.
The procedure to downgrade the firmware version of the controller requires putting the controller in recovery
mode. To do this, you have to tour it off (by removing the power supply). Then you have to push the “+” button is
and keep it pressed while turning it on. You will see that the boot sequence of blue lights is different from the
usual. If we enter the IP address of the controller, instead of the usual screen we find this one:

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Fibaro Recovery mode
Here there are three options. Repair system, repair from a file, or fully repair (warning! This third option will
delete all your data).
In this case, we chose the second option, but of course, we need the file with the firmware you want to load to
your controller.
To download the file, manufacturer Fibaro have two pages available. One for and one for HC2 HCLite:
Fibaro do not publish all the firmware versions, but the most significant. For example, a stable firmware version
today would be 4.054. To download should go to: <- seems location has moved, ask in the forum for the current location <- seems location has moved, ask in the forum for the current location <- seems to be the location in April 2018

Fibaro Firmware Download

After downloading the file, we can go to the recovery screen. Then choose the option “Recovery from File”,
select the downloaded file and click “Repair”.

Fibaro HC Lite Restaurado

Finally we would get our controller with the desired firmware version, and it should have all our devices and
scenes as when using the beta.

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12 HCL Recovery mode (as available from
Running this procedure is recommended if the system is getting unstable. Make a backup first

The following step by step guide is taken from Fibaro linked page:
1. Make sure the device is turned ON.
2. Press and hold two buttons at the same time: Power and Recovery.

3. Release the buttons when the LED diodes start moving in a sequence. Entering into Recovery mode is
signalled by the LED diodes moving to the middle and back.

Don’t hold the Recovery button for too long! If you hold the Recovery button for 10 seconds the Home
Center IP will be set to and you’ll need to adjust the network settings on your computer in
order to access the device.
4. Type in the IP address of Home Center Lite in your web browser or use Fibaro Finder.
5. Recovery Mode screen will be displayed:

System Info panel displays the following information:

Serial number – HCL serial number

Local software – version of firmware that will be recovered
IP Address – IP adress, visible in local network
Status – The HCL internet access
6. Click the Recover button in order to restore the Home Center to factory firmware version.

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7. Recovery panel will ask you to confirm your choice.

8. Recovering process will start automatically.

9. After successful reboot you can access the Login Panel. Remember that login and password will be set
back to admin / admin and that the HCL needs updating the firmware.

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