Balance of Power
Responsibility of Evaluation
Learner 5 Purpose &
Features Process
Figure 1
Five Key Changes in Learner Centered Teaching Practices
Balance of Power
The traditional exercise of power in the classroom often benefits the teacher
more than it promotes student learning. The uniform instructional approach or
‘one-size-fits-all’ concept certainly is more convenient on the part of the teacher
who has worked hard in planning, implementing, and assessing outcomes of
learning. However, this uniform approach has been criticized by scholars by
being unresponsive to the diversity of needs, interests, and readiness among
In order to balance power in the classroom, learners are frequently consulted and
given immediate and ongoing feedback by the teacher. The teacher empowers
students by giving them the opportunity to choose and make decisions like
selecting among lesson topics, choose learning activities, determine pace of
learning, and select an assessment task to demonstrate one’s mastery of targeted
learning competencies.
Function of Content
In order to facilitate learning that changes how students think and understand,
teachers must begin by finding out students’ prior knowledge or conceptions and
then design learning activities that will change these pre-instructional concepts.
This shifting view on the role of the teacher deemphasizes the focus on teaching
techniques and methods if they are considered separate from the subject matter
and learning structures of the discipline.
Maclellan finds that ‘the teacher is involved in clarifying the subject matter,
offering examples, or suggesting arguments for or against a point of view may
minimize the students’ need to think’ while, equally, ‘little engagement by the
tutor, leaving students to determine both what and how to learn without any
criteria to judge their process, is unsatisfactory, inefficient and makes a nonsense
of formal, higher education as a planned and designed system (Maclellan, 2008,
Teachers must become comfortable with changing their leadership style from
directive to consultative-- from "Do as I say" to "Based on
your needs, let's co-develop and implement a plan of
Each student may require different ways of learning, researching and analysing
the information available.
It establishes that students can and should be made responsible for their own
The learning skills acquired in basic education and higher education will be used
throughout the course of their professional and personal lives.
Students are encouraged to direct their own learning and to work with other
students on research projects and assignments that are both culturally and
socially relevant to them.
Class often starts with a mini-lesson, which then flows into students making
choices about what they need to do next to meet specific learning targets aligned
to the standards.
They have mechanisms for its collections and methods for evaluating it and
acting on it.
Four Principles of Student-centered Approach
Kaput’s study reported that the majority of the participating schools were effective in
personalizing the learning of their students and creating an environment where
students took ownership of their learning. However, the study also found that the
participating schools struggled with implementing and practicing “anytime, anywhere
learning” due to a series of challenges that both teachers and administrators faced.
Teachers from the participating schools largely responded that student-centered
learning promoted higher student engagement and facilitated learning that was more
relevant to students. Further, a large percentage of the teachers contended that
students in student-centered environments explored the curriculum with more depth
and retained knowledge more effectively than in traditional settings.
As a future educator, the top 20 principles revolve around the following key concepts
to keep in mind whenever we design our instructional plans and implement them with
our students.
You may now turn to Appendix C for a more thorough discussion of the
Top 20 principles from APA.