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‭Science and Technology‬

‭Lecture 26: Space and Planetary Missions (Aditya L1 &‬

‭Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV)‬
‭●‬ ‭The‬‭Reusable‬‭Launch‬‭Vehicle‬‭(RLV)‬‭represents‬‭a‬‭significant‬‭advancement‬‭in‬‭space‬‭technology,‬‭capable‬‭of‬
‭launching‬ ‭satellites‬ ‭into‬ ‭orbit‬ ‭and‬ ‭returning‬ ‭to‬‭Earth‬‭for‬‭reuse.‬‭This‬‭innovative‬‭vehicle‬‭is‬‭designed‬‭to‬‭be‬
‭launched like a traditional rocket but re-enters the Earth's atmosphere and lands like an aircraft.‬
‭●‬ ‭It will be launched like a rocket and re-enter the Earth as an aircraft.‬
‭●‬ ‭Benefits:‬‭10 percent of the launching cost can be‬‭achieved.‬
‭○‬ ‭This will also provide low cost space tourism.‬

‭A-SAT (Anti-Satellite)‬
‭●‬ ‭On‬ ‭March‬ ‭27,‬ ‭2019‬ ‭India‬ ‭conducted‬ ‭Mission‬ ‭Shakti,‬ ‭an‬ ‭anti-satellite‬ ‭missile‬ ‭test,‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭Dr.‬ ‭A‬ ‭P‬ ‭J‬
‭Abdul Kalam Island launch complex.‬
‭●‬ ‭Joint mission of DRDO and ISRO.‬
‭●‬ ‭India is the fourth country to have A-SAT after the USA, Russia and China.‬
‭●‬ ‭It was tested on a decommissioned Indian satellite in LEO (Low Earth Orbit)‬
‭●‬ ‭Objective:‬‭To blind the enemy country of its navigation‬‭power.‬

‭The‬ ‭US‬ ‭first‬ ‭tested‬ ‭ASAT‬ ‭technology‬ ‭in‬‭1958,‬‭the‬‭USSR‬‭followed‬‭in‬‭1964‬‭and‬‭China‬‭in‬‭2007.‬‭In‬‭2015,‬‭Russia‬

‭tested its PL-19 Nudol missile and followed it up with other tests.‬

‭Celestial Bodies and Space Missions‬


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‭●‬ ‭4.6 billion years old‬
‭●‬ ‭Nuclear fusion reaction takes place in it core (hydrogen turning into helium)‬
‭●‬ ‭Distance from Earth is around 150 million km (or 1 Astronomical Unit)‬
‭Structure of the Sun‬
‭●‬ ‭Inner Layer:‬‭The inner layers are the Core, Radioactive Zone and Convection Zone.‬
‭●‬ ‭Outer Layer:‬‭The outer layers are the Photosphere,‬‭the Chromosphere,‬‭and the Corona.‬
‭○‬ ‭Photosphere:‬ ‭The‬ ‭photosphere‬ ‭is‬ ‭the‬‭deepest‬‭layer‬‭of‬‭the‬‭Sun‬‭that‬‭we‬‭can‬‭observe‬‭directly.‬‭The‬
‭photosphere is marked by bright, bubbling granules of plasma and darker, cooler sunspots.‬
‭■‬ ‭Sunspots:‬‭They‬‭appear‬‭dark‬‭because‬‭they‬‭are‬‭cooler‬‭than‬‭other‬‭parts‬‭of‬‭the‬‭Sun’s‬‭surface.‬
‭particularly‬ ‭strong.‬ ‭These‬ ‭magnetic‬ ‭fields‬ ‭are‬ ‭so‬ ‭strong‬ ‭that‬‭they‬‭keep‬‭some‬‭of‬‭the‬‭heat‬
‭within the Sun from reaching the surface.‬

‭Solar Cycle‬
‭●‬ ‭The‬ ‭Sun‬ ‭is‬ ‭a‬ ‭huge‬ ‭ball‬ ‭of‬ ‭electrically-charged‬ ‭hot‬ ‭gas.‬ ‭This‬ ‭charged‬ ‭gas‬ ‭moves,‬ ‭generating‬ ‭a‬
‭powerful magnetic field. The Sun's magnetic field goes through a cycle, called the solar cycle.‬
‭●‬ ‭Every‬‭11‬‭years‬‭or‬‭so,‬‭the‬‭Sun's‬‭magnetic‬‭field‬‭completely‬‭flips.‬‭This‬‭means‬‭that‬‭the‬‭Sun's‬‭north‬
‭and‬ ‭south‬ ‭poles‬ ‭switch‬ ‭places.‬ ‭Then‬ ‭it‬ ‭takes‬ ‭about‬ ‭another‬ ‭11‬ ‭years‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭Sun’s‬ ‭north‬ ‭and‬
‭south poles to flip back again.‬
‭●‬ ‭The‬‭solar‬‭cycle‬‭affects‬‭activity‬‭on‬‭the‬‭surface‬‭of‬‭the‬‭Sun,‬‭such‬‭as‬‭sunspots.‬‭One‬‭way‬‭to‬‭track‬
‭minimum‬‭, or when the Sun has the least sunspots.‬
‭●‬ ‭Over‬‭time,‬‭solar‬‭activity—and‬‭the‬‭number‬‭of‬‭sunspots—increases.‬‭The‬‭middle‬‭of‬‭the‬‭solar‬‭cycle‬
‭is‬ ‭the‬ ‭solar‬‭maximum‬‭,‬‭or‬‭when‬‭the‬‭Sun‬‭has‬‭the‬‭most‬‭sunspots.‬‭Solar‬‭flares‬‭and‬‭coronal‬‭mass‬
‭ejections also increase during the solar cycle.‬
‭●‬ ‭Coronal‬ ‭mass‬ ‭ejections‬ ‭(CMEs)‬ ‭are‬ ‭large‬ ‭expulsions‬ ‭of‬ ‭plasma‬ ‭and‬ ‭magnetic‬ ‭fields‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬
‭sun's atmosphere — the corona.‬
‭○‬ ‭Eruptions‬ ‭can‬ ‭cause‬ ‭lights‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭sky,‬ ‭called‬ ‭aurora,‬ ‭or‬ ‭impact‬ ‭radio‬ ‭communications.‬
‭Extreme eruptions can even affect electricity grids on Earth.‬
‭●‬ ‭Solar‬ ‭Flares:‬ ‭Huge‬ ‭amount‬ ‭of‬ ‭energy‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭chromosphere.‬ ‭Flares‬ ‭are‬ ‭our‬ ‭solar‬ ‭system’s‬
‭largest‬ ‭explosive‬ ‭events.‬ ‭They‬ ‭are‬ ‭seen‬ ‭as‬ ‭bright‬ ‭areas‬ ‭on‬ ‭the‬ ‭sun‬ ‭and‬ ‭they‬ ‭can‬ ‭last‬ ‭from‬
‭minutes to hours.‬
‭●‬ ‭Solar Winds:‬‭Continuous streams of photons and electrons.‬

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‭○‬ ‭Chromosphere:‬‭The‬‭chromosphere‬‭is‬‭a‬‭layer‬‭in‬‭the‬‭Sun‬‭between‬‭about‬‭400‬‭km‬‭2100‬‭km‬‭above‬‭the‬
‭solar surface (the photosphere).‬
‭○‬ ‭Corona:‬‭The‬‭corona‬‭is‬‭the‬‭outermost‬‭layer‬‭of‬‭the‬‭Sun,‬‭starting‬‭at‬‭about‬‭2100‬‭km‬‭above‬‭the‬‭solar‬
‭surface‬ ‭(the‬ ‭photosphere).‬ ‭The‬ ‭corona‬ ‭cannot‬ ‭be‬ ‭seen‬‭with‬‭the‬‭naked‬‭eye‬‭except‬‭during‬‭a‬‭total‬
‭solar eclipse, or with the use of a coronagraph.‬

‭Fig: Anatomy of the Sun‬

‭Space Missions‬
‭Aditya L1 Mission‬
‭●‬ ‭Aditya-L1‬ ‭was‬ ‭launched‬ ‭by‬ ‭ISRO‬ ‭on‬ ‭2‬ ‭September‬ ‭2023,‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭mission‬ ‭of‬ ‭observing‬ ‭and‬ ‭helping‬ ‭us‬
‭better understand the Sun.‬
‭●‬ ‭On‬ ‭6‬ ‭January‬ ‭2024,‬ ‭the‬ ‭spacecraft‬ ‭was‬ ‭placed‬ ‭in‬ ‭a‬ ‭halo‬ ‭orbit‬ ‭around‬ ‭L1‬ ‭following‬ ‭a‬ ‭firing‬ ‭manoeuvre‬
‭which‬ ‭was‬ ‭carried‬ ‭out‬ ‭by‬ ‭ISRO‬ ‭scientists‬ ‭and‬ ‭engineers‬ ‭at‬ ‭the‬ ‭ISRO‬ ‭Telemetry‬‭Tracking‬‭and‬‭Command‬
‭Network (ISTRAC) in Bengaluru.‬
‭●‬ ‭The distance of L1 from earth is approximately 1% of the earth-sun distance (1.5 million km)‬
‭●‬ ‭The‬ ‭instruments‬ ‭of‬ ‭Aditya-L1‬ ‭are‬ ‭tuned‬ ‭to‬ ‭observe‬ ‭the‬ ‭solar‬ ‭atmosphere,‬ ‭mainly‬ ‭the‬‭chromosphere‬‭and‬
‭●‬ ‭Payloads:‬‭There‬‭are‬‭a‬‭total‬‭of‬‭seven‬‭payloads‬‭on-board‬‭with‬‭four‬‭of‬‭them‬‭carrying‬‭out‬‭remote‬‭sensing‬‭of‬
‭the Sun and three of them carrying in-situ observation.‬

‭Lagrange Points‬
‭Lagrange‬ ‭Points‬ ‭are‬ ‭positions‬ ‭in‬ ‭space‬ ‭where‬ ‭the‬‭gravitational‬‭forces‬‭of‬‭a‬‭two-body‬‭system‬‭like‬‭the‬‭Sun‬‭and‬

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‭mass can orbit in a constant pattern with two larger masses.‬
‭Discovery:‬ ‭These‬ ‭points‬ ‭were‬ ‭theoretically‬ ‭discovered‬ ‭by‬ ‭the‬ ‭Swiss‬ ‭mathematician‬ ‭Leonhard‬ ‭Euler‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬
‭Italian-French mathematician Joseph-Louis Lagrange in the 19th century.‬
‭L1:‬ ‭The‬ ‭L1‬ ‭point‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Earth-Sun‬ ‭system‬ ‭affords‬ ‭an‬ ‭uninterrupted‬ ‭view‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭sun‬ ‭without‬ ‭any‬
‭Other‬ ‭Than‬ ‭Aditya‬ ‭L1:‬ ‭There‬ ‭are‬ ‭currently‬ ‭four‬ ‭operational‬ ‭spacecraft‬ ‭at‬ ‭L1‬ ‭which‬ ‭are‬ ‭NASA's‬ ‭WIND,‬
‭ESA/NASA‬ ‭collaborative‬ ‭mission‬ ‭Solar‬ ‭and‬ ‭Heliospheric‬ ‭Observatory‬ ‭(SOHO),‬ ‭NASA's‬ ‭Advanced‬ ‭Composition‬
‭Explorer (ACE) and NASA's Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVER).‬
‭which are presently in orbit around L2.‬
‭L3‬‭:‬ ‭It‬ ‭lies‬ ‭behind‬ ‭the‬ ‭Sun,‬ ‭opposite‬ ‭Earth,‬ ‭just‬ ‭beyond‬‭our‬‭planet’s‬‭orbit.‬ ‭Objects‬‭in‬‭L3‬‭cannot‬‭be‬
‭L3‬ ‭is‬ ‭‘meta-stable’,‬ ‭like‬ ‭a‬ ‭ball‬ ‭sitting‬ ‭on‬ ‭top‬ ‭of‬ ‭a‬ ‭hill.‬ ‭A‬ ‭little‬ ‭push‬ ‭or‬ ‭bump‬‭and‬‭it‬‭starts‬‭moving‬
‭away,‬ ‭so‬ ‭a‬ ‭spacecraft‬ ‭must‬ ‭use‬ ‭frequent‬ ‭rocket‬ ‭firings‬ ‭to‬ ‭stay‬ ‭in‬ ‭so-called‬ ‭'halo‬ ‭orbits'‬ ‭around‬ ‭the‬
‭Lagrangian point.‬

‭close‬ ‭to‬ ‭its‬ ‭orbit.‬ ‭Unlike‬ ‭the‬ ‭other‬ ‭Lagrange‬ ‭points,‬ ‭L4‬ ‭and‬ ‭L5‬ ‭are‬ ‭resistant‬ ‭to‬ ‭gravitational‬
‭perturbations.‬ ‭Because‬ ‭of‬ ‭this‬ ‭stability,‬ ‭objects‬ ‭such‬ ‭as‬ ‭dust‬ ‭and‬ ‭asteroids‬ ‭tend‬ ‭to‬ ‭accumulate‬ ‭in‬
‭points are called Trojans Asteroids.‬

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‭Moon Missions‬
‭Chandrayaan - 1‬
“‭ Madhavan,‬‭what‬‭evidence‬‭are‬‭you‬‭going‬‭to‬‭show‬‭before‬‭the‬‭world‬‭that‬‭we‬‭reached‬‭the‬‭Moon?”‬‭APJ‬‭Abdul‬‭Kalam‬
‭asked G Madhavan Nair, the chairman of Isro (2003-2009)”‬
‭●‬ ‭Chandrayaan-1, India's first mission to the Moon, was launched successfully on 22 October 2008.‬
‭●‬ ‭It was an orbiter mission as well as a Probe Mission.‬
‭○‬ ‭Moon‬‭Impactor‬‭probe‬‭of‬‭Chandrayaan-1‬‭landed‬‭on‬‭the‬‭lunar‬‭surface.‬‭The‬‭MIP‬‭crashed‬‭as‬‭planned,‬
‭near the South Pole of the moon at a point named as‬‭‘Jawahar Sthal’ or Jawahar Point.‬
‭●‬ ‭The‬ ‭spacecraft,‬ ‭carrying‬ ‭11‬ ‭scientific‬ ‭instruments‬‭built‬‭in‬‭India,‬‭the‬‭USA,‬‭the‬‭UK,‬‭Germany,‬‭Sweden‬‭and‬
‭and photo-geologic mapping of the Moon.‬
‭●‬ ‭ISRO‬‭became‬‭the‬‭fifth‬‭country‬‭to‬‭reach‬‭the‬‭lunar‬‭surface.‬‭Chandrayaan-1’s‬‭orbiter‬‭also‬‭detected‬‭evidence‬
‭of water on the Moon.‬

‭Srinivas Hegde, who was the mission director of moon mission Chandrayaan-1, passed away on 14th June 2024.‬

‭Chandrayaan - 2‬
‭●‬ ‭Chandrayaan-2 began its journey to the Moon on July 22, 2019.‬
‭●‬ ‭It was an orbiter, lander and a rover mission.‬
‭●‬ ‭This was partially successful.‬
‭○‬ ‭Success:‬‭The‬‭Chandrayaan-2‬‭orbiter‬‭continued‬‭to‬‭work‬‭fine‬‭and‬‭in‬‭the‬‭following‬‭years,‬‭it‬‭gathered‬
‭a wealth of new information that has expanded knowledge about the Moon and its environment.‬
‭○‬ ‭Failure:‬ ‭Its‬ ‭lander,‬ ‭called‬ ‭Vikram,‬ ‭was‬ ‭scheduled‬ ‭to‬‭make‬‭a‬‭soft-landing‬‭on‬‭the‬‭lunar‬‭surface‬‭on‬

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‭the lunar surface.‬
‭■‬ ‭The point came to be called‬‭Tiranga Point‬‭.‬
‭Chandrayaan - 3‬
‭●‬ ‭It‬ ‭was‬ ‭launched‬ ‭on‬ ‭14‬ ‭July‬ ‭2023‬ ‭and‬ ‭made‬ ‭a‬ ‭successful‬ ‭landing‬ ‭on‬ ‭the‬ ‭Moon’s‬ ‭surface‬‭on‬‭23‬‭August‬
‭landing on the lunar surface.‬
‭○‬ ‭The landing point is named as‬‭Shiv Shakti Point.‬
‭○‬ ‭South‬ ‭Pole‬ ‭(Near‬ ‭Side):‬ ‭The‬ ‭landing‬ ‭site‬ ‭is‬ ‭near‬ ‭the‬ ‭south‬ ‭pole‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭moon‬ ‭at‬ ‭70‬ ‭degrees‬
‭the Moon's equator, firstly because it is easier and safer here.‬
‭○‬ ‭India‬ ‭became‬ ‭the‬ ‭first‬‭country‬‭to‬‭land‬‭a‬‭spacecraft‬‭near‬‭the‬‭moon’s‬‭south‬‭pole,‬‭which‬‭scientists‬
‭believe could hold vital reserves of frozen water‬
‭●‬ ‭23 August was announced to be celebrated as the‬‭‘National Space Day’‬
‭●‬ ‭It‬ ‭consists‬ ‭of‬ ‭Lander‬ ‭and‬ ‭Rover‬ ‭configuration.‬ ‭The‬ ‭propulsion‬ ‭module‬ ‭carries‬ ‭the‬ ‭lander‬ ‭and‬ ‭rover‬
‭○‬ ‭Vikram Lander and Pragyan Rover.‬
‭●‬ ‭Lander‬ ‭Payload:‬ ‭Chandra’s‬ ‭Surface‬ ‭Thermophysical‬ ‭Experiment‬ ‭(ChaSTE)‬ ‭to‬ ‭measure‬ ‭the‬ ‭thermal‬
‭20 degree centigrade to 30 degree centigrade on the surface but it is 70 degree centigrade.‬
‭●‬ ‭Rover‬ ‭payloads:‬‭Laser‬‭Induced‬‭Breakdown‬‭Spectroscope‬‭(LIBS)‬‭for‬‭deriving‬‭the‬‭elemental‬‭composition‬‭in‬
‭the vicinity of the landing site. It informed the presence of sulphur on the moon's surface.‬

‭Near Side and Far Side of the Moon‬

‭is relatively smoother and has many more ‘maria’ or large volcanic plains compared to the far side.‬
‭Far‬ ‭Side:‬ ‭The‬‭‘new‬‭moon’‬‭or‬‭when‬‭the‬‭moon‬‭is‬‭invisible‬‭from‬‭Earth‬‭is‬‭the‬‭time‬‭when‬‭the‬‭other‬‭‘far‬‭side’‬‭of‬
‭the‬ ‭moon‬‭is‬‭bathed‬‭in‬‭sunlight‬‭and‬‭continues‬‭to‬‭receive‬‭light‬‭for‬‭nearly‬‭a‬‭fortnight.‬‭On‬‭the‬‭far‬‭side‬‭however,‬
‭there‬ ‭are‬ ‭huge‬ ‭craters,‬‭thousands‬‭of‬‭kilometres‬‭wide,‬‭which‬‭have‬‭likely‬‭resulted‬‭from‬‭collisions‬‭with‬‭asteroids.‬
‭China’s‬‭Chang é-4 lander‬‭remains the only one to have‬‭successfully landed on the far side.‬

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‭the far side of the moon.‬

‭Fig: Chandrayaan-3 Mission‬

‭India’s Upcoming Venus Mission‬

‭born in 2012.‬
‭twin."‬ ‭This‬ ‭includes‬ ‭examining‬ ‭both‬ ‭the‬ ‭surface‬ ‭and‬ ‭atmosphere‬ ‭of‬ ‭Venus,‬ ‭as‬‭well‬‭as‬‭analysing‬‭its‬‭geological‬

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‭Foreign‬ ‭Mission:‬ ‭Recent‬ ‭missions‬ ‭to‬‭Venus‬‭include‬‭European‬‭Space‬‭Agency's‬‭Venus‬‭Express,‬‭which‬‭orbited‬‭the‬
‭Additionally, NASA's Parker Solar Probe has conducted multiple flybys of Venus.‬

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