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Zombies 7 Rules

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Thank you for purchasing ZOMBIES!!! 9: Ashes to Ashes.

This is a landmark
expansion for our little game. First, the setting is the most logical one possible.
When someone asks, “Where do they keep all the dead bodies?” The answer is
obvious, “the graveyard.” With that in mind (and a couple of movies...), wwe
created this little expansion.
The next reason this expansion is important is that it is the last one before we
celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Zombies!!! game. It’s hard to believe that it
has been so many years since we brought the dead back to life. We think we have
done some good work with this one and it does the game justice as we head into
our second decade. Our hearfelt thanks to everyone who has supported us along
the way: Here’s to you!

Finally, you will notice that we have added a new event card type. Some of the
cards from this set say “Automatic” as part of their function. These cards add a
new level and dynamic to the game. We think you will enjoy it.
Thanks again,
Todd and Kerry Breitenstein
Now to the good stuff!!!

16 Map Tiles
32 Event Cards
25 Zombie Kids
These Rules

The New Stuff!!! (Or, the object of the game!)

This set can be played by itself (with the tokens from the base set) or as an addi-
tion to the base set. The object is to get to the BigTop, pick up a Clown Car and
exit the carnival by the “Ticket Booth” tile. That’s right, there’s no helipad in this
Game Setup
There are a couple of
ways you can use this
Setup when playing with
Zombies 7 alone:
• Remove the 4 “Fun-
house” tiles, a four way
tile and the “Big Top 2” tile.
Arrange the “Funhouse”
tiles, as shown on the next
page, within easy reach
of all players. Place the
“Big Top 2” tile to the side.
Place the four way tile in
the middle of the table.
Shuffle the remaining tiles
and place to the side.
• Remove the 6 “clown
cars” from the event deck
and place them to the side. The Funhouse at the beginning of the game
Shuffle the rest of the event cards and deal 3 to each player. The event deck will
not be reshuffled after it runs out. No more cards will be drawn at that point.
• Each player places their pawn on any “Funhouse” tile, any Middle square (X).

Setup when playing Zombies 7 with the base set:

•This set may be played as a normal Zombies!!! expansion (like Zombies!!! 2 or
3). Or, you can play using the special rules below.
• Arrange the city tiles from the base set in as small an area as possible. Place
the “Ticket Booth” and a four way tile (from Zombies!!! 7) off one of the city tiles
using normal placement rules. Place the “Ticket Booth” as far as possible from
the Helipad.
• Remove the 4 “Funhouse” tiles, and the “Big Top 2” tile (from Zombies!!! 7).
Place the Funhouse tiles as shown within easy reach of all players. Place the
“Big Top 2” tile to the side. Shuffle the remaining tiles. Place them to the side.
• Remove the 6 “clown cars” from the event deck and place them to the side.
• Shuffle the event cards from the base set and any expansions, except for Zom-
bies!!! 7. Place them to the side within easy reach of all players.
• Shuffle the Zombies!!! 7 event cards and deal three cards from Zombies!!! 7 to
each player. Place the remaining cards to the side. When drawing event cards,
you may draw from the Zombies!!! 7 deck or from the main event deck. Be sure
to discard to the appropriate deck. The Zombies 7 deck is not reshuffled. Once
the cards are gone, cards can only be drawn from the regular event deck.
• Each player places their pawn on any “Funhouse” tile, any middle square. (See
illustration, above.)
• When drawing tiles, the
tiles must be placed off of
other carnival tiles and not
the city tiles.
• The objective when play-
ing with the base set is
to get a “Clown Car” and
exit via the “Ticket Booth”
tile. Once you exit this
tile you may roll 2d6 for
movement on subsequent
turns, if you still have a
“Clown Car.” From there
you win as usual, by killing
a total of 25 zombies (in-
cluding Zombie Clowns) or
getting to the center square
of the Helipad. Keep in
mind that the Clown Car
counts as an item and is
subject to the normal item The Funhouse during theThat
rules. gameis, you can
lose it due to player death or event card effect.
Play continues as usual until someone achieves one of the winning conditions.
Game Play in the Carnival:
• Turn sequence is as normal.
• When a player moves off
of a “Funhouse” tile, they rotate that tile 90 degrees
in either direction. This is done whether the tile is
occupied or not.
• Once a player is able to
exit the “Funhouse” (see illustration “A” or “B”), the
player to their left decides which center square
of any 4-way tile in the carnival they will move to.
Movement continues from there. The player may
exit the “Funhouse” tile when the path leads to
an outer edge of the Funhouse. (The move to the
4-way tile does not count toward your movement.)
• Zombie Clowns are placed on the tiles as indicated
by the tiles. No zombies are placed on the 4-way
• When the “Big Top” tile is drawn, that player adds it
to the board and immediately attaches the other half
of the Big Top to it (see illustration).
• A Clown car is obtained when a player enters a
“Big Top” square. (See illustration “X”).
The Big Top
• When a player obtains a Clown Car, add 2 to each movement roll. This starts
the turn after the car was obtained. Zombies must be fought as usual when in a
Clown Car.
• On a movement roll of 1 (before adding the bonus from the Clown Car, but after
any other bonuses or penalties), the player is immediately moved to the “Fun-
house.” The pawn is placed on the middle square of any “Funhouse” tile.
• When a pawn is moved back to the Funhouse, they lose the Clown Car if they
have one. The Clown car card is placed back to the side of the table and can be
used again.

Winning the Game:

Once a player reaches the last square of the “Ticket Booth” tile with a Clown Car,
when playing Zombies 7 alone, they win the game. Once a player reaches the
center square of the helipad or 25 zombie kills when playing with the base set,
they win the game.

Additional Rules:
• When in the “Funhouse,” you may only move on the lighter squares. The dark
squares are inaccessable.
• A “Funhouse” tile must be rotated when moving off of it, even if another player
occupies it.
• Regular zombie figures may not move on to Zombies!!! 7 tiles.
• Zombie clown figures may not move on to regular Zombies!!! tiles.
• The clown car counts as an item and is lost when you die.
• The clown car counts as an item and is subject to the effects of event cards
such as “Butterfingers.”
• Once out of the carnival, players may not be sent back for any reason.
• Players may not exit the the carnival by any other means except by taking a
clown car through the “Ticket Booth” tile.
• The “Midway Games” tile counts as a 4-way but zombie clowns are placed on
all available squares.
• When playing with the base set, once the last player has left the “Ticket Booth”
tile, remove the remaining Zombies!!! 7 tiles from the game.
• To spice things up, use a number of “Clown Cars” equal to the number of play-
ers minus 1.

We lovingly dedicate this game to the memory of our nephew, Anthony James Beard, 1992­-2007, one of our biggest Zom-
bies!!! fans. We miss you, little Tony.

Game Concept and Design: Kerry Breitenstein and Todd A. Breitenstein

Card Art: Dave Aikins
Map Art: Kurt Miller
Additional Development: Jonathan Breitenstein
Layout and Design: Todd Breitenstein
Playtesters: The Usual Cast of Living Impaired...Thanks to everyone who helped bring the dead back to life... Again!
Twilight Creations, Inc. Cold Spring, KY 41076
© 2008 Twilight Creations, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Twilight Creations, Inc., The Twilight Creations, Inc. logo and “Where Fun Comes To Life” Zombies!!! and the Zombies!!! Logo
are trademarks or registered trademarks of Twilight Creations, Inc.

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