Zombies 7 Rules
Zombies 7 Rules
Zombies 7 Rules
This is a landmark
expansion for our little game. First, the setting is the most logical one possible.
When someone asks, “Where do they keep all the dead bodies?” The answer is
obvious, “the graveyard.” With that in mind (and a couple of movies...), wwe
created this little expansion.
The next reason this expansion is important is that it is the last one before we
celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Zombies!!! game. It’s hard to believe that it
has been so many years since we brought the dead back to life. We think we have
done some good work with this one and it does the game justice as we head into
our second decade. Our hearfelt thanks to everyone who has supported us along
the way: Here’s to you!
Finally, you will notice that we have added a new event card type. Some of the
cards from this set say “Automatic” as part of their function. These cards add a
new level and dynamic to the game. We think you will enjoy it.
Thanks again,
Todd and Kerry Breitenstein
Now to the good stuff!!!
16 Map Tiles
32 Event Cards
25 Zombie Kids
These Rules
Additional Rules:
• When in the “Funhouse,” you may only move on the lighter squares. The dark
squares are inaccessable.
• A “Funhouse” tile must be rotated when moving off of it, even if another player
occupies it.
• Regular zombie figures may not move on to Zombies!!! 7 tiles.
• Zombie clown figures may not move on to regular Zombies!!! tiles.
• The clown car counts as an item and is lost when you die.
• The clown car counts as an item and is subject to the effects of event cards
such as “Butterfingers.”
• Once out of the carnival, players may not be sent back for any reason.
• Players may not exit the the carnival by any other means except by taking a
clown car through the “Ticket Booth” tile.
• The “Midway Games” tile counts as a 4-way but zombie clowns are placed on
all available squares.
• When playing with the base set, once the last player has left the “Ticket Booth”
tile, remove the remaining Zombies!!! 7 tiles from the game.
• To spice things up, use a number of “Clown Cars” equal to the number of play-
ers minus 1.
We lovingly dedicate this game to the memory of our nephew, Anthony James Beard, 1992-2007, one of our biggest Zom-
bies!!! fans. We miss you, little Tony.