Datasheet - ORION +
Datasheet - ORION +
Datasheet - ORION +
development of products and constitute no contractual bond - MKT_EXP_DS_ORION+ - 01/03/11 ORION+ Multitechnologies combined interactive detector
ORION+ is a multi-technologies punctual combined analogic
detector with electronic addressing, certified in respect of
European product standard EN 54-7, EN 54-5, EN 54-17 and EN
54-18. It is endowed with agreement CE mark according to ZA
directive enclosure “The Construction Products” 89/106/CEE.
ORION+ detector is compliant to European directive 2002/95/CE,
concerning the use of dangerous substances inside electrical
products, in particular about the use of lead.
ORION+ is the OA-M detector evolution in multi-technologies and
combines three different detection criteria:
- a standard sensitivity Tyndall effect optical and heat detector
- an high sensitivity Tyndall effect optical and heat detector
- static and rate of rice heat detector.