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Keywords: This research explores the effectiveness of Chamaerops humilis (CH) fibers as a biosorbent for the adsorption of
Biosorption Methylene Blue (MB) dye from aqueous solutions. The fibers were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD),
Chamaerops humilis Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). To optimize the dye removal process, a Design of Experiments
Methylene blue
methodology, specifically Central Composite Design (CCD), was applied. Factors such as solution pH, adsorbent
dosage, contact time, and temperature were varied. The CCD analysis identified the optimal conditions for
Kinetics maximum removal efficiency (99.87 %) of a 10 mg/L MB solution, which were: 1.06 g/L of CH fiber dosage, pH
9.6, and a contact time of 60 min. The adsorption process aligned well with a pseudo-second-order kinetic model,
and the maximum adsorption capacity of CH fibers was determined to be 9.422 mg/g. Thermodynamic pa
rameters, including Gibbs free energy (ΔG◦ ), enthalpy (ΔH◦ ), and entropy (ΔS◦ ) changes, were calculated,
confirming that the adsorption is spontaneous and endothermic. The study highlights the potential of Cha
maerops humilis fibers as an efficient and eco-friendly adsorbent for MB dye removal, offering a sustainable and
cost-effective solution for wastewater treatment, particularly in industrial effluent management.
1. Introduction where it can cause respiratory problems and behavioral changes in fish
and other organisms [9]. Additionally, human exposure to methylene
In recent years, the escalating environmental concerns regarding the blue can lead to skin irritation and potential carcinogenic effects with
discharge of synthetic dyes into aquatic systems have driven extensive prolonged exposure. Focusing on MB allows for a targeted investigation
research on eco-friendly and cost-effective approaches for wastewater into its removal and management, which is essential for developing
treatment [1]. Apart from posing significant environmental threats, effective treatment strategies and addressing its environmental and
synthetic dyes also impose serious health risks on human populations. health-related challenges. In response to these challenges, the applica
Exposure to these dyes has been linked to various health issues, tion of adsorption processes using natural materials has garnered
including cancer, tumors, mutations, and heart disease [2–5]. Methy considerable attention as a sustainable solution [10]. Various conven
lene Blue dye, widely utilized in various industrial processes, is one such tional techniques have been employed for the treatment of
pollutant that poses significant threats to both environmental ecosys dye-containing wastewater, including biological methods [11], elec
tems and human health [6]. trochemical oxidation [12], adsorption processes [13], and photo
MB dye has been chosen as the target pollutant due to its extensive catalytic oxidation [14]. These established methods have been
use and significant impacts on both the environment and human health. extensively studied and applied to address dye pollution, each offering
It is widely used across various industries, including textiles, pharma its own advantages and limitations. However, with the increasing
ceuticals [7], and biological staining [8], making it a common concern for sustainable and eco-friendly solutions, there is a growing
contaminant in wastewater. The dye’s persistence in aquatic environ interest in exploring innovative approaches that harness the potential of
ments and its resistance to degradation contribute to prolonged pollu natural materials, such as Chamaerops humilis, for effective dye
tion issues. MB poses notable risks, including toxicity to aquatic life, removal from wastewater. Dyes can be broadly categorized into
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Hmamouchi).
Received 22 July 2024; Received in revised form 17 September 2024; Accepted 4 October 2024
Available online 6 October 2024
1944-3986/© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
S. Hmamouchi et al. Desalination and Water Treatment 320 (2024) 100824
synthetic and natural types. Synthetic dyes are man-made and encom includes a set of central points and factorial points that allow for the
pass various classes, such as azo dyes, anthraquinone dyes, and indigo estimation of both linear and quadratic terms. Through the incorpora
dyes. These dyes are extensively used in industries including textiles, tion of axial points, the CCD enables the assessment of curvature effects
food, and pharmaceuticals. In contrast, natural dyes are derived from and the optimal identification operating conditions for maximum
natural sources like plants, insects, or minerals, with examples including adsorption efficiency. By conducting a series of CCD experiments, we
indigo, turmeric, and beetroot dyes [15]. intend to generate a response surface model that accurately predicts the
The environmental and public health risks associated with dyes are behavior of Methylene Blue dye adsorption onto Chamaerops humilis
significant. Many synthetic dyes contain toxic chemicals that can pose under different conditions. This statistical analysis will offer valuable
health hazards if ingested, inhaled, or if they come into contact with the insights into the optimal levels of influential variables, leading to a
skin, potentially leading to allergies, cancers, and other health problems. cost-effective and sustainable strategy for dye removal. By employing
Additionally, synthetic dyes are often resistant to degradation, resulting CCD, we can assess the impact of critical factors on the Chamaerops
in long-term pollution of water bodies. Some dyes also accumulate in the humilis adsorption efficiency. The application of CCD in this research
food chain, which can affect wildlife and, subsequently, human health will enable us to generate a response surface model that describes the
[16]. Various methods exist for removing dyes from aqueous solutions. relationship between the experimental factors and the adsorption
Physical methods include filtration, which uses membranes or filters to response. The insights gained from this model will aid in optimizing the
separate dye particles from water, and adsorption, which involves using operating conditions to achieve maximum dye removal efficiency.
materials that bind to dye molecules and remove them. Chemical Through this study, we strive to contribute valuable scientific knowl
methods involve oxidation, where agents like ozone or hydrogen edge on the adsorption potential of Chamaerops humilis for Methylene
peroxide break down dye molecules, and chemical precipitation, which Blue dye removal, furthering the development of eco-friendly and sus
adds chemicals to form insoluble compounds with the dye, making it tainable wastewater treatment practices. Additionally, the findings from
easier to remove. Biological methods include bioremediation, which this research will shed light on the interaction mechanisms between the
employs microorganisms or enzymes to degrade dye molecules [17], natural adsorbent and the synthetic dye, paving the way for future in
and phytoremediation [18], which uses plants to absorb and break down vestigations in the field of environmental remediation. By combining the
dyes from water. Among these methods, adsorption is particularly ad advantages of a Design of Experiments approach with the unique char
vantageous due to its efficiency, as it can remove a wide range of dyes acteristics of Chamaerops humilis, we aim to present a comprehensive
from aqueous solutions. It is also cost-effective, as adsorbents can often and innovative approach to tackle the issue of dye pollution, moving
be reused or regenerated, which helps reduce costs. Furthermore, the towards a cleaner and healthier environment for present and future
adsorption process is relatively simple and can be implemented with generations. To the best of our knowledge, there is no prior report
minimal infrastructure. The utilization of plant-based adsorbents pre regarding the utilization of Chamaerops humilis plant fibers for waste
sents a promising avenue in the pursuit of environmentally benign and water treatment. Consequently, this study represents the inaugural
efficient wastewater treatment strategies. Adsorption, a well-established investigation into the efficient removal of Methylene Blue (MB) dye
and environmentally friendly technique, has shown promise in miti from water using Chamaerops humilis fibers as a wastewater treatment
gating dye pollution from aqueous systems [19]. In this context, Cha medium. The biosorbent was subject to comprehensive characterization
maerops humilis, commonly known as the Mediterranean fan palm, a and employed for MB dye adsorption in aqueous solutions. We system
native plant found in various regions, offers several advantages as an atically assessed the influence of operational parameters such as pH,
adsorbent material, including its widespread availability, biosorbent dosage, and sorption time. The experimental data were
cost-effectiveness, and eco-friendliness. The unique structural charac subjected to kinetic modeling. Additionally, the regeneration of spent
teristics of its fibrous components and porous surface enhance its biosorbent was examined. Recently, Response Surface Methodology
adsorption potential, making it an attractive candidate for wastewater (RSM) has emerged as a suitable statistical modeling approach to reduce
treatment applications. The Response Surface Methodology (RSM) offers operational time, experimental cycles, and chemical consumption. To
numerous advantages, particularly for the optimization of complex this end, the Central Composite Design (CCD) within the framework of
experimental processes. One of its key benefits is the ability to reduce RSM was employed to explore the interplay among key operational
the number of experiments needed to study the simultaneous influence factors (pH, dosage, and contact time) and determine the optimal con
of multiple variables, which significantly lowers both the cost and time ditions for MB dye adsorption onto CH fibers. By comprehensively
required for testing [20]. Unlike traditional approaches that analyze studying the adsorption process, we aim to gain a deeper understanding
factors individually, RSM assesses the interactions between different of the interaction between Methylene Blue dye and Chamaerops humilis,
variables, providing a deeper understanding of their overall impact. it is hoped that the findings presented herein will pave the way for
Additionally, RSM utilizes full quadratic models, which allow for highly further exploration of Chamaerops humilis as a natural adsorbent for
accurate predictions of results based on various parameter combina diverse dye pollutants, fostering a cleaner and healthier environment for
tions, leading to detailed optimization, as often required in adsorption future generations.
studies. The response surfaces and contour plots generated by RSM make
it easier to visualize the effects of variables and identify optimal con 2. Materials and methods
ditions [21]. Finally, by optimizing key factors within a single set of
experiments, RSM maximizes process efficiency while minimizing 2.1. Materials
resource use, whether it be raw materials, time, or energy. Its mathe
matical model also enables highly precise predictions of system re Chamaerops humilis (CH), a native plant, was collected from the
sponses, even beyond the tested conditions, making it particularly useful region of Tetouan, North of Morocco. The plant material was thoroughly
for exploratory studies. The current study aims to investigate the washed to remove any extraneous impurities and dried at room tem
adsorption behavior of Methylene Blue dye by Chamaerops humilis perature. Subsequently, the dried plant material was ground into fine
using an Experiments Design approach with CCD in response surface particles and stored in airtight containers for further use as the natural
methodology (RSM). This statistical methodology allows for a system adsorbent. The ground material was sifted through a 1 mm mesh sieve to
atic and efficient exploration of the adsorption process by varying separate the fine particles. Only the small ground particles were
multiple factors simultaneously. The Central Composite Design is a retained, which will be used later as adsorbents. Hydrochloric acid (HCl,
powerful experimental tool that facilitates the construction of a 37 %) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH, 97 %) were obtained from Sigma
comprehensive model, capturing the non-linear relationships between Aldrich. These chemicals were used for adjusting the pH of the Methy
the factors and the response variables [22,23]. The experimental design lene Blue (MB) dye solution and the adsorbent, as required. Distilled
S. Hmamouchi et al. Desalination and Water Treatment 320 (2024) 100824
water was used in all experiments to prepare the dye solutions and for percentages were calculated from the following Eq. (2) [25]:
dilutions and to wash the plant.
A0 − A
%Adsorption = .100 (2)
2.2. Characterization techniques
Where, A0 and A are the initial and the equilibrium Absorbance of
MB solution. The batch biosorption experiments provided essential data
Structural and functional analyses of the prepared Chamaerops
on the adsorption capacity and kinetics of Chamaerops humilis for
humilis fibers were conducted using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and
Methylene Blue dye. The results obtained from the batch biosorption
Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) techniques. X-ray
experiments provided insights into the optimal conditions for maximum
diffraction analysis was performed using a Shimadzu 6100 diffractom
dye removal efficiency. By employing CCD, the study was able to
eter with Cu-Kα radiation at a wavelength of 1.5406 Å. The diffraction
identify the most favorable combinations of pH, Chamaerops humilis
scans were carried out in the 2θ range of 10◦ to 80◦ with a step size of
mass, and contact time, these experiments contribute to a comprehen
0.02◦ and a measurement time of 5 s per step. The XRD patterns ob
sive understanding of the adsorption behavior and the potential appli
tained provided insights into the crystalline structure of the Chamaerops
cability of Chamaerops humilis as a promising and eco-friendly
humilis fibers without utilizing the KBr pellet method. For FTIR analysis,
biosorbent for dye removal in wastewater treatment. It is important to
infrared spectra were acquired using an FTIR instrument in the wave
note that each experiment was performed in duplicate.
numbers range of 4000–400 cm− 1. The FTIR spectra allowed the iden
tification of functional groups present on the surface of the Chamaerops
2.4. Determination of point of zero charge (pHpzc)
humilis fibers. This analysis facilitated the characterization of chemical
bonds and molecular vibrations in the natural adsorbent. The XRD and
In the realm of surface chemistry and material interactions, the
FTIR characterization techniques provided valuable information on the
concept of the point of zero charge (pHpzc) emerges as a fundamental
structural and chemical properties of the Chamaerops humilis fibers,
parameter with profound implications. The pHpzc, often referred to as
essential for understanding their potential as an effective biosorbent for
the isoelectric point, signifies the equilibrium state at which a solid
Methylene Blue dye removal. The data obtained from these analyses
surface carries no net electrical charge [26]. This pivotal pH value is a
played a crucial role in evaluating the suitability of the natural adsor
direct consequence of the balance between protonation and deproto
bent for the adsorption process and elucidating the mechanisms
nation reactions occurring on the surface functional groups [27].
involved in dye removal.
Experimentally determining the pHpzc involves titrating the surface
under consideration with solutions of varying pH levels and observing
2.3. Batch biosorption experiments the shift in surface charge. Notably, the pHpzc holds substantial signifi
cance in diverse applications, such as colloid stabilization, adsorption
Batch biosorption experiments were conducted to evaluate the phenomena, and catalytic processes. Its accurate identification lays the
adsorption performance of Chamaerops humilis for the removal of groundwork for tailoring interfacial properties, ultimately influencing
Methylene Blue (MB) dye from aqueous solutions. The experimental the behavior of materials in intricate environments. By comprehending
design utilized CCD to optimize key factors, including the pH of the the principles underpinning the pHpzc, researchers can ingeniously
solution, the mass of Chamaerops humilis, and the contact time. A test manipulate and engineer material interfaces for enhanced performance,
was carried out to determine the adsorption effect of the Chamaerops without traversing the boundaries of scholarly integrity. To determine
humilis plant. Initially, 50 mg of Chamaerops humilis sample was the pHpzc, a series of experiments was conducted in adherence to
dispersed in 50 mL of a 10 mg/L MB dye solution in a 100 mL beaker. established protocols. The pH values of nine NaCl solutions (0.1 M) were
The mixture was vigorously shaken to ensure homogeneity, and then meticulously adjusted within the range of 2.5 to 11. Subsequently, a
subjected to continuous agitation at a constant speed of 700 rpm and precisely measured quantity of the sorbent, amounting to 15 mg, was
room temperature. During the adsorption process, the absorbance of the introduced into each solution. The mixtures were subjected to individual
treated MB solution was measured at 664 nm using a spectrophotom agitation and allowed to reach equilibrium over a span of 24 h.
eter. To determine the equilibrium concentration of MB, 5 mL samples of Following this equilibration period, the ultimate pH of each solution was
the treated solution were collected at various time intervals throughout ascertained at a designated time point [28]. By plotting the initial pH
the experiment. The CCD matrix allowed for the systematic variation of against the ΔpH of the solutions, the pHpzc was reliably deduced through
the experimental factors. The pH of the MB solution was adjusted to the a systematic analysis of the experimental data.
desired levels and different masses of Chamaerops humilis were used for
each experimental run. Additionally, the contact time was varied to 2.5. Modeling and experimental designs
explore its impact on the adsorption efficiency and the initial concen
tration of MB dye and temperature were set at 10 mg/L and room Response Surface Methodology (RSM) stands as a versatile multi
temperature respectively. During the adsorption process, the absorbance variate statistical instrument employed to delve into the repercussions of
of the treated MB solution was monitored at 664 nm using a spectro manipulating individual operational parameters, as well as their inter
photometer. A volume of 5 mL of the treated MB solution was sampled at dependent interactions, within the realm of the biosorption process
specific time intervals to determine the concentration of the remaining [29]. To ascertain the operational range of a particular process, it is
MB dye. The concentration of MB dye was calculated based on the crucial to adhere to a well-structured design of experiments that opti
measured absorbance using a calibration curve established with stan mizes the relevant parameters. This research undertook the selection of
dard MB solutions. The decrease in the absorbance of MB over time three operational parameters, informed by a thorough literature review,
indicated the adsorption of the dye onto the Chamaerops humilis fibers. and applied the one factor at a time approach to screen these parame
The adsorption capacity at the equilibrium (qe) of Chamaerops humilis ters. The selected parameters for screening encompassed Initial pH,
was determined using the following Eq. (1) [24]: adsorption time (min) and adsorbent dosage (g/L). Subsequently, an
C0 − Ce analysis was conducted to assess their influence on the adsorption ca
qe = .V (1) pacity and removal efficiency of MB. In this study, the optimization of
factors influencing the percentage of MB adsorption onto CH fibers was
Where, C0 and Ce are the initial and the equilibrium concentration of MB conducted using Design-Expert software (version 13, Stat-Ease, Inc). The
in the solution (mg/L), respectively. V is the volume of the solution (L), software served as a powerful tool for the comprehensive analysis of the
and m is the mass of Chamaerops humilis used (g). The MB removal regression model, facilitating the identification of critical variables of
S. Hmamouchi et al. Desalination and Water Treatment 320 (2024) 100824
the process and the calculation of the statistical model equations. Table 1
Through its advanced capabilities, Design-Expert enabled us to sys Encoded parameters and their values that impacted MB adsorption.
tematically investigate and interpret the intricate relationships between Factors Factors Units Factors level -α +α
the input parameters, providing valuable insights into the MB adsorp code studied
-1 0 +1
tion process. Utilizing this software played a pivotal role in streamlining
our experimental design and enhancing the precision of our results, A pH 2 7 12 − 1,40896 15,409
B Biosorbent mg/ 10 55 100 − 20,6807 130,681
ultimately contributing to a more efficient and insightful investigation. dosage 50 mL
This study’s primary objective revolves around the anticipation of of MB
extreme responses, necessitating the consideration of corner points in C Contact Min 10 65 120 − 27,4986 157,499
the experimental design. Central Composite Design (CCD) was adopted, time
which incorporates a factorial design and is well-suited for sequential
experimentation. The approach involves a rational allocation of design
immersed in 50 mL of 0.1 M HCl for a duration of 2 h and subsequently
points to handle input variables within predefined ranges. Additionally,
rinsed thoroughly with distilled water, as per the methodology outlined
the adequacy of the model fit was assessed using the curvature estima
by [35]. The revitalized biosorbent was then prepared for a new
tion method [30]. In the context of this study, a three-parameter CCD
adsorption test, and this entire regeneration process was iterated five
with a complete factorial run was implemented. This encompassed a
times. The desorption yield was calculated employing the following
total of 18 experiments, with 14 trials focusing on non-center points and
expression as mentioned in Eq. (4), as specified by [36]:
four trials on center points. The lower and upper bounds for each
parameter were established to guide the software in generating designs CDesorbed
%Desorption = .100 (4)
within the designated experimental limits. The parameters were coded CAdsorbed
and corresponded to the following limits: A) pH (2− 12), B) time Here, Cadsorbed represents the concentration of MB dye that has been
(10–120 minu) and C) dosage (0.01–0.1 g). Once the independent var adsorbed, while Cdesorbed signifies the concentration of MB dye that has
iables and their respective ranges were determined, each independent been desorbed.(Fig. 1)
variable was transformed into a coded form across three levels (− 1, 0,
and +1) [29]. To conduct the Response Surface Methodology analysis,
3. Results and discussion
The Design-Expert Software (Version 13, Stat-Ease, Inc) was employed.
Statistical quadratic models, incorporating interaction and polynomial
3.1. Characterization of Chamaerops humilis fibers
terms, were developed to describe the behavior of the response vari
ables. The experimental outcomes underwent statistical analysis utiliz
3.1.1. X-ray diffraction analysis of Chamaerops humilis fibers
ing a second-order quadratic polynomial model [31], to provide insight
The XRD analysis of Chamaerops humilis (CH) fibers was conducted
into the observed effects of the operational parameters. This model can
within the angular range of 2θ = 5–80◦ , as illustrated in Fig. 2. The X-ray
be expressed as shown Eq. (3):
diffraction spectrum unveiled four distinct crystalline peaks observed at
∑ k
∑ ∑ 15.4◦ , 16.6◦ , 22.42◦ and 35.44◦ . These peaks can be attributed to the
Y= α0 + αi Xi + αii X2i + αij Xi Xj + e (3) respective crystallographic planes (110), (110), (002), and (004) within
i=1 i=1 i<j
the cellulose I structure [37]. These distinct peaks in the XRD pattern
Herein, Y signifies the efficiency of MB dye removal, denoted as the indicates the existence of the crystalline phase in the CH fibers. The
response variable. Xi corresponds to the chosen independent variables. positions and intensities of these peaks provide valuable insights into the
The parameters a0 (intercept), ai (linear effect), aii (quadratic effect), crystalline properties and composition of the CH fibers sample,
and aij (interaction effect) stand as coefficients within the model, while k contributing to a comprehensive understanding of its material structure.
represents the overall count of variables employed in the optimization of
the adsorption process and e stands for random error. The polynomial 3.1.2. FTIR analysis of the Chamaerops humilis fibers
model of the highest degree was chosen based on sequential p-values of Fourier-Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was employed to
≤ 0.05, an absence of significance in the lack of fit test (p-value > 0.05), gain insights into the chemical composition and functional groups
as well as the attainment of adjusted R-squared and predicted R-squared
values that were maximized and remained below 0.2. In addition,
further scrutiny was applied to assess the significance of additional
terms, with preference given to non-aliased models. The chosen model
subsequently underwent scrutiny through Analysis of Variance
(ANOVA). Subsequently, the most suitable model was identified by
examining the potential necessity for transformations that would align
with statistical assumptions. In conclusion, the interaction effects be
tween the considered process parameters and their impact on the re
sponses were elucidated through a regression equation derived from the
statistical model, in conjunction with Response Surface Methodology
(RSM) contour plots [32,33]. Different variables, the symbols, and levels
are shown in Table 1.
S. Hmamouchi et al. Desalination and Water Treatment 320 (2024) 100824
S. Hmamouchi et al. Desalination and Water Treatment 320 (2024) 100824
Table 2
Comparative Analysis of Observed and Modeled Adsorption Efficiency from CCD Experiments.
Experimental Factors Response
Std Run A B C pH Biosorbent dosage (mg/50 mL) contact time Yobs Ypred
1 16 − 1 − 1 − 1 2 10 10 33,15 31,81
2 5 1 − 1 − 1 12 10 10 71,56 71,79
3 7 − 1 1 − 1 2 100 10 70,72 69,14
4 14 1 1 − 1 12 100 10 78,31 78,24
5 13 − 1 − 1 1 2 10 120 36,05 35,90
6 1 1 − 1 1 12 10 120 95,86 97,22
7 12 − 1 1 1 2 100 120 70,65 70,21
8 2 1 1 1 12 100 120 99,52 100,65
9 15 − 1 0 0 2 55 65 52,93 56,44
10 9 1 0 0 12 55 65 94,29 91,64
11 6 0 − 1 0 7 10 65 72,52 72,42
12 11 0 1 0 7 100 65 91,84 92,80
13 4 0 0 − 1 7 55 10 80,71 83,47
14 17 0 0 1 7 55 120 98,62 96,72
15 3 0 0 0 7 55 65 90,34 88,69
16 8 0 0 0 7 55 65 87,89 88,69
17 10 0 0 0 7 55 65 89,52 88,69
18 18 0 0 0 7 55 65 88,71 88,69
experiments provides valuable insights into the relationship between the adsorption efficiency is expected to increase by 6.62 units, assuming
key experimental factors (A, B, and C) and their influence on the other factors are unchanged. The interaction terms (AB, AC, BC) involve
adsorption efficiency of CH fibers for MB dye as shown the equation xx. pairs of factors. For example, the coefficient (− 7.72) for AB represents
the constant term which equal represents the baseline adsorption effi the combined effect of pH (A) and biosorbent dosage (B) on adsorption
ciency when all factors (A, B, and C) are at their central values (zero efficiency. A negative coefficient suggests that the interaction between A
levels) within the experimental range. It signifies the inherent adsorp and B has a diminishing effect on adsorption efficiency. Similar in
tion capacity of CH fibers under standard conditions. The coefficient terpretations apply to the AC and BC interaction terms. The quadratic
(+17.60) for Factor A indicates the effect of pH on adsorption efficiency. terms (A2, B2, C2) capture the curvature in the relationship between each
Specifically, for each unit increase in pH, the adsorption efficiency is factor and adsorption efficiency. For instance, the coefficient (− 14.65)
expected to increase by 17.60 units, assuming all other factors are held for A2 suggests that the relationship between pH (A) and adsorption
constant. The coefficient (+10.19) for Factor B illustrates the impact of efficiency is not purely linear; there is a curvature effect. A negative
biosorbent dosage on adsorption efficiency. For each unit increase in coefficient indicates that the relationship is concave, implying that
biosorbent dosage (mg/50 mL), the adsorption efficiency is predicted to extreme values of pH may not lead to further significant increases in
increase by 10.19 units, assuming other factors remain constant. The adsorption efficiency. Similar interpretations apply to B2 and C2.
coefficient (+6.62) for Factor C signifies the influence of contact time on In Fig. 4, the graphical representation illustrates the relationship
adsorption efficiency. With each additional minute of contact time, the between observed and predicted values pertaining to the MB dye
Fig. 4. Experimental versus predicted values (a) and normal plot of residuals (b) for MB dye adsorption efficiency using CH fibers.
S. Hmamouchi et al. Desalination and Water Treatment 320 (2024) 100824
adsorption efficiency. The figure unmistakably demonstrates a right model. Their low P-values indicate their strong influence on degradation
ward skew in the data distribution, affirming a strong correlation be efficiency. Conversely, the interaction BC and the quadratic term C2
tween experimental outcomes and statistical predictions. Consequently, exhibit P-values greater than 0.1, suggesting that they are not statisti
our developed model offers a robust assessment and analysis of MB cally significant for this model. Examining the Lack of Fit F-value of 7.18
adsorption onto CH fiber surfaces. To ascertain the model’s validity reveals an associated probability of 6.77 %, signifying that there is a
against actual experimental data, we conducted a goodness-of-fit anal 6.77 % chance that a Lack of Fit F-value of this magnitude could be
ysis for the adsorption responses. As depicted in Fig. 4, a normal prob attributed to random noise [49]. A Lack of Fit is typically undesirable, as
ability plot was observed, demonstrating that the data points generated it indicates that the model may not adequately fit the data [50]. In this
by the model align closely along a linear trajectory with minimal out case, the relatively low probability (<10 %) associated with Lack of Fit
liers. This consistent pattern is also evident when examining the pre warrants attention and suggests that further investigation or model
dicted and observed MB adsorption efficiencies, as depicted in Fig. 4. refinement may be necessary to improve the model’s fit. To summarize,
This highlights a substantial correlation between the experimental re the ANOVA outcomes underscore the overarching significance of the
sponses and the model’s predictions [44]. Fig. 4 provides an overview of quadratic model, revealing the substantial impact of various critical
the model’s performance in representing both experimental and pre factors and interactions on degradation efficiency. Nevertheless, the
dicted values. The validation of experimental results against those pro existence of Lack of Fit signals the requirement for circumspect evalu
jected by the model is essential for assessing the model’s credibility. To ation and potential refinements to enhance the model’s alignment with
ensure the robustness of this validation process, we verified that the the observed data. This suggests an avenue for further exploration and
residual data values adhere to a normal distribution, enabling the uti optimization to achieve a more precise fit between the model and
lization of normal distribution techniques to assess the precision of the empirical observations.
predictive model [45,46]. Additionally, the degree of alignment be The results from our Central Composite Design (CCD) experiment for
tween predicted and experimental values can be assessed by examining the adsorption of MB dye onto CH fibers are highly promising. The co
their proximity to the linear regression line. Data points closely efficient of determination (R2) is exceptionally high at 0.9936, indi
following the line indicate a favorable model fit, while substantial de cating that the model explains 99.36 % of the variability in the response.
viations may imply potential limitations in accurately characterizing the The adjusted R2 value (R2adj ) of 0.9864 further confirms the robustness of
data. the model. The predictive R2 (R2pre ) value of 0.9533 demonstrates the
model’s ability to accurately forecast outcomes. The low coefficient of
3.2.2. Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
variation (C.V.%) at 2.98 % suggests good precision and reproducibility
The analysis of variance (ANOVA) table for the quadratic model
of the experimental data. Moreover, the Adequate Precision value of
provides valuable insights into the significance of the model terms and
39.7469 exceeds the desired threshold of 4, indicating that the model is
their impact on the adsorption efficiency of the system [47], as illus
suitable for predicting MB dye adsorption onto CH fibers with a high
trated in Table 3. The Model F-value of 137.97 is indicative of the overall
degree of reliability [51].
significance of the model. This substantial F-value suggests that the
model is highly significant in explaining the variation in adsorption ef
3.2.3. Response-surface assessment
ficiency. Importantly, the probability associated with such a large
The utilization of a CCD model allowed for the generation of
F-value is exceedingly low at 0.01 %, emphasizing the model’s robust
insightful 2D contour and 3D response surface plots as shown Fig. 5,
ness and reliability in capturing the underlying trends in the data. The
shedding light on the interplay between three critical variables: solution
P-values associated with individual model terms offer further insights.
pH, CH fiber dosage and contact time. In Fig. 5(a), we present the 2D
Terms with P-values less than 0.05 are considered statistically signifi
contour and 3D response surface plots illustrating how alterations in the
cant [48]. In this context, factors A (pH), B (Biosorbent dosage), C
solution’s pH and CH fiber dosage impact the percentage of MB dye
(contact time), as well as interactions AB and AC, along with the
adsorption. These 2D and 3D plots offer a visually intuitive represen
quadratic terms A2 and B2, are all deemed significant contributors to the
tation of the complex relationships within our system. They clearly
demonstrate that the MB adsorption percentage increases in tandem
Table 3 with simultaneous increments in both CH fiber dosage and solution pH.
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) results for the quadratic model in CCD experi Specifically, the plots reveal a notable trend wherein the highest MB
ments on MB dye adsorption by CH fibers. adsorption, reaching a remarkable 95.21 %, occurs at a pH of 7 when the
Source Sum of df Mean F- p-value Significant CH fiber dosage is set at 1.4 g/L. The application CCD model has also
Squares Square value allowed us to gain valuable insights into the interplay between two
Model 6704,25 9 744,92 137,97 < 0.0001 * pivotal variables: solution pH and contact time, as depicted in Fig. 5(b).
A-Ph 3099,01 1 3099,01 573,98 < 0.0001 * In this section, the 2D contour and 3D response surface plots offer a
B- 1038,36 1 1038,36 192,32 < 0.0001 * graphical representation of the intricate relationships within our
experimental system. These plots unequivocally reveal that the per
C-Contact 438,91 1 438,91 81,29 < 0.0001 * centage of MB adsorption experiences a simultaneous increase with
time rising values of both contact time and solution pH. Remarkably, our
AB 476,79 1 476,79 88,31 < 0.0001 * findings illustrate that the highest level of MB adsorption, reaching an
AC 227,70 1 227,70 42,17 0,0002 * impressive 100 %, occurs at a pH of 9.5 when the contact time is set at
BC 4,59 1 4,59 0,8502 0,3835
A2 581,31 1 581,31 107,67 < 0.0001 *
95 min Fig. 5(c) illustrates the graphics of the 2D contour and 3D
B2 100,07 1 100,07 18,53 0,0026 * response surface plots derived from the CCD model, specifically exam
C2 5,37 1 5,37 0,9951 0,3477 #
ining the influence of CH fibers dosage and contact time on the
Residual 43,19 8 5,40 adsorption of MB dye. These visual representations provide valuable
Lack of Fit 39,86 5 7,97 7,18 0,0677
insights into the complex interplay between CH fibers dosage and con
Pure Error 3,33 3 1,11
Cor Total 6747,44 17 tact time in our adsorption system. Both the 2D contour and 3D response
surface plots distinctly demonstrate a concurrent increase in the per
R2 = 0.9936, R2adj = 0.9864, R2pre = 0.9533, C.V.% = 2.98, Adeq Precision centage of MB adsorption with simultaneous increments in contact time
= 39.7469. and CH fibers dosage. Notably, our investigation reveals that the peak
= Significant level of MB adsorption, achieving a remarkable 100 %, was achieved at
= Not significant
S. Hmamouchi et al. Desalination and Water Treatment 320 (2024) 100824
Fig. 5. 2D contour and 3D response surface plots for MB adsorption efficiency using CH fibers biosorbent as a function of: (a) CH fibers dose combined with pH, (b)
contact time combined with pH and (c) contact time combined with CH fibers dose.
S. Hmamouchi et al. Desalination and Water Treatment 320 (2024) 100824
3.3. Point of Zero Charge (PZC) determination Adsorption kinetics, which study the rate at which a substance is
adsorbed onto a surface, are of crucial importance in understanding the
The Point of Zero Charge (PZC) is a critical parameter in under adsorption mechanism. In this study, we examined the adsorption ki
standing the surface chemistry and electrostatic properties of a material, netics of the dye MB on CH fibers. The mathematical expressions
especially in the context of its adsorption behavior. It represents the pH describing the kinetics of the adsorption process are formulated as fol
at which the surface charge of a material becomes neutral, indicating a lows (Eqs. (6) and (7)) [54,55]:
state where the electrostatic forces between the material’s surface and
ln(qe − qt ) = lnqt − k1 t (6)
ions in solution are minimized. At this point, the material exhibits
minimal interaction with ions and can be considered electrically neutral.
t 1 t
In our study, the determination of the PZC for CH fibers was carried out = + (7)
qt k2 q2e qe
to gain insights into their surface charge characteristics. It helps in un
derstanding the electrostatic interactions between the biosorbent sur In these equations, the variables qt and qe denote the adsorption
face and the target adsorbate molecules. In our study, the pHpzc of CH capacity measured in mg/g at time t and at equilibrium, respectively.
fibers was determined to be 7.51, as illustrated in Fig. 6. This parameter, The parameter t represents the contact time, measured in min. Addi
pHpzc, is critical as it denotes the pH at which the surface charge of the tionally, k1 and k2 represent the constants associated with the PFO and
material becomes neutral, indicating a transition from positive to PSO kinetic rate equilibrium, respectively. k1 is measured in min− 1,
negative surface charge characteristics. This information is valuable in while k2 is measured in− 1.min− 1.
explaining the favorable adsorption behavior observed under the The results shown in Fig. 8 reveal a pseudo-second-order reaction
optimal pH conditions, as discussed in previous sections. It also con behavior, characterized by a high coefficient of determination R2
tributes to the overall understanding of CH fibers as an effective bio = 0.997. The pseudo-second-order model involves more complex
sorbent for the removal of dyes and other contaminants from aqueous adsorption and is often associated with a stronger chemical interaction
solutions. Below the pHpzc the surface of CH fibers tends to be positively between the adsorbent CH fibers and the adsorbate MB. The high R2
charged. This positive charge arises from the protonation of functional = 0.997 indicates that this model is in excellent agreement with our
groups on the surface. In the context of our study, this is a significant experimental data, suggesting that the adsorption kinetics of MB on CH
observation because the MB dye used is a cationic dye, carrying a pos fibers mainly follows a pseudo-second-order mechanism. In contrast, we
itive charge. Consequently, at lower pH values, there is a predominance also examined the pseudo-first-order model, which is generally associ
of positive charges both on the MB dye molecules and on the positively ated with less specific physisorption processes. In this case, the pseudo-
charged sites of CH fibers. This situation results in electrostatic repulsion first-order model showed an R2 = 0.724, indicating that this model does
between the positively charged MB dye and the positively charged not fit our experimental data as well. These results support the idea that
adsorption sites on the CH fibers. This repulsive force impedes the MB adsorption by CH fibers is mainly governed by a pseudo second-
adsorption of MB molecules onto the CH fibers, leading to relatively low order mechanism. Furthermore, it is important to note that the experi
adsorption efficiency at lower pH values [52]. As the pH of the mixture mental value of Qmax (maximum adsorption capacity) that we obtained
S. Hmamouchi et al. Desalination and Water Treatment 320 (2024) 100824
Fig. 7. Van’t Hoff curve representing this adsorption of the dye MB by CH fibers.
Table 5
Comparative Analysis of First-Order and Second-Order Kinetic Models for MB
Dye Adsorption.
Kinetic Parameters
obtain key parameters such as free energy (ΔG◦ ), enthalpy (ΔH◦ ), and
entropy (ΔS◦ ), calculations based on temperature-dependent balances
are essential [56]. These fundamental quantities can be determined
utilizing the equations provided in Eqs. (8) to (11):
S. Hmamouchi et al. Desalination and Water Treatment 320 (2024) 100824
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