The influence of bubble shape and the thickness of the wetting film on the
incremental electrical resistance caused by the presence of a single bubble in
Hall-Héroult cells
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The influence of bubble shape and the thickness of the wetting film on the incremental
electrical resistance caused by the presence of a single bubble in Hall-Héroult cells
Key words: alumina reduction cell, bubble shape, gas bubbles, interelectrode resistance
Bubbles play an important role in the transport phenomena existing in an electrolysis cell. They increase the total
ohmic resistance of the electrolyte but their contribution is still not well quantified. During their movement under
the anode, the bubbles are separated from the solid by the so-called wetting film, that is by a thin liquid layer. In
order to develop a mathematical model to compute the increment of the electrical resistance of the electrolyte due to
the presence of several bubbles under the anode, the effects of the bubble shape and the thickness of the wetting film
for a single bubble must be quantified a priori. In this first paper, these effects are computed using the finite element
method (FEM). The results have shown that the influence of the bubble shape and that of the wetting film is small,
about 5% and 2%, respectively.
Vðy ¼ LÞ ¼ VA : ð7Þ
3. Results and discussion
Furthermore, the vertical limits on the left and right
side of the domain and the bubble interface were In this section, the results concerning the difference of
considered insulated the relative bubble resistance caused by four different
bubble shapes of the same volume are presented first. In
the second part, the effect of the thickness of the wetting
film on the electrical resistance is discussed. The liquid
film is located between the anode and the moving
bubble. It separates the anode surface and the moving
Fig. 7. Covering factor in terms of A*, the cross-section of the per- Fig. 9. Difference in the electrical resistance as function of the wet-
turbed zone (electrical current tube), as function of the volume for ting film thickness for three different bubble volumes. The base of
the different bubble shapes studied in the present work. comparison is when the thickness of the wetting film is zero.
Fig. 10. Increase of the relative electrical resistance due to the pres- Fig. 12. Relative electrical resistance for the configurations shown in
ence of the wetting film. Figure 11.
An interesting result presented in Figure 10 is that the studied. Three of these shapes have been reported or
relative resistance increases slightly with the thickness of observed in laboratory. The bubble volumes varied from
the wetting film. The results for three different bubble 1 to 150 cm3. The results show that the influence of the
volumes are presented such as 2, 8 and 15 cm3. The bubble shape for the same volume of gas on the total
bubble shape is the circular disc and the covering factor electrical resistance computed within its perturbed zone
is fixed at 35%. To understand this phenomenon, (electrical current tube) is less than 5%. The present
several tests were carried out with cylindrical bubbles paper confirms the conclusion of Hyde and Welch [5]
of four different diameters. The geometry is presented in that the effect of bubble shape is weak. Furthermore the
Figure 11. The bubble a is attached under the surface use of different computational domain sizes allowed us
with a thickness of 5 mm. In the second situation b, the to increase the understanding about the two contribu-
same bubble glides on a wetting film of a thickness of tions, such as the screening effect and the deformation of
1 mm. The third bubble c is also attached under the the current lines under the bubble, which are responsible
surface but its thickness is 6 mm. The anode–cathode of the resistance increase due to the presence of a bubble
distance ACD is kept constant at 5 cm in the three under the anode. The effect of the wetting film on the
situations. The relative electrical resistance computed electrical resistance has also been investigated. The
for these three situations is presented in Figure 12 thickness of the wetting film varied from 0 to 1.5 mm.
below. The results show that the additional resistance The influence of the wetting film has been found
caused by the presence of the bubbles b and c is almost negligible with a maximal value of only 2%.
the same. Therefore the increase of the electrical
resistance as the wetting film is increased is principally
due to a deeper penetration of the deformed zone in the Acknowledgements
current distribution. Thus the contribution of the small
increment of the conducting surface caused by the The first author gratefully acknowledges the support of
presence of the wetting film (situation b) is negligible the Fonds québécois de recherches sur la nature et les
compared to the deflection of the electrical field under- technologies (FQRNT) and that of the Conseil de Re-
neath the bubble. cherches en Sciences Naturelles et en Génie du Canada
(CRSNG) in the form of post-graduate scholarships.
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