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Comparing deep learning and concept

extraction based methods for patient
phenotyping from clinical narratives
Sebastian Gehrmann1,2*, Franck Dernoncourt1,3,4, Yeran Li1,5, Eric T. Carlson1,6,
Joy T. Wu1,5, Jonathan Welt1,7, John Foote Jr.1,8, Edward T. Moseley1,9, David W. Grant1,10,
Patrick D. Tyler1,11, Leo A. Celi1,3
1 MIT Critical Data, Laboratory for Computational Physiology, Cambridge, MA, United States of America,
a1111111111 2 Harvard SEAS, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States of America, 3 Massachusetts Institute of
a1111111111 Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States of America, 4 Adobe Research, San Jose, CA, United States of
a1111111111 America, 5 Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Cambridge, MA, United States of America, 6 Philips
Research North America, Cambridge, MA, United States of America, 7 Wellman Center for Photomedicine,
a1111111111 Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, United States of America, 8 Tufts University School of
a1111111111 Medicine, Cambridge, MA, United States of America, 9 College of Science and Mathematics, University of
Massachusetts, Boston, MA, United States of America, 10 Department of Surgery, Division of Plastic and
Reconstructive Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, United States of America,
11 Department of Internal Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, United States of
* [email protected]
Citation: Gehrmann S, Dernoncourt F, Li Y, Carlson
ET, Wu JT, Welt J, et al. (2018) Comparing deep
learning and concept extraction based methods for
patient phenotyping from clinical narratives. PLoS Abstract
ONE 13(2): e0192360. https://doi.org/10.1371/
journal.pone.0192360 In secondary analysis of electronic health records, a crucial task consists in correctly identi-
fying the patient cohort under investigation. In many cases, the most valuable and relevant
Editor: Jen-Hsiang Chuang, Centers for Disease
Control, TAIWAN information for an accurate classification of medical conditions exist only in clinical narra-
tives. Therefore, it is necessary to use natural language processing (NLP) techniques to
Received: June 16, 2017
extract and evaluate these narratives. The most commonly used approach to this problem
Accepted: January 21, 2018
relies on extracting a number of clinician-defined medical concepts from text and using
Published: February 15, 2018 machine learning techniques to identify whether a particular patient has a certain condition.
Copyright: © 2018 Gehrmann et al. This is an open However, recent advances in deep learning and NLP enable models to learn a rich repre-
access article distributed under the terms of the sentation of (medical) language. Convolutional neural networks (CNN) for text classification
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
can augment the existing techniques by leveraging the representation of language to learn
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original which phrases in a text are relevant for a given medical condition. In this work, we compare
author and source are credited. concept extraction based methods with CNNs and other commonly used models in NLP in
Data Availability Statement: Data for this study ten phenotyping tasks using 1,610 discharge summaries from the MIMIC-III database. We
are available on physionet under the repository show that CNNs outperform concept extraction based methods in almost all of the tasks,
name "Annotated Clinical Texts (ACT) from MIMIC" with an improvement in F1-score of up to 26 and up to 7 percentage points in area under the
(URL: https://physionet.org/works/
ROC curve (AUC). We additionally assess the interpretability of both approaches by pre-
AnnotatedClinicalTextsACTfromMIMIC/). Code and
processed data is available on github (URL: https:// senting and evaluating methods that calculate and extract the most salient phrases for a
github.com/sebastianGehrmann/phenotyping). All prediction. The results indicate that CNNs are a valid alternative to existing approaches in
data besides the annotated texts can be found in patient phenotyping and cohort identification, and should be further investigated. Moreover,
the MIMIC-III database and was not modified by
the deep learning approach presented in this paper can be used to assist clinicians during
the authors. The MIMIC-III database is an openly
available, de-identified dataset developed by the
MIT Lab for Computational Physiology. Of the

PLOS ONE | https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0192360 February 15, 2018 1 / 19

Comparing deep learning and concept extraction based methods for patient phenotyping from clinical narratives

authors, only LAC was involved in the development chart review or support the extraction of billing codes from text by identifying and highlighting
of the database. Access can be requested on relevant phrases for various medical conditions.
PhysioNet after completion of a CITI training on
"Data or Specimens Only Research". A detailed
tutorial how to access and install the data can be
found at https://mimic.physionet.org/

Funding: Franck Dernoncourt is supported by a

grant from Philips Research. Leo Anthony Celi is
supported by the R01 grant EB017205-01A1 from The secondary analysis of data from electronic health records (EHRs) is crucial to better
the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging (http:// understand the heterogeneity of treatment effects and to individualize patient care [1]. With
the growing adoption rate of EHRs [2], researchers gain access to rich data sets, such as the
and Biomedical Engineering. The content is solely
the responsibility of the authors and does not
Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care (MIMIC) database [3, 4], and the Informatics
necessarily represent the official views of Philips for Integrating Biology and the Bedside (i2b2) datamarts [5–10]. These data sets can be
Research or the National Institute of Bioimaging explored and mined in numerous ways [11]. EHR data comprise both structured data such as
and Biomedical Engineering. The funders had no International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes, laboratory results and medications, and
role in study design, data collection and analysis, unstructured data such as clinician progress notes. While structured data do not require com-
decision to publish, or preparation of the
plex processing prior to statistical tests and machine learning tasks, the majority of data exist
in unstructured form [12]. Natural language processing methods can extract this valuable data,
Competing interests: The authors have declared which in conjunction with analyzing structured data can lead to a better understanding of
that no competing interests exist.
health and diseases [13] and to a more accurate phenotyping of patients to compare tests and
treatments [14–16]. Patient phenotyping is a classification task for determining whether a
patient has a medical condition or for pinpointing patients who are at risk for developing one.
Further, intelligent applications for patient phenotyping can support clinicians by reducing
the time they spend on chart reviews, which takes up a significant fraction of their daily work-
flow [17, 18].
A popular approach to patient phenotyping using NLP is based on extracting medical
phrases from texts and using them as input to build a predictive model [19]. The dictionary of
relevant phrases is often task-specific and its development requires significant effort and a
deep understanding of the task from domain experts [20]. A different approach is to develop a
fully rule-based algorithm for each condition [21]. Due to the laborious task required of clini-
cians to build a generalizable model for patient phenotyping, models for automated classifica-
tion using NLP are rarely developed outside of the research area. However, utilizing recent
developments in deep learning for phenotyping might prove to be a generalizable approach
with less intense domain expert involvement. Applications of deep learning for other tasks in
healthcare have shown promising results; examples include mortality prediction [22], patient
note de-identification [23], skin cancer detection [24], and diabetic retinopathy detection [25].
A possible drawback to deep learning models is their lack of interpretability. Interpretability
means how easily one can understand how a model arrived at a prediction [26]. This is crucial
for healthcare applications since results can directly impact decisions about patients health.
Furthermore, clinicians have intimate pre-existing knowledge and thus expect applications to
support their decision making as opposed to make decisions for them. Therefore, interpretable
models are required so that clinicians can trust and control their results [27]. Moreover, the
European Union is considering regulations that require algorithms to be interpretable [28].
While much work has been done to understand deep learning NLP models and develop
understandable models [29–31], their complex interactions between inputs are inherently less
interpretable than linear models that use predefined phrase dictionaries.
In this work, we assess convolutional neural networks (CNNs) as an approach to text-based
patient phenotyping. CNNs are designed to identify phrases in text that lead to a positive or
negative classification, similar to the phrase dictionary approach, and outperform approaches

PLOS ONE | https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0192360 February 15, 2018 2 / 19

Comparing deep learning and concept extraction based methods for patient phenotyping from clinical narratives

to classification problems in other domains [32–34]. We compare CNNs to entity extraction

systems using the Mayo clinical Text Analysis and Knowledge Extraction System (cTAKES)
[35], and other NLP methods such as logistic regression models using n-gram features. Using
a corpus of 1,610 discharge summaries that were annotated for ten different phenotypes, we
show that CNNs outperform both extraction-based and n-gram-based methods. Finally, we
evaluate the interpretability of the model by assessing the learned phrases that are associated
with each phenotype and compare them to the phrase dictionaries developed by clinicians.

Accurate patient phenotyping is required for secondary analysis of EHRs to correctly identify
the patient cohort and to better identify the clinical context [36, 37]. Studies employing a man-
ual chart review process for patient phenotyping are naturally limited to a small number of
preselected patients. Therefore, NLP is necessary to identify information that is contained in
text but may be inconsistently captured in the structured data, such as recurrence in cancer
[20, 38], whether a patient smokes [5], classification within the autism spectrum [39], or drug
treatment patterns [40]. However, unstructured data in EHRs, for example progress notes or
discharge summaries, are not typically amenable to simple text searches because of spelling
mistakes, synonyms, and ambiguous terms [41]. To help address these issues, researchers uti-
lize dictionaries and ontologies for medical terminologies such as the unified medical language
system (UMLS) [42] and the systematized nomenclature of medicine—clinical terms
(SNOMED CT) [43].
Examples of systems that employ such databases and extract concepts from text are the
KnowledgeMap Concept Identifier (KMCI) [44], MetaMap [45], Medlee [46], MedEx [47],
and the cTAKES. These systems identify phrases within a text that correspond to medical enti-
ties [35, 48]. This significantly reduces the work required from researchers, who previously
had to develop task-specific extractors [49]. Extracted entities are typically filtered to only
include concepts related to the patient phenotype under investigation and either used as fea-
tures for a model that predicts whether the patient fits the phenotype, or as input for rule-
based algorithms [19, 39, 50]. Liao et al. [13] describe the process of extraction, rule-generation
and prediction as the general approach to patient phenotyping using the cTAKES [14, 51–53],
and test this approach on various data sets [54]. The role of clinicians in this task is both to
annotate data and to develop a task-specific dictionary of phrases that are relevant to a
patient phenotype. Improving existing approaches often requires significant additional time-
investment from the clinicians, for example by developing and combining two separate
phrase-dictionaries for pathology documents and clinical documents [20]. The cost and time
required to develop these algorithms limit their applicability to large or repeated tasks. While a
usable system would offset the development costs, it does not address the problem that a spe-
cialized NLP system would have to be developed for every task in a hospital. Moreover, algo-
rithms often do not transfer well between different hospitals, warranting extensive
transferability studies [55]. The deep learning based approach we evaluate in this paper does
not require any hand-crafted input and can easily be retrained with new data. This can poten-
tially increase the transferability of studies while removing the time required to develop new

Materials and methods

The notes used in this study are extracted from the MIMIC-III database. MIMIC-III contains
de-identified clinical data of over 53,000 hospital admissions for adult patients to the intensive

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Comparing deep learning and concept extraction based methods for patient phenotyping from clinical narratives

care units (ICU) at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center from 2001 to 2012. The
dataset comprises several types of clinical notes, including discharge summaries (n = 52,746)
and nursing notes (n = 812,128). We focus on the discharge summaries since they are the
most informative for patient phenotyping [56]. More specifically, we investigate phenotypes
that may associate a patient with being a ‘frequent flyer’ in the ICU (defined as >= 3 ICU visits
within 365 days). As many as one third of readmissions have been suggested to be preventable;
identifying modifiable risk factors is a crucial step to reducing them [57]. We extracted the dis-
charge summary of the first visit from 415 ICU frequent flyers in MIMIC-III, as well as 313
randomly selected summaries from later visits of the same patients. We additionally selected
882 random summaries from patients who are not frequent flyers, yielding a total of 1,610
notes. The cTAKES output for these notes contains a total of 11,094 unique CUIs.
All 1,610 notes were annotated for the ten phenotypes described in Table 1. The table
shows the definitions for each investigated phenotype. To ensure high-quality labels and mini-
mize errors, each note was labeled at least twice for each phenotype. Annotators include two
clinical researchers (ETM, JW), two junior medical residents (JF, JTW), two senior medical
residents (DWG, PDT), and a practicing intensive care medicine physician (LAC). In the case
that the annotators were unsure, one of the senior clinicians (DWG or PDT) decided on the
final label. The table further shows the number of occurrences of each phenotype as a measure
of dataset imbalance. The frequency varies from 126 to 460 cases, which corresponds to
between 7.5% and 28.6% of the dataset. Finally, we provide the Cohen’s Kappa measure for
inter-rater agreement. While well specified phenotypes such as depression have a very high
agreement (0.95), other phenotypes, such as chronic neurologic dystrophies, have a lower
agreement 0.71 and required more interventions by senior clinicians.

Table 1. The ten different phenotypes used for this study. The first column shows the name of the phenotype, the second column shows the number of positive examples
our of the total 1,610 notes, and the third shows the κ coefficient as inter-rater agreement measure. The last column lists the definition for each phenotype that was used to
identify and annotate the phenotype.
Phenotype] #pos. κ Definition
Adv. / Metastatic Cancer 161 0.83 Cancers with very high or imminent mortality (pancreas, esophagus, stomach, cholangiocarcinoma, brain); mention of
distant or multi-organ metastasis, where palliative care would be considered (prognosis < 6 months).
Adv. Heart Disease 275 0.82 Any consideration for needing a heart transplant; description of severe aortic stenosis (aortic valve area < 1.0cm2), severe
cardiomyopathy, Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction (LVEF) <= 30%. Not sufficient to have a medical history of congestive
heart failure (CHF) or myocardial infarction (MI) with stent or coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) as these are too
Adv. Lung Disease 167 0.81 Severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) defined as Gold Stage III-IV, or with a forced expiratory volume
during first breath (FEV1) < 50% of normal, or forced vital capacity (FVC) < 70%, or severe interstitial lung disease (ILD),
or Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF).
Chronic Neurologic 368 0.71 Any chronic central nervous system (CNS) or spinal cord diseases, included/not limited to: Multiple sclerosis (MS),
Dystrophies amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), myasthenia gravis, Parkinson’s Disease, epilepsy, history of stroke/cerebrovascular
accident (CVA) with residual deficits, and various neuromuscular diseases/dystrophies.
Chronic Pain 321 0.83 Any etiology of chronic pain, including fibromyalgia, requiring long-term opioid/narcotic analgesic medication to control.
Alcohol Abuse 196 0.86 Current/recent alcohol abuse history; still an active problem at time of admission (may or may not be the cause of it).
Substance Abuse 155 0.86 Include any intravenous drug abuse (IVDU), accidental overdose of psychoactive or narcotic medications,(prescribed or
not). Admitting to marijuana use in history is not sufficient.
Obesity 126 0.94 Clinical obesity. BMI > 30. Previous history of or being considered for gastric bypass. Insufficient to have abdominal obesity
mentioned in physical exam.
Psychiatric disorders 295 0.91 All psychiatric disorders in DSM-5 classification, including schizophrenia, bipolar and anxiety disorders, other than
Depression 460 0.95 Diagnosis of depression; prescription of anti-depressant medication; or any description of intentional drug overdose, suicide
or self-harm attempts.

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Comparing deep learning and concept extraction based methods for patient phenotyping from clinical narratives

Concept-extraction based methods

We use cTAKES to extract concepts from each note. In cTAKES, sentences and phases are first
split into tokens (individual words). Then, tokens with variations (e.g. plural) are normalized
to their base form. The normalized tokens are tagged for their part-of-speech (e.g. noun, verb),
and a shallow parse tree is constructed to represent the grammatical structure of a sentence.
Finally, a named-entity recognition algorithm uses this information to detect named entities
for which a concept unique identifier (CUI) exists in UMLS [43].
Related approaches then use relevant concepts in a note as input to machine learning algo-
rithms to directly learn to predict a phenotype [58, 59]. We specify two different approaches to
using the cTAKES output. The first approach uses the complete list of extracted CUIs as input
to further processing steps. In the second approach, clinicians specify a dictionary comprising
all clinical concepts that are relevant to the desired phenotype (e.g. Alcohol Abuse) as
described by Carrell et al. [20].
Our predictive models replicate the process as described by Liao et al. [13]. Each note is rep-
resented as a bag-of-CUIs by counting the number of occurrences of each of the CUIs. Due to
the fact that cTAKES detects negations, occurrences of negated and non-negated CUIs are
counted separately. These features are then transformed using the term frequency–inverse
document frequency (TF-IDF). Compared to the bag-of-CUIs, or the bag-of-words of a note
as described by Halpern et al. [16], the TF-IDF of the features reflects the importance of a fea-
ture to a note. For an accurate comparison to approaches in literature, we train a random for-
est (RF), a naive Bayes (NB), and a logistic regression (LR) model with these features.

Convolutional neural networks

We use a convolutional neural network (CNN) for text classification to represent deep learning
methods, replicating the architecture proposed by Collobert et al. and Kim [33, 60]. The idea
behind convolutions in computer vision is to learn filters that transform adjacent pixels into
single values [61]. Equivalently, a CNN for NLP learns which combinations of adjacent words
are associated with a given concept. An overview of our architecture is shown in Fig 1.
In a CNN, a text is first represented as a sequence of word embeddings in which each word
is projected into a distributed representation. A word xi 2 Rk is the k-dimensional embedding
vector for the i-th word in a text. Consequently, a text of length n is represented the concatena-
tion of its word embeddings x1:n = x1  x2  . . .  xn (where  is the concatenation opera-
tion). Word embeddings have shown to improve performance on other tasks based on EHRs,
for example named-entity recognition [62]. Words that occur in similar contexts are trained to
have similar word embeddings. Therefore, misspellings, synonyms and abbreviations of an
original word learn similar embeddings, which lead to similar results. Consequently, a data-
base of synonyms and common misspellings is not required [20]. Word embeddings can be
pre-trained on a larger corpus of texts, which improves results of the NLP system and reduces
the amount of data required to train a model [63, 64]. We pre-train our embeddings with
word2vec [65] on all discharge notes available in the MIMIC-III database [4].
The embedded text is used as input to the convolutional layer. Convolutions detect a signal
from a combination of adjacent inputs. Each convolutional operation applies a filter of trained
parameters w 2 Rhk to an input-window of width h. A resulting feature ci is computed as ci = f
(w  xi:i+h−1 + b). In this equation, b 2 R represents a bias term, and f a non-linear function, in
our case a rectified linear unit f ðxÞ ¼ maxð0; xÞ. A filter is applied to every possible word win-
dow in the input to produce a feature map c = [c1, c2, . . ., cn−h+1]. This feature map is then
reduced to a single value using a pooling operation. More specifically, we use max-over-time-
pooling to extract the most predictive value ^c ¼ maxðcÞ [60]. We combine multiple

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Comparing deep learning and concept extraction based methods for patient phenotyping from clinical narratives

Fig 1. Overview of the basic CNN architecture. (A) Each word within a discharge note is represented as its word embedding. In this example, both instances of the
word “and” will have the same embedding. (B) Convolutions of different widths are used to learn filters that are applied to word sequences of the corresponding
length. The convolution K2 with width 2 in the example looks at all 10 combinations of neighboring two words and output one value each. There can be multiple
feature maps for each convolution width. (C) The multiple resulting vectors are reduced to only the highest value (the one with the most signaling power) for each of
the different convolutions. (D) The final prediction (“Does the phenotype apply to the patient?”) is made by computing a weighted combination of the pooled values
and applying a sigmoid function, similar to a logistic regression. This figure is adapted with permission from Kim [33].

convolutions per length and of different lengths to evaluate phrases from one to five words
long, as illustrated in Fig 1. All convolutions use the same word embeddings as input and
only differ in the filters they learn. The combination of many filters of varying length results in
multiple outputs z ¼ ½^c 1 ; . . . ; ^c m Š. A final probability whether the text refers to a patient with a
certain condition is computed as y = σ(w  z + b), with two trainable parameters w and b
and the sigmoid function σ. We train a separate CNN for each phenotype to minimize the neg-
ative conditional log-likelihood of training data LðyÞ ¼ i¼1 log pðyi jx i ; yÞ for a set of
parameters θ.

Other baselines
We further investigate a number of baselines to compare with the more complex approaches.
We start with a bag-of-words based logistic regression and gradually increase the complexity
of the baselines until we reach the CNN. This provides an overview of how adding more com-
plex features impact the performance in this task. Moreover, this investigation shows what fac-
tors contribute most to the CNN performance.
Bag of words. The simplest possible representation for a note is a bag of words (BoW)
which counts phrases of length 1. Let F denote the vocabulary of all words, and fi the word at
position i. Let further dðfi Þ 2 R1jF j be a one-hot vector with a one at position fi. Then, a note x
is represented as x = ∑i δ(fi). A prediction is made by computing y = σ(w  x + b), where w and
b are trainable parameters.
n-grams. The bag-of-words approach can be extended to include representations for lon-
ger phrases, also called n-grams, as well. Consider a note “The sick patient”. While a bag-of-

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Comparing deep learning and concept extraction based methods for patient phenotyping from clinical narratives

words approach considers each word separately, a two-gram model additionally considers
all possible phrases of length two. Thus, the model would also consider the phrases “The
sick” and “sick patient”. Since the number of possible phrases grows exponentially in the
size of the vocabulary, the data for longer phrases becomes very sparse and the n-gram size
can’t be increased too much. In this study, we show results for models with phrase lengths of
up to 5.
Embedding-based logistic regression. A typical CNN differs from n-gram based models
in both feature representation and model architecture. To study whether models simpler than
a CNN have the same expressive power with the same feature representation, we modify the
LR to use the same word embeddings as the CNN. Here, a note is represented as a sequence of
its word embeddings x1:n = x1  x2  . . .  xn. However, using this representation as input to
a LR means that every word is sensitive to its location in a text. An occurrence of “heart” at
position 5 would use different parameters in w than the same word at position 10. Therefore,
we change the model to use the same weight vector w for each word embedding in a text, com-
puting the score as i¼1 w  xi . The representation also poses the challenge that inputs vary in
length. Thus, we normalize the score by dividing by the length n. Unfortunately, the capacity
of this adjusted logistic regression model is insufficient. The AUC of this model is close to 0.5
for all phenotypes, which means that it is not better than chance. Since a typical note can be
longer than 4,000 words, all the expressive terms are smoothed out. Using max-pooling instead
of averaging as an approach to mitigating this problem has the same result. We thus omit this
baseline from further results.
CNN without convolutions. In order to account for the problem that relevant features
are smoothed out by the number of features in the model, we train several weight parameters
w instead of only one and combine the pooled results by concatenating them. Then, we take
the resulting vector as input to another logistic regression. This architecture is equivalent to a
CNN with a convolutional width of one, for which we show results in S1 Table.

The inability of humans to understand predictions of complex machine learning models poses
a difficult challenge when such approaches are used in healthcare [26]. Therefore, we consider
it crucial that well-performing approaches should be understood and trusted by those who use
them. Moreover, bias in the sources of data could lead the model to learn false implications.
One such example of bias was in mortality prediction among patients with pneumonia where
asthma was found to increase survival probability [27, 66]. This result was due to an institu-
tional practice of admitting all patients with pneumonia and a history of asthma to the ICU
regardless of disease severity, so that a history of asthma was strongly correlated with a lower
illness severity. To measure the interpretability of each approach, we consider the most fre-
quently used approach in text-classification. In this approach, users are shown a list of phrases
or concepts that are most salient for a particular prediction; this list either manifests as an
actual list or as highlights of the original text [67, 68].
As a baseline we consider the filtered cTAKES random forest approach (other baselines can
be treated equivalently). In the filtered cTAKES approach, clinicians ensure that all features
directly pertain to the specific phenotype [22]. We rank the importance of each remaining
CUI using the gini importance of the trained model [69]. The resulting ranking is a direct indi-
cation of the globally most relevant CUIs. An individual document can be analyzed by ranking
only the importance of CUIs that occur in this document.
For the CNN, we propose a modified version of the saliency as defined by Li et al. to com-
pute the most relevant phrases [70]. They define the saliency for a neural network as the norm

PLOS ONE | https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0192360 February 15, 2018 7 / 19

Comparing deep learning and concept extraction based methods for patient phenotyping from clinical narratives

of the gradient of the Loss function for a particular prediction with respect to an input xi as
@Lð1; y^
S1 ðxi Þ ¼

In the CNN case, an input is only a single word or a single dimension of its embedding.
Thus, we extend the saliency definition to instead compute the gradient with respect to the
learned feature maps, which we call phrase-saliency. This approximates how much a phrase
contributed to a prediction instead of a single word.
@Lð1; y^
S1 ðxi:iþh 1 Þ ¼

Since we employ multiple feature maps of different widths, we compute the phrase-saliency
across all of them, and use those with maximum value. The saliency is measured on a per-
document basis. To arrive at the globally most relevant phrases, we iterate over all documents
and measure the phrases that had the highest phrase-saliency while removing duplicate
phrases. Alternative methods not considered in this work search the local space around an
input [71], or compute a layer-wise backpropagation [72–75].

Evaluation-quantitative performance measures

We evaluate the precision, recall, F1-score, and area under the ROC curve (AUC) of all models
as a quantitative measure. The F-score is derived from the confusion matrix for the results on
the test set. A confusion matrix contains four counts: true positive (TP), false positive (FP), true
negative (TN), and false negative (FN). The precision P is the fraction of correct predictions out
of all the samples that were predicted to be positive TPþFP . The recall R is the percentage of true
positive predictions in relation to all the predictions that should have been predicted as positive
. The F1-score is the harmonic mean of both precision and recall 2  PþR .
For all models, the data is randomly split into a training, validation, and test set. 70% of the
labeled data is used as the training set, 10% as validation set and 20% as test set. While splitting,
we ensure that patients’ notes stay within the set, so that all discharge notes in the test set are
from patients not previously seen by the model. The reported numbers across different models
for the same phenotype are obtained from testing on the same test set. The validation set is
used to choose the hyperparameters for the models. A detailed description of hyperparameters
is shown in S1 Text.
All models are trained separately for each of the phenotypes to examine the results in isola-
tion. We present the results for model configurations with the highest F1-score for each model
in the main part of the paper. Additional results for different convolution widths for the CNN
are shown in S1 Table, and for different models using cTAKES in S2 Table For the other base-
lines, we present the results of a bag of words representation, and the best performing n-gram
length, and additional results in S3 Table.
In summary, we present results for the following approaches:
CNN The convolutional neural network with best performing convolution width
BoW Baseline using a bag of words representation of a note and logistic regression
n-gram Baseline using an n-gram representation of a note and logistic regression
cTAKES full The best performing model that uses the full output from cTAKES
cTAKES filter The best performing model using the filtered CUI-list from cTAKES

PLOS ONE | https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0192360 February 15, 2018 8 / 19

Comparing deep learning and concept extraction based methods for patient phenotyping from clinical narratives

Assessing interpretability
In order to evaluate how understandable the predictions of the different approaches are, we
conducted a study of the globally most relevant phrases and CUIs. For each phenotype, we
computed the five most relevant features, yielding a total of 50 phrases and 50 CUIs. We then
asked clinicians to rate the features on a scale from 0 to 3 with the following descriptions for
each rating:
0 The phrase/CUI is unrelated to the phenotype.
1 The phrase is associated with the concept subjectively from clinical experience, but is not
directly related (e.g. alcohol abuse for psychiatric disorder).
2 The phrase has to do with the concept, but is not a definite indicator of its existence (e.g. a
3 The phrase is a direct indicator of the concept or very relevant (e.g. history of COPD for
advanced lung disease).
The features were shown without context other than the name of the phenotype. We addi-
tionally provided an option to enter free text comments for each phenotype. We note that all
participating clinicians were involved with annotation of the notes and are aware of the defini-
tions for the phenotypes. They were not told about the origin of the phrases before rating them
in order to prevent potential bias. In total, we collected 300 ratings, an average of three per

We show an overview of the F1-scores for different models and phenotypes in Fig 2. For
almost all phenotypes, the CNN outperforms all other approaches. For some of the phenotypes
such as Obesity and Psychiatric Disorders, the CNN outperforms the other models by a large
margin. A χ2 test confirms that the CNN’s improvements over both the filtered and the full
cTAKES models are statistically significant at a 0.01 level. There is only a minimal improve-
ment when using the filtered cTAKES model, which requires much more effort from clini-
cians, over the full cTAKES model. The χ2 test confirms that there is no statistically significant
improvement of this method on our data with a p-value of 0.86. We also note that the TF-IDF
transformation of the CUIs yielded a small average improvement in AUC of 0.02 (σ = 0.03)
over all the considered models.
In the detailed results, shown in Table 2, we observe that the CNN has the best performance
on almost all of the evaluated values. The n-gram and bag-of-words based methods are consis-
tently weaker than the CNN, corroborating the findings in literature that word embeddings

Fig 2. Comparison of achieved F1-scores across all tested phenotypes. The left three models directly classify from
text, the right two models are concept-extraction based. The CNN outperforms the other models on most tasks.

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Comparing deep learning and concept extraction based methods for patient phenotyping from clinical narratives

Table 2. This table shows the best performing model for each approach and phenotype. We show precision, recall, F1-Score, and AUC.
CNN BoW n-gram cTAKES full cTAKES filter
Adv. Cancer P 87 44 41 80 85
R 65 77 55 65 55
F1 74 56 47 71 67
AUC 95 90 88 94 92
Adv. Heart Disease P 74 70 78 71 73
R 76 32 42 49 59
F1 75 44 55 58 65
AUC 91 85 85 88 89
Adv. Lung Disease P 67 21 27 67 43
R 57 29 39 29 36
F1 62 24 32 40 39
AUC 89 76 79 81 87
Chronic Neuro P 69 47 49 75 80
R 70 46 54 55 62
F1 69 46 51 64 70
AUC 84 72 71 87 86
Chronic Pain P 78 33 42 66 66
R 45 54 46 41 48
F1 57 41 44 51 56
AUC 73 68 67 78 85
Alcohol Abuse P 85 100 55 88 91
R 79 50 64 79 75
F1 81 67 59 83 82
AUC 96 89 88 95 96
Substance Abuse P 83 62 83 93 87
R 83 50 33 47 67
F1 83 56 48 62 75
AUC 97 90 86 97 97
Obesity P 100 27 44 64 62
R 95 35 20 80 75
F1 97 30 28 71 68
AUC 100 72 71 99 98
Psychiatric Disorders P 87 47 53 74 81
R 80 53 39 63 64
F1 83 50 45 68 72
AUC 95 77 76 88 93
Depression P 90 51 51 81 79
R 79 67 73 72 77
F1 84 58 60 76 78
AUC 93 77 78 94 91

improve performance of clinical NLP tasks [62]. We additionally investigate whether consider-
ing longer phrases improves model performance. In Fig 3, we show the difference in F1-score
between models with phrases up to a certain length and models that use bag-of-words or bag-
of-embeddings. The data used for this figure is shown in S1 and S3 Tables. There is no signifi-
cant difference in performance for longer phrases in n-gram models. There is, however, a sig-
nificant improvement for phrases longer than one word for the CNN, showing that the CNN

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Comparing deep learning and concept extraction based methods for patient phenotyping from clinical narratives

Fig 3. Impact of phrase length on model performance. The figure shows the change in F1-score between a model that considers only
single words and a model that phrases up to a length of 5.

model architecture complements the embedding-based approach and contributes to the result
of the model.
Experiments that used both raw text and CUIs as input to a CNN showed no improvement
over only using the text as input. This shows that the information encoded in the CUIs is
already available in the text and is detected by the CNN. We hypothesize that encoding infor-
mation available in UMLS beyond the CUI itself can help to improve the phenotype detection
in future work.
We show the most salient phrases according to the CNN and the filtered cTAKES LR mod-
els for Advanced Heart Disease and for Alcohol Abuse in Table 3. Both tables contain many of
the phrases mentioned in the definition shown in Table 1, such as “Cardiomyopathy”. We also
observe mentions of “CHF” and “CABG” for Advanced Heart Disease for both models, which
are common medical conditions associated with advanced heart disease, but are not sufficient
requirements according to the annotation scheme. The model still learned to associate those
phrases with advanced heart disease, since those phrases also occur in many notes from
patients that were labeled positive for advanced heart failure. The phrases for Alcohol Abuse
illustrate how the CNN can detect mentions of the condition in many forms. Without human
input, the CNN learned that EtOH and alcohol are used synonymously with different spellings
and thus detects phrases containing either of them. The filtered cTAKES RF model surpris-
ingly ranks victim of abuse higher than the direct mention of alcohol abuse in a note, and finds
that it is very indicative of Alcohol Abuse if an ethanol measurement was taken. While the
CUIs extracted by cTAKES can be very generic, such as “Atrium, Heart” or “Heart”, the salient
CNN phrases are more specific.
In the quantitative study of relevant phrases and CUIs, phrases from the CNN received an
average rating of 2.44 (σ = 0.89), and the cTAKES based approach received an average rating
of 1.9 (σ = 0.97). A t-test for two independent samples showed that there is a statistically

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Comparing deep learning and concept extraction based methods for patient phenotyping from clinical narratives

Table 3. The most salient phrases for advanced heart failure and alcohol abuse. The salient cTAKES CUIs are
extracted from the filtered RF model.
Advanced Heart Disease
Magnesium Wall Hypokinesis
Cardiomyopathy Port pacer
Hypokinesia Ventricular hypokinesis
Heart Failure p AVR
Acetylsalicylic Acid post ICD
Atrium, Heart status post ICD
Coronary Disease EF 20 30
Atrial Fibrillation bifurcation aneurysm clipping
Coronary Artery CHF with EF
Disease cardiomyopathy, EF 15
Aortocoronary Bypasses (EF 20 30
Fibrillation coronary artery bypass graft
Heart respiratory viral infection by DFA
Catheterization severe global free wall hypokinesis
Chest Class II, EF 20
Artery lateral CHF with EF 30
CAT Scans, X-Ray anterior and atypical hypokinesis akinesis
Hypertension severe global left ventricular hypokinesis
Creatinine Measurement ’s cardiomyopathy, EF 15
Alcohol Abuse
Victim of abuse Consciousness Alert
Ethanol Measurement Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol Abuse EtOH abuse
Thiamine Alcoholic Dilated
Social and personal history ETOH cirrhosis
Family history heavy alcohol abuse
Hypertension evening Alcohol abuse
Injuries risk Drug Reactions Attending
Pain alcohol withdrawal compartment syndrome
Sodium EtOH abuse with multiple
Potassium Measurement liver secondary to alcohol abuse
Plasma Glucose Measurement abuse crack cocaine, EtOH

significant difference between the two with a p-value < 0.00001. This indicates that the five
most relevant features from the CNN are more relevant to a phenotype than the five most rele-
vant features from a cTAKES-based model. The free-text comments confirm our descriptive
results; the CNN-based phrases are seen as specific and directly relating to a patient’s condition
while the CUI’s are seen as more generic. Moreover, clinicians were impressed to see phrases
such as “h o withdrawal” for alcohol abuse (short for “history of”, which are typically difficult
to interpret by non-experts. Some of the longer phrases from the CNN for the depression phe-
notype showed the word “depression” amids other diseases, indicating that the phrase is taken
from a diagnosis section of the discharge summary. Clinicians commented that this helped
them to contextualize the phrase and that it was more helpful than seeing the word “depres-
sion” in isolation. This indicates that giving further contextual information can help to
increase understanding of predictions.

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Comparing deep learning and concept extraction based methods for patient phenotyping from clinical narratives

Our results show that CNNs provide a valid alternative approach to the identification of
patient conditions from text. However, we notice a strong variation in the results between phe-
notypes with AUCs between 73 and 100, and F1-scores between 57 and 97, even with consis-
tent annotation schemes. Some concepts such as Chronic Pain are especially challenging to
detect, even with 321 positive examples in the data set. This makes it difficult to compare our
results to other reported metrics in the literature, since studies typically consider different con-
cepts for detection. This problem is further amplified by the sparsity of available studies that
investigate unstructured data [13], and the lack of standardized datasets for this task. We hope
that the release of our annotations will support work towards a more comparable performance
in text-based phenotyping.

Since bias in data collection and analysis is at times unavoidable, models are required to be
interpretable in order for clinicians to be able to detect such biases, and alter the model accord-
ingly [27]. Furthermore, interpretable models lead to an increased trust from the people who
use them [26]. The interpretability is typically considered to be a major advantage of rule or
concept-extraction based models that are specifically tailored to a given problem. Clinicians
have full control over the dictated phrases that are used as input to a model. We demonstrated
that CNNs can be interpreted in the same way as concept-extraction based models by comput-
ing the saliency of inputs. This even leads to a higher level of interpretability in that the
extracted phrases are more relevant to a phenotype than the extracted CUIs. However, a disad-
vantage of CNNs is that they -by design- consider more different phrases than concept-extrac-
tion based methods. Thus, lists of salient phrases will naturally contain more items, making it
more difficult to investigate which phrases lead to a prediction. However, restricting the list to
a small number of items with the highest saliency coefficients or only including those above a
saliency threshold can compensate for the length of the list. The question that developers of
such models will ultimately have to answer is whether the trade-off between increased perfor-
mance is worth the additional effort to extract and show relevant phrases.

Alternative approaches
We further note that both concept-extraction and deep learning are supervised approaches
and thus require a labeled dataset. The extraction of all labels for a single discharge summary
took clinicians up to 10 minutes, which in our case (with twice-labeled notes) amounts to over
500 hours of annotation work across all annotating clinicians. Therefore, going forward it will
be important to combine our approach with methods that alleviate this disadvantage by using
semi-supervised methods that do not require fully labeled data-sets [16, 76, 77].
Another approach not considered here that does work without a large annotated data set is
to develop a fully rule-based system. While a CNN learns the phrases that lead to a positive
label, rule-based approaches require clinicians to define every phrase that is associated with a
concept and establish links between them. An example by Mosley et al. looks for certain drug
names and the word “cough” within the same line in a description of a patients’ allergies [78].
However, due to the heterogeneity of text, clinicians may be unable to consider all of the possi-
ble phrases in advance. They also have to consider how to handle negated phrases correctly.
Finally, for some clinically important phenotypes such as “Non-Adherence”, it is impossible to
construct an exhaustive list of associated phrases. Moreover, while rule-based systems require
a separate algorithm for each concept, approaches that do not require concept-specific input
such as CNNs can be trained for all phenotypes at the same time. This offers an opportunity to

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Comparing deep learning and concept extraction based methods for patient phenotyping from clinical narratives

dramatically accelerate the development of scalable phenotyping algorithms for complex clini-
cal concepts in unstructured clinical text that are poorly captured in the structured data. For
example, being able to identify patients who are readmitted to hospital due to poor manage-
ment of problems will have high clinical impact.

Future extensions
While we consider and analyze a simple CNN architecture in this work, future extensions
grounded in our findings could explore other deep learning model architectures. Alternatively,
one could imagine different feature maps of a CNN for each of the sections in a medical record
to capture additional information. Recurrent neural networks could also be applied to directly
capture these context specific information instead of using convolutional neural networks.
Finally, our unstructured data could be combined with structured input, such as lab results,
data from UMLS, or ICD-codes. Augmenting unstructured text with structured data will help
to achieve the best possible performance in a given phenotyping task [13].
We anticipate validation of our proposed approach in other types of clinical notes such as
social work assessment to identify patients at risk for hospital admissions. Lastly, the CNN cre-
ates the opportunity to develop a model that can use phrase saliency to highlight notes and tag
patients to support chart review. Future work will explore whether the identification of salient
phrases can be used to support chart abstraction and whether models using these phrases rep-
resent what clinicians find salient in a medical note. Another opportunity that the learned
phrases from a CNN provide is to better understand how different medical conditions are typi-
cally described in text. This knowledge can then be turned into improvements to systems like
cTAKES and to build better predictive models with a human in the loop [79].

Taking all these points into consideration, we conclude that deep learning provides a valid
alternative to concept extraction based methods for patient phenotyping. Using CNNs can sig-
nificantly improve the accuracy of patient phenotyping without needing any phrase-dictionary
as input. We showed that concerns about the interpretability of deep learning can be addressed
by computing a gradient-based saliency to identify phrases associated with different pheno-
types. We propose that CNNs should be employed alongside concept-extraction based meth-
ods to analyze and mine unstructured clinical narratives and augment the structured data in
secondary analysis of health records. The deep learning approach presented in this paper
could further be used to assist clinicians during chart review by highlighting phrases related to
phenotypes of a patient. Moreover, the same methodology could be used to support the identi-
fication of billing codes from text.

Supporting information
S1 Table. Overview of CNN results with different convolution widths. Each column name
shows the minimum and maximum width of the convolution.
S2 Table. Overview of cTAKES results with different models with all input features and
the filtered lists of inputs. While in most cases, the clinician-defined phrase dictionary
improves the model performance, the full input performs almost as well and outperforms the
filtered model in some.

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Comparing deep learning and concept extraction based methods for patient phenotyping from clinical narratives

S3 Table. Results of different n-gram based models. Each column name shows the minimum
and maximum length of phrase that has been considered. We observe that in most cases, a
simple bag of words (phrase length 1) outperforms all other models.
S1 Text. Additional training information for the models.

We thank Alistair Johnson for support with the MIMIC-III database, and Tristan Naumann
and Barbara J. Grosz for helpful discussions. We additionally thank the course staff for the
course HST.953: Collaborative Data Science in Medicine at Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology, during which parts of this study were conducted.

Author Contributions
Data curation: Sebastian Gehrmann, Franck Dernoncourt, Yeran Li, Eric T. Carlson, Joy T.
Wu, Jonathan Welt, John Foote, Jr., Edward T. Moseley, David W. Grant, Patrick D. Tyler.
Formal analysis: Eric T. Carlson, Edward T. Moseley.
Funding acquisition: Leo A. Celi.
Investigation: Sebastian Gehrmann, Franck Dernoncourt, Eric T. Carlson, Edward T.
Methodology: Sebastian Gehrmann, Franck Dernoncourt.
Project administration: Sebastian Gehrmann, Joy T. Wu, Leo A. Celi.
Software: Sebastian Gehrmann, Yeran Li, Edward T. Moseley.
Supervision: Leo A. Celi.
Visualization: Sebastian Gehrmann.
Writing – original draft: Sebastian Gehrmann.
Writing – review & editing: Sebastian Gehrmann, Franck Dernoncourt, Joy T. Wu, Jonathan
Welt, Edward T. Moseley, David W. Grant, Patrick D. Tyler, Leo A. Celi.

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