Trent Ltd - Q1FY25 Result Update - 12082024_12-08-2024_10
Trent Ltd - Q1FY25 Result Update - 12082024_12-08-2024_10
Trent Ltd - Q1FY25 Result Update - 12082024_12-08-2024_10
Suhanee Shome
Research Associate
email: [email protected]
Financial Performance
The company’s revenue grew 57% YoY to Rs 3,992 Cr, driven by increased footfalls, strong growth across
categories and channels, and continued store expansion. Its fashion concept registered double-digit LFL
growth. EBITDA increased by 67% YoY, with EBITDA margins expanding by 88bps YoY to 15%, supported by
gross margin expansion. PAT stood at Rs 342 Cr, up 131% YoY.
• The company operates on a net basis - 228 Westside stores, 559 Zudio stores, and 72 stores in Star.
• Emerging categories such as Beauty & Personal Care, Innerwear, and Footwear accounted for 20% of standalone
• together with the proposition on the Tata Neu platform continues to grow profitably (grew by over
30%) and this combined online presence contributes to over 5% of Westside revenues.
• Star business which consists of 72 stores (added 6 stores in Q1FY25), grew 29% YoY, led by strong LTL of 20%
growth and volume growth. The business witnessed all-round performance, driven by its own brands, staples, and
fresh and general merchandise offerings that contribute over 70% of revenues. The management reiterated that it
is optimistic about Star's future store economics and expects this to be an important additional growth driver for the
Change in Estimates
Financials (Standalone)
Profit & Loss (Rs Cr)
Y/E Mar FY24 FY25E FY26E FY27E
Net sales 11,927 16,368 19,890 23,341
Growth, % 54.6 37.2 21.5 17.3
Other operating income - - - -
Total income 11,927 16,368 19,890 23,341
Raw material expenses (6,541) (8,830) (10,684) (12,607)
Employee expenses (938) (1,313) (1,523) (1,767)
Other Operating expenses (2,521) (3,521) (4,259) (4,940)
EBITDA (Core) 1,927 2,704 3,424 4,027
Growth, % 72.2 40.4 26.6 17.6
Margin, % 16.2 16.5 17.2 17.3
Depreciation (639) (742) (846) (950)
EBIT 1,288 1,962 2,578 3,077
Growth, % 96.4 52.3 31.4 19.3
Margin, % 10.8 12.0 13.0 13.2
Other Income 351 386 425 467
Non-recurring Items 543 - - -
Pre-tax profit 1,873 2,023 2,661 3,186
Tax provided (438) (526) (692) (828)
Profit after tax 1,436 1,497 1,969 2,357
Growth, % 60.9 67.8 31.5 19.7
Unadj. shares (Cr) 36 36 36 36
Wtdavg shares (Cr) 36 36 36 36
Source: Company, Axis Securities
Cash Flow (Rs Cr)
Y/E Mar FY24 FY25E FY26E FY27E
Pre-tax profit 1,873 2,023 2,661 3,186
Depreciation 639 742 846 950
Chg in working capital (275) (332) (263) (258)
Total tax paid (410) (526) (692) (828)
Cash flow from operating activities 1,827 1,908 2,552 3,050
Capital expenditure 1,207 (518) (518) (518)
Chg in marketable securities (164) - - -
Cash flow from investing activities 953 (518) (518) (518)
Free cash flow 2,780 1,390 2,035 2,532
Equity raised/(repaid) - - - -
Dividend (incl. tax) - - - -
Cash flow from financing activities (2,504) - - -
Net chg in cash 276 1,390 2,035 2,532
Opening cash balance 79 286 1,588 3,534
Closing cash balance 286 1,588 3,534 5,977
Source: Company, Axis Securities
Trent Ltd Price Chart and Recommendation History
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