Ecological Restoration for Sustainable Development
Ecological Restoration for Sustainable Development
Ecological Restoration for Sustainable Development
C The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of China Science Publishing & Media Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
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Natl Sci Rev, 2023, Vol. 10, nwad033
between the goals, there are also tradeoffs [11,12], and arbitrary [19]. Three systematic, scientifically
and these need to be considered in relation to based steps are necessary to achieve sustainable de-
ecological restoration. Moreover, given the marked velopment from ecological restoration: first, recipro-
differences between nations and regions, the follow- cal effects between pattern and process need to be
ing question arises: how can ecological restoration quantified; second, ecosystem services among var-
systematically promote sustainable development ious ecosystem functions should be identified, and
under different geographical contexts [13]? The the corresponding contribution of ecosystem ser-
social-ecological system concept, which lies at the vices to human well-being must be acknowledged;
core of sustainability science, emphasizes that peo- and finally, adaptations and actions to regulate nat-
ple, communities, economies, societies and cultures ural conditions should be harnessed for the promo-
are all embedded components of the biosphere tion of sustainable development [20,21]. Although
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with cyclical decision-making for adaptive manage- projects were based on terrestrial ecosystem types,
ment, which moves toward the ongoing dual out- including forest, grassland and cropland [16]. In ad-
comes of sustainable livelihoods and socioeconomic dition to those components, the wetland, marine and
development. Social and economic issues, such as coastal landscapes have recently received attention,
limited access to markets and input resources, weak and large-scale ecological restoration projects have
governance and lack of knowledge around alterna- been established. During the selection of these pro-
tive production technologies, frequently constrain grams, we found that the terms ‘reclamation’ and
the options available to communities in degraded ‘restoration’ were not explicitly separated in some
landscapes [27], such that ecological restoration of the plans at the time of their implementation,
may encourage local investment and lead to employ- e.g. the National Land Consolidation Program; note
ment opportunities under adaptive management that the mining land reclamation programs are not
combined with socioeconomic development [28]. included in this review.
In addition, the costs of improving ecosystem service In China, the integrality of landscape patterns
delivery in an ecological restoration project may be was described as ‘a community of life including
considered, at least partially, as leverage for local sus- mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes, grass-
tainable livelihoods [29,30]. It should be noted that lands and deserts’. From 2016 to 2020, 26 pilot
the contribution of ecological restoration to mar- projects, collectively named the Ecological Protec-
kets and livelihoods is not unidirectional, as the is- tion and Restoration of Mountains, Rivers, Forests,
sues in sustainable livelihoods and socioeconomic Farmlands, Lakes and Grasslands Program, were im-
development also drive decision-making in ecologi- plemented, aiming at integrative ecological restora-
cal restoration. Therefore, if the vision of ‘harmony tion of landscapes. With the success of the pilot
between humankind and nature’ is to be realized, projects, 19 projects, collectively named the Integra-
co-evolutionary pathways should be highlighted, in- tive Ecological Protection and Restoration of Moun-
cluding both the flow of ecosystem services from na- tains, Rivers, Forests, Farmlands, Lakes, Grasslands
ture to humans and decision-making around ecosys- and Deserts Program, were implemented in 2021
tem services delivery from humans to nature. and 2022.
The achievements of China’s ecological restora-
tion projects are apparent. Based on the Chinese
PROGRESS OF ECOLOGICAL government’s white paper of Forest and Grassland
RESTORATION IN CHINA Resources and Ecological Status in China 2021 [31],
Ecological restoration effects on China has 231 million hectares of forest, with a for-
landscape pattern est coverage rate of 24.02%. The grassland area is
264.5301 million hectares, the comprehensive veg-
Since the Three-North Shelterbelt Development etation coverage of grassland is 50.32%, and the to-
Program began in 1978, China has implemented tal output of fresh grass is 595 million tons. The to-
more than a dozen interprovincial ecological restora- tal carbon storage of forest and grass is 11.443 billion
tion programs (Box 1). Most of the main landscape tons. In addition, China has 56.2938 million hectares
components of China’s major ecological restoration of wetlands.
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Box 1. China’s major ecological restoration programs. 10. The Sandification Control Program for Areas in
the Vicinity of Beijing and Tianjin
1. The Three-North Shelterbelt Development Pro- Aims: Improve and optimize the ecological environ-
gram ment and reduce the risk of sandstorms.
Aims: Halt desertification and improve the environ- Planned investment: 143.66 billion yuan (1st
ment. Round and 2nd Round).
Planned investment: 57.68 billion yuan (1st Phase Start time: 2001
to 4th Phase). 11. Ecological Protection and Construction on
Start time: 1978 Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (Ecological Protection and
2. National Key Construction Program for Soil and Construction at the Three River Source Region in
Water Qinghai, and Protection and Construction of the Eco-
Aims: Control soil erosion, improve agricultural pro- logical Security Barrier in Tibet)
duction conditions, ecology and the environment.
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Northern Sand Prevention Belt Northeast Forest Belt Northern Sand Prevention Belt Northeast Forest Belt
Figure 2. The strategic pattern of national ecological security and the pattern of major projects to protect and restore major national ecosystems.
The studies also clearly demonstrate changes China’s territory was covered by areas of ecological
in landscape pattern and related ecological pro- red lines, which are believed to powerfully relieve
cesses emanating from China’s large-scale ecologi- or reverse ecosystem degradation in ecologically im-
cal restoration projects. Satellite data at the national portant and sensitive landscapes.
scale (2000–2017) show that vegetation green- Moreover, from the strategic pattern of national
ness in China has greatly increased in the last two ecological security to the pattern of major projects
decades, and the country alone accounts for 25% of to protect and restore major national ecosystems,
the global net increase in leaf area, of which 42% the pattern of China’s ecological restoration is be-
is from forests [32]. Wang et al. used Landsat im- coming more geographically integrated (Fig. 2).
ages to demonstrate a substantial increase in salt China’s Master Plan for Major National Projects to
marsh areas since 2012 in China’s coastal wetlands, Protect and Restore Important Ecosystems (2021–
driven by reduced anthropogenic activities and in- 2035) has demonstrated a national pattern of ‘three
creased conservation and restoration efforts [33]. It key areas and four belts’. This pattern considered
has been reported that >45% of China’s drylands ex- the integrity of geographical units more than the
perienced statistically significant land improvement past strategic pattern of national ecological secu-
or vegetation greenness from the 1980s to 2015, at- rity, abbreviated as ‘two barriers and three belts’.
tributable to, among other interventions, afforesta- Based on hierarchical ecological restoration plan-
tion and desert regeneration efforts in 13 ecolog- ning across nation, province, prefecture-level city
ical conservation and restoration programs [34]. and county, China’s landscape pattern will continue
Based on sediment load observations, Wang et al. to be optimized by ecological restoration until 2035,
demonstrated that large-scale vegetation restoration mainly in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Ecological Bar-
in the Loess Plateau substantially reduced soil ero- rier, Key Ecological Areas of the Yellow River, Key
sion from the 1990s onward [35]. Ecological Areas of the Yangtze River, Northern
Toward longer-term conservation of entire land- Sand Prevention Belt, Northeast Forest Belt and
scapes, the establishment of ecological red lines can Coastal Belt.
safeguard China’s vast biodiversity, environmental Although the main aims of these programs were
resources and ecosystem services [36]. Protection of to improve the environment and enhance human
areas by ecological red lines is part of the newly re- livelihoods, the approach adopted was not always
vised Environmental Protection Law of China and compatible with comprehensively achieving sustain-
is listed as one of the priority actions to achieve able development. Indeed, the social-ecological sys-
ecological civilization [37]. The ecological red lines tems approach was not typically employed in the
can be defined as the minimum space that needs planning and implementation of most of these pro-
the strictest protection to improve ecological func- grams, so that they cannot be regarded as the final
tions, to ensure the sustainable supply of ecologi- word on China’s contribution to ecological restora-
cal goods and services [38,39]. By 2022, >25% of tion, which remains a work in progress. In the
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following sections, we consider both the contribu- be considered, and the coupling mechanism be-
tions and limitations of these programs on the basis tween humans and nature in a geographic context
of the scientific literature. should be scientifically revealed to holistically bene-
fit human well-being. From major function-oriented
zoning to systematic ecological protection and
Ecological restoration for ecosystem restoration toward achievement of the Beautiful
services China Initiative, we consider three stages of ecosys-
The ecological restoration programs in China have tem services management: classification, synergy
greatly influenced ecosystem services, especially car- and integration (Fig. 3).
bon sequestration, soil retention and water yield, The first stage was China’s major function-
and their interactions, and it is clear that some oriented zoning in 2010, which was planned to
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this stage, a co-evolutionary perspective on social- quality and had a large positive effect on herder in-
ecological systems is required for understanding comes [51].
how the benefits of ecosystem service flows are trans- However, ecological restoration programs are
lated into social, economic and policy incentives, so not always universally beneficial. Li et al. outline how
that locals may benefit from the restoration actions significant short-term costs for poorer households
and thus act to support adaptive management, rather prevented residents from participating because
than passively accepting the policy. A new set of eco- they lacked the resources to afford relocation in the
logical restoration practices that explicitly considers Relocation and Settlement Program in the south-
human–nature dynamics to ensure these incentives ern Shaanxi Province [52]. In contrast, resettled
are maintained in perpetuity should emerge at this households transformed livelihood activities from
stage. traditional agriculture and forestry labor to off-farm
activities that yielded increased income after relo-
cation, which is a win−win situation [53]. Cao et al.
Ecological restoration for the purpose proposed an income threshold associated with the
of sustainable development poverty trap, whereby sustainable livelihoods may
Research suggests that there existed local win−win be uplifted to achieve a win–win solution if their
synergies between ecosystem health and sustainable incomes are raised above a particular minimum
livelihoods and/or socioeconomic development. amount [28].
However, the identification of such win−win solu- There is also some local evidence that synergies
tions for regional policymaking is still in progress, as exist between ecosystem health and socioeconomic
benefits and incentives change across scales. development. Following the implementation of a
There is clear evidence that at least some ecolog- water diversion project in the Heihe River Basin,
ical projects have successfully benefited local liveli- the deterioration of ecosystems downstream was
hoods. In critically evaluating the Paddy Land to Dry substantially alleviated, sustaining both ecological
Land Program in Beijing, Zheng et al. report that health and socioeconomic development [54]. Cao
both regulating services and household income ben- et al. estimated that the returns on investment from
efited from implementation of a system whereby wa- the Three-North Shelter Forest System Project,
ter users pay upstream landholders [49]. Similarly, the Natural Forest Conservation Program and the
Zheng et al. simulated alternative land-use scenar- Grain-for-Green Program were 29.3%, 328.9% and
ios to identify win–win outcomes for regulating ser- 77.0%, respectively [55]. However, quantitative
vices and rubber production in the Ecosystem Func- cost−benefit analyses of China’s numerous ecologi-
tion Conservation Area of Hainan Island [50], and cal restoration programs are largely lacking.
Hou et al. concluded that China’s Grassland Ecolog- Taking the five national strategies for regional
ical Compensation Policy improved both grassland sustainable-development strategies as examples,
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Water retention
Soil conservation
Wetland conservation
Joint prevention and
control of pollution
Construction of eco-friendly
development demonstration area
International boundary
Boundary of province, autonomous
region, or municipality directly under
the central government
Restoration of
water ecosystem Development of the Yangtze Construction of Guangdong Hong Green and low-carbon
and environment River Economic Belt Kong Macao Greater Bay Area development
Figure 4. The key requirements for ecological restoration for the five national strategies for regional sustainable-development
geographical differences in the key requirements gain to those who may lose, especially in the context
for ecological restoration for regional sustainable of regional sustainable-development strategies.
development are highlighted (Fig. 4). For the
strategy of Ecological Protection and High-Quality
Development of the Yellow River Basin, upstream FUTURE RESEARCH NEEDS
water retention, midstream soil conservation and
Considering China’s vast terrestrial area, diversity
downstream wetland conservation were high-
of ecosystem types and large differences in the
lighted. For the strategy of the Development of
levels of rural development, an in-depth scientific
the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the restoration
understanding of the human–nature relationship
of the water ecosystem and environment is more
in different geographical contexts is a prerequisite
extensive, e.g. a fishing ban for a decade (2021–
for supporting policymaking on ecological restora-
2030). Joint prevention and control of pollution
tion for sustainable development. Accordingly, four
is the primary environmental requirement in
geographical research perspectives for integrative
the strategy of Coordinated Development of the
ecological protection and restoration are highlighted
Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region. The construction
here, including establishing the nature of cou-
of an eco-friendly development demonstration
pling processes among key components, identifying
area is an objective of the strategy of integrated
ecosystem service flows, evaluating social-ecological
development of the Yangtze River Delta, and green
benefits and supporting adaptive management for
and low-carbon development is an objective of the
regional sustainable development (Fig. 5).
strategy of construction of the Guangdong Hong
Kong Macao Greater Bay Area. Although these
three regional requirements cannot be solved solely
by ecological restoration, enhanced ecosystem
Coupling processes among key
services, such as carbon sequestration, water quality components
purification and heat regulation, can contribute to Selection of the most relevant components in estab-
regional sustainable development. Given that ben- lishing coupling processes is essential for minimizing
efit flows, and their recipients, change across scales possible measurement errors in a social-ecological
in ecological restoration [44–47], research should system. However, selecting the correct components
focus on how to transfer benefits from those who engaged in ecological and social processes in a
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particular geographical context and understanding change. However, human well-being is still inade-
the coupling relationships among these processes quately explored. The concept of ecosystem service
is generally impossible at the start, since social- flow is not in itself new [57], although spatially ex-
ecological systems are complex systems. In work- plicit flows have rarely been included in ecological
ing towards the goal of ecological restoration, set- restoration research. Therefore, to uncover the real
ting clear hypotheses, establishing a monitoring and contribution of restoration projects to human well-
learning regime to test and track these hypotheses being, establishing the details of ecosystem service
over time, and using these to drive (and constrain) flows is an essential research objective.
an adaptive management (and policy) approach are Considering geographical connections and flows,
needed. we propose two frontiers. First, it is imperative
Based on different geographical components, to identify ecosystem service flows from a social-
three frontiers of coupling can be identified in ecological network perspective. This involves mea-
the above-mentioned approach. The first is how suring dispersal-related flows, such as animal polli-
to decide, initially, what the key components nation and migration, or material flows, such as the
engaged in coupled processes are. For example, extraction and transport of sand for building mate-
what components form part of the ecological health rials [58], and it must also include measurement of
index—and how/why were they selected? The the potential flow of ecosystem services to house-
second is in the monitoring and learning regime; holds [59]. The second frontier is detecting poten-
how would key feedback from ecological restoration tial ecosystem service trade-offs at different spatial
relating to, for example, biogeochemical cycles scales, from local to national, and across short and
or social behavior be identified? Relationships long temporal scales, based on ecosystem service
between restorative actions on ecosystem attributes, flows. Depending on the spatial scale, ecosystem ser-
such as water resources or carbon sequestration, vice supply and demand can be linked to establish
generally require further research [56]. The third internal matching of proximal benefits and cross-
frontier lies in understanding how ecological and regional matching of longer-range benefits, which
social processes influence landscape patterns after can then be used to determine the costs of ecosys-
ecological restoration for adaptive management; for tem services in an ecological restoration project.
example, disturbances, such as warming, irrigation
and grazing, further affect the restored landscape
and thus impact ecosystem stability. Evaluation of social-ecological benefits
Social-ecological benefits need to be evaluated in
a holistic, geographical context. If, as may be the
Identification of ecosystem service flows case, restoration ecologists and social scientists re-
Research on the response of ecosystem services to main strictly within their own research field, this
ecological restoration in China has focused mainly may prevent the kind of comprehensive assess-
on how they have been influenced by landscape ment of restoration efforts on ecosystem health and
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socioeconomic sustainability that a social-ecological on the environment and on society under different
perspective requires [60]. Building a systematic geographic contexts. Second, adaptive planning
model including all the essential components in a strategies should be based on lessons learned from
social-ecological system is advocated so that any previous sustainable-development outcomes. In ad-
change in a particular factor reveals the associated re- dition to collaboration among ecologists and social
sponses of both ecological and social benefits in the scientists, good communication is needed with pol-
restoration program. icymakers, managers and practitioners for effective
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acquisition and complexity of coding in model ity in the broader context. Geographically feasible
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