OceanofPDF.com the Master Key Workbook - Anthony R Michalski 2
OceanofPDF.com the Master Key Workbook - Anthony R Michalski 2
OceanofPDF.com the Master Key Workbook - Anthony R Michalski 2
Published by
Kallisti Publishing
332 Center Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702
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Table of Contents
About is Edition 8
Additional Material 9
About Charles F. Haanel 10
Introduction 11
How to Use is Workbook 14
A Zen Story 18
Week One - An Introduction to e Master Key System 19
The Letter of Transmittal 19
The Main Points 19
The Exercise 20
The Tale of the Elephant 21
Your Mental Attitude 21
What’s Stopping You Now? 22
The Universal Mind and You 23
Recognition 24
A Key Point 24
Practicing the Exercise 24
Write Your Impressions Here 25
Week Two - e Basics of Your Mind 27
The Letter of Transmittal 27
The Main Points 28
The Exercise 28
The Two Parts of the Mind 29
Directing the Subconscious Mind 30
A Key Point 30
Rewriting Your Story 30
Words to Live By 32
What Have We Learned? 33
More Affirmations 33
Week ree - Realizing Your Mental Resources 35
The Letter of Transmittal 35
The Main Points 36
The Exercise 36
Your Life to the Max 37
A Key Point 38
Relaxing the Body 38
What Do You Think of This Poem? 39
Week Four - Reversing the Process: Cause and Effect 40
The Letter of Transmittal 40
The Main Points 41
The Exercise 41
A Part of the Universal 42
The Secret of Power 43
Get into Action—Now! 43
“I Can Be What I Will To Be.” 44
A Key Point 45
Seek the Silence 45
Guided by the Intellect 46
Practicing the Exercise 46
Write Your Impressions Here 47
Week Five - e Creative Mind 49
The Letter of Transmittal 49
The Main Points 49
The Exercise 50
“The Word Has Become Flesh” 51
A Key Point 52
Practicing the Exercise 52
The Quotable Haanel 53
Week Six - e Brain of Man 55
The Letter of Transmittal 55
The Main Points 56
The Exercise 56
Your Mental Dynamo 57
A Key Point 58
Practicing the Exercise 58
Week Seven - Utilizing the Omnipotent Power 61
The Letter of Transmittal 61
The Main Points 62
The Exercise 63
Think BIG 64
Make Your Ideal Real 64
A Key Point 65
Working With Visualization 65
Week Eight - ought and Its Results 68
The Letter of Transmittal 68
The Main Points 69
The Exercise 69
A Key Point 72
Your Life Story 72
Just Like Sherlock Holmes 73
What I Need To Achieve My Goals 74
Week Nine - Affirmations and Your Mind 75
The Letter of Transmittal 75
The Main Points 76
The Exercise 76
It’s Good to be Me 78
When It’s Time to Change… 79
Additional Material
Charles F. Haanel’s Complete Master Key Course
“e Gold Standard of personal development.” Over 1,000 pages of insight,
sagacity, and methods to help you succeed.
Kallisti Publishing
Kallisti Publishing — “e Books You Need to Succeed” — is the premiere
publisher and provider of top quality motivational, instructional, and
personal development products, materials, experiences, and events that
improve peoples’ lives.
Writing, designing, and publishing e Master Key Workbook has been
quite a journey. For years, just about since I began to publish e Master Key
System in 2000, people have asked me about a workbook to go along with it.
Folks wanted something that would add to e Master Key System and
something they could use in a work group setting.
e idea is a good one — and also an obvious one. What better to
accompany e Master Key System than a workbook? us, the idea was
implanted in the back of my mind. e real question became: How does one
make a good workbook?
I am probably a lot like you. I have attended a bunch of seminars; I’ve read
tons of books; I’ve worked with and written inside of many workbooks. Some
workbooks just plain sucked. (Excuse my loose language there, but there
really is no other way to phrase that.) ey were boring, redundant,
simplistic, and uninspiring. I hated them. I actually got one at a very big
name seminar. Boy, was I disappointed with that one!
Some workbooks were good. ey added to the original text on which
they were based. ey had good exercises that were fun and enlightening.
ey made me actually work! at’s good because then I actually got
something from the workbook. ose books made me happy. Unfortunately,
there are not too many of them.
One thing I did notice is that I never read or completed a great workbook.
Like e Master Key System is a great book or ink & Grow Rich is a great
book, I have never once read or worked with a great workbook. Like I stated,
I’ve done good ones, but nothing great. Not one book that stood on its own
while adding to the original body. Not one where the exercises really made
me stretch. Not one that elevated me.
I see this Workbook as being something that you review at least once per
year. Perhaps you’ll take the time to do an annual review of yourself. e first
time you do e Master Key Workbook, though, take your time if you are
doing it by yourself. Read something over and over until you thoroughly
understand it. You are not in a race to the finish; even if you were, it’s a race
of endurance and persistence, not speed. If you are part of a study group, ask
questions when you need to and discuss every concept thoroughly. Help each
other and share. It’s very amazing that the sharing of ideas and experiences
emboldens everyone who hears them.
Above all, enjoy the journey. Like Haanel wrote, “Life is an unfoldment,
not an accretion.” If something is giving you trouble, then step from it for a
few days. You own the Workbook; it does not own you. Learning is fun and
exciting, but real learning can be tough and painful. It can be important to
take a break when you feel it is necessary. It is even more important, though,
to carry on and see the thing through. Make certain of that and all will fall
into place.
Please enjoy this work, this labour of love, this fantastic journey. I
sincerely hope that you attain everything that you desire. I hope that this
book helps you to do that. In the end, though, it is most important to
remember that you did it! While this book may be a meager map, you, my
friend are the true discoverer.
Have fun…
Anthony R. Michalski
Wilkes-Barre, PA
October, 2004
Work slowly.
ere is no need to rush things. is is a race of endurance, not speed.
Work diligently.
Nothing beats patient and persistent work. Perhaps you’ve seen on a
restaurant’s menu “Good cooking takes time.” Well, the same goes for self-
improvement. You will get to where you are going as long as you keep at it.
Do the exercises!
When you are requested to write something, actually write something. Do
not make a mental note and then move to the next part. You will be wasting
your time. Writing is setting your thoughts onto paper, making them
permanent in a way. Writing helps to crystallize thoughts and make them
stronger. Please do so. e other exercises should be attacked the same way:
with purpose and diligence. You will only get from the Workbook what you
put into it.
Have fun!
at is by far the most important guideline. Relax, enjoy yourself, and
enjoy the journey.
A Zen Story
Nan-in, a Japanese master during the Meiji era (1868-1912), received a
university professor who came to inquire about Zen.
Nan-in served tea. He poured his visitor’s cup full, and then kept on
e professor watched the overflow until he no longer could restrain
himself. “It is over-full. No more will go in!”
“Like this cup,” Nan-in said, “you are full of your own opinions and
speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?”
—“A Cup of Tea” from Zen Flesh, Zen Bones
Yo u r M e n t a l A t t i t u d e
All experiences in life are the result of our habitual or predominant
mental attitude. e reason some get more and others less is not because of
greed or good luck, but because some have an attitude of lack and others an
attitude of abundance. e world within is a reflection of the world without.
What comes to us in the world without is what we already possess in the
world within.
is is not new. You always had this power. If the effects in your life are
not to your liking, change the nature of your thoughts to focus on what you
want instead of what you don’t want.
Everything we have in life is a result of our consciousness.
All of the lessons and all of the exercises in this book are geared towrd
changing how you think, because how you think and what you think
determine what you have in your life. at idea will be repeated again and
again in order for you to not only understand it, but to internalize it.
e secret of all power, all achievement, and all possession depends upon
our method of thinking.
W h a t’ s S to p p in g Yo u N ow?
Let’s begin here by identifying our “ropes”—those things that mentally
hold us in bondage. How do you see yourself right now at this moment?
ink carefully and be painfully honest. Only by facing the truth and
knowing the truth can we progress.
List some obstacles, barriers, or limitations that you believe are preventing
you from achieving complete success in any area of your life.
R e co g n itio n
e world within is the universal fountain of supply. e world without is
the outlet of that stream. Our ability to receive depends upon our recognition
of this Universal Fountain. is recognition is a mental process.
We live in a fathomless sea of plastic mind substance that is ever alive and
active. It takes form according to our mental demand. ought forms the
mold that will be expressed in our lives. ought, therefore, becomes reality.
As our recognition of this process grows, we will better be able to control
the outcomes in our lives and attain the things we want.
A Key Point
By being truthful about yourself and therefore knowing yourself,
you begin the path to success and achievement. By keeping your
attention on the things you want rather than the things you do
not want, you condition yourself to attain success and
P racticing the E x e r c i s e
When practicing the exercise, notice how the fingers twitch, the nose
tickles, the foot taps, and the leg jerks, or whatever “unconscious”
movements your body does. Your body is your instrument—your possession
—yet one finds it to be one of the most difficult things to control! Why is
We must bring ourselves into a recognition of where we are. Bringing into
focus our own body is the first step to breaking through those perceptions.
You learn how to focus and bring your mind from wasted effort and into the
all-important Now.
It is imperative that you master this lesson. By bringing your body into
focus, you will be on your way to mastering your mind.
W r i t e Yo u r I m p r e s si ons Her e
We use the Conscious Mind more when we are first learning something
new. Once we have developed the skill through repetition, the Subconscious,
which controls memory and runs the show, takes over. e Subconscious is
the seat of habit.
e value of the Subconscious is enormous. It warns us; it furnishes us
with names and facts; and provides scenes from the storehouse of memory. It
accomplishes intricate tasks that the Conscious mind has inability to do.
A Key Point
Our environment reflects conditions corresponding to the
predominant mental attitude which we entertain. is is known
as the Law of Attraction.
R e wr itin g Yo u r S tor y
ere is a thinking stuff from which all things are made and which, in its
original state, permeates and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought
in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought. A person
can form things in his thought and by impressing his thought upon formless
substance can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.
Begin to work on your Subconscious today. In Week One, you were to
write a list of the things that you perceived were impeding you from living a
successful life (your “ropes”). Here, you are to write an affirmation to
Recite your affirmations daily when you awaken each morning and
before you fall asleep each night and at quiet moments during the day.
Any limitations that you have defined are just excuses to keep you from
achieving complete success. Once you take complete responsibility for your
life you will realize that you have the power to create your life by choosing
your beliefs, thoughts, feeling, and actions.
W o r d s to L iv e B y
ose who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the
person doing it.
—Chinese Proverb
W h a t H a v e We L e a r ned?
In this section, we learn that the Subconscious mind is controlled and
influenced by the Conscious mind. We receive data from our five senses; that
data is processed and filtered by our Conscious mind; and then the
Conscious Mind feeds the Subconscious mind, which then forms the base of
our habits.
To control what we experience in the world without, we must first gain
control of the world within. We do this by canceling negative and destructive
thoughts in our Conscious mind because they in turn become impressed on
the Subconscious mind, which brings them into our reality through the Law
of Attraction.
e exercise for this Week is of vital importance as we must learn to
silence the internal dialogue that all of us have with ourselves every minute of
every day, much of which leads to unintended and even unwanted results. By
doing this exercise, we are doing two things: we are becoming conscious of
the chatter that is occurring and we are disciplining ourselves to still that
As you progress, you will notice every time your mind begins its harsh
and negative dialogue. When you notice that awful chatter, replace it with
M o r e A f f ir m a tio n s
I take charge of my life. I am responsible.
I know where I am now. at is from where I start to build my life.
I know where I am going. I move toward my goals every day.
Every day and in every way, I am getting better and better.
I like myself. I deserve success. I am happy. I am healthy. I am wealthy.
Yo u r L i f e t o t h e M a x
Imagine that you are living life to the fullest. It is your dream, so dream
big and lush and full. List the things you want most in life here. Do not limit
yourself to this page! Get another sheet of paper (or even a legal pad) and
write everything that you want, both big and small. Your list may contain
things such as being debt-free to a $10 million mansion, from a new golf club
to a Lear jet. Do not limit yourself, rather dream and list everything that you
What I want most in life…
A Key Point
We have found that the subconscious mind is responsive to our
conscious will, which means that the unlimited creative power
of the Universal Mind is within the control of the conscious
mind of the individual.
R e l axin g th e B o d y
While keeping the mind and the body still, you must now relax the body
so as not to create any unwanted tension, which would disrupt the flow of
energy through your body. As you have mastered the previous exercises, so
you shall master this one.
As Haanel wrote, “Physical relaxation is a voluntary exercise of the will
and the exercise will be found to be of great value, as it enables the blood to
circulate freely to and from the brain and body.”
By relaxing, we are allowing the Solar Plexus, which is the seat of the
Unconscious Mind, to function completely. As we relax, we radiate
confidence, health, and strength—all thing harmonious. As we relax, we
experience nonresistant thought, which expands the Solar Plexus. By
relaxing, we are conquering the personal devil, fear.
Fear is that which makes us agonize over the past, present, and future.
When it is destroyed, our light will shine and we will be able to realize our
full potential and we will be able to overcome any adverse condition.
Tension leads to mental unrest and abnormal mental activity, which
produces worry, fear, and anxiety. Relaxation is therefore necessary to defeat
this. When you master this exercise, your Solar Plexus will then be ready to
function perfectly.
W h a t D o Yo u T h in k of Thi s Poem?
My Wage
I bargained with Life for a penny,
And Life would pay no more,
However I begged at evening
When I counted my scanty store.
For Life is a just employer,
He gives you what you ask,
But once you have set the wages,
Why, you must bear the task.
I worked for a menial’s hire,
Only to learn, dismayed,
at any wage I had asked of Life,
Life would have willingly paid.
—Jessie B. Rittenhouse
A P a r t o f th e U n iv e rsal
e “I” of you is not your physical body, nor is it your mind. It is
something that controls and directs the mind and the body. When you say “I
think” the “I” tells the mind what to think; when you say “I go” the “I” tells
the body where it shall go.
e “I” is spiritual and it is your connection to the Universal. It is a part of
the Universal. e only difference between the “I” and the Universal is one of
e world within is controlled by the “I” and this “I” is part of the
Universal Energy or Spirit, which is usually called God.
Science calls the Universal the “Eternal Energy.” Religion states that “God
is dwelling in man rather than operating on men from without.”
e Bible says, “Know ye not that ye are the temple of the living God?”
G e t in to A c tio n — N ow!
In Week ree, you were to list everything that you wanted in life.
Hopefully, it is a long and comprehensive list. It should contain both the big
and the small.
What you are to do here is peruse that want-list and list here the top ten
things you can accomplish immediately. Let’s say you wrote “I want Haanel’s
other book, e Amazing Secrets of the Yogi.” Well, write that here.
I can accomplish immediately…
A Key Point
In order to express power, abundance, or any other constructive
purpose, the emotions must be called upon to give feeling to the
thought so that it will take form.
G u i de d b y th e I n te ll ect
For everything to work, we must be guided by the intellect rather than the
emotions. For those of you familiar with E-mail, this example will strike
home. E-mail is a wonderful way to communicate with someone instantly.
When one sends an E-mail, the recipient receives the E-mail almost instantly,
thus facilitating easy communication. If someone should receive an E-mail
that makes them angry, though, it is very easy for the person to respond in a
very emotional way, which may result in hurt feelings or worse. Common E-
mail etiquette states that when one receives an E-mail that makes one angry,
rather than replying with an emotional outburst, take a moment and think
about what you are writing and what the consequences may be.
e key is that we must think. While the emotions propel our thoughts,
they must be correct and true thoughts, rather than emotional or reflexive
outbursts. e will guided by the intellect will gain victory.
W r i t e Yo u r I m p r e s si ons Her e
“ T he W o r d H a s B e c o me F l e s h”
“e mind, which pervades the body, is largely the result of heredity,
which, in turn, is simply the result of all the environments of all past
generations on the responsive and ever moving life forces.”
Heredity determines many of our basic characteristics and traits. On the
surface level, we get most of our traits from our parents. ese traits go
beyond the physical, such as eye colour and hair colour; we are also imbued
with tendencies toward other traits, such as political affiliation, smoking and
drinking, the way we talk, and other sundry characteristics. ese
characteristics are passed to us by the fact that we are influenced by our
parents (or primary care-givers) from birth, and even before birth as we
receive vibrations and impressions when we are in the womb. All of these
impressions are the foundation upon which our mental world is constructed.
ese impressions continue throughout one’s life. We are influenced by
our home, business, and social environment, where we receive from others
opinions, suggestions, and statements.
We are thus the result of our past thinking and we will become what we
are thinking today. e Law of Attraction will bring to us “our own.”
If a child is born to a family of alcoholics and as that child matures he sees
his parents imbibing daily, then chances are good that he, too, will move
from the baby bottle to the liquor bottle. It is similar in almost every aspect
and permutation. A child of Republican parents will probably become a
Republican; middle-class parents will raise a middle-class child; honest and
integrous parents will beget honest children. Look around, the trend is true.
Why is this? If we see something enough, then we see that it is true. (Not
good or bad, per se, because the subconscious does not judge. It just
accumulates.) As it is in the subconscious, it is then passed to the
Sympathetic System, from there it is built into our physical body.
One of the first words a child learns is “No.” Is it any wonder that later in
life, when he wants to do something, his first thought is “No!”? e word has
become so inculcated that it becomes the first response to just about any idea
or thought—whether it is true or not.
A Key Point
e great fact is that the source of all life and all power is from
within. Persons, circumstances, and events may suggest need
and opportunities, but the insight, strength, and power to
answer these needs will be found within.
form of the features, the clothing, the way the hair is arranged—in fact, note
every detail shown on the photograph carefully. Now cover it and close your
eyes and try to see it mentally. If you can see every detail perfectly and can
form a good mental image of the photograph, you are to be congratulated; if
not repeat the process until you can.
is step is simply for the purpose of preparing the soil; next week we
shall be ready to sow the seed.
It is by such exercises as these that you will finally be able to control your
mental moods, your attitude, your consciousness.
Yo u r M e n t a l D y n a m o
e nervous system is an electrical system. It is powered by the mind and
the currents course through the spinal cord and through the nerves. Every
thought sets the brain cells into action. If the thought is sufficiently refined
and concentrated, then the thought expresses itself perfectly.
e key to attaining what we want, then, is to develop the mental
dynamo so that it has laser-like focus and power. We must develop and
exercise our power of concentration.
Focus and concentration are the most distinguishing factors of highly
successful men and women. It is not oen that the smartest man achieves
great heights. As Calvin Coolidge stated:
Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence.
Talent will not; nothing is more common than
unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not;
unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will
not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and
determination alone are omnipotent. e slogan ‘Press
On’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the
human race.
Larry Ellison, the billionaire CEO of Oracle, said about Bill Gates, “Bill
Gates wants people to think he’s Edison, when he’s really Rockefeller.
Referring to Gates as the smartest man in America isn’t right…wealth isn’t
the same thing as intelligence.” One thing everyone will say about Mr. Gates,
though, is the fact that he is driven and has a laser-like focus when he sets to
do something.
ink of it this way: if you take a magnifying glass and focus the rays of
the sun, then you can start a fire. When the sunlight is scattered, nothing will
happen. Focus those rays and watch out! e same goes for the mind. If you
allow power to be dissipated by jumping from one thought to the next, no
result will be apparent; but if you focus and concentrate on a single purpose
for a length of time, then nothing is impossible.
A Key Point
Growth follows knowledge; action follows inspiration;
opportunity follows perception. Always the spiritual first, then
the transformation into the infinite and illimitable possibilities
of achievement.
is the scientific explanation of the wonderful power which has been put
within your control, if you but understand, appreciate, and recognize it.
One method of consciously utilizing this omnipotent power is outlined in
Week Seven, which I have the honor of transmitting herewith.
Think BIG
In his book, e Art of the Deal, Donald Trump wrote this:
I like thinking big. I always have. To me it’s very simple: if
you’re going to be thinking anyway, you might as well
think big. Most people think small, because most people
are afraid of success, afraid of making decisions, afraid of
winning. And that gives people like me a great
advantage…One of the keys to thinking big is total focus.
I think of it almost as a controlled neurosis, which is a
quality I’ve noticed in many highly successful
entrepreneurs. ey’re obsessive, they’re driven, they’re
single-minded and sometimes they’re almost maniacal,
but it’s all channeled into their work.
M a ke Yo u r I d e a l R eal
A mental image is the mold from which your future will emerge.
Visualization is the process by which you create these mental images. As you
make your image clear and detailed and accurate, you will gradually bring
the thing nearer to you until you eventually have it.
e three steps of visualization are:
1. Idealization
Picture in your mind what you want exactly as you want it. A mason will
not lay a single brick without a blueprint nor will a writer begin a book
without a detailed outline in mind. Before you plant a seed, you want to
know what the harvest is to be.
2. Visualization
You must see the picture more and more complete. ought will lead to
action, action will develop methods, methods will develop friends, and
friends will bring about circumstances.
3. Materialization
You will have what you desired.
A Key Point
e law is that thought will manifest in form, and only one who
knows how to be the divine thinker of his own thoughts can
ever take a Master’s place and speak with authority.
couple of times per month so that you attain a decent level of competence at
writing with that hand.
My friend is… (written with the opposite hand!)
its origination, see of what it really consists. If you do this you will develop
imagination, insight, perception, and sagacity. ese come not by the
superficial observation of the multitude, but by a keen analytical observation
which sees below the surface.
Take the same position as heretofore and visualize a Battleship. See the
grim monster floating on the surface of the water; there appears to be no life
anywhere about; all is silence; you know that by far the largest part of the
vessel is under water; out of sight; you know that the ship is as large and as
heavy as a twenty-story skyscraper; you know that there are hundreds of men
ready to spring to their appointed task instantly; you know that every
department is in charge of able, trained, skilled officials who have proven
themselves competent to take charge of this marvelous piece of mechanism;
you know that although it lies apparently oblivious to everything else, it has
eyes which see everything for miles around, and nothing is permitted to
escape its watchful vision; you know that while it appears quiet, submissive
and innocent, it is prepared to hurl a steel projectile weighing thousands of
pounds at an enemy many miles away; this and much more you can bring to
mind with comparatively no effort whatever. But how did the battleship come
to be where it is; how did it come into existence in the first place? All of this
you want to know if you are a careful observer.
Follow the great steel plates through the foundries and see the thousands
of men employed in their production. Go still further back and see the ore as
it comes from the mine, see it loaded on barges or cars, see it melted and
properly treated. Go back still further and see the architect and engineers
who planned the vessel; let the thought carry you back still further in order
to determine why they planned the vessel; you will see that you are now so
far back that the vessel is something intangible, it no longer exists, it is now
only a thought existing in the brain of the architect; but from where did the
order come to plan the vessel? Probably from the Secretary of War; but
probably this vessel was planned long before the war was thought of, and that
Congress had to pass a bill appropriating the money; possibly there was
opposition, and speeches for or against the bill. Whom do these
Congressmen represent? ey represent you and me, so that our line of
thought begins with the Battleship and ends with ourselves, and we find in
the last analysis that our own thought is responsible for this and many other
things, of which we seldom think, and a little further reflection will develop
the most important fact of all and that is, if someone had not discovered the
law by which this tremendous mass of steel and iron could be made to float
upon the water, instead of immediately going to the bottom, the battleship
could not have come into existence at all.
is law is that, “the specific gravity of any substance is the weight of any
volume of it, compared with an equal volume of water.” e discovery of this
law revolutionized every kind of ocean travel, commerce, and warfare, and
made the existence of the battleship possible.
You will find exercises of this kind invaluable. When the thought has been
trained to look below the surface everything takes on a different appearance,
the insignificant becomes significant, the uninteresting interesting; the things
which we supposed to be of no importance are seen to be the only really vital
things in existence.
A Key Point
Precedent said, “It cannot be done.” Experience said, “It is done.”
Yo u r L i f e S t o r y
Imagine that you have died. You lived the life that you wanted. It was full
and lush and replete with success and all of your earthly desires. An obituary
was written about you. What does it say?
Write that article the way you would like to see it written. Leave nothing
out. Talk about your character, your accomplishments, your family life, your
experiences, everything as you would like to see it written by a newspaper
reporter. You can make it as long as you want. If you need extra paper, then
add as many pages as you need. is may very well be one of the most
important exercises you will ever do.
e Life And Times Of…
J u st L ik e S h e r lo c k Hol mes
In the famous tales by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the master sleuth,
Sherlock Holmes, used a method of solving crimes called deduction.
Basically, deduction is when one begins with a result and takes steps
backwards in order to discover how the result came to be. It requires
knowledge, logic, and, above all, a good imagination. By studying e Master
Key System, you are building these traits within yourself, thus you have them
From the obituary that you’ve written, take each event or goal and deduce
how you would have accomplished it. What knowledge would you need?
How many people would it take? How much money will it cost? For example,
if you wrote that you became CEO of IBM, you may deduce that you applied
for a job there until you were hired; from there you worked and produced
more than was expected of you because you were working with things that
interested you; you attended school to study the things you would need to
know to get promoted; and so on until you finally attained your goal.
If you do not know what you will need, then do some research! Use
libraries, book stores, and the Internet. Make contact with people who can
answer your questions. Observe. Aer all, it’s all elementary.
W h a t I N e e d To A c hi ev e My Goal s
Action is the blossom of thought, and conditions are the result of action
so that you constantly have in your possession the tools by which you will
certainly and inevitably make or unmake yourself, and joy or suffering will
be the reward.
watch them shoot out in all directions and remember that they are living cells
dividing and subdividing and that they will soon number millions, that each
cell is intelligent, that it knows what it wants and knows how to get it. See the
stem shoot forward and upward, watch it burst through the surface of the
earth, see it divide and form branches, see how perfect and symmetrical each
branch is formed, see the leaves begin to form, and then the tiny stems, each
one holding alo a bud, and as you watch you see the bud begin to unfold
and your favorite flower comes to view; and now if you will concentrate
intently you will become conscious of a fragrance. It is the fragrance of the
flower as the breeze gently sways the beautiful creation which you have
When you are enabled to make your vision clear and complete you will be
enabled to enter into the spirit of a thing; it will become very real to you; you
will be learning to concentrate and the process is the same, whether you are
concentrating on health, a favorite flower, an ideal, a complicated business
proposition, or any other problem of life.
I t ’s G o o d to B e M e
Make a list of everything you like about yourself. It could be anything,
such as you’re a smart dresser or you have great friends or you know how to
play the piano. List them now.
If you need more room, then get another piece of paper and keep going!
W h e n I t’ s T ime to Change…
In this space, make a list of things you would like to change about
yourself, such as you tend to procrastinate or you eat too many sweets or you
have trouble with math. Write your list now.
My List of Affirmations
A Key Point
He who has learned to bring the greatest spiritual truths into
touch with the so-called lesser things of life has discovered the
secret of the solution of his problem.
I s t he R e c o r d S k ippi ng?
To some, the exercises may seem a little bit repetitive. Why must I write
affirmations again? Make another list of goals? Again?
ere is a reason for all of this. Notice that all of the exercises are subtly
different. ey may be similar, but there are small changes. While the
changes may be minuscule at times, they are significant enough that they
produce a somewhat different list.
e main reason, though, is that you can never write your goals or
affirmations enough. ere is one thing that all high-achievers and attainers
have in common.
All successful people write their goals!
A study of the population showed that 83% of the population do not have
clearly defined goals; 14% have goals, but they are not written; and 3% of the
population has written goals.
Here’s the kicker: e 3% that have written goals earn ten times as much
as the 83% group. e 3-percenters also tend to be healthier and have
happier marriages. e moral of the story is write your goals and refer to
them oen!
In this space, rewrite your goals. Remember to write them in the present
tense and in the form of a positive statement. For example, “My income is
$10,000 per month.” “I am healthy and strong.” “I am the district manager for
my company.”
My Goals
Refer to your goals every day and repeat them as you do your
If you can do this, you are making excellent progress and will soon be
enabled to concentrate on any problem you may have in mind.
“Know Thyself ”
e great philosopher, Socrates, learned from the oracle at Delphi the
motto, “Know thyself.” It means that instead of relying merely on outward
appearances, one should know himself in order to know the true good.
MiMi Paris in her book, Size Matters!, says the same thing. She says that
we continually lie to ourselves about things so as to remove the responsibility
of our actions from our shoulders. Rather than look into the mirror and see
the truth, we would rather lie and feel “good” about ourselves. Rather than
see a deficiency as an opportunity for improvement, we use a deficiency as a
crutch or an appeal to someone’s pity.
We are all a part of the Universal and that Universal is able to express
itself through us if we allow it. We must act in accordance with its laws.
When we do, the gates will be let open and we will be able to partake in all of
its abundance.
A Key Point
Abundance is a natural law of the Universe. e evidence of this
law is conclusive; we see it on every hand. Everywhere Nature is
lavish, wasteful, extravagant. Nowhere is economy observed in
any created thing.
Yo u A l r e a d y H a v e I t W i t h i n Yo u
ink of a time in your life when you were 100% successful, when there
was something that you did—a task, event, or challenge—that you completed
and when it was done, you knew that it was perfect. Remember the time, the
place, people that were there. Remember whether it was daytime or night,
what time of year, how you felt, everything you had to do or the things that
you did. Write a few paragraphs about that time.
have to use? Did you work hard or work smart? Write the “keys” to your
success here.
Remember, you did it. When you come to an understanding that your
power, your happiness, joy, and prosperity come from within, you may
effortlessly recreate success in every area of your life.
A T i g e r in a C a g e
A teacher asked his student, “What holds a tiger within a cage?”
e student pondered the question for a moment and replied, “ Teacher, it
is the bars that holds a tiger within a cage.”
e teacher shook his head and asked again, “What holds a tiger within a
Again the student pondered the question and again the student answered,
“ Surely, Teacher, it must be the bars that hold the tiger within the cage.”
e teacher looked at the student, shook his head, and replied in a low
voice, “My student, it is not the bars that hold the tiger within a cage, but the
space between the bars that holds the tiger within a cage.”
We have been taught that we are in a cage. We have been lead to believe
that we cannot do things that we most certainly can.
Our thoughts are the bars of the cage, but it is our attitude that actually
confines us.
A Key Point
We are first to believe that our desire has already been fulfilled.
Its accomplishment will then follow.
desires. Having a written goal, you know where you are going. You tend to
gain from life the exact rewards you expect to achieve and receive.
Goals are intended to support your purpose, allowing you to always
have everything in life you sincerely need, want, and desire.
G o a ls , G o a ls , G o a ls
In this section, you are going to make sort of a “life plan.” You are going to
list some of your immediate goals, goals for the near future, and your long-
term goals. You may see some overlap with them, but that is OK. If you have
a focused vision, then that is natural; if your vision is not yet focused, then
this will help you to get it clear. Remember to write your goals in the present
tense, as if you already had them.
My Goals for is Month
My Life Goals
If you have more goals, then get more paper! When you have your
goals, rewrite them on 3x5 cards and read them everyday.
A Key Point
ings are created in the mental or spiritual world before they
appear in the outward act or event. By the simple process of
governing our thought forces today, we help create the events
that will come into our lives in the future, perhaps even
It explains the law by which the thing pictured upon our mind eventually
becomes our own.
Doing It
Failure is only postponed success as long as courage
coaches ambition. e habit of persistence is the habit of
—Herbert Kaufman
We can only achieve in life as we are willing to do. With e Master Key
System, we are preparing our mind and learning how the Universal works. It
is up to you, though, to put everything into practice. One cannot sit idly and
wait for anything to drop into his lap. He must strike when the iron is hot; he
must act when called to act; he must recognize opportunity when it arises.
… I n M y s te r io u s W ays
It was raining for a great many days and the river was beginning to flood.
e people of the town went house to house requesting that everyone
evacuate. ey approached the house of Stan, a man of great faith in the
Lord. When they asked him to come with them, he said, “I will stay here. I
have faith in the Lord. He will protect me.”
It continued to rain and the waters got higher and higher, high enough
that the first floor of Stan’s house was flooded. Rescue men came in a boat
and asked Stan to come with them. Stan replied, “No need, my friends. e
Lord will take care of me.”
e waters got higher yet and Stan had to get onto his roof lest he perish.
A helicopter came to rescue him, but Stan yelled, “No need! I have faith in
the Lord and He will look aer me.”
Stan drowned. When he got to Heaven he was pretty angry. He
immediately told Saint Peter to get the Lord so that they could talk. When
the Lord appeared, He asked, “Stan, what are you doing here?”
“I should be asking You the same thing, Lord. I had great faith in You, but
You let me drown in the flood!”
“Let you drown in the flood?” the Lord replied. “What do you mean? I
sent a rescue team, a boat, and a helicopter to save you…”
A Key Point
ought will create nothing unless it is consciously,
systematically, and constructively directed. Herein is the
difference between idle thinking, which is simply a dissipation
of effort, and constructive thinking, which means practically
unlimited achievement.
S t a r i n g Yo u R i g h t i n t h e F a c e
Are you a few quarters wealthier now? You should be. Here is the
question: Were those quarters always there or did they materialize because of
your thoughts?
In the end, it does not matter, because in a sense it is the same thing. If
you do not notice something and then one day you realize it’s there, then it
materialized in your life. Sure, it did not materialize in the “magical” sense of
the word, but it came into being in your objective reality. You opened your
perception to allow yourself to see them.
In a way, that is how the Law of Attraction works. As we temper our
mind and thoughts to things that are positive and beneficial to us, we
open our eyes to those opportunities. Perhaps those opportunities were
there all along! How many times have you said that you wished you bought
shares in Microso in 1986?
What do you have right now in your life that is an opportunity that you
are overlooking? Center your thoughts on ones of abundance and
opportunity, then examine your life. Can that vacant lot that you pass on
your way to work be a good site for a gas station? Can an acquaintance help
you get employment at a better company for a better wage? Enter the Silence.
Envision positive thoughts. Make a list of the opportunities that are right
under your nose.
We are entitled to the best of everything. Pluck the fruit from the tree!
I t Ta k e s S o me D o ing
Discipline is the fuel of achievement. Creativity sparks the
flame, passion fans the fire, and discipline keeps it going
for as long as it takes.
A Key Point
Do what you are afraid to do. Go where you are afraid to go.
It is most important that you do this. How many thoughts do you carry
with you that are worthless and bring you nothing but bad feelings and
therefore bad results? Keep in mind the tale of the two monks who helped
the girl cross the muddy road. Leave her there! Likewise, leave your problems
and issues behind you.
Today is Now and is the perfect time to begin living the rest of your
Look Similar?
e pathway to salvation is as narrow and as difficult to
walk as a razor’s edge.
—Tibetan Monk, The Razor’s Edge (1984)
ere is a principle of Mathematics, but none of error;
there is a principle of health, but none of disease; there is
a principle of truth, but none of dishonesty; there is a
principle of light, but none of darkness; and there is a
principle of abundance, but none of poverty.
—Charles F. Haanel, The Master Key System
W h e n T h in g s D o n ’ t Add Up
Examine the two equations that appear here. If we are working with
positive whole numbers (that is, numbers that are positive and do not have
any fractions associated with them), then it is quite easy to solve the first
equation. e solution is, of course, “1 + 1 = 2.”
e second equation, though, becomes more difficult. Just about any two
numbers other than 1 and 1 will not equal 2. us, there is a veritable infinity
of numbers that will not equal 2.
What does this illustrate? In life, it is the positive that can be proved by a
certain, definable method or way. If you ask me for directions to my house,
then I can give them to you very easily. I can also tell you how not to get here,
but that would take considerably longer.
Likewise, you can tell me a plethora of ways not to bake a cake; whereas
there is only one way to make a certain kind of cake. Your recipe is your way,
your method, for baking the cake. Any other way I bake the cake will not
result in your cake.
As you read e Master Key System, keep this principle in mind. is is
the method by which one will accomplish wonders and seeming miracles.
You can do whatever you may to escape debt or build a relationship, but
without these principles to support your efforts, you are building a castle of
sand on a beach where the tide is quickly rising.
A Key Point
Growth is attained through an exchange of the old for the new,
of the good for the better…. We cannot attain what we lack if we
tenaciously cling to what we have.
M a kin g th e P a th C l ear
For this week, in addition to the usual weekly exercise that Haanel
outlines, let us practice a method of growing that works wonders. When you
are done, you will have replaced the good with the better.
Look around your house and take notice of the things that could be
replaced. Let us use as an example your drapes. If they are in need of
replacing, then simply get rid of them! Do not sell them or try to make
money from the transaction, merely give them to a charitable organization,
such as e Salvation Army. By making the path clear for the better to enter,
the better will arrive.
You can go even further and do a thorough house cleaning. is will
unburden you of much of your baggage and clear the way for new and better
things. It is not advocated to dispose things of value, but the general rule is
that if you haven’t looked at a thing in many years, then it can go.
Take time each day to enter the Silence.
Wealth is a by-product of or a means to a noble end. It should not be
confused with your raison de vivre or your chief aim. e greatest men in the
world sought nobler ends. Did Nikola Tesla profit from his inventions? Yes,
he did. His love for discovery came first, though. e money followed.
So it continues with every great person who does great things.
ere is something that exists that is greater than wealth or acclaim. at
something is your Why. Why are you doing something? What is your ideal?
ink about why you want certain things. Is it because you wish to show-
off? Is it to gain revenge? Or is it for loy reasons? Or simply to be the best at
what you do?
Ask yourself Why? Know thyself!
If your thought is constructive, it will possess vitality and it will grow,
develop, and expand. It will attract everything necessary for its development.
A Key Point
Good and evil therefore are not entities, they are simply words
that we use to indicate the result of our actions, and these
actions are in turn predetermined by the character of our
Write a few sentences about how attaining your goals would make you
feel. Include why you would feel that way. For example, you may write, “I
would feel happy and proud to receive a promotion at work because then I
would be able to afford a better education for my son.”
through repose. Let the thought dwell upon your object until it is completely
identified with it, until you are conscious of nothing else.
If you wish to eliminate fear, then concentrate on courage.
If you wish to eliminate lack, then concentrate on abundance.
If you wish to eliminate disease, then concentrate on health.
Always concentrate on the ideal as an already existing fact. is is the
Elohim, the germ cell, the life principle which goes forth and enters in and
becomes, sets in motion those causes which guide, direct, and bring about
the necessary relation, which eventually manifest in form.
Yo u 2
Price Pritchett relates a wonderful story in his book, You2. He tells the tale
of a fly trying to escape from his motel room. e fly is scrambling and trying
with all of its might to get through the glass of the windowpane. While the fly
is trying harder and harder to escape its confines, not more than ten feet
away, the door is open.
All of the effort in the world would yield but a fraction of what mental
effort can. “Worker smarter” is the new axiom!
Concentration is the key to this. As you allow your mind to dwell on a
single goal rather than scattering its energy, you will find doors open that
weren’t even there before.
A Key Point
Every obstacle conquered, every victory gained, will give you
more faith in your power, and you will have greater ability to
One day, Banzo crept up behind him as he worked and gave him a terrific
blow with a wooden sword. e following day, when Matajuro was cooking
rice, Banzo again sprang upon him unexpectedly.
Aer that, day and night, Matajuro had to defend himself against
unexpected thrusts. Not a moment passed every day that he was safe from
Banzo’s sword. He learned so rapidly that he brought smiles to the face of his
master. Matajuro eventually became the greatest swordsman in the land.
Yo u r Ta s t e o f B a n z o ’ s S w o r d
ese exercises are your training—your Banzo’s sword. Every day, we are
barraged by thoughts and self-talk, some of which is negative and
unproductive. ey come unbidden and seemingly from nowhere.
Unexpectedly, they spring into our heads and attempt to foil the attainment
of our goals, dreams, and ideals.
It is the aim of these exercises to have you ready like Matajuro in the tale
that you read. When a thought that does not help you arises, you will
immediately be ready to block it and nullify it. Only by practice and
repetition will you be able to do that. Once it is set, though, you will be ready
to deal with even the most negative of thoughts because your mind will be
strong and you will know how to live from the Truth.
A Z e n Ta le
Two monks were traveling together down a muddy road. It was raining
heavily. ey met a lovely girl on the road who was unable to cross the
intersection because the mud would ruin her silk kimono. One of the monks
lied the girl in his arms and carried her over the mud.
Later that evening, when the monks were in their lodgings, the other
monk said to the one who carried the girl, “We monks do not go near
females! Especially not young, pretty ones. It is dangerous. Why did you do
e other monk replied, “I le the girl there. Are you still carrying her?”
Pay Attention!
In order to take advantage of the Law of Attraction to the fullest, one must
be able to keep one’s attention on the goal. One must be able to hold the
vision unwaveringly. oughts of abundance will attract money and
opportunity. oughts of love will bring harmony. oughts of power will
yield self-sufficiency.
e attention can be trained. at is what the exercises in e Master Key
System are doing for you. You are able to keep your mind focused like a laser.
As you hold your attention and keep it focused, you will be attracting to you
the things, people, and circumstances that you need for your growth.
A Key Point
Attention has been held to be the distinguishing mark of genius.
e cultivation of attention depends upon practice. e
incentive of attention is interest. e greater the interest, the
greater the attention.
Be Here Now
How do we keep the mind from wandering, though? How do we still
those voices that remind us of the past and worry us with the future? As
Haanel would say, it is by practice that we gain control of our mind. at is
the only way. It won’t hurt, though, to take a closer look at what is happening.
A weird fellow by the name of Baba Ram Dass wrote a book entitled Be
Here Now. In it, he explains that we must take advantage of the moment and
not let the mind dri from it. How many times have you missed something
that was occurring because your mind was elsewhere? Perhaps you missed
your son get a base-hit because you were worrying about a project at work.
Mayhap you were having money troubles and did not allow yourself to fully
enjoy the holidays.
Most times, you do not even feel your mind dri. You only realize that
you were “in your own little world” when you have to ask someone to repeat
something or you have to act like you just saw what occurred. A good clue
that you are not there mentally is that your body starts doing its rhythmical
tics, such as tapping your feet, shaking your leg, playing with your fingers, or
any other of a number of somewhat annoying fidgets.
As you can see in the diagram, by allowing the mind to dri, you are
essentially dissipating your mental energy and creating in yourself feelings
that may not be in your best interest.
Many people dwell on the past. “It’s not my fault, Your Honor. I had a bad
childhood.” Have you heard that before? How about “My mother was never
there. She didn’t love me enough.” Have you heard a person explain with that
excuse why they encounter one bad relationship aer another?
Let go of the past. It is gone. Bring yourself into the Now. Why dwell on
something that happened many years ago? If you’ve encountered failures,
then try something new! e movie Vanilla Sky provides us with a wonderful
thing to remember.
Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all
What goes for the past is true of the future. If you are not making plans,
then why are you worrying about the future? Worry and anxiety are some of
the biggest wastes of mental energy. ey cause us to fear and many times
they throw us into a state of paralysis. Keep your thoughts courageous and in
the Now. You will be happy that you did.
move; the stars are not small specks of light; and matter which was once
supposed to be fixed has been found to be in a state of perpetual flux.
Try to realize that the day is fast approaching—its dawn is now at hand—
when modes of thought and action must be adjusted to rapidly increasing
knowledge of the operation of eternal principles.
is indicates the origin of both good and evil; they are simply words
which have been coined in order to indicate the nature of the result of the
thinking or creative process.
ought necessarily precedes and predetermines action; action precedes
and predetermines condition.
Week Twenty will throw more light upon this important subject.
A Key Point
You may have all the wealth in Christendom, but unless you
recognize it and make use of it, it will have no value…All great
things come through recognition.
C o m m a n d Yo u r s e l f
An inquirer asked a teacher, “How can I command whatever happens to
“By being one with whatever happens.”
“What does that mean?”
“You really do not possess a separate self which is apart from anything;
you are one with all of life. However, in your misunderstanding you think
there is a you and an event, which causes division and conflict. Give up your
belief in a separate self and oneness will be realized, which ends conflict. is
is the secret of the ages. Come back to it every day. You will change.”
You become the commander of everything by not needing to command
anything but yourself.
Ta k i n g S t o c k
You are going to do some writing this week. It’s important that you take
an inventory of what you have in order for you to recognize your potential.
Just as we can fail to recognize our world within, we oen fail to recognize
the things that we have that can be worth a fortune to us. Since we do not
recognize them, we do not exercise them. Hence, they go dormant and they
atrophy. Take the time to make a full inventory of what you have. If you have
to (and you probably will), get another sheet of paper.
Here you are to write the things you know like math or a language or even
things like jokes. Just about anything you know.
ings I Know…
Write the things that you can do from the inane to the complex, anything
from whistling to repairing a car to using a computer.
ings I Can Do…
Write a list of the things that people tell you that you do well. Maybe you
hear that you’re a good talker or you have a good sense of humor.
ings I Hear From People…
What do you own or have? Make a list of things that you have, such as a
computer, a telephone, a house, or a musical instrument.
ings I Have…
Who do you know? Go through your Rolodex and compile a list of people
you know. Maybe they can help you, maybe not. Let’s put them on the list just
the same.
People I Know…
What roles have you taken? Were you ever a Scout Leader or PTA
Member? at list goes here.
Roles I Have Assumed…
M i x I t A ll To g e th e r
Take a good look at your lists. Do you see any common threads? Do some
things line up nicely? Perhaps you fix cars and you work in a shop and a lot of
the people you know also fix cars. (If you are a mechanic that makes sense!)
Perhaps you know computers and you work in an office; mayhap you can
parlay that combination into a new and better job or a business.
e point is that by seeing everything on your list, you now know where
you stand and you can go from there. Perhaps if you are a mechanic, you
know a few other fellows who would be interested in opening a repair shop
or customizing shop. You can see the basis for an idea and now you have the
inventory to make it so.
If your lists do not seem to mesh well, perhaps you have to look closer and
do a little pruning. Examine the lists and think about which items brought
you the most pleasure and enjoyment. Maybe now you work in a stifling
office, but you know a lot of jokes and people keep telling you that your a
wonderful person with a great attitude; that might be indicative that you
could really succeed in a sales position.
e last part is difficult. It may not be easy to see where to go, but at least
now you know where you stand. Give this lots of thought. Put things
together. You will then turn your “junk” into your fortune.
Do not think that you are on the right road just because it
is a well-beaten path.
environment your inherent soul potencies. Realize that the Silence offers an
ever available and almost unlimited opportunity for awakening the highest
conception of Truth. Try to comprehend that Omnipotence itself is absolute
silence—all else is change, activity, limitation. Silent thought concentration is
therefore the true method of reaching, awakening, and then expressing the
wonderful potential power of the world within.
I t B e a r s R e p e a tin g…
It was stated previously in this workbook that one of Donald Trump’s
rules is to “ink big.” Obviously, thinking big worked well for him. Bill
Gates, too, thinks big. When he began Microso, the company motto was “A
computer on every desktop.” Now that they have a virtual monopoly of
computer operating systems, that motto came to fruition.
roughout history, you’ll find that those who get mentioned in the
history books or are remembered, were those who held big thoughts in their
mind and endeavored to make them real. Alexander the Great, Napoleon,
John F. Kennedy. ese men dared to dream.
What are your dreams? Whatever they are, make them loy and grand.
Shoot for the Moon! As the saying goes, even if you miss the Moon, you’ll hit
a star.
The P r ocess
“e real secret of power is consciousness of power.” Haanel implores us
to use this power as it is what brings into reality the thoughts that we have, be
those thoughts for good or for ill. To ensure that the results we get are the
ones that we desire, Haanel has this process for us. Use it!
1. Every thought creates an impression on the brain.
2. Experiences come to us through the law of attraction.
3. e predominant thought or mental attitude is the magnet.
4. Like attracts like.
5. e mental attitude is our personality and is composed of all the
thoughts that we have been creating in our mind.
6. By persistent effort, we can change the mental attitude.
7. To do this, replace the pictures you have in your mind with new
pictures of what you want and desire.
8. When you have done this, you will begin to attract to yourself those
9. Build into your mental pictures the necessary essentials, such as
determination, ability, talent, courage, power, and anything else.
10.Aspire to the highest possible attainment in anything you undertake.
11.Repeat this process as repetition builds habit.
Everything that we have is a result of this process. Everything. Be it good
or bad, what we want or what we dislike. is process describes how our
predominant mental attitude about everything is formed. Whether you like it
or not, you are using this process. Now that you know how this process
works, you can use it consciously and of your own volition.
Yo u r G o a l B o a r d
Visualize what you want! ink big thoughts! To help you keep your goals
in mind and not get distracted by lesser thoughts, it is highly recommended
that you make for yourself a goal board. Here is a chance for you to have
some fun with “arts & cras.”
Get for yourself a cork board or bulletin board. ey can be bought at just
about any store. You’ll also need some thumb tacks or push pins. Finally,
you’ll need magazines or catalogues or 3x5 cards that have pictures or words
describing the things that you want.
Go ahead! Get those items and then return to this exercise.
Here’s where the fun begins. Clip pictures from the magazines or
catalogues of the things that you want in your life. Perhaps you want a new
car. Find a picture of the car you desire and snip it from the magazine and
then post it onto your bulletin board. If you want to do something for which
there is no picture, then write a brief description of it on a 3x5 card and post
it. For example, you might write “I am the regional director of my company”
on a card. You then post that card. It really helps if you get pictures of exactly
what you want and not something “sort of like it.” If you want your new car
to be red, then get a picture of the car you want that is red.
When you assemble your goal board, hang it somewhere where you can
easily see it, such as a wall near your desk. If you can, make a few goal boards
and put them everywhere! is is very powerful and I have never seen it fail
for people. When you look at your goal board, you will trigger your mind to
think of those things that you want and set the law of attraction to work for
you. When the Law is at work for you, nothing can keep the things away
from you.
At t a in Yo u r I d e a l Wei ght
is method of using a goal board can help you attain your ideal weight.
Here’s how you do that. Find pictures of what you consider to be your ideal
body. You might find something like that in a fitness magazine or a celebrity
magazine. Who is your favourite movie star or celebrity? Surely you can find
a picture of them.
Next, you are to get a picture of yourself. Here’s where the fun begins.
Now you cut the head off the celebrity’s picture and put your head there. You
then take that composite and place it on your goal board.
What will happen is that you will visualize yourself with that body and
you will then attract to yourself the events and conditions necessary for you
to attain that ideal body and weight for yourself. Perhaps you will find
yourself eating healthier or having more opportunities to get to the gym.
Whatever the case, this method will help you get to your ideal weight.
A Key Point
ere is no limit to what this law can do for you. Dare to believe
in your own ideal. Remember that Nature is plastic to the ideal.
ink of the ideal as an already accomplished fact.
life and how you may get in touch with it is explained in the part which I
have the privilege of enclosing herewith.
when you do “Speak to Him” you are in touch with Omnipotence. is
realization and recognition of this Omnipresent power will quickly destroy
any and every form of sickness or suffering and substitute harmony and
perfection. en remember there are those who seem to think that sickness
and suffering are sent by God; if so, every physician, every surgeon, and
every Red Cross nurse is defying the will of God and hospitals and
sanitariums are places of rebellion instead of houses of mercy. Of course, this
quickly reasons itself into an absurdity, but there are many who still cherish
the idea.
en let the thought rest on the fact that until recently theology has been
trying to teach an impossible Creator, one who created beings capable of
sinning and then allowed them to be eternally punished for such sins. Of
course the necessary outcome of such extraordinary ignorance was to create
fear instead of love, and so, aer two thousand years of this kind of
propaganda, eology is now busily engaged in apologizing for
I t ’s A ll o n Yo u
By now, I am certain that you realize that everything that you have in your
life is because of your thoughts and those that you inherited. at puts what
can be a huge burden on one’s shoulders. It is the burden that you are
responsible. It’s your fault, whether it be for good or for bad.
What can be considered a huge burden, though, is in reality the greatest
liberator in all of human history! Yes, you are responsible, but you can
control what you have. e power is yours! You can use it just as you would a
light switch or any machine. If it is dark where you are, then all you must do
is flick a switch and turn on the light.
For no longer can you place the blame on anything or anyone else. It is
now the time to look where you stand and take the reigns. at power is
available for all and it does not have to be found or obtained. You already
have it and it is within you. Claim it!
A Key Point
By changing the cause, we change the effect.
I t R e a lly Wo r k s . Real l y .
Last week, you were shown a method by which you could attain your
ideal weight or body type. Can you see now why this would work? Your brain
and your thoughts set vibrations into motion that affect everything. What
does Haanel say?
When perfect images are placed before the subjective, the
creative energies will build a perfect body.
What more can be said? If you have been doing the exercises and have not
met with much success, then do them again. Reread the chapters and reapply
the knowledge. e laws and ideas that Haanel espouses are absolute. ey
work perfectly.
Yo u C a n H e a l Yo u r L i f e
As you have probably noticed, the exercises in e Master Key System are
having you delve into your mind more and more. ey build, one upon the
other, so as to help you attain complete mental mastery. It is of the utmost
importance that you follow and practice these exercises.
As has been established, we are where we are in life because of our prior
thoughts. Every thought we had, so long as we gave it power, became reality
in our objective universe in one form or another. Your thoughts of worry or
fear may have materialized in physical illness; thoughts of hate and envy
perhaps in awkward social occasions; and all other ills that befell you had a
precedent thought associated with it.
In her book You Can Heal Your Life, Louise L. Hay lists common (and at
times not so common) diseases and ailments and their associated probable
mental cause. For example, for allergies, she has as the mental ailment, “Who
are you allergic to?” She also includes a listing of affirmations that can be
used to counteract the negative thought. Here is another example: For
nervousness, she has listed as a probable cause “fear, anxiety…not trusting
the life process.” For the new thought pattern she would use to counteract it,
she writes, “I am on an endless journey through eternity, and there is plenty
of time. I communicate with my heart. All is well.”
We bring forth that which we think. Study aer study is showing that a
patients mental attitude is just as important as the therapy administered. In
some cases, a patient with a serious illness was cured by a placebo rather than
a real drug or medicine!
When you sent love to the Universe, it most assuredly returned it. Strong,
powerful, and courageous thoughts are returned to you in kind. ey always
have been. ink about the times you had a night on the town. What was
your frame of mind when you made some new friends and enjoyed a lot of
laughs? On the other hand, what was your frame of mind when you
experienced not-so-nice people and had iffy experiences?
It is the in practical application that the value consists.
K e e p Yo u r E y e s o n t h e P r i z e
Many people subscribe to and try many different methods to better
themselves. Unfortunately, many of the methods and attempts are exactly like
fad diets—they provide temporary results, but do nothing for the long-term.
Anything worth having is going to exact a price. e Master Key System is
difficult at times. It demands of you to become your personal best. It takes
time and practice. It will take some sweat, blood, and deep introspection.
e path is hard, but the rewards are commensurate with the effort. Stay
the course and keep practicing. is is your life and you are entitled to live it
in the manner of your choosing. Live your dreams!
sufficient supply, so that if there appears to be any lack, we should realize that
the idea—or soul—of money is service, and as this thought takes form,
channels of supply will be opened and you will have the satisfaction of
knowing that spiritual methods are entirely practical.
When an exchange of value for value is made, then one has balance. at
means that when we trade or buy something, we are putting the law of
balances to work. Someone has something that you want and you have
something he wants. All that is needed is an agreement on the price.
You can enjoy abundance simply by earning more than you are spending.
As Haanel states, the first law of success is service.
A Key Point
We make money by making friends, and we enlarge our circle of
friends by making money for them, by helping them, by being
of service to them. e first law of success is service, and this in
turn is built on integrity and justice.
Yo u S c r a t c h M y B a c k …
Helping friends or people to make money does not mean be charitable. It
does mean that you participate in the economic system. Look at the bills a
business owner must pay! From rent to sundry suppliers to payroll, he is a
veritable cornucopia of money. If he is thinking, though, the dollars he
spends return to him.
roughout this book, you have looked at yourself and made many lists
about yourself. You should put all of those to good use. What can you do that
would be of service to others? e founder of IBM, omas J. Watson Sr.,
made a single word the company motto:
ought may be the only thing that you have at the moment. It will always
be the most valuable thing that you own. A laborer has a wage that has a
cap, because the physical body has bounds; a thinker knows no bounds
because the Mind is in touch with the Infinite.
One idea can change the world. One idea can net for you millions of
dollars. Look around you and realize that everything that you have came
from somewhere and that everything originated in the mind. Someone’s
mind envisioned and planned what you are using, sitting on, watching,
Never before has it been more possible to realize your idea. Production
costs are decreasing, the Internet has become a viable medium, and
knowledge and information are everywhere. We are in the midst of a great
Renaissance. Take advantage of everything. ink!
not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man,” the
splendors which exist for those who find themselves in the Promised Land.
ey have crossed the river of judgment and have arrived at the point of
discrimination between the true and the false, and have found that all they
ever willed or dreamed was but a faint concept of the dazzling reality.
Are you a writer? en it would do you well to read books on style. Brush up
your math skills. What is the nature of quantum reality? We live in a world
where information flows like water. Knowledge pours into our lives from
every corner. Fill your glass with it.
As you think, thus you will do. e brain leads and the body follows. We
think and then we do. at should be obvious by now and ingrained into
your psyche. All that is le is for you to put it into operation for yourself. I
urge you to continue on this journey. Once you set this into motion, stopping
would be the worst thing you can do. Live your life and live your dreams!
S o m e o f t h e B e s t B o o k s Yo u C a n R e a d
(Listed in alphabetical order by title)
e Art of War Sun Tzu
Atlas Shrugged Ayn Rand
Be Here Now Baba Ram Dass
Enchantment Guy Kawasaki