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The Master Key Workbook Anthony R.


Copyright © 2011 by Anthony R. Michalski & Kallisti Publishing

All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or
mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems,
without permission in writing from the author. e only exception is by a
reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

Published by
Kallisti Publishing
332 Center Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702
Phone (877) 444-6188 • Fax (419) 781-1907

Kallisti Publishing • Charles F. Haanel’s Complete Master Key Course 2

The Master Key Workbook Anthony R. Michalski

Table of Contents
About is Edition 8
Additional Material 9
About Charles F. Haanel 10
Introduction 11
How to Use is Workbook 14
A Zen Story 18
Week One - An Introduction to e Master Key System 19
The Letter of Transmittal 19
The Main Points 19
The Exercise 20
The Tale of the Elephant 21
Your Mental Attitude 21
What’s Stopping You Now? 22
The Universal Mind and You 23
Recognition 24
A Key Point 24
Practicing the Exercise 24
Write Your Impressions Here 25
Week Two - e Basics of Your Mind 27
The Letter of Transmittal 27
The Main Points 28
The Exercise 28
The Two Parts of the Mind 29
Directing the Subconscious Mind 30
A Key Point 30
Rewriting Your Story 30
Words to Live By 32
What Have We Learned? 33
More Affirmations 33
Week ree - Realizing Your Mental Resources 35
The Letter of Transmittal 35
The Main Points 36
The Exercise 36
Your Life to the Max 37
A Key Point 38
Relaxing the Body 38
What Do You Think of This Poem? 39
Week Four - Reversing the Process: Cause and Effect 40
The Letter of Transmittal 40
The Main Points 41

Kallisti Publishing • Charles F. Haanel’s Complete Master Key Course 3

The Master Key System Charles F. Haanel

The Exercise 41
A Part of the Universal 42
The Secret of Power 43
Get into Action—Now! 43
“I Can Be What I Will To Be.” 44
A Key Point 45
Seek the Silence 45
Guided by the Intellect 46
Practicing the Exercise 46
Write Your Impressions Here 47
Week Five - e Creative Mind 49
The Letter of Transmittal 49
The Main Points 49
The Exercise 50
“The Word Has Become Flesh” 51
A Key Point 52
Practicing the Exercise 52
The Quotable Haanel 53
Week Six - e Brain of Man 55
The Letter of Transmittal 55
The Main Points 56
The Exercise 56
Your Mental Dynamo 57
A Key Point 58
Practicing the Exercise 58
Week Seven - Utilizing the Omnipotent Power 61
The Letter of Transmittal 61
The Main Points 62
The Exercise 63
Think BIG 64
Make Your Ideal Real 64
A Key Point 65
Working With Visualization 65
Week Eight - ought and Its Results 68
The Letter of Transmittal 68
The Main Points 69
The Exercise 69
A Key Point 72
Your Life Story 72
Just Like Sherlock Holmes 73
What I Need To Achieve My Goals 74
Week Nine - Affirmations and Your Mind 75
The Letter of Transmittal 75
The Main Points 76
The Exercise 76
It’s Good to be Me 78
When It’s Time to Change… 79

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The Master Key System Charles F. Haanel

From a Negative to a Positive 79

A Key Point 80
Is the Record Skipping? 80
Week Ten - A Certain Definite Cause 82
The Letter of Transmittal 82
The Main Points 82
The Exercise 83
“Know Thyself” 85
A Key Point 85
The Circuit 85
You Already Have It Within You 86
A Tiger in a Cage 87
Week Eleven - Inductive Reasoning and the Objective Mind 89
The Letter of Transmittal 89
The Main Points 89
The Exercise 90
Shooting for the Moon 91
A Key Point 91
Those Goals Again 91
Goals, Goals, Goals 92
The Quotable Ralph Waldo Emerson 94
Week Twelve - e Power of Concentration 95
The Letter of Transmittal 95
The Main Points 96
The Exercise 97
A Key Point 98
Nothing to Write This Week 98
Week irteen - e Dreams of the Dreamer 100
The Letter of Transmittal 100
The Main Points 101
The Exercise 102
Doing It 103
…In Mysterious Ways 103
A Key Point 104
Staring You Right in the Face 104
Week Fourteen - e Creative Power of ought 107
The Letter of Transmittal 107
The Main Points 108
The Exercise 108
It Takes Some Doing 109
A Key Point 109
Doing the Exercise 109
Forgive & Forget 110
Here & Now 111
Week Fieen - e Law Under Which We Live 113
The Letter of Transmittal 113
The Main Points 114

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The Master Key System Charles F. Haanel

The Exercise 115

Look Similar? 116
When Things Don’t Add Up 116
Three Laws at Work For You 117
A Key Point 117
Making the Path Clear 118
Week Sixteen - Gaining Spiritual Understanding 120
The Letter of Transmittal 120
The Main Points 121
The Exercise 121
Who Is That Guy? 123
Why? 123
A Key Point 124
Say It with Feeling 124
Week Seventeen - Symbols and Reality 127
The Letter of Transmittal 127
The Main Points 128
The Exercise 128
You2 130
A Key Point 130
The Taste of Banzo’s Sword 130
Divide and Conquer 131
Your Taste of Banzo’s Sword 132
A Zen Tale 132
Week Eighteen - e Law of Attraction 133
The Letter of Transmittal 133
The Main Points 133
The Exercise 134
Pay Attention! 135
A Key Point 135
Be Here Now 135
Stay in the Now 137
Week Nineteen - Your Mental Food 139
The Letter of Transmittal 139
The Main Points 139
The Exercise 140
Losing the Fear 142
Week Twenty - e Spirit of ings 144
The Letter of Transmittal 144
The Main Points 145
The Exercise 146
One Man’s Junk… 147
A Key Point 147
Command Yourself 147
Taking Stock 148
Mix It All Together 152
Week Twenty-One - To ink Big oughts 155

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The Master Key System Charles F. Haanel

The Letter of Transmittal 155

The Main Points 156
The Exercise 156
It Bears Repeating… 158
The Process 158
Your Goal Board 159
Attain Your Ideal Weight 160
A Key Point 160
Week Twenty-Two - Spiritual Seeds 161
The Letter of Transmittal 161
The Main Points 162
The Exercise 162
It’s All On You 164
A Key Point 164
It Really Works. Really. 164
You Can Heal Your Life 165
Keep Your Eyes on the Prize 166
Week Twenty-ree - e Law of Success Is Service 168
The Letter of Transmittal 168
The Main Points 169
The Exercise 169
Economics 171
A Key Point 171
You Scratch My Back… 171
Week Twenty-Four - Alchemy 173
The Letter of Transmittal 173
The Main Points 173
The Exercise 174
The Road Ahead 176
Some Parting Words 178
The Last Words 179
Additional Reading List 180
Incredible Books Published by Kallisti Publishing 180
Some of the Best Books You Can Read 180

Kallisti Publishing • Charles F. Haanel’s Complete Master Key Course 7

The Master Key Workbook A Few Notes

About This Edition

is new edition of e Master Key Workbook represents the “gold
standard” in e-book technology. Within this edition you will find quite a few
changes from previous editions — all of which will make for a more
enjoyable and more productive reading experience.
roughout this book, you will find text that is underlined and blue.
ese are hyperlinks, just like the ones you would find on a web page. If you
are connected to the Internet while you are reading this book, clicking one of
these links will open your web browser and a web page that will contain more
information about the subject.
No index has been provided because this e-book is searchable. If you’re
looking for something, just type it into the search box of your e-book reader
and find the result for which you’re looking.
Did you find a quote that you like? You’ll find that you can copy and paste
the text from this e-book.
Do you want to print a section of this e-book so that you can read it on
the go? Feel free.
If you have any questions about this e-book or you found an error, please
contact Kallisti Publishing.
Please enjoy this edition of e Master Key Workbook by Anthony R.

Kallisti Publishing • Charles F. Haanel’s Complete Master Key Course 8

The Master Key Workbook Additional Material

Additional Material
Charles F. Haanel’s Complete Master Key Course
“e Gold Standard of personal development.” Over 1,000 pages of insight,
sagacity, and methods to help you succeed.

e Official Charles F. Haanel Web Site

Within the pages of this web site you will find everything that is currently
known about the man who is now known as the "Father of Personal

e Master Key Coaching Teleseminars

Free teleseminars and articles to help you tune in, unlock, and attain using
e Master Key System and Charles F. Haanel’s philosophy of success.

Tony Michalski’s Master Key Coaching

Tune in, unlock, and attain with articles, observations, and insights about
Charles F. Haanel's philosophy of success.

Kallisti Publishing
Kallisti Publishing — “e Books You Need to Succeed” — is the premiere
publisher and provider of top quality motivational, instructional, and
personal development products, materials, experiences, and events that
improve peoples’ lives.

Kallisti Publishing • Charles F. Haanel’s Complete Master Key Course 9

The Master Key Workbook About Charles F. Haanel

About Charles F. Haanel

Charles F. Haanel was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan on
May 22, 1866. He received many degrees, including hon.
Ph.D., College National Electronic Institute;
Metaphysics, Psy. D., College of Divine Metaphysics; and
M.D., Universal College of Dupleix, India. He is the ex-
President of the Continental Commercial Company and
the ex-President of the Sacramento Valley Improvement
He is the author of works on philosophy, psychology,
causation, science of living, personality, and science of mind, synthesized in
e Master Key System, a system of philosophy for application to the affairs
of everyday life.
Mr. Haanel was affiliated with many groups, including Fellow London
College of Psychotherapy; member Authors’ League of America; American
Society of Psychical Research; member of the Society of Rosicrucians; the
American Suggestive erapeutical Association; Science League of America;
Pi Gamma Mu Fraternity; Master Mason, Keystone Lodge No. 243, A.F. &
A.M.; created a Noble in Moolah Temple.
Mr. Haanel died on November 27, 1949 at the age of 83. He was buried in
Bellefontaine Cemetery, St. Louis.
Please visit the Official Charles F. Haanel web site at www.haanel.com for
much more information about the man many consider to be the “Father of
Personal Development.”

Kallisti Publishing • Charles F. Haanel’s Complete Master Key Course 10

The Master Key Workbook Introduction

Writing, designing, and publishing e Master Key Workbook has been
quite a journey. For years, just about since I began to publish e Master Key
System in 2000, people have asked me about a workbook to go along with it.
Folks wanted something that would add to e Master Key System and
something they could use in a work group setting.
e idea is a good one — and also an obvious one. What better to
accompany e Master Key System than a workbook? us, the idea was
implanted in the back of my mind. e real question became: How does one
make a good workbook?
I am probably a lot like you. I have attended a bunch of seminars; I’ve read
tons of books; I’ve worked with and written inside of many workbooks. Some
workbooks just plain sucked. (Excuse my loose language there, but there
really is no other way to phrase that.) ey were boring, redundant,
simplistic, and uninspiring. I hated them. I actually got one at a very big
name seminar. Boy, was I disappointed with that one!
Some workbooks were good. ey added to the original text on which
they were based. ey had good exercises that were fun and enlightening.
ey made me actually work! at’s good because then I actually got
something from the workbook. ose books made me happy. Unfortunately,
there are not too many of them.
One thing I did notice is that I never read or completed a great workbook.
Like e Master Key System is a great book or ink & Grow Rich is a great
book, I have never once read or worked with a great workbook. Like I stated,
I’ve done good ones, but nothing great. Not one book that stood on its own
while adding to the original body. Not one where the exercises really made
me stretch. Not one that elevated me.

Kallisti Publishing • Charles F. Haanel’s Complete Master Key Course 11

The Master Key Workbook Introduction

I was moved to change that. I wanted to make a truly great workbook. As

Steve Jobs would keep saying when they were making the first Macintosh
computer, I wanted this workbook to be “insanely great!”
I wanted it to be used as an addition to e Master Key System or as in
introduction to it; as a fun and inspiring method to self-mastery or as an
intensive and serious way to self-discipline. In other words, I wanted a
workbook that could actually be used by an individual, however that
individual desired to use it: either as a quick review or as an intensive
When I thought that I had accomplished that, it was time to test it. It was
time to put it to work. I did the Workbook. I had a few other people go
through the Workbook, too. I had everyone, including myself, put notes in the
Workbook, make corrections, insert suggestions, and anything else that came
to mind.
e result is the book you now hold in your hands. It is tested and ready
for general use. I really do not expect this book to be a big seller. (I know. It’s
a terrible thing to say and think, but I have my reasons, which I will outline
here.) It asks for a person to do some pretty serious work and soul-searching.
I have found that people like soda-pop books and workbooks, those that have
a lot of pop and sizzle and give you a good sugar rush, but really offer no
long-term knowledge or benefits. (I will not mention any names here. You
know who the guilty are.)
e people who actually want to succeed and practice self-improvement
are few; most merely mouth words and want to “feel” like they are doing
something. is is not meant to be sad or pessimistic. On the contrary, it is
to be expected. It is neither good nor bad, it merely is. us, e Master Key
Workbook was written, compiled, and designed with the true seeker and
practitioner in mind. If you work at it and strive for it, success can be yours.
With e Master Key Workbook, you will read a lot, do many invigorating
exercises, and explore yourself more than you ever have. It is my hope,
though, that you will benefit in many ways.

Kallisti Publishing • Charles F. Haanel’s Complete Master Key Course 12

The Master Key Workbook Introduction

I see this Workbook as being something that you review at least once per
year. Perhaps you’ll take the time to do an annual review of yourself. e first
time you do e Master Key Workbook, though, take your time if you are
doing it by yourself. Read something over and over until you thoroughly
understand it. You are not in a race to the finish; even if you were, it’s a race
of endurance and persistence, not speed. If you are part of a study group, ask
questions when you need to and discuss every concept thoroughly. Help each
other and share. It’s very amazing that the sharing of ideas and experiences
emboldens everyone who hears them.
Above all, enjoy the journey. Like Haanel wrote, “Life is an unfoldment,
not an accretion.” If something is giving you trouble, then step from it for a
few days. You own the Workbook; it does not own you. Learning is fun and
exciting, but real learning can be tough and painful. It can be important to
take a break when you feel it is necessary. It is even more important, though,
to carry on and see the thing through. Make certain of that and all will fall
into place.
Please enjoy this work, this labour of love, this fantastic journey. I
sincerely hope that you attain everything that you desire. I hope that this
book helps you to do that. In the end, though, it is most important to
remember that you did it! While this book may be a meager map, you, my
friend are the true discoverer.
Have fun…

Anthony R. Michalski
Wilkes-Barre, PA
October, 2004

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The Master Key Workbook How to Use This Workbook

How to Use This Workbook

You will get a lot from this book. Hopefully, the seeds of success that are
within you will become watered enough to sprout roots and break through
the soil into the light of day and you will spread your leaves and petals wide
for all to see and admire. In order for that to occur, this Workbook must be
used properly. Here are a few guidelines and tips to help you get the most
from this book.

Use e Master Key Workbook in conjunction with e Master

Key System.
Yes, this book can be used on its own, but it was written with the idea that
you would have a copy of e Master Key System and that you would read
both e Master Key Workbook and e Master Key System together. If you
don’t have e Master Key System, you can get a free e-book at

Work slowly.
ere is no need to rush things. is is a race of endurance, not speed.

Work diligently.
Nothing beats patient and persistent work. Perhaps you’ve seen on a
restaurant’s menu “Good cooking takes time.” Well, the same goes for self-
improvement. You will get to where you are going as long as you keep at it.

Complete the Master Key Workbook at least once.

ere is nothing as important as completing what one begins.

Kallisti Publishing • Charles F. Haanel’s Complete Master Key Course 14

The Master Key Workbook How to Use This Workbook

Do the Master Key Workbook in order the first time.

Haanel paced e Master Key System perfectly. is book is based on that
pacing. It will do well for you to progress through the book in the order given
rather than jumping from section to section. Each exercise builds on the
previous one. Completing them in order will make sense.

Review your Master Key Workbook book on an annual basis.

When you do your personal evaluation, take the time to review this book.
You will be able to track how your goals changed or how you progressed in
advancement toward your goals. It is important that you do this. Persistence
is one of the most important things that you can practice.

Do the exercises!
When you are requested to write something, actually write something. Do
not make a mental note and then move to the next part. You will be wasting
your time. Writing is setting your thoughts onto paper, making them
permanent in a way. Writing helps to crystallize thoughts and make them
stronger. Please do so. e other exercises should be attacked the same way:
with purpose and diligence. You will only get from the Workbook what you
put into it.

For e-book readers/users…

is is a workbook. Obviously. To be used properly, it is required that you
write to do the exercises. How can you do that with an e-book? Simple. As
you read this e-book, it is highly recommended that you do so with a pen
and a notebook close at hand.
If your reading device allows you to print the pages, then please do so.
Either way, it is important that you write the exercises.

Kallisti Publishing • Charles F. Haanel’s Complete Master Key Course 15

The Master Key Workbook How to Use This Workbook

Find a group or get coaching.

Hopefully, you will be able to go through this book with a group or
someone who can help you to completely understand all of the concepts. A
good partner or group also motivates you to do all of the exercises to the best
of your ability. If you are unable to find a group, Kallisti Publishing offers
one-on-one coaching (www.masterkeycoaching.com) and a wonderful series
of teleseminars (www.tuneinunlockattain.com).

Have fun!
at is by far the most important guideline. Relax, enjoy yourself, and
enjoy the journey.

Kallisti Publishing • Charles F. Haanel’s Complete Master Key Course 16

e Master Key Workbook

Kallisti Publishing • Charles F. Haanel’s Complete Master Key Course 17

The Master Key Workbook A Zen Story

A Zen Story
Nan-in, a Japanese master during the Meiji era (1868-1912), received a
university professor who came to inquire about Zen.
Nan-in served tea. He poured his visitor’s cup full, and then kept on
e professor watched the overflow until he no longer could restrain
himself. “It is over-full. No more will go in!”
“Like this cup,” Nan-in said, “you are full of your own opinions and
speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?”
—“A Cup of Tea” from Zen Flesh, Zen Bones

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The Master Key Workbook An Introduction to The Master Key System - Week One

Week One - An Introduction to The

Master Key System
The Letter of Transmittal
It is my privilege to enclose herewith Week One of e Master Key System.
Would you bring into your life more power? Get the power consciousness.
More health? Get the health consciousness. More happiness? Get the
happiness consciousness. Live the spirit of these things until they become
yours by right. It will then become impossible to keep them from you. e
things of the world are fluid to a power within man by which he rules them.
You need not acquire this power. You already have it. But you want to
understand it; you want to use it; you want to control it; you want to
impregnate yourself with it, so that you can go forward and carry the world
before you.
Day by day, as you go on and on, as you gain momentum, as your
inspiration deepens, as your plans crystallize, as you gain understanding, you
will come to realize that this world is no dead pile of stones and timber, but
that it is a living thing! It is made up of the beating hearts of humanity. It is a
thing of life and beauty.
It is evident that it requires understanding to work with material of this
description. But those who come into this understanding are inspired by a
new light—a new force. ey gain confidence and greater power each day.
ey realize their hopes and their dreams come true. Life has a deeper, fuller,
clearer meaning than before.

The Main Points

e world without is a reflection of the world within.
All possession is based on consciousness.

Kallisti Publishing • Charles F. Haanel’s Complete Master Key Course 19

The Master Key Workbook An Introduction to The Master Key System - Week One

e individual is related to the objective world by the objective mind.

e brain is the organ of this mind.
He is related to the Universal Mind by the subconscious mind. e Solar
Plexus is the organ of this mind.
e Universal Mind is the life principle of every atom that is in
e ability of the individual to think is his ability to act upon the
Universal and bring it into manifestation.
e result of this action and interaction is cause and effect; every
thought is a cause and every condition an effect.
Harmonious and desirable conditions are obtained by right thinking.
Discord, inharmony, lack, and limitation are the result of wrong
e source of all power is the world within, the Universal Fountain of
Supply, the Infinite Energy of which each individual is an outlet.

The Exer cise

Select a room where you can be alone and undisturbed. Sit erect,
comfortably, but do not lounge. Let your thoughts roam where they will, but
be perfectly still for fieen minutes to half an hour. Continue this for three or
four days or for a week until you secure full control of your physical being.

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The Master Key Workbook An Introduction to The Master Key System - Week One

The Tale of the Elephant

In India, elephants are used for manual labor. When the elephant is small
and weighs approximately 200 pounds, it is securely tied with a heavy-duty
rope. In between “jobs,” the elephant oen tries to break through its bonds.
e calf whines, tugs, and even tries to chew through the rope; but it is
unable to break free. Finally, the elephant gives up. He accepts his
circumstances. His spirit is broken. e elephant believes there is absolutely
no chance to free himself and overcome his “limitation.”
is is recognized as a “defining moment.” A defining moment is the exact
moment one adopts and/or accepts a new belief that drastically alters his life.
He accepts this “new belief ” as a “truth,” regardless if it is true or not.
Because the brain accepts repetition of thought and deduction as “the truth,”
the rope reigns sovereign not only in the calf ’s immediate environment, but
in his mind as well.
With this “belief ” deeply embedded in the elephant’s mind, his handler
came up with an ingenious idea to permanently disempower him. He
realized all that was needed was to tie the four-ton animal up with extremely
small ropes and he would remain tied. In the elephant’s mind, any size rope
would keep him “securely” confined.
You are not an elephant! Rise up and break through the confining ropes in
your mind. When you’re faced with change, change your perspective. When
you’re overwhelmed with something new, change your view.

Yo u r M e n t a l A t t i t u d e
All experiences in life are the result of our habitual or predominant
mental attitude. e reason some get more and others less is not because of
greed or good luck, but because some have an attitude of lack and others an
attitude of abundance. e world within is a reflection of the world without.
What comes to us in the world without is what we already possess in the
world within.

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The Master Key Workbook An Introduction to The Master Key System - Week One

is is not new. You always had this power. If the effects in your life are
not to your liking, change the nature of your thoughts to focus on what you
want instead of what you don’t want.
Everything we have in life is a result of our consciousness.
All of the lessons and all of the exercises in this book are geared towrd
changing how you think, because how you think and what you think
determine what you have in your life. at idea will be repeated again and
again in order for you to not only understand it, but to internalize it.
e secret of all power, all achievement, and all possession depends upon
our method of thinking.

W h a t’ s S to p p in g Yo u N ow?
Let’s begin here by identifying our “ropes”—those things that mentally
hold us in bondage. How do you see yourself right now at this moment?
ink carefully and be painfully honest. Only by facing the truth and
knowing the truth can we progress.
List some obstacles, barriers, or limitations that you believe are preventing
you from achieving complete success in any area of your life.









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The Master Key Workbook An Introduction to The Master Key System - Week One

The Universal Mind and You

Harmony in the world within means the ability to control our thoughts
and to determine for ourselves how any experience is to affect us. We are
related to the world without by the Objective Mind. e brain is the physical
organ of this mind.
We are related to the world within by the Subconscious Mind. e solar
plexus is the organ of this mind. is system of nerves presides over all
subjective sensations, such as joy, fear, love, anger, and imagination.
e Universal Mind is that consciousness pervading the entire universe,
occupying all space and being the same in kind in every point of existence. It
is all powerful, all wisdom, and always present. It is all in all.
rough the Subconscious Mind we are connected to Universal Mind,
and in this way we are brought into relation with the infinite constructive
forces of the Universe.
Your consciousness is part of Universal Consciousness like a drop of water
is part of the ocean. It is like in kind, but it is not “the ocean.” e
consciousness that focuses in your brain cells is the same consciousness that
focuses in the brain cells of everyone else. Each one of us is but an
individualization of the Universal.
e world within is the cause, the world without is the effect. To change
the effect you must change the cause. Most people attempt to change effects
by working with effects. ey keep repeating the same mistakes over and
over again. e effects—or the focusing of thoughts on the effects—keep
producing more of the same effects.
Understanding this gives us the power to control the effects in our lives.
By substituting abundance for poverty, health for sickness, wisdom for
ignorance, harmony for discord, and freedom for tyranny, we create the
outcomes in our lives that we want and desire.

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The Master Key Workbook An Introduction to The Master Key System - Week One

R e co g n itio n
e world within is the universal fountain of supply. e world without is
the outlet of that stream. Our ability to receive depends upon our recognition
of this Universal Fountain. is recognition is a mental process.
We live in a fathomless sea of plastic mind substance that is ever alive and
active. It takes form according to our mental demand. ought forms the
mold that will be expressed in our lives. ought, therefore, becomes reality.
As our recognition of this process grows, we will better be able to control
the outcomes in our lives and attain the things we want.

A Key Point
By being truthful about yourself and therefore knowing yourself,
you begin the path to success and achievement. By keeping your
attention on the things you want rather than the things you do
not want, you condition yourself to attain success and

P racticing the E x e r c i s e
When practicing the exercise, notice how the fingers twitch, the nose
tickles, the foot taps, and the leg jerks, or whatever “unconscious”
movements your body does. Your body is your instrument—your possession
—yet one finds it to be one of the most difficult things to control! Why is
We must bring ourselves into a recognition of where we are. Bringing into
focus our own body is the first step to breaking through those perceptions.
You learn how to focus and bring your mind from wasted effort and into the
all-important Now.
It is imperative that you master this lesson. By bringing your body into
focus, you will be on your way to mastering your mind.

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The Master Key Workbook An Introduction to The Master Key System - Week One

W r i t e Yo u r I m p r e s si ons Her e

Kallisti Publishing • Charles F. Haanel’s Complete Master Key Course 25

The Master Key Workbook An Introduction to The Master Key System - Week One

“is above all: To thine own self be true,

And it must follow, as the night the day,
ou canst not then be false to any man.”
—William Shakespeare, Hamlet

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The Master Key Workbook The Basics of Your Mind - Week Two

Week Two - The Basics of Your Mind

The Letter of Transmittal
Our difficulties are largely due to confused ideas and ignorance of our
true interests. e great task is to discover the laws of nature to which we are
to adjust ourselves. Clear thinking and moral insight are, therefore, of
incalculable value. All processes, even those of thought, rest on solid
e keener the sensibilities, the more acute the judgment, the more
delicate the taste, the more refined the moral feelings, the more subtle the
intelligence, the loier the aspiration—the purer and more intense are the
gratifications which existence yields. Hence, it is that the study of the best
that has been thought in the world gives supreme pleasure.
e powers, uses, and possibilities of the mind under the new
interpretations are incomparably more wonderful than the most extravagant
accomplishment, or even dreams of material progress. ought is energy.
Active thought is active energy; concentrated thought is concentrated energy.
ought concentrated on a definite purpose becomes power. is is the
power which is being used by those who do not believe in the virtue of
poverty, or the beauty of self-denial. ey perceive that this is the talk of
e ability to receive and manifest this power depends upon the ability to
recognize the Infinite Energy ever dwelling in man, constantly creating and
recreating his body and mind, and ready at any moment to manifest through
him in any needful manner. In exact proportion to the recognition of this
truth will be the manifestation in the outer life of the individual.
Week Two explains the method by which this is accomplished.

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The Master Key Workbook The Basics of Your Mind - Week Two

The Main Points

e conscious and subconscious are the two modes of mental activity.
Ease and perfection depend entirely upon the degree in which we cease
to depend upon the conscious mind.
e value of the subconscious is enormous: It guides us, it warns us, it
controls the vital processes, and it is the seat of memory.
e conscious mind has the faculty of discrimination; it has the power
of reasoning; it is the seat of the will and may impress the subconscious.
“Conscious mind is reasoning will. Subconscious mind is instinctive
desire, the result of past reasoning will.”
To impress the subconscious, mentally state what is wanted.
If the desire is in harmony with the forward movement of the great
Whole, forces will be set in motion which will bring about the result.
Our environment reflects conditions corresponding to the predominant
mental attitude which we entertain.
e Law of Attraction states that our environment reflects our
predominant mental attitude.
ought is a creative energy, and will automatically correlate with its
object and bring it into manifestation.

The Exer cise

is time you will begin to control your thought. Always take the same
room, the same chair, and the same position, if possible. In some cases it is
not convenient to take the same room. In this case simply make the best use
of such conditions as may be available. Now be perfectly still as before, but
inhibit all thought. is will give you control over all thoughts of care, worry,
and fear, and will enable you to entertain only the kind of thoughts you
desire. Continue this exercise until you gain complete mastery.

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The Master Key Workbook The Basics of Your Mind - Week Two

The Two Par ts of the Mind

ere are two parts of the mind: the Conscious Mind and the
Subconscious Mind.

We use the Conscious Mind more when we are first learning something
new. Once we have developed the skill through repetition, the Subconscious,
which controls memory and runs the show, takes over. e Subconscious is
the seat of habit.
e value of the Subconscious is enormous. It warns us; it furnishes us
with names and facts; and provides scenes from the storehouse of memory. It
accomplishes intricate tasks that the Conscious mind has inability to do.

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The Master Key Workbook The Basics of Your Mind - Week Two

Dir ecting the Subconscious Mind

e Conscious Mind can direct the Subconscious Mind. is is how you
can turn your life around and reverse negative conditions and create positive
ones. Since the Subconscious takes instruction from the Conscious, it cannot
argue the instructions. If it has accepted wrong suggestions, the sure method
of overcoming them is by using a strong counter-suggestion repetitiously.
Since the Subconscious is creative and one with Universal Mind, it will at
once create the freedom suggested.
e Conscious Mind is reasoning will. e Subconscious Mind is
instinctive desire. e Conscious Mind engages in analysis and proving, the
Subconscious Mind perceives by intuition. Hence its processes are rapid. It
never sleeps or rests. It has been found that by simply stating to the
Subconscious Mind certain specific things to be accomplished, forces are set
into operation that lead to the desired result. If you learn to command your
Subconscious, infinite resources are at your command.

A Key Point
Our environment reflects conditions corresponding to the
predominant mental attitude which we entertain. is is known
as the Law of Attraction.

R e wr itin g Yo u r S tor y
ere is a thinking stuff from which all things are made and which, in its
original state, permeates and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought
in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought. A person
can form things in his thought and by impressing his thought upon formless
substance can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.
Begin to work on your Subconscious today. In Week One, you were to
write a list of the things that you perceived were impeding you from living a
successful life (your “ropes”). Here, you are to write an affirmation to

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The Master Key Workbook The Basics of Your Mind - Week Two

counteract those perceived limitations. For example, if you wrote “I have no

money,” write as an affirmation “I am wealthy.”
My Affirmations










Recite your affirmations daily when you awaken each morning and
before you fall asleep each night and at quiet moments during the day.
Any limitations that you have defined are just excuses to keep you from
achieving complete success. Once you take complete responsibility for your
life you will realize that you have the power to create your life by choosing
your beliefs, thoughts, feeling, and actions.

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The Master Key Workbook The Basics of Your Mind - Week Two

W o r d s to L iv e B y
ose who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the
person doing it.
—Chinese Proverb

Life is a grindstone. Whether it grinds you down or

polishes you up depends on what you’re made of.
—Jacob M. Braude

Sometimes when I consider what tremendous

consequences come from little things, I am tempted to
think there are no little things.
—Bruce Barton

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an

act, but a habit.

Whether you think you can or you think you can’t—you

are right.
—Henry Ford

Anything the mind can conceive and believe, it can

—Napoleon Hill

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The Master Key Workbook The Basics of Your Mind - Week Two

W h a t H a v e We L e a r ned?
In this section, we learn that the Subconscious mind is controlled and
influenced by the Conscious mind. We receive data from our five senses; that
data is processed and filtered by our Conscious mind; and then the
Conscious Mind feeds the Subconscious mind, which then forms the base of
our habits.
To control what we experience in the world without, we must first gain
control of the world within. We do this by canceling negative and destructive
thoughts in our Conscious mind because they in turn become impressed on
the Subconscious mind, which brings them into our reality through the Law
of Attraction.
e exercise for this Week is of vital importance as we must learn to
silence the internal dialogue that all of us have with ourselves every minute of
every day, much of which leads to unintended and even unwanted results. By
doing this exercise, we are doing two things: we are becoming conscious of
the chatter that is occurring and we are disciplining ourselves to still that
As you progress, you will notice every time your mind begins its harsh
and negative dialogue. When you notice that awful chatter, replace it with

M o r e A f f ir m a tio n s
I take charge of my life. I am responsible.
I know where I am now. at is from where I start to build my life.
I know where I am going. I move toward my goals every day.
Every day and in every way, I am getting better and better.
I like myself. I deserve success. I am happy. I am healthy. I am wealthy.

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The Master Key Workbook The Basics of Your Mind - Week Two

Cause and effect is as absolute and undeviating in the

hidden realm of thought as in the world of visible and
material things. Mind is the master weaver, both of the
interior garment of character and the outer garment of
—James Allen

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The Master Key Workbook Realizing Your Mental Resources - Week Three

Week Three - Realizing Your Mental

The Letter of Transmittal
You have found that the Individual may act on the Universal, and that the
result of this action and interaction is cause and effect.
ought, therefore, is the cause and the experiences with which you meet
in life are the effect.
Eliminate, therefore, any possible tendency to complain of conditions as
they have been or as they are, because it rests with you to change them and
make them what you would like them to be.
Direct your effort to a realization of the mental resources, always at your
command, from which all real and lasting power comes.
Persist in this practice until you come to a realization of the fact that there
can be no failure in the accomplishment of any proper object in life if you but
understand your power and persist in your object, because the mind forces
are ever ready to lend themselves to a purposeful will in the effort to
crystallize thought and desire into actions, events, and conditions.
Whereas in the beginning each function of life and each action is the
result of conscious thought, the habitual actions become automatic and the
thought that controls them passes into the realm of the subconscious; yet it is
just as intelligent as before. It is necessary that it become automatic, or
subconscious, in order that the subconscious mind may attend to other
things. e new actions will, however, in their turn, become habitual, then
automatic, then subconscious in order that the mind again may be freed
from this detail and advanced to still other activities.
When you realize this, you will have found a source of power which will
enable you to take care of any situation in life which may develop.

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The Master Key Workbook Realizing Your Mental Resources - Week Three

The Main Points

e Cerebrospinal is the organ of the Conscious mind.
e Sympathetic is the organ of the Subconscious mind.
e Solar Plexus is the central point of distribution for the energy which
the body is constantly generating.
e distribution of energy may be disrupted by resistant, critical,
discordant thoughts; but especially by fear.
Every ill with which the human race is afflicted is the result of this
is energy may be controlled and directed by conscious thought.
Fear may be completely eliminated by an understanding and recognition
of the true source of all power.
Our predominant mental attitude determines the experiences with
which we meet in life.
To awaken the Solar Plexus, mentally concentrate upon the condition
that we desire to see manifested in our lives.
e Universal Mind is the creative principle of the Universe.

The Exer cise

For your exercise this week, I will ask you to go one step further. I want
you to not only be perfectly still and inhibit all thought as far as possible, but
relax. Let go. Let the muscles take their normal condition; this will remove all
pressure from the nerves and eliminate that tension which so frequently
produces physical exhaustion.

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The Master Key Workbook Realizing Your Mental Resources - Week Three

Yo u r L i f e t o t h e M a x
Imagine that you are living life to the fullest. It is your dream, so dream
big and lush and full. List the things you want most in life here. Do not limit
yourself to this page! Get another sheet of paper (or even a legal pad) and
write everything that you want, both big and small. Your list may contain
things such as being debt-free to a $10 million mansion, from a new golf club
to a Lear jet. Do not limit yourself, rather dream and list everything that you
What I want most in life…















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The Master Key Workbook Realizing Your Mental Resources - Week Three

A Key Point
We have found that the subconscious mind is responsive to our
conscious will, which means that the unlimited creative power
of the Universal Mind is within the control of the conscious
mind of the individual.

R e l axin g th e B o d y
While keeping the mind and the body still, you must now relax the body
so as not to create any unwanted tension, which would disrupt the flow of
energy through your body. As you have mastered the previous exercises, so
you shall master this one.
As Haanel wrote, “Physical relaxation is a voluntary exercise of the will
and the exercise will be found to be of great value, as it enables the blood to
circulate freely to and from the brain and body.”
By relaxing, we are allowing the Solar Plexus, which is the seat of the
Unconscious Mind, to function completely. As we relax, we radiate
confidence, health, and strength—all thing harmonious. As we relax, we
experience nonresistant thought, which expands the Solar Plexus. By
relaxing, we are conquering the personal devil, fear.
Fear is that which makes us agonize over the past, present, and future.
When it is destroyed, our light will shine and we will be able to realize our
full potential and we will be able to overcome any adverse condition.
Tension leads to mental unrest and abnormal mental activity, which
produces worry, fear, and anxiety. Relaxation is therefore necessary to defeat
this. When you master this exercise, your Solar Plexus will then be ready to
function perfectly.

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The Master Key Workbook Realizing Your Mental Resources - Week Three

W h a t D o Yo u T h in k of Thi s Poem?
My Wage
I bargained with Life for a penny,
And Life would pay no more,
However I begged at evening
When I counted my scanty store.
For Life is a just employer,
He gives you what you ask,
But once you have set the wages,
Why, you must bear the task.
I worked for a menial’s hire,
Only to learn, dismayed,
at any wage I had asked of Life,
Life would have willingly paid.
—Jessie B. Rittenhouse

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The Master Key Workbook Reversing the Process: Cause and Effect - Week Four

Week Four - Reversing the Process:

Cause and Effect
The Letter of Transmittal
Enclosed herewith I hand you Week Four. is part will show you why
what you think, or do, or feel, is an indication of what you are.
ought is energy, and energy is power, and it is because all the religions,
sciences, and philosophies with which the world has heretofore been familiar
have been based upon the manifestation of this energy instead of the energy
itself, that the world has been limited to effects, while causes have been
ignored or misunderstood.
For this reason we have God and the Devil in religion, positive and
negative in science, and good and bad in philosophy.
e Master Key reverses the process; it is interested only in cause, and the
letters received from students tell a marvelous story. ey indicate
conclusively that students are finding the cause whereby they may secure for
themselves health, harmony, abundance, and whatever else may be necessary
for their welfare and happiness.
Life is expressive and it is our business to express ourselves harmoniously
and constructively. Sorrow, misery, unhappiness, disease, and poverty are not
necessities and we are constantly eliminating them.
But this process of eliminating consists in rising above and beyond
limitation of any kind. He who has strengthened and purified his thought
need not concern himself about microbes, and he who has come into an
understanding of the law of abundance will go at once to the source of
It is thus that fate, fortune, and destiny will be controlled as readily as a
captain controls his ship or an engineer his train.

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The Master Key Workbook Reversing the Process: Cause and Effect - Week Four

The Main Points

ought is spiritual energy.
ought is carried by the law of vibration.
ought is given vitality by the law of love.
ought takes form by the law of growth.
e secret of the creative process is that it is a spiritual activity.
We may develop the faith, courage, and enthusiasm that will result in
accomplishment by a recognition of our spiritual nature.
Service is the secret of Power.
Service is the secret of Power because we get what we give.
e Silence is a physical stillness.
e Silence is the first step to self-control and self-mastery.

The Exer cise

Last week I asked you to relax, to let go physically. is week, I am going
to ask you to let go mentally. If you practiced the exercise given you last week
fieen or twenty minutes a day in accordance with the instructions, you can
no doubt relax physically; and anyone who cannot consciously do this
quickly and completely is not a master of himself. He has not obtained
freedom; he is still a slave to conditions. But I shall assume that you have
mastered the exercise and are ready to take the next step, which is mental
is week, aer taking your usual position, remove all tension by
completely relaxing, then mentally let go of all adverse conditions, such as
hatred, anger, worry, jealousy, envy, sorrow, trouble, or disappointment of
any kind.
You may say that you cannot “let go” of these things, but you can. You can
do so by mentally determining to do so by voluntary intention and

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The Master Key Workbook Reversing the Process: Cause and Effect - Week Four

A P a r t o f th e U n iv e rsal
e “I” of you is not your physical body, nor is it your mind. It is
something that controls and directs the mind and the body. When you say “I
think” the “I” tells the mind what to think; when you say “I go” the “I” tells
the body where it shall go.
e “I” is spiritual and it is your connection to the Universal. It is a part of
the Universal. e only difference between the “I” and the Universal is one of

e world within is controlled by the “I” and this “I” is part of the
Universal Energy or Spirit, which is usually called God.
Science calls the Universal the “Eternal Energy.” Religion states that “God
is dwelling in man rather than operating on men from without.”
e Bible says, “Know ye not that ye are the temple of the living God?”

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The Master Key Workbook Reversing the Process: Cause and Effect - Week Four

The Secr et of Power

In order to be able to do things, we must have power. Being spiritual or
attaining mastery does not mean to go without things or to become self-
denying, as an ascetic. How can one help others if one is not sufficiently
powerful? Only a person with wealth can donate to a charity; only a person
with strength can defend the little man; only a person with knowledge can
give advice to the unexperienced.
e way we get this power is to be of service. e more we give, the more
we get. For example, suppose two people invested in a stock and the stock
over time doubled in value. e first person invested $1,000, thus he
increased his wealth to $2,000, a profit of $1,000. e second person invested
$10,000. His wealth increased to $20,000 and he profited $10,000!
e same holds true for all aspects of life: relationships, learning, work,
and play. If one wishes to learn mathematics, the person who does more
exercises or practice problems (gives more) will be the one who learns more.
e person who invests more of himself at work will be the person who is
promoted more oen. A musician cannot play at Carnegie Hall unless he
“practices, practices, practices” (gives, gives, gives).
e only time this will fail is if we pursue selfish ends that hurt others or
bring deficits to others. It is not wrong to profit, but it is wrong to profit
unjustly by cheating or deceiving others. When you allow the Universal to
work through you, then you will be able to attain all that you desire; when
you are busy with your own selfish plans and schemes, you will fail.

G e t in to A c tio n — N ow!
In Week ree, you were to list everything that you wanted in life.
Hopefully, it is a long and comprehensive list. It should contain both the big
and the small.

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The Master Key Workbook Reversing the Process: Cause and Effect - Week Four

What you are to do here is peruse that want-list and list here the top ten
things you can accomplish immediately. Let’s say you wrote “I want Haanel’s
other book, e Amazing Secrets of the Yogi.” Well, write that here.
I can accomplish immediately…










“I Can Be What I Will To Be.”

Once you have your list of things that you can accomplish immediately, go
and do those things! Life is about doing. You can have the greatest idea or
dream in the world, but if you do nothing about it, then you are nothing but
an idle dreamer and the best in you is wasted. ink of what made the
successful people successful: It was the fact that they did something! Even the
great thinkers became known as “great thinkers” because they took action—
they wrote their ideas on paper for all to see.
ere is a caveat, though. As Haanel says, “If you do not intend to do a
thing, do not start. If you do start a thing, see it through even if the heavens
fall; if you make up your mind to do something, do it; let nothing or no one

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The Master Key Workbook Reversing the Process: Cause and Effect - Week Four

Every time we set ourselves to do something and we accomplish it, no

matter how great or small, we are depositing currency in our spiritual
checkbook. When we fail to accomplish something, we are withdrawing
currency. If we withdraw too much, then we bankrupt ourselves. It is vitally
important to see through what we intend to do.

A Key Point
In order to express power, abundance, or any other constructive
purpose, the emotions must be called upon to give feeling to the
thought so that it will take form.

Seek the Silence

ought is the secret to all attainment. is is because when we think, we
set into motion the law of vibration, which carries our thoughts so that they
can become reality. e law of love, which works through the emotions,
gives these thoughts vitality.
Your level of belief will influence how quickly your dreams become reality.
Look at it this way: When you believe that something is easily attainable,
then you step quickly to attain that desire. On the other hand, when you
believe that what you want is “out of your reach” or a “pipe dream”, then you
stall and stutter on your way, which either drastically slows your journey or
impedes it completely.
We set our thoughts into motion by seeking the Silence. It is in the Silence
that we can be still, and when we are still, we can think, and thought is the
secret to all attainment.
As we think something more and more and see it clearer and clearer, it
finally becomes automatic in our mind. We really know what we think. It
moves from being a mere thought to a fact. “We are sure; we know.”

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The Master Key Workbook Reversing the Process: Cause and Effect - Week Four

G u i de d b y th e I n te ll ect
For everything to work, we must be guided by the intellect rather than the
emotions. For those of you familiar with E-mail, this example will strike
home. E-mail is a wonderful way to communicate with someone instantly.
When one sends an E-mail, the recipient receives the E-mail almost instantly,
thus facilitating easy communication. If someone should receive an E-mail
that makes them angry, though, it is very easy for the person to respond in a
very emotional way, which may result in hurt feelings or worse. Common E-
mail etiquette states that when one receives an E-mail that makes one angry,
rather than replying with an emotional outburst, take a moment and think
about what you are writing and what the consequences may be.
e key is that we must think. While the emotions propel our thoughts,
they must be correct and true thoughts, rather than emotional or reflexive
outbursts. e will guided by the intellect will gain victory.

P racticing the Exer cise

e key of this exercise, like the exercise in Week ree, is to “let go.” By
letting go of the things that drag ourselves down, we shall attain the life that
we desire. Some people refer to this as “dropping our baggage” or “laying
down your cross.”
Haanel states that if you are having trouble with letting go, you must
mentally determine to do so by voluntary intention and persistence. at is
one way. Here is a method that should help you with letting go.
If you find yourself unable to let go of certain feelings, then write down
what that is. For example, if you are angry with someone for teasing you in
high school, then write it down. When you have compiled your list, read it. I
bet most (if not all) of those items look pretty silly. Look how little they look
on paper! Realize how minuscule they are when compared to the grandness
of your life.
Now you should be able to let those things go.

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The Master Key Workbook Reversing the Process: Cause and Effect - Week Four

W r i t e Yo u r I m p r e s si ons Her e

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The Master Key Workbook Reversing the Process: Cause and Effect - Week Four

Plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.


e will is the strong blind man who carries on his

shoulders the lame man who can see.
—Arthur Schopenhauer

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The Master Key Workbook The Creative Mind - Week Five

Week Five - The Creative Mind

The Letter of Transmittal
Enclosed herewith you will find Week Five. Aer studying this part
carefully, you will see that every conceivable force or object or fact is the
result of mind in action.
Mind in action is thought, and thought is creative. Men are thinking now
as they never thought before. erefore, this is a creative age, and the world is
awarding its richest prizes to the thinkers.
Matter is powerless, passive, inert. Mind is force, energy, power. Mind
shapes and controls matter. Every form which matter takes is but the
expression of some preexisting thought.
But thought works no magic transformations; it obeys natural laws; it sets
in motion natural forces; it releases natural energies; it manifests in your
conduct and actions, and these in turn react upon your friends and
acquaintances, and eventually upon the whole of your environment.
You can originate thought and, since thoughts are creative, you can create
for yourself the things you desire.

The Main Points

At least ninety percent (90%) of your mental life is subconscious.
is vast mental storehouse is not generally utilized because few
understand or appreciate the fact that it is an activity that they may
consciously direct.
e conscious mind received its governing tendencies from heredity,
which means that it is the result of all the environments of all past

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The Master Key Workbook The Creative Mind - Week Five

e law of attraction is bringing to us our “own,” which is what we

inherently are and is the result of our past thinking, both conscious and
e thoughts that we entertain is the material with which we construct
our mental home.
e Secret of Power is a recognition of the omnipresence of
All life and all power originates within.
e possession of power is contingent upon a proper use of the power
already in our possession.

The Exer cise

Now, go to your room, take the same seat, the same position as heretofore,
and mentally select a place which has pleasant associations. Make a complete
mental picture of it—see the buildings, the grounds, the trees, friends,
associations, everything complete. At first, you will find yourself thinking of
everything under the sun, except the ideal upon which you desire to
concentrate. But do not let that discourage you. Persistence will win, but
persistence requires that you practice these exercises every day without fail.

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The Master Key Workbook The Creative Mind - Week Five

“ T he W o r d H a s B e c o me F l e s h”
“e mind, which pervades the body, is largely the result of heredity,
which, in turn, is simply the result of all the environments of all past
generations on the responsive and ever moving life forces.”
Heredity determines many of our basic characteristics and traits. On the
surface level, we get most of our traits from our parents. ese traits go
beyond the physical, such as eye colour and hair colour; we are also imbued
with tendencies toward other traits, such as political affiliation, smoking and
drinking, the way we talk, and other sundry characteristics. ese
characteristics are passed to us by the fact that we are influenced by our
parents (or primary care-givers) from birth, and even before birth as we
receive vibrations and impressions when we are in the womb. All of these
impressions are the foundation upon which our mental world is constructed.
ese impressions continue throughout one’s life. We are influenced by
our home, business, and social environment, where we receive from others
opinions, suggestions, and statements.
We are thus the result of our past thinking and we will become what we
are thinking today. e Law of Attraction will bring to us “our own.”
If a child is born to a family of alcoholics and as that child matures he sees
his parents imbibing daily, then chances are good that he, too, will move
from the baby bottle to the liquor bottle. It is similar in almost every aspect
and permutation. A child of Republican parents will probably become a
Republican; middle-class parents will raise a middle-class child; honest and
integrous parents will beget honest children. Look around, the trend is true.
Why is this? If we see something enough, then we see that it is true. (Not
good or bad, per se, because the subconscious does not judge. It just
accumulates.) As it is in the subconscious, it is then passed to the
Sympathetic System, from there it is built into our physical body.
One of the first words a child learns is “No.” Is it any wonder that later in
life, when he wants to do something, his first thought is “No!”? e word has

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The Master Key Workbook The Creative Mind - Week Five

become so inculcated that it becomes the first response to just about any idea
or thought—whether it is true or not.

A Key Point
e great fact is that the source of all life and all power is from
within. Persons, circumstances, and events may suggest need
and opportunities, but the insight, strength, and power to
answer these needs will be found within.

P racticing the Exer cise

e goal of the exercise for this Week is to have the mind concentrate on
positive thoughts. With all of the exercises, we are learning to control
ourselves—both body and mind. As we have seen, it can be quite difficult to
merely keep the body still. It is even more difficult to quell our thoughts. As
we shall see when we practice this exercise, directing and centering our
thoughts is the most difficult.
We will succeed, though. In this exercise, you are to mentally envision a
pleasant place with buildings and friends and anything that would make you
happy. For example, you may want to imagine a happy family gathering at
your house. For this exercise to be successful, you must make the picture
complete. You are to practice until you can see every detail, smell every
aroma, hear every voice, and feel every touch.
To help you, write a paragraph or so of your pleasant, ideal scene. As you
write it, you will help to commit it to memory and it will help to keep your
mind from wandering as you practice the exercise.
My pleasant place is…

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The Master Key Workbook The Creative Mind - Week Five

The Quotable Haanel

e merchant who does not keep his goods going out will soon have none
coming in; the corporation that fails to give efficient service will soon lack
customers; the attorney who fails to get results will soon lack clients; and so it
goes everywhere. Power is contingent upon a proper use of the power already
in our possession: what is true in every field of endeavour, every experience
in life, is true of the power from which every other power known among men
is begotten—spiritual power. Take away the spirit and what is le? Nothing.

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The Master Key Workbook The Creative Mind - Week Five

Relation and connection are not somewhere and some

time, but everywhere and always.

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The Master Key Workbook The Brain of Man - Week Six

Week Six - The Brain of Man

The Letter of Transmittal
It is my privilege to enclose Week Six. is part will give you an excellent
understanding of the most wonderful piece of mechanism which has ever
been created. A mechanism whereby you may create for yourself Health,
Strength, Success, Prosperity, or any other condition which you desire.
Necessities are demands, and demands create action, and actions bring about
results. e process of evolution is constantly building our tomorrows out of
our todays. Individual development, like Universal development, must be
gradual with an ever increasing capacity and volume.
e knowledge that if we infringe upon the rights of others, we become
moral thorns and find ourselves entangled at every turn of the road, should
be an indication that success is contingent upon the highest moral idea,
which is “e greatest good to the greatest number.”
Aspiration, desire, and harmonious relations constantly and persistently
maintained will accomplish results. e greatest hindrance is erroneous and
fixed ideas.
To be in tune with eternal truth we must possess poise and harmony
within. In order to receive intelligence the receiver must be in tune with the
ought is a product of Mind and Mind is creative, but this does not
mean that the Universal will change its modus operandi to suit us or our
ideas, but it does mean that we can come into harmonious relationship with
the Universal, and when we have accomplished this we may ask anything to
which we are entitled, and the way will be made plain.

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The Master Key Workbook The Brain of Man - Week Six

The Main Points

Heat, light, power, and music are some of the effects that can be
produced by electricity.
ese effects depend upon the mechanism to which the electricity is
e result of the action and interaction—of the individual mind upon
the Universal—is the conditions and experiences with which we meet.
ese conditions may be changed by changing the mechanism by which
the Universal is differentiated in form.
is mechanism is the brain.
e brain may be changed by the process we call thinking. oughts
produce brain cells, and these cells respond to the corresponding
thought in the Universal.
e power of concentration is the very highest personal
accomplishment that can be acquired. It is the distinguishing
characteristic of every successful man or woman.
e power of concentration may be acquired by faithfully practicing the
exercises outlined in this System.
It is important to acquire the power of concentration because it will
enable us to control our thoughts, and since thoughts are causes, then
conditions must be effects. If we can control the cause, then we can also
control the effect.
Men learning the basic methods of constructive thinking is changing
conditions and multiplying results in the objective world.

The Exer cise

In order to cultivate the power of attention, bring a photograph with you
to the same seat in the same room in the same position as heretofore.
Examine it closely at least ten minutes: Note the expression of the eyes, the

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The Master Key Workbook The Brain of Man - Week Six

form of the features, the clothing, the way the hair is arranged—in fact, note
every detail shown on the photograph carefully. Now cover it and close your
eyes and try to see it mentally. If you can see every detail perfectly and can
form a good mental image of the photograph, you are to be congratulated; if
not repeat the process until you can.
is step is simply for the purpose of preparing the soil; next week we
shall be ready to sow the seed.
It is by such exercises as these that you will finally be able to control your
mental moods, your attitude, your consciousness.

Yo u r M e n t a l D y n a m o
e nervous system is an electrical system. It is powered by the mind and
the currents course through the spinal cord and through the nerves. Every
thought sets the brain cells into action. If the thought is sufficiently refined
and concentrated, then the thought expresses itself perfectly.
e key to attaining what we want, then, is to develop the mental
dynamo so that it has laser-like focus and power. We must develop and
exercise our power of concentration.
Focus and concentration are the most distinguishing factors of highly
successful men and women. It is not oen that the smartest man achieves
great heights. As Calvin Coolidge stated:
Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence.
Talent will not; nothing is more common than
unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not;
unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will
not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and
determination alone are omnipotent. e slogan ‘Press
On’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the
human race.
Larry Ellison, the billionaire CEO of Oracle, said about Bill Gates, “Bill
Gates wants people to think he’s Edison, when he’s really Rockefeller.
Referring to Gates as the smartest man in America isn’t right…wealth isn’t

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The Master Key Workbook The Brain of Man - Week Six

the same thing as intelligence.” One thing everyone will say about Mr. Gates,
though, is the fact that he is driven and has a laser-like focus when he sets to
do something.
ink of it this way: if you take a magnifying glass and focus the rays of
the sun, then you can start a fire. When the sunlight is scattered, nothing will
happen. Focus those rays and watch out! e same goes for the mind. If you
allow power to be dissipated by jumping from one thought to the next, no
result will be apparent; but if you focus and concentrate on a single purpose
for a length of time, then nothing is impossible.

A Key Point
Growth follows knowledge; action follows inspiration;
opportunity follows perception. Always the spiritual first, then
the transformation into the infinite and illimitable possibilities
of achievement.

P racticing the Exer cise

All of the exercises contained in e Master Key System are geared toward
strengthening the source of our thought and power—the mind. ey should
be practiced diligently and to the point of perfection.
is exercise is key to strengthening our powers of concentration and also
recollection. As we improve this, we enable ourselves to become more
receptive to the thoughts and ideas that bombard us each and every day.
Why is it, though, that a youth has no problem memorizing the lyrics to
his or her favourite song, yet they can remember a poem or historical passage
only with great difficulty?
e answer lies with what we have learned earlier: relaxation. When the
youth is listening to music that he enjoys, his body and mind are relaxed,
thus making him receptive to the input he receives. When he is asked to

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The Master Key Workbook The Brain of Man - Week Six

memorize a poem or something of similar nature, his tension rises, making

his mind hard to penetrate and then only with great effort.
We should have learned by now to relax the body and mind and to let
things flow from the Universal. us, when doing this exercise, relax.

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The Master Key Workbook The Brain of Man - Week Six

Man’s mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its

original dimensions.
—Oliver Wendell Holmes

Man has accomplished the seemingly impossible because

he has refused to consider it impossible. By
concentration, men have made the connection between
the finite and the Infinite, the limited and the Unlimited,
the visible and the Invisible, the personal and the
—Charles F. Haanel, Master Key Arcana

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The Master Key Workbook Utilizing the Omnipotent Power - Week Seven

Week Seven - Utilizing the Omnipotent

The Letter of Transmittal
rough all the ages man has believed in an invisible power, through
which and by which all things have been created and are continually being
We may personalize this power and call it God, or we may think of it as
the essence, or spirit, which permeates all things, but in either case the effect
is the same.
So far as the individual is concerned, the objective, the physical, the
visible, is the personal—that which can be cognized by the senses. It consists
of body, brain, and nerves. e subjective is the spiritual, the invisible, the
e personal is conscious because it is a personal entity. e impersonal,
being the same in kind and quality as all other Being, is not conscious of
itself and has therefore been termed the subconscious.
e personal, or conscious, has the power of will and choice, and can
therefore exercise discrimination in the selection of methods whereby to
bring about the solution of difficulties.
e impersonal, or spiritual, being a part or one with the source and
origin of all power, can necessarily exercise no such choice, but, on the
contrary, it has Infinite resources at its command. It can and does bring about
results by methods concerning which the human or individual mind can
have no possible conception.
You will therefore see that it is your privilege to depend upon the human
will with all its limitations and misconceptions, or you may utilize the
potentialities of Infinity by making use of the subconscious mind. Here, then,

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The Master Key Workbook Utilizing the Omnipotent Power - Week Seven

is the scientific explanation of the wonderful power which has been put
within your control, if you but understand, appreciate, and recognize it.
One method of consciously utilizing this omnipotent power is outlined in
Week Seven, which I have the honor of transmitting herewith.

The Main Points

Visualization is the process of making mental pictures.
e result of this method of thought is that by holding the image or
picture in mind, we can gradually but surely bring the thing nearer to
us. We can be what we will to be.
Idealization is a process of visualizing or idealizing the plans that will
eventually materialize in our objective world.
Clearness and accuracy are necessary because “seeing” creates “feeling”
and “feeling” creates “being.” First the mental, then the emotional, then
the illimitable possibilities of achievement.
Each repeated action renders the image more accurate than the former
e material for the construction of your mental image is secured by
millions of mental workers called brain cells.
e necessary conditions for bringing about the materialization of your
ideal in the objective world is secured by the Law of Attraction, the
natural law by which all conditions and experiences are brought about.
e three steps necessary to bring this law into operation are (1) Earnest
Desire; (2) Confident Expectation; and (3) Firm Demand.
Many fail because they concentrate on loss, disease, and disaster. e
law is operating perfectly; the things they fear are coming upon them.
e alternative is to concentrate on the ideals that you desire to see
manifested in your life.

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The Master Key Workbook Utilizing the Omnipotent Power - Week Seven

The Exer cise

For your exercise this week, visualize your friend. See him exactly as you
last saw him. See the room, the furniture, recall the conversation. Now see his
face, see it distinctly. Now talk to him about some subject of mutual interest;
see his expression change, watch him smile. Can you do this? All right, you
can; then arouse his interest, tell him a story of adventure, see his eyes light
up with the spirit of fun or excitement. Can you do all of this? If so, your
imagination is good, you are making excellent progress.

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The Master Key Workbook Utilizing the Omnipotent Power - Week Seven

Think BIG
In his book, e Art of the Deal, Donald Trump wrote this:
I like thinking big. I always have. To me it’s very simple: if
you’re going to be thinking anyway, you might as well
think big. Most people think small, because most people
are afraid of success, afraid of making decisions, afraid of
winning. And that gives people like me a great
advantage…One of the keys to thinking big is total focus.
I think of it almost as a controlled neurosis, which is a
quality I’ve noticed in many highly successful
entrepreneurs. ey’re obsessive, they’re driven, they’re
single-minded and sometimes they’re almost maniacal,
but it’s all channeled into their work.

M a ke Yo u r I d e a l R eal
A mental image is the mold from which your future will emerge.
Visualization is the process by which you create these mental images. As you
make your image clear and detailed and accurate, you will gradually bring
the thing nearer to you until you eventually have it.
e three steps of visualization are:
1. Idealization
Picture in your mind what you want exactly as you want it. A mason will
not lay a single brick without a blueprint nor will a writer begin a book
without a detailed outline in mind. Before you plant a seed, you want to
know what the harvest is to be.
2. Visualization
You must see the picture more and more complete. ought will lead to
action, action will develop methods, methods will develop friends, and
friends will bring about circumstances.
3. Materialization
You will have what you desired.

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The Master Key Workbook Utilizing the Omnipotent Power - Week Seven

A Key Point
e law is that thought will manifest in form, and only one who
knows how to be the divine thinker of his own thoughts can
ever take a Master’s place and speak with authority.

W o r k in g With V is ual i zati on

As has become obvious, the exercises presented by Haanel are to
strengthen the mind so as to be a dynamo for visualizing that which we
desire while at the same time repressing the things that we do not desire.
In order to visualize, you will be using mental muscles that you may have
never used before this time, or the muscles may have been used incorrectly
or only in a limited capacity. Some people find visualization easy, while
others have some difficulty with it.
In general, le-handed people tend to have an easier time visualizing.
Why is that?
It is because of the different parts of the brain that are being put to use on
a daily basis. ose who are le-handed use the right side of their brain
more. e right side of the brain is the seat of creativity and mental pictures
and feelings. ose who are right-handed use the le side of their brain
more. e le side of the brain is the seat of logic and deduction and
To help you visualize your friend as you are asked to do in this Week’s
exercise, write a description of him here, but use your opposite hand to write
In other words, if you are right-handed (as most people are), then write
with your le hand. If you are le-handed, then write the description with
your right hand. is will serve to jump start the side of the brain that we do
not exercise enough. It would be the ultimate goal to become ambidextrous,
but that is not necessary. If you can, though, write with your opposite hand a

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The Master Key Workbook Utilizing the Omnipotent Power - Week Seven

couple of times per month so that you attain a decent level of competence at
writing with that hand.
My friend is… (written with the opposite hand!)

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The Master Key Workbook Utilizing the Omnipotent Power - Week Seven

Be ready to act when the time comes.

—Charles F. Haanel, The Master Key System

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The Master Key Workbook Thought and Its Results - Week Eight

Week Eight - Thought and Its Results

The Letter of Transmittal
Week Eight is enclosed herewith. In this Part you will find that you may
freely choose what you think, but the result of your thought is governed by
all immutable law! Is not this a wonderful thought? Is it not wonderful to
know that our lives are not subject to caprice or variability of any kind? at
they are governed by law. is stability is our opportunity, because by
complying with the law we can secure the desired effect with invariable
It is the Law which makes the Universe one grand paean of Harmony. If it
were not for law, the Universe would be a Chaos instead of a Cosmos.
Here, then, is the secret of the origin of both good and evil; this is all the
good and evil there ever was or ever will be.
Let me illustrate. ought results in action. If your thought is constructive
and harmonious, the result will be good; if your thought is destructive or
inharmonious, the result will be evil.
ere is therefore but one law, one principle, one cause, one Source of
Power, and good and evil are simply words which have been coined to
indicate the result of our action, or our compliance or noncompliance with
this law.
e importance of this is well illustrated in the lives of Emerson and
Carlyle. Emerson loved the good and his life was a symphony of peace and
harmony. Carlyle hated the bad, and his life was a record of perpetual discord
and inharmony.
Here we have two grand men, each intent upon achieving the same ideal,
but one makes use of constructive thought and is therefore in harmony with
Natural Law, the other makes use of destructive thought and therefore brings
upon himself discord of every kind and character.

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The Master Key Workbook Thought and Its Results - Week Eight

It is evident therefore that we are to hate nothing—not even the “bad”—

because hatred is destructive, and we shall soon find that by entertaining
destructive thought we are sowing the “wind” and shall reap the “whirlwind.”

The Main Points

e imagination is a form of constructive thought. It is the light by
which we penetrate new worlds of thought and experience—the mighty
instrument by which every inventor or discoverer opened the way from
precedent to experience.
e cultivation of the imagination leads to the development of the ideal
out of which your future will emerge.
e imagination may be cultivated by exercise. It must be supplied with
nourishment or it cannot live.
Day dreaming is a form of mental dissipation, while imagination is a
form of constructive thought that must precede every constructive
Mistakes are the result of ignorance.
Knowledge is the result of man’s ability to think.
Mind is the ever moving force with which successful men secure the
persons and circumstances necessary to complete their plans.
e ideal held steadily in mind attracts the necessary conditions for its
Keen analytical observation leads to the development of imagination,
insight, perception, and sagacity.
ose traits lead to opulence and harmony.

The Exer cise

Last week you created a mental image—you brought it from the invisible
into the visible. is week I want you to take an object and follow it back to

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The Master Key Workbook Thought and Its Results - Week Eight

its origination, see of what it really consists. If you do this you will develop
imagination, insight, perception, and sagacity. ese come not by the
superficial observation of the multitude, but by a keen analytical observation
which sees below the surface.
Take the same position as heretofore and visualize a Battleship. See the
grim monster floating on the surface of the water; there appears to be no life
anywhere about; all is silence; you know that by far the largest part of the
vessel is under water; out of sight; you know that the ship is as large and as
heavy as a twenty-story skyscraper; you know that there are hundreds of men
ready to spring to their appointed task instantly; you know that every
department is in charge of able, trained, skilled officials who have proven
themselves competent to take charge of this marvelous piece of mechanism;
you know that although it lies apparently oblivious to everything else, it has
eyes which see everything for miles around, and nothing is permitted to
escape its watchful vision; you know that while it appears quiet, submissive
and innocent, it is prepared to hurl a steel projectile weighing thousands of
pounds at an enemy many miles away; this and much more you can bring to
mind with comparatively no effort whatever. But how did the battleship come
to be where it is; how did it come into existence in the first place? All of this
you want to know if you are a careful observer.
Follow the great steel plates through the foundries and see the thousands
of men employed in their production. Go still further back and see the ore as
it comes from the mine, see it loaded on barges or cars, see it melted and
properly treated. Go back still further and see the architect and engineers
who planned the vessel; let the thought carry you back still further in order
to determine why they planned the vessel; you will see that you are now so
far back that the vessel is something intangible, it no longer exists, it is now
only a thought existing in the brain of the architect; but from where did the
order come to plan the vessel? Probably from the Secretary of War; but
probably this vessel was planned long before the war was thought of, and that
Congress had to pass a bill appropriating the money; possibly there was
opposition, and speeches for or against the bill. Whom do these

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Congressmen represent? ey represent you and me, so that our line of
thought begins with the Battleship and ends with ourselves, and we find in
the last analysis that our own thought is responsible for this and many other
things, of which we seldom think, and a little further reflection will develop
the most important fact of all and that is, if someone had not discovered the
law by which this tremendous mass of steel and iron could be made to float
upon the water, instead of immediately going to the bottom, the battleship
could not have come into existence at all.
is law is that, “the specific gravity of any substance is the weight of any
volume of it, compared with an equal volume of water.” e discovery of this
law revolutionized every kind of ocean travel, commerce, and warfare, and
made the existence of the battleship possible.
You will find exercises of this kind invaluable. When the thought has been
trained to look below the surface everything takes on a different appearance,
the insignificant becomes significant, the uninteresting interesting; the things
which we supposed to be of no importance are seen to be the only really vital
things in existence.

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The Master Key Workbook Thought and Its Results - Week Eight

A Key Point
Precedent said, “It cannot be done.” Experience said, “It is done.”

Yo u r L i f e S t o r y
Imagine that you have died. You lived the life that you wanted. It was full
and lush and replete with success and all of your earthly desires. An obituary
was written about you. What does it say?
Write that article the way you would like to see it written. Leave nothing
out. Talk about your character, your accomplishments, your family life, your
experiences, everything as you would like to see it written by a newspaper
reporter. You can make it as long as you want. If you need extra paper, then
add as many pages as you need. is may very well be one of the most
important exercises you will ever do.
e Life And Times Of…

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The Master Key Workbook Thought and Its Results - Week Eight

J u st L ik e S h e r lo c k Hol mes
In the famous tales by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the master sleuth,
Sherlock Holmes, used a method of solving crimes called deduction.
Basically, deduction is when one begins with a result and takes steps
backwards in order to discover how the result came to be. It requires
knowledge, logic, and, above all, a good imagination. By studying e Master
Key System, you are building these traits within yourself, thus you have them
From the obituary that you’ve written, take each event or goal and deduce
how you would have accomplished it. What knowledge would you need?
How many people would it take? How much money will it cost? For example,
if you wrote that you became CEO of IBM, you may deduce that you applied
for a job there until you were hired; from there you worked and produced
more than was expected of you because you were working with things that
interested you; you attended school to study the things you would need to
know to get promoted; and so on until you finally attained your goal.
If you do not know what you will need, then do some research! Use
libraries, book stores, and the Internet. Make contact with people who can
answer your questions. Observe. Aer all, it’s all elementary.

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The Master Key Workbook Thought and Its Results - Week Eight

W h a t I N e e d To A c hi ev e My Goal s















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The Master Key Workbook Affirmations and Your Mind - Week Nine

Week Nine - Affirmations and Your Mind

The Letter of Transmittal
Week Nine is enclosed herewith. In this part you may learn to fashion the
tools by which you may build for yourself any condition you desire.
If you wish to change conditions you must change yourself. Your whims,
your wishes, your fancies, your ambitions may be thwarted at every step, but
your inmost thoughts will find expression just as certainly as the plant
springs from the seed.
Suppose, then, we desire to change conditions. How are we to bring this
about? e reply is simple: By the law of growth. Cause and effect are as
absolute and undeviating in the hidden realm of thought as in the world of
material things.
Hold in mind the condition desired; affirm it as an already existing fact.
is indicates the value of a powerful affirmation. By constant repetition it
becomes a part of ourselves. We are actually changing ourselves; we are
making ourselves what we want to be.
Character is not a thing of chance, but it is the result of continued effort. If
you are timid, vacillating, self-conscious, or if you are over-anxious or
harassed by thoughts of fear or impending danger, remember that it is
axiomatic that “two things cannot exist in the same place at the same time.”
Exactly the same thing is true in the mental and spiritual world; so that your
remedy is plainly to substitute thoughts of courage, power, self-reliance, and
confidence, for those of fear, lack, and limitation.
e easiest and most natural way to do this is to select an affirmation
which seems to fit your particular case. e positive thought will destroy the
negative as certainly as light destroys darkness, and the results will be just as

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The Master Key Workbook Affirmations and Your Mind - Week Nine

Action is the blossom of thought, and conditions are the result of action
so that you constantly have in your possession the tools by which you will
certainly and inevitably make or unmake yourself, and joy or suffering will
be the reward.

The Main Points

Well-doing is the imperative condition of all well-being.
Right thinking is the condition precedent to every right action.
To know the Truth is the underlying condition necessary in every
business transaction or social relation.
e result of a knowledge of the Truth is that we can readily foretell the
result of any action that is based upon a true premise.
We can form no conception of the results that may ensue when action is
based upon a false premise.
We may know the Truth by a realization of the fact that Truth is the vital
principle of the Universe and is therefore omnipresent.
e nature of Truth is spiritual.
e secret of the solution to every problem is to apply spiritual Truth.
e advantage of spiritual methods is that they are always available.
A recognition of the omnipotence of spiritual power and a desire to
become the recipient of its beneficent effects are the necessary
requirements to use spiritual methods.

The Exer cise

is week visualize a plant. Take a flower, the one you most admire, and
bring it from the unseen into the seen. Plant the tiny seed, water it, care for it,
place it where it will get the direct rays of the morning sun. See the seed
burst; it is now a living thing, something which is alive and beginning to
search for the means of subsistence. See the roots penetrating the earth,

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The Master Key Workbook Affirmations and Your Mind - Week Nine

watch them shoot out in all directions and remember that they are living cells
dividing and subdividing and that they will soon number millions, that each
cell is intelligent, that it knows what it wants and knows how to get it. See the
stem shoot forward and upward, watch it burst through the surface of the
earth, see it divide and form branches, see how perfect and symmetrical each
branch is formed, see the leaves begin to form, and then the tiny stems, each
one holding alo a bud, and as you watch you see the bud begin to unfold
and your favorite flower comes to view; and now if you will concentrate
intently you will become conscious of a fragrance. It is the fragrance of the
flower as the breeze gently sways the beautiful creation which you have
When you are enabled to make your vision clear and complete you will be
enabled to enter into the spirit of a thing; it will become very real to you; you
will be learning to concentrate and the process is the same, whether you are
concentrating on health, a favorite flower, an ideal, a complicated business
proposition, or any other problem of life.

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The Master Key Workbook Affirmations and Your Mind - Week Nine

I t ’s G o o d to B e M e
Make a list of everything you like about yourself. It could be anything,
such as you’re a smart dresser or you have great friends or you know how to
play the piano. List them now.


















If you need more room, then get another piece of paper and keep going!

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The Master Key Workbook Affirmations and Your Mind - Week Nine

W h e n I t’ s T ime to Change…
In this space, make a list of things you would like to change about
yourself, such as you tend to procrastinate or you eat too many sweets or you
have trouble with math. Write your list now.










From a Negative to a Positive

Now you are going to take the list of things that you would like to change
about yourself and write an affirmation that will help you to change it. For
example, if you want to stop smoking, then you would write “I am smoke-
free.” If you wish to become less shy, then you will write “I am outgoing and
Remember, when writing an affirmation, write it using the present
tense. Also write it so it is stated as a positive statement. For example, we
do not use as an affirmation “I will not smoke.” We write “I am smoke-free.”
Instead of writing “I am not in debt,” write “I have a positive cash flow” or “I
am wealthy.”

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The Master Key Workbook Affirmations and Your Mind - Week Nine

My List of Affirmations










A Key Point
He who has learned to bring the greatest spiritual truths into
touch with the so-called lesser things of life has discovered the
secret of the solution of his problem.

I s t he R e c o r d S k ippi ng?
To some, the exercises may seem a little bit repetitive. Why must I write
affirmations again? Make another list of goals? Again?
ere is a reason for all of this. Notice that all of the exercises are subtly
different. ey may be similar, but there are small changes. While the
changes may be minuscule at times, they are significant enough that they
produce a somewhat different list.

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The Master Key Workbook Affirmations and Your Mind - Week Nine

e main reason, though, is that you can never write your goals or
affirmations enough. ere is one thing that all high-achievers and attainers
have in common.
All successful people write their goals!
A study of the population showed that 83% of the population do not have
clearly defined goals; 14% have goals, but they are not written; and 3% of the
population has written goals.
Here’s the kicker: e 3% that have written goals earn ten times as much
as the 83% group. e 3-percenters also tend to be healthier and have
happier marriages. e moral of the story is write your goals and refer to
them oen!
In this space, rewrite your goals. Remember to write them in the present
tense and in the form of a positive statement. For example, “My income is
$10,000 per month.” “I am healthy and strong.” “I am the district manager for
my company.”
My Goals









Refer to your goals every day and repeat them as you do your

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The Master Key Workbook A Certain Definite Cause - Week Ten

Week Ten - A Certain Definite Cause

The Letter of Transmittal
If you get a thorough understanding of the thought contained in Week
Ten, you will have learned that nothing happens without a definite cause. You
will be enabled to formulate your plans in accordance with exact knowledge.
You will know how to control any situation by bringing adequate causes into
play. When you win, as you will, you will know exactly why.
e ordinary man, who has no definite knowledge of cause and effect, is
governed by his feeling or emotions. He thinks chiefly to justify his action. If
he fails as a business man, he says that luck is against him. If he dislikes
music, he says that music is an expensive luxury. If he is a poor office man, he
says that he could succeed better at some outdoor work. If he lacks friends,
he says his individuality is too fine to be appreciated.
He never thinks his problem through to the end. In short, he does not
know that every effect is the result of a certain definite cause, but he seeks to
console himself with explanations and excuses. He thinks only in self-
On the contrary, the man who understands that there is no effect without
an adequate cause thinks impersonally. He gets down to bed rock facts
regardless of consequences. He is free to follow the trail of truth wherever it
may lead. He sees the issue clear to the end and he meets the requirements
fully and fairly, and the result is that the world gives him all that it has to give
in friendship, honor, love, and approval.

The Main Points

Wealth is the offspring of power.
Possessions are of value only as they confer power.

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The Master Key Workbook A Certain Definite Cause - Week Ten

A knowledge of cause and effect enables men to plan courageously and

execute fearlessly.
Life originates in the inorganic world only by the introduction of some
living form. ere is no other way.
ought is the connecting link between the finite and the Infinite
because the Universal can manifest only through the individual.
Causation depends upon polarity. A circuit must be formed. e
Universal is the positive side of the battery of life, the individual is the
negative, and thought forms the circuit.
Many fail to secure harmonious conditions because they do not
understand the law. ere is no polarity and they have not formed the
e remedy is a conscious recognition of the law of attraction with the
intention of bringing it into existence for a definite purpose.
e result is that thought will correlate with its object and bring it into
manifestation, because thought is a product of the spiritual man and
spirit is the Creative Principle of the Universe.

The Exer cise

is week select a blank space on the wall, or any other convenient spot,
from where you usually sit. Mentally draw a black horizontal line about six
inches long, try to see the line as plainly as though it were painted on the
wall. Now mentally draw two vertical lines connecting with this horizontal
line at either end. Now draw another horizontal line connecting with the two
vertical lines. Now you have a square. Try to see the square perfectly. When
you can do so, draw a circle within the square. Now place a point in the
center of the circle. Now draw the point toward you about 10 inches. Now
you have a cone on a square base. You will remember that your work was all
in black. Change it to white, to red, to yellow.

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The Master Key Workbook A Certain Definite Cause - Week Ten

If you can do this, you are making excellent progress and will soon be
enabled to concentrate on any problem you may have in mind.

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The Master Key Workbook A Certain Definite Cause - Week Ten

“Know Thyself ”
e great philosopher, Socrates, learned from the oracle at Delphi the
motto, “Know thyself.” It means that instead of relying merely on outward
appearances, one should know himself in order to know the true good.
MiMi Paris in her book, Size Matters!, says the same thing. She says that
we continually lie to ourselves about things so as to remove the responsibility
of our actions from our shoulders. Rather than look into the mirror and see
the truth, we would rather lie and feel “good” about ourselves. Rather than
see a deficiency as an opportunity for improvement, we use a deficiency as a
crutch or an appeal to someone’s pity.
We are all a part of the Universal and that Universal is able to express
itself through us if we allow it. We must act in accordance with its laws.
When we do, the gates will be let open and we will be able to partake in all of
its abundance.

A Key Point
Abundance is a natural law of the Universe. e evidence of this
law is conclusive; we see it on every hand. Everywhere Nature is
lavish, wasteful, extravagant. Nowhere is economy observed in
any created thing.

The Cir cuit

In order to act in accordance with the laws, one must use the tools that we
have properly. We must complete the circuit. e Universal is connected to
the individual by thought. As we think thoughts of power, wealth, and
harmony, we charge ourselves and that attracts to us the things we want.

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The Master Key Workbook A Certain Definite Cause - Week Ten

Yo u A l r e a d y H a v e I t W i t h i n Yo u
ink of a time in your life when you were 100% successful, when there
was something that you did—a task, event, or challenge—that you completed
and when it was done, you knew that it was perfect. Remember the time, the
place, people that were there. Remember whether it was daytime or night,
what time of year, how you felt, everything you had to do or the things that
you did. Write a few paragraphs about that time.

Come to an understanding of what you did that resulted in your success.

How did you feel? What emotions played a role? What knowledge did you

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The Master Key Workbook A Certain Definite Cause - Week Ten

have to use? Did you work hard or work smart? Write the “keys” to your
success here.

Remember, you did it. When you come to an understanding that your
power, your happiness, joy, and prosperity come from within, you may
effortlessly recreate success in every area of your life.

A T i g e r in a C a g e
A teacher asked his student, “What holds a tiger within a cage?”
e student pondered the question for a moment and replied, “ Teacher, it
is the bars that holds a tiger within a cage.”
e teacher shook his head and asked again, “What holds a tiger within a
Again the student pondered the question and again the student answered,
“ Surely, Teacher, it must be the bars that hold the tiger within the cage.”
e teacher looked at the student, shook his head, and replied in a low
voice, “My student, it is not the bars that hold the tiger within a cage, but the
space between the bars that holds the tiger within a cage.”
We have been taught that we are in a cage. We have been lead to believe
that we cannot do things that we most certainly can.
Our thoughts are the bars of the cage, but it is our attitude that actually
confines us.

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The Master Key Workbook A Certain Definite Cause - Week Ten

Kallisti Publishing • Charles F. Haanel’s Complete Master Key Course 88

The Master Key Workbook Inductive Reasoning and the Objective Mind - Week Eleven

Week Eleven - Inductive Reasoning and

the Objective Mind
The Letter of Transmittal
Your life is governed by law—by actual, immutable principles that never
vary. Law is in operation at all times in all places. Fixed laws underlie all
human actions. For this reason, men who control giant industries are enabled
to determine with absolute precision just what percentage of every hundred
thousand people will respond to any given set of conditions.
It is well, however, to remember that while every effect is the result of a
cause, the effect in turn becomes a cause, which creates other effects, which
in turn create still other causes; so that when you put the law of attraction
into operation you must remember that you are starting a train of causation
for good or otherwise which may have endless possibilities.
We frequently hear it said, “A very distressing situation came into my life,
which could not have been the result of my thought, as I certainly never
entertained any thought which could have such a result.” We fail to
remember that like attracts like in the mental world, and that the thought
which we entertain brings to us certain friendships—companionships of a
particular kind—and these in turn bring about conditions and environment,
which in turn are responsible for the conditions of which we complain.

The Main Points

Inductive reasoning is the process of the objective mind by which we
compare a number of separate instances with each other until we see the
common factor that gives rise to all of them.
Inductive reasoning has resulted in the discovery of a reign of law that
has marked an epoch in human progress.

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The Master Key Workbook Inductive Reasoning and the Objective Mind - Week Eleven

Need, want, and desire induce, guide, and determine action.

e unerring solution to every problem is to believe that our desire has
already been fulfilled. Its accomplishment will then follow.
Jesus, Plato, and Swedenborg advocated that method.
e result of the operation of that thought process is that we are
thinking on the plane of the absolute and planting a seed, which if le
undisturbed will germinate into fruition.
It is scientifically exact because it is Natural Law.
“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things
e Law of Attraction is the Law by which Faith is brought into
e Law of Attraction has eliminated the elements of uncertainty and
caprice from men’s’ lives and substituted law, reason, and certitude.

The Exer cise

For your exercise this week, concentrate on the quotation taken from the
Bible, “Whatsoever things ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive
them and ye shall have them.” Notice that there is no limitation. “Whatsoever
things” is very definite and implies that the only limitation which is placed
upon us is in our ability to think, to be equal to the occasion, to rise to the
emergency, to remember that Faith is not a shadow, but a substance, “the
substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

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The Master Key Workbook Inductive Reasoning and the Objective Mind - Week Eleven

Shooting for the Moon

When President Kennedy decided in 1960 that the United States would
put a man on the moon in ten years, most of the technology to accomplish
the task was not yet available. e decision to set the goal—the belief in its
possibility and the belief that it could be achieved—produced the necessary
scientific and technological breakthroughs to make it possible, and the
resulting spin-offs of these new technologies altered our lives for the better.

A Key Point
We are first to believe that our desire has already been fulfilled.
Its accomplishment will then follow.

Those Goals Again

e Subconscious does not take into consideration time and space. It can
only comprehend Now. Once we identify our goals, it is then necessary to
affirm and visualize them in the Here and Now, as if they have already been
What is a goal?
Personal instructions for a predetermined end-result.
Why have goals?
Definite plans produce definite results. Indefinite thinking typically
produces no results. Be a 3-Percenter!
Why have goals in writing?
Unless written, objectives can become lost in the shuffle and excitement of
daily activities and responsibilities. What may be crystal clear today, may
become vague in the rush and urgency of tomorrow’s affairs. Without written
goals, memories may become hazy; motivation and purpose may become
lost. Written goals serve as a reference or reminder of your needs, wants, and

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The Master Key Workbook Inductive Reasoning and the Objective Mind - Week Eleven

desires. Having a written goal, you know where you are going. You tend to
gain from life the exact rewards you expect to achieve and receive.
Goals are intended to support your purpose, allowing you to always
have everything in life you sincerely need, want, and desire.

G o a ls , G o a ls , G o a ls
In this section, you are going to make sort of a “life plan.” You are going to
list some of your immediate goals, goals for the near future, and your long-
term goals. You may see some overlap with them, but that is OK. If you have
a focused vision, then that is natural; if your vision is not yet focused, then
this will help you to get it clear. Remember to write your goals in the present
tense, as if you already had them.
My Goals for is Month







My Goals for is Year






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The Master Key Workbook Inductive Reasoning and the Objective Mind - Week Eleven



My Goals for e Next Five Years








My Life Goals







If you have more goals, then get more paper! When you have your
goals, rewrite them on 3x5 cards and read them everyday.

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The Master Key Workbook Inductive Reasoning and the Objective Mind - Week Eleven

The Quotable Ralph Waldo Emerson

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what
you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in;
forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day;
you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be
encumbered with your old nonsense.

Treat a man as he is, and he will remain as he is. Treat a

man as he could be, and he will become what he should

People only see what they are prepared to see.

e creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.

Do the thing we fear, and death of fear is certain.

A man is usually more careful of his money than he is of

his principles.

Kallisti Publishing • Charles F. Haanel’s Complete Master Key Course 94

The Master Key Workbook The Power of Concentration - Week Twelve

Week Twelve - The Power of

The Letter of Transmittal
Week Twelve is enclosed herewith. In the fourth paragraph you will find
the following statement: “You must first have the knowledge of your power;
second, the courage to dare; third, the faith to do.”
If you concentrate upon the thoughts given, if you give them your entire
attention, you will find a world of meaning in each sentence and will attract
to yourself other thoughts in harmony with them, and you will soon grasp
the full significance of the vital knowledge upon which you are
Knowledge does not apply itself; we as individuals must make the
application, and the application consists in fertilizing the thought with a
living purpose.
e time and thought which most persons waste in aimless effort would
accomplish wonders if properly directed with some special object in view. In
order to do this, it is necessary to center your mental force upon a specific
thought and hold it there to the exclusion of all other thoughts. If you have
ever looked through the focusing screen of a camera, you found that when
the object was not in focus, the impression was indistinct and possibly
blurred; but when the proper focus was obtained the picture was clear and
distinct. is illustrates the power of concentration. Unless you can
concentrate upon the object which you have in view, you will have but a hazy,
indifferent, vague, indistinct, and blurred outline of your ideal and the results
will be in accordance with your mental picture.

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The Master Key Workbook The Power of Concentration - Week Twelve

The Main Points

Any purpose in life may best be accomplished through a scientific
understanding of the spiritual nature of thought.
e three steps that are essential are: (1) e knowledge of our power;
(2) the courage to dare; and (3) the faith to do.
e practical working knowledge is secured by an understanding of
Natural laws.
e reward for understanding these laws is a conscious realization of
our ability to adjust ourselves to Divine and unchanging principle.
e degree in which we realize that we cannot change the Infinite but
must cooperate with it will indicate the degree of success with which we
e principle which gives thought its dynamic power is the Law of
Attraction, which rests on vibration, which in turn rests upon the Law of
Love. ought impregnated with love becomes invincible.
is law is irresistible because it is a Natural law. All Natural laws are
irresistible and unchangeable and act with mathematical exactitude.
ere is no deviation or variation.
It sometimes seems difficult to find the solution to our problems in life
for the same reason that it is sometimes difficult to find the correct
solution to a difficult mathematical problem: e operator is
uninformed or inexperienced.
It is impossible for the mind to grasp an entirely new idea because we
have no corresponding vibratory brain cell capable of receiving the idea.
Wisdom is secured by concentration. It is an unfoldment. It comes from

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The Master Key Workbook The Power of Concentration - Week Twelve

The Exer cise

is week go to the same room, take the same chair, and the same
position as heretofore. Be sure to relax. Let go, both mentally and physically;
always do this; never try to do any mental work under pressure; see that there
are no tense muscles or nerves, that you are entirely comfortable. Now realize
your unity with omnipotence; get into touch with this power, come into a
deep and vital understanding, appreciation, and realization of the fact that
your ability to think is your ability to act upon the Universal Mind and bring
it into manifestation. Realize that it will meet any and every requirement;
that you have exactly the same potential ability which any individual ever did
have or ever will have, because each is but an expression or manifestation of
the One. All are parts of the whole. ere is no difference in kind or quality—
the only difference being one of degree.

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The Master Key Workbook The Power of Concentration - Week Twelve

A Key Point
ings are created in the mental or spiritual world before they
appear in the outward act or event. By the simple process of
governing our thought forces today, we help create the events
that will come into our lives in the future, perhaps even

Nothing to Write This Week

is week, you are going to have some fun—and make some money! You
are going to put into action what you have been learning. By the end of this
exercise, you may be a few dollars wealthier than when you started. Sound
good? Good.
Visualize a quarter in your mind, just as you have been taught to visualize.
Imagine it vividly and in detail. Keep it ingrained in your mind. Take as long
as you want to visualize that quarter, perhaps fieen minutes or so.
Next, vividly visualize that you are going to find that quarter on the street.
Imagine the scene of you taking a walk and finding a quarter somewhere,
perhaps when you are walking the dog or maybe strolling through the mall.
Look for the quarter when you are walking. Every time you are taking a
walk, visualize the quarter.
How long did it take you to find the quarter?

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The Master Key Workbook The Power of Concentration - Week Twelve

ere can be nothing except as there is an idea, or ideal

form, engendered in the Mind. Such ideas acting upon
the Universal engender corresponding forms.
—Charles F. Haanel, Master Key Arcana

Kallisti Publishing • Charles F. Haanel’s Complete Master Key Course 99

The Master Key Workbook The Dreams of the Dreamer - Week Thirteen

Week Thirteen - The Dreams of the

The Letter of Transmittal
Physical science is responsible for the marvelous age of invention in
which we are now living, but spiritual science is now setting out on a career
whose possibilities no one can foretell.
Spiritual science has heretofore been the football of the uneducated, the
superstitious, the mystical, but men are now interested in definite methods
and demonstrated facts only.
We have come to know that thinking is a spiritual process, that vision and
imagination precede action and event—that the day of the dreamer has
come. e following lines by Mr. Herbert Kaufman are interesting in this
“ey are the architects of greatness, their vision lies within their souls,
they peer beyond the veils and mists of doubt and pierce the walls of unborn
Time. e belted wheel, the trail of steel, the churning screw, are shuttles in
the loom on which they weave their magic tapestries. Makers of Empire, they
have fought for bigger things than crowns and higher seats than thrones.
Your homes are set upon the land a dreamer found. e pictures on its walls
are visions from a dreamer’s soul.
“ey are the chosen few—the blazers of the way. Walls crumble and
Empires fall, the tidal wave sweeps from the sea and tears a fortress from its
rocks. e rotting nations drop from off Time’s bough, and only things the
dreamers make live on.”
Week irteen which is enclosed herewith tells why the dreams of the
dreamer come true. It explains the law of causation by which dreamers,
inventors, authors, and financiers, bring about the realization of their desires.

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The Master Key Workbook The Dreams of the Dreamer - Week Thirteen

It explains the law by which the thing pictured upon our mind eventually
becomes our own.

The Main Points

To observe individual facts carefully, patiently, accurately, with all the
instruments and resources at their command, before venturing upon a
statement of general laws is the method that natural philosophers use to
obtain and apply their knowledge.
We may be certain that this method is correct by not permitting a
tyrannical prejudice to neglect or mutilate unwelcome facts.
e class of facts esteemed most highly are those that cannot be
accounted for by the usual daily observations of life.
is principle is founded upon reason and experience.
is principle destroys superstition, precedent, and conventionality.
ese laws have been discovered by a generalization of facts that are
uncommon, rare, strange, and form the exception.
e creative power of thought accounts for much of the strange and
heretofore unexplainable phenomena that constantly takes place.
is is so because when we learn of a fact we can be sure that it is the
result of a certain definite cause and that this cause will operate with
invariable precision.
e result of this knowledge will explain the cause of every possible
condition, whether physical, mental, or spiritual.
Our best interest will be conserved by a recognition of the fact that a
knowledge of the creative nature of thought puts us in touch with
Infinite power.

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The Master Key Workbook The Dreams of the Dreamer - Week Thirteen

The Exer cise

We can best conserve our interests by recognizing the Infinite Power and
Infinite Wisdom of the Universal Mind, and in this way become a channel
whereby the Infinite can bring about the realization of our desire. is means
that recognition brings about realization. erefore for your exercise this
week make use of the principle. Recognize the fact that you are a part of the
whole, and that a part must be the same in kind and quality as the whole; the
only difference there can possibly be is in degree.
When this tremendous fact begins to permeate your consciousness, when
you really come into a realization of the fact that you, not your body, but the
Ego, the “I,” the spirit which thinks, is an integral part of the great whole, that
it is the same in substance, in quality, in kind, that the Creator could create
nothing different from Himself, you will also be able to say, “e Father and I
are one” and you will come into an understanding of the beauty, the
grandeur, the transcendental opportunities which have been placed at your

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The Master Key Workbook The Dreams of the Dreamer - Week Thirteen

Doing It
Failure is only postponed success as long as courage
coaches ambition. e habit of persistence is the habit of
—Herbert Kaufman
We can only achieve in life as we are willing to do. With e Master Key
System, we are preparing our mind and learning how the Universal works. It
is up to you, though, to put everything into practice. One cannot sit idly and
wait for anything to drop into his lap. He must strike when the iron is hot; he
must act when called to act; he must recognize opportunity when it arises.

… I n M y s te r io u s W ays
It was raining for a great many days and the river was beginning to flood.
e people of the town went house to house requesting that everyone
evacuate. ey approached the house of Stan, a man of great faith in the
Lord. When they asked him to come with them, he said, “I will stay here. I
have faith in the Lord. He will protect me.”
It continued to rain and the waters got higher and higher, high enough
that the first floor of Stan’s house was flooded. Rescue men came in a boat
and asked Stan to come with them. Stan replied, “No need, my friends. e
Lord will take care of me.”
e waters got higher yet and Stan had to get onto his roof lest he perish.
A helicopter came to rescue him, but Stan yelled, “No need! I have faith in
the Lord and He will look aer me.”
Stan drowned. When he got to Heaven he was pretty angry. He
immediately told Saint Peter to get the Lord so that they could talk. When
the Lord appeared, He asked, “Stan, what are you doing here?”
“I should be asking You the same thing, Lord. I had great faith in You, but
You let me drown in the flood!”

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“Let you drown in the flood?” the Lord replied. “What do you mean? I
sent a rescue team, a boat, and a helicopter to save you…”

A Key Point
ought will create nothing unless it is consciously,
systematically, and constructively directed. Herein is the
difference between idle thinking, which is simply a dissipation
of effort, and constructive thinking, which means practically
unlimited achievement.

S t a r i n g Yo u R i g h t i n t h e F a c e
Are you a few quarters wealthier now? You should be. Here is the
question: Were those quarters always there or did they materialize because of
your thoughts?
In the end, it does not matter, because in a sense it is the same thing. If
you do not notice something and then one day you realize it’s there, then it
materialized in your life. Sure, it did not materialize in the “magical” sense of
the word, but it came into being in your objective reality. You opened your
perception to allow yourself to see them.
In a way, that is how the Law of Attraction works. As we temper our
mind and thoughts to things that are positive and beneficial to us, we
open our eyes to those opportunities. Perhaps those opportunities were
there all along! How many times have you said that you wished you bought
shares in Microso in 1986?
What do you have right now in your life that is an opportunity that you
are overlooking? Center your thoughts on ones of abundance and
opportunity, then examine your life. Can that vacant lot that you pass on
your way to work be a good site for a gas station? Can an acquaintance help
you get employment at a better company for a better wage? Enter the Silence.
Envision positive thoughts. Make a list of the opportunities that are right
under your nose.

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e Opportunities Right in Front of Me





















We are entitled to the best of everything. Pluck the fruit from the tree!

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The Master Key Workbook The Dreams of the Dreamer - Week Thirteen

Our remedies in ourselves do lie

Which we ascribe to heaven.
—William Shakespeare, All’s Well That Ends Well

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The Master Key Workbook The Creative Power of Thought - Week Fourteen

Week Fourteen - The Creative Power of

The Letter of Transmittal
You have found from your study thus far that thought is a spiritual activity
and is therefore endowed with creative power. is does not mean that some
thought is creative, but that all thought is creative. is same principle can be
brought into operation in a negative way through the process of denial.
e conscious and subconscious are but two phases of action in
connection with one mind. e relation of the subconscious to the conscious
is quite analogous to that existing between a weather vane and the
atmosphere. Just as the least pressure of the atmosphere causes an action on
the part of the weather vane, so does the least thought entertained by the
conscious mind produce within your subconscious mind action in exact
proportion to the depth of feeling characterizing the thought and the
intensity with which the thought is indulged.
It follows that if you deny unsatisfactory conditions, you are withdrawing
the creative power of your thought from these conditions. You are cutting
them away at the root. You are sapping their vitality.
Remember that the law of growth necessarily governs every manifestation
in the objective, so that a denial of unsatisfactory conditions will not bring
about instant change. A plant will remain visible for some time aer its roots
have been cut, but it will gradually fade away and eventually disappear. So the
withdrawal of your thought from the contemplation of unsatisfactory
conditions will gradually but surely terminate these conditions.
You will see that this is an exactly opposite course from the one which we
would naturally be inclined to adopt. It will therefore have an exactly
opposite effect to the one usually secured. Most persons concentrate intently

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The Master Key Workbook The Creative Power of Thought - Week Fourteen

upon unsatisfactory conditions, thereby giving the condition that measure of

energy and vitality which is necessary in order to supply a vigorous growth.

The Main Points

e source of all Wisdom, Power, and Intelligence is the Universal
Motion, light, heat, and colour have their origin in the Universal Energy,
which is one manifestation of the Universal Mind.
e creative power of thought also originates in the Universal Mind.
ought is mind in motion.
e individual is the means by which the Universal produces the various
combinations taht result in the formation of phenomena.
e power of the individual ot think is his ability to act upon the
Universal and bring it into manifestation.
e first form that the Universal takes is electrons, which fill all space.
All things have their origin in mind.
A change of thought will result in a change of conditions.
A harmonious mental attitude will yield harmonious conditions in life.

The Exer cise

For your exercise this week, concentrate on Harmony, and when I say
concentrate, I mean all that the word implies—concentrate so deeply, so
earnestly, that you will be conscious of nothing but Harmony. Remember, we
learn by doing. Reading these lessons will get you nowhere. It is in the
practical application that the value consists.

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The Master Key Workbook The Creative Power of Thought - Week Fourteen

I t Ta k e s S o me D o ing
Discipline is the fuel of achievement. Creativity sparks the
flame, passion fans the fire, and discipline keeps it going
for as long as it takes.

Disciplining yourself can be tedious, annoying,

inconvenient and even agonizing. And yet, the results
brought about by self-discipline cannot be reached in any
other way. Discipline puts your most incredible dreams
within reach. With self-discipline, you can make the best
of your possibilities come to life.
But how do you bring yourself to that level of discipline?
You get there by knowing what you absolutely must do,
and knowing that through self-discipline you can make it
happen. What do you know in your heart that you are
truly meant to accomplish? When you experience life as a
mission, the discipline you need will be there.

Discipline and focus, applied consistently over time, can

take you to truly amazing places. Where is it that you are
uniquely suited to go?
—Ralph Marston

A Key Point
Do what you are afraid to do. Go where you are afraid to go.

Doing the Exer cise

Harmony is our natural state. Anything else, such as sickness, misfortune,
or lack, is unnatural. Many have that reversed. ey believe that it is normal
to be imperfect. “To err is human” is what people commonly chant. By
training one’s mind, one will come to realize that a normal state is one of
perfection and harmony. Only when he slips from his seat of perfection is he

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The Master Key Workbook The Creative Power of Thought - Week Fourteen

F or give & F or get

is week, you are to apply a method that will free you of lingering bad
feelings that are caused by people or events in your past. Perhaps you harbor
ill thoughts because you were scorned by a lover or maybe there was a family
dispute. Whatever the cause, by carrying the thoughts with you, you continue
to live the effects. Here is the method of dispelling those thoughts.
1. Forgive
2. Forget
at’s it.
We must forgive those who wronged us and then forget about it. Now,
that is not to say that we have to allow that person into our life again. It does
not mean that we forget what we learned from that experience. at would
make us fools. What we must do is merely move ahead.
For far too long there has been a plethora of psycho-babble and
mollycoddling about things that happened to a person five, ten, fiy years
ago. We are barraged daily by “pop” psychology terms like “baggage”, “inner
child”, “closure”, and other such nonsense. People continue to live in the past
rather than progress with their life.
at is not to say that we shouldn’t learn from experiences. We should
learn all that we can from an experience so that we don’t repeat the same
mistake! at is not to say that if something traumatic happened that one
shouldn’t seek professional help. Remember, though, that the help should be
that which helps you to progress, not relive or “deal”.
is week, think of those people or events that bring a bad feeling to you.
Perhaps you had a friend who wronged you badly. Forgive them. en, forget
about it. Drop the issue like you would drop a rock into a lake. (You can
actually visualize yourself doing that. It will help. Imagine that the rock is
your issue and visualize yourself dropping it into a lake. Watch it make a
splash and then descend to the bottom until you cannot even see it anymore.)

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The Master Key Workbook The Creative Power of Thought - Week Fourteen

It is most important that you do this. How many thoughts do you carry
with you that are worthless and bring you nothing but bad feelings and
therefore bad results? Keep in mind the tale of the two monks who helped
the girl cross the muddy road. Leave her there! Likewise, leave your problems
and issues behind you.
Today is Now and is the perfect time to begin living the rest of your

Her e & Now

For this little exercise, we are going to concentrate on your “here and
now.” Take a few moments and think about your current situation. Now,
make a list of all your tangible needs or things that are needed to satisfy your
current requirements. A few examples are auto repairs, new clothes, bills to
pay, and things of that nature.
is list is for the little things, not the things that are in your grand plan.
ink along the lines of your monthly overhead. Not to confuse you, though,
don’t limit it to what you already have. Also include the things you would
want or need right now. Don’t think in a limited manner based upon past
conditioning. Have fun! Don’t worry about the money. Just list your tangible
needs. Remember to be specific when listing them.
I need…







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The Master Key Workbook The Creative Power of Thought - Week Fourteen

We are what we think. All that we are arises with our

thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our world.

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The Master Key Workbook The Law Under Which We Live - Week Fifteen

Week Fifteen - The Law Under Which We

The Letter of Transmittal
Dear Friend:
Experiments with parasites found on plants indicate that even the lowest
order of life is enabled to take advantage of natural law.
is experiment was made by Jaques Loeb, M.D., Ph.D., a member of the
Rockefeller Institute.
“In order to obtain the material, potted rose bushes are brought into a
room and placed in front of a closed window. If the plants are allowed to dry
out, the aphides (parasites), previously wingless, change to winged insects.
Aer the metamorphosis, the animals leave the plants, fly to the window and
then creep upward on the glass.”
It is evident that these tiny insects found that the plants on which they
had been thriving were dead, and that they could therefore secure nothing
more to eat and drink from this source. e only method by which they
could save themselves from starvation was to grow temporary wings and fly,
which they did.
Experiments such as these indicate that Omniscience as well as
Omnipotence is omnipresent and that the tiniest living thing can take
advantage of it in an emergency.
Week Fieen will tell you more about the law under which we live. It will
explain that these laws operate to our advantage; that all conditions and
experiences that come to us are for our benefit; that we gain strength in
proportion to the effort expended; and that our happiness is best attained
through a conscious cooperation with natural laws.

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The Master Key Workbook The Law Under Which We Live - Week Fifteen

The Main Points

Our ability to appropriate what we require for our growth from each
experience determines the degree of harmony that we attain.
Difficulties and obstacles are necessary for our wisdom and spiritual
ese difficulties may be avoided by a conscious understanding of and
cooperation with Natural Laws.
e Law of Attraction is the principle by which thought manifests itself
in form.
e necessary material by which the growth, development, and maturity
of the idea take form is secured by the Law of Love, which is the creative
principle of the Universe. e Law of Love imparts vitality to the
thought and the Law of Attraction brings the necessary substance by the
Law of Growth.
Desirable conditions are secured by entertaining desirable thoughts
Undesirable conditions are brought about by thinking, discussing, and
visualizing conditions of lack, limitation, disease, inharmony, and
discord of every kind. is mental photography of erroneous
conceptions is taken up by the subconscious and the Law of Attraction
will inevitably crystallize it into objective form. at we reap what we
sow is scientifically exact.
We can overcome every kind of fear, lack, limitation, poverty, and
discord by substituting principle for error.
We recognize principle by a conscious realization of the fact that Truth
invariably destroys error. We do not have to laboriously shove the
darkness out. All that is necessary is to turn on the light. e same
principle applies to every form of negative thought.

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Insight enables us to understand the value of making application of

knowledge that we gain. Many seem to think that knowledge will
automatically apply itself, which is by no means true.

The Exer cise

For your exercise this week, concentrate on Insight. Take your
accustomed position and focus the thought on the fact that to have a
knowledge of the creative power of thought does not mean to possess the art
of thinking. Let the thought dwell on the fact that knowledge does not apply
itself. at our actions are not governed by knowledge, but by custom,
precedent, and habit. at the only way we can get ourselves to apply
knowledge is by a determined conscious effort. Call to mind the fact that
knowledge unused passes from the mind, that the value of the information is
in the application of the principle. Continue this line of thought until you
gain sufficient insight to formulate a definite program for applying this
principle to your own particular problem.

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The Master Key Workbook The Law Under Which We Live - Week Fifteen

Look Similar?
e pathway to salvation is as narrow and as difficult to
walk as a razor’s edge.
—Tibetan Monk, The Razor’s Edge (1984)
ere is a principle of Mathematics, but none of error;
there is a principle of health, but none of disease; there is
a principle of truth, but none of dishonesty; there is a
principle of light, but none of darkness; and there is a
principle of abundance, but none of poverty.
—Charles F. Haanel, The Master Key System

W h e n T h in g s D o n ’ t Add Up
Examine the two equations that appear here. If we are working with
positive whole numbers (that is, numbers that are positive and do not have
any fractions associated with them), then it is quite easy to solve the first
equation. e solution is, of course, “1 + 1 = 2.”
e second equation, though, becomes more difficult. Just about any two
numbers other than 1 and 1 will not equal 2. us, there is a veritable infinity
of numbers that will not equal 2.
What does this illustrate? In life, it is the positive that can be proved by a
certain, definable method or way. If you ask me for directions to my house,
then I can give them to you very easily. I can also tell you how not to get here,
but that would take considerably longer.
Likewise, you can tell me a plethora of ways not to bake a cake; whereas
there is only one way to make a certain kind of cake. Your recipe is your way,
your method, for baking the cake. Any other way I bake the cake will not
result in your cake.

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As you read e Master Key System, keep this principle in mind. is is
the method by which one will accomplish wonders and seeming miracles.
You can do whatever you may to escape debt or build a relationship, but
without these principles to support your efforts, you are building a castle of
sand on a beach where the tide is quickly rising.

Thr ee Laws at Work F or You

Haanel lists for us the three laws that are Natural Laws that are working
for us. Let’s review them one at a time and work to put them into practice.
1. e Law of Attraction
We attract to us the things, people, and circumstances that we think
about. If we desire a new house and we visualize the house we desire in
complete, definite, and unvarying detail, then we will set into motion the
things necessary for us to attain that house.
2. e Law of Love
As we visualize, we will attain only so much as we infuse our thoughts
with positive and vibrant emotions. “Believe that ye receive and ye shall
receive.” Our level of faith and confidence in attaining our goal will
determine how quickly and how thoroughly that goal comes to pass.
3. e Law of Growth
We shall reap what we sow and as we think and believe we will encounter
in life. As we encounter difficulties, we add to our wisdom when we
overcome them. We replace old modes of thinking for new ones, thus paving
the way for bigger and better things.

A Key Point
Growth is attained through an exchange of the old for the new,
of the good for the better…. We cannot attain what we lack if we
tenaciously cling to what we have.

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The Master Key Workbook The Law Under Which We Live - Week Fifteen

M a kin g th e P a th C l ear
For this week, in addition to the usual weekly exercise that Haanel
outlines, let us practice a method of growing that works wonders. When you
are done, you will have replaced the good with the better.
Look around your house and take notice of the things that could be
replaced. Let us use as an example your drapes. If they are in need of
replacing, then simply get rid of them! Do not sell them or try to make
money from the transaction, merely give them to a charitable organization,
such as e Salvation Army. By making the path clear for the better to enter,
the better will arrive.
You can go even further and do a thorough house cleaning. is will
unburden you of much of your baggage and clear the way for new and better
things. It is not advocated to dispose things of value, but the general rule is
that if you haven’t looked at a thing in many years, then it can go.

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The Master Key Workbook The Law Under Which We Live - Week Fifteen

In order that the spirit may convey wisdom to the mind, it

is important that you have a special time for quietness or
silence in which you should allow no interruptions.
—Charles F. Haanel, The Amazing Secrets of the Yogi

Take time each day to enter the Silence.

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The Master Key Workbook Gaining Spiritual Understanding - Week Sixteen

Week Sixteen - Gaining Spiritual

The Letter of Transmittal
e vibratory activities of the planetary Universe are governed by a law of
periodicity. Everything that lives has periods of birth, growth, fruitage, and
decline. ese periods are governed by the Septimal Law.
e Law of Sevens governs the days of the week, the phases of the moon,
the harmonies of sound, light, heat, electricity, magnetism, atomic structure.
It governs the life of individuals and of nations, and it dominates the
activities of the commercial world.
Life is growth and growth is change. Each seven year period takes us into
a new cycle. e first seven years is the period of infancy. e next seven the
period of childhood, representing the beginning of individual responsibility.
e next seven represents the period of adolescence. e fourth period
marks the attainment of full growth. e fih period is the constructive
period, when men begin to acquire property, possessions, a home, and
family. e next from 35 to 42, is a period of reactions and changes, and this
in turn is followed by a period of reconstruction, adjustment, and
recuperation, so as to be ready for a new cycle of sevens, beginning with the
fiieth year.
ere are many who think that the world is just about to pass out of the
sixth period; that it will soon enter into the seventh period, the period of
readjustment, reconstruction, and harmony; the period which is frequently
referred to as the Millennium.
ose familiar with these cycles will not be disturbed when things seem
to go wrong, but can apply the principle outlined in these lessons with the
full assurance that a higher law will invariably control all other laws, and that

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The Master Key Workbook Gaining Spiritual Understanding - Week Sixteen

through an understanding and conscious operation of spiritual laws, we can

convert every seeming difficulty into a blessing.

The Main Points

Wealth depends upon an understanding of the creative nature of
True value consists of its exchange value.
Success depends upon spiritual power.
Spiritual power depends upon use. Use determines its existence.
We may take our fate out of the hands of chance by consciously realizing
the conditions that we desire to see manifested in our lives.
inking is the greatest business of life because thought is spiritual and
therefore creative. To consciously control thought is therefore to control
circumstances, conditions, environment, and destiny.
Destructive thinking is the source of all evil.
Scientific correct thinking is the source of all good.
Scientific thinking is a recognition of the creative nature of spiritual
energy and our ability to control it.

The Exer cise

For your exercise this week, try to bring yourself to a realization of the
important fact that harmony and happiness are states of consciousness and
do not depend upon the possession of things. Realize that things are effects
and come as a consequence of correct mental states. So that if we desire
material possession of any kind our chief concern should be to acquire the
mental attitude which will bring about the result desired. is mental attitude
is brought about by a realization of our spiritual nature and our unity with
the Universal Mind, which is the substance of all things. is realization will
bring about everything which is necessary for our complete enjoyment. is
is scientific or correct thinking. When we succeed in bringing about this

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mental attitude it is comparatively easy to realize our desire as an already

accomplished fact; when we can do this we shall have found the “Truth”
which makes us “free” from every lack or limitation of any kind.

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Who Is That Guy?

Venture capitalist and author Guy Kawasaki was interviewed about his
book, e Art of the Start. Here is a snippet from that interview.
PAUL MAIDMENT: Guy, you have a Top Five list of
things an entrepreneur must accomplish. At the top of
that list is Make Meaning. What does that mean, and why
is it so important?
GUY KAWASAKI: It means that if you start a company
to “make money” then you’ll probably fail. Great
companies start because the founders want to change
the world … not make a fast buck. Call me a romantic,
but I think entrepreneurs should try to change the
world. is comes from working at Apple … old habits
die hard.
MAIDMENT: Is there ever a case in which ‘making
yourself rich’ constitutes making meaning?
KAWASAKI: Yes, absolutely. But that seems like an
insipid reason to start a company. However, if you
make meaning, you’ll probably make money. If you
make money, you might not make meaning. At the end
of one’s life, hopefully you’ve done more than simply
make money.
It would behoove us to listen to that guy.

Wealth is a by-product of or a means to a noble end. It should not be
confused with your raison de vivre or your chief aim. e greatest men in the
world sought nobler ends. Did Nikola Tesla profit from his inventions? Yes,
he did. His love for discovery came first, though. e money followed.
So it continues with every great person who does great things.

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ere is something that exists that is greater than wealth or acclaim. at
something is your Why. Why are you doing something? What is your ideal?
ink about why you want certain things. Is it because you wish to show-
off? Is it to gain revenge? Or is it for loy reasons? Or simply to be the best at
what you do?
Ask yourself Why? Know thyself!
If your thought is constructive, it will possess vitality and it will grow,
develop, and expand. It will attract everything necessary for its development.

A Key Point
Good and evil therefore are not entities, they are simply words
that we use to indicate the result of our actions, and these
actions are in turn predetermined by the character of our

Say It with Feeling

As we have discussed before, it is imperative to put the Law of Love into
motion by imbuing your thoughts with feeling. Haanel conveniently provides
an explanation for us:
e psychologists have come to the conclusion that there
is but one sense, the sense of feeling, and that all other
senses are but modifications of this one sense. is being
true, we know why feeling is the fountainhead of power,
why the emotions so easily overcome the intellect, and
why we must put feelings into our thought if we wish
results. ought and feeling is the irresistible
Be certain to refer to the goals you have written, imagine yourself already
possessing them or attaining them, and do that with feeling. Cultivate and
feel feelings of strength, courage, pride, integrity, and love.

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Write a few sentences about how attaining your goals would make you
feel. Include why you would feel that way. For example, you may write, “I
would feel happy and proud to receive a promotion at work because then I
would be able to afford a better education for my son.”

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The Master Key Workbook Gaining Spiritual Understanding - Week Sixteen

“You seek escape from pain. We seek the achievement of

happiness. You exist for the sake of avoiding punishment.
We exist for the sake of earning rewards. reats will not
make us function; fear is not our incentive. It is not death
that we wish to avoid, but life that we wish to live.”
—Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

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The Master Key Workbook Symbols and Reality - Week Seventeen

Week Seventeen - Symbols and Reality

The Letter of Transmittal
e kind of Deity which a man, consciously or unconsciously, worships
indicates the intellectual status of the worshipper. Ask the Indian of God and
he will describe to you a powerful chieain of a glorious tribe. Ask the Pagan
of God and he will tell you of a God of fire, a God of water, a God of this,
that, and the other.
Ask the Israelite of God and he will tell you of the God of Moses, who
conceived it expedient to rule by coercive measures; hence, the Ten
Commandments. Or of Joshua, who led the Israelites into battle, confiscated
property, murdered the prisoners, and laid waste to cities.
e so-called heathen made “graven images” of their Gods, whom they
were accustomed to worship, but among the most intelligent, at least, these
images were but the visible fulcrums with which they were enabled to
mentally concentrate on the qualities which they desired to externalize in
their lives.
We of the twentieth century worship a God of Love in theory but in
practice we make for ourselves “graven images” of “Wealth,” “Power,”
“Fashion,” “Custom,” and “Conventionality.” We “fall down” before them and
worship them. We concentrate on them and they are thereby externalized in
our lives.
e student who masters the contents of Week Seventeen will not mistake
the symbols for the reality; he will be interested in causes, rather than effects.
He will concentrate on the realities of life and will then not be disappointed
in the results.

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The Master Key Workbook Symbols and Reality - Week Seventeen

The Main Points

e true method of concentration is to become so identified with the
object of your thought that you are conscious of nothing else.
e result of this method of concentration is that invisible forces are set
in motion that irresistibly bring about conditions in correspondence
with your thoughts.
Spiritual Truth is the controlling factor in this method of thought
because the nature of our desire must be in harmony with Natural Law.
e practical value of this method of concentration is that thought is
transmuted into character, and character is the magnet that creates the
environment of the individual.
e mental element is the controlling factor in any commercial pursuit
because mind is the ruler and creator of all form and all events
occurring in form.
Concentration operates by the development of the powers of perception,
wisdom, intuition, and sagacity.
Intuition is superior to reason because it does not depend upon
experience or memory and frequently brings about the solution to our
problem by methods concerning which we are in entire ignorance.
When we pursue the symbols of reality, the symbols frequently turn to
ashes just as we overtake them, because the symbol is only the outward
form of the spiritual activity within. erefore, unless we can possess the
spiritual reality, the form disappears.

The Exer cise

For your exercise this week concentrate as nearly as possible in
accordance with the method outlined in this lesson. Let there be no
conscious effort or activity associated with your purpose. Relax completely
and avoid any thought of anxiety as to results. Remember that power comes

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through repose. Let the thought dwell upon your object until it is completely
identified with it, until you are conscious of nothing else.
If you wish to eliminate fear, then concentrate on courage.
If you wish to eliminate lack, then concentrate on abundance.
If you wish to eliminate disease, then concentrate on health.
Always concentrate on the ideal as an already existing fact. is is the
Elohim, the germ cell, the life principle which goes forth and enters in and
becomes, sets in motion those causes which guide, direct, and bring about
the necessary relation, which eventually manifest in form.

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The Master Key Workbook Symbols and Reality - Week Seventeen

Yo u 2
Price Pritchett relates a wonderful story in his book, You2. He tells the tale
of a fly trying to escape from his motel room. e fly is scrambling and trying
with all of its might to get through the glass of the windowpane. While the fly
is trying harder and harder to escape its confines, not more than ten feet
away, the door is open.
All of the effort in the world would yield but a fraction of what mental
effort can. “Worker smarter” is the new axiom!
Concentration is the key to this. As you allow your mind to dwell on a
single goal rather than scattering its energy, you will find doors open that
weren’t even there before.

A Key Point
Every obstacle conquered, every victory gained, will give you
more faith in your power, and you will have greater ability to

The Taste of Banzo’s Swor d

Matajuro Yagyu was the son of a famous swordsman. His father, disowned
him because his work was not very good. Matajuro then sought Banzo, the
famous swordsman, in hopes that he would teach him.
“How many years will it take me to become a master?” asked the youth.
“e rest of your life,” replied Banzo.
Matajuro was told never to speak of fencing and never to touch a sword.
He cooked for his master, washed the dishes, made the bed, cleaned the yard,
tended the garden, all without a word of swordsmanship.
ree years passed and Matajuro labored on. He was sad because he had
not even begun to learn the art to which he had devoted his life.

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The Master Key Workbook Symbols and Reality - Week Seventeen

One day, Banzo crept up behind him as he worked and gave him a terrific
blow with a wooden sword. e following day, when Matajuro was cooking
rice, Banzo again sprang upon him unexpectedly.
Aer that, day and night, Matajuro had to defend himself against
unexpected thrusts. Not a moment passed every day that he was safe from
Banzo’s sword. He learned so rapidly that he brought smiles to the face of his
master. Matajuro eventually became the greatest swordsman in the land.

Divide and Conquer

As you prepare to concentrate this week, make a list for yourself of the
things that you wish to conquer, such as fear or envy. Be specific when you
make your list. You will put this list on the le-hand column.
You will use the right-hand column to list the opposite of what you have
written. is will help you to concentrate on what you want, rather than on
what you do not want. For example, on the le you may write “I am broke.”
On the right, you will write, “I have a positive cash flow.”
To Conquer …ink is

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The Master Key Workbook Symbols and Reality - Week Seventeen

Yo u r Ta s t e o f B a n z o ’ s S w o r d
ese exercises are your training—your Banzo’s sword. Every day, we are
barraged by thoughts and self-talk, some of which is negative and
unproductive. ey come unbidden and seemingly from nowhere.
Unexpectedly, they spring into our heads and attempt to foil the attainment
of our goals, dreams, and ideals.
It is the aim of these exercises to have you ready like Matajuro in the tale
that you read. When a thought that does not help you arises, you will
immediately be ready to block it and nullify it. Only by practice and
repetition will you be able to do that. Once it is set, though, you will be ready
to deal with even the most negative of thoughts because your mind will be
strong and you will know how to live from the Truth.

A Z e n Ta le
Two monks were traveling together down a muddy road. It was raining
heavily. ey met a lovely girl on the road who was unable to cross the
intersection because the mud would ruin her silk kimono. One of the monks
lied the girl in his arms and carried her over the mud.
Later that evening, when the monks were in their lodgings, the other
monk said to the one who carried the girl, “We monks do not go near
females! Especially not young, pretty ones. It is dangerous. Why did you do
e other monk replied, “I le the girl there. Are you still carrying her?”

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The Master Key Workbook The Law of Attraction - Week Eighteen

Week Eighteen - The Law of Attraction

The Letter of Transmittal
In order to grow we must obtain what is necessary for our growth. is is
brought about through the law of attraction. is principle is the sole means
by which the individual is differentiated from the Universal.
ink for a moment. What would a man be if he were not a husband, a
father, or a brother; if he were not interested in the social, economical,
political, or religious world? He would be nothing but an abstract theoretical
ego. He exists, therefore, only in his relation to the whole, in his relation to
other men, in his relation to society. is relation constitutes his
environment. He exists therefore in his relation to his environment and in no
other way.
It is evident, therefore, that the individual is simply the differentiation of
the one Universal Mind “which lighteth every man that cometh into the
world,” and his so-called individuality or personality consists of nothing but
the manner in which he relates with the whole.
is we call his environment and is brought about by the law of attraction.
Week Eighteen, which I enclose herewith, has something more to say
concerning this important law.

The Main Points

e difference in individual lives is measured by the degree of
intelligence that they manifest.
By a recognition of the self as an individualization of the Universal
Intelligence the individual may control other forms of intelligence.
e creative power originates in the Universal.
e Universal creates form by means of the individual.

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ought is the connecting link between the individual and the

e Law of Love is the principle by which the means of existence is
carried to effect.
e Law of Growth brings this principle into expression.
e Law of Growth depends upon reciprocal action. e individual is
complete at all times and this makes it possible to receive only as we
What we give is thought.
We receive thought, which is substance in equilibrium and which is
constantly being differentiated in form by what we think.

The Exer cise

is week concentrate upon your power to create. Seek insight and
perception. Try to find a logical basis for the faith which is in you. Let the
thought dwell on the fact that the physical man lives and moves and has his
being in the sustainer of all organic life air, that he must breathe to live. en
let the thought rest on the fact that the spiritual man also lives and moves
and has his being in a similar but subtler energy upon which he must depend
for life, and that as in the physical world no life assumes form until aer a
seed is sown, and no higher fruit than that of the parent stock can be
produced; so in the spiritual world no effect can be produced until the seed is
sown and the fruit will depend upon the nature of the seed, so that the results
which you secure depend upon your perception of law in the mighty domain
of causation, the highest evolution of human consciousness.

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The Master Key Workbook The Law of Attraction - Week Eighteen

Pay Attention!
In order to take advantage of the Law of Attraction to the fullest, one must
be able to keep one’s attention on the goal. One must be able to hold the
vision unwaveringly. oughts of abundance will attract money and
opportunity. oughts of love will bring harmony. oughts of power will
yield self-sufficiency.
e attention can be trained. at is what the exercises in e Master Key
System are doing for you. You are able to keep your mind focused like a laser.
As you hold your attention and keep it focused, you will be attracting to you
the things, people, and circumstances that you need for your growth.

A Key Point
Attention has been held to be the distinguishing mark of genius.
e cultivation of attention depends upon practice. e
incentive of attention is interest. e greater the interest, the
greater the attention.

Be Here Now
How do we keep the mind from wandering, though? How do we still
those voices that remind us of the past and worry us with the future? As
Haanel would say, it is by practice that we gain control of our mind. at is
the only way. It won’t hurt, though, to take a closer look at what is happening.
A weird fellow by the name of Baba Ram Dass wrote a book entitled Be
Here Now. In it, he explains that we must take advantage of the moment and
not let the mind dri from it. How many times have you missed something
that was occurring because your mind was elsewhere? Perhaps you missed
your son get a base-hit because you were worrying about a project at work.
Mayhap you were having money troubles and did not allow yourself to fully
enjoy the holidays.

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Most times, you do not even feel your mind dri. You only realize that
you were “in your own little world” when you have to ask someone to repeat
something or you have to act like you just saw what occurred. A good clue
that you are not there mentally is that your body starts doing its rhythmical
tics, such as tapping your feet, shaking your leg, playing with your fingers, or
any other of a number of somewhat annoying fidgets.

As you can see in the diagram, by allowing the mind to dri, you are
essentially dissipating your mental energy and creating in yourself feelings
that may not be in your best interest.
Many people dwell on the past. “It’s not my fault, Your Honor. I had a bad
childhood.” Have you heard that before? How about “My mother was never
there. She didn’t love me enough.” Have you heard a person explain with that
excuse why they encounter one bad relationship aer another?
Let go of the past. It is gone. Bring yourself into the Now. Why dwell on
something that happened many years ago? If you’ve encountered failures,
then try something new! e movie Vanilla Sky provides us with a wonderful
thing to remember.
Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all
What goes for the past is true of the future. If you are not making plans,
then why are you worrying about the future? Worry and anxiety are some of
the biggest wastes of mental energy. ey cause us to fear and many times
they throw us into a state of paralysis. Keep your thoughts courageous and in
the Now. You will be happy that you did.

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The Master Key Workbook The Law of Attraction - Week Eighteen

Stay in the Now

You are not required to write much this week. e writing for this week
consists of only three words.
Get a few 3x5 cards and write “BE HERE NOW” on them. Place them
where you can see them, places where it is easy for you to dri off. Common
places are on your desk, on the visor of your car, and even by your television.
Keep yourself in the Now. When you notice your body fidgeting, ask
yourself where you are. Look at the things around you. Notice something that
you’ve not noticed before that moment.
Pay attention!

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The Master Key Workbook The Law of Attraction - Week Eighteen

A poor student utilizes a teacher’s influence.

A fair student admires a teacher’s kindness.
A good student grows strong under a teacher’s discipline.
—Zen Saying

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The Master Key Workbook Your Mental Food - Week Nineteen

Week Nineteen - Your Mental Food

The Letter of Transmittal
Fear is a powerful form of thought. It paralyzes the nerve centers, thus
affecting the circulation of the blood. is, in turn, paralyzes the muscular
system, so that fear affects the entire being—body, brain and nerve, physical,
mental, and muscular.
Of course, the way to overcome fear is to become conscious of power.
What is this mysterious vital force which we call power? We do not know;
neither do we know what electricity is. But we do know that by conforming
to the requirements of the law by which electricity is governed, it will be our
obedient servant; that it will light our homes, our cities, run our machinery,
and serve us in many useful capacities.
And so it is with vital force. Although we do not know what it is, and
possibly may never know, we do know that it is a primary force which
manifests through living bodies, and that by complying with the laws and
principles by which it is governed we can open ourselves to a more abundant
inflow of this vital energy, and thus express the highest possible degree of
mental, moral and spiritual efficiency.
e lesson which I enclose herewith tells of a very simple way of
developing this vital force. If you put into practice the information outlined
in this lesson you will soon develop the sense of power which has ever been
the distinguishing mark of genius.

The Main Points

Extremes are designated by distinctive names, such as inside and
outside, top and bottom, light and dark, good and bad. is is how they
are placed in contrast.
ey are not separate entities. ey are parts, or aspects, of one Whole.

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The Master Key Workbook Your Mental Food - Week Nineteen

e Universal Mind, or the Eternal Energy, from which all things

proceed is the one creative Principle in the physical, mental, and
spiritual world.
We are related to this creative principle by our ability to think.
is creative principle becomes operative by thought. ought is the
seed, which results in action and action results in form.
Form depends upon the rate of vibration.
e rate of vibration may be changed by mental action.
Mental action depends upon polarity, action and reaction, between the
individual and the Universal.
e creative energy originates in the Universal, but the Universal can
only manifest through the individual.
e individual is necessary because the Universal is static and requires
energy to start it in motion. is is furnished by food, which is
converted into energy, which in turn enables the individual to think.
When the individual stops eating he stops thinking; then he no longer
acts upon the Universal; there is consequently no longer any action or
reaction; the Universal is then only pure mind in static form. It is mind
at rest.

The Exer cise

For your exercise this week, concentrate, and when I use the word
concentrate, I mean all that the word implies: Become so absorbed in the
object of your thought that you are conscious of nothing else, and do this a
few minutes every day. You take the necessary time to eat in order that the
body may be nourished, why not take the time to assimilate your mental
Let the thought rest on the fact that appearances are deceptive. e earth
is not flat, neither is it stationary; the sky is not a dome; the sun does not

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move; the stars are not small specks of light; and matter which was once
supposed to be fixed has been found to be in a state of perpetual flux.
Try to realize that the day is fast approaching—its dawn is now at hand—
when modes of thought and action must be adjusted to rapidly increasing
knowledge of the operation of eternal principles.

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The Master Key Workbook Your Mental Food - Week Nineteen

Losing the Fear

Fear is something that must be destroyed. Living in fear or fearing things
leads to mental dissipation on a massive level. is is the mental effort that
will return to us the things that we do not want instead of the things that we
In Master Key Arcana, which contains the “lost” parts of e Master Key
System, Haanel explains a method by which we can squash fear if we begin to
feel it. Here is that method.
Fear is an emotion. It is consequently not amenable to
reason. You may therefore fear your friends as well as
your enemies or fear the present and past as well as the
future. If fear attacks you, it must be destroyed.
You will be interested in knowing how to accomplish this.
Reason will not help you at all, because fear is a
subconscious thought—a product of the emotion. ere
must then be some other way.
e way is to awaken the Solar Plexus. Get it into action.
If you have practiced deep breathing, then you can
expand the abdomen to the limit. at is the first thing to
do. Hold this breath for a second or two, then still holding
it, draw in more air and carry it to the upper chest and
draw in the abdomen.
is effort flushes the face red. Hold this breath also for a
second or two and then, still holding your breath, deflate
the chest and expand the abdomen again. Do not exhale
this breath at all, but, still holding it, alternately expand
the abdomen and chest rapidly some four or five times.
en exhale. e fear is gone.
If the fear does not leave you at once, repeat the process
until it does.
Practice this when you feel any amount of fear. As some like to say, “Nip it
in the bud!” To learn more about breathing and the positive effects it can
have, read Haanel’s e Amazing Secrets of the Yogi.

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The Master Key Workbook Your Mental Food - Week Nineteen

I am fearless in my heart. ey will always see that in my

eyes! I am the passion; I am the warfare. I will never stop.
Always constant, accurate, and intense.
—Steve Vai

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The Master Key Workbook The Spirit of Things - Week Twenty

Week Twenty - The Spirit of Things

The Letter of Transmittal
For many years there has been an endless discussion as to the origin of
evil. eologians have told us that God is Love and that God is Omnipresent.
If this be true, there is no place where God is not. Where, then, is Evil, Satan,
and Hell? Let us see:
God is Spirit.
Spirit is the Creative Principle of the Universe.
Man is made in the image and likeness of God.
Man is therefore a spiritual being.
e only activity which spirit possesses is the power to think.
inking is therefore a creative process.
All form is therefore the result of the thinking process.
e destruction of form must also be a result of the thinking process.
Fictitious representations of form are the result of the creative power of
thought, as in Hypnotism.
Apparent representations of form are the result of the creative power of
thought, as in Spiritualism.
Invention, organization, and constructive work of all kinds are the result
of the creative power of thought, as in concentration.
When the creative power of thought is manifested for the benefit of
humanity, we call the result good.
When the creative power of thought is manifested in a destructive or evil
manner, we call the result evil.

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The Master Key Workbook The Spirit of Things - Week Twenty

is indicates the origin of both good and evil; they are simply words
which have been coined in order to indicate the nature of the result of the
thinking or creative process.
ought necessarily precedes and predetermines action; action precedes
and predetermines condition.
Week Twenty will throw more light upon this important subject.

The Main Points

Power depends upon recognition and use.
Recognition is consciousness.
We become conscious of power by thinking.
Correct scientific thinking is the true business of life.
Correct scientific thinking is the ability to adjust our thought processes
to the will of the Universal. In other words, to cooperate with Natural
Correct scientific thinking is accomplished by securing a perfect
understanding of the principles, forces, methods, and combinations of
e Universal Mind is the basic fact of all existence.
All lack, limitation, disease, and discord are due to the operation of
exactly the same law. e law operates relentlessly and is continually
bringing about conditions in correspondence with the thought that
originated or created them.
Inspiration is the art of realizing the omnipresence of Omniscience.
e conditions with which we meet depends upon the quality of our
thought. Because what we do depends upon what we are and what we
are depends upon what we think.

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The Master Key Workbook The Spirit of Things - Week Twenty

The Exer cise

For your exercise this week, go into the Silence and concentrate on the
fact that “In Him we live and move and have our being” is literally and
scientifically exact! at you ARE because He IS, that if He is Omnipresent
He must be in you. at if He is all in all you must be in Him! at He is
Spirit and you are made in “His image and likeness” and that the only
difference between His spirit and your spirit is one of degree, that a part must
be the same in kind and quality as the whole. When you can realize this
clearly you will have found the secret of the creative power of thought, you
will have found the origin of both good and evil, you will have found the
secret of the wonderful power of concentration, you will have found the key
to the solution of every problem whether physical, financial, or

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The Master Key Workbook The Spirit of Things - Week Twenty

One Man’s Junk…

You probably know that old adage, “One man’s junk is another man’s
treasure.” As a matter of fact, you have probably seen or heard about it in
operation. Perhaps you’ve seen the television show where auction people
appraise what appears to be junk. ey startle the owners of the junk by
informing them that in truth, the “junk” they possess is a valuable antique.
Closer to home, you’ve probably seen this adage in operation. How many
times have you uttered “I thought of that” or “I could do that better” when
you see a person making money with a product or service. In operation, the
adage becomes “One man’s junk is another man’s fortune!”
Within you is untapped power. ere is “junk” awaiting to be polished so
that its true value can be ascertained. Your fortune is your mind! As you wait
for things to happen for you, some one else is making things happen for
them self. Why cannot you do the same?
e answer is simple: ere is no reason why you cannot take advantage
of your ideas. You must take action. To take action, you have to know what is
in your inventory. is week, you will concentrate on what you have. From
that point you can spring into action and turn your “junk” into your fortune.

A Key Point
You may have all the wealth in Christendom, but unless you
recognize it and make use of it, it will have no value…All great
things come through recognition.

C o m m a n d Yo u r s e l f
An inquirer asked a teacher, “How can I command whatever happens to
“By being one with whatever happens.”
“What does that mean?”

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The Master Key Workbook The Spirit of Things - Week Twenty

“You really do not possess a separate self which is apart from anything;
you are one with all of life. However, in your misunderstanding you think
there is a you and an event, which causes division and conflict. Give up your
belief in a separate self and oneness will be realized, which ends conflict. is
is the secret of the ages. Come back to it every day. You will change.”
You become the commander of everything by not needing to command
anything but yourself.

Ta k i n g S t o c k
You are going to do some writing this week. It’s important that you take
an inventory of what you have in order for you to recognize your potential.
Just as we can fail to recognize our world within, we oen fail to recognize
the things that we have that can be worth a fortune to us. Since we do not
recognize them, we do not exercise them. Hence, they go dormant and they
atrophy. Take the time to make a full inventory of what you have. If you have
to (and you probably will), get another sheet of paper.
Here you are to write the things you know like math or a language or even
things like jokes. Just about anything you know.
ings I Know…








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The Master Key Workbook The Spirit of Things - Week Twenty

Write the things that you can do from the inane to the complex, anything
from whistling to repairing a car to using a computer.
ings I Can Do…








Make a list of things you practice daily, such as problem-solving or task

management, the skills that you do, sort of without you even knowing it.
ings I Practice Daily…








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The Master Key Workbook The Spirit of Things - Week Twenty

Write a list of the things that people tell you that you do well. Maybe you
hear that you’re a good talker or you have a good sense of humor.
ings I Hear From People…








What do you own or have? Make a list of things that you have, such as a
computer, a telephone, a house, or a musical instrument.
ings I Have…








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The Master Key Workbook The Spirit of Things - Week Twenty

Who do you know? Go through your Rolodex and compile a list of people
you know. Maybe they can help you, maybe not. Let’s put them on the list just
the same.
People I Know…








What jobs or occupations have you had? Butcher? Baker? Candlestick

maker? Make that list here.
Jobs I Have Had…








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The Master Key Workbook The Spirit of Things - Week Twenty

What roles have you taken? Were you ever a Scout Leader or PTA
Member? at list goes here.
Roles I Have Assumed…








M i x I t A ll To g e th e r
Take a good look at your lists. Do you see any common threads? Do some
things line up nicely? Perhaps you fix cars and you work in a shop and a lot of
the people you know also fix cars. (If you are a mechanic that makes sense!)
Perhaps you know computers and you work in an office; mayhap you can
parlay that combination into a new and better job or a business.
e point is that by seeing everything on your list, you now know where
you stand and you can go from there. Perhaps if you are a mechanic, you
know a few other fellows who would be interested in opening a repair shop
or customizing shop. You can see the basis for an idea and now you have the
inventory to make it so.
If your lists do not seem to mesh well, perhaps you have to look closer and
do a little pruning. Examine the lists and think about which items brought
you the most pleasure and enjoyment. Maybe now you work in a stifling
office, but you know a lot of jokes and people keep telling you that your a

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The Master Key Workbook The Spirit of Things - Week Twenty

wonderful person with a great attitude; that might be indicative that you
could really succeed in a sales position.
e last part is difficult. It may not be easy to see where to go, but at least
now you know where you stand. Give this lots of thought. Put things
together. You will then turn your “junk” into your fortune.

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The Master Key Workbook The Spirit of Things - Week Twenty

Death is nothing; but to live defeated and inglorious in to

die daily.

Do not think that you are on the right road just because it
is a well-beaten path.

Depend on the rabbit’s foot if you will, but it didn’t work

for the rabbit!

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The Master Key Workbook To Think Big Thoughts - Week Twenty-One

Week Twenty-One - To Think Big Thoughts

The Letter of Transmittal
It is my privilege to enclose Week Twenty-One. In paragraph seven you
will find that one of the secrets of success, one of the methods of organizing
victory, one of the accomplishments of the Master Mind, is to think big
In paragraph eight you will find that everything which we hold in our
consciousness for any length of time becomes impressed upon our
subconsciousness and so becomes a pattern which the creative energy will
weave into our life and environment. is is the secret of the wonderful
power of prayer.
We know that the universe is governed by law; that for every effect there
must be a cause; and that the same cause, under the same conditions, will
invariably produce the same effect. Consequently, if prayer has ever been
answered, it will always be answered if the proper conditions are complied
with. is must necessarily be true. Otherwise, the universe would be a chaos
instead of a cosmos. e answer to prayer is therefore subject to law and this
law is definite, exact, and scientific, just as are the laws governing gravitation
and electricity. An understanding of this law takes the foundation of
Christianity out of the realm of superstition and credulity and places it upon
the firm rock of scientific understanding.
But, unfortunately, there are comparatively few persons who know how to
pray. ey understand that there are laws governing electricity, mathematics,
and chemistry, but, for some inexplicable reason, it never seems to occur to
them that there are also spiritual laws and that these laws are also definite,
scientific, exact, and operate with immutable precision.

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The Master Key Workbook To Think Big Thoughts - Week Twenty-One

The Main Points

e real secret of power is the consciousness of power, because whatever
we become conscious of is invariably manifested in the objective world
and is brought forth into tangible expression.
e source of this power is the Universal Mind, from which all things
proceed and which is one and indivisible.
is power is being manifested through the individual. Each individual
is a channel whereby this energy is being differentiated in form.
Our ability to think is our ability to act on this Universal Energy and
what we think is what is produced or created in the objective world. e
result of this discovery is nothing less than marvelous. It opens
unprecedented and limitless opportunity.
We may eliminate imperfect conditions by becoming conscious of our
unity with the source of all power.
One of the distinctive characteristics of the Master Mind is that he
thinks big thoughts. He holds ideas large enough to counteract and
destroy all petty and annoying obstacles.
Experiences come to us through the law of attraction.
Our predominant mental attitude brings this law into operation.
e issue between the old regime and the new is a question of
conviction as to the nature of the Universe. e old regime is trying to
cling to the fatalistic doctrine of Divine election. e new regime
recognizes the divinity of the individual and the democracy of

The Exer cise

For your exercise this week, concentrate on the Truth. Try to realize that
the Truth shall make you free. at is, nothing can permanently stand in the
way of your perfect success when you learn to apply the scientifically correct
thought methods and principles. Realize that you are externalizing in your

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The Master Key Workbook To Think Big Thoughts - Week Twenty-One

environment your inherent soul potencies. Realize that the Silence offers an
ever available and almost unlimited opportunity for awakening the highest
conception of Truth. Try to comprehend that Omnipotence itself is absolute
silence—all else is change, activity, limitation. Silent thought concentration is
therefore the true method of reaching, awakening, and then expressing the
wonderful potential power of the world within.

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The Master Key Workbook To Think Big Thoughts - Week Twenty-One

I t B e a r s R e p e a tin g…
It was stated previously in this workbook that one of Donald Trump’s
rules is to “ink big.” Obviously, thinking big worked well for him. Bill
Gates, too, thinks big. When he began Microso, the company motto was “A
computer on every desktop.” Now that they have a virtual monopoly of
computer operating systems, that motto came to fruition.
roughout history, you’ll find that those who get mentioned in the
history books or are remembered, were those who held big thoughts in their
mind and endeavored to make them real. Alexander the Great, Napoleon,
John F. Kennedy. ese men dared to dream.
What are your dreams? Whatever they are, make them loy and grand.
Shoot for the Moon! As the saying goes, even if you miss the Moon, you’ll hit
a star.

The P r ocess
“e real secret of power is consciousness of power.” Haanel implores us
to use this power as it is what brings into reality the thoughts that we have, be
those thoughts for good or for ill. To ensure that the results we get are the
ones that we desire, Haanel has this process for us. Use it!
1. Every thought creates an impression on the brain.
2. Experiences come to us through the law of attraction.
3. e predominant thought or mental attitude is the magnet.
4. Like attracts like.
5. e mental attitude is our personality and is composed of all the
thoughts that we have been creating in our mind.
6. By persistent effort, we can change the mental attitude.
7. To do this, replace the pictures you have in your mind with new
pictures of what you want and desire.

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The Master Key Workbook To Think Big Thoughts - Week Twenty-One

8. When you have done this, you will begin to attract to yourself those
9. Build into your mental pictures the necessary essentials, such as
determination, ability, talent, courage, power, and anything else.
10.Aspire to the highest possible attainment in anything you undertake.
11.Repeat this process as repetition builds habit.
Everything that we have is a result of this process. Everything. Be it good
or bad, what we want or what we dislike. is process describes how our
predominant mental attitude about everything is formed. Whether you like it
or not, you are using this process. Now that you know how this process
works, you can use it consciously and of your own volition.

Yo u r G o a l B o a r d
Visualize what you want! ink big thoughts! To help you keep your goals
in mind and not get distracted by lesser thoughts, it is highly recommended
that you make for yourself a goal board. Here is a chance for you to have
some fun with “arts & cras.”
Get for yourself a cork board or bulletin board. ey can be bought at just
about any store. You’ll also need some thumb tacks or push pins. Finally,
you’ll need magazines or catalogues or 3x5 cards that have pictures or words
describing the things that you want.
Go ahead! Get those items and then return to this exercise.
Here’s where the fun begins. Clip pictures from the magazines or
catalogues of the things that you want in your life. Perhaps you want a new
car. Find a picture of the car you desire and snip it from the magazine and
then post it onto your bulletin board. If you want to do something for which
there is no picture, then write a brief description of it on a 3x5 card and post
it. For example, you might write “I am the regional director of my company”
on a card. You then post that card. It really helps if you get pictures of exactly

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The Master Key Workbook To Think Big Thoughts - Week Twenty-One

what you want and not something “sort of like it.” If you want your new car
to be red, then get a picture of the car you want that is red.
When you assemble your goal board, hang it somewhere where you can
easily see it, such as a wall near your desk. If you can, make a few goal boards
and put them everywhere! is is very powerful and I have never seen it fail
for people. When you look at your goal board, you will trigger your mind to
think of those things that you want and set the law of attraction to work for
you. When the Law is at work for you, nothing can keep the things away
from you.

At t a in Yo u r I d e a l Wei ght
is method of using a goal board can help you attain your ideal weight.
Here’s how you do that. Find pictures of what you consider to be your ideal
body. You might find something like that in a fitness magazine or a celebrity
magazine. Who is your favourite movie star or celebrity? Surely you can find
a picture of them.
Next, you are to get a picture of yourself. Here’s where the fun begins.
Now you cut the head off the celebrity’s picture and put your head there. You
then take that composite and place it on your goal board.
What will happen is that you will visualize yourself with that body and
you will then attract to yourself the events and conditions necessary for you
to attain that ideal body and weight for yourself. Perhaps you will find
yourself eating healthier or having more opportunities to get to the gym.
Whatever the case, this method will help you get to your ideal weight.

A Key Point
ere is no limit to what this law can do for you. Dare to believe
in your own ideal. Remember that Nature is plastic to the ideal.
ink of the ideal as an already accomplished fact.

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The Master Key Workbook Spiritual Seeds - Week Twenty-Two

Week Twenty-Two - Spiritual Seeds

The Letter of Transmittal
In Week Twenty-Two you will find that thoughts are spiritual seeds,
which, when planted in the subconscious mind, have a tendency to sprout
and grow, but unfortunately the fruit is frequently not to our liking.
e various forms of inflammation, paralysis, nervousness, and diseased
conditions generally are the manifestation of fear, worry, care, anxiety,
jealousy, hatred, and similar thought.
e life processes are carried on by two distinct methods: First, the taking
up and making use of nutritive material necessary for constructing cells;
second, breaking down and excreting the waste material.
All life is based upon these constructive and destructive activities and as
food, water, and air are the only requisites necessary for the construction of
cells, it would seem that the problem of prolonging life indefinitely would not
be a very difficult one.
However strange it may seem, it is the second or destructive activity that
is, with rare exception, the cause of all disease. e waste material
accumulates and saturates the tissues, which causes autointoxication. is
may be partial or general. In the first case the disturbance will be local; in
the second place it will affect the whole system.
e problem, then, before us in the healing of disease is to increase the
inflow and distribution of vital energy throughout the system, and this can
only be done by eliminating thoughts of fear, worry, care, anxiety, jealousy,
hatred, and every other destructive thought, which tend to tear down and
destroy the nerves and glands which control the excretion and elimination of
poisonous and waste matter.
“Nourishing foods and strengthening tonics” cannot bestow life, because
these are but secondary manifestations of life. e primary manifestation of

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The Master Key Workbook Spiritual Seeds - Week Twenty-Two

life and how you may get in touch with it is explained in the part which I
have the privilege of enclosing herewith.

The Main Points

Sickness may be eliminated by placing ourselves in harmony with
Natural Law, which is Omnipotent.
A realization that man is a spiritual being and that this spirit must
necessarily be perfect is the process of eliminating sickness.
A conscious recognition of this perfection, first intellectually, then
emotionally, brings about a manifestation of this perfection.
is is so because thought is spiritual and therefore creative and
correlates with its object and brings it into manifestation.
e Law of Vibration is brought into operation with this process.
is law governs because a higher rate of vibration governs, modifies,
controls, changes, or destroys a lower rate of vibration.
ere are over a million people in this country who make use of this
system of mental therapeutics in one form or another.
e result of this system of thought is that for the first time in the
world’s history, every man’s highest reasoning faculty can be satisfied by
a demonstrable truth that is now fast flooding the world.
is system is applicable to other forms of supply as it will meet every
human requirement or necessity.
is system is both scientific and religious. True science and religion are
twin sisters. Where one goes, the other necessarily follows.

The Exer cise

For your exercise this week concentrate on Tennyson’s beautiful lines:
“Speak to Him, thou, for He hears, and spirit with spirit can meet, Closer is
He than breathing, and nearer than hands and feet.” en try to realize that

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when you do “Speak to Him” you are in touch with Omnipotence. is
realization and recognition of this Omnipresent power will quickly destroy
any and every form of sickness or suffering and substitute harmony and
perfection. en remember there are those who seem to think that sickness
and suffering are sent by God; if so, every physician, every surgeon, and
every Red Cross nurse is defying the will of God and hospitals and
sanitariums are places of rebellion instead of houses of mercy. Of course, this
quickly reasons itself into an absurdity, but there are many who still cherish
the idea.
en let the thought rest on the fact that until recently theology has been
trying to teach an impossible Creator, one who created beings capable of
sinning and then allowed them to be eternally punished for such sins. Of
course the necessary outcome of such extraordinary ignorance was to create
fear instead of love, and so, aer two thousand years of this kind of
propaganda, eology is now busily engaged in apologizing for

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The Master Key Workbook Spiritual Seeds - Week Twenty-Two

I t ’s A ll o n Yo u
By now, I am certain that you realize that everything that you have in your
life is because of your thoughts and those that you inherited. at puts what
can be a huge burden on one’s shoulders. It is the burden that you are
responsible. It’s your fault, whether it be for good or for bad.
What can be considered a huge burden, though, is in reality the greatest
liberator in all of human history! Yes, you are responsible, but you can
control what you have. e power is yours! You can use it just as you would a
light switch or any machine. If it is dark where you are, then all you must do
is flick a switch and turn on the light.
For no longer can you place the blame on anything or anyone else. It is
now the time to look where you stand and take the reigns. at power is
available for all and it does not have to be found or obtained. You already
have it and it is within you. Claim it!

A Key Point
By changing the cause, we change the effect.

I t R e a lly Wo r k s . Real l y .
Last week, you were shown a method by which you could attain your
ideal weight or body type. Can you see now why this would work? Your brain
and your thoughts set vibrations into motion that affect everything. What
does Haanel say?
When perfect images are placed before the subjective, the
creative energies will build a perfect body.
What more can be said? If you have been doing the exercises and have not
met with much success, then do them again. Reread the chapters and reapply
the knowledge. e laws and ideas that Haanel espouses are absolute. ey
work perfectly.

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The Master Key Workbook Spiritual Seeds - Week Twenty-Two

your thoughts = your life

Leave the past behind you. Embrace the future and all of its possibilities.
Allow yourself to unfold and enjoy the abundance that life provides.

Yo u C a n H e a l Yo u r L i f e
As you have probably noticed, the exercises in e Master Key System are
having you delve into your mind more and more. ey build, one upon the
other, so as to help you attain complete mental mastery. It is of the utmost
importance that you follow and practice these exercises.
As has been established, we are where we are in life because of our prior
thoughts. Every thought we had, so long as we gave it power, became reality
in our objective universe in one form or another. Your thoughts of worry or
fear may have materialized in physical illness; thoughts of hate and envy
perhaps in awkward social occasions; and all other ills that befell you had a
precedent thought associated with it.
In her book You Can Heal Your Life, Louise L. Hay lists common (and at
times not so common) diseases and ailments and their associated probable
mental cause. For example, for allergies, she has as the mental ailment, “Who
are you allergic to?” She also includes a listing of affirmations that can be
used to counteract the negative thought. Here is another example: For
nervousness, she has listed as a probable cause “fear, anxiety…not trusting
the life process.” For the new thought pattern she would use to counteract it,
she writes, “I am on an endless journey through eternity, and there is plenty
of time. I communicate with my heart. All is well.”
We bring forth that which we think. Study aer study is showing that a
patients mental attitude is just as important as the therapy administered. In
some cases, a patient with a serious illness was cured by a placebo rather than
a real drug or medicine!
When you sent love to the Universe, it most assuredly returned it. Strong,
powerful, and courageous thoughts are returned to you in kind. ey always
have been. ink about the times you had a night on the town. What was

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The Master Key Workbook Spiritual Seeds - Week Twenty-Two

your frame of mind when you made some new friends and enjoyed a lot of
laughs? On the other hand, what was your frame of mind when you
experienced not-so-nice people and had iffy experiences?
It is the in practical application that the value consists.

K e e p Yo u r E y e s o n t h e P r i z e
Many people subscribe to and try many different methods to better
themselves. Unfortunately, many of the methods and attempts are exactly like
fad diets—they provide temporary results, but do nothing for the long-term.
Anything worth having is going to exact a price. e Master Key System is
difficult at times. It demands of you to become your personal best. It takes
time and practice. It will take some sweat, blood, and deep introspection.
e path is hard, but the rewards are commensurate with the effort. Stay
the course and keep practicing. is is your life and you are entitled to live it
in the manner of your choosing. Live your dreams!

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The Master Key Workbook Spiritual Seeds - Week Twenty-Two

e Law of Love is a piece of pure science and the oldest

and simplest form of Love is the elective affinity of two
differing cells. Above all laws is the Law of Love, for Love
is life.
—Charles F. Haanel, Master Key Arcana

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The Master Key Workbook The Law of Success is Service - Week Twenty-Three

Week Twenty-Three - The Law of Success

Is Service
The Letter of Transmittal
In the part which I have the honor to transmit herewith, you will find that
money weaves itself into the entire fabric of our very existence; that the law
of success is service; that we get what we give and for this reason we should
consider it a great privilege to be able to give.
We have found that thought is the creative activity behind every
constructive enterprise. We can therefore give nothing of more practical
value than our thought.
Creative thought requires attention, and the power of attention is, as we
have found, the weapon of the Super-man. Attention develops concentration,
and concentration develops Spiritual Power, and Spiritual Power is the
mightiest force in existence.
is is the science which embraces all sciences. It is the art which, above
all arts, is relevant to human life. In the mastery of this science and this art
there is opportunity for unending progression. Perfection in this is not
acquired in six days, or in six weeks, or in six months. It is the labor of a life.
Not to go forward is to go backward.
It is inevitable that the entertainment of positive, constructive, and
unselfish thoughts should have a far-reaching effect for good. Compensation
is the keynote of the universe. Nature is constantly seeking to strike an
equilibrium. Where something is sent out, something must be received, else
there should be a vacuum formed. By observance of this rule you cannot fail
to profit in such measure as to amply justify your effort along this line.

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The Master Key Workbook The Law of Success is Service - Week Twenty-Three

The Main Points

e first law of success is service.
We may be of the most service by having an open mind. By being
interested in the race rather than the goal, in the pursuit rather than
Selfish thought contains the germs of dissolution.
Our greatest success will be achieved by a recognition of the fact that it
is just as essential to give as to receive.
Financiers frequently meet with great success because they do their own
e great majority in every country remain docile and apparently
willing tools of the few because they let the few do all their thinking for
e effect of concentrating upon sorrow and loss is more sorrow and
e effect of concentrating upon gain is more gain.
is is the only principle that is ever used, or ever can be used, in the
business world. ere is no other principle. at fact that it may be used
unconsciously does not alter or change the situation.
e practical application of this principle is the fact that success is an
effect, not a cause, and if we wish to secure the effect we must ascertain
the cause or idea or thought by which the effect is created.

The Exer cise

is week concentrate on the fact that man is not a body with a spirit, but
a spirit with a body, and that it is for this reason that his desires are incapable
of any permanent satisfaction in anything not spiritual. Money is therefore of
no value except to bring about the conditions which we desire and these
conditions are necessarily harmonious. Harmonious conditions necessitate

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The Master Key Workbook The Law of Success is Service - Week Twenty-Three

sufficient supply, so that if there appears to be any lack, we should realize that
the idea—or soul—of money is service, and as this thought takes form,
channels of supply will be opened and you will have the satisfaction of
knowing that spiritual methods are entirely practical.

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The Master Key Workbook The Law of Success is Service - Week Twenty-Three

When an exchange of value for value is made, then one has balance. at
means that when we trade or buy something, we are putting the law of
balances to work. Someone has something that you want and you have
something he wants. All that is needed is an agreement on the price.
You can enjoy abundance simply by earning more than you are spending.
As Haanel states, the first law of success is service.

A Key Point
We make money by making friends, and we enlarge our circle of
friends by making money for them, by helping them, by being
of service to them. e first law of success is service, and this in
turn is built on integrity and justice.

Yo u S c r a t c h M y B a c k …
Helping friends or people to make money does not mean be charitable. It
does mean that you participate in the economic system. Look at the bills a
business owner must pay! From rent to sundry suppliers to payroll, he is a
veritable cornucopia of money. If he is thinking, though, the dollars he
spends return to him.
roughout this book, you have looked at yourself and made many lists
about yourself. You should put all of those to good use. What can you do that
would be of service to others? e founder of IBM, omas J. Watson Sr.,
made a single word the company motto:

ought may be the only thing that you have at the moment. It will always
be the most valuable thing that you own. A laborer has a wage that has a

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The Master Key Workbook The Law of Success is Service - Week Twenty-Three

cap, because the physical body has bounds; a thinker knows no bounds
because the Mind is in touch with the Infinite.
One idea can change the world. One idea can net for you millions of
dollars. Look around you and realize that everything that you have came
from somewhere and that everything originated in the mind. Someone’s
mind envisioned and planned what you are using, sitting on, watching,
Never before has it been more possible to realize your idea. Production
costs are decreasing, the Internet has become a viable medium, and
knowledge and information are everywhere. We are in the midst of a great
Renaissance. Take advantage of everything. ink!

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The Master Key Workbook Alchemy - Week Twenty-Four

Week Twenty-Four - Alchemy

The Letter of Transmittal
Enclosed herewith you will find Week Twenty-Four. is is the final
If you have practiced each of the exercises a few minutes every day, as
suggested, you will have found that you can get out of life exactly what you
wish by first putting into life that which you wish, and you will probably
agree with the student who said: “e thought is almost overwhelming, so
vast, so available, so definite, so reasonable, and so usable.”
e fruit of this knowledge is, as it were, a gi of the Gods. It is the “truth”
that makes men free—not only free from every lack and limitation, but free
from sorrow, worry, and care, and is it not wonderful to realize that this law
is no respecter of persons, that it makes no difference what your habit of
thought may be? e way has been prepared.
If you are inclined to be religious, the greatest religious teacher the world
has ever known made the way so plain that all may follow. If your mental bias
is toward physical science, the law will operate with mathematical certainty.
If you are inclined to be philosophical, Plato or Emerson may be your
teacher, but in either case, you may reach degrees of power to which it is
impossible to assign any limit.
An understanding of this principle, I believe, is the secret for which the
ancient Alchemists vainly sought, because it explains how gold in the mind
may be transmuted into gold in the heart and in the hand.

The Main Points

e theory and practice of every system of Metaphysics in existence
depend upon a knowledge of the Truth” concerning yourself and the
world in which you live.

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The Master Key Workbook Alchemy - Week Twenty-Four

e “Truth” concerning yourself is that the real “I” or ego is spiritual

and can therefore never be less than perfect.
To destroy any form of error, you are to absolutely convince yourself of
the “Truth” concerning the condition that you wish to see manifested.
e Universal Mind in which “we live and move and have our being” is
one and indivisible, it is therefore just as possible to help others as to
help ourselves.
e Universal Mind is the totality of all mind in existence.
e Universal Mind is omnipresent, it exists everywhere. ere is no
place where it is not. It is therefore within us. It is “e world within.” It
is our spirit, our life.
e nature of the Universal Mind is that it is spiritual and consequently
creative. It seeks to express itself in form.
Our ability to think is our ability to act on the Universal Mind and bring
it into manifestation for the benefit of ourselves and others.
inking is clear, decisive, calm, deliberate, sustained thought with a
definite end in view.
e result of thinking is that you will also be able to say, “It is not I that
doeth the works, but the ‘Father’ that dwelleth within me. He doeth the
works.” You will come to know that the “Father” is the Universal Mind
and that He does really and truly dwell within you. In other words, you
will come to know that the wonderful promises made in the Bible are
fact, not fiction, and can be demonstrated by anyone having sufficient

The Exer cise

is week, try to realize that this is truly a wonderful world in which we
live, that you are a wonderful being, that many are awakening to a knowledge
of the Truth, and as fast as they awake and come into a knowledge of the
“things which have been prepared for them” they, too, realize that “Eye hath

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The Master Key Workbook Alchemy - Week Twenty-Four

not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man,” the
splendors which exist for those who find themselves in the Promised Land.
ey have crossed the river of judgment and have arrived at the point of
discrimination between the true and the false, and have found that all they
ever willed or dreamed was but a faint concept of the dazzling reality.

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The Master Key Workbook Alchemy - Week Twenty-Four

The Road Ahead

You now have within your possession e Master Key. You now know
that there are no secrets or mysteries. ere is merely the fact that you must
realize your possession of the Key and take it.
Everything is possible. With your mind and your thinking, you can dream
any dream and have it become reality.
Continue to practice the exercises, those contained in both e Master
Key System and in this Workbook. Train yourself with the utmost discipline
and persistence. Remember what Haanel says about the mind.
When man’s mind is made perfect, then—and then only
—will the body be able perfectly to express itself.
Find new and other books to read. Continuously feed your mind. Delve
into the books that are listed at the end of this Workbook. Reading is a source
of inspiration, ideas, knowledge, entertainment, and information. Oen, a
person gets caught up in reading things that do not feed the mind properly.
He will spend his time reading every newspaper, but not a spare minute for
real mental food. Here is how you can model your reading habits for peak
Self-Help/Inspiration 35%
Education/Knowledge 30%
Newspapers/Information 15%
Entertainment 20%
If we whittle away our time by reading slop, then we run the risk of
ruining the best and only tool that we have. at is not to say that we should
neglect our entertainment, but let’s face facts, some people only tend to their
entertainment wants to the exclusion of everything else. Also, while it is fine
and well to be informed about current events, there comes a point when
getting information is akin to gossiping. Know the difference.
By any means, you should continue to read books from which you can
become educated. If you own a business, then read books about tax methods.

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The Master Key Workbook Alchemy - Week Twenty-Four

Are you a writer? en it would do you well to read books on style. Brush up
your math skills. What is the nature of quantum reality? We live in a world
where information flows like water. Knowledge pours into our lives from
every corner. Fill your glass with it.
As you think, thus you will do. e brain leads and the body follows. We
think and then we do. at should be obvious by now and ingrained into
your psyche. All that is le is for you to put it into operation for yourself. I
urge you to continue on this journey. Once you set this into motion, stopping
would be the worst thing you can do. Live your life and live your dreams!

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The Master Key Workbook Alchemy - Week Twenty-Four

Some Parting Words

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an
invasion, butcher a hog, design a building, conn a ship,
write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone,
comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act
alone, solve an equation, analyze a new problem, pitch
manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight
efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
—Robert A. Heinlein
Man is ignorant of the nature of his own being and
powers. Even his idea of his limitations is based on
experience of the past. ere is therefore no reason to
assign theoretical limits to what he may be, or what he
may do.
—Aleister Crowley, Magick
Guard your thoughts well, for what you really are in your
secret thoughts today, be it good or evil, you will, sooner
or later, become in actual deed.
—James Allen, “Thought and Action” from Master
Key Arcana
ere’s only one corner of the universe you can be certain
of improving and that’s your own self.
—Aldous Huxley
People who are unable to motivate themselves must be
content with mediocrity, no matter how impressive their
other talents.
—Andrew Carnegie

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The Master Key Workbook Alchemy - Week Twenty-Four

The Last Wor ds

Great minds have purpose, others have wishes.
—Washington Irving
Do not find fault; find a remedy.
—Henry Ford
As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.
—King Solomon
e person who makes a success of living is the one who
sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. at is
—Cecil B. DeMille
Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men’s
blood…make big plans, aim high in hope and work.
—Daniel H. Burnham
He who has a “why” to live for can bear almost any “how.”
—Friedrich Nietzsche
Circumstances—what are circumstances? I make
—Napoleon Bonaparte
Your garden is not complete until there’s nothing more
you can take out of it.
—Japanese Proverb

Kallisti Publishing • Charles F. Haanel’s Complete Master Key Course 179

The Master Key Workbook Additional Reading List

Additional Reading List

I n cr e d ib le B o o k s P ubl i shed by Kal l i sti
P ublishing
e Master Key System Charles F. Haanel
e Amazing Secrets of the Yogi Charles F. Haanel
Master Key Arcana Charles F. Haanel
e New Psychology Charles F. Haanel
Mental Chemistry Charles F. Haanel
A Book About You Charles F. Haanel
I Believe erefore I Am Claire McGee
inking in Tom Nicoli
e No-Nonsense Guide to Enlightenment Blair Warren
Get Your Money Where Your Mouth Is David R. Portney
From at Flame MaryAnn T. Beverly
Why I Walk Harold Cameron
For more information about these incredible books, please visit
www.KallistiPublishing.com or ask about them at your local bookstore or

S o m e o f t h e B e s t B o o k s Yo u C a n R e a d
(Listed in alphabetical order by title)
e Art of War Sun Tzu
Atlas Shrugged Ayn Rand
Be Here Now Baba Ram Dass
Enchantment Guy Kawasaki

Kallisti Publishing • Charles F. Haanel’s Complete Master Key Course 180

The Master Key Workbook Additional Reading List

Gödel, Escher, Bach Douglas R. Hofstadter

e Holographic Universe Michael Talbot
How to Be Rich J. Paul Getty
How to Get Rich Felix Dennis
How To Get Rich on Other People’s Money Tyler G. Hicks
How To Make Your Daydreams Come True Elmer Wheeler
In Search of the Miraculous P.D. Ouspensky
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Peter F. Drucker
e Lazy Man’s Way to Riches Richard G. Nixon
Losing My Virginity Richard Branson
e Mafia Manager Lee Wallek
e Magic of Believing Claude M. Bristol
Mathemagics Arthur Benjamin &
Michael Shermer
Meta-Physics: New Dimensions of the Mind Anthony Norvell
e Millionaire’s Secret Mark Fisher
No Rules: 21 Giant Lies About Success Dan S. Kennedy
Prometheus Rising Robert Anton Wilson
Psycho Cybernetics Maxwell Maltz
Psycho Pictography Vernon Howard
e Pure Joy of Making More Money Donald M. Dible
Quantum Psychology Robert Anton Wilson
Rhinoceros Success Scott Alexander
A Rich Man’s Secret Ken Roberts
e Richest Man in Babylon George S. Clason
e Secret of the Ages Robert Collier
Self-Reliance and Other Essays Ralph Waldo Emerson

Kallisti Publishing • Charles F. Haanel’s Complete Master Key Course 181

The Master Key Workbook Additional Reading List

e Sheep ief Al Walker

e Story of Civilization Will & Ariel Durant
e Success System at Never Fails W. Clement Stone
ink & Grow Rich Napoleon Hill
e Way of Strategy William A. Levinson
You Were Born Rich Bob Proctor
you2 Price Pritchett, Ph.D.
Zen Flesh, Zen Bones Paul Reps
is is not a complete or comprehensive list by any means, but it is a good
list with which to start. Every one of these books is well worth reading.
Hopefully, they will lead you to new successes.

Kallisti Publishing • Charles F. Haanel’s Complete Master Key Course 182

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