A Study on Customer Satisfaction of Bsnl Landline Services in Hyderabad
A Study on Customer Satisfaction of Bsnl Landline Services in Hyderabad
A Study on Customer Satisfaction of Bsnl Landline Services in Hyderabad
Every Business targets its target customer and their optimal goal would be the satisfaction of their ultimate customer. In this
competitive world of Business everything starts and ends with needs of the customer. As we know that communication is lifeblood
of every business, there is very tough competition between the service providers. The main objective of the study is to understand
the levels of satisfaction of customers towards BSNL landline services; to analyze their opinion and expectation with special
reference to BSNL. Simple random sampling technique is used. The sample size is 100. The respondents of the study are part of
population of Hyderabad city. Both primary and secondary data is used. The data has been mainly analyzed by using the
Percentage Analysis and Chi - Square Test. Most of them are not much satisfied with the attitude of the staff and response to their
queries, significant weight age should be given by the BSNL towards customer complaints. Only few are aware of call divert
option and various schemes under BSNL. It is found that customers are satisfied with services. BSNL should focus on the
promotional strategies in be competent in the market.
Any Business starts and ends with the customers and hence the customers should be treated as the king. The
profit, status, image etc., of the organization depends on its customers. Hence it is important that
organizations meet the customers' expectations. Customer satisfaction becomes a measure to modify the
product and adopt a strategy which can serve the need of the customer.
It can be attained only if the customer has good relationship with the supplier. In today's business market,
customer satisfaction is important performance factor. Hence more the customer satisfaction better is the
business and bonding with the customer.
Dr. M. Prakash and M. Manickam in their study entitled “Analyze the Customers Satisfaction Level towards
the landline service provided by BSNL opined that each and every activities starts and ends with customer in
business scenario. So customer satisfaction plays a vital role in every organization. Through this study the
effect of Demographic variable on the level of satisfaction as well as the Behavioural pattern of the user is
analyzed in this study. It is found that services provided by BSNL are at satisfactory level and many among
them are not happy with the features on its handset. BSNL should focus on promotional strategies to
enhance their service activity to be competent and to satisfy their customers.
to Hyderabad region only to understand and understand customer needs and their satisfaction thereof.
1. To understand the measures taken towards Customer satisfactions in B.S.N.L
2. To know the level of customer satisfaction from landline services
3. To evaluate the customer perception and satisfaction.
4. To suggest BSNL in order to provide better focused services.
For the purpose of the study, both primary and secondary data has been used. Primary data is collected with
the help of structured questionnaire. Secondary data is collected from the office records, HR manuals,
journals and relevant websites. Sampling technique: The simple random sampling technique was adopted for
collection of reliable data. Sample Size: A sample of size 100 (63 male & 37 female) is considered.
Research design: Descriptive research design is used for the study. Statistical tools and techniques: The data
was tabulated and classified under different headings for administering the percentage method and Chi-
Square. Hence in order to represent the data, pie charts are used.
The area of study is limited to Hyderabad city only; hence the results may not be true for other geographical
areas. · The time at the disposal of the researcher is limited.
6% within a week
1-2 weeks
14% 45%
2-3 weeks
3-4 weeks
more than a month
Interpretation: It is inferred that 49% of respondents are not getting connection immediately, 45% are
getting within a week, 27% are getting within 1-2 weeks,14% are getting within 2-3 weeks,6% are getting
within 3-4 weeks and 8% are being provided after a month.
Q.2 How do you feel about the call connectivity of landline in local as well as in ISD/STD?
Call Connectivity
10% 2% 11% highly satisfied
highly dissatisfied
Interpretation: It is inferred that 11% of the respondents are highly satisfied, 65% are satisfied, 12% are
undecided, 10% are dissatisfied and 2% are highly dissatisfied.
Q.3 Which type of mode of payment is best suitable for you?
34% Yes
66% No
17% Satisfied
Q.7 How do you feel about the overall services provided by BSNL? [Call charges]
Q.8 How do you feel about the overall services provided by BSNL? [Quality of service]
Undecided Satisfied
13% 59%
Overall satisfaction
Dissatisfied Dissatisfied 7%
19% 2%
Undecided Satisfied
25% 47%
Age of the Subscriber and Overall Satisfaction Towards BSNL Landline Services
Null Hypothesis (H0)- There is no significant relationship between age and overall level of satisfaction
towards BSNL landline service. Alternative Hypothesis (H1)-There is close relationship between age and
overall level of satisfaction towards BSNL landline service.
Calculatedχ2 value: 8.089; Table value: 15.507. This is the calculated χ2valueat 8 degree of freedom.
From the above analysis, we find that the calculated value of χ2 is less than the table value and hence, the
null hypothesis accepted. So, there is no significant relationship between age and overall level of satisfaction
towards BSNL landline service.
Female 0 16 11 9 1 37
Total 7 47 25 19 2 100
Table 2 - Chi-square test between Gender and Overall Satisfaction
Null Hypothesis (H0)- There is no significant relationship between gender and overall level of satisfaction
towards BSNL landline service. Alternative Hypothesis (H1)-There is close relationship between gender
and overall level of satisfaction towards BSNL landline service.
Calculatedχ2 value:5.8339 ; Table value: 9.488. This is the calculated χ2value at 4 degree of freedom.
From the above analysis, we find that the calculated value of χ2 is less than the table value and hence, the
null hypothesis accepted. So, there is no significant relationship between gender and overall level of
satisfaction towards BSNL landline service.
Most of the respondents belong to the age group below 27 years and most of the respondents belong
to male category.
Most of the respondents are educated till graduation and most of the respondents are government
employees and students.
It is stated that 87% of the respondents are using general scheme and most of them are using the
BSNL landline for more than 5 years. They are using it for residential purpose and are availed of the
STD facility.
It is found that most of the respondents are satisfied in getting their new connection immediately
after submitting their application. They are satisfied with the call connectivity of landline in local as
well as STD and are satisfied with the voice clarity of the call while communicating.
It is found out that most of the respondents are aware of the call charges of competitors. It is noted
that among various billing services provided by BSNL delivery of bills and mode of payment
through debit/credit cards makes the respondents satisfied. They are dissatisfied with the attitude of
the staff and response to their queries.
It is noted that the demographic variables age, gender, occupation status and period of usage has no
relationship with the overall satisfaction level and customer are being addressed regarding any fault.
Respondents are satisfied with the services provided by the BSNL landline but some respondents are
undecided about the satisfaction and therefore, steps should be taken to make the customers more
Respondents are not aware of the dynamic locking facility and services. So necessary promotion
should be made regarding unique and value added services.
Respondent‟s complaints are not being addressed immediately, so necessary steps should be taken
into to improve the customer‟s satisfaction.
Respondents are not being informed about new schemes and services. Thus, BSNL has to carry out
innovative and creative ideas and conduct more campaigns to make them aware of new schemes.
Respondents say that whenever a complaint is made, the complaint is not being resolved and without
the issue being resolved they get the message as the complaint is resolved. So BSNL should look into
satisfying the trust of customers by paying attention to their complaints properly.
From the study it is identified that the service provided by BSNL is at satisfactory level to the expectations
of a substantial percentage of respondents. But most of the respondents are not satisfied with the attitude of
the staff and responses to their queries, enquiry about different schemes and services. Therefore, BSNL
should concentrate on improving their staff who response on behalf of them to stay in the competitive world.
BSNL should focus on strategies to come out with promotional measures so as to equally compete with the
private service providers and to enhance their service activity to satisfy their customers. By using Chi-square
test it is found that here is no significant relationship between occupation status and overall level of
satisfaction towards BSNL landline service. It is also found that there is no significant relationship between
the period of usage and overall level of satisfaction towards BSNL landline service
1. Kothari. C.R (2004): „Research Methodology Methods & Techniques‟, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2nd
2. Richard I. Levin, David S. Rubin (2004): „Statistics for Management‟, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, 7th