Educational Qualification
Work/Internship Experience
Other Projects
• Vaccine Availability Notifier: May 2021
▪ In this project, we built a Vaccine availability notifier using jQuery, Flask, Firebase, and Heroku.
▪ User has to enter his email along with pin code or district. We will continuously check for vaccine
availability using Co-win API. Once the vaccine is available, people will be notified using Email.
▪ Received more than 10000 views in a week & more than 2000 people registered.
• Real-time Analysis & Visualisation of Trending Articles: Nov 2020
▪ In this project, NLP techniques such as data pre-processing, text normalization, frequency
analysis, sentiment analysis are done to extract trending list of words from Twitter API.
▪ Built a web application using Flask, PostgreSQL, Heroku, NLTK.
▪ Visualization is done using wordcloud made by HighCharts library.
Areas of Interest
• Web Development
• Data Structures and Algorithms
• Big Data Analytics
Technical Skills
• Programming Languages : C, C++, C#, Java, SQL, AJAX
• Development Tools : Docker, Git, Postman, Visual Studio Code
• Design Concepts : OOPS, Rest API, Microservices
• Other Platforms/Tools : MongoDB, Kubernetes, Hadoop, Salesforce, Jenkins, Jira, Linux
Positions of Responsibility
Co-curricular Activities
• Undergone 30 days of hands-on training on Salesforce Platform in salesforce Office, Hyderabad.
• Learnt Flutter by building multiple sample applications.