I- Objectives:
A. Content Standard Solve problems involving conversion of
time measure.
II. Content
Problems Involving Conversion of Time
Subject Matter: Measure
A. Reference:
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Page 288-290
2. Self-Learning Module Quarter 4-Module 4
3. Textbook pages K-12 Math
4. Materials Calendar,charts and flashcards
5. Integration ESP
6. Values Helpfulness, Industry
B. Other Learning Resource MELC page 172
K-12 CG pages 27-28
III. Procedures:
A. Activating Prior Knowledge
1. Drill
5 and 7
23 and 21
424 and 426
2330 and 1329
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation Talk with pupils about things that comes
in pairs.
Let pupils work in six.
-Provide each group 50 counters/objects. Tell
them to count 20 counters/objects and group
these in pairs .
-Next, tell the groups to count 19
counters/objects. Let them arrange their
objects again in pairs.
-Ask the pupils to compare to compare the
two groups. Let them describe how the 2
groups differ. Let them identify 20 as an even
number and 19 as an odd number. Tell them
that a number is even when all the objects
come in pairs and it is odd when there is an
object without a pair.
-Repeat with several other number. Always
identify the numbers as even or odd. Have a
pupil tell how it is decided that the number is
even or odd.
-Let the pupils study the underlined digits of
the following numbers: 40, 56, 72, 174, and
What kind of numbers are they? Why?
Do the same procedure with these odd
numbers. 47, 23, 165, 821 and 6429.
Show 24 in pairs.
•••••• ••••••
Õõõõõõ õõõõõõ
24 is even.
Show 23 in pairs.
•••••• ••••••
Õõõõõõ õõõõõ
23 is odd.
All even numbers make pairs.
All odd numbers have one without pair.
Even numbers end in 0,2,4,6,8
Odd numbers end in 1, 3,5,7, or 9.
Since 24 ends in 4, it is an even number.
So, each pupil in Mrs. Ching’s class has a
Group Activities
Activity 1
Have the pupils identify the even and odd
Group 1 Circle the even numbers
Group 2 Circle the odd number
Activity 2
Have the pupils work on the puzzle. Ask
each group to color the odd numbers red
and the even numbers green.
E. Evaluation
Direction: Name me!
Prepared by:
Teacher l
Process Observer:
Master Teacher I
Teacher In-Charge