Algebra I MS 2007-08 isi semester

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Midsemester Examination - Algebra I

20th September, 2007

Attempt all questions

Total Marks 50

1. Let φ : G → G′ be a surjective homomorphism of groups. Let N be a

normal subgroup of G. Prove that φ(N) is a normal subgroup of G′ .
Is this true if φ is not surjective? Justify your answer. (6+4 marks)

2. Let G be a group and define the centre, Z(G), of G as:

Z(G) := {a ∈ G|ga = ag ∀ g ∈ G}.

Prove that Z(G) is a normal subgroup of G. Suppose that the quotient

group G/Z(G) is a cyclic group. Then prove that G is an abelian group.
(3+7 marks)

3. Determine the group of automorphisms of a cyclic group of order 10.

(10 marks)
a b
4. Let G be the set of all real 2 × 2 matrices where ad 6= 0,
0 d
1 b
under matrix multiplication. Let N = . Prove that N is
0 1
a normal subgroup of G and G/N is abelian. (4+6 marks)

5. Let G be the group C∗ under multiplication. Consider the subgroup

H := {1, −1, i, −i} of G. Prove that the quotient group G/H is iso-
morphic to G. (10 marks)

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