Data Structures - Algorithms_PC-CS391
Data Structures - Algorithms_PC-CS391
Data Structures - Algorithms_PC-CS391
Application of Stack:
5. a) Write a C Program to convert an infix expression to its equivalent Postfix Expression.
b) Write a C Program for Evaluating a Postfix Expression. (Optional)
(Test case expressions will be supplied during lab session)
8. Write a C Program to add two Polynomials using Single Linked List (SLL).
10. Write a Menu Driven C Program to search an element from a sorted integer array using
the following searching algorithms. Use functions for each algorithm and compare the no.
of iterations required when both functions are run for the same set of inputs.
a) Binary Search
b) Interpolation Search
12. Write a C Program to Construct an AVL tree and traverse the tree in Inorder.(optional)
Extra Assignments:
1. Write a C Program to express a Sparse Matrix in its 3-tuple form. Explain the efficient
use of memory in tuple representation. (Take a 7x7 matrix with 3 nonzero elements.)
(Application of array, Explanation of Space complexity)
2. Write a C Program to implement Linear Queue using two Stacks. (Application of
3. Write a C program to implement Linear probing Hash functions. Resolve collision by
any collision resolution technique.