Pirysics Department
ffit Time Allowed: 3 hours
Counse Title: Sources and radiological protection - Code: P534 - Final Exam
L) Deduce the transformation constant and half-life of 226Ra if the radon gas
in secular equilibrium with 1 g Ra exerts a partial pressure of 4.Bx 10-a mm
Hg in a L-L flask and if the half-life of radon is 3.8 days.
I Ans: (10 Marks)
2) Calculate the specific activities of 1aC and 35S, given that their half-lives are
5730 yr and B7 days, respectively.
Ans: (5 Marks)
1of B
rli ? g af carbon from a piece of wood found in an ancient temple is
a n alyze rl and found to have an activity of 10 transformations/
minutel'gram, what is the age of the wood if the current specific activity of
i.4C (5730 yr) in carbon is assumed to have been constant at 15
(5 Marks)
2 ofB
'.ii-rmillum bronze, an
alioy containingg}a/o Cu (atomic weight = G8.57) and
ii% Al (atomic weight = 26.98) by weight, has a density of 7,6 g/cm3.
ii'hat are the linear and mass attenuation coefficients for 0.4 MeV gamma
:dvs if lhe cross sections for Cu and Al for this quantum energy are 9.91
;nd 4.45 b?
(10 Marks)
3 of B
''culate the dose rate to
:'r at a concentration the skin of a person immersed in a large cloud of
of 37 kBq/ms (to-s pci/mL). where BsKr
' ':ta emitter that is transformed is a pure
to ssRb uy it u emission of a beta particre
rnaximum energS) is 0.622 Mev
.;lilt and whose average energ y is 0.246
(5 Marks)
', 0.1-Mev
;::';:il.:::^:i,::,:,::j:rj' :r equar enersy ,ux. rn one case, we have a
phoron frux of 2000 photons/
energy is 2 Mev and the flux is
cmz/s. tn'il .;."#."i"":'.ffffn;
100 photons/cmz/s. calculate the
for the t*' t'diation fields' wherq dose rates
the energy coefficients for
muscle are p (0.1 MeV) 0.0252 "uro.ption
= cmz/gana
,,r b uus p"(2.0
F \4.u MeV) 0,025TCmz/g,
wrtry ) = V,UZ5'/ cmz/g.
, ri. L0-Ci 60Co source failed to be retracted into its shield. The operator
rvalks toward the source at a rate of 1 m/s, and, at a distanceoflmfrom
the sou:rce, he stops, looks at the exposed source for 15 s, realizes that the
source :is not in the shield, and leaves at a rate of 2 m/s. What is his dose
commitment from this exposure?
,ins: (15 Marks)
5 ofB
'i survey meter, whose time constant is 4 seconds reads 10 mR (100 p Sv)
;:*r hour while measuring the radiation from a dental X-ray exposure of
,i.08 second"
.:) What was the actual exposure rate?
l) Wtrat would have been the dose to the dental hygienist if she had been
- at the point of measurement?
,,: (10 Marks)
6 of B
:Z-) Define only five from
the following:
a) Linear Energy Transfer
b) Synchrotron radiation
c) Specific activity
d) Kerma
e) The atomic attenuation coefficient
0 Absorbed dose
(10 Marks)
7 of B
Assiut University ./-\
-' ,S{i&\ -. Program: Diploma
Faculty of Science
I r4ffil* r I
Physics Department
/:f#HI! Date: Sep. 17,2015
a) There are many mechanisms of the neutron-nuclear interactions. Discuss four of them in terms of
the interaction cross-section, neutron energy, and the mass number of the target nucleus.
b) Define the multiplication factor, k, discussing how it determines the degree of the nuclear
a) A nuclear reactor has a complex construction. Describe, briefly, the basic elements of the nuclear
reactor core.
Reactor thermal power; Plant electrical power; Core power density; Fuel loading; and Fuel
a) "Control rods represent a negative reactivity". Discuss this sentence showing the role of these
Excess reactivity; Shutdown margin; Control element worth; and Total control element worth.
Assiut University
Postgraduate Exam.
Sep. 2015
Diploma in Physics
Biophvsics (533 Pl
l- Write on:
A - Types of Radiation.
B - Radiation Energy.
C - Natural Radioactive Series.
D - lnduced Radioactivity .
2' (a)- Show how the intensifier screen and image intensifier tubes are used to reduce the
exposure of a patient?
(b) How filters are most useful for shaping the x-ray beam to increase the number of
photons that are best for imaging certain tissues and to reduce those that increase patient
dose or decrease image contrast?
6- (a)- Show the main differences between SPECT and Anger camera scanners?
(b)-Write in brief on the function of collimator in gamma camera?
Assiut University
Faculty of Science
physics Department
Biophysics Diploma. Final Exam, Sep. 6,2015
Course. Radiation doses ,"r.ri"rent (530p) ll
Time: 3 hours Ir
(Total mark= 100 Marks)
Answer the foilowing quesm
Question 1
(25 marks)
Derive the following equation
N(r) = N (O1s-tt
(25 marks)
A Vial containing ee*T. is rabered 3mci at g p.m.
what is the activity at B a.m. on
the same day? (DF (T hr)=9.4451.
Question 3
(25 marks)
Distinguish between different types of radiation
Question 4
(25 marks)
Explain the electronic instrumentation for
radiation detection systems.
Good luck
Course coordinator: Dr. Hany Tawfik El_Gamal