(Received in original form May 12, 2014; accepted in final form August 7, 2014 )
Supported by National Institutes of Health grant P30-DK27651. The U.S. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is gratefully acknowledged.
Author Contributions: J.F.C. organized the manuscript; wrote the abstract, introduction, and summary; and edited the manuscript. E.C.D. reviewed, edited,
and revised the manuscript and organized the references. J.J.L. reviewed, edited, and revised the manuscript. V.J.W. created Table 1 and reviewed, edited, and
revised the manuscript. J.S.E. reviewed, edited, and revised the manuscript. T.R.A. was the lead author for the section on nontuberculous mycobacteria and
created Figure 1. S.H.C. was the lead author for the section on fungi. S.C.R. was the lead author for the section on anaerobic bacteria. F.A.R. co-wrote the
abstract, introduction, and summary, and served as the deciding editor of the manuscript.
Correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to James F. Chmiel, M.D., M.P.H., Division of Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergy/Immunology,
Room 3001, Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital, 11100 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44106. E-Mail: [email protected]
Ann Am Thorac Soc Vol 11, No 8, pp 1298–1306, Oct 2014
Copyright © 2014 by the American Thoracic Society
DOI: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.201405-203AS
Internet address:
Lung disease accounts for the majority of the Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus Achromobacter species (2). Many of these
morbidity and mortality in cystic fibrosis influenzae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, bacteria have been associated with a decline
(CF) (1). Bacteria typically found in airway Burkholderia cepacia complex, in lung function in CF (3–6). However,
secretions of patients with CF include Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, and other microorganisms have been isolated
from CF lung fluids including than 15 years and increases with age, has other NTM isolates. Therefore, close
nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM), been estimated to be 13–20% (9–11). collaboration with the infection control
anaerobic bacteria, and fungi. Although the Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) and team and abiding by infection control
isolation of some of these microorganisms Mycobacterium abscessus represent the procedures in CF and bronchiectasis
is temporally associated with deterioration two most common NTM species causing clinics, including respiratory isolation for
in baseline health in some individuals, it infection in CF. Accelerated loss of lung patients with M. abscessus, is warranted in
is not clear whether they are relevant function has been observed in patients with outpatient as well as inpatient settings to
pathogens in all patients. Clinicians must M. abscessus (12). In patients with CF prevent transmission of M. abscessus in
discern how to proceed if one of these under evaluation for lung transplantation, high-risk situations.
organisms is isolated in the absence of up to 20% of patients were found to The diagnosis of NTM lung disease is
clinical manifestations, changes in lung have NTM (13). M. abscessus in particular based on criteria outlined by the ATS,
function, or radiographic changes. In is associated with worse outcome and the including a combination of clinical,
addition, the clinician must also balance the need for NTM treatment posttransplantation radiographic, and microbiologic elements
potential for development of toxicities from (13). As a result, many transplant centers (9). It is worth noting that in most
prescribed therapies with the possibility of now consider the presence of NTM lung circumstances and for most NTM
beneficial effect. Further complicating the disease a relative contraindication for respiratory isolates (especially MAC), one
decision on whether treatment should be transplantation (13). positive culture, especially with low
initiated is the need to determine the best NTM is ubiquitous in water and soil, numbers of organisms, smear negative, or
therapeutic regimen for the individual and can frequently be isolated from growth on liquid media only, is not
patient. These regimens may carry a large residential sources including showerheads adequate to establish a diagnosis of NTM
treatment burden and interfere with other and other home water sources (14–16). Peat lung disease. A presumptive diagnosis
therapies. moss exposure in some studies has been based on clinical and radiographic features
A scientific symposium was held at the identified as a potential exposure risk for is equally inappropriate for the initiation
2013 American Thoracic Society (ATS) NTM lung disease (14, 17, 18). However, of empiric therapy. As such, longitudinal
International Conference in Philadelphia, case–control studies have not clearly monitoring and multiple cultures may
Pennsylvania to discuss the management demonstrated an association between be required before a diagnosis of NTM
of difficult-to-treat lung infections in CF. exposure to residential water sources or lung disease is firmly established. Further
From this symposium, two companion other activities including gardening and contributing to this conundrum is the
manuscripts were written to summarize NTM lung disease (19). Furthermore, well-recognized waxing and waning of
the current evidence presented at that patient NTM isolates do not always match radiographic abnormalities, without
meeting. In Part I, the lung microbiome, environmental NTM isolates, matching in overall radiographic progression, that is
methicillin-resistant S. aureus, gram-negative 22–41% of cases when the same MAC known to occur in patients with NTM
bacteria, and the treatment of multiple species were isolated (14, 16). Nonetheless, lung disease regardless of treatment
infections in CF were discussed (7). In this certain environmental precautions may status. Establishing a more certain
article (Part II), NTM, anaerobic bacteria, reduce exposure. Simple environmental diagnosis before committing to treatment
and fungi are discussed. Practical treatment controls implemented at home that may of NTM lung disease is thus required.
approaches are discussed in both articles. reduce exposure to NTM include increasing Overdiagnosis results in the unnecessary
These approaches summarize the current the temperature of hot water heaters to exposure to complicated drug regimens,
evidence. However, it is imperative to greater than 1308 F, installing large droplet and underdiagnosis may result in the
recognize that these treatment approaches showerheads to reduce aerosolization, development of progressive lung disease
are evolving as the results of ongoing and avoiding tap water rinses of equipment and with irreversible loss of lung function from
future research studies become available. avoiding tap water mouth rinses before inadequate treatment.
The reader should realize that these sputum collection, and avoiding peat moss The decision regarding whether to treat
documents are not portrayed as guideline dust exposure by wearing a facemask NTM lung disease must therefore balance
documents or consensus recommendations. and moistening the soil before working the risks and benefits of treatment versus
The discussions contained within these with it (18, 20). It is not clear, however, observation. Individualized patient factors
articles are not meant to represent the whether these risk modifications impact include the risk of progression, goals
finish line for treating lung infections in CF the development of NTM lung disease. of therapy (sputum conversion vs.
but rather should be taken to represent the Reports of the transmissibility of M. suppression), status of comorbid medical
starting line. abscessus species in two outpatient CF conditions (gastroesophageal reflux, sinus
clinics is worth noting given the previous disease, and bronchiectasis), medication
experience of lack of human-to-human tolerance, and patient acceptance (Figure 1).
Nontuberculous Mycobacteria transmissibility of NTM lung disease (21, Similarly, the intensity of the NTM regimen
22). Although both reports describe the should be proportionate to disease severity
NTM lung infections are increasingly transmissibility of M. abscessus ssp. and goals of therapy. In the case of MAC
observed in the general population and in massiliense, it is unclear whether the risk lung disease, the treatment options range
patients with CF (8). The incidence of of transmission is restricted to only this from observation to three times weekly oral
NTM lung disease in patients with CF, subspecies or whether it may be therapy to daily therapy plus parenteral
which most often occurs in patients older generalized to all M. abscessus or even therapy. Special attention regarding
Table 1. Empiric antibiotic therapy for the treatment of nontuberculous mycobacteria lung infections in cystic fibrosis*
treatment regimens, carefully weighing risks Obligate anaerobes have been implicated appropriate. Several studies on tracheal
and benefits and, when necessary, also in a number of non-CF infections, such aspirates, sputum, or bronchoalveolar
considering surgical intervention. as infections of the upper respiratory lavage (BAL) fluid have confirmed the
tract and aspiration pneumonia. Steep presence of anaerobes in the lower
oxygen gradients exist within CF mucus airways in CF in up to 80% samples and
Anaerobic Bacteria such that even at relatively shallow at bacterial densities of between 10 7 and
depths within mucus, the environment is 109 colony-forming units/ml in sputum
Anaerobes are organisms that do not require considered to be hypoxic, or even frankly (38–43). The most common genera
oxygen for growth. They can be obligate or anaerobic (37). Conventional culture- identified were Prevotella, Veillonella,
facultative; P. aeruginosa is an example of dependent approaches are not optimized Propionibacterium, Actinomyces,
the latter. In this state, P. aeruginosa exists for identifying anaerobes. Specific Staphylococcus saccharolyticus,
as a slow-growing organism that is anaerobic culture methods, or culture- Peptostreptococcus, and Clostridium (44).
relatively resistant to antibiotics. independent techniques, may be more Using terminal restriction fragment
length polymorphism, Rogers and in nearly all Peptostreptococcus and dysfunction, and antibiotic use. Although
colleagues (45) identified differences Streptococcus species, whereas resistance to CF lung disease is classically dominated by
between paired mouthwash and sputum meropenem is more rare (44). Although bacteria, fungal isolates are increasingly
samples obtained from subjects with CF, meropenem is commonly included in CF described because the respiratory tract
both in the bands identified and the antibiotic protocols as a second- or third- anatomically communicates with the
band volume, suggesting that the finding line intravenous drug in the treatment of atmosphere, a rich source of airborne fungal
of anaerobes in the lower airways is not pulmonary exacerbations, it remains spores. Inability to clear such inhaled
explained by aspiration of the oral anaerobiota. unclear whether any clinical improvements particles results in their persistence,
Although the inflammatory response to associated with its administration are colonization, and potential airway infection.
individual aerobic organisms identified in related directly to its targeting of anaerobes. This spectrum of clinical consequences
BAL fluid from infants and young children Data from culture-based studies, and combined with enhanced detection methods
with CF has been described (46), no such more recently from studies using culture- makes it probable that we have thus far
data linking anaerobes to inflammation independent techniques, therefore indicate underestimated fungal prevalence and
or clinical outcomes are available. that anaerobes are prevalent in the importance in clinical practice over the last
Studies in younger subjects might help to lower airways of people with CF, but decade of CF care (51–58).
elucidate the role of anaerobes in disease whether these organisms play a part in the Vast arrays of fungal species are
pathogenesis and whether or not their pathophysiology of progressive lung damage described in CF; however, methods used for
presence in the lower airways represents remains unknown. How anaerobes interact their isolation primarily dictate the species and
an epiphenomenon (47). Existing studies with the microbiota of the lower airways and populations detected. Although traditional
are in older subjects who have therefore other CF organisms also requires study. methodologies of fungal culture remain,
experienced a more complex infection Resistance in vitro is common, meaning emerging molecular techniques and
history. Longitudinal studies are also that antibiotics usually considered for the genotyping provide greater sensitivity. Despite
lacking, although a comprehensive treatment of anaerobes may not be fungal biodiversity (Figure 2), the major
longitudinal study conducted in a single effective. Anaerobes appear to play a role in clinical challenges are caused by Aspergillus
patient suggested that anaerobes of the CF lung disease, but this requires fumigatus (59, 60), Candida albicans (61, 62),
Streptococcus milleri group contributed clarification before the targeting of obligate and Scedosporium species complex. Clinicians
to the development of pulmonary anaerobes in the treatment of CF lung are often left wondering about the
exacerbations (48). Ulrich and colleagues infections becomes routine. significance of isolating fungi from a patient
reported that 16 of 17 patients with CF with CF and whether treatment is indicated.
produced antibodies against two A. fumigatus is detected in sputum in
immunoreactive antigens of Prevotella Fungi approximately 30% of patients with CF.
intermedia compared with 0 of 30 controls Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
(49), suggesting that anaerobes are, indeed, Patients with CF are at increased risks of (ABPA) remains a key consequence, but
immunogenic in CF. Culture supernatant fungal colonization owing to impaired sputum isolation does not correlate with
fluid of P. intermedia was also cytotoxic to mucus clearance, local immunogenic ABPA occurrence (63). The difficulty in
respiratory epithelial cell lines, associated
with neutrophil and macrophage
recruitment into lung tissue in mice, and
cytotoxic to human-derived neutrophils. Aspergillus fumigatus
Its pathogenicity is estimated as being Scedosporium species complex
intermediate between that of aerobic and C. glabrata C. parapsilosis
(S. apiospermum, P. boydii, S. aurantiacum,
anaerobic P. aeruginosa. In studies where P. minutispora)
anaerobes were specifically targeted during T. mycotoxinivorans E. dermatitidis
R. argillacea, R. aegroticola, R. piperina
treatment for pulmonary exacerbations, the A. terreus S. prolificans C. dubliniensis
diagnosis of ABPA exists because of aspergillosis has been proposed. On the (if any) is unclear, and there is no evidence
overlapping clinical, radiological, basis of serum IgE and IgG concentrations to suggest treatment benefit.
immunological, and microbiological combined with sputum galactomannan Members of the Scedosporium species
features similar to that of an infective and the presence of PCR-detectable complex are chronic colonizers and
exacerbation in CF (63, 64). To address Aspergillus, four distinct subgroups are emerging pathogens in CF (80, 81). A
this, biomarkers such as recombinant defined. These include those with ABPA, major risk exposure includes potted plants.
Aspergillus antigens, precipitins, anti- those who are Aspergillus sensitized, those However, they also have an environmental
Aspergillus IgG, thymus activation and with Aspergillus bronchitis, and those presence (82, 83). Colonization is not
regulated chemokine (TARC), and the without disease. Improved classification associated with FEV1 or steroid or
basophil surface marker CD203c have been and definition can assist with clinical antifungal use. Interestingly, those
proposed, but pose difficulties because of phenotyping and may impact future harboring the fungus are less likely to be
their variability and lack of sensitivity, treatment decisions in Aspergillus- colonized with P. aeruginosa (84).
standardization, and accessibility (65). In associated CF disease (74). Discordance between relatively high
acute ABPA, corticosteroids suppress the Controversy persists over the isolation frequency (6.5–10%) and low
inflammatory response. One treatment significance of non-ABPA Aspergillus environmental abundance prompts
protocol employed includes prednisone at colonization. It is often associated with questions about how initial acquisition
40 mg once daily for 2 weeks with taper worse radiologic findings and is an actually occurs in CF (80, 81). Genotype
over 3 months tailored to clinical independent risk factor for hospitalization analysis of sequential isolates demonstrates
symptoms, lung function, and total (75, 76). Itraconazole treatment reduces that individual patients are colonized by
serum IgE concentration. Concerns the burden of Aspergillus, attenuates unique phenotypes that remain conserved
over side effects of long-term steroid radiological mosaic perfusion, reduces over time (85). Clinical consequences
administration has prompted the use of exacerbations, and stabilizes pulmonary include allergic responses and risk of
alternative regimens such as high-dose function in this setting (77). Such effects are dissemination in immunocompromised
methylprednisolone (10–15 mg/kg) daily mediated by down-regulation of the hosts (86). Eradication remains difficult
for 3 days monthly for up to 10 months vitamin D receptor through the virulence once colonization is established, with
(66). Antifungal therapy may be factor gliotoxin. Itraconazole treatment has voriconazole the agent of choice.
concurrently administered. However, no been shown to decrease BAL gliotoxin Although our knowledge regarding the
randomized controlled trials to date concentrations and to restore vitamin D role of fungi in CF is improving, many
support use in CF-ABPA (67). receptor expression with concomitant questions remain. Are certain fungi
Itraconazole is preferred with a favorable reduction in helper T-cell type 2 cytokines pathogenic and if so, what mechanisms
side effect profile, but it does possess IL-5 and IL-13, drivers of ABPA (77). do they use? When do they become
variable absorption and food interactions Despite these findings, a double-blind, pathogenic? Are they pathogenic from the
necessitating close serum monitoring. In placebo-controlled trial failed to time they enter into the airway or only after
addition, the development of azole demonstrate clinical benefit, but treatment a certain time of colonization and
resistance remains a concern (68). efficacy may have been impacted by sensitization? Does clinical setting matter?
Voriconazole is an alternative drug failing to achieve therapeutic itraconazole Should attempts be made to eradicate them?
option but has significant associated concentrations in a significant proportion If so when, with what drugs, and for how
photosensitivity especially in patients of patients (78). Further study in this long? These are all valid questions, which are
with CF (69). Steroid-resistant cases area is warranted before treatment difficult to answer on the basis of existing
may necessitate antifungal therapy or recommendations can be issued (if data (60).
administration of an anti-IgE monoclonal necessary) for the non-ABPA Aspergillus– There is limited knowledge regarding
antibody, but existing evidence is limited colonized population. treatment approaches for fungi in CF. A.
to case series reports (70). C. albicans is capable of causing oral fumigatus is commonly detected in the CF
Clinically distinct from ABPA, and genital candidiasis and vascular device airway. It is a proven fungal pathogen in
Aspergillus sensitization independently infections in CF (62, 79). It is frequently CF-ABPA. Sputum isolation is discordant
affects pulmonary function; however, the isolated from CF sputum. Patients with CF with ABPA occurrence, thereby making
mechanism through which it does so are at increased risk of pulmonary diagnosis difficult. Treatment should always
remains unclear (71). Allergic sensitization colonization because of inhaled steroid be pursued in CF-ABPA. However, it
does not correlate with sputum detection of use, CF-related diabetes, and lifelong remains controversial in the non-ABPA
Aspergillus. Unlike Candida sensitization, antibiotic exposure. A prospective Aspergillus–colonized patient. There is no
Aspergillus sensitization is associated with longitudinal study showed high (49.4%) evidence that C. albicans isolated from CF
greater lung function decline and colonization rates best predicted by sputum should be treated because its
pulmonary exacerbations (72). The pancreatic insufficiency, osteopenia, and pathological significance in the airway is
presence of severe CF mutations, mild lung cocolonization with P. aeruginosa, all unknown. No current evidence exists to
disease (FEV1 . 70%), absence of features of advanced disease (61). suggest treatment benefit in this context.
Pseudomonas, and prior azithromycin Colonization presaged increases in However, when C. albicans causes mucosal
exposure all remain predictive for hospitalizations for exacerbations and or vascular device infection, prompt
Aspergillus sensitization (73). A novel longitudinal declines in body mass index treatment is indicated. Infection rates with
immunological classification for CF and FEV1 (61). At present, its clinical role Scedosporium species are underestimated
because of difficulties with diagnosis, as airway (2). Under selective pressure of regimen is often frustrating to even the
this mold’s clinical, radiological, and frequent antibiotic use and with improved most experienced individual. The airway
pathological appearance is similar to techniques to identify microorganisms, that environment in CF is continually evolving.
Aspergillus. Such misdiagnosis may be array is expanding. Physicians must treat Niches are being created that will allow new
lethal considering that Scedosporium is not only the classic pathogens associated potential pathogens to gain a foothold in
almost always resistant to amphotericin B, with CF, such as S. aureus and P. the CF airway. Therefore, clinicians must
the agent frequently used in presumptive aeruginosa, they may also have to treat be constantly vigilant for the emergence of
Aspergillus infection. Consequently, other microorganisms such as NTM, new microorganisms infecting the CF
eradication should be attempted at first anaerobic bacteria, and fungi. Less evidence airway, and researchers must be prepared
isolation in view of its potentially devastating regarding treatment of these organisms is to develop novel antimicrobial therapies to
clinical consequences if misdiagnosed or available than for the typical bacteria treat these infections. n
allowed to persist long term. known to infect the CF airway. These
organisms often grow slowly, if at all, on Author disclosures are available with the text
typical microbiological cultures. However, of this article at
Summary when a new organism is identified, CF
clinicians are often left wondering about the Acknowledgment: The authors acknowledge
For decades, clinicians have been treating pathologic significance of this new finding. Jay Hilliard for help with editing and refining the
a narrow array of bacteria that infect the CF Furthermore, determining a treatment figures and tables.
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