Vehicle MoRTH RO Hyd Bid Doc-08!10!2021
Vehicle MoRTH RO Hyd Bid Doc-08!10!2021
Vehicle MoRTH RO Hyd Bid Doc-08!10!2021
Name of work: Hiring of Commercial Vehicles of One no. SUV Innova Crysta or
equivalent vehicle on monthly hire basis for Regional Office, Ministry of
Road Transport & Highways, Hyderabad – Reg.
Time Period: One year likely to be extendable up to a maximum period for 3 years
and on same terms and conditions.
Sealed Tenders are hereby invited from established, experienced and reputed
individuals, firms/ Organizations and other agencies having adequate experience in
execution of such works.
The blank BOQ and terms & conditions for the above may be obtained from the office
of the undersigned on any working day from 11.10.2021 to 25.10.2021 between office
hours or can be downloaded from the website as given below.
The duly filled tender in sealed envelope can be submitted in the office of the
undersigned up to 18:00 hrs on 25.10.2021. The Technical bids will be opened on
26.10.2021 at 11:00 hrs by evaluation committee constituted for this purpose, in the
presence of intending bidders or its authorized representatives, who choose to remain
This office reserves the right to reject all Tenders and cancel the Tender without
assigning any reasons.
Regional Officer,
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
Quality Control Building, Errum Manzil,
Ph: 040-23393206, 040-23378549
Email: [email protected]
Name of work: Hiring of Commercial Vehicles of One no. SUV Innova Crysta or
equivalent vehicle on monthly hire basis for Regional Office, Ministry of
Road Transport & Highways, Hyderabad – Reg.
1. Introduction:-
Sealed tenders are hereby invited from prospective service providers having
minimum 3(Three) vehicles and holding a valid experience certificate of 1 year before
the date of NIT from the Competent Authority of any PSU/Central/State Govt., for
having executed similar contract of providing at least 1 No. of commercial vehicle.
2. Scope of work :-
The work includes provision of One no. SUV Innova Crysta or equivalent vehicle
confirming to RTA / RTO regulation along with fuel, driver, maintenance etc. for office
use and site visit within the State of Telangana & other State for the purpose of
monitoring the projects.
4. Eligibility Criteria:-
4.1. The bidder should have at least 1 year experience certificate during last 3 years
before the date of NIT of satisfactory performance from a competent authority of
any PSU/Central/State Govt. for having executed similar contract of providing at
least 1 No vehicle.
4.2. The bidder shall own / lease at least 3 (Three) Nos. of vehicles registered as taxi.
He shall submit documents of ownership, RTO permit in respect of these vehicles.
5.1. The Bidders shall furnish, as part of the quotation Earnest Money/Bid Security of
the amount as specified in the document. The Earnest Money/Bid Security shall
be in the form of Demand Draft in favour of RPAO(NH), Hyderabad, payable at
Hyderabad. Any quotation not accompanied by an acceptable Earnest Money/Bid
Security shall be rejected by this office as non- responsive. The Earnest Money/Bid
Security of unsuccessful bidders will be returned within 3 months. The Earnest
Money of the Successful Bidder can be converted in to performance security when
the Bidder has signed the Agreement.
6. Bid Validity:-
The Bids shall be valid for 60 days from date of opening as prescribe in 3.8 above.
7. Performance security:-
The successful bidder will be required to submit performance security for an
amount specifies in 3.6 in the form of DD payable to RPAO(NH), Hyderabad,
payable at Hyderabad within 7 days of issue of letter of acceptance. The
performance security shall be refunded after 3 months of successful completion
of contract.
8. Bid Submission:-
8.1. The bidder shall submit his bid in 2 envelopes. Technical Bid in envelope 1 clearly
marked as Technical Bid and Financial Bid in envelope 2 clearly marked as
Financial Bid. Both these envelopes shall be properly sealed and enclosed in third
8.2. Technical Bid:- The bidder shall submit all the information given in technical bid
including information of bidder, qualifying criteria, information of vehicle.
8.3. Financial Bid:- The bidder shall submit his financial bid as per Section -
IV (Financial Bid).
9. Bid opening:-
9.1. A committee of officers of this office shall be constituted for opening of Bid and
its evaluation. The technical bids will be opened by the committee in the presence
of bidder or their authorize representative who wish to be present at the time of
opening of bid on due date.
9.2. The committee shall open the financial bids in presence of bidder or their
authorized representative who wish to be present at the time of opening of bid
on due date. The financial bids shall be corrected for discrepancies by the
Committee. If there is discrepancy between words and figures the amount in word
shall prevail. The arithmetic calculations for multiplication and summation shall
be checked by the committee and suitably corrected. Such corrected offer shall
be considered as the offer of the bidder.
This office shall issue letter of acceptance to the bidder whose bid has been found
technically, commercially and financially acceptable. The bidder shall then within
7 days submit performance security and non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.100 for
signing of agreement with this office.
This office reserves right to reject any or all the bids without assigning any reason
and no claim of whatsoever nature will be entertained for such act.
1. The bidder should at least have ownership of at least three vehicles (i.e.
passenger vehicle Creta, SL 6 or any other equivalent vehicle) registered under
commercial category before submission date of bid. A copy of registration
certificate of required vehicle shall be submitted by bidder with the bid
documents or undertaking to provide vehicle within seven days of LOA.
2. The vehicles to be supplied shall be in good condition & not older than two
months and should not have run more than 5000 Km. The vehicle should be
the Top model in that segment and have safety features like Airbags, ABS etc.
3. The vehicles shall be insured from any Government Insurance Company. The
insurance shall be kept valid by the supplier (at his own cost) during entire
contract period.
4. This office will not be responsible to compensate for any damages occurred (if
any) due to accident to the vehicle or any person/ property/ driver during duty
hours. The entire liability of accident shall be borne by the supplier.
5. The bidders are advised to quote the vehicle rate including all necessary cost
towards maintenance of vehicle, salary of driver, fuel & lubricant for vehicle,
interior decoration of the vehicle, toll tax if any, RTO/ State Govt taxes/ other
taxes if any, weekly holiday to driver etc. However the vehicle parking charges
shall be reimbursed to bidder.
6. The vehicles shall be provided round the clock for 7 day’s basis depending upon
requirement of this office.
8. Drivers must have valid driving license, mobile phone, neatly dressed in a defined
dress code approved by this office, well trained, well behaved and physically fit.
Any cost whatsoever incurred on account of this is deemed to be included in the
quoted rates. If necessary, successful bidder shall also provide additional driver,
as and when, called by this office. Failing which this office shall levy penalty of
Rs. 1000/- per day. The interested persons/ firms/ agencies must ensure that the
salary paid by them to the drivers will not be less than to minimum wages as
prescribed by the Central/ State Government from time to time.
10. The vehicles are to be used for travelling in Telangana or other States for the
purpose of monitoring the on-going project in urban/ non-urban/ remote areas,
under jurisdiction of Regional Office, Hyderabad.
11. The bidders must quote the rates both in words and figures for all category of
vehicle. In case there is a difference between the quoted rate in words and
figures, rate quoted in words shall prevail. If no rate is quoted for a particular
type of vehicle then the bid shall be considered as non- responsive bid.
12. The agency should submit their bills in duplicate along with logbook within 15
days of every month for payment. It is the responsibility of bidder to maintain
the log book for every vehicle and get it certified from the concerned official
using the vehicle on daily basis, failing which, payment may not be made.
14. Successful bidder shall be able to supply the required vehicle within seven days
of Letter of Acceptance by this office.
15. Evaluation of bid shall be done for award of work on the least cost basis.
16. GST (if any) will be reimbursed to agency on submission of proof of payment &
certification from CA Firm as per requirement of this office.
17. The lowest bidder shall submit all the required documents of vehicle, driver,
insurance, service tax etc. To execute agreement with this office as per terms &
conditions mentioned in the bid document, on non-judicial stamp paper cost Rs.
100/- which will be made available by the bidder. Failing which 2nd lowest
bidder will be given offer.
18. The agreement will be made with the lowest bidder for a period of One year as
per terms & condition mentioned in the bid document and rates accepted by this
office. The agreement may be extended beyond one year on mutual consent of
both parties depending upon performance of travel agency and on
recommendation of the concern official upto the maximum of three years.
19. If bidder fails to provide specified vehicle(s), Authority shall have the right to
forfeit the Earnest money /Bid security submitted by the bidder.
20. Regional Officer, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Hyderabad reserves all
rights to reject any or all the bids without assigning any reason thereof.
21. The contract agreement may be terminated by this office at any time by serving
fifteen days’ notice, against which no compensation shall be paid to bidder.
However bidder may also terminate the contract agreement by issuing one month
advance notice to this office in writing.
22. The bid received after due date / time shall summarily rejected.
24. This office reserves full rights to curtail/modify, halt/cancel, reject any or all
offers, at any stage without assigning any reasons and no claims of whatsoever
nature will be entertained on this account.
25. The agency should quote their rates on monthly basis i.e. per vehicle per month.
In case of extra running over and above the stipulated km for a month and Night
halt charges the agency shall have to quote the rates of extra per km wise and
per night.
c. Not be responsible for theft, burglary, fire or any mischievous deeds by his
d. Service provider shall be the employer of his workers and Ministry HQ, New
Delhi of this office will not be held responsible fully or partially for any
dispute that may arise between the service provider and his workers.
2. Cost of bid document – If the bid document downloaded from the website.
3. Bid security.
S. N Particulars Details
4 PAN :
Documents satisfying eligibility criteria.
1.Original/Certified copies of certificate from Competent Authority.
2.Proof of commercial vehicle owned by agency.
Copy of
Running Copy of in case
Date of Copy of Copy of
Sl Vehicle Registration in RTO any
1st time RC work insurance
No. Type No. Km. till permit vehicle not
purchase. attached attached
Date attached owned by
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
SUV Innova Crysta
2 or equivalent Yes/No. Yes/No. Yes/No. Yes/No.
Rate be quoted by
Assured Rates for extra
S. Quantity bidder inclusive of all,
Name of Item Unit Km./ running per Km
No per Month excluding GST
In Figure In Word In Figure In Word
SUV Innova Crysta
01 No 1 3,000
or equivalent
Total amounts
Total amounts in words
Note:- Rates Quoted shall be inclusive of all taxes (Excluding GST). Toll tax and Parking charges
will be reimbursed on submission of Proof of payment only.
Regional Officer,
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
Quality Control Building, Errum Manzil,