ES (H) 506: Educational Management and Educational Technology 100
List of Experiments:
1.Memory a) Immediate memory span
b) Immediate recall and recognition
List of Tests :
1. General Mental Ability : (a) Verbal Test
(b) Non-verbal Test
(c) Performance Test.
2. Personality : (a) Inventory/Checklist
(b) Thematic Apperception Test/Inkblot Test.
(c) Attitude scale/values test.
3. Achievement: Preparation of an achievement test of 50 items of five
types on aschool subject. This will be an exercise in
test construction and standardization.
Distribution of marks:
Distribution of marks.
Project Report 75 marks.
Viva-Voce Test 25 marks.
Each student offering project work will select a topic under the guidance of the assigned teacher who will
act as his project supervisor. The sheeted topic will be related to one of the areas, papers or units
prescribed in Education Honours course. Itwill cover the following steps :
(a) Selection and definition of the problem
(b) Review of the related literature
( c ) Collection, Analysis and Interpretation of Data
(d) Findings and conclusions
(e) Implication for Educational theory and Practice.
The project report will be submitted in typed formed ( two copies) on dissertation size (A4) paper
and shall have not less than 50 pages. In addition, it shall have a brief summary (three to five pages) and a
short bibliography. The project work will be an exercise in acquaintance and awareness with the elements
of research methodology and statistical analysis.
The project report will be prepared under the guidance of a senior teacher and will be evaluated by a
Board of Examiners consisting of (a) Head of the Department or Principal of the college, (b) the
Supervisor and (c) at least one external examiner, likewise, the viva-voce will be comprehensive in
nature and will be conducted by two examiners one internal (supervisor of the candidate) and the other
external ( expert in Education discipline).
As a guiding rule the external examiner who evaluates the project report will be associated with the
conduct of the viva-voce examination. The size of sample studiedwill be a randomly selected group of 50
to 100 students or case studies of at least five educational institutions or case studies of 10 to 15
deviant/exceptional/disabled individuals. Studies of the following may be encouraged in project work.
(a) Truant, Mentally retarded, Gifted, Creative, Problem, Slow learning, Drop-out etc.
(b) Senior, popular, National awardee successful teachers.
( c ) Successful, Innovative, Experimental, Educational Institutions or organizations.
(d) New, Imaginative educational programmes, Policies Projects.
(e) Comparative studies of two educational philosophers, thinkers, social activistsor such
studies of two states, countries, cultures, village communities.
Note :
The students shall submit the project work for evaluation at least one month before the commencement
of theory examination and the viva-voce test shall beconducted within one month of the last theory paper
so that the declaration of examination result is not delayed.