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This research project is dedicated to my supervisor Dr Makwanise for the assistance he gave me
throughout my dissertation. I would also like to thank my family for the assistance they gave me
during my research especially my mother who assisted me throughout my research. Foremost I
would like to thank the almighty God for the strength he gave me to do my research.


Firstly, I am grateful to God’s grace for seeing me through my tertiaryeducation at Midlands

State University. God Almighty has been the wind beneath my wings. His Grace and Mercy has
brought me this far and I am grateful. Great appreciation to my family for seeing me through the
thick and thin.

My gratitude and thanks pours out to my Supervisorfor the guidance and constructive criticism
that helped me stay focused from the beginning to the end of this project.


The 2019 protests in Chegutu had a profound impact on the youth population, affecting their
physical, psychological, and social well-being. This study aimed to explore the consequences of
the protests on the youth and identify key areas of concern. The study utilized a combination of
qualitative and quantitative methods to gather data from young people, community leaders, and
government officials. The research tried to point out on the objectives on what impact did the
protests had on youth in terms of physical and psychological impacts. The research also pointed
on the strategies that were implemented by the government in an attempt to stop the continuation
of the protests. The research also gave some other policies and programs that could be
implemented in order to avoid other protests in the future. The findings suggest that the protests
led to an increase in trauma and violence, economic disruption, political disengagement, and
social fragmentation among the youth population. Moreover, the research highlighted a lack of
support from government and other institutions, which exacerbated the negative consequences of
the protests on youth. These findings have important implications for policy makers and
community leaders, highlighting the need for targeted interventions and support systems for
youth affected by conflicts and violence. While the protests in Chegutu were a unique event, the
issues they raised are relevant to many other contexts where youth are affected by conflicts and
violence. This research therefore contributes to the growing body of knowledge on youth in
conflicts and has the potential to inform policy and practice in similar situations around the
world. The findings presented in this research are intended to stimulate further debate and
research on the impact of conflicts on youth and to inform the development of policies and
programs that protect and empower young people affected by violence and instability. In
summary, the 2019 protests in Chegutu had a significant impact on the youth population, and the
consequences of these events are likely to be felt for years to come. This research provides a

comprehensive understanding of the effects of conflicts on youth and offers recommendations for
addressing these issues in the future. Further research is needed to explore the long-term
impacts of conflicts on youth and to develop effective strategies for supporting and protecting
this vulnerable population. In conclusion, this study provides valuable insights into the impact of
conflicts on youth and suggests areas for future research and action.

Definition of terms

Conflict- Is a situation in which two or more parties hold incompatible goals and pursue those
goals through actions that harm or block the goals of other parties.

Youth- is a person in the stage of life between childhood and adulthood.This age range is
stipulated in the Constitution of Zimbabwe and is also in line with the continental definition of
youth as defined in the African Youth Charter (18 to 35).

Mental health- is the overall state of a person’s psychological, emotional and social well being.

Employment-is the state of having a paid job or the act of working for a living

Unemployment: is referred to as any youth who is not in any formal employment or not
operating any form of business.

Drug and substance abuse-is the use of drugs and other substances in a way that is harmful to
one’s physical, mental or social health

Discrimination- refers to unfair treatment of an individual or group of individualson the basis of

certain characteristics such as race, religion, gender, age and sexual orientation

Inflation- an increase in prices of goods and services in an economy

Riots- these are form of civil disorder commonly characterized by a group lashing out in a
violence public disturbance against the authority, property or people.



1.1 Introduction

The research seeks to undertake to cover the impact of conflicts of youth. The case of 2019
protests in Chegutu. This research proposal covers background of the study, statement of the
problem, research questions, and objectives of the study, research assumptions, and delimitation
of the study, limitations and definition of key terms.

1.2 Background of the study

Since 1980, Zimbabwe has been plagued by political and economic history. The country has
been attacked by corruption, mismanagement and inflation which led to a decline in standards of
living for many people especially the youths. This created a tense and volatile environment
which gave a rise in frequent protests and unrests. The 2019 conflicts were a response to the
government’s economic policies that were implemented in trying to reduce the country’s
economic crisis. According to Gregory Elich (2020) the conflicts were a result of the country’s
economic crisis and the government’s failure to address the needs of the people including the
youth needs. He wrote that the protests were as a result of “an economic implosion that
threatened the survival of millions of ordinary people.” He also argued that there were economic
policies that were implemented such as the demonization of the currency worsened the country’s
economy leading to poverty and desperation.

According to Rashweat Mukundu (2019), the 2019 conflicts were as a result of people’s
frustration with the government’s failure to deliver on its promises of a better future of the
country. This angered people as people were tired on waiting when the country’s economy
would be good and it could accommodate everyone in the country especially the youths by
providing employment. He also purports that the protests were also a result of issues to do with
the government system, including corruption, inequality and the misuse of the state resources.
The protests were an expression of the people’s desire for a more democratic and accountable

Therefore, the research will be on the impact of the 2019 conflicts on youth, looking at the case
of Chegutu town. The town of Chegutu is located in Mashonaland West province which is about
100 kilometers from the capital Harare. The town has been known for its mining industry.
Chegutu also has a long history of conflict dating back to the colonial era when it was a center of
resistance against the white minority regime. Recently, the town has been affected by economic
and political turmoil. However, the 2019 conflicts also added the challenges the town has been
facing in the past years including the mining activities due to widespread unrests with protests
over the economic conditions, high inflation and fuel shortages. The protests led to the
destruction of infrastructure, looting and the clashes with the police. The violence had a huge
impact on youth who were already facing the challenges of unemployment and lack of
opportunities. In addition to the physical damage caused by the conflict, the youth were mentally
damaged as they faced with challenges such as trauma and depression.

1.3Statement of the problem

The impact of past conflicts in Chegutu urban has created a number of challenges for youth
including high rate of unemployment, poverty and violence. This has led to a lack of opportunity
and hope for the future which has contributed to a cycle of conflict and violence.

1.4 Research objectives

1.4.1 To identify the impact of the protests on youth in Chegutu

1.4.2To evaluate the effectiveness of strategies that were implemented to help the youth during
and after the protests

1.4.3To recommend policies and programs that could be used in the future protests to be
occurred on youths in Chegutu and in the country.

1.5 Research Questions

What were the specific challenges faced by youths in Chegutu during the conflict?

How did the youths in Chegutu cope with the challenges they faced during the conflict?

What measures were taken to support the youth in Chegutu during and after the conflict?

What lessons can be learnt from the impact of the 2019 conflict that can be applied to the future
conflicts that are to occur in the country or region?

How can the future conflicts be prevented to protect the well being of the youth?

1.6 Significance of the study

It is important to study the impact of 2019 conflicts on youth because

1.6.1 To the youth

This research is going to benefit the youth so that they may know how the conflicts affected
them, they can also learn about what can be done to promote healing and recovery.

1.6.2 to the practitioners

The study will also benefit practitioners working in the field of peace building, conflict
resolution and post-conflict reconstruction. They can also develop more effective programs and
policies in order to address the consequences of conflicts. The policy makers ccan develop
policies and programs that can help to prevent future conflicts and promote peace and stability
for future generations to come.

1.6.3 To other researchers and other institutions

The study can also benefit researchers and scholars who are interested in conflict and peace
building in Africa. They can have an opportunity to contribute to the growing body of knowledge
on the impact of conflict on youth. They can also use the findings of the study to contribute to
their professional development such as publishing in peer-reviewed journals or presenting at
academic conferences.

The study could also benefit the International Aid Organizations and development agencies by
using the findings of the study to inform their policies and programs aimed at supporting young

1.6.4 To the media

The study could also benefit the media by using the findings of the study to inform their
reporting on the impact of conflict in Zimbabwe. This can be done by increasing awareness of
the challenges faced by youth during the conflicts and this can help in reducing the occurrence of
more conflicts in the future, thus promoting social change.

1.6.5To the future generations

The future generations will also benefit from the study. They can benefit from the study by
understanding the long term effects of conflicts on youth.

1.7 Delimitations

According to Leesly and Omrod(2010) delimitation refers to those characteristics that limit the
scope and define the boundaries of the study. My research is going to cover some of the
Chegutu wards which includes wards 2,3 and ward 4. The researcher is going to conduct the
research in Chegutu in order to assist the youth were strongly affected with the 2019 conflicts on
ideas about how to deal with the future conflicts that are to happen. In terms of time, the
researcher is going to cover the period from 2019 when the conflicts occurred looking at the
causes, effects and consequences of the conflict on youth and how the youths dealt with the
effects and the measures took by the government to help the youths who were affected.

1.8 Limitations

Simon (2011), defines limitation as potential weakness in one’s area of study. Lacks of
cooperation amongst participants as some of them were concentrating in their own activities. The
researcher had to convince the participants that their cooperation is more convenient.

Lack of time. There was a short of period of time between the researcher and the participants as
some of them would try to ignore and they would show by their facial expressions that they are
not interested in the conversation. There was also lack of time during phone calls as some would
sometimes cancel your phone call during the conversation.

Chapter 2

2.1 Theoretical framework

2.1.1The frustration aggression theory

The frustration aggression theory is a theory that was developed by John Dollard and Neal Miller
in 1939. The theory says that frustration can lead to aggression when a person is unable to
achieve their desired goals. According to this theory, when people are blocked from achieving
their desired outcome they are often left frustrated. This frustration often lead to aggression as a
smeans of coping with the negative emotions associated with the frustration. According to
Berkowitz (1969) expanded on the theory arguing that aggression is not always a direct result of
frustration but it can also be influenced by external factors such as social norms and
situational……… the theory has been applied to a range of contexts which includes conflicts and
violence circumstances and the social injustices circumstances. During the conflict and violence
circumstances, the theory has been used to explain the psychological mechanisms underlying
conflicts and violence suggesting that frustrations over unmet aspirations can lead to aggressive
behaviors. According to Moyo(2020), the frustration of the youth over economic challenges and
political exclusion was a key factor in the violent nature of the protests. This is also supported
by Zvobgo(2020) who noted that aggression of the youth can be seen as a manifestation of their
frustration over the government’s failure to address their needs and aspirations.

The frustration aggression theory can be used to explain and understand the causes of social
unrest and political violence. The theory suggests that frustration can be caused by social
inequality and lack of political representation. Social injustice refers to the unequal distribution
of resources, opportunities and privileges in a society. According to Mandaza (2020) the protests
can be caused by the long standing grievances over social and economic injustice in the country.
This is supporting by Magaisa (2020) who explained on the causes of the 2019 protests in
Zimbabwe saying that the protesters were expressing their expressions over social injustice
including widespread poverty, corruption and political repression.

2.1.2Advantages of the frustration aggression theory

The frustration aggression theory has been useful in explanatory power. The theory provides a
clear and précised explanatory of how frustration leads to aggression which help in explaining a

wide range of human behaviors from interpersonal conflicts to political violence. For instance,
the theory helped in explaining why the protests occurred by highlighting the frustration of
young people over social injustice and political repression providing a clear and précised
explanation for the youth’s aggressive behavior during the demonstrations. According to
Berkowitz(1969) the theory provides a systematic framework for understanding and predicting
human behavior especially in the context of aggression and violence.

The theory can also be used in combination with other theories such as the social movement
theory and the political opportunity theory. The combination provides a more comprehensive
understanding of the causes and consequences of the protests. The theory has been used with the
sociology theory in analyzing the role of social networks and the collective action in the
organization and coordination of the protests, highlighting the significance of shred experiences
of frustration among young people. Tilly (2003) argued that the frustration aggression theory can
be applied to understand how shared experiences of frustration and injustice among marginalized
groups such as Zimbabwe lead to collective action of protests including demonstrations, marches
and civil disobedience.

The frustration aggression theory can be useful in its ability to account for the influence of
contextual factors on aggressive behaviors. For example, during the 2019 protests the frustration
of young people was shaped by a range of contextual factors such as country’s history of
repression, economic instability and social inequality. This is supported by Gladwell(1999) that
aggression is often influenced by situational factors such as social norms, cultural expectation
and environmental stimuli.

Moreover, the theory has been helpful in its focus on the role of emotional processing in
aggression. This can be applied to the 2019 protests where frustration and anger of people
contributed to the aggressive behaviors and violent clashes with security forces. Mischel (1974)
proposed the “hot” and “cold” idea in trying to explain that aggression is more likely to occur
when individuals are in a “hot” emotional state such as anger or frustration rather than a “cool”
emotional state where the youth are able to regulate their emotions.

2.1.3 Disadvantages of the theory

The theory may generalize. This means that I may not be applicable to all types of aggression
especially aggression that cannot be related to frustration. According to Anderson and Bushman
(2002) the theory failed to provide a comprehensive theory of aggression as it does not
adequately explain other form of aggression such as predatory aggression and instrumental
aggression. Referring to the protests, the protesters were frustrated and angry about the economic
and social conditions but there were other motivations such as political grievances, identity
politics and desire for democratic reform. These factors were not fully captured by the theory

The theory oversimplified the causes of aggression and undermined the role of individual
differences. Determinism refers to the belief that human behavior is determined or controlled by
factors outside of individuals control such as social factors. In frustration aggression theory,
determinism suggests that frustration always lead to aggression regardless of the situation.
Therefore determinism has been criticized for ignoring the role of individual differences in the
aggressive behavior.

Literature Review

2.1 an overview on the impact of conflicts on youth

Conflicts often have far-reaching consequences that impact various aspects of society, including
the youth. Zimbabwe's 2019 riots were no exception, with cities like Chegutu experiencing
significant unrest and upheaval. This research paper seeks to explore the effects of the 2019 riots
on youth in Chegutu. The research will look at Economic Impact: Investigating how the riots
affected youth employment, entrepreneurship, and overall economic opportunities. Social
Impact: Examining the riots' influence on youth social cohesion, cultural activities, and well-
being. Exploring the role of the riots in shaping youth political engagement, civic participation,
and overall attitudes towards governance. Psychological Impact: Assessing the riots' effect on
youth mental health, resilience, and coping mechanisms. By delving into these aspects, this study
aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between conflict and youth
development, with particular emphasis on the case of Chegutu.

To start with, the riots affected the healthcare of the youth. Some youth suffered some injuries
from police brutality, rubber bullets, physical confrontation and tear gases. There were delayed
treatments of the injured youth due to chaos. The 2019 riots disrupted the health of the youth
both physically and emotionally

The riots disrupted healthcare services, making it difficult for youth to access needed treatment
and support for physical and mental health issues. Many clinics and hospitals were closed and
damaged during the riots. This meant that youth were unable to access routine healthcare or
emergency services when needed. Many youth were afraid to seek healthcare, because of fear of
violence and some believed they that would face stigma or discrimination especially the disabled
youths. Even when healthcare services were available, many youth did not have the financial
resources to access them. Many youth were unable to access medical care in a timely manner
leading to complications and long term problems. Mhizha (2021), noted that the physical and
mental health impacts of the riots could have a long term consequences for youth such as
disability, chronic illness and ongoing mental health issues. There were also some crowded and
unsanitary conditions with lack of proper sanitary and medical care. This led to increased risk of
infections such as skin infection, respiratory infections and other infectious diseases.

The 2019 riots also led to some mental health problems such as the Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder (PTSD) which included flashbacks, nightmares and avoidance of reminders of the
traumatic events. Some youth suffered from depression and anxiety symptoms such as feelings
of hopelessness, insomnia and difficulties in concentrating. Some youth who faced mental health
problems also engage in alcohol and drugs in order to cope with the stress and trauma of the
riots. Some youth were at the risk of being suicidal or having suicidal thoughts. These thoughts
were caused by the mental health issues they faced.

Many young people lost their jobs or were unable to find work due to the riots. Youth
unemployment remains a global threat pushing youths to participate in various unlawful and
dangerous activities. According to Mutema (2019), the economic instability and lack of
investment in Zimbabwe made it difficult for young people to enter the job market. The unstable
economic environment has led to the proliferation of the informal sector and parallel (black)
market, which have absorbed most young people as agents and dealers. Most youths, especially
from poor and vulnerable families have been subjected to street vending, begging, illicit deals,
alcohol abuse, and even as cannon fodder for violent protests. The existence of riots in 2019 led
to business closures. Both the formal and informal businesses were shutdown and were not
operating properly. This led to the closure of businesses. Due to riots, there was the disruption of
the supply chains for many businesses making them difficult to continue operating. There was
also a decrease in investment and consumer spending which further decreased the number of jobs
available for young people. Another reason why youth were unable to find employment is that
there are many older aged people in workplaces where there is supposed to be occupied by
youth. According to Gerla (2016) youths are considered as threats by more aged employees who
may feel threatened partly because of the difference in levels of education and lack of necessary
work experience required by employers. Therefore due to lack of work experience of the elderly
people, some youth are being dismissed from work for being the people to know more than the
elderly people they are working for.

There was decreased opportunity for economic advancement. The riots and the economic
instability worsened the situation for youth to improve their economic status. This included
opportunities for higher education and entrepreneurship. Many youth were unable to resume with
their education due to financial issues and instability in the education system. This limited their

options for future employment and advancement.The riots also affected the youth access to
training and professional development due to lack of funding. Organizations which provided
training and development opportunities reduced their budgets because of the instability of the

The riots also impacted the social activities of the youth. The riots disrupted the leisure activities
of the youth. Youth found it difficult to enjoy leisure activities such as sports, clubs and
entertainment due to riots that occurred. Some venues were closed as it was unsafe to engage in
Social activities and this limited opportunity for socializing and relaxing with others in the
communities. In Chegutu, the 2019 riots affected the social activities especially for people who
lived near the town of Chegutu as they had no place to socialize with others. Their places to
socialize were in the clubs, beer halls and the municipality parks. But due to riots that took place
some clubs were closed and there was unmaintained of the relaxation parks for example the
parks along the Harare- Bulawayo Highway. This reduced the sense of socialization of youth as
the municipality was not maintaining the parks of the town of Chegutu after the riots.

The 2019 riots also violated the human rights of people. There was excessive force by security
personnel including beatings and shootings resulting in several deaths and injuries. The
excessive force was coming from the police force that was given orders by the government to
arrest the people and youths who were participating in the protests. The police will therefore use
force such as beatings so as to scare away other people who were planning to engage in the
protests that were taking place. The police were also arresting and beating the people who were
assembling in hidden places and were planning demonstrations against the government. Thus,
preventing the youth from exercising their right to freedom of assembly and association.

Some youth were targeted for expressing their views on social media as some youth were using
the social media to demonstrate such as the facebook, twitter and whatsapp platforms. Some
youth were being arrested and harassed by the authorities for their views. Some youth were being
arbitrarily arrested and detained without access to legal counsel.

There was also some restrictions on freedom of movement. Security forces imposed curfews and
restrictions on movement in affected areas. Thus limiting young people’s ability to travel freely
and conduct their daily activities. In Chegutu areas were there the police force imposed curfews
were areas such as the Hintonville and the Rifle Range areas since they are the areas that are

closer to the CBD area and that is where the most youths who were active in the protests. Even
though there were some protests that were happening in the high density areas.

The impact of the 2019 riots also disturbed the social cohesion of the youth. Dick(2003) defined
social cohesion as the willingness of members of a society to cooperate with each other in order
to survive and prosper. However, due to the protests that occurred, there was social polarization
of the youth whereby the youth who were in Chegutu Urban were supporting the protests and
those who were in Chegutu rural were not seen the benefits of the protests. Some youth also saw
this as an opportunity to revolt against the ruling party as they did not fulfill the promises they

In conclusion, conflicts have a long lasting effects and consequences that extend beyond the
physical and psychological harm. In context of the 2019 protests that occurred in the country,
youth were affected mostly and they experienced the negative impact of government repression,
police brutality and economic instability. Scholars such as Maunganidze and Chakanyuka (2019)
emphasized that the youth of Zimbabwe faced various challenges in terms of accessing
education, employment and political participation. There were also vulnerable to violence and
exploitation. The protests also demonstrated the potential of youth activism as a force for
political and social change. The government crackdown on protesters had a chilling effect on the
exercise of civil and political rights especially for the youth. According to Zvobgo (2020), the
experiences of Zimbabwean youth during the protests illustrated the need for government to
prioritize the protection and promotion of youth rights including the right to protest peacefully,
freedom of speech and expression and access to education and employment. Moreover, the
government response to the protests highlighted the urgent need for systematic reforms to protect
youth rights and prevent human rights violations. According to Douhan(2020) the human rights
situation in Zimbabwe remain fragile with the youth most vulnerable to violations and abuses.
The use of excessive force by security forces and arbitrary arrests impacted the ability of young
people to fully participate in the protests and benefit from their society.

2.2 The Strategies implemented by government during riots

During the riots there were specific strategies that were implemented by the government in order
to try to stop the occurrence of riots. These strategies implemented includes the the internet
shutdown, crackdown, economic reforms and political pressure.

To start with, in order to stop the protests from continuing, the government shut down the
Internet to avoid the flow of information and to refuse the rate of mobilization. Internet shutdown
refers to the intentional disruption of internet or electronic communications, rendering them
inaccessible or effectively unusable, for a specific population or within a location, often to exert
control over the flow of information. The government imposed an internet shutdown in trying to
hide the growing reports of a violent crackdown on protests against a fuel price increase. Instead
of the protests to stop, the protests increased rapidly as the citizens were now fighting for social
media platforms to start working as they saw this as the violation of expression. The shutdown of
the internet had far-reaching consequences such as the disruption of communication, business,
commerce and causing widespread confusion and fear among the population. On the other hand,
the internet was shutdown due to the flow of fake news. “Huges (2019) draws the link between
social media regulation and fake news, noting that relying on social media to “communicate with
friends and family has become a threat to free speech around the world as fewer people actually
talk on the phone (let alone people to meet face to face). There the strategy implemented by the
government of shutting down the internet worsened the situation as it disrupted the flow of
communication, businesses and health issues. The shutdown of the internet led to the censorship
of the media. . Media censoring refers to the suppression of speech, and public communication.
The media reporters who were caught reporting about the protests were arrested, beaten or even
killed by the government. During the media censoring by the government, there was limited
information that was accessed during the protests. This led to confusion and misinformation in
the country as people relied on rumor and speculations and people had no idea about what is
going on in the country.

The Sudanese Government also implemented the internet blackout and blocked all the social
media platforms in an attempt to prevent the protesters from organizing and communicating with
each other. According to the Internet Freedom Foundation(2019), this was referred to as the
deliberate attempt to suppress the voices of the Sudanese citizens and to silence dissent. The
blackout of the internet led to the disruptions of communication and it prevented people from
accessing important information, and updates from friends and families. The blackout also led to
losses of revenues and jobs for entrepreneurs and businesses who relied on the internet for
commerce. According to the world bank (2019), the internet blackout in Sudan led to a loss of
about $1.5 billion to the Sudanese economy.

Another strategy implemented by the government is the crackdown of the protests. The
"crackdown" of the 2019 protests in Zimbabwe refers to the aggressive and repressive measures
taken by the government to suppress the demonstrations and silence dissent. The use of police
crackdown on protesters has been used in most countries that are involved in protests against the
government. For instance, during the Syrian Civil war which occurred in 2011, the Syrian
government used this method of using excessive force during the civil war. This led to the death
of thousands of people and displacement of the Syrian war. The Syrian government used a
number of tactics to suppress protests. These include arbitrary arrests, torture and extrajudicial
killings. According to the Human rights Watch (2012), the security forces detained thousands of
people suspected of opposing the government including the protesters, political dissidents,
human activists and others. The government also used excessive force to fight the protesters such
as deploying live ammunition , tear gases and heavy artillery against the protesters. According to
Marc Lynch (2011) the government launched a ferocious crackdown in response leading to
widespread violence and mass killings of civilians.

There are other countries in Africa whose government also used this method f trying to stop the
protests such as Sudan. In 2018, there was a Sudanese Revolution in which security forces
started a fire during a peaceful protests in Khartoum which killed almost 100 people and injured
100 more. There was also the use of live ammunition in trying to disperse protests. This also led
to the injuring and death of people.

Zimbabwe also used the method of crackdown on the citizens who were involved in the
protests. The Zimbabwean security forces used excessive force, including live ammunition, tear
gas, and beatings, to disperse protesters and arrest activists and journalists. The crackdown was
widely criticized by human rights organizations and the international community, who
condemned the government's use of violence against peaceful protesters. The crackdown started
in cities such as Harare where there were a number of people who were injured the most and
there were some reports whereby there were some residents of Harare who were saying that they
lost their relatives due to these protests. The government launched the crackdown on protesters
in order to stop the protests. The crackdown included the arrests and detention of protests. There
were a number of protesters that were arrested and detained. The security forces also arrested
those who were accused of inciting violence. The security forces also uses brutality and torture

which includes excessive forces, shootings and beatings."The authorities must put an end to the
practice of arbitrarily detaining people who were taking part in the protests. Those detained must
be either charged promptly with a recognizable offence or else released,” said Muleya
Mwananyanda. This statement shows that Muleya Mwananyanda an Amnesty International’s
Deputy Director for Southern Africa tried to stop the ongoing arbitrary arrest and detention of
the protester. This statement was said after. Muleya Mwananyanda saw how the rights of the
citizens were being violated by the security forces .

Another strategy implemented by the government in trying to stop the continuation of the
protests was the closure of schools and universities. In an attempt of trying to stop the
demonstrations, the government announced the closure of schools and universities so that they
can prevent students from participating in the protests. According to Chakanyuka &
Maunganidze (2019) the shutdown of universities and schools did not curtailed the ability of the
youth to participate in political activism but it had a negative impact on education. The closure of
schools led to the loss of learning opportunities. The closure of the schools and universities led to
missed opportunities of students. This led to a negative impact on academic performance and
future prospects. According to the African Child Policy Forum (2020) the disruption of
education during the protests resulted in a loss of learning opportunities with many students
missing out on crucial parts of the curriculum.

Moving on, the government also used propaganda and disinformation. Propaganda refers to a
form of communication that is designed to influence the beliefs and behaviors of people through
the use of messaging and symbols and also the media. During the protests, the government used
emotional appeals to cause patriotic feelings among the youth. They portrayed the protesters as
unpatriotic and ungrateful for the country’s independence. According to the Herald (2019)
published an article which stated that” The real enemy of our nation is a combination of forces
bent on destabilizing our country. They have identified our youths as pawns in their struggle for
regime change.” This statement shows that the government was trying to demonize the protesters
and they sought to justify their repressive measures and to gain support from the population.

In conclusion, the strategies employed by the government to suppress the protests had a negative
impact. The protests were ineffective in addressing the root causes of the demonstrations.
Despite the government's effort to curtail the protests through propaganda and excessive force,

the demonstrations continued to spread to other parts of the country. The use of bombings, tear
gases and other heavy handed responses by the government led to numerous deaths, injuries and
human rights violations. This led to lack of trust in the government. The use of these strategies
also led to the deepening of political divisions, lack of confidence in the rule of law and
increased polarization between the government and the opposition party. According to Coltart
(2020), the government's response to the protests led to the undermining of efforts to rebuild the
economy and attract foreign investments

2.3 policies and programmes that could be used in the future conflicts.

Police Reform: The government should put accountability, honesty, and human rights first.
Police reforms are necessary to ensure that law enforcement agencies are held accountable and
operate in a manner that respects human rights. Some key considerations for police reforms.
Establishing systems for monitoring and evaluating police performance, such as independent
oversight boards or civilian review boards, to ensure that officers are held accountable for their
actions. Providing officers with training on human rights and community policing, including de-
escalation techniques, cultural sensitivity, and bias reduction. There should be the reduction of
the use of criminal justice responses to non-violent offenses, such as drug possession, to decrease
the likelihood of police encounters escalating into violent. There should be Reduction of the use
of military-style equipment and tactics by law enforcement agencies, which can contribute to an
us-versus-them mentality and increase the likelihood of violence. Incorporating restorative
justice approaches into law enforcement, such as community-based conflict resolution and
mediation, to address harm and promote healing.

Independent monitoring: Independent monitoring agencies, such as the National Human Rights
Commission, should be formed to monitor and investigate claims of police brutality and human
rights violations. Independent monitoring refers to systems or bodies that are separate from law
enforcement agencies and are tasked with monitoring police conduct and holding officers
accountable for their actions. There should be civilian bodies that review complaints against
police and make recommendations for disciplinary action or policy making. Law enforcement
agencies can invite external investigators, such as the state or federal government, to investigate
complaints against their officers. There should be existence of the Community Advisory Boards:
These are groups of community members who provide input on police practices and policies, and

serve as a channel of communication between the community and the police. There is need for
Court Oversight. The judicial system can also play a role in independent monitoring by
reviewing police conduct during criminal proceedings and civil lawsuits.

The government should work with civil society organizations and political opposition parties to
foster conversation and amicably resolve complaints. The government should engage in dialogue
with civil society organizations, political opposition parties, and other stakeholders to address
grievances and prevent the escalation of tensions. According to Masungure(2020), The
promotion of dialogue, as opposed to repression, is essential for fostering social cohesion and
political stability in Zimbabwe. Engaging with civil society organizations can build trust between
the government and the public by demonstrating that the government is open to feedback and
willing to address community concerns. Civil society organizations can offer expertise and
knowledge that can improve the effectiveness of government programs and policies. By
engaging with civil society organizations, governments can increase transparency and
accountability, making it more difficult for governments to act without oversight or public
inputs. Civil society organizations can help to ensure that the voices of marginalized and
underrepresented groups are heard in policymaking and decision-making processes.
Governments can partner with civil society organizations to share the responsibility of
addressing social issues, which can lead to more creative and innovative solutions. Engagement
with civil society organizations can strengthen democratic institutions and values by promoting
citizen participation, transparency, and accountability.

The government should implement economic reforms to address concerns including

unemployment, poverty, and inequality, which fueled the 2019 protests. The government should
address the root causes of discontent, such as poverty, unemployment, and inequality, through
economic and social reforms. According to Zvobgo (2020), "The lack of economic opportunities
and political representation for young people in Zimbabwe has contributed to the frustration and
anger that fueled the 2019 protests."

The government should create a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to examine human rights
violations and to offer justice to the victims who were affected by the 2019 riots. The
government should offer the truth and reconciliation process in a way that is sensitive to the
needs and concerns of affected communities, taking into account the following considerations.

The government should be transparent about the goals and processes of the truth and
reconciliation process, and ensure that all parties involved have access to information. The
government should engage with affected communities to ensure that their voices are heard and
their concerns are addressed in the protests. The government should consider providing
reparations to victims of human rights violations as part of the reconciliation process.

The government should open more companies and industries so as to provide enough
employment for all the youth in the country. It is critical for sectors and businesses to realize the
sensitivity of adolescents to the effects of conflicts and take proactive steps. This could include
offering support networks, mentoring programs and creating safe spaces for adolescents to
express themselves and seek assistance. The companies and industries should provide
opportunities for youth. Industries and companies can play an important role in creating
possibilities for young people. They should provide initiatives such as internships, vocational
training programs and job placements striving to empower adolescents and provide them with
stable and meaningful future. Companies and industries should embrace inclusivity and
diversity. Companies should encourage inclusivity and diversity in their workforfe, ensuring that
youth from all backgrounds particularly those affected by violence . they should have equal
opportunities for employment and promotion. This can help to create a more supportive and
understanding workplace atmosphere. Businesses should also place a high priority on inclusivity
and diversity in the workforce, making sure that youth from a range of backgrounds hae
equitable access to jobs and chances for professional growth. This may help in fostering a more
understanding and encouraging work atmosphere.

Chapter 3


3.0 Introduction

The previous chapter mainly focused on the review of the relevant literature in the area of study.
This chapter will explain the population size, sampling techniques, sample size and sampling
procedure. It will also discuss the instruments that were used in the research, the data collection
tools, presentation and analysis procedures, and ethical considerations.

3.1population size

The population of youth in Chegutu is approximately 1600 youth between the age of 18 and 35
years. The number of interviewers are going to include ten youths living near the CBD area as it
is the area which was mostly affected by the protests in order to see how the youth were affected
by the 2019 riots. I’m also going to include some of the Chegutu Hospital members, the Rural
District Council and the Social Welfare Centre so that i can be able to find as many information
as i can. Im also going to include the youth which are doing businesses in the CBD as they were
the ones that were mostly affected.

During my research I’m going to use the qualitative research method which includes
questionnaires and interviews . Qualitative research methods involve collecting and analyzing
data that is not numerical, but rather descriptive and interpretive. Qualitative research methods
are used to understand the experiences, perceptions, and interpretations of a phenomenon or
issue. According to Moser (2017), qualitative research method is a type of research that explores
and provides deeper insights into real world problems. The qualitative research helps to generate
hypotheses and it further investigate quantitative data. I’m going to use the qualitative research
method in order to provide a deep and comprehensive understanding of the impact of the protests
on youth. This also ensures credibility and reliability of the research findings. This also ensures
transparency and accountability for the future researchers.

3.2 Sampling method

Sampling method refers to the process of selecting a subset of a population to represent the entire
population for the purpose of data collection and analysis. It involves choosing the group from
which data will be collected in research or statistical analysis. The random sampling method is
going to be used during the research. A random sampling method is a technique in which every
member of a population has an equal chance of being chosen through an unbiased selection
process. This method results in every member of the population having the same probability of
being selected for the sample. The simple random sampling method has benefits and
disadvantages associated with it. I’m going to use the sampling method because it ensures equal
probability of the selected population and there is lower chances of unbiased information.

3.2.1sampling procedure

I used the random sampling method in my research whereby I randomly chose and interviewed
the youth who live near the CBD as it was the area that was most affected by the riots. I also
interviewed the youth who were doing businesses in the CBD. I’m going to question people who
live in hugh density areas.

3..2.2 sample size

During my research I’m going to interview and using questionnaires with 10 youths with
different age groups such as age groups between 23, 24,25,26, 27 and 35 so as to get detailed


A questionnaire is a research tool used to gather information and opinions from a group of
people, often in the form of a series of questions that are answered either by writing or verbally.
Questionnaires can be distributed online or in person, making them easy to administer to a large
number of people. I used the method of questionnaires because it limits the levels of biased
information as people will be explaining on detail about their experiences and how they cope
with the challenges they faced during conflict. However during my research using this method,
some participants were facing challenges of not understanding my questions as they had not
experienced the harsh conditions of the protests. Some participants were not responding to the
due to different attitudes, some were feeling bored with my questions and there was
misinterpretation of questions.


Interviews are a research method in which a researcher or interviewer asks questions to one or
more participants in order to gather information or opinions. Interviews can be conducted in
person, over the phone, or via video chats. In the research, the researcher is going to use the
semi-structured interview. In a semi-structured interview, the interviewer has a list of questions
but can ask follow-up questions or allow the interviewee to expand on their answers. I used the
semi structured interview to ensure impromptu response and interaction between the interviewer
and the interviewee which led to more detailed information. Interviews captured the context of
the riots and the interviewee's experiences providing valuable insights into the broader impact of
the riots on society. Interviews allowed the interviewer to observe non-verbal cues from the
interviewee such as body language or tone of voice, which provided valuable information about
the interviewee's attitudes or emotional state. However there were other participants who
exaggerated and biased some information during the interpretation of data. The interviews
carried out were time consuming and expensive as i have to travel from one place to another in
order to manage time from travelling from one place to another.

3.5 Data collection tools

The researcher used in-depth interviews in order to gain more understanding of the youth
experience and perspectives. The researcher also used secondary data sources such as news
articles, social media posts and government reports so as to gain insights into the impact of the
riots on youth. The researcher also observed youth who lived in the most affected areas in order
to understand how the riots shaped their day to day lives and interactions. There was the use of
focus groups to allow for discussions and dialogue of the youth about their experiences during
and after the riots.

The researcher also used face to face semi-structured interviews to gather information from the
participants. The researcher also used the semi- standardized relating to health practitioners and
professionals so that they can highlight and explain further on the relationship between conflicts
and health. In an attempt to analyze the impact of the 2019 conflicts there need to be effective
data gathering instruments that will tackle the research problem these include questionnaires,

interviews and secondary data. Hence this will be a good research only because it's quality of
data and reliable of instruments

3.7 Chapter Summary

This chapter focused on the research methodology used by the researcher in carrying out the
study. It consists of the population, sampling techniques and sample size data collection tools. It
also explained the research instrumentation, data collection, data presentation and analysis
procedures, and ethical considerations.




This chapter will focus on data presentation, analysis and discussion on research that was done in
the field. During research going to use graphs and tables to show how many people responded
when doing my research in my area of study.


Response rate refers to the proportion of people who participated in a study of the total number
of people who were asked to response. Response rate is important because it gives accurate and
detailed data that is easy to view and analyze. During research 40 surveys were sent out but only
28 surveys were answered and returned.

Formular for calculating response rate is as below

R.R =Number of responses returned/number of surveys sent out x 100

R.R= 28/40 x100

R.R = 70%

Therefore only 70% of the number of surveys sent out only managed to response.

The table below shows the responses

Table 1: percentage distribution of responses


Returned 28 70%

Non-returned 12 30%

Total 40 100%

Figure 1 showing the percentage rate of the questionnaires which returned and the non-returned

Fig. 1









returned non returned

Figure 1 above shows that there were a number of youth who participated during the
protests. There were about 70% of the youth that participated in the 2019 protests. These youth
had different ambitions and changes. Figure 1 also shows that many youth were frustrated with
government’s ignorance towards the youth cries.

4.3Demographic profile of the respondents

4.3.1 Distribution of gender of the respondents

Number of respondents= 28

Fig 2: percentage distribution of respondents by gender








male female


The findings in figure 1 above reveals that 28 out of 40 respondents 54% were males and
46%were females. Furthermore, figure 1 above shows that males were the most affected people
with the 2019 protests that occurred in Chegutu and only a few female were also affected.
Figure 1 also shows that males participate mostly during conflicts. This is supported by the
International Commission on Missing Persons (2014) , they stated that men are more likely than
women to be in positions of political and military authority before and during conflict.

4.3.2 Age distribution of the respondents

Number of respondents=28

Figure3. Respondents by age








23-24 25-26 27-28 29-30 31-32

Figure 3 shows that people between the age 31 to about 32 years participated mostly during the
conflicts. The figure 3 also shows that the youth below the age of 20 were not much affected as
they did not participate in the protests because of fear of being beaten and tortured by the
security forces. Some during the 2019 protests they were still young adults and their parents
forbid them from participating due to concerns about their safety and well-being. Another
reason is that in Zimbabwe there is lack of government and leadership that enables younger
people to engage in politics. Therefore, the youth above the age of 18 are mostly involved
because they are more aware of the political issues and they are desired for a change therefore
sometimes they see protests as a way to demand change and improve their livelihoods of
themselves and their families. During the research the youth who were affected were between
the age of 27 to 32 are the most affected ages as some were starting to look for jobs as they had

finished their tertiary level. Some were starting their own families so they had to look for better
employment opportunities in order to be able to look after their families.

4.4 Presentation of data question by question of the questions asked during questionnaires

4.4.1 Causes of the protests

During research there were a number of causes that were pointed out as the causes of the 2019
protests in Zimbabwe. Some answered that the protests that occurred in 2019 were as a result of
high inflation rate, high unemployed rate of youth, there was high rate of human rights abuses by
the government, there was also high corruption rate among the government. Some youth
answered that especially the older youths, they were saying that the outbreak of the protests in
2019 paved way for them to also fight for an increase of salaries as the salary they were paid was
not enough for them.

Figure 4…. Below shows the rate of causes of the protests

Fig. 4

Causes of protests
internet shutdown salary increase
3% 3%



Figure 4 above shows that the majority of the youth were fighting for employment opportunities
so that they can better their lives. According to Gerla (2016) youth are considered as threats by

aged employees who may feel threatened partly because of the different in levels of education
and lack of necessary work experience required by the employees. Therefore, most positions are
being held by older ages who are less experienced and who have no higher levels of education
and the older ages who are not desired for a change and a better future. Most youth were fighting
against the government for not removing the old aged people in positions that they know that the
positions should be occupied by youths who are desired for development of the country.

The graph also shows that the youth were fighting against higher inflation that was occurring in
the country as they were not employment so that they could the high inflation rate. So the youth
were protesting that the government could interfere in the issue of increase of prices of
commodities such as fuel and other basic commodities.

The graph also shows that there were teachers who also saw this as an opportunity to protest
against the government so that they get an increase in salaries so that they can be able to make a

Question 2: How the protests affected the well-being of youth?

Figure 5 below shows how the protests affected the well being of the youth.


affection by the protests


anger &frustration


mentally unstable

Figure 5 above shows how many people were affected by the protests in percentages. The pie
chart above shows that about 43% of the population were frustrated and angry towards the
government for their ignorance an for not giving an ear to the youth cries. Some were stressed
about the economic situation of the country as there are no employment opportunities. Some
youth commented that since they were participating in he protests, they were afraid that would be
beaten by the security for protesting against the ruling government but what gave them the power
to protests was that they knew that their situation in their communities was bad and worse so
they had to protest for a better life. The chart also shows that the protests left the youth unstable
because of the situation they faced during the protests. They attest that they would see some
people being violently beaten and some would be burning tyres to worsen the situation.

Question 3: changes youth expected to see after the protests.

Fig. 6

changes after the protests

teachers and eduation


funding of

stable prices New industries

20% 60%

Figure 6 above illustrates the changes that the youth expected after the protests. Majority of the
people hoped for the opening of new industries and the reopening of closed industries such as the
David Whitehead through the finding of investors who could invest in our country. The youth
believed that through investors there will be economic development which could assist in
planning the future of the generations to come. About 60% of the youth were hoping for the
reopening of industries so that they an be able to have something that occupy them during the
day so that they cannot engage in drugs and substance abuse.

The graph also illustrates that about 20% of the youth were also fighting for stable prices of basic
commodities such as fuel prices which the government had doubled the prices. Some were
fighting for the reduction of prices of commodities such as mealie meal, cooking oil, sugar and

The graph also shows that the youth were fighting for the funding of entrepreneurs by the
government and Empower Bank which funds the youth who are doing their businesses and who
are trying to start their businesses but they are lacking funding. Therefore about 10% of the
population were protesting against the government so that they can be able to find assistance in
their personal businesses.

The graph also how that there are also youth who are teachers and they were protesting looking
an increase after the protests. They were hoping that after the protests the would increase their
salaries therefore, during the protests they strike whereby they could go to work but they will not
teach the students who are at school. The graph shows that about 10% of the teachers were not
happy about the government’s suppression of rights as a teacher.

Question 4: reaction of the government in case the same protests happen in the future.

Fig. 7

government's reaction political

mental health services gage-
8% ment

dialogue with protesters


economic reforms

Figure 7 above shows how the government should have reacted and done to avoid the violence
that occurred in the country in all parts of the country. The graph above shows that the
government should have implemented some economic reforms, political reforms and youth
engagement in decision making, provide a dialogue with the protesters and provide mental health
services for those who were traumatized.

The graph shows that most youth (47%) think that the government should have provided some
economic reforms that create employment and improve standards of living. The government
should have encouraged the people to create small businesses through access of finance by the
Empower Bank, they should have provided training of different job opportunities such as
sewing, baking, computers, welding and carpentry so that the youth can sart their own

The graph also shows that the government should have implemented some political reforms and
engage the youth in the political activities. the political reforms that should have implemented
should promote transparency, democracy and accountability. This means that the government
should have been more open to the youth about what is happening in the political sector and the
youth should be engaged in decision making processes. The government should have held those
responsible for human rights abuses and corruption.

The government should have been engaged ina a dialogue with the protesters, listening to their
concerns and addressing their grievances. The government should have engage in a dialogue so
as to demonstrate that the dialogue is legitimate and accountable to the population. This can also
assist in building trust between the government and the youth which is important for social
cohesion and stability.

4.5 Chapter summary

The chapter showed the data presentation about the research that as done on the impact of the
2019 protests on youth. It also shows how many youth that were affected by the protests. It also

hows which gender was mostly affected and which age groups participated and how the protests
affected them.



5.0 introduction

This chapter is going to be giving summaries of the objectives that were visited during research.
It is about to give a summary as per objective and also the assumptions that were revisited during
the research.

5.1 objectives revisited

5.1.1To identify the impact of the protests on youth in Chegutu

5.1.2To evaluate the effectiveness of strategies that were implemented to help the youth during
and after the protests

5.1.3To recommend policies and programs that could be used in the future protests to be
occurred on youths in Chegutu and in the country.

5.2.1 the impact of the 2019 protests on youth

The 2019 protests that occurred across the country including Chegutu had a tremendous impact
on the country’s youth, affecting many aspects of their lives. Studies have found out that
exposure to protests events had a negative impact on young people’s human capital and well-
being. Youth engagement in the protests was found to increase the impact of the protests
emphasizing their importance in driving political change and social movements. The protests
also touched on bigger global themes such as climate action. The year 2019 was marked with
increased calls from youth leaders for action on climate change highlighting youth involvement
in lobbying for environmental issues.

However, during the protests there were operations which resulted in fatalities and violations of
human rights were made and some citizens lost their lives during the protests.

5.2.2 The strategies that were implemented during and the protests

During the protests, there were several strategies that were implemented. These strategies
includes the internet shutdown, media blackout, use of force and arrest and detention of the
The shutdown of the internet was implemented in order to prevent the protesters from organizing
and disseminating information. The strategy was successful in limiting the ability of the
protesters to organize and communicate but on the other hand it was not effective in ending the
demonstrations. The protesters still managed to organize demonstrations such as the word of
mouth method and the low-tech methods. The shutdown of the internet had an negative impact
on the economy as many businesses rely on the internet for commerce and communication the
shutdown of the internet also drew attention of the world community and this raised awareness
of human rights issues and put further pressure on the government.

There was also the coverage of the protests by local and international media which reduced
public awareness of the events the media blackout led to the arrest, harassment and intimidation
of journalists by the security forces in preventing them from covering the protests. The media
blackout work hand in hand with the shutdown of the internet in order to prevent journalists from
uploading and sharing information about the protests. There was also the issue of censorship
which prevented the journalists from reporting on the protests and criticizing the government’s

During the protests there was also the use of force by the security forces in trying to stop the
demonstrations. There was the us of beatings, use of tear gases and live bullets. Although this
was a success in trying to disperse the protests , it resulted in the abuse of human rights. Ther
was also the arrest of protesters and they were detained bythe government without being charged
or given a chance to face trial. This led to mistrust and bitterness of one another.

5.2.3 Recommendation of the government in case there are protests which will happen in
the future

Discussion and Negotiation: The Zimbabwean government could prioritize open conversation
and negotiation with protest organizers and leaders in order to resolve concerns and reach
peaceful solutions to problems.

Police Reform and Accountability:* Enforcing police reform and accountability for excessive
use of force during protests can repair trust between the government and the population.

Economic and Social Policies: Targeted policies and programs can address underlying concerns
like unemployment, poverty, and inequality, which may contribute to civil unrest.

Civil Society involvement:* Encouraging involvement with civil society organizations to
promote inclusive decision-making and address issues of diverse populations.

Media and Information Policy

Ensuring press freedom and access to factual information can help prevent disinformation and
calm tensions that could lead to protests.

Foreign Support and Diplomacy:* Seeking guidance from foreign partners and organizations
to manage potential protests and address underlying concerns.

5.3Assumptions revisited

Trauma, stress, depression: Youth who have witnessed conflict and protests suffered from
trauma and violence-related disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The stress
and uncertainty induced by the protests contributed to a rise in depression, anxiety, and other
mental health difficulties among young people.

The 2019 Chegutu protests some caused economic disruptions and suffering for the youth
population, including unemployment and poverty. Following the 2019 Chegutu protests, youth
became less engaged in politics and activism. The 2019 protests disrupted social networks and
communities, increasing feelings of loneliness and social fragmentation among young people.

5.4 Conclusion

To summarize, the 2019 Chegutu protests had a substantial influence on the youth population's
physical, psychological, and social well-being. The protests resulted in pain and violence,
economic damage, political disengagement, and social disturbance. The protests' impact was
amplified by a lack of government and other institutional support and resources.

It is crucial that policymakers, researchers, and community leaders consider these findings when
devising measures to address the impact of conflict on youth.


Based on the findings, the following recommendations were made:

5.5.1 Re-opening and opening of industries and companies

It is critical for sectors and businesses to realize the sensitivity of adolescents to the effects of
conflicts and take proactive steps. This could include offering support networks, mentoring
programs and creating safe spaces for adolescents to express themselves and seek assistance. The
companies and industries should provide opportunities for youth. Industries and companies can
play an important role in creating possibilities for young people. They should provide initiatives
such as internships, vocational training programs and job placements striving to empower
adolescents and provide them with stable and meaningful future. Companies and industries
should embrace inclusivity and diversity. Companies should encourage inclusivity and diversity
in their workforfe, ensuring that youth from all backgrounds particularly those affected by
violence . they should have equal opportunities for employment and promotion. This can help to
create a more supportive and understanding workplace atmosphere. Businesses should also place
a high priority on inclusivity and diversity in the workforce, making sure that youth from a range
of backgrounds hae equitable access to jobs and chances for professional growth. This may help
in fostering a more understanding and encouraging work atmosphere.

5.5.2 Trauma informed support services

These shpuld be designed to provide care and assistance while recognizing and addressing the
impact of trauma on individuals. The government should assist in the establishment of trauma
informed support systems. The establishment of trauma knowledge can assist in offering for
youth tormented by the protests, inclusive of counseling . These services are rooted in the
understanding that individuals are more likely to have a history of trauma and aim to create an
environment that promotes healing, empowerment and resilience. This can be done through the
building of awareness and reducing stigma. This includes public education and service
announcement in order to create understanding and reduce stigma associated with seeking
assistance. There should be evidence based practices for behavioral health service providers and
administration. This assist in ensuring that the care that is being provided is effective and is
aligned with established best practices. In ensuring trauma informed support services, there
should be the creation of a trauma sensitive culture. This involves the understanding of trauma
on both service recipients and staff, creating an environment that is sensitive to the needs of
individuals who have experienced trauma. In summary, the trauma informed support services
should be designed to offer care and help in a way that recognizes the superiority and effects of

trauma on individuals and targets to create an environment that promotes healing, empowerment
and resilience.

5.5.3 Education and skill-building programs

There should be the implementation of education and skill-building programs which target the
youth who experienced disruptions in their educational studies due to the protests. Skill- building
programs are initiatives designed to equip individuals especially youth with the skills and
knowledge that enhance their employability, personal development and contribution to the
society. These programs can assist in empowering youth who are affected by societal unrest. The
skill-building programs can assist in empowerment and personal growth and providing them with
the confidence and capabilities to pursue their aspirations and contributions to their communities

5.5.4 Community Reintegration initiatives

Community re-integration initiatives compromises of a range of efforts aimed at facilitating the

successful return and integration of individuals into their communities following a period of
separation. These initiatives can be recognized in various ways which include rehabilitation
programs and social welfare systems. Community re-integration initiatives are designed to
support individuals in rebuilding their lives and connections within their communities. These
initiatives focus on fostering social, economic and psychological re-integration which aims to
empower individuals lo led fulfilling and productive lives. Overally, community re-integration
initiatives play a crucial role in promoting social cohesion, resilience and the well-being of youth
seeking to re-integrate into their communities.

5.5.5 Policy and advocacy

It compromises of various activities which aims at influencing the development, implementation

and evaluation of policies at different levels of government and within organization. These
activities are important in promoting inclusive strategies and driving positive policy change.
Social work and nursing organizations play a significant role in policy advocacy as they address
social inequalities promote inclusive strategies and advocate for the well-being of individuals

and communities. This involves advocating for improved access to healthcare services,
addressing discrimination and promoting health in all policies approaches. In conclusion, policy
and advocacy paly a vital role in shaping the social, legal and regulatory landscape to address
inequlities, promote inclusive strategies and drive positive policy change. These efforts are
essential for advancing the well-being of individuals and communities.


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Midlands State University

Private Bag 9055


Ministry of Youth, sport, arts and recreation District Office

P. Bag 801


26 April 2024

Dear Sir/Madam


I am a fouth year student at Midlands State University undertaking a BSC Honours in Social
Science Peace and Security Studies Degree. I am carrying out a research on: An analysis of the
impact of conflicts on youth: Case study of 2019 riots in Chegutu District.The information
gathered from this research will be purely used for academic purposes and your responses will be
classified as private and confidential. May you, therefore, feel free to complete this questionnaire
that isss attached there in. Your co-operation will be greatly appreciated.

Yours faithfully

Laurel Tafadzwa Zviuya


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