Romantic Victorian A

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1. Find the odd one out:

a. Caleb Williams
b. A Simple Story
c. The Fool of Quality
d. Lodore

2. In which novel did Walter Scott make his first foray into French history?
a. The Monastery
b. Kenilworth
c. Quentin Durward
d. St. Ronan’s Well

3. The Heart of Midlothian contain references to

a. Gordon Riots
b. Porteous Riots
c. Peterloo Massacre
d. Covenanters revolt

4. Box Hill episode occurs in

a. Mary Burton
b. Sense and Sensibility
c. Persuasion
d. Emma

5. The epigraph of which poem has a reference to The Ballad of Sir Patrick Spence?
a. Rime of the Ancient mariner
b. Lamia
c. Eve of St. Agnes
d. Dejection: An Ode

6. Arguably the most famous and often-quoted passage in the Confessions of an English Opium
Eater is the apostrophe to opium in the final paragraph of The Pleasures of Opium: "Oh! Just,
subtle, and mighty opium!” De Quincey modelled this passage on the apostrophe from a well-
known work by
a. Walter Raleigh
("O eloquent, just and mightie Death!" in Sir Walter Raleigh's History of the World)
b. P.B. Shelley
c. John Keats
d. S.T. Coleridge

7. Which Romantic writer was also a competent painter and have also painted portraits of
Wordsworth and Coleridge?
a. P.B. Shelley
b. Lord Byron
c. William Hazlitt
d. Charles Lamb

8. Who is the writer of anonymously published Liber Amoris; or, The New Pygmalion?
a. William Godwin
b. Robert Southey
c. Thomas Chatterton
d. William Hazlitt

9. This woman novelist wrote "Scotch" novels: Thaddeus of Warsaw and The Scottish Chiefs.
Who is she?
a. Jane Porter
b. Susan Ferrier
c. Marry Russell Mitford
d. Maria Edge worth

10. “Mr. Southey is “ever in extremes and ever in the wrong!” Who makes this comment?
a. John Keats
b. William Hazlitt
c. Lord Byron
d. S.T. Coleridge

11. Which of the following is not a joint work by Charles and Mary Lamb?
a. Tales from Shakespeare
b. Mrs. Leicester’s School
c. Poems for Children
d. The Confessions of a Drunkard

12. Who is called by the critic Nathan Drake as the “Shakespeare of Romance writers”?
a. Jane Austen
b. Walter Scott
c. Ann Radcliffe
d. William Godwin

13. Charles Lamb imitated the style of which writer in The Last Essays of Elia?
a. William Hazlitt
b. Montaigne
c. Rousseau
d. Robert Burton

14. Which famous Romantic poet is caricatured as Harold Skimpole in Dickens’ Bleak House?
a. Lord Byron
b. John Keats
c. Leigh Hunt
d. S.T. Coleridge

15. Read the line: "About thirty years age, Miss Maria Ward of Huntingdon, with only seven
Thousand pounds had the good luck to captivate Sir Thomas Bertram ". This is the beginning of a
novel by Jane Austen. Which one?
a. Mansfield Park
b. Emma
c. Sense and Sensibility
d. Northanger Abbey

16. Ringers in the Tower is a book written by

a. Maurice Bowra
b. M.H. Abrams
c. A.O. Lovejoy
d. Harold Bloom

17. Wordsworth is experiencing a “second childhood”, Coleridge “muddles” in writing, and

William Gifford is a “sour little gentleman". Four great poets, Thomas Moore, Walter Scott, Robert
Southey, and Thomas Campbell are allowed to dine with Apollo while Samuel Rogers is only
allowed to have tea – The poem The Feast of the Poets is written by
a. Leigh Hunt
b. Thomas Chatterton
c. T.L. Peacock
d. Walter Savage Landor
18. Which book is subtitled as “Relations of the World and Religions Observed in All Ages and
Places Discovered, from the Creation to the Present”?
a. Caleb Williams
b. Purchas, His Pilgrimage
c. The Spirit of the Age
d. None of the above

19. “The way in which poetry is written is not, so far as our knowledge of these obscure matters
as yet extends, any clue to its value ... The faith in mystical inspiration is responsible for the
exaggerated repute of Kubla Khan” – Who said this?
a. Harold Bloom
b. Ezra Pound
c. W.H. Auden
d. None of the above (T.S. Eliot)

20. Who caricatured Wordsworth and Southey as Mr. Paperstamp and Mr. Feathernest
a. Leigh Hunt
b. Walter Scott
c. Thomas De Quincey
d. Thomas Love Peacock

21. Which poem was originally called Loan and Cythna or The Revolution of the Golden City: A
Vision of the Nineteenth Century?
a. Don Juan
b. Queen Mab
c. The Revolt of Islam
d. Childe Harold

22. The First Edition of The Lyrical Ballads does not contain
a. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
b. Michael, a pastoral
c. Tintern Abbey
d. The Idiot Boy

23. Which of the following work written by Lord Byron is closest to the Gothic mode
practiced by Ann Radcliffe?
a. The Corsair
b. Giaour
c. Don Juan
d. Lara

24. What novel is about the "idea of an orang-outang mimicking humanity."?

a. Melincourt
b. Gryll Grange
c. Headlong Hall
d. The Misfortunes of Elphin

25. Who is the mother of Adonais?

a. Urania
b. Venus
c. Aria
d. Albion

26. The term “Cockney School of Poetry” is first used in

a. The Examiner
b. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine
c. London magazine
d. Quarterly Review

27. Rise like Lions after slumber

In unvanquishable number,
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you -
Ye are many — they are few"
The lines are from
a. The Masque of Anarchy
b. France: An Ode
c. America: A Prophecy
d. Don Juan

28. One of the characters of Jane Austen remarks, "A lady's imagination is very rapid; it jumps
from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment." Who said this and in which novel?
a. Mr. Woodhouse in Emma
b. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice
c. Catherine in Northanger Abbey
d. None of the above

29. Which great work of literature is subtitled “The Emanation of the Giant Albion”?
a. Jerusalem
b. Milton: a poem
c. America: A Prophecy
d. The Four Zoas

30. The Triumph of Life is an unfinished poem by

a. P.B. Shelley
b. John Keats
c. Lord Byron
d. Robert Southey

31. The 1805 Prelude, which was found and printed by Ernest de Sélincourt in 1926 consists
a. 13 books
b. 12 books
c. 14 books
d. 11 books

32. Don Juan has

a. 5 cantos
b. 15 cantos
c. 16 cantos
d. 20 cantos

33. The Vision of Judgment is

a. an attack on Jeffrey, the editor
b. satire on Southey
c. satire on a young man of Seville
d. satire on society

34. Which chilling novel of surveillance and entrapment had the alternative title “Things as
They Are”?
a. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
b. William Godwin's Caleb Williams
c. Sir Walter Scott's Waverley
d. Horace Walpole's Castle of Otranto

35. Edgar Allan Poe's sonnet "To Science" is influenced by

a. Lamia
b. Hyperion
c. The Fall of Hyperion
d. The Eve of St. Agnes

36. What did Byron deride with his scathing reference to "'Peddlers,' and 'Boats,' and 'Wagons'!"?
a. the neo-classical influence of Pope and Dryden
b. the clumsiness of Shakespeare's plots
c. the Orientalist fantasies of Coleridge
d. Wordsworth's devotion to the ordinary and everyday

37. Hermes/Apollonius is a key figure in which of Keats’ poem

a. The Fall of Hyperion
b. Lamia
c. Endymion
d. The Eve of St. Mark

38. What is the implication of the term “Childe” in Childe Harold?

a. Child
b. Knight
c. A candidate for knighthood
d. Innocent

39. Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage is dedicated to “lanthe” – “lanthe” can be identified with
a. Lady Charlotte Harley
b. Elizabeth Pigot
c. Mary Lamb
d. Anna Isabella Milbanke

40. Who in Blake’s mythopoeia is described by his mythic opponent “Albion's Angel”
as the “Lover of Wild Rebellion, and transgressor of God's Law”?
a. Enitharmon
b. Orc
c. Los
d. Luvah

41. Who according to Hazlitt has succeeded as a writer “not by conforming to the Spirit of the
Age, but in opposition to it”?
a. William Wordsworth
b. Lord Byron
c. Charles Lamb
d. P.B. Shelley

42. Who published Advice to Young Men in which he heavily criticized An Essay On the Principle of
Population published by the Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus.
a. William Cobbett
b. William Godwin
c. Edmund Burke
d. P.B. Shelley
43. What is “laudanum”?
a. Tincture of opium
b. A journal during Romantic period
c. A title conferred upon court poets
d. A visionary state described by Blake

44. The Preface to The Lyrical Ballads contain a mention to "Sonnet on the Death of
Mr. Richard West"? Who is the author of the sonnet?
a. Thomas Gray
b. Robert Burns
c. Oliver Goldsmith
d. William Wordsworth himself

45. What is the sub-title of the poem, Maud?

a. A Romance
b. A Drama
c. A Monodrama
d. A Soliloquy

46. Who is the author of the novel, Endymion?

a. Benjamin Disraeli
b. Charles Kingsley
c. Edward Bulwer
d. Anthony Trollope

47. Which novel by Dickens reflects to some extent his concerns with railway travel and the
'railway mania', 'a fascination which had a strong ingredient of fear in it', and reflects ambivalence
towards the effects of the railways.
a. The Old Curiosity Shop
b. Nicholas Nickleby
c. Martin Chuzzlewit
d. Dombey and Son

48. When is the Charles Lyell’s influential Principles of Geology published?

a. 1830
b. 1840
c. 1850
d. 1860

49. The Anti Corn-Law League founded in 1839 was headed by

a. Robert Peel
b. Richard Cobden
c. James Wilson
d. William Wilberforce

50. Which novel deals with four generations of the Pontifex family?
a. Jude the Obscure
b. Romola
c. Esther Waters
d. The Way of All Flesh

51. To whom did Charlotte Bronte dedicate Jane Eyre?

a. Thomas Hardy
b. Charles Dickens
c. His brother Branwell Bronte
d. W.M. Thackeray
52. How many poems constitute Browning’s seminal collection, Men and Women?
a. 50
b. 51
c. 52
d. 53

53. “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.”
The following lines are taken from which sonnet number in Sonnets from the Portuguese.
a. Sonnet 33
b. Sonnet 43
c. Sonnet 44
d. Sonnet 4

54. The Mellstock Quire: A Rural Painting of the Dutch School is the alternative title of which of
the following novel?
a. The Woodlanders
b. A Pair of Blue Eyes
c. Under the Greenwood Tree
d. The Trumphet Major

55. In the preface of which novel Hardy described Wessex as "a merely realistic dream country"?
a. Under the Greenwood Tree
b. The Mayor of Casterbridge
c. Far From the Madding Crowd
d. Jude the Obscure

56. Matthew Arnold’s Touchstone method values

a. All literary pieces
b. Only the best writing
c. Only the English writers
d. Only the Greek classics

57. Which work of Mrs. Browning has been aptly called “a woman’s love-making with a nation”?
a. Aurora Leigh
b. Casa Guidi Windows
c. Seraphim and other poems
d. Sonnets from the Portuguese

58. Which work of Robert Browning is based on the proceedings of a murder trial in Rome in
a. The Ring and the Book
b. Sordello
c. Men and Women
d. Bells and Pomegranates

59. Praeterita is an autobiography of

a. Walter Pater
b. Oscar Wilde
c. John Ruskin
d. Thomas Hardy

60. Life of Charlotte Bronte was written by

a. Emily Bronte
b. George Eliot
c. Elizabeth Gaskell
d. Virginia Woolf

61. Charlotte Bronte dedicated Jane Eyre to

a. Elizabeth Gaskell
b. Thomas Hardy
c. Charles Dickens
d. W. M. Thackeray

62. The title Vanity Fair has been taken from

a. Faerie Queene
b. Paradise Lost
c. Utopia
d. Pilgrim’s Progress

63. “We mortal millions live alone”

a. Scholar Gypsy
b. Stanzas from Grand Chartreuse
c. Empedocles at Etna
d. To Marguerite

64. Which poet was offered the Poet Laureate’s post succeeding Tennyson but he refused due to
ideological reasons?
a. William Morris
b. Matthew Arnold
c. Robert Browning
d. DG Rossetti

65. The subtitle of The Dynasts is

a. An epic drama of the war with Napoleon
b. The Story of the Oaks
c. After the Civil War
d. The Saga of a Royal Family

66. I began it as a young woman – I finished it an old one. Which of her novels brought out this
remark from George Eliot?
a. Romola
b. Felix Holt
c. Daniel Deronda
d. Middlemarch

67. Who pronounced Tennyson to be “the first poet since Lucretius who understood the drift of
a. JS Mill
b. A Huxley
c. M Arnold
d. E Fitzgerald

68. Which great Victorian writer was influenced by the writings and theories of Darwin and wrote
considerable tracts on biological theories like Evolution, Old and the New, Unconscious Memory
etc. Later he was more influenced by Lamarck and moved away from Darwin.
a. George Gissing
b. George Moore
c. Robert Louis Stevenson
d. Samuel Butler

69. Prometheus Bound was written by

a. Christina Rossetti
b. Elizabeth Barrett Browning
c. John Ruskin
d. Walter Pater

70. Which George Eliot’s novel is woven around the year 1832, the eve of Reform Bill?
a. Mill on the Floss
b. Felix Holt
c. Middlemarch
d. Daniel Deronda

71. “Manchester is as great a human exploit as Athens” – The following line is quoted from
a. Mary Barton
b. Sybil
c. Coningsby
d. North and South

72. Who creates an antipathetic characterization of Dickens as “Mr Popular Sentiment” and Carlyle
as “Dr Pessimist Anticant”?
a. Anthony Trollope in The Warden
b. Anthony Trollope in Doctor Thorne
c. Thackeray in The Newcomes
d. Thackeray in Henry Esmond

73. Which novel by Thackeray is based loosely on Henry Fielding’s cult text Jonathan Wild?
a. The History of Henry Esmond
b. The Newcomes
c. The Great Hoggarty Diamond
d. Barry Lyndon

74. Which novel by Dickens is set at the time of Gordon riots of 1780?
a. Barnaby Rudge
b. The Old Curiosity Shop
c. Little Dorrit
d. Hard Times

75. Matthew Arnold took story from ________ for his Sohrab and Rustam.
e. Canterbury Tales
f. Panchatantra
g. Arabian Nights
h. Shah Namah

76. The mathematician, Charles Lutwidge Dodson is better known as

a. Samuel Butler
b. Charles Kingsley
c. Lewis Carroll
d. Edward Lear

77. Which critic rejected the heavily subjective first-person accounts of the Romantics and
famously called it “pathetic fallacy”?
a. John Ruskin
b. Walter Pater
c. Oscar Wilde
d. Theophile Gautier

78. Oxford Movement originated in a sermon by Rev. John Keble titled

a. National Ecstasy
b. Tract Ninety
c. National Apostasy
d. Spiritual counsel

79. The Battle of Balaclava in the Crimean War finds its reference in the poem
a. Crossing the Bar
b. Passing of Arthur
c. Maud
d. Charge of the Light Brigade

80. Which day is Pippa’s only holiday for the entire year?
a. Christmas Eve
b. New Year Morn
c. Valentine’s Day
d. Easter Sunday

81. Which of the following poem contains the metaphor of life as a pot that is fashioned by the
master’s hand?
a. Men and Women
b. Aurora Leigh
c. The Ring and the Book
d. Rabbi Ben Ezra

82. Which among the following novels is an early example of a novel enriched by intertextuality
which includes a range of discourses – narrative within narrative (from Apuleius), oration (by
Fronto), formal dialogue (an abridgement of Lucian's Hermotimus), letters (Eusebius) and
a. Marius the Epicurean
b. The Newcomes
c. The Picture of Dorian Grey
d. Coningsby

83. Which Victorian writer had the following pen name – James Yellowplush, Charles James
Yellowplush, Michael Angelo Titmarsh, George Savage FitzBoodle?
a. Dickens
b. Hardy
c. Trollope
d. None of the above

84. John Jasper is a protagonist in Dickens’

a. Our Mutual Friend
b. The Mystery of Edwin Drood
c. Great Expectations
d. A Tale of Two Cities

85. Whose novels like Workers in the Dawn and The Nether World deals with working class
problems and often have been termed as “slum fiction”?
a. Thackeray
b. Dickens
c. Gissing
d. Elizabeth Gaskell

86. Whom did Carlyle include in “Hero as Poet” in On Heroes, Hero-worship and Heroic in History?
a. Dante and Shakespeare
b. Chaucer and Shakespeare
c. Milton and Shakespeare
d. Baudelaire and Shakespeare

87. Oxford Movement originated in a sermon by Rev. John Keble titled

a. National Ecstasy
b. Tract Ninety
c. National Apostasy
d. Spiritual counsel

88. Who famously wrote, “Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign”?
a. Cardinal Newman
b. Matthew Arnold
c. Oscar Wilde
d. John Stuart Mill

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