Quarter 1 week 1

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Holy Cross College of Sasa, Inc.

Km. 9, Sasa, Davao City

Junior High School Department

School Year: 2023-2024


Subject Area: Oral Communication – Grade 11 Date: August 14-18, 2023

Unit Topic: Understanding the Communication Process Quarter: First

Competencies: (for the week)

 Defines communication.
 Explains the nature and process of communication.
 Differentiates the various models of communication.
 Distinguishes the unique feature(s) of one communication process from the other
 Explains why there is a breakdown of communication.
 Uses various strategies in order to avoid communication breakdown.
 Demonstrates sensitivity to the socio-cultural dimension of communication situation with
focus on a. culture b. gender c. age d. social status e. religion

Learning Objectives: (for the week)

 Defines communication.
 Explains the nature and process of communication.
 Differentiates the various models of communication.
 Distinguishes the unique feature(s) of one communication process from the other
 Explains why there is a breakdown of communication.
 Uses various strategies in order to avoid communication breakdown.
 Demonstrates sensitivity to the socio-cultural dimension of communication situation with
focus on a. culture b. gender c. age d. social status e. religion

Day 1

I. Introduction (Preliminary/Explore)

Opening Routines (3 minutes)

C - Cleanliness
O - Orderliness
P - Prayer
A - Attendance

Review (5 minutes)

 The teacher reviews the students on the lessons discussed in the previous meeting.
 Models of Communication

Learning Targets

 I can define communication.

 I can explain the nature and process of communication.
 I can differentiate the various models of communication.
 I can distinguish the unique feature(s) of one communication process from the other

Motivation (5 minutes)

 The teacher presents a picture with a jumbled letters to the students and they will
arrange those letters to form a word.

II. Interaction (Lesson Development/Firm-Up and Deepen)

A. Presentation of Concepts (2 minutes)

 The teacher briefly presents/explains the Various Models of Communication

B. Learning Activity (20 minutes)

 Teacher Activity

o The teacher presents the Learning Target.

o The teacher asks the students to Define communication in their own words and
why is it important.
o The teacher asks the students to identify the elements of communication being
o The teacher asks the students to group the class into three.
Group Task
Each group is tasked to read an article found on the internet and then
answer the questions that follow.
o The teacher discusses further what are the articles all about.
o The teacher gives an assessment to the students.

 Student Activity

o The students read the Learning Target.

o The students defined communication in their own words and gave their
understanding about why is it important.
o The students identified the elements of communication being told.
o The students formed a group.
o The students read an article and present their answers.
o The students actively participate well in the discussion.
o The students answer the assessment.

III. Integration (Broadening of Concept/Transfer)

 Discussion (5 minutes)

o The teacher points out how the Models of Communication is important in our
daily lives and also emphasizes about the elements of communication in a
Theoretical approach.

 Integration (5 minutes)

o The students are led to the realization that communication is necessary and it
allows us to connect with others, express our needs, understand the
perspectives of others, resolve conflicts efficiently, and build meaningful

 Evaluation (10 minutes)

o Formative – Identification.

 Summary/Synthesis (5 minutes)

 The teacher asks students (volunteers) to give the summary of what they have
learned during the day’s lesson.

 Purposive Assignment

1. Give at least five examples of a situations where communication is present. Write it

on a ¼ sheet of paper.
Day 2

I. Introduction (Preliminary/Explore)

Opening Routines (3 minutes)

C - Cleanliness
O - Orderliness
P - Prayer
A - Attendance

Review (5 minutes)

 The teacher reviews the students on the lessons discussed in the previous meeting.


 Communication Breakdown and Noise

Learning Targets

 I can explain why there is a breakdown of communication.

 I can use various strategies in order to avoid communication breakdown.

Motivation (15 minutes)

 The teacher presents to the students a short video clip on “Communication Breakdown
 The teacher asks the students the following questions:

 What are the words/concepts that you have noticed from the video clip?
 What is the effect of those in communication?
 How can you have an effective communication?

II. Interaction (Lesson Development/Firm-Up and Deepen)

A. Presentation of Concepts (2 minutes)

 The teacher briefly presents/explain the concept/terms in Communication Breakdown

and noise.

B. Learning Activity (15 minutes)

 Teacher Activity

o The teacher presents the Learning Targets.

o The teacher questions the students how they understand the word breakdown
when applied to communication?
o The teacher then asks the students to give a specific situation to illustrate their
own definition.
o The teacher asks the students to identify the elements of communication being
o The teacher gives an assessment to the students
o The teacher asks the students to group themselves into three.
Group Task
Each group is tasked to come up with a suggestion on how students can
better comprehend lessons from classroom lectures and discussions.
Before making a final list, they have to interview their classmates and ask
them the following question:
 What three things usually make it difficult for you to understand a
The students must list down their classmates’ answer and classify them
according to the types of noise being discussed previously. Then
research ways on how to overcome each noise mentioned.

o The teacher encourages the students to ask and answer questions.

o The teacher asks the students to make a reflection paper about what they have
learned about the lesson.

 Student Activity

o The students read the Learning Target.

o The students explain their understanding about the word breakdown when
applied to communication.
o The students gave specific examples to illustrate their own definition.
o The students answer the assessment.
o The students formed a group and actively participated in answering the following
questions and present their output to the class.
o The students actively participate well in the discussion.
o The students answer the assessment.

III. Integration (Broadening of Concept/Transfer)

 Discussion (10 minutes)

 The teacher emphasizes that there are many different possible causes for
communication to breakdown. And explains that clear communication paves the
way for progression and motivation, while misunderstandings lead to conflict and
poor performance.

 Integration (5 minutes)

 The students are led to the realization that a communication barrier is something
that prevents either person from understanding the information they are being
told and it will cause trouble in understanding the message of one another. There
are many instances why is this happening. So, it is really important that we know
how to avoid communication breakdowns and noise. And it is important that we
don’t make any judgements about what someone may be experiencing, we must
always have to ask.
 Evaluation (5 minutes)

 Formative - Essay

 Summary/Synthesis (5 minutes)

 The teacher asks students (volunteers) to give the summary of what they have
learned during the day’s lesson.

 Purposive Assignment

o Analyze and identify the possible noises that can cause communication
breakdown in the situations cited by the teacher. Then describe how
communication breakdown may occur. Afterward, propose the strategy to avoid
or remedy this breakdown. Write your answer on a 1 whole sheet of paper.
Day 3 and 4

I. Introduction (Preliminary/Explore)

Opening Routines (3 minutes)

C - Cleanliness
O - Orderliness
P - Prayer
A - Attendance

Review (5 minutes)

 The teacher reviews the students on the lessons discussed in the previous meeting.


 Cultural Sensitivity in Communication

 Verbal and Non-verbal Cues

Learning Targets

 I can demonstrate sensitivity to the socio-cultural dimension of communication situation

with focus on culture, gender, age, social status, and religion.

Motivation (10 minutes)

 The students will watch a video clip about cultural sensitivity.

 The teacher will present a jumbled letters for the student to guess what is the video clip
all about. The letters will serve as their guide in guessing the hidden words.

II. Interaction (Lesson Development/Firm-Up and Deepen)

A. Presentation of Concepts (2 minutes)

 The teacher gives an overview about Cultural sensitivity in terms of culture, gender, age,
social status, and religion. As well as the Verbal and Non-verbal cues in communication.

B. Learning Activity (20 minutes)

 Teacher Activity

o The teacher presents the Learning Targets.

o The teacher asks the students to define Cultural Insensitivity in their own words
and to give a situation where they encountered cultural insensitivity.
o The teacher asks the students to pair themselves with their seatmates and think
of two other instances when cultural insensitivity may cause a breakdown in
communication and to share them in class.
o The teacher asks the students (voluntary) the following questions:
 Have you ever refused or hesitated to mingle with another person
or group?
 What reason(s) did you have? What cause you to behave or feel
differently if you find yourself in the same situation in the future?

 The teacher asks the students to group themselves into five

Group Activity
o Each group must browse the internet about the verbal and non-verbal
cues and behavior. After reading the article the student must list verbal
and non-verbal behaviors relating to intrapersonal and interpersonal
communication contexts. Afterward, present a skit demonstrating the
useful tips you have learned from the articles.

o The teacher asks the students to ask and answer some questions.
o The teacher gives formative assessment to the students.

 Student Activity

o The students read the Learning Targets.

o The students will define Cultural Insensitivity in their own words and cited a
situation where they encountered cultural insensitivity.
o The students pair themselves with their seatmates and actively participated in the
o The students answer the questions.
o The students grouped themselves into five.
o The students read an article and present their skit in the class.
o The students actively participate in the discussion.
o The students answer the formative assessment.

III. Integration (Broadening of Concept/Transfer)

 Discussion (5 minutes)

 The teacher emphasizes that Cultural sensitivity is increasingly recognized as an

essential factor in effective communication. In providing language services,
cultural sensitivity can be crucial in ensuring successful communication between
people of different cultures. On the other hand, Verbal and nonverbal cues are
both important in communication.

 Integration (5 minutes)

 The students are led to the realization that being sensitive in the culture of others
is important. In this era of globalization, people from different countries, cultures,
languages and backgrounds are now communicating. As people are starting to
move together, it is necessary for them to have cultural sensitivity. Cultural
sensitivity means being aware both cultural differences and similarities exist
between people. We have to respect the cultures of other nationalities. And in
using verbal and non-verbal cues in communication it is important that they
expand their awareness of the nonverbal cues. They realized that they have to
look for small signs, such as a tear forming in the corner of the eye or tremor in
the voice; become aware of your inner experience; for them to open up the
nonverbal dialogue.
 Evaluation (10 minutes)

 Essay

 Summary/Synthesis (5 minutes)

 The teacher asks students (volunteers) to give the summary of what they have
learned during the day’s lesson.

 Purposive Assignment
 Read and study Functions or Communication and answer the question:

1. Define regulation and control as functions of communication.

Write your answers on your Notebook.

References/Instructional Materials

 Textbook – Adopted from Marilou Santos—Syjueco. Oral Communication in

Context. Page 3-17
Adopted from the book of Ramona S. Flores’ Oral Communication in Context. Page 5-7
 Links - Models of Communication | The Communication Process
Non-Verbal Behavior (changingminds.org)
The Elements of Communication: A Theoretical Approach - Udemy Blog
 Power Point Presentation
 Laptop
 Smart T.V

Prepared by: Checked by:

Ms. Kate Alyzza C. Tubato Sr. Ma. Florifes C. Bejod, TDM

English Teacher SHS Coordinator

Status of Implementation

_______________ Implemented
_______________ Partially Implemented
_______________ Not Implemented





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