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User instructions - Shearstream HP - VLENIM0027-01 04/14

Valtek ShearStream HP Control Valves Installation

Segmented V-Port Ball Valves Operation

Experience In Motion
User instructions - Shearstream HP - VLENIM0027-01 04/14

General Information 1
Unpacking 2
Installation 3
Quick Check 4
Preventative Maintenance 5
Removing Valve From Line 6
Removing Actuator From Body 7
Disassembly and Reassembly 8
Remounting the Actuator 9
Figure 1 Body Assembly, >2-inch
Figure 2 Body Assembl, 1 - 2-inch
Figure 3 Packing Configurations
Figure 4 Seat Configurations
Figure 5 Exploded Body Subassembly
Table I Flange Bolting Specifications
Table II Integral Flange, Thru Hole or Theaded Hole on Flange
Table III Separable Flange & Half Rings
Table IV Separable Flange, Thru Hole or Threaded Hole on Flange
Table V Screwed-in Retainer Torques
Table VI Post/Shaft Plug Torques
Table VII Optional ShearStream Tools
Table VIII Troubleshooting Chart

User instructions - Shearstream HP - VLENIM0027-01 04/14

have been authorized by those responsible for the safety of the
1.1 Use plant to perform the necessary work, and recognize and avoid
The following instructions are designed to assist in the unpack- possible dangers.
ing, installation, and maintenance as required for Flowserve
products. Product users and maintenance personnel should 1.6 Spare Parts
thoroughly review this manual prior to installing, operating, or Use only Flowserve original spare parts. Flowserve cannot
performing any maintenance. accept responsibility for any damages that occur from using
In most cases, Flowserve valves, actuators and accessories are spare parts or fastening materials from other manufacturers.
designed for specific applications (e.g. with regard to medium, If Flowserve products (especially sealing materials) have been
pressure and temperature). For this reason, they should not be on store for long periods of time, check them for corrosion or
used in other applications without first contacting the manu- deterioration before putting them into use.
1.7 Service / Repair
1.2 Applicability To avoid possible injury to personnel or damage to products,
The following instructions are applicable to the maintenance safety terms must be strictly adhered to. Modifying this prod-
and installation of Valtek ShearStream HP control valves. uct, substituting non-factory parts, or using maintenance
These instructions cannot claim to cover all details of all pos- procedures other than those outlined in these Installation, Op-
sible product variations, nor can they provide information for eration and Maintenance Instructions could drastically affect
every possible example of installation, operation or mainte- performance, be hazardous to personnel and equipment, and
nance. This means that the instructions normally include only may void existing warranties. Between the actuator and the
the directions to be followed by qualified personal using the valve there are moving parts. To avoid injury, Flowserve pro-
product for its defined purpose. If there are any uncertainties vides pinch-point-protection in the form of cover plates, espe-
in this respect, particularly in the event of missing product-re- cially where side-mounted positioners are fitted. If these plates
lated information, clarification must be obtained via the ap- are removed for inspection, service or repair special attention
propriate Flowserve sales office. Flowserve User Manuals are is required. After completing work the cover plates must be re-
available at www.flowserve.com. fitted. Apart from the operating instructions and the obligatory
accident prevention directives valid in the country of use, all
1.3 Terms related to safety recognized regulations for safety and good engineering prac-
The terms DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION, NOTE are used in tices must be followed.
this document to highlight particular dangers and/or to provide WARNING: Before products are returned to Flowserve for re-
additional information on points which may not be clearly obvi- pair or service, Flowserve must be provided with a certificate

ous. that confirms that the product has been decontaminated and
is clean. Flowserve will not accept deliveries if a certificate has
DANGER: Indicates that death, severe personal injury and/or not been provided (a form can be obtained from Flowserve).
substantial property damage will occur if proper precautions
are not taken. 1.8 Storage
WARNING: Indicates that danger of death or severe personal In most cases, Flowserve products are manufactured from
injury and/or property damage can occur if proper precautions stainless steel. Products not manufactured from stainless
are not taken. steel are provided with an epoxy resin coating. This means
CAUTION: Indicates that minor personal injury and/or serious that Flowerve products are well protected from corrosion.
damage to property can occur if the appropriate precautions Nevertheless, Flowserve products must be stored adequately
are not taken. in a clean, dry, environment. Plastic caps are fitted to protect
NOTE: Indicates and provides additional technical information the flange faces and prevent the ingress of foreign materials.
which may not be obvious, even to qualified personnel. These caps should not be removed until the valve is actually
Compliance with other notes, which may not be particularly mounted into the system.
emphasized, with regard to transport, assembly, operation and
maintenance and with regard to technical documentation (e.g.
in the operating instructions, product documentation, or on the 2 UNPACKING
product itself) is essential, in order to avoid faults, which can
directly or indirectly cause severe personal injury or property 2.1 While unpacking the valve, check the packing list against the
damage.. materials received. Lists describing the valve and accessories
are included in each shipping container.
1.4 Protective clothing
Flowserve products are often used in problematic applications 2.2 When lifting the valve from shipping container, use straps
(e.g. under extremely high pressures with dangerous, toxic or through the yoke legs. Take care to position lifting straps to
corrosive mediums). When performng service, inspection, or avoid damage to the tubing and mounted accessories.
repair operations, always ensure that the valve and the actua-
tor are depressurized and that the valve has been cleaned, and WARNING: When lifting a valve be aware that the center of
that it is free of harmful substances. In such cases, pay par- STOP!
gravity may be above the lifting point. Therefore, support must
ticular attention to personal protection (e.g. protective clothing, be given to prevent the valve from rotating. Failure to do so can
gloves, glasses etc). cause serious injury to personnel and damage to the valve and
nearby equipment.
1.5 Qualified personnel
Qualified personnel are people who on account of their educa- 2.3 Contact you shipper immediately if there is shipping damage.
tion, experience, training, and knowledge of relevant standards,
specifications, accident prevention, and operating conditions 2.4 Should any problem arise, call your Flowserve representative.
User instructions - Shearstream HP - VLENIM0027-01 04/14

4.2 Check all air connections for leaks. Tighten or replace any leak-
DANGER: Before installation check the order number, serial ing lines.
number, and/or the tag number to ensure that the valve and
actuator being installed are correct for the intended application. 4.3 Check packing box bolting for proper tightness.
CAUTION: Do not insulate extensions that are provided for hot CAUTION: Do not overtighten packing. This can cause exces-
or cold services.
sive packing wear and high stem friction that may impede shaft
movement. After the valve has been in service for a short pe-
3 INSTALLATION riod, recheck the packing-box nuts. If the packing-box leaks,
tighten the nuts just enough to stop the leak.
3.1 Before installing the valve, clean the pipeline of all contamina-
tion, carbon deposits, welding chips, and other foreign material. 4.4 Make sure the valve fails in the correct direction in case of
Carefully clean gasket surfaces to ensure a tight seal. Pipelines air failure. This is done by positioning the valve at mid-stroke
must be correctly aligned to ensure that the valve is not fitted and turning off the air supply and observing the failure direc-
under tension. tion. If the action is incorrect, see the section “Reversing the
Air-action” in the instructions of the installation, operation and
3.2 Fire protection must be provided by the user. maintenance manual of the appropriate actuator.

3.3 Check the direction of fluid flow to ensure that the valve is
correctly installed. Flow direction is indicated by the arrow at-
tached to the body. All installation orientations for fitting the
valve into the pipeline are defined at the end of this manual. At least once every six months, check for proper operation by
DANGER: To avoid serious injury, keep hands, hair, clothing, following the preventative maintenance steps outlined below.
etc away from the ball and seat when the valve is working. These steps may be performed while the valve is in-line and
without interrupting service. If an internal problem is suspect-
3.4 Whenever possible, the valve should be installed so that actua-
ed, refer to section “Valve Disassembly”.
tor is in an upright position. Vertical installation of the actuator
permits easier valve maintenance.
5.1 Look for signs of gasket leakage through the end flanges and
3.5 Connect the air supply and instrument signal lines. Throttling post. If necessary, re-torque end flanges and post.
control valves are equipped with a valve positioner. Connec-
tions are marked for the air supply and the instrument signal. 5.2 Examine the valve for damage caused by corrosive fumes or
Check that the actuator and positioner can withstand the max- process drippings.
imum air supply from the network. The required air supply is
indicated on a sticker located on the actuator. An air regulator 5.3 Clean the valve and repaint areas of severe oxidation.
will be necessary in certain cases in order to limit the supply
pressure. A filter is recommended unless the air supplied is 5.4 Check the packing-box for proper tightness. If there is a per-
exceptionally clean and dry (air quality without humidity, oil, or sistent leak, change the packing after referring to sections
dust as per IEC 770 and ISA-7.0.01). All connections must be “Valve Disassembly and Body Reassembly”.
completely tight.
CAUTION: Do not overtighten packing. This can cause exces-
CAUTION: On valves equipped with air filters, the air filter must sive packing wear and high friction that may impede shaft
point down to perform properly. movement.
3.6 Use the bolts indicated in Table I for installing the valve in the
pipeline, and then tighten alternately according to good prac- 5.5 If the valve is equipped with a lubricator, add lubricant if nec-
tice. The user must in all cases confirm the capacity of the bolts essary.
to ensure a sufficiently tight gasket seal for the expected ser-
vice conditions. 5.6 If possible, stroke the valve and check for smooth, full-stroke
operation. Unsteady shaft movement may indicate an internal
3.7 Be sure to provide proper overhead clearance for the actuator valve problem.
to allow for disassembly of the actuator from the valve body.
Refer to the appropriate to the ShearStream HP Technical Bul- 5.7 Check the calibration of the positioner. For further preventative
letin for proper clearances. ShearStream HP Technical Bulletin maintenance, see the instructions in the installation, operation
is available at www.flowserve.com. and maintenance manual for the applicable positioner.

5.8 Ensure all accessories, brackets and bolting are securely fas-
4 QUICK-CHECK tened.

Before commissioning, check the control valve by following 5.9 If possible, remove air supply and observe actuator for correct
these steps: fail-safe action.

4.1 Check for full stroke by varying the instrument signal settings 5.10 Check the actuator and all air connections for leaks.
appropriately. Observe the ball position indicator located on
the actuator or the positioner. The ball should change position 5.11 If an air filter is supplied, check and replace the cartridge if
with a smooth turning movement. necessary.
User instructions - Shearstream HP - VLENIM0027-01 04/14

Table I: Flange Bolting Specifications

Valve ANSI Bolt** Torque* (ft.-lbs.)
Size Class Length Low Intermediate
(inches) Rating (inches) Strength Strength
150 2.5 23 61
1 300 3.0 46 122
600 3.5 46 122
150 2.75 23 61
1½ 300 3.5 82 218 Table III: Separable Flange & Half Rings
600 4.25 82 218 Pressure Class
150 3.25 46 122 Size
2 300 3.5 46 122 Part CL 150 CL 300 CL 600
600 4.25 46 122 Flange N/A N/A N/A
150 3.5 46 122 1 Half Ring
3 300 4.25 82 218
600 5.0 82 218 Flange N/A N/A N/A
150 3.5 46 122 1-1/2 Half Ring
4 300 4.5 82 218
600 5.75 132 353 Flange 001082 063858 N/A
150 4.0 82 218 2 Half Ring 001018 001018
6 300 4.75 82 218
600 6.75 199 531 Flange 089298 094440 094441
150 4.25 82 218 3 089297 089297 089297
8 300 5.5 132 353 Half Ring
600 7.5 296 789
Flanged 001200 001201 070979
150 4.5 132 353
10 300 6.25 199 531 4 Half Ring 001203 001203 001203
600 8.5 420 1119
150 4.75 132 353
Flanged 001643 070428
12 300 6.75 296 789 N/A
600 8.75 420 1119 6 Half Ring 001644 034807
150 5.50 199 531
16 300 7.75 420 1119 Flanged 001801 072211
600 10.00 667 1760 N/A
8 Half Ring 001803 034822

*Torque values are recommended for low and intermediate strength

bolting per ANSI B16.5 ¶5.3.2. Higher torques may be used with high
strength bolting (ANSI B16.5 ¶5.3.1). In all cases the user must verify Table IV: Separable Flange, Thru Hole or Threaded
the selected bolting‘s ability to seat the joint under expected operating
Hole on Flange
condition. Long thru-bolted joints generally require higher strength
bolting and torque values than shorter flanged bolting depending on Pressure Class
operating conditions.
CL 150 CL 300 CL 600
**Lengths are based on ANSI B16.5 stud bolts and raised face ends. 1 N/A N/A N/A
1-1/2 N/A N/A N/A

Table II: Integral Flange, Thru Hole or Threaded 2 Thru Threaded N/A
Hole on Flange 3 Thru Thru Threaded
Pressure Class 4 Thru Thru Thru
CL 150 CL 300 CL 600 6 N/A Thru Threaded
1 Thru Thru Thru 8 N/A Thru Threaded
1-1/2 Thru Thru Thru 10 N/A N/A N/A
2 Thru Threaded Threaded 12 N/A N/A N/A
3 Thru Thru Thru
4 Thru Thru Thru
6 Thru Thru Threaded
8 Thru Thru Thru
10 Thru Thru Threaded
12 Thru Thru Threaded
User instructions - Shearstream HP - VLENIM0027-01 04/14

Packing Retainer Retainer O-rings Post

(Item No. 88) (Item No. 30) (Item No. 59) (Item No. 123)
Seals* (Item No. 56)
Packing Stud Post O-ring
Inboard End No. 109) Shaft Bearing (Item No. 64)
(Item No. 83) (optional)
Gland Flange
(Item No. 80)
(Item No. 61)
Packing Nut
(Item No. 117)

(Item No. 51)
(Item No. 122)
Packing Follower
(Item No. 87) Shaft O-ring
(Item No. 62) Post Bearing
Packing Spacer (optional) (Item No. 84)
(Item No. 93)

Thrust Bearing Body Shaft Pin Ball Post Pin

(Item No. 1) (Item No. 52) (Item No. 50) (Item No. 121)
(Item No. 53)

(*See Figure 4 for seal configurations and item numbers.)

NOTE: Item numbers correspond directly to the valve‘s bill of material.

Refer to it for specific part numbers.

Stationary Post Design

Figure 1: 3 – 12-inch and 16-inch ShearStream HP
Body Assembly with Rotating Post Design

6 Removing Valve From Line 7.1 Support the actuator assembly before disconnecting it from the
If an internal problem is suspected with the valve and disassem- body assembly.
bly is required, remove the valve from the line by proceeding as 7.2 Loosen the actuator adjusting screw to release the spring com-
follows: pression.
WARNING: Depressurize line to atmospheric pressure, drain all
7.3 On Valtek rotary actuators with a clamped lever-arm design,
process fluids and decontaminate the valve (if caustic or hazard-
remove the actuator transfer case cover bolts, carefully pry or
ous materials are present). Failure to do so can cause serious
slide the cover plate from the transfer case, then loosen the
linkage bolt.
6.1 Attach a hoist or some means to support the valve.
7.4 Remove bolts connecting yoke to body subassembly.
6.2 Remove line bolting. Do not attempt to pry line flanges apart by
pushing or pulling on the valve or actuator. 7.5 Slide the entire actuator assembly off the shaft. On Valtek rotary
actuators with a clamped lever-arm design, it may be necessary
6.3 Slide the valve carefully from the line. To avoid damage to the to wedge the splined lever arm apart to loosen it from the shaft
gasket surfaces, do not twist the valve. splines.
6.4 After the valve is completely removed from the line, slowly relieve
air pressure from the actuator.
7 Removing Actuator From Body 8.1 Disassembling the Body

Sizes 3 – 12-inch and 16-inch ShearStream valves are designed Removing the actuator from the body assembly to disassemble
to be disassembled without removing the Flowserve actuator, 3 – 12-inch and 16-inch bodies is not necessary; however,
however, removing the actuator is recommended. Refer to this procedure is recommended. On valves with the clamped
actuator installation, operation, maintenance instructions, and lever-arm design loosening the valve shaft from the actuator
6 proceed as follows:
User instructions - Shearstream HP - VLENIM0027-01 04/14

Inboard End Shaft Bearing
(Item No. 88) (Item No. 83) Retainer Retainer O-rings
(Item No. 30) (Item No. 59) Post
Packing Stud Seals*
(Item No. 56) (Item No. 123)
(Item No. 109)
Post O-ring
(Item No. 64)
Gland Flange (optional)
(Item No. 80)

Packing Nut Plug

(Item No. 117) (Item
No. 122)

(Item No. 51)

Packing Follower O-ring

(Item No. 87) (Item No. 61)

Packing Spacer
(Item No. 93)
Pin Ball Post Bearing Thrust Bearing
Body (Item No. 52) (Item No. 50) (Item No. 84) (Item No. 53)

(Item No. 1)

(*See Figure 4 for seal configurations and item numbers.)

NOTE: Item numbers correspond directly to the valve‘s bill of material. Refer to it for specific part numbers.

Figure 2: 1 – 2-inch ShearStream HP Body Assembly

prior to body disassembly is necessary. Refer to Figures 1, 2 in the jack screw hole, tapped in the post, will help in removing
and 5 and proceed as follows: the post.)
8.1.1 Remove the seal retainer and seals. On stationary post designs, drive the shaft pin into the center
of the shaft until the outward end of the pin clears the ball
Screw-in style – This requires loosening the retainer by turning
splines. Be careful to not damage the shaft. The pin can then
it counterclockwise and removing it from the body. (A special
be punched out of the shaft after the shaft is removed. Remove
cross-wrench tool may be ordered from the factory. See Table
the anti-rotation clamp. Remove the post and the post O-rings.
IV.) Remove the metal seals. Remove the soft seal if applicable.
Lock-ring style – Some valve designs have a retaining ring held 8.1.4 On 3 – 12-inch and 16-inch designs, remove the shaft by pull-
in with set screws. To remove it, loosen the set screws in the ing it out through the outboard end of the body. On 1 – 2-inch
lock ring, then remove the retaining ring, lock ring and finally designs, remove the shaft by pulling it out through the inboard
the seal retainer. If the lock ring set screws will not loosen, the end of the body
retaining ring can be forced out using a flat-headed screwdriver CAUTION: Take special care to not damage the splined end of
and pliers. Remove the seals. valve shaft during disassembly.
8.1.2 Remove the gland flange by removing both packing nuts. 8.1.5 Rotate the ball inside the body so the non-splined end of the ball
Removing the studs is not necessary. is toward the back port of the valve and remove the ball straight
8.1.3 On rotating post designs, drive both the shaft and post pins out of the body. If necessary, on stationary post designs remove
into the center of the shaft and post until the outward end of the the post bearing from the ball by pushing it out with a press.
pin clears the ball. Be careful to not damage the shaft or post. CAUTION: Be extremely careful not to gall or scratch the
The pins can then be punched out of the shaft and post when sealing surface of the ball when removing it from body.
they are removed from the valve. Carefully remove the shaft Scratches may later cause excessive leakage and seal wear.
plug and O-ring and finally the rotating post. (Inserting a bolt
8.1.6 Push packing and bearings out of the body using a bronze
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SureGuard Standard Standard Twin "V"

Single "V" Twin Square

SafeGuard Live-loading SafeGuard / SureGuard Twin Square Twin "V"

(packing studs Fire-safe Option with Lubricator with Lubricator
rotated 45 degrees)
(live-loading omitted)

Figure 3: ShearStream HP Packing Configurations

dowel with the appropriate diameter. Push packing out of the the outboard end of body and through the splined hole of the
body from the center of the valve. (See Table IV for optional ball into the packing box. On 1 – 2-inch designs, insert the shaft
shaft/post bearing tool.) through the inboard end of body and through the packing box
into the splined hole of ball. (For 1-inch body designs, the thrust
8.2 Reassembling the Body bearing, packing spacer, packing, and packing follower must be
To reassemble the body subassembly, refer to Figures 1 or 2, 3, inserted before installing shaft.)
4, and 5 and proceed as follows: 8.2.7 Position the shaft so that the pin hole in the shaft and ball are in
8.2.1 Clean all parts and replace all O-rings and soft seals. alignment. (Some shafts have a half circle mark and line on the
8.2.2 Check the ball sealing surface to make sure it is smooth and free end. Align the line mark with the pin and the half circle symbol
of scoring and scratches. with the ball.) Install the shaft pin and drive it firmly into place
so that half is in the ball and half in the shaft.
CAUTION: Damaged or dirty seal surfaces can cause excessive
seat wear and high torque requirements. Damaged balls should 8.2.8 On rotating post designs, Insert the post through the outboard
be replaced. end of the body and into the hole of the ball. (For 1 – 2-inch valves
sizes, insert thrust bearing before installing post.) Position the
8.2.3 Inspect the shaft and post for scratches or galled surfaces. post so that the pin hole in the post and ball are aligned. (For
For maximum performance, ShearStream shafts and posts are 6 – 12-inch and 16-inch valve sizes, be certain that the ball pin
machined to a very smooth finish. If damage exists, replace the hole is aligned with the smallest diameter pin hole in the post.
shaft or contact the factory representative. Some posts have a half circle mark on the end. Align this mark
NOTE: Ball and shaft are interchangeable. Replacing the ball does with the ball.) Install the post pin and drive it firmly into place
not require replacing the shaft. so that half is in the ball and half is in the post. Torque the plug
per Table II.
8.2.4 Using a press to install new bearings in the body and/or ball is
recommended. (An optional post/bearing tool is available from
the factory. See Table IV.) When correctly installed, the ends of On stationary post designs, Ensure that the post and post threads
the body bearings should be flush with the inside of the body. are well lubricated with a high temperature bearing grease (or as
required by the application) before installation. Replace the post
8.2.5 Position the ball in the body by lowering it, splined hole first, into O-ring and reinstall the post. Torque the post per Table II. Install
the back of the body. Rotate the ball surface toward the front of the anti-rotation clamp kit.
the body so that the splined hole is toward the packing box.
8.2.9 Slide thrust bearing, packing spacer, packing, and packing
CAUTION: Be extremely careful not to gall or scratch the sealing follower over the splined end of the shaft and into body. Typical
surface of the ball when replacing it in the body. Scratches may packing configurations are shown in Figure 3. (1-inch designs
later cause excessive leakage and seal wear. refer to Step 6.)
8.2.6 On 3 – 12-inch and 16-inch designs, insert the shaft through NOTE: Always use new packing whenever rebuilding the packing
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Metal Seals Metal Seals

Retainer Body Retainer Body

Ball Ball Ball

Pressure Secondary
energizes seal seal locks primary
to flex into ball seal to ball

Metal seat: shaft downstream* Metal seat: shaft upstream*

Metal Seal
Soft Seal Soft Seal

Retainer / Flow ring Retainer

Body Body

Ball Ball

Soft seat and flow ring Dual*

Body Body

Retainer Retainer

Seat Seat keeper

Soft Seal

Wave Springs Wave Springs

Ball Ball

Heavy duty metal seat Heavy duty soft seat

* For sizes 1 inch and 1.5 inch there is only one metal seal ring

Figure 4: Seat Configurations

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Table V: Post/Shaft Plug Torques (ft.-lbs.)

CAUTION: Since the sealing on V-ring packing takes place at
Valve Size Rotating Post Design
the feather edge, it is imperative to avoid damage to that edge.
(inches) (Shaft Plug)
8.2.10 Reinstall the gland flange and packing nuts and leave loose.
1, 1.5* 50
CAUTION: Do not overtighten packing. This can cause exces- 2* 85
sive packing wear and shaft friction, which may impede shaft
3, 4 150
6,8 250
8.2.11 Place the valve on a flat surface with the threaded (retainer) port
facing up and pull the shaft toward the actuator until it is fully 10, 12 300
against the thrust bearing. 16* N/A
8.2.12 On 3 – 12-inch and 16-inch designs, make certain the ball * Flanged post; torque values not required.
surface is facing up and position the ball as close as possible in
the center of the body‘s inside diameter. (The pinned connection
between the ball and shaft is not a tight connection; the design 8.2.16 After the seal retainer is in tight, tighten the packing nuts just
includes a considerable amount of axial play between the ball over finger-tight. Packing nuts should be tightened as necessary
and shaft.) to prevent stem leakage.
On 1 – 2-inch designs, make certain the ball surface is facing
up and pull on the shaft until the post is fully against the thrust CAUTION: Do not overtighten packing. This can cause excessive
bearing. (The ball does not self center. No axial play should packing wear and high shaft friction, which may retard shaft
occur between the ball and shaft.) rotation.
8.2.13 Replace the seat as applicable to the valve. (Refer to Figure 4.)
For metal seats, insert the two metal seal rings into the body. 9 Remounting the Actuator
(See note on Figure 4.)
For soft seats, insert the soft seal ring into the body.
Before mounting a Flowserve actuator on the valve body, verify
For dual seats, insert the soft seal ring, followed by the that the ball rotation matches the actuator rotation and complies
two metal seal rings into the body. (See note on Figure 4.) with the air failure requirements. Procedure for mounting the
actuator is as follows:
For heavy duty metal seats or heavy duty soft seats, first lu-
bricate the seat o-ring and install into the seat. Next lubricate 9.1 Slide the entire actuator assembly onto the shaft. (If necessary
the mating surfaces between the seat and seat retainer. Then on Flowserve actuator designs with clamped lever-arm design,
place one shim in the retainer, followed by all of the wave wedge the splined lever arm apart to loosen it on the shaft
springs, and then the remaining shims. Next place the seat splines.)
into seat retainer, so the seat is resting on the shims and wave 9.2 Bolt the yoke to the valve body.
springs. For heavy duty metal seats, lubricate the contact sur- 9.3 Position the actuator lever arm on the shaft so the actuator stem
faces between the seat and ball. Follow instructions in 8.2.14 is centered in the transfer case.
for simultaneously installing the seat retainer and heavy duty
9.4 On clamped lever-arm actuator designs, firmly tighten the
seat into the body. linkage bolt. Bolt the transfer case cover plate into place.
Align the stroke indicator plate on the end of spline lever so it
8.2.14 W i t h s c r e w e d - i n r e t a i n e r d e s i g n s , r e p l a c e t h e
accurately indicates ball position.
O-rings in the retainer (except on high temperature valves,
which do not use O-rings). Refer to Figure 1 or 2. Lubricate
the retainer threads and rings and reinstall the retainer in the CAUTION: On clamped lever-arm actuators, never apply air to
front of the body. Torque the seal retainer according to Table III. the actuator without the cover plate installed; otherwise, the
unsupported shaft may sustain damage.
8.2.15 On some 10, 12 and 16-inch valves where the retainer is held
in place with set screws, reinsert the lock ring into the body
with the words ‘Ball Side’ facing toward the ball. The lock ring 9.6 Install valve in line as outlined in Installation section.
has ‘Ball Side’ and ‘Port Side’ marked on it. Insert the retaining
ring into the inner groove of the body, being certain it is fully
seated. Tighten the lock ring setscrews evenly to a torque of
225 inch-pounds.

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End Flange
(Item No. 10)

End Plug (Item No. 122)

End Plug O-ring (Item No. 61)
Post (Item No. 123)
Seal Rings Half Ring
(Item No. 20) (Item No. 11)
Shaft (Item No. 51)

(Item No. 1)
Seal Retainer (Item No. 30)
Retainer O-ring (Item No. 59)
Ball Retainer O-ring (Item No. 56)
Post Bearing (Item No. 50)
(Item No. 84) Soft Seal Insert (Item No. 21)
Post Pin
(Item No. 121) Yoke Bolt (Item No. 107)
End Flange Thrust Bearing (Item No. 53)
(Item No. 10) Packing Spacer (Item No. 93)
Packing Follower (Item No. 87)
Half Ring
Gland Flange (Item No. 80)
(Item No. 11)
Shaft Pin Shaft Bearing Gland Flange Stud (Item No. 109)
(Item No. 83)
(Item No. 52) Packing Gland Flange Nut
(Item No. 88) (Item No. 117)

Figure 5: Exploded Body Subassembly, 3 – 12-inch and 16-inch Rotating Post Design
NOTE: Item numbers correspond directly to the valve‘s bill of material. Refer to it for specific part numbers.

Table VI: Screwed-in Retainer Torques Table VII: Optional ShearStream Tools
Valve Torque Valve Torque Valve Size Retainer Shaft/Post
Size Value Size Value (inches) Tool Bearing Tool
(inches) (ft.-lbs.) (inches) (ft.-lbs.) 1 87377 76891
1, 1.5, 2 150-175 8, 10 650-700 1.5 87530 76509
3 250-300 12 900-950 2 76112 76509
4, 6 550-600 16* N/A 3 62295 75970
* Clamped design; torque value not required. 4 62294 75970
6 62296 81978 / 81974
8 62336 81978 / 81974
10 81775 76550 / 76551
12 81034 76550 / 76551
16 N/A* 97967 / 97966
* Clamped design; retainer tool not required.

User instructions - Shearstream HP - VLENIM0027-01 04/14

Table VIII: Troubleshooting ShearStream Ball Valves

Failure Probable Cause Corrective Action
Valve moves to failure posi- 1 Failure of actuator stem O-ring 1 Replace actuator stem O-ring
tion, excessive air bleeding 2 Failure of sliding seal assembly 2 Repair or replace stem adapter/
from transfer case
linkage assembly
Jerky shaft rotation 1 Overtightened packing box 1 Retighten packing box nut to slightly
over finger-tight
2 Improper adjustment of lever arm on 2 Readjust lever arm; see actuator
shaft causing arm to contact transfer maintenance instructions
case, thus failing to convert torque

3 Actuator cylinder wall not lubricated 3 Lubricate actuator cylinder wall with
silicone lubricant
4 Worn piston O-ring allowing piston 4 Replace O-ring; if galling occurred,
to gall on cylinder wall replace all damaged parts
5 Worn actuator stem O-ring causing 5 Replace O-ring; if actuator stem is
actuator stem to gall on stem collar galled, replace it
6 Worn (or damaged) thrust bearing, 6 Disassemble and inspect parts; replace
shaft bearing or packing followers any worn or damaged parts
Excessive leakage 1 Improper adjustment of external 1 Adjust the external stroke stops; see
through seal stroke stops on actuator maintenance instructions
2 Worn or damaged seal 2 Replace seal
3 Damaged ball sealing surface 3 Replace ball (and shaft, if worn)
4 Improper handwheel adjustment 4 Adjust handwheel until ball seals properly
acting as limit-stop
5 Ball not centered in body I.D. 5 Center ball; replace damaged seals
Leakage through 1 Dirty line gasket surfaces 1 Clean gasket surfaces, reinstall valve
line flanges 2 Worn gaskets 2 Replace gaskets
3 Improper torque on line flanges 3 Tighten line flanges evenly and comp-
letely (see Table I for proper torque)
4. Flange or pipe misalignment 4 Realign flanged ends with piping
Leakage through packing box 1 Loose packing box nuts 1 Tighten packing box nuts over finger-tight
2 Worn or damaged packing 2 Replace packing
3 Dirty or corroded packing box 3 Clean body bore, stem, replace packing
Valve slams, won’t open, or 1 Improper valve installation 1 See step 2 in the “Installation”
causes severe water hammer section and correct flow direction
Shaft rotates, ball remains 1 Broken shaft 1 Replace shaft
open or closed
Actuator operates, shaft does 1 Broken internal actuator parts 1 Refer to appropriate actuator
not rotate maintenance instructions

User instructions - Shearstream HP - VLENIM0027-01 04/14

Flowserve Corporation
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2007 Flowserve Corporation. Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611


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