Catalogue Presentation -Linde Hydraulics V2.0
Catalogue Presentation -Linde Hydraulics V2.0
Catalogue Presentation -Linde Hydraulics V2.0
Famic Technologies Inc. is proud to present the latest version of the Linde Hydraulics Automation Studio™
Catalogue! All of the digital products in this virtual catalogue are pre-configured with Linde Hydraulics’ latest
technical specifications and are compatible with the Hydraulic Workshop of Automation Studio™. Users may now
quickly get access to Linde Hydraulics components for their systems integration and spend less time developing
motor and pump models.
The catalogue features include a Product Configurator compatible with the manufacturer product options,
technical documentation, product images and virtual test benches for user convenience. This complimentary
package of Automation Studio™ has been developed in accordance with Famic’s software certification process.
Motors Pumps
Axial Piston Single Pumps
HMA - 02 - Adjustable Fixed Displacement HPR - 02 - Open Loop Variable Displacement
HMF - 02 - Fixed Displacement HPV - 02 - Closed Loop Variable
HMR - 02 - Regulated Variable Displacement Displacement
HMV - 02 - Variable Displacement Double Pumps
Bent-Axis HPR - 02 - Open Loop Variable Displacement
CMF - Fixed Displacement
CMV - Variable Displacement
Figure 1: Catalogue Manager Window Displaying Technical Data and Symbol of the Selected Motor (HMF-02)
Section (3) shows a “Set Specific Part Number” function button which opens the “Product Configurator” window,
as shown in Figure 2. Using the “Product Configurator”, the user can easily select specific product characteristics
and configure the manufacturer-specific part number of the component. The options to choose the desired type,
frame size, pressure setting, porting and more, are available. The product information, technical data and symbol
get updated with the selected options.The “Symbol Viewer” button (refer to Figure 2) allows the user to magnify
the view of the configured component’s symbol. All these Catalogue Manager features were designed to enable
the user to easily choose and configure pre-modelled components.
Figure 2: A Configured Part Number of Fixed Displacement Axial Piston Motor (HMF - 02) using the Catalogue
Manager‘s Product Configurator Window
Users may now simply drag and drop the desired pump or motor into the editor area of Automation Studio™ for
circuit integration. These pumps and motors models can be directly used for the design of a hydraulic circuit, real-
time simulation or monitoring in Automation Studio™.
Fluid Properties:
Kinematic Viscosity: 46 cSt
Density: 855 kg/m3
Figure 3: Displacement Control Application Test of an HMR-02 Regulated Variable Displacement Motor
Similarly, tests to validate the influence of the control angle on the displacement of a pump are also available. In
Figure 4, the influence of the control angle on the displacement (flow) of an HPV-02 pump is tested. These tests
validate the performance of each product of the catalogue as per the manufacturer’s specifications. All the
pumps and motors of this catalogue are ready to simulate and can be directly used in Automation Studio™ for
any application project. The performance test files for each product are available in the “Documents” tab of the
Catalogue Manager.
Fluid Properties:
Density: 850 kg/m3
Figure 4: Displacement Control Test of an HPV-02 Closed Loop Variable Displacement Pump
Figure 5 features a ready to simulate Linde Hydraulics pump dragged and dropped from the catalogue onto a
Maritime Crane circuit in Automation Studio™. It demonstrates that the same size pumps are compatible and can
be quickly configured and combined into industry-relevant applications.
Figure 5: An Application Project in Automation Studio™ Featuring Ready to Simulate Linde Hydraulics Open Loop
Variable Displacement Pump
These test cases demonstrate how hydraulic circuits containing Linde Hydraulics pumps and motors can be
quickly simulated, analysed and monitored in real-time using the latest version of the Automation Studio™
For more details about this catalogue, please contact our Support Team at [email protected].