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PART – 4
Unit 1 - Life Skill
1 Activity Sheet
Do it yourself.
2 Being Thankful
Complete the blanks:
1. The sun shining at your window.
2. The friend sitting next to you is sharing your lunch.
3. Teaching new things, spending time with friends and family are all
gifts of God.

Write all the blessings that God has given you:

The Almighty God has given me very affectionate and caring parents.
He has also given me beautiful gifts in the form of my trustworthy friends.
I am very much thankful to Him for all the gifts provided to me.

3 Wastes

1. Pictures (1), (4) and (5) show the wastes which rot. Colour the circles green.
2. Pictures (2), (3) and (6) show the wastes which don’t rot.

Garbage – A Waste Or Can Be Useful?

Draw two wastes in each column. Do it yourself.

4 Travel Documents
Do it yourself.

5 Signs
Choose your answer:
1. No Parking
2. No Smoking
3. Petrol Pump
4. Danger
5. Medical Aid
6. Toilet
7. For Disabled People
8. Restaurant

6 Living Together
Name these activities:
1. Studying together
2. Watching T.V. together
3. Playing together
4. Drawing together
5. Eating together
6. Going to school together
7. Going together for picnic
8. Dancing together

Unit 2 - Plants
7 Activity Sheet
Fill in the blanks:
1. Leaves are usually green in colour.
2. Leaves have tiny pores on their underside. They are called the veins.
3. We eat leaves of Radish and Spinach.
4. Leaves are called the leaves are called the ‘food factory’ of the plant.

Draw pictures of any 4 types of leaves.

Do it yourself.

8 Plant Around Us
Do it yourself.

9 Trees
Write the name of each tree:
1. Pineapple
2. Leechi
3. Palm
4. Papaya
5. Coconut

Find out an amazing fact of eachof these trees and write in space given here:
1) Pine Tree : We find pine trees on land as well as in water. The
habitat of pine trees is hills.
2) Palm Tree : Palm trees grow in deserts where there is very little
rainfall. Trees have green, thick, fleshy stem to
conduct photosynthesis and store water. They
have spines instead of leaves to prevent loss of
3) Coconut Tree : These grow along the banks of rivers or other
water-bodies are dispersed by water.
4) Neem Tree : Neem can be used to keep away moth in woolens,
to protect pulses and cereals from pests and
insects. The part of stem of neem plant can be used
to clean and brush the teeth.

10 Plant Talk
Tick () the correct answer:
1) Mushrooms, yeast and mildew are
water plants shrubs fungi ()
2) Raisins, currants and sultanas are
dried grapes () fresh grapes spices
3) A bark is a protective outer layer covering the
Tree () branches trunk
4) A leaf takes in
oxygen carbon dioxide () both
5) Lemons, oranges and grape fruits are:
citrus fruits () winter fruits summer fruits

11 Thanks You Plants!!!

1. Leaves of this plant are used to make chutney. : Mint
2. Seeds of this plant are used for making coffee. : Coffee
3. Root of this plant is used to make a powder that
when used gives a bright yellow colour to food and : Olive
is of great medicinal value. : Turmeric
4. Oil can be made using the fruits of this plant.
They are of green and black colour.
5. Petals of flowers of this plant are used for making : Rose
6. Bark of this plant is used as a spice. It can be : :

12 Some Plant Facts

Put a tick () on the correct answer:

1) This plant has spines to protect itself from animals:
a) Cactus () b) coconut (c) bamboo
2) A plant that lives for two years is described as:
a) biennial () b) perennial (c) annual
3) The first part of the plant to grow form a :
a) root b) shoot () (c) flower
4) Pitcher plants are:
a) herbivorous () b) carnivorous (c) omnivorous

13 More About Plants

Tick () the correct answer:

1. What is a dried grape called?
i) Raisin () ii) Nut iii) Fig
2. What do deciduous tree shed during winter?
i) Roots ii) Bark iii) Leaves ()
3. What is the liquid obtained from the rubber tree called?
i) Latex () ii) Nectar iii) Honey
4. What is the common name given to fleshy fruits?
i) Succulent fruits () ii) Dry Fruits iii) Nuts
5. In what are the seeds of fir and pine trees found?
i) Cones () ii) Flowers iii) Cotyledons
6. Where are the seeds of fir and pine found?
i) Seeds () ii) Buds iii) Cutlings
7. What do Neem trees and Aloevera plants give us?
i) Cloth ii) Medicines () iii) Fruit
8. The limit beyond which trees do not grow in mountains is called the
i) Tree Line()ii) Fault Line iii) Tropic of Canlu

Unit 3 - Animals
14 Activity Sheet
Do it yourself.

Write 2-3 lines on usefulness of animals:

1. Like us the Almighty has also created the animals.
2. They are very useful in various ways like providing milk, dung, fir,
fibre, etc. They are very much an important part of world
3. We should love and take care of them in every possible way.

15 Some Amazing Animals

Name the animals: Answers

1. A flightless bird of New Zealand. Kiwi
2. A large sea mammal with long tusks. Walrus
3. The fastest insect. Dragon Fly
4. The laziest animal. Sloth
5. The biggest fish. Whale Shark
6. The dog cannot bark. Basenji (African breed)
7. The fastest snake. Black Mamba
8. Animal with the largest eye. Giant Squid

16 Amazing Insects
Do it yourself.
17 Life In the Ocean!

Write the names of these strange animals:

Geevelled Squid

1. Crown Jelly Fish

3. Comb Bearers
4. Pokemon Octopus
6. Dumbo Octopus

Write names of 4 more creatures found in the oceans:

1. Whale
2. Starfish
3. Dolphin
4. Shark
18 Birds Of Prey

Match the following:

1. A single species found worldwide that specializes in
catching fish and builds large stick nests. Bald Eagle

2. They tend to be large birds with long, broad wings

and massive feet. Osprey

3. They are small to medium sized birds of prey with

long painted wings. Vulture

4. They have long wings and relatively weak legs.

They spend much of their time soaring. Falcon

19 Animal Groups
Write the names:
1. Amphibians
2. Fish
3. Mammals
4. Birds
5. Insects
6. Reptiles

Write 2-3 lines about the animal that actually fascinates you.
1. I like very much dolphin because it is very affectionate and lovable. It
plays with us and doesn’t harm.
2. I also like cow as it is very domicile and gives us precious milk. A lot
of bi-products can be made from it. All of them are very healthy.
3. I also like the dog as it guard our house. I have been keeping the dog
for the last 15 years too.

20 Quiz on Animals
Tick () the right option:
1) Cheetah is the fastest land animal. How fast can it run?
a) 400 km/hr b) 40 km/hr (c) 110 km/hr ()
2) Amphibians such as frogs can live in water as well as on land. Where are
they born?
a) in water () b) on land (c) in trees
3) Which animal, besides the snake can live for two years without food?
a) Camel b) Zebra (c) Crocodile ()
4) Which of these animals is extinct?
a) Tiger b) Dinosaur () (c) Bear
5) The tallest animal in world can grow up to 18 feet tall. Which animal is it?
a) Rhino b) Giraffe () (c) Elephant
6) Plant eating animals are called…………..
a) Herbivores () b) Carnivores (c) Omnivores
7) How many different types of animals are there in the world?
a) 12000 b) 1.5 million() (c) 1000
8) Where do you find tigers?
a) Asia () b) Africa (c) Australia

Unit 4 - Science & Technology

21 Activity Sheet

Do it yourself.
22 Knowledge Booster

Here are 9 diseases hidden in the maze. Can you find all of them?
1. Diabetes
2. Asthma
3. Diarrhea
4. Bronchitis
5. Jaundice
6. Dengue
7. Chickenpox
8. Measles
9. Cough
23 Diseases (2)

Match the diseases with the parts of the body they affect:
1. Cataract : Eyes
2. Jaundice : Liver
3. Asthma : Respiratory System
4. Pyorrhoea : Skin
5. Measles : Gums
6. Small Pox : Skin
7. Tonsillities : Throat

24 Food Facts

Do it yourself.
25 Inventors
Who invented the following? Answers
1. Aeroplane The Wright Brothers
2. Photocopier Chester F. Carison
3. Bicycle K. Macmillan
4. Computer Charles Babbage
5. Fountain Pen L.E. Waterman
6. Mercury Thermometer G.F. Fahrenheit
7. Microscope Z. Janssen
8. Telescope Hans Uppershey
9. Telephone Alexander Graham Bell
10. Television J.L. Baird
11. Typewriter C.L. Sholes
12. Elevator Elisha G. Otis

26 Mega Moons
1) Who was the first human to land on the Moon? Neil Armstrong

2) What is a NO MOON night called? Amavashya

3) What do we call a FULL MOON night? Purnima

Find out the first words of the first humans who landed on the Moon.
Ans: “That’s one small step for man, one giat leap for mankind.”

27 Phases Of The Moon

Name the different phases correctly:

1. Full Moon
2. Waning Crescent
3. First Quarter
4. Waning Crescent
5. Last Quarter
6. New Moon
28 Simple Machines

Given below are some machines. Categorize them and write in the correct column:
Manpower Wind Electricity Fuels
Cycle Boat Washing Machine Car
Scissor Helicopter

Write names of any four simple machines other than given in the chapter:
1. Auto Rickshaw
2. Aeroplane
3. Bullock Cart
4. Motorcycle
29 Nutrients

Can you match them with clues:

1) A substance that protects us, keeps us c) Fats
warm and is a source of high energy.

2) An instant source of energy for our body. b) Carbohydrates

3) Simple chemicals that are used by our body d) Vitamins &

to keep it healthy and functioning properly. Minerals

4) A substance our body needs for growth a) Proteins

and repair body tissues.

30 Modern Technology

Tick () the correct answer and check your awareness about this amazing machine:
1. A computer that you can keep on your palm
and work is a Palm top ()
2. The data fed into the computer is processed
inside the CPU ()
3. You can view the face of the person you are
chatting with on the internet with the help
of this device Webcam ()
4. Data can be fed into the computer with the help
of this device Mouse ()
5. A computer is connected with a telephone line
with the help of a Modem ()
6. A device that sends a printed message to any
part of the world by the use of telephone line. Fax Machine ()
31 Modern Technology

Can you identify the countries to which the flags belong to?
1. New Zealand
2. Papua New Guinea
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Jordan
6. Panama
7. Pakistan
8. Vietnam
9. Chile

32 National Animals

Write name of the country to which each of these animals belong:

1) Stag - Ireland
2) Lion - Bulgaria
3) Bear - Russia
4) Eagle - Albania
5) Markhor - Pakistan
6) Elephant - Thailand
7) Bull - Spain
8) Grey Wolf - Turkey
9) Springbok - South Africa

Unit 5 - Language & Literature

33 Activity Sheet
Do it yourself.
34 Great Books In Nepal

Join group ‘A’ (books) with their authors in group ‘B’:

A (books) ‘B’ (authors)
1. Alikhit B. Dhrub Chandra Gautam
2. Belayet Tira Baralinda A. Tana Sharma
3. Sabiti E. Jagadish Ghimire
4. Gham Ka Pailaharu F. Dhanush Chandra Gautam
5. Ritu Bihar C. Lekh Nath Poudel
6. Ghn Chakkar D. Sanjiv Upreti
7. Dhritarashtra H. Ghana Shyam Kandel
8. Pramithus G. Laxmi Prasad Devkota
9. Phool ko Aankhama J. Aani Chhoing Dolma
10. Bhumadhya Rekha I. Rabindra Misra

35 World Famous Books

Match the books given in group ‘A’ with the authors in group ‘B’:
1. Alice in Wonderland B. Lewis Carroll
2. Candide A. Voltaire
3. Discovery of India D. Jawaharlal Nehru
4. Good Earth F. Perl S. Buck
5. Jungle Book C. Rudyard Kipling
6. Mein Kempf G. Adolf Hitler
7. Robinson Crusoe E. Daniel Defoe
8. The Wealth of Nations I. Adam Smith
9. Tropic of Cancer J. Henry
10. Utopia H. Thomas More

36 Famous Children’s Books

Write names of authors against the stories: Answers

1) Matilda, Charlie and Chocolate Factory Rald Dahl
2) The Harry Potter Books J.K. Rowling
3) Noddy, Famous Five, Secret Seven, St. Clares Emd Blyton
4) Gulliver’s Travel Jonathan Swift
5) Pinocchio Carlo Collodi
6) Treasure Island Robert Louis Stevenson
7) Tintin, Malgudi Days R.K. Narayan
8) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Mark Twain
9) Robinson Crusoe Daniel Dafoe
10) The Jungle Books Rudyard Kipling
37 Similes

Fill in the missing letters to complete the similes:

1. As green as GRASS
2. As busy as B EE
3. As bright as a STAR
4. As happy as a LARK
5. As blind as a BAT
6. As free as a LAMB
7. As thing as a BONE
8. As cheerful as a BUTTERFLY
9. As tough as a LEATHER
10. As hungry as a BEAR
11. As quick as FLASH
12. As clear as a CRYSTAL
13. As graceful as a SWAN
14. As dry as a STICK

38 Collections

Use the help box to fill in the collective nouns:

1. A crowd of people.
2. A swarm of bees.
3. A troupe of singers.
4. A bouquet of flowers.
5. A galaxy of stars.
6. A gang of robbers.
7. A pack of cards.
8. A team of players.
9. A herd of elephants.
10. A pride of lions.
11. A colony of ants.
12. A host of angels.
13. A crew of sailors.
14. A regiment of soldiers.
15. A range of mountains.

39 Graphology
Do it yourself.
40 Writing Forms
Match the following:
1. A long poem telling the story of great heroes. c) Epic

2. A long detailed account of events of real or e) Saga


3. A story in which animals speak and act like g) Fable

4. A short rhyme for children that often tells a) Nursery rhyme

a story.

5. A fictional story that tells a story about d) Novel

humans through a series of events.

6. A story of the adventure of supernatural f) Fairy tale

beings such as fairies, wizards and goblin.

7. A book of maps and geographical information. b) Atlas

Write names of any one of these that you have read.

A Nursery Rhyme - Twinkle, twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are!
An Epic - Paradise Lost
A Fairy Tale - Fairy Queen
A Fable - Panchtantra

41 Proverbs
Complete the proverbs:
1. Better late than never
2. Great talkers are little doers
3. An idle brain is the devil’s workshop
4. A great talker is a great liar
5. Barking dogs seldom bite
6. Empty vessels make the most noise
7. Where there is a will there is a way
8. Birds of same feather flock together
9. All that glitters is not gold
10. The pen is mightier that sword

42 Who Am I?
Guess the answer:
1. I have hands on my face. Clock
2. I have a tail but I’m not an animal. Aeroplane
3. I have a mouth but I can’t speak. River
4. I have no feet but I can run. Shoe
5. I have a neck but no head. Bottle
6. I have an eye but I can’t see. Needle
7. I have a cap but no head. Hill
8. I have wings but I am not a bird. Kite
9. I have teeth but I can’t chew. Comb
10. I have ears but I can’t hear. Nose
11. I have a foot but I can’t walk.
12. I have a tongue but I can’t speak.

Unit 6 - Sports & Entertainment

43 Activity Sheet

Do it yourself.
44 Sporty Terms
Do it yourself.

Match the terms to the games:

1. Knock out (f) boxing
2. Free Kick (e) football
3. Somersault (h) Gymnastics
4. Crawl (a) Swimming
5. Touch (g) Fencing
6. Birdie (d) Golf
7. Volley (c) Tennis
8. Square cut (b) Cricket

In this picture, what is the cricket umpire signaling?

Ans: Six runs ()
45 The Olympic Games

Circle the correct answers:

(1) The five rings in Olympics emblem stand for Asia, America, Europe, Africa
and Australia. True ()
(2) In which country did the first modern Olympic Games take place?
Greece () France Germany
(3) The summer Olympic games are held once in every:
Two years Four years () Ten years
(4) Which of these is not an Olympic Sport?
Gymnastics Tennis Cricket ()
(5) The last Olympic Games were
Held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
In the year 2016
46 Sporting Brands

Identify the specific sports with which brands are associated:

1) Badminton 2) Basketball 3) Swimming
4) Tennis 5) Football 6) Ice Hockey
7) Cricket 8) Table Tennis 9) Baseball

47 Music Time!

Write names of any 2 famous musicians of Nepal. Also write the names of
instruments they play.
1. Atul Gautam - Tabla

2. Khem Raj Gurung

Name these instruments:

1) Brass instruments Trumpet Tuba

2) Wind instruments Flute Clarinets

3) Stringed instruments Guitar Violin

4) Percussion instruments ___________ ___________

48 The World of Animation

Name these cartoon characters:

1) 4)

2) 5)
3) 6)

How many hours a day do you watch T.V.?

Do it yourself.

49 The World Of Cinema

Guess the names of actors by looking at their photos:


1) Marilyn Monroe 2) Charlie Chaplin 3) Jackie Chan

Who is your favourite? Actor Anmol K.C.

Actress Rekha Thapa

50 Dance Forms

Unjumble their names:



Write names of 2 more dance forms:

Ans: 1) Bharat Natyam
2) Kuchipuddi

51 Action Skills!

Do it yourself.
52 Logos

Write name of logos in blank spaces:

(1) McDonalds
(2) Pepsi
(3) Nike
(4) Volkswagen
(5) Hewlett Packard
(6) Adidas
(7) Intel Inside
(8) State Bank of India
(9) Windows
(10) Punjab National Bank
(11) Apple
(12) Hyundai
Unit 7 - My Country
53 Activity Sheet

Write about the region in which you live:

Its name Its capital

Nepal Kathmandu

Language spoken Dance form

Nepali Nepali Folk Dance

Climate Commonly eaten food

Cold and moderately warm Rice and Chapati

Places for tourist interest Famous for

Mt. Everest, Janakpur Highest Mountain Peak,
Capital of King Janaka

54 I Love My Nepal

Encircle the correct option:

1) Which is the hottest place of Nepal? :
a) Mugu b) Birat Nagar (c) Nepalgunj ()

2) What is the height of Mt. Everest? (c) 8848 m ()

3) The word ‘Namaste’ means

a) Good Morning b) I salute the good in you () (c) I salute the king

4) The flag of Nepal is the only flag that is not

a) Quadilateral in shape b) Square in shape (c) Circle in shape

(d) All ()

5) Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay climbed Mt. Everest on
a) 29th May, 1935 b) 29th May, 1953 () (c) 29th April, 1953

6) Mt. Everest’s local name is : (c) Sagrmatha ()

Collect 2 more facts about Nepal other than ones given here and write them in
given space below:
1) Nepal has got its Constitution this year.
2) The Prime Minister of Nepal is K.P. Oli.

55 The Constitution of Nepal

- 2072 (2015)
Fill in the gaps:
1) The Constitution of Nepal was announced by Interim Government of
Nepal in Aswin 3, 2072.
2) There are 12 constitutional bodies in Nepal.
3) Nepal Government Legal Act 2004 BS was framed by Rana PM
Padma Shamsher.
4) The official language of Nepal is Nepali in the Devnagari script.
5) Rhododendron is the National Flower of Nepal.
6) There are 308 Articles in the Constitution of Nepal – 2072.
7) Duties of the citizens have been mentioned in Article 48 .
8) In terms of religion, Nepal will remain a Secular state.
9) The Constitution of Nepal 2015 (2072) is the First Constitution made
and adopted by the Constituent Assembly.
10) Nepal is a competitive Multiparty democratic system.

56 Youth Leaders

Write their names under their pictures:

1) Kamala Roka
2) Gagan Thapa
3) Sherdhan Rai
4) Bishwo Prakash Sharma
5) Rabindra Adhikari
6) Ranju Darshana

57 Border Towns of Nepal

Match the following border towns of Nepal with the nearest border towns of India:
A (Nepal) B (India)
1) Kakarvitta B. Siliguri
2) Birat Nagar A. Jogbani
3) Birgunj D. Raxaul
4) Bhirahawa C. Sunauli
5) Nepalgunj F. Rupahidiya
6) Dhangadhi E. Gauriphanta
7) Mahendranagar G. Banbasa

Find out 3 border towns of China with Nepal:

58 Famous in Nepal

Encircle the correct option:

1) Bhaktapur - (j) Curd

2) Pharping - (h) Pear

3) Chitlang - (g) Cheese

4) Sunasari - (e) Leather

5) Birgunj - (d) Wheat

6) Pokhra - (f) Khukri

7) Chainpur - (a) Karuwa

8) Biratnagar - (b) Sekuwa

9) Chitwan - (c) Mustard

10) Palpa - (i) Dhaka

59 Rivers of Nepal
Do it yourself.
60 Introducers In Nepal

Read about them and write their names:

1) He introduced Indra Jatra, Kumari Pooja and
Lakhe Jatra. Gunakam Dev

2) He is the introducer of Ghode Jatra. Jaya Prakash Malla

3) Bisket jatra was introduced by him in Nepal. Jagat Jyoti Malla

4) He introduced Gai Jatra. Jagat Prakash Malla

5) He was the one who abolished sati system

and slavery system from Nepal. Chandra Shamsher

6) He was the one who introduced declaration of

holidays on Saturdays. Bhim Shumsher

61 Facts About Nepal

Do it yourself.
62 Mountains of Nepal

Write the names of two famous mountains of Nepal:

1) Everest
2) Kanchenjunga
Unit 8 - Our World
63 Activity Sheet

Write names of all the continents and oceans of the world:

Continents Oceans
North America Pacific Ocean
South America Indian Ocean
Europe Atlantic Ocean
Asia Arctic Ocean
Africa Antarctica Ocean
64 Great Personalities - 1

Do it yourself
65 Great Personalities - 2

Name these great personalities:

(1) Referred to as the ‘King of Pop’ this singer
has touched people with music, voice and
contribution to various causes. Michael Jackson
(2) He served as the President of South Africa
from 1991-1999. He sacrificed 27 years of
his life for both – his struggle against apartheid
and racism in South Africa. Nelson Mandela

(3) Known as a ‘Man of Peace’ he is the

Buddhist leader of religious officials of
Tibetan Buddhism. He has awarded the
Nobel Prize in 1989. Dalai Lama

(4) He is former professional basketball player,

Olympic athlete, active businessman and an
actor. Michael Jordan

(5) One of the richest persons in the world, he is

the founder of Microsoft. Bill Gates

66 Multiple Choice

Tick () the correct answer: Answers

1) How old is Niagara Falls? (b) More than 25,000 years
old ()
2) Darwin’s famous theory is called (c) Natural Selection ()
3) Icebergs are broken-off pieces of (c) Glaciers ()
4) Fish breathe through (c) Gill ()
5) Italy is famous for (d) All the above ()
6) Rabindra Nath Tagore is eminent of (c) Bengali ()
7) Which country is 2nd largest one in the
world in terms of land size after Russia? (d) Canada ()
8) Which East European City was once
known as “Little Paris”? (b) Bucharest ()
9) Bangladesh is famous for: (d) All the above ()
10) The author of famous Nepali novel
‘Pagal Basti’ is: (c) Sarubhakta ()

67 Religious Buildings

Fill in the gaps with appropriate words:

1) A building used for public worship by Christians is called Church.
2) A Muslim place of worship is called Mosque.
3) Dagoba is the home to a religious community of monk.
4) Synagogue is a building for Jewish religious service.
5) Temple is a place of worship dedicated to a particular God of Gods.
6) Monastery is a Buddhist shrine.

68 Great Historical Events (World)

Match following historical events in Column ‘A’ with years in Column ‘B’:
A (Event) B (Date)
1) Rome founded B. 753 B.C.
2) Jesus crucified A. About AD 33
3) Death of Muhammad C. 632
4) U.S. declaration of Independence E. 1776
5) French Revolution D. 1789
6) Russian Revolution G. 1917
7) Neil Armstrong walked on the Moon H. 1969
8) Fall of Berlin Wall F. 1989

69 Do You Know?

Do it yourself.
70 Take a Quiz!

Tick () the correct answer:

1) The followers of Shinto religion are natives of a single country.
Which country is it? (b) Japan ()
2) William Shakespeare was famous English (c) Playwright ()
3) The Netherland is famous for (c) Tulips ()
4) Which European capital is called the
City of Music? (d) Vienna ()
5) Which country was once home to great
Mayan Civilization? (d) Mexico ()
6) What do birds have that no other
animals have? (b) Feathers ()
7) Which fruit is often called ‘King of Fruits’? (b) Mango ()
8) Most of Greenland’s surface is covered by (b) Ice ()

71 World Wide

Identify these airports and match them with the flags of their respective countries:-
1. John F. Kennedy Airport U.S.A.

2. Heathrow Airport England

3. Indira Gandhi International Airport India

4. Suvarnabhumi Airport Thailand

5. Munich Airport Germany

6. Haneda Airport Japan

7. Tampo International Airport South Africa

8. Gimpo International Airport South Korea

72 World Sobriquets

Write the primary name for the given sobriquets:

Sobriquets Primary Names
1. The Dark Continent Africa
2. The Emerald Isle Ireland
3. The Big Apple New York
4. The Gift of the Nile Egypt
5. The Land of Cakes Scotland
6. The Playground of Europe Switzerland
7. Sugar Bowl of the World Cuba
8. Land of the Rising Sun Japan

73 Time To Dress Up
Name each dress:
1) A colourful loose wrap around garment. It is
very popular in Malaysia.

2) A type of shawl. It is sometimes used as a blanket

on cold nights. Men as well as women in South
America wear it.

3) The national costume of Scotland is a kind of shirt

worn by Scotsmen.

4) A colourful piece of cloth worn on the head by

many singers, sportsmen and actors nowadays.

5) A bow tie and a long coat worn by European men.

What is the national costume of your country?

For men : Daura-Suruwal or Labeda Suruwal

For women : Gunyou Cholo
(A coat was later added)

74 Money Arouond The World

Match each country with its currency:

1. Brazil j) Cruzeiro Real
2. Bangladesh a) Taka
3. Europe d) Euro
4. Japan f) Yen
5. Mexico h) Mexican New Peso
6. Russian Federation b) Rouble
7. Saudi Arabia c) Derham
8. South Africa e) Rand
9. Switzerland i) Swiss Franc
10. U.S.A. g) Dollar

Unit 9 - Mixed Bag

75 Activity Sheet

Do it yourself.
76 What Are We Made Of?

Choose your answers:

1) Glass
2) Bamboo
3) Paper
4) Metal
5) Cloth
6) Wood
7) Rubber
8) Clay
77 Amazing Fact File

Do it yourself.
78 Mixed Bag

What is common to the three in the following: Answers

1. Bjon Borg, Boris Becker, Pete Sampras Tennis Stars

2. Emerald, Sapphire, Pearl Gems

3. Taka, Lira, Dinar Currency

4. Cinnamon, Clove, Black Pepper Spices

5. Crocodiles, Snakes, Turtles Reptiles

6. Kiwi, Emu, Ostrich Flightless Birds

7. Red, Black, Yellow Seas

8. Victoria, Superior, Baikal Lakes

9. Hibiscus, Marigold, Tulip Flowers

79 Non-Fire Cooking

Do it yourself.
80 Put Your Thinking Caps!

1) Why don’t Americans understand what a lakh is?

Ans: It is because they have not learnt it.

2) What form does water take at 00C.

Ans: It takes the form of ice.

3) Raj and Rani left for a trip on 16th March.

They returned from the trip on 12th July.
For how many days were they on the trip?

118 days
4) The time difference between Nepal and
Singapore is 2 hours and 15 minutes
ahead of Nepal. Singapore is 2 hours 15
minutes ahead. If the time is 5 p.m. in
Nepal, what time would it be in Singapore?

7:15 p.m.
81 Thinkers

Answer following questions by ticking () right options:

1) Which word names a group of three singers? Trio ()

2) I have arms and legs but cannot move. Tree / Chair ()

3) Which word is not connected with the number three? Triplicate ()

4) Which is half of half? Quarter ()

5) How many seconds are there in an hour? 3600 ()

6) Metre is the unit of Length ()

7) How many tyres are there in one dozen trucks? 72 ()

8) If radish : root, then potato : ______? Stem ()

9) What is a score? 20 ()

82 IQ Test

Do it yourself.
Quick Quiz - 1
(Unit 1, 2 & 3)

Tick () the correct option:

1) This is a travel document.
a) A passport () b) Train (c) Bus
2) This is the fastest growing plant.
a) Lemon b) Cactus (c) Bamboo ()
3) A leaf takes in
a) Carbon Dioxide () b) Oxygen (c) None of these
4) Petals of this flower are used for making Gulkand.
a) Sunflower b) Jasmine (c) Rose ()
5) Nearly 96% of raw cucumber is
a) Flower b) Water () (c) Fruit
6) A dried grape is called
a) Cashew Nut b) Raisin () (c) Fig
7) This is the laziest animal
a) Shark b) Sloth () (c) Crocodile
8) This bird is the national symbol of United States
a) Kiwi b) Bald Tagle () (c) Falcon
9) Toad is an example of a
a) Mammal b) Reptile (c) Amphibian ()
10) Tigers are mostly found in
a) America b) Asia () (c) Africa ()


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