File 33 GK - 4 GK P-27
File 33 GK - 4 GK P-27
File 33 GK - 4 GK P-27
PART – 4
Unit 1 - Life Skill
1 Activity Sheet
Do it yourself.
2 Being Thankful
Complete the blanks:
1. The sun shining at your window.
2. The friend sitting next to you is sharing your lunch.
3. Teaching new things, spending time with friends and family are all
gifts of God.
3 Wastes
1. Pictures (1), (4) and (5) show the wastes which rot. Colour the circles green.
2. Pictures (2), (3) and (6) show the wastes which don’t rot.
4 Travel Documents
Do it yourself.
5 Signs
Choose your answer:
1. No Parking
2. No Smoking
3. Petrol Pump
4. Danger
5. Medical Aid
6. Toilet
7. For Disabled People
8. Restaurant
6 Living Together
Name these activities:
1. Studying together
2. Watching T.V. together
3. Playing together
4. Drawing together
5. Eating together
6. Going to school together
7. Going together for picnic
8. Dancing together
Unit 2 - Plants
7 Activity Sheet
Fill in the blanks:
1. Leaves are usually green in colour.
2. Leaves have tiny pores on their underside. They are called the veins.
3. We eat leaves of Radish and Spinach.
4. Leaves are called the leaves are called the ‘food factory’ of the plant.
8 Plant Around Us
Do it yourself.
9 Trees
Write the name of each tree:
1. Pineapple
2. Leechi
3. Palm
4. Papaya
5. Coconut
Find out an amazing fact of eachof these trees and write in space given here:
1) Pine Tree : We find pine trees on land as well as in water. The
habitat of pine trees is hills.
2) Palm Tree : Palm trees grow in deserts where there is very little
rainfall. Trees have green, thick, fleshy stem to
conduct photosynthesis and store water. They
have spines instead of leaves to prevent loss of
3) Coconut Tree : These grow along the banks of rivers or other
water-bodies are dispersed by water.
4) Neem Tree : Neem can be used to keep away moth in woolens,
to protect pulses and cereals from pests and
insects. The part of stem of neem plant can be used
to clean and brush the teeth.
10 Plant Talk
Tick () the correct answer:
1) Mushrooms, yeast and mildew are
water plants shrubs fungi ()
2) Raisins, currants and sultanas are
dried grapes () fresh grapes spices
3) A bark is a protective outer layer covering the
Tree () branches trunk
4) A leaf takes in
oxygen carbon dioxide () both
5) Lemons, oranges and grape fruits are:
citrus fruits () winter fruits summer fruits
Unit 3 - Animals
14 Activity Sheet
Do it yourself.
16 Amazing Insects
Do it yourself.
17 Life In the Ocean!
19 Animal Groups
Write the names:
1. Amphibians
2. Fish
3. Mammals
4. Birds
5. Insects
6. Reptiles
Write 2-3 lines about the animal that actually fascinates you.
1. I like very much dolphin because it is very affectionate and lovable. It
plays with us and doesn’t harm.
2. I also like cow as it is very domicile and gives us precious milk. A lot
of bi-products can be made from it. All of them are very healthy.
3. I also like the dog as it guard our house. I have been keeping the dog
for the last 15 years too.
20 Quiz on Animals
Tick () the right option:
1) Cheetah is the fastest land animal. How fast can it run?
a) 400 km/hr b) 40 km/hr (c) 110 km/hr ()
2) Amphibians such as frogs can live in water as well as on land. Where are
they born?
a) in water () b) on land (c) in trees
3) Which animal, besides the snake can live for two years without food?
a) Camel b) Zebra (c) Crocodile ()
4) Which of these animals is extinct?
a) Tiger b) Dinosaur () (c) Bear
5) The tallest animal in world can grow up to 18 feet tall. Which animal is it?
a) Rhino b) Giraffe () (c) Elephant
6) Plant eating animals are called…………..
a) Herbivores () b) Carnivores (c) Omnivores
7) How many different types of animals are there in the world?
a) 12000 b) 1.5 million() (c) 1000
8) Where do you find tigers?
a) Asia () b) Africa (c) Australia
Do it yourself.
22 Knowledge Booster
Here are 9 diseases hidden in the maze. Can you find all of them?
1. Diabetes
2. Asthma
3. Diarrhea
4. Bronchitis
5. Jaundice
6. Dengue
7. Chickenpox
8. Measles
9. Cough
23 Diseases (2)
Match the diseases with the parts of the body they affect:
1. Cataract : Eyes
2. Jaundice : Liver
3. Asthma : Respiratory System
4. Pyorrhoea : Skin
5. Measles : Gums
6. Small Pox : Skin
7. Tonsillities : Throat
24 Food Facts
Do it yourself.
25 Inventors
Who invented the following? Answers
1. Aeroplane The Wright Brothers
2. Photocopier Chester F. Carison
3. Bicycle K. Macmillan
4. Computer Charles Babbage
5. Fountain Pen L.E. Waterman
6. Mercury Thermometer G.F. Fahrenheit
7. Microscope Z. Janssen
8. Telescope Hans Uppershey
9. Telephone Alexander Graham Bell
10. Television J.L. Baird
11. Typewriter C.L. Sholes
12. Elevator Elisha G. Otis
26 Mega Moons
1) Who was the first human to land on the Moon? Neil Armstrong
Find out the first words of the first humans who landed on the Moon.
Ans: “That’s one small step for man, one giat leap for mankind.”
Given below are some machines. Categorize them and write in the correct column:
Manpower Wind Electricity Fuels
Cycle Boat Washing Machine Car
Scissor Helicopter
Write names of any four simple machines other than given in the chapter:
1. Auto Rickshaw
2. Aeroplane
3. Bullock Cart
4. Motorcycle
29 Nutrients
30 Modern Technology
Tick () the correct answer and check your awareness about this amazing machine:
1. A computer that you can keep on your palm
and work is a Palm top ()
2. The data fed into the computer is processed
inside the CPU ()
3. You can view the face of the person you are
chatting with on the internet with the help
of this device Webcam ()
4. Data can be fed into the computer with the help
of this device Mouse ()
5. A computer is connected with a telephone line
with the help of a Modem ()
6. A device that sends a printed message to any
part of the world by the use of telephone line. Fax Machine ()
31 Modern Technology
Can you identify the countries to which the flags belong to?
1. New Zealand
2. Papua New Guinea
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Jordan
6. Panama
7. Pakistan
8. Vietnam
9. Chile
32 National Animals
Match the books given in group ‘A’ with the authors in group ‘B’:
1. Alice in Wonderland B. Lewis Carroll
2. Candide A. Voltaire
3. Discovery of India D. Jawaharlal Nehru
4. Good Earth F. Perl S. Buck
5. Jungle Book C. Rudyard Kipling
6. Mein Kempf G. Adolf Hitler
7. Robinson Crusoe E. Daniel Defoe
8. The Wealth of Nations I. Adam Smith
9. Tropic of Cancer J. Henry
10. Utopia H. Thomas More
38 Collections
39 Graphology
Do it yourself.
40 Writing Forms
Match the following:
1. A long poem telling the story of great heroes. c) Epic
3. A story in which animals speak and act like g) Fable
41 Proverbs
Complete the proverbs:
1. Better late than never
2. Great talkers are little doers
3. An idle brain is the devil’s workshop
4. A great talker is a great liar
5. Barking dogs seldom bite
6. Empty vessels make the most noise
7. Where there is a will there is a way
8. Birds of same feather flock together
9. All that glitters is not gold
10. The pen is mightier that sword
42 Who Am I?
Guess the answer:
1. I have hands on my face. Clock
2. I have a tail but I’m not an animal. Aeroplane
3. I have a mouth but I can’t speak. River
4. I have no feet but I can run. Shoe
5. I have a neck but no head. Bottle
6. I have an eye but I can’t see. Needle
7. I have a cap but no head. Hill
8. I have wings but I am not a bird. Kite
9. I have teeth but I can’t chew. Comb
10. I have ears but I can’t hear. Nose
11. I have a foot but I can’t walk.
12. I have a tongue but I can’t speak.
Do it yourself.
44 Sporty Terms
Do it yourself.
47 Music Time!
Write names of any 2 famous musicians of Nepal. Also write the names of
instruments they play.
1. Atul Gautam - Tabla
2) 5)
3) 6)
49 The World Of Cinema
50 Dance Forms
51 Action Skills!
Do it yourself.
52 Logos
54 I Love My Nepal
Collect 2 more facts about Nepal other than ones given here and write them in
given space below:
1) Nepal has got its Constitution this year.
2) The Prime Minister of Nepal is K.P. Oli.
56 Youth Leaders
Match the following border towns of Nepal with the nearest border towns of India:
A (Nepal) B (India)
1) Kakarvitta B. Siliguri
2) Birat Nagar A. Jogbani
3) Birgunj D. Raxaul
4) Bhirahawa C. Sunauli
5) Nepalgunj F. Rupahidiya
6) Dhangadhi E. Gauriphanta
7) Mahendranagar G. Banbasa
59 Rivers of Nepal
Do it yourself.
60 Introducers In Nepal
Do it yourself.
62 Mountains of Nepal
Do it yourself
65 Great Personalities - 2
66 Multiple Choice
67 Religious Buildings
Match following historical events in Column ‘A’ with years in Column ‘B’:
A (Event) B (Date)
1) Rome founded B. 753 B.C.
2) Jesus crucified A. About AD 33
3) Death of Muhammad C. 632
4) U.S. declaration of Independence E. 1776
5) French Revolution D. 1789
6) Russian Revolution G. 1917
7) Neil Armstrong walked on the Moon H. 1969
8) Fall of Berlin Wall F. 1989
69 Do You Know?
Do it yourself.
70 Take a Quiz!
71 World Wide
Identify these airports and match them with the flags of their respective countries:-
1. John F. Kennedy Airport U.S.A.
72 World Sobriquets
73 Time To Dress Up
Name each dress:
1) A colourful loose wrap around garment. It is
very popular in Malaysia.
Do it yourself.
76 What Are We Made Of?
Do it yourself.
78 Mixed Bag
79 Non-Fire Cooking
Do it yourself.
80 Put Your Thinking Caps!
118 days
4) The time difference between Nepal and
Singapore is 2 hours and 15 minutes
ahead of Nepal. Singapore is 2 hours 15
minutes ahead. If the time is 5 p.m. in
Nepal, what time would it be in Singapore?
7:15 p.m.
81 Thinkers
2) I have arms and legs but cannot move. Tree / Chair ()
3) Which word is not connected with the number three? Triplicate ()
Do it yourself.
Quick Quiz - 1
(Unit 1, 2 & 3)