Makrolon 2805_en_57534382 00009647 19213909
Makrolon 2805_en_57534382 00009647 19213909
Makrolon 2805_en_57534382 00009647 19213909
General purpose grades / Medium viscosity MVR (300 °C/1.2 kg) 9.0 cm³/10 min; general purpose; medium viscosity; easy release; injection
molding - melt temperature 280 - 320 °C; available in transparent, translucent and opaque colors
ISO Shortname PC
Rheological properties
C Melt volume-flow rate 300 °C/ 1.2 kg cm³/10 min ISO 1133 9.0
Melt mass-flow rate 300 °C/ 1.2 kg g/10 min ISO 1133 10
C Molding shrinkage, parallel 60x60x2 mm³/ 500 bar % ISO 294-4 0.65
C Molding shrinkage, normal 60x60x2 mm³/ 500 bar % ISO 294-4 0.7
Molding shrinkage, parallel/normal Value range based on general % b.o. ISO 2577 0.6 - 0.8
practical experience
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Thermal properties
C Glass transition temperature 10 °C/min °C ISO 11357-1,-2 145
C Temperature of deflection under load 1.80 MPa °C ISO 75-1,-2 125
C Temperature of deflection under load 0.45 MPa °C ISO 75-1,-2 137
C Vicat softening temperature 50 N; 50 °C/h °C ISO 306 144
Vicat softening temperature 50 N; 120 °C/h °C ISO 306 146
C Coefficient of linear thermal expansion, parallel 23 to 55 °C -4
10 /K ISO 11359-1,-2 0.65
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C These property characteristics are taken from the CAMPUS plastics data bank and are based on the international catalogue of basic data for
plastics according to ISO 10350.
Impact properties: N = non-break, P = partial break, C = complete break
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Information Impact properties
Impact properties: N = non-break, P = partial break, C = complete break
Typical value
These values are typical values only. Unless explicitly agreed in written form, the do not constitute a binding material specification or warranted values. Values may be affected by the design of the
mold/die, the processing conditions and coloring/pigmentation of the product. Unless specified to the contrary, the property values given have been established on standardized test specimens at
room temperature.
The manner in which you use and the purpose to which you put and utilize our products, technical assistance and information (whether verbal, written or by way of production evaluations), including
any suggested formulations and recommendations are beyond our control. Therefore, it is imperative that you test our products, technical assistance, information and recommendations to determine
to your own satisfaction whether our products, technical assistance and information are suitable for your intended uses and applications. This application-specific analysis must at least include
testing to determine suitability from a technical as well as health, safety, and environmental standpoint. Such testing has not necessarily been done by Covestro. Unless we otherwise agree in
writing, all products are sold strictly pursuant to the terms of our standard conditions of sale which are available upon request. All information and technical assistance is given without warranty or
guarantee and is subject to change without notice. It is expressly understood and agreed that you assume and hereby expressly release us from all liability, in tort, contract or otherwise, incurred in
connection with the use of our products, technical assistance, and information. Any statement or recommendation not contained herein is unauthorized and shall not bind us. Nothing herein shall be
construed as a recommendation to use any product in conflict with any claim of any patent relative to any material or its use. No license is implied or in fact granted under the claims of any patent.
With respect to health, safety and environment precautions, the relevant Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and product labels must be observed prior to working with our products.
Non Medical and non Food Contact Grade
This product is not designated for the manufacture of a pharmaceutical/medicinal product, medical device or of intermediate products for medical devices1). This product is also not registered
for Covestro for the use in other specifically regulated applications, in particular applications requiring regulatory registration, approval or notification (e.g. including cosmetics, plant protection,
food processing, food contact and others). If the intended use of the product is for the manufacture of a pharmaceutical, medical device or of intermediate products for medical devices or for other
specifically regulated applications which may lead to a regulatory obligation of Covestro, Covestro must be contacted in advance to provide its agreement to sell such product for such purpose.
Nonetheless, any determination as to whether a product is appropriate for use in a pharmaceutical, medical device or intermediate products for medical devices or for the use in other specifically
regulated applications, must be made solely by the purchaser of the product without relying upon any representations by Covestro, irrespective of the existence of any regulatory obligation for the
registration, approval or notification. 1) Please see the "Guidance on Use of Covestro Products in a Medical Application" document.
Recommended Processing and Drying Conditions
Barrel temperatures are valid for a standard 3-zone barrel. Temperature set-up for different barrel types may change according to configuration. Values for hold pressure as percentage of
injection pressure may vary depending on, amongst others, part geometry, injection molding machine and injection mold. Drying conditions are for dry air dryers only. Drying times and drying
temperatures may differ depending on valid dryer type. Further information is provided by your local Covestro support as well as in the following brochures: Injection Molding of High Quality
Molded Parts - Drying; Determining the Dryness of Makrolon by TVI Test; The fundamentals of shrinkage in thermoplastics; Shrinkage and deformation of glass fiber reinforced thermoplastics [...].
Disclaimer shrinkage data
Shrinkage data is provided as a reference only, and is based on sample plaques molded under specific, controlled processing conditions. Shrinkage rates in production parts can vary and are
influenced by several variables such as, but not limited to: part design (e.g. part size, thickness and geometry), mold design (e.g. gate type and location, runner design, mold materials, cooling
system), molding conditions (e.g. processing temperature, mold temperature, packing time and pressure, injection speed). We suggest materials be evaluated in existing applicable molds to achieve
the most accurate shrinkage estimation for your specific application and processing practices. The final choice of shrinkage is the responsibility of the user of the material, and should be made
based on your experience and testing results. We shall not be liable for any damage caused by the use of the shrinkage data as provided by us. If you have any questions, pls consult technical
representatives from Covestro.
Covestro AG
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Allee 60
51373 Leverkusen
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