DST Unit 02 Notes (1)
DST Unit 02 Notes (1)
DST Unit 02 Notes (1)
Water supply – intake structures – Functions; Pipes and conduits for water –
Pipe materials – Hydraulics of flow in pipes – Transmission main design –
Laying, jointing and testing of pipes – appurtenances – Types and capacity of
pumps – Selection of pumps and pipe materials.
Water supply
Intake structure
Drawing off water from the source of water called intakes.
Leading the water from intakes to the purification plants and then leading the treated
water to the consumer through distribution pipes.
1. The location of intake structure should be nearer to the treatment plant, in order to reduce the
cost of conveyance water.
2. The location of the intake should be selected in a place, where there is the less impurities
3. The intake should be selected at a place from where the water can be taken during driest
season of the year also.
4. The intake location should have the possibility for future expansion and addition without
much increase in cost.
5. The intake should not be located at the downstream of the disposal point of sewage.
6. It should be located in such a way that, it should not be affected by heavy flood and the flood
should not enter through the intake.
7. The intake should not be located near the navigation channels such as Harbour etc.
8. It should not be interference with river traffic if any.
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Type of intake structures
Simple submerged Intake
Reservoir Intake
2. Multi-level intake
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Intake towers or river intake structures
Intake towers are generally used on large projects and on rivers or reservoirs where there is
large fluctuation of water level.
Gate controlled openings at various levels called ports are generally provided in these concrete
towers which may help in regulating the flow through the towers and permit some selection of
the quality of water to be withdrawn.
Accesses to these towers are generally provided for operating the gates, etc., by means of a foot
bridge from the tower up to the dam or up to the shore.
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Dry Intake Tower
The essential difference between a dry intake and wet intake is that in a wet intake the water
enters from the entry ports in to the intake and then it enters in to the conduit pipe through
separate gate controlled openings whereas in a dry intake water is directly drawn in to the
withdrawal pipe through the gate entry openings.
A dry intake will therefore have no water inside the intake if its gates are closed whereas the
wet intake will be full of water even if its gates are closed.
Reservoir intakes
When the flow in the river is not get guaranteed throughout the year a dam is constructed across
it to store water in the reservoir so formed.
The reservoir intakes are practically similar to the river intake except that these are located
near the upstream face of the Dam where maximum depth of water is available.
(1) The access to intake is provided through a foot bridge.
(2) The water level will be the same as the reservoir level.
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Canal intake
In canal intake structure, the intake well is generally located in the bank of the canal and
water enters the chamber through the inlet pipe.
The inlet pipe is covered with a fine screen.
The top of the screen is generally provided at minimum water level in the canal and bottom
is about 0.15 m above the canal bed to avoid entry of bed load.
The inlet end is of bell mouth shape with perforation of fine screen on its surface.
The flow velocity through the out let is generally 1.5 m/sec, and this helps in determining
the area and diameter at the withdrawal pipe.
The area of the coarse screen is designed by limiting the flow velocity to as low as 0.15m/sec.
The flow velocity through the bell mouth is limited to about 0.3 m/sec.
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Design of intakes
Pipe is a circular closed conduit through which the water may flow either under gravity
or under pressure. They may be gravity conduit or may be pressure conduits.
Gravity conduit- Open channel, Flume & Aqueducts
Pressure conduit- Pipe
Discharge through pipe Q= A × V
Where V is velocity in the pipe, A is cross sectional area of the pipe.
Diameter of the pipe is worked with the help of modified Darcy-Weisbach formula
f = co-efficient of friction
L = length of pipe
diameter of pipe.
Design considerations
Sl.No Criteria Design considerations
Cast Iron
Prestressed concrete
A.C. Pipes
Galvanized Iron (G.I)
P.V.C and plastic pipes
The final selection of material for the pipe is done by considering various factors such
as availability of funds, type of water to be conveyed, carrying capacity of pipes, maintenance,
cost and durability.
Advantages and Disadvantages of pipes
6. Galvanized Iron 1. The pipes are cheap 1. The pipes are affected byacidic
pipes or alkaline waters
2. Light in weight and easy to
handle 2. The useful life of pipes is
3. The pipes are easy to join short about 7 to 10 years.
Inside surface- Very smooth
Joining- Very good, flexible, easily
Light in weight, easy to handle & transport
Very suitable for distribution pipes of small size
Brittle; cannot withstand impact forces
Not durable
Cannot be laid in exposed places
Can be used only for very low pressure.
The cost is moderate
Easy to join
Not subjected to corrosion
Strong & Durable
The breakage of these pipes is large.
Carrying capacity decreases with the increases in life
Not used for pressure greater than 0.7 N/mm^2
Heavier & Uneconomical- Size beyond 1200 mm dia.
3. Cement concrete pipes
Inside Surface – Very smooth
Maintenance cost is low
Pipes can be cast at site and can be transported.
Does not require expansion joint
No danger of rusting & incrustation
4. Copper pipes
Cheap, light in weight and easy to handle and transport.
Easy to join
Liable for incrustation & easily affected by acidic or alkaline water.
The useful life of pipe is pipe is short about 7 to 10 years.
5. Lead pipes
6. Plastic pipes
Freedom from damage due to thawing & freezing
Pipes are very cheap
Durable & Hydraulic resistant
Free from corrosion
Good electric insulator
Light in weight easy to bend
Co-efficient of expansion for plastic is high
Difficult to obtain the plastic pipes of uniform compositions
Less restraint to heat
Some type- impart to the taste of water.
7. Steel pipes
Available in long length- No of joints less
Cheap & Best in cost
Durable & Strong
Flexible to some extent & laid easily on curves
Light in weight & easy to transport.
Maintenance cost is high
Rust attack due to alkali water
Require more time for repairing
Deform shapes under combined action of internal and external load.
8. Wood pipes
Detection of leaks in faulty joints ferrule connections, pipes and fittings inside the consumer
The wastage of water 15 to 25% of leakage through pipe joints should be brought down to
the minimum possible extent by adopting suitable preventive measures
The records of regarding the lengths of pipe laid, length of pipe repaired or replaced,
expenditure incurred, no. of fire hydrants , no. of service connections and all other relevant
data in connection with the distribution system should maintained for ready reference.
1. Acidity: The water having low PH value due to the presence of carbonic acid orother acids
may cause corrosion
7. Oxygen: the presence of oxygen is found in both the corrosive and non-corrosive waters.
The aeration infact is employed in some cases for prevention of corrosion.
Effects of pipe corrosion
1. Pipe corrosion may lead to the tuberculation (formation of small projections on the inside
surface of pipe) which decreases carrying capacity of water
2. The pipe corrosion leads to the disintegration of pipeline and it demands heavyrepairs
3. The pipe corrosion imparts colour, taste and odour to the flowing water
5. The pipe corrosion may make the water dangerous for drinking and other purposes.
Pipe corrosion is not possible to completely eliminate but we can minimize by the
following methods.
1. Cathodic protection: By connecting the pipe line to the negative pole of D.C. generator or to
the anode metals like magnesium so that the entire pipe acts as cathode. This cathodic
treatment is most effective. It is expensive and involves many practical problems
2. Proper pipe material: The alloys of Iron or steel with chromium, copper or nickelare
found to be more resistance
3. Protective Linings: The pipe surface should be coated with asphalt, bitumen, cement mortar,
paints, resins, tar, zinc etc.
Gravity conduits can flow the water is all along at atmospheric pressure and be in the form of
canals, flumes and aqueducts.
In pressure conduits, which are closed conduits and as such no air can enter into them, the water
flows under pressure above the atmospheric pressure. The hydraulic gradient line for such a
conduit can be obtained by joining the water surface elevations in the piezometers installed in
the conduit at various places.
A flume is man-made channel for water, in the form of an open inclined gravity chute whose
walls are raised above the surrounding terrain. Used for the diversion of a stream of water from
a river for purposes of irrigation
Closed – rectangular or Circular or horse shoe section built of masonry or R.C.C.They are
generally designed as ½ or 3/4th full. When designed as grade aqueducts, should not made to run
full under pressure. Because of tension developed – open out joints of masonry work endangering
structural stability – causing serious leakage.
There are many basic principles that must be considered when preparing the hydraulic profile
through the plant. The hydraulic profiles are prepared at peak and average design flows and at
minimum initial flow. The hydraulic profile is generally prepared for all main paths of flow
through the plant. The head loss through the treatment plant is the sum of head losses in the
treatment units and the connecting piping and appurtenances.
The head losses through the treatment unit include the following:
Hydraulic Design:
The design of water supply conduits depends on the resistance to flow, available pressure or head,
and allowable velocities of flow. Allowable velocity is normally between 0.9 m/sec to 1.5 m/sec
but velocity of 3 m/sec to 6 m/sec can be resisted by the commonly available pipe materials.
The Head loss caused by pipe friction can be found by using either of the following formulae
Manning’s formula:
N = Manning’s rigidity
L = Length of pipes in metres
Hazen-William’s formula:
Distribution of water
After treatment, water is to be stored temporarily and supplied to the consumers through the
network of pipelines called distribution system. The distribution system also includes pumps,
reservoirs, pipe fittings, instruments for measurement of pressures, flow leak detectors etc.
The cost of distribution is about 40 to 70% of the total cost of the entire scheme. The
efficiency of the system depends upon proper planning, execution and maintenance.
Ultimate air is to supply potable water to all the consumers whenever required in sufficient
quantity with required pressure with least lost and without any leakage.
1. The should convey the treated water upto consumers with the same degree of purity
2. The system should be economical and easy to maintain and operate
3. The diameter of pipes should be designed to meet the fire demand
4. It should safe against any future pollution. As per as possible should not be laid below sewer
5. Water should be supplied without interruption even when repairs are undertaken
6. The system should be so designed that the supply should meet maximum hourly demand. A
peak factor 2.5 is recommended for the towns of population 0.5 to 2 lakhs. For larger
population a factor of 2.0 will be adequate.
Layouts of distribution system:
Generally in practice there are four different systems of distribution which are used, they
4. Radial system
This system is suitable for irregular developed towns or cities. In this system
water flows in one direction only into sub mains and branches. The diameter of pipe decreases
at every tree branch.
1. Discharge and pressure at any point in the distribution system is calculated easily
2. The valves required in this system of layout are comparatively less in number.
3. The diameter of pipes used are smaller and hence the system is cheap and economical
4. The laying of water pipes is used are simple.
1. In the case of repairs a very small portion of distribution are a will be affected
2. Every point receives supply from two directions and with higher pressure
3. Additional water from the other branches are available for fire fighting
4. There is free circulation of water and hence it is not liable for pollution due to stagnation.
1. More length of pipes and number of valves are needed and hence there is increased costof
2. Calculation of sizes of pipes and working out pressures at various points in the distribution
system is laborious, complicated and difficult.
Supply to the inner pipes is from the mains around the boundary. It has the same
advantages as the grid-Iron system. Smaller diameter pipes are needed. The advantages and
disadvantages are same as that of grid-Iron system.
Radial System
System of distribution
For efficient distribution it is required that the water should reach to every consumer
with required rate of flow. Therefore, some pressure in pipeline is necessary, which should
force the water to reach at every place. Depending upon the methods of distribution, the
distribution system is classified as the follows:
1. Gravity system
2. Pumping system
3. Dual system or combined gravity and pumping system
Gravity system
When some ground sufficiently high above the city area is available, this can be best
utilized for distribution system in maintaining pressure in water mains. This method is also
much suitable when the source of supply such as lake, river or impounding reservoir is at
sufficiently higher than city. The water flows in the mains due to gravitational forces. As no
pumping is required therefore it is the most reliable system for the distribution of water as
shown in fig
Gravity System
Pumping system
Constant pressure can be maintained in the system by direct pumping into mains. Rate of flow
cannot be varied easily according to demand unless number of pumps are operatedin addition
to stand by ones. Supply can be effected during power failure and breakdown of pumps. Hence
diesel pumps also in addition to electrical pumps as stand by to be maintained. During fires,
the water can be pumped in required quantity by the stand by units.
Pumping System
This is also known as dual system. The pump is connected to the mains as well as
elevated reservoir. In the beginning when demand is small the water is stored in the elevated
reservoir, but when demand increases the rate of pumping, the flow in the distribution system
comes from the both the pumping station as well as elevated reservoir. As in this system water
comes from two sources one from reservoir and second from pumping station, it is called dual
system. This system is more reliable and economical, because it requires uniform rate of
pumping but meets low as well as maximum demand. The water stored in the elevated reservoir
meets the requirements of demand during breakdown of pumps and for firefighting.
The water may be supplied to the consumers by either of the two systems.
1. Continuous system
This is the best system and water is supplied for all 24 hours. This system is possible
when there is adequate quantity of water for supply. In this system sample of water is always
available for firefighting and due to continuous circulation water always remains fresh. In this
system less diameter of pipes are required and rusting of pipes will be less. Losses will be
more if there are leakages in the system.
2. Intermittent system
If plenty of water is not available, the supply of water is divided into zones and each
zone is supplied with water for fixed hours in a day or on alternate days. As the water is
supplied after intervals, it is called intermittent system. The system has following
1. Pipelines are likely to rust faster due to alternate wetting and drying. This increasesthe
maintenance cost.
2. There is also pollution of water by ingress of polluted water through leaks during non-flow
3. More wastage of water due to the tendency of the people to store more water thanrequired
quantity and to waste the excess to collect fresh water each time.
In spite of number of disadvantages, this system is usually adopted in most of the cities
and towns of India. In this system water can be supplied in the high level localities with
adequate pressure by dividing the city in zones. The repair work can be easily done in the non-
supply hours.
Pipes should be loaded at the works for transportation either by rail or by road.
No movements can be take place on vehicle during the transit
Off- Loading
It should be carried out by means of chain block with shear log or crane
Slings should be placed around the circumferential of the pipe and should not bethreaded
through the pipe bore.
Hooks located at the ends of the pipes should not be used.
Pipes can be directly placed on the ground free from rock and other projections.
Stacking in tyres is permissible provided timber bearer is placed between succeeding tyres.
Lowered in to the trench with tackle suitable for the weight of pipe
While lifting the position of the sling should be checked when the pipe is just clear off to
ensure proper balance.
Laying of pipe should be preferably proceed upgrade of a slope
Expansion joints shall be provided for buried line at maximum interval of 100m but for exposed
pipes shall not exceed 45 m.
When laying is not in progress the open end of the pipe line should be fitted with temporary
end closers.
The pipe buoyant in the event of the trench become flooded and any movements of the pipes
should be prevented either by partial refilling of the trench or by temporary strutting.
Basic requirements of joining of the pipelines are
Rigid Joint
Semi Rigid Joint
Flexible Joint
Flexible joints
Flexible joints are used where rigidity is undesirable such as filling of granular and when
two sections cannot be welded.
They comprise mainly mechanical and rubber ring joints which permit some degree of
deflection at each joint and are therefore able to withstand vibration and movements.
In the rubber jointing special type of rubber gasket are used to connect cast ironpipe which
are cast with a special type of spigot.
Rubber joint is to be preferred to lead joining
Spigot & socket joint
This is mostly suitable for cast iron pipes
This type of joint is connected by inserting the spigot end of one pipe in to thesocket or
bell end of the other.
The connecting procedure includes; wrapping of jute around the spigot before inserting it
in to the socket.
Then in the remaining space or gap between spigot and socket is filled by moltenlead.
Cooling time will be given for the solidification of molten lead.
The flexibility of this joint is less and need skilled labour.
Expansion joint
The main advantage of the expansion joints is its flexibility.
In some cases the pipes are laid over the ground and exposed to the atmosphere.
Due to thermal stresses the pipe will tend to expand and contract which ultimately results in the
formation of cracks in the external surface of the pipe and leak in the joints.
In this type of joint the socket end is connected rigidly to an annular ring which can freely over
the spigot joint.
The provision of gasket will aid the pipe movement at the time of expansion dueto thermal
Flanged joint
This type of joint mostly used for temporary pipe network.
The pipe has flanges at both the ends .This ends are connected by bolts and nut orwelding.
During the connection process a rubber gasket is placed between the two endswhich will
prevent leakage.
This joint is commonly used in plumbing station boiler house etc.
But if this joint is used in steel pipe it will be better to connect by nuts and bolt rather by
other connection.
Screwed joint
The screwed joints are usually adopted when the pipe diameter is less
In this joint the ends of the pipes are threaded outside, while socket or coupling has threads
on both the ends of the pipe to join them.
For making water tight zinc paint or hemp yarn should be placed in the threads ofthe pipe,
before screwing socket over it.
Hydrostatic Test
Filling the pipe line with water and raising pressure to selected limit.
Draw graph between the quantity of water added and the time.
The field test pressure to be imposed should not be less than the greatest of the following
Allowable leakage
Leak detection
Use of an electronic listening device which detect and amplifies the sound ofescaping
Injection of dye into the test water
Introduction of Nitrous oxide solution into the test water using IR- gasconcentration;
escaped through the leaks.
Appurtenances in the distribution system
The various devices fixed along the water distribution system are known as
The following are the some of the fixtures used in the distribution system.
Fire hydrants and
Water meter
Types of valves
In water works practice, to control the flow of water, to regulate pressure, to
release or to admit air, prevent flow of water in opposite direction valves are required.
The following are the various types of valves named to suit their function
Sluice valves
Check valves or reflex valves
Air valves
Relief valves
Altitude valves
Drain valves or Blow off valves
Scour valve
Sluice valves
These are also known as gate-valves or stop valves. These valve control the flow of
water through pipes. These valves are cheaper, offers less resistance to the flow of water than
other valves. The entire distribution system is decided into blocks by providing these valves
at appropriate places. They are provided in straight pipeline at 150-200m intervals. When two
pipes lines interest, valves are fixed in both sides of intersection. When sluice valve is closed,
it shuts off water in a pipeline to enable to undertake repairs in that particular block. The flow
of water can be controlled by raising or lowering the handle or wheel.
Check valve or reflux valve
These valves are also known as non-return valves. A reflux valve is an automatic
device which allows water to go in one direction only. The swing type of reflux valve as shown
in fig is widely used in practice.
When the water moves in the direction of arrow, the valve swings or rotates around the
pivot and it is kept in open position due to the pressure of water. When the flow of water in
this direction ceases, the water tries to flow in a backward direction. But this valve prevents
passage of water in the reverse direction.
Reflux valve is invariably placed in water pipe, which obtain water directly from
pump. When pump fails or stops, the water will not run back to the pump and thus pumping
equipment will be saved from damage.
Air valves
These are automatic valves and are of two types namely
1. Air inlet valves
2. Air relief valves
These valves open automatically and allow air to enter into the pipeline so that the
development of negative pressure can be avoided in the pipelines. The vacuum pressure
created in the down streamside in pipelines due to sudden closure of sluice valves. This
situation can be avoided by using the air inlet valves.
Sometimes air is accumulated at the summit of pipelines and blocks the flow of water
due to air lock. In such cases the accumulated air has to be removed from the pipe lines. This
is done automatically by means of air relief valves.
Air Valve
This valve consists of a chamber in which one or two floats are placed and is connected
to the pipe line. When there is flow under pressure in the pipeline water occupies the float
chamber and makes the float to close the outlet. But where there is accumulation of air in the
pipeline, air enters the chamber, makes the float to come down, thus opening the outlet. The
accumulated air is driven out through the outlet.
Relief valves
These are also known as automatic cut off valves or safety valves.
They are located at every point along the water pipe where pressure is likely to
When pressure of water exceeds a predetermined limit the valve operates
automatically and it will save a particular section of water pipe before bursting the pipe.
Altitude valves
They are mainly used on those lines which supply water to elevated tanks or standpipes.
They close automatically when the tank is full and open when the pressure on thepump side
is less than that on the tank side of the valve.
Fire hydrants
A hydrant is an outlet provided in water pipe for tapping water mainly in case of fire. They are
located at 100 to 150 m a part along the roads and also at junction roads. They are of two types
1. Flush Hydrants
The flush hydrants is kept in underground chamber flush with footpath covered by
C.I. cover carrying a sign board “F-H”.
2. Post Hydrants
The post hydrant remain projected 60 to 90cm above ground level as shown in fig 7.4 They have
long stem with screw and nut to regulate the flow. In case of fire accident , the firefighting squad
connect their hose to the hydrant and draw the water and spray it on fire.
1. Should be cheap
2. Easy to connect with hose
3. Easily detachable and reliable
4. Should draw large quantity of water
Stop cocks
These are small size sluice valves and they are
installed in service pipes, serving thebib cocks.
They operate on the same principles of sluice.
They are placed on water pipes leading to
flushing tanks, wash basins, water tanks etc.
These are the devices which are installed on the pipes to measure the quantity of water
flowing at a particular point along the pipe. The readings obtained from the meters help in working
out the quantity of water supplied and thus the consumers can be chargedaccordingly. The water
meters are usually installed to supply water to industries, hotels, big institutions etc. metering
prevents the wastage of purified water.
1. Positive displacement type meter
2. Velocity meter
Based on the mechanical principle of water lifting pumps are classified as the following
Centrifugal force is made use of in lifting water. Electrical energy is converted to potential
or pressure energy of water.
Centrifugal Pump
1. CASING: The impellor is enclosed in the casing, which is so designed that kinetic energyof the
liquid is converted into pressure energy before it leaves the casing.
2. Delivery pipe
3. Delivery valve
4. Impeller
5. Prime mover
6. Suction pipe
7. Strainer and foot valve
The pump consists of an Impeller is enclosed in a water tight casing. Water at lower
level is sucked into the impellor through a suction pipe. Suction pipe should be air tight and bends
in this pipe should be avoided. A strainer foot valve is connected at the bottom of the suction pipe
to prevent entry of foreign matter and to hold water during Pumping. Section pipe is kept larger
in diameter than delivery pipe to reduce cavitation and losses due to friction. An electric motor is
coupled to the central shaft to impart energy.
Working principle
When the impellor starts rotating it creates reduction of pressure at the eye of the impellor,
which sucks in water through the suction pipe. Water on entering the eye is caught between the
vanes of the impeller. Rapid rotation of the impellor sets up acentrifugal force and forces
the water at high velocity outwards against the causing convert the velocity energy into pressure
energy which is utilized to overcome thedelivery head
Priming – Priming means filling up of the suction and casing completely with
Pressure and suction developed by the impellor is proportional to the density ofthe fluid
and the speed of rotation. Impellor running in air will produce only negligible negative pressure on
the head. Hence it is required that is the casing and impellor is filled with water through a funnel
and cock. Trapped air is released through pet cock. Initially the delivery valve is closed and the
pump started. The rotation impellor pushes the water in the casing into the delivery pipe and the
water in the casing into the delivery pipe and the resulting vacuum is filled by water raising through
the suction pipe. The pass valve is opened while closing the bypass valve, while stopping the pump
delivery valve is closed first and the pump switched off.
Preventive maintenance
Locates the sources of trouble and keep the equipment in good operating condition. It
involves oiling, greasing of stuffing boxes, observing the temperature of the motor and the pump
bearings, checking the valves, strainer, electrical contacts, earthings etc.
2. Lift - Suction head from the water level to the pump level
3. Head – It is also called delivery head. Generally the total head (suction and deliveryhead)
should meet all possible situations with respect to the head.
4. Reliability – A reputed manufacture or similar make pump already in use may give thefailure
rate and types of troubles.
5. Initial cost: The cost of the pump and its installation cost should be minimum.
7. Maintenance – Maintenance cost should be minimum. Availability of spares and cost ofspares
are to be ascertained.
Horse-power of pump
The horse-power (H.P.) of a pump can be determined by calculated the work done by a pump in
raising the water up to H height.
= WQH m kg/sec
W.H.P. =
W. H. P
Break Horse Power = ----------------
W. H. P
75 ×
Selection of pump horse power
Basic data regarding the water availability like diameter, depth of the well, depth of the
water table, seasonal variations of water table, drawdown duration of pumping and safe yield are
to be collected accurately before selecting a pump.
There are many varieties of specifications and choices available in the market and it is a
tricky problem facing an engineer to select the best suited for his requirement.