Family Law Model Paper_240330_153527
Family Law Model Paper_240330_153527
Family Law Model Paper_240330_153527
PART-C (2 x 10 = 20 Marks)
Answer any Two of the following:
13 A Hindu male and a Hindu female announce in the newspaper that they
propose to live as husband and wife from a specified date and accordingly live
together. Is it a valid marriage?
14A has a daughter B. B and her husband adopt C. A dies and is succeeded by
his widow D for a limited estate. Then she Dies. Can C claim the property as
heir of A?
15The father of a minor Hindu desires to sell an item of immovable property of
the minor for the minor's benefit. Advise the father as to his power to sell the
minor's property.
16 A's death his property devolved on his mother M for a limited estate. The
next reversioner was R. R murdered M. He is sentenced to imprisonment. Can R
take A's property. Can R's sister claim the property?
PART-C (2x10-20Marks)
PART-C (2 x 10 = 20 Marks)
Answer any two of the followingquestions
13. X A Hindu married Z again during the life time of his wife Y, The second
marriage was consented by all the relatives of X,Y and Z. What is the status of
this marriage under HMAI 955.
14. A, a Hindu dies leaving behind his daughter, son, father and mother in the
year 2007. Distribute the joint family property of the deceased among
15. The immovable property of a Hindu minor is sold by the father for the
benefit of the minor without the permission of the court. Is the sale valid? Give
16. 'X' a Hindu male dies intestate leaving behind his father, two sons and a son
of the pre-deceased daughter. Who can succeed to 'Xis property? What is the
share of each person?
PART —C (2 x 10 = 20 Marks)
Answer any two questions.
13. Kalpana at the age of 16 years girl married Sreenu of 25 years according to
Hindusites and customs.The marriagewas solemnizedlay the parents of both
parties. After one year of the marriage Kalpana filed an application to the family
court for nullification of marriage on the ground that she was a minor at the time
of marriage Decide.
14. Shekaris working in a factory and returninglate at night to the home in a
drunkercondition and creating nuisanceto his wife Rani. Rani wants to get
15. An old man, aged about 90 years, who has no means of his own requested his
only son to pay maintenance.The son refused his request that he got no
obligationto maintain his father. Decide
16.A.fileda restitution of conjugal rights petition against B his wife, a cine artist.
B objectedthat it violates her right to life and personal liberty. She also filed a
divorcepetition. Decide.
PART-B (2 x 15 30 Marks )
Note: Answer any two questions.
9. Who can be the Karta of joint family? What are the Powers and obligations
Karta with regard to the joint family?
10. Write an essay on the changes made by the Hindu Succession. (Amendment)
Act, 2005 conferring new rights on the daughters in the joint family.
11. Who is natural guardian of an Hindu minor? What are the powers and
of the guardian with regard to the minor ward's immovable property?
12. Write a note on the grounds of divorce provided under the Hindu Marriage
Act, 1955 based on the guilt theory.
PART-C (2 x 10 = 20 Marks)
Note: Answer any two questions
13. A' a Hindu male aged about 21 years married 'B' a Hindu female aged 17
years in the year 2018 In the year 2020 'B' wants to get rid of the marriage on
the reason that her marriage was child marriage. Advise her about the legal
14. 'X' a Hindu male aged about 30 years intend to adopt a Hindu girl child aged
about 14 years will he succeed in his attempt. Discuss the conditions of valid
adoption under the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act. 1956 for deciding
this Case.
15. P is the Karta of a joint family in the State of Telangana having 3 sons, A, B,
C and daughter 'D'. P and his 3 sons have been jointly cultivating the
agricultural land which is joint family property. 'D' got married in the year in
the year 1984. 'D' filed a suit for partition suit in the year 2012 for her share in
the joint family property which her father and brothers jointly cultivating. Will
she succeed in her Case? Discuss.
16 A Hindu boy aged 24 years married a Christian girl aged about 22 years as per
Hindu Rights in a temple whether third marriage is a valid marriage? If not
advise him to make it a valid one and enforceable under the law.