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Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 000 (2023) 112

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Expert Review
Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest in Adult Aortic Arch
Surgery: A Review of Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest
and its Anesthetic Implications
Samit Ghia, MD*, Andre Savadjian, MDy, DaWi Shin, BS *,
z *,1
Gabriele Diluozzo, MD , Menachem M. Weiner, MD ,
Himani V. Bhatt, DO, MPA, FASE, FASA*
Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care and Perioperative Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at
Mount Sinai, New York, NY
Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Yale School of Medicine, Bridgeport, CT

Diseases affecting the aortic arch often require surgical intervention. Hypothermic circulatory arrest (HCA) enables a safe approach during open
aortic arch surgeries. Additionally, HCA provides neuroprotection by reducing cerebral metabolism and oxygen requirements. However, HCA
comes with significant risks (eg, neurologic dysfunction, stroke, and coagulopathy), and the cardiac anesthesiologist must completely understand
the surgical techniques, possible complications, and management strategies.
Ó 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Key Words: deep hypothermic circulatory arrest; aortic surgery

THE AORTIC ARCH has 3 major branches that perfuse the History of Therapeutic Hypothermia in Medicine
upper extremities and brain. Thoracic aortic aneurysms and
acute aortic syndromes affecting the arch often require surgical The first documented use of therapeutic hypothermia was in
intervention.1 To perform this complex endeavor, cessation of The Edwin Smith Papyrus, which dates back to 3500 B.C. One
flow across the arch is necessary to permit surgical visualiza- case from the Papyrus implemented a cool media for a chest
tion. Although external shunts have been implemented in the blister.4 Around 3,000 years later, Hippocrates used snow to
past, circulatory arrest is the optimal approach and is more induce hypothermia and aid healing.5 Originally, hypothermia
commonly used for exposure.2 However, circulatory arrest for neuroprotection was done by cold water immersion.6 Bige-
results in organ ischemia, fraught with the risk of organ injury, low was the first to use hypothermia in cardiac surgery during
particularly in the brain. To protect against ischemia and mini- canine experimentation at temperatures of 20˚C.5 This
mize cellular damage, hypothermia is instituted commonly to research jump-started Lewis to perform his first human cardiac
reduce metabolism and oxygen requirements.3 The objective surgery to close an atrial septal defect with the assistance of
of this article is to review hypothermic circulatory arrest hypothermia in 1952.7
(HCA) in adult aortic arch reconstruction and the perioperative More than a decade later, Barnard and Schrire first used pro-
concerns of cardiac anesthesiologists. found HCA and cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) simulta-
neously to repair ascending aortic and aortic arch aneurysms
in 2 patients.8 The modern use of HCA began in 1975 when
Address correspondence to Menachem M. Weiner, MD, Department of Griepp used surface cooling with CPB to resect aortic arch
Anesthesiology, Box 1010, The Mount Sinai Medical Center, One Gustave L.
Levy Place, New York, NY 10029.
aneurysms in 4 patients. His technique began with surface
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.M. Weiner). cooling to 30 C with a cooling blanket, and after placement on

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2 S. Ghia et al. / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 00 (2023) 112

CPB via the right atrium and left femoral artery, surface and recommend that a diameter of 4 and 4.5 cm for most patients
internal cooling brought the core temperature to 12 C to 15 C. should be defined as dilated and aneurysmal, respectively.14
Once the target hypothermia was achieved, circulatory arrest Aortic aneurysms can progress into dissections and/or rup-
commenced.9 tures.14 For this reason, surgical replacement will be indicated
when aortic diameter thresholds are met, which vary based on
Role of Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest factors including disease mechanism, genetics, family history,
and aneurysm progression. Table 1 summarizes class 1 recom-
Flow cessation during aortic arch surgery allows for ade- mendations for surgical intervention of disease involving the
quate surgical visualization and exposure, and implementation aortic root, ascending aorta, and/or aortic arch per the
of hypothermia limits ischemic sequelae of circulatory arrest. 2022 ACC/AHA Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management
Acutely, every drop of 1˚C in body temperature reduces the of Aortic Disease.14
cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2) by 6% to 7%.10,11
Cerebral metabolism, linearly correlated to temperature, is
directly proportional to glucose and adenosine triphosphate Acute Aortic Syndromes
consumption. As metabolism decreases with hypothermia, so
will the usage of glucose and phosphate stores. In addition, Acute aortic syndromes include aortic dissection, aortic
cooling reduces the excitotoxicity normally seen with cerebral intramural hematoma, and penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer.1
injury by limiting the release of excitatory mediators such as Clouse et al. analyzed a database of patients from Olmsted
glutamate. In the subacute phase, which ranges from hours to County, Minnesota, over a 15-year period, and found acute
days, hypothermia suppresses proinflammatory and proapop- aortic dissections an incidence of approximately 3.5 cases per
totic mediators. Hypothermia also limits injury from ischemia- 100,000 person-years.15 Intramural hematoma and penetrating
reperfusion by attenuating the release of reactive oxygen spe- atherosclerotic ulcer have lower annual incidences than aortic
cies. Lastly, cooling inhibits metalloproteinases from degrad- dissections at 2.1 and 1.2 per 100,000 person-years,
ing the extracellular matrix, which results in blood-brain respectively.16
barrier preservation.11 Aortic dissections are intimal tears that allow blood to enter
the media. The common causes of intimal tears include aortic
wall inflammation, trauma, degeneration of the aortic media,
Indications For Aortic Arch Reconstruction
and cystic medial necrosis.15 Intramural hematoma is distinct
Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms from an aortic dissection because hemorrhage into the aortic
wall occurs without an intimal tear. One-third of intramural
Aortic aneurysms develop in 3% to 4% of patients 65 years hematoma cases can progress into an aortic dissection or rup-
old and above. A thoracic aortic aneurysm occurs less fre- ture. Intramural hematoma is associated with similar risk fac-
quently than an abdominal aortic aneurysm, with an annual tors to those of an aortic dissection, including chronic
incidence of 6 cases per 100,000 person-years.12,13 hypertension, congenital cardiac anomalies, bicuspid aortic
The conventional definition of an arterial aneurysm is a dila- valve, connective tissue disorders, aortitis, decelerating or iat-
tion >50% of the normal diameter. However, per the 2022 rogenic trauma, pregnancy, and cocaine abuse.17 Penetrating
American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association atherosclerotic ulcers, which are found predominantly in the
(ACC/AHA) Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of descending aorta, are due to the development of atherosclerotic
Aortic Disease, many dilated aortic roots and ascending aortas plaque that ulcerates and penetrates the elastic lamina of the
requiring intervention would be missed. The guidelines aortic wall, and is associated with atherosclerotic risk

Table 1
Class 1 Recommendations for Surgical Intervention of the Aortic Root, Ascending Aorta, and/or Aortic Arch per 2022 American College of Cardiology/American
Heart Association Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of Aortic Disease14

Disease Threshold for Surgical Intervention

Nonsyndromic Heritable Thoracic Aortic Disease: asymptomatic, 5.0 cm diameter

no genetic cause, no family history
Marfan syndrome 5.0 cm diameter
LoeysDietz syndrome Based on genetic variant, aortic size/progression, age, sex, and family history
Bicuspid aortic valve 5.5 cm diameter
Sporadic aneurysms of aortic root and ascending aorta Attributable symptoms
Sporadic aneurysms of aortic root and ascending aorta: asymptomatic 5.5 cm diameter or growth rate 0.3 cm/year over 2 y or 0.5 cm in 1 y
Aortic arch aneurysm Attributable symptoms and low or intermediate operative risk
Acute type-A aortic dissection No additional requirements, proceed to intervention
Acute type-A intramural hematoma No additional requirements, proceed to intervention
Penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer Presence of aortic rupture, intramural hematoma, or symptomatic/pain
consistent with radiologic findings

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S. Ghia et al. / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 00 (2023) 112 3

factors.18 Disease isolated to the aortic arch is rare and more blood. They found that rewarming slowly with a gradient of
often propagates to either the ascending or descending aorta.19 2 C had better neurocognitive function 6 weeks after surgery
and lower postoperative hyperthermia.23
Surgical Techniques for HCA
Optimal Temperature Target
The arterial cannula is often placed in the innominate or
axillary artery. Other options include central cannulation or Although the benefit of hypothermia is universally accepted,
cannulation of the femoral artery. If the femoral artery is there is no consensus on the ideal temperature for HCA. Cere-
accessed, the Seldinger technique with wire visualization via bral metabolism increases linearly when temperature rises,
transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) can help confirm which causes greater consumption of oxygen, adenosine tri-
true lumen cannulation. Subsequently, the right atrium is can- phosphate, and glucose, leading to more ischemia.11 Con-
nulated for venous drainage, the coronary sinus is cannulated versely, temperature drops increase the risk of coagulopathy,
for retrograde cardioplegia, and the left ventricle is vented to hyperglycemia, acidemia, and total CPB time. Decades of ani-
prevent distention. After CPB onset, the patient is cooled to a mal research have aimed to discover the optimal temperature
predetermined temperature via a heat exchanger.4 Temperature and how long it can be tolerated.24
gradients between the venous inflow and arterial outlet during Building upon animal research, McCullough et al. investi-
CPB cooling should not exceed 10˚C to avoid generating gas- gated the quantification of metabolic suppression during HCA.
eous emboli.20 Once the desired temperature is reached, CPB The CMRO2 and differences in cerebral arterial and venous
flow is stopped, marking the onset of HCA. Generally, once oxygen were estimated using the CBF. Plotting CMRO2 versus
the distal aortic graft is anastomosed, a cross-clamp is applied temperature extrapolated the temperature coefficient Q10,
to the graft, and CPB flow is reinstituted through the side arm which defines a ratio of CMRO2 at one temperature and
of the graft to the head and/or body while the proximal graft is another at a temperature 10 C. In their analysis of 37
anastomosed (Fig 1). Although there is no supporting evi- patients, assuming interrupted CBF can be permitted for 5
dence, most surgeons will resume CPB but delay rewarming to minutes at 37 C, derived calculations via the Q10 determined
reduce the risk of increasing intracranial pressure, presumably cooling to 15˚C was safe for approximately 30 minutes. Of the
secondary to the increased cerebral blood flow (CBF) associ- 37 patients, 5 received selective cerebral perfusion averaging
ated with rising temperature.3,10 After post-HCA hypothermic 37 minutes, 6 received retrograde flushing averaging 7
perfusion, rewarming must proceed gradually, with the differ- minutes, and 13 received retrograde cerebral perfusion (RCP)
ence between the venous inflow blood and the arterial outlet averaging 25 minutes.25
blood never exceeding 10 C. In contrast, the arterial outlet In 2013, an international panel of global experts proposed a
blood temperature is <30 C and not exceeding 4 C when the classification for temperature ranges of systemic HCA, which
temperature is >30 C.20-22 Grigore et al. studied more strin- is summarized in Table 2.26
gent gradients between temperatures of perfusate and systemic In patients cooled to 14.1˚C, at 20.1˚C, and 28˚C, elec-
troencephalogram (EEG) silence was not achieved in 14% to
22%, 75% to 98%, and 99% to 100%, respectively.27 McCul-
lough et al. studied the CMRO2 at various temperatures during
HCA, and found increases in CMRO2 of 5% and 8% between
10˚C and 15˚C and 15˚C and 20˚C, respectively. This increase
in metabolism is accelerated at higher temperatures. The
authors concluded that profound and deep hypothermia with
RCP may be safe, assuming circulatory arrest is <30 minutes,
but longer arrest time may require even lower temperatures.25
Although profound hypothermia confers a slight cerebral
physiologic advantage, the increased time to cool and rewarm
increases the risk of significant coagulopathy.3,28 As such,
many institutions have been moving toward moderate

Table 2
Classification of Temperature Ranges for Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest26

Category Temperature
Range (in  C)

Profound 14
Fig 1. The proximal anastomosis is sutured between the synthetic graft and Deep 14.1-20
ascending aorta proximal to the innominate artery takeoff. Inn, innominate Moderate 20.1-28
artery; LCCA, left common carotid artery; LSCA, left subclavian artery; Mild 28.1-34
RCCA, right common carotid artery.

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4 S. Ghia et al. / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 00 (2023) 112

hypothermia with adjuvant perfusion strategies.29 Moderate oxygenator via cardiotomy suction in the open thoracic cavity.
hypothermia has lower rates of endothelial dysfunction, bypass Retrograde cerebral perfusion can be administered continu-
duration, coagulopathy, and renal dysfunction.30,31 ously, intermittently, and/or after HCA. Retrograde blood flow
is titrated to a pressure of 15-to-25 mmHg, which can be mea-
Adjuvant Therapy for Neuroprotection sured via a central venous catheter in the SVC or a jugular
bulb catheter. Monitoring cerebral perfusion adequacy during
Adjuvant perfusion strategies for cerebral protection include RCP can be done by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and/or
antegrade cerebral perfusion (ACP) and RCP. Both techniques transcranial Doppler (TCD).35
provide CBF during arrest, which theoretically can allow for Retrograde cerebral perfusion’s theoretical benefits include
prolonged periods of HCA. However, each technique has pros flushing the cerebral vasculature of waste products, embolic
and cons, and different institutions have had varying degrees debris, and air. Although RCP should provide cerebral perfu-
of success with their use.32 sion and cooling, global cerebral capillary perfusion may be
heterogeneous and insufficient.21 Coselli found that RCP use
Retrograde Cerebral Perfusion reduced in-hospital mortality from 17.2% to 3.9%, and the
incidence of permanent stroke from 6.4% to 2.6%.36 Safi eval-
During aortic arch surgery, Lemole introduced RCP in 1982 uated 1,193 patients who underwent ascending aorta and/or
by supplying cold oxygenated blood to the cerebral vascula- aortic arch surgery with HCA, and found no statistical signifi-
ture via the superior vena cava (SVC).33 In 1990, Ueda et al. cance in the stroke rate with (2.8%) or without RCP (4.2%).
were the first to describe the clinical application of continuous However, if the HCA exceeded 40 minutes, the stroke rate was
RCP with deep hypothermia for aortic surgery.34 significantly lower, with RCP at 1.7% compared with 30%
Retrograde cerebral perfusion is administered after the onset without.37 Beyond the potential benefit seen with the prior
of HCA. A cannula is inserted into the SVC and then snared studies, Lau found that adjuvant administration of RCP did not
(Fig 2). The arterial inflow cannula is occluded, and a connec- cause harm. In their propensity-matched retrospective study,
tion between the arterial return line and the SVC cannula is deep HCA with RCP did not increase the incidence of intrao-
opened. Perfused blood travels retrograde through the internal perative mortality, neurologic deficit, or major perioperative
jugular veins to cerebral tissue before entering the carotid complications.38
arteries into the arch. The blood is then returned to the However, some data have questioned whether the oxygen
delivery from RCP is sufficient for cerebral protection.35,39-42
Two investigations showed that jugular venous valves are a
major impediment to perfusate delivery throughout the
brain.43,44 Another investigation by Katz in 1999 showed only
minimal technetium 99m-labeled albumin circulating through
cerebral tissue when injected as part of RCP.45 Retrograde
cerebral perfusion usage has faded for a number of reasons.
This is primarily due to an increased level of comfort with
ACP (see next section) and studies showing the benefit of
ACP use. Furthermore, deep HCA alone provides sufficient
cerebral and visceral organ protection when limited to 30
minutes, which was the timeframe in most published RCP
cases. Therefore, it is inconclusive if supplementing RCP is

Antegrade Cerebral Perfusion

Antegrade cerebral perfusion is another strategy of selective

cerebral perfusion to obviate neurologic sequelae during HCA.
During ACP, the right axillary or brachial artery commonly is
cannulated for arterial inflow. Other techniques include direct
cannulation of the subclavian artery or bilateral carotid arter-
ies.21 The axillary artery is more delicate than the aortic arch,
but an end-to-side graft anastomosis is preferred over cannula-
tion due to a lower complication rate. Axillary artery dissec-
tion and postoperative upper extremity ischemia occurred in
Fig 2. The retrograde cerebral perfusion cannula is placed into the superior 9% and 4.5% of the direct cannulation group, respectively, but
vena cava and snared. This will provide retrograde blood flow via the internal
jugular veins. CPB, cardiopulmonary bypass; LIJV, left internal jugular vein; neither complication occurred in the graft anastomosis
RCP, retrograde cerebral perfusion; RIJV, right internal jugular vein; SVC, cohort.46 Upon HCA onset, the innominate artery is clamped,
superior vena cava. and unilateral ACP is administered via the right axillary

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S. Ghia et al. / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 00 (2023) 112 5

perfusion. With moderate hypothermia, ACP has safely

allowed for longer periods of HCA. Perreas compared 259
patients who had aortic arch surgery with either deep HCA
and RCP or moderate HCA and ACP in a propensity-matched
analysis. The study showed that the latter group had signifi-
cantly reduced postoperative neurologic complications (50% v
17.5%), 30-day mortality (22.5% v 7.5%), and midterm mor-
tality (40% v 15%).53,54 Research over the last decade has
focused more on moderate hypothermia, possibly improving
patient outcomes.
Deep HCA alone, when exceeding 45 minutes, is associated
with an increased incidence of permanent neurologic injury. In
shorter periods of arrest, HCA is safe and, therefore, used in
straightforward cases. Compared with RCP, ACP permits lon-
ger circulatory arrest but increases the risk of atherosclerotic
emboli. More reliable cerebral cooling and flow exists, but
manipulating potentially pathologic, atherosclerotic, or friable
vessels adds to an already high-risk surgery. Antegrade cere-
bral perfusion also introduces the possibility of graft kinking,
which can impair CBF. Both strategies have risks and benefits,
but ACP is preferred because it permits the use of moderate
hypothermia during HCA.21,55,56
Per the 2022 ACC/AHA Guidelines for Diagnosis and Man-
agement of Aortic Diseases, implementation of either ACP or
RCP is superior to HCA alone, and ACP leads to less long-
Fig 3. The antegrade cerebral perfusion cannula is placed via a sheath
attached to the right subclavian artery. It will provide antegrade cerebral blood
term mortality and neurologic dysfunction. Bilateral ACP may
flow via the right vertebral and right common carotid arteries. ACP, antegrade be superior in cases when HCA is >30 minutes but insignif-
cerebral perfusion; CPB, cardiopulmonary bypass; LCCA, left common icantly different from unilateral ACP in shorter cases.14 Table 3
carotid artery; RCCA, right common carotid artery; RSCA, right subclavian summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of ACP and
artery; RVA, right vertebral artery. RCP.21,43,44,55,56

Complications/Long-Term Outcomes
arterial cannula at a flow rate of 10- to-15 mL/kg/min with a
pressure of 50-to-60 mmHg, as measured by an arterial line Aortic arch surgery requiring HCA is associated with many
placed in the right radial artery (Fig 3). Cold oxygenated blood complications, including neurologic, respiratory, and renal. A
flows from the right axillary artery into the right vertebral and summary report from 8 major cardiac surgery centers in the
common carotid arteries. Collateralization to the left cerebral United States, Europe, and Japan found that the risk of
hemisphere can occur via extracranial and leptomeningeal ves-
sels, but primarily occurs through the Circle of Willis. One
study assessing patients before elective aortic arch surgery Table 3
Adjuvant Selective Perfusion: Summary of Advantages and
found that only 27% had a functionally complete Circle of
Willis. However, most patients with an incomplete Circle of
Willis had a safe variant to allow for unilateral ACP.47 With Adjuvant Perfusion Advantages Disadvantages
proper anastomosis of the graft to the axillary artery, trans- Strategy
duced pressure from the right radial artery should reflect cere- Antegrade Cerebral  Allows for moder-  Risk of atheroscle-
bral perfusion pressure. Bilateral cerebral oximetry is Perfusion ate HCA rotic emboli
monitored, and a decrease of 15% to 20% may trigger an opti-  Physiological  Increased surgical
mization of cerebral protection, including bilateral ACP.48,49 perfusion complexity
 Allows for longer  Possible graft
Although bilateral ACP will address inadequate collateraliza-
deep HCA periods kinking
tion, placing an additional arterial cannula will increase the  Manipulating frag-
risk of cerebral embolization. ile vessels
In contrast to RCP, ACP gained popularity because it Retrograde Cerebral  Flushing cerebral  Venous valves
allowed for moderate HCA. This led to reduced rates of hypo- Perfusion air and emboli could prevent flow
 Cerebral cooling  Cerebral edema
thermia-related organ hypoperfusion, impairment of cerebral  Incomplete
autoregulation, and coagulopathy.50-52 Antegrade cerebral per- perfusion
fusion with oxygenated blood is appealing during circulatory
arrest because it most closely resembles physiologic cerebral Abbreviation: HCA, hypothermic circulatory arrest.

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6 S. Ghia et al. / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 00 (2023) 112

permanent neurologic injury after aortic arch surgery using However, moderate hypothermia could lead to spinal cord
HCA ranged from 3% to 12%, renal dysfunction from 5% to injury. Kamiya et al. compared moderate and deep HCA lon-
14%, and pulmonary insufficiency from 5% to 39%.57 A meta- ger than 60 minutes, and discovered a trend toward more para-
analysis that included 14 observational studies found that mod- plegia in the moderate group (18% v 0%).65
erate HCA with either ACP or RCP decreased the incidence of Faster rewarming can reduce hypothermia-induced coagulop-
postoperative renal failure compared to deep HCA as long as athy. However, rewarming must be gradual because rapid
the HCA time was <30 minutes.58 rewarming or hyperthermia can lead to cerebral edema, emboli,
Neurologic injury is the most serious adverse effect after the ischemia, or hyperthermic injury.21,22 Hyperthermia-induced neu-
use of HCA, and can range from postoperative cognitive dys- rologic injury mechanisms include increased free-radical produc-
function, which includes confusion, agitation, and delirium, to tion, blood-brain barrier permeability, ischemic depolarizations
stroke, which can be either a transient or an irreversible neuro- with resultant enlarging infarct size, and intracellular acidosis
logic injury. A meta-analysis of 9 studies on aortic arch surgery after reperfusion. In addition, cerebral injury from hyperthermia
by the Collaborative Research group out of Australia compared can ensue from reduced neurotransmitter release and recovery of
neurologic and survival outcomes between 648 patients receiv- adenosine triphosphate.66 Cerebral ischemia can also result from
ing HCA alone and 370 patients receiving HCA with ACP. The uncoupling cerebral flow and oxygen demand, which is observed
different rates of permanent (8% in HCA alone v 6.8% in ACP in hyperthermia. In one study, rewarming increased middle cere-
group) and temporary (13.9% in HCA alone v 11.1% in ACP bral arterial flow by 65% but decreased jugular venous oxygen
group) neurologic deficit were statistically insignificant. How- saturation (SjvO2) by 25%.10,67
ever, overall mortality was significantly reduced from 15.2% to Permanent neurologic deficits after deep HCA are a com-
8.5% when HCA was supplemented with ACP.59 mon major predictor of long-term survival rates.68,69 In
The duration of HCA is the primary prognosticator of mor- patients with neurologic injury, early postoperative mortality
tality and neurologic injury. Pacini et al. found that arrest peri- is markedly increased (18.2%).70 Numerous difficulties arise
ods longer than 40 minutes and femoral cannulation were the when designing clinical trials to compare short and long-term
main predictors of permanent serious complications. Femoral neurologic outcomes in these patients. Ethical concerns about
arterial cannulation reverses native flow and can embolize exposing patients to prolonged arrest times, intraoperative
thoracoabdominal aortic atheroma.60 In another study looking complications, surgical prowess, and the lack of a standard for
at 149 patients approximately 54 days postoperatively, periods neurocognitive assessment are just some of the many prob-
longer than 25 minutes without adjuvant techniques and lems.
advanced age of 60 or greater scored lower in neuropsycholog-
ical testing.61 The same institution investigated 57 patients Anesthetic Management
who received deep HCA with ACP, and found a significant
decline in neurocognition with prolonged arrest times between Anesthetic management of HCA has evolved to address pos-
39 and 83 minutes. However, deep HCA alone between 14 and sible sequelae. However, many of these interventions have not
40 minutes was not associated with cognitive dysfunction. The been validated, secondary to insufficient human research.
authors attributed the contrasting results of the 2 studies to an
evolution of neuroprotection that incorporated selective cere- Therapeutic Interventions
bral perfusion, which reduced HCA durations.62 Another study
examined 656 patients who received deep HCA, and found a Currently, there is no standard pharmacologic practice
hospital survival rate of 88% and a stroke rate of 7%. How- regarding agents, dosing, or timing for HCA. Some institutions
ever, the stroke and mortality risks increased when arrest times use a combination of opioids, barbiturates, lidocaine, steroids,
exceeded 40 and 65 minutes, respectively.28 anticonvulsants, magnesium, and/or mannitol.29,61,62,71 Barbi-
Appoo et al. retrospectively looked at 79 patients undergo- turates decrease CMRO2, CBF, cerebral edema, seizure activ-
ing deep HCA with RCP to determine baseline complication ity, and free-radical formation.71,72 However, animal and
incidences. The incidence of stroke, reexploration for bleed- human studies are inconsistent in showing any benefit of their
ing, and renal disease requiring dialysis were all 3.8%. In-hos- use. Despite this, barbiturates are still used for neuroprotection
pital mortality occurred in 7.6% of patients, 81% of patients in some institutions.73-75 Compared with barbiturates, lido-
left the intensive care unit within 72 hours, and the median caine is reportedly more effective at decreasing CMRO2 by
hospital visit was 7.4 days.63 selectively blocking sodium ion channels in neuronal mem-
Target temperature during HCA also greatly affects clinical branes. However, like barbiturates, human studies have not
outcomes. Many of the previously mentioned studies looked at conclusively conferred cognitive improvements.76,77 Simi-
patients receiving profound (14 C) or deep (14.1-20 C) larly, benzodiazepines and propofol, which induce burst sup-
HCA. One analysis of 413 patients found no significant pression on EEG via gamma-aminobutyric acid inhibition,
increase in neurologic dysfunction in moderate HCA with have shown no or limited clinical use, respectively.21,73 Anti-
ACP longer than 90 minutes. Moderate HCA at 22˚C to 26˚C, convulsants can reduce cerebral metabolism by preventing or
in conjunction with ACP, reduced the rewarming period, treating seizures.71 Magnesium, which blocks voltage-sensi-
decreased CPB time, had less deviation from native cellular tive and N-methyl D-aspartateactivated calcium channels,
activity, and decreased the risk of micro embolism.56,64 has conferred protection against hypoxia in rats.71

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S. Ghia et al. / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 00 (2023) 112 7

In animal studies, improvements in cerebral protection have with HCA, and found pain levels and analgesic requirements
been seen with steroids, such as dexamethasone and methyl- to be low, consistent with theoretical expectations. However,
prednisolone. They protect against cerebral ischemia by atten- this study did not have a control group with which to to com-
uating proinflammatory cytokines during and after CPB.78 pare; further research is needed in this area.84
However, human studies have shown limited clinical use of
steroids, increasing the sepsis risk and affecting glucose Monitoring
control.21,78 High-dose steroids, particularly when coupled
with hypothermia-induced insulin resistance, can cause signifi- Patients undergoing aortic arch surgery with HCA are moni-
cant hyperglycemia, worsening neurologic injury secondary to tored with noninvasive monitoring, invasive hemodynamic
tissue lactic acidosis.79 Finally, mannitol is an osmotic diuretic monitoring, TEE, and/or neurophysiologic monitoring. Elec-
that reduces cerebral edema and protects renal function.80 Due trocardiography can detect malignant arrhythmias during cool-
to the lack of established evidence showing the efficacy of ing, such as ventricular fibrillation or significant bradycardia.
these interventions, many institutions have abandoned their Transesophageal echocardiography can ascertain left ventricu-
use altogether. lar distention in the setting of ventricular fibrillation, which
Beyond pharmacologic interventions for neuroprotection, can cause myocardial ischemia. Transesophageal echocardiog-
head surface cooling has been frequently incorporated into raphy also can assess biventricular function, valvular disease,
HCA protocols. Most often done with ice packs, external head aortic disease, and volume status, detect intracardiac air, and
cooling has shown clinical effectiveness in animal studies by evaluate surgical interventions. In addition, it can assist with
decreasing cerebral temperatures, improving CMRO2 recov- venous and aortic cannulation. Transesophageal echocardiog-
ery, and quickening behavioral recovery.81 In nonsurgical raphy can visualize the venous cannula in the hepatic inferior
pediatric patients, in whom a thinner skull may allow for better vena cava and the aortic cannula via the distal tip or Seldinger
conduction of cooling, surface cooling has shown some bene- wire in the proximal descending thoracic aorta to avoid the left
fit.82 However, adult surgical human studies have not been subclavian artery. In one case report, a TEE probe retracted
conclusive, and ice placement has risks. External ice packs can into the hypopharynx was used to visualize bilateral carotid
cause thermal and ocular injury and disrupt cerebral monitors, arteries and internal jugular veins and confirm retrograde flow
including EEG or NIRS.81,82 As the intervention is fairly easy in the veins during RCP.85
and the risks are minor, most institutions employ head surface Temperature monitoring can ensure adequate hypothermia
cooling. for cerebral protection. Temperatures can be measured from
In addition to pharmacologic effects on neurologic out- many sites, including the tympanic membrane, nasopharynx,
comes, hypothermia also greatly affects medications fre- esophagus, urinary bladder, rectum, pulmonary artery, and jug-
quently used by cardiac anesthesiologists. Table 4 summarizes ular venous bulb. Sites more representative of cerebral temper-
the hypothermia-induced changes to the pharmacodynamics of ature include the pulmonary artery, nasopharynx, jugular
commonly used anesthetic agents.83 Opioids, like fentanyl, venous bulb, and tympanic membrane.86-90 The arterial blood
undergo less cytochrome P-450-mediated clearance, resulting outlet temperature has been found to have the best correlation
in increased concentrations.83 Hypothermic circulatory arrest with jugular bulb temperature, and is recommended to be used
depresses neuronal activity, which may suppress nociceptive as a surrogate for cerebral temperature management, with the
stimulation and reduce pain transmission. However, there is nasopharyngeal temperature being second best.20 The rectum
limited pain management research in patients undergoing and bladder, although effective for measuring core tempera-
HCA during cardiac surgery. One study retrospectively ana- tures, are too distal for cerebral temperature monitoring.86,87
lyzed 200 patients undergoing pulmonary endarterectomies Esophageal temperature monitoring has fallen out of favor in
HCA because of its proximity to cardiac structures and an
open thoracic cavity.88 Most institutions use a combination of
Table 4 arterial blood outlet and nasopharyngeal temperature monitor-
Effects of Hypothermia on Common Anesthetic Drugs83 ing as a surrogate for cerebral temperature.
The EEG monitors neuroelectrical activity, which can detect
Drug Effect of Hypothermia
burst suppression, and the time course of the recovery process
Fentanyl  Increased plasma concentration after circulatory arrest can be a sensitive marker of neurologic
 Decreased CYP3A clearance ischemia.91,92 Stecker et al. found that prolonged time to
Midazolam  Increased plasma concentration

recovery of continuous EEG and elevated temperature at
Decreased CYP3A clearance
Propofol  Increased plasma concentration which the EEG first becomes continuous were associated with
 Decreased UDP-glucuronosyltransferase activity an increased risk of postoperative neurologic injury.91 Hypo-
 Decreased clearance thermia <23 C and anesthesia can render EEG interpretation
Rocuronium  Prolonged duration of action impossible, and because EEG reflects brain activity near the
 Decreased clearance

site of electrical lead placement, it cannot detect brain activity
Lidocaine Decreased CYP3A clearance
Isoflurane  Decreased requirements or ischemia in deeper regions such as the hippocampus or basal
 Decreased CYP2E1 metabolism nuclei.92-94 To overcome such limitations, some institutions
supplement SjvO2 to monitor global cerebral oxygenation.

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Jugular venous oxygen saturation is measured by analyzing Table 5

blood sampled from a catheter distally positioned in the jugu- Acid-Base Strategies: Summary of Advantages and Disadvantages21,22,102-107
lar bulb. Jugular venous oxygen saturation indicates the bal- pH Strategy Advantages Disadvantages
ance between cerebral oxygen supply and demand.
On the other hand, its use is limited because it reflects global Alpha-stat  Preserved cerebral  Decreased cerebral
CBF, which may be unaffected by regional cerebral ischemia. autoregulation oxygen tensions
 Preserved cellular enzyme
Low SjvO2 before initiating HCA is associated with adverse activity
neurologic outcomes.95-97 The introduction of NIRS (see pH-stat  Increased cerebral oxygen  Impaired autoregulation
below) as a noninvasive monitor of cerebral oxygen saturation tensions  Impaired CBF
resulted in most institutions abandoning the use of SjvO2.  Cerebral edema
The bispectral index is often used in place of EEG because
of its noninvasiveness and ease of setup. During cooling, the Abbreviation: CBF, cerebral blood flow.
index will decline biphasically, and most patients have a value
of zero when the temperature reaches 18 C. However, no pro-
spective studies have been conducted with bispectral index in There are 2 different strategies for acid-base regulation dur-
aortic arch surgery with HCA.21,22 Furthermore, it remains ing hypothermia. Alpha-stat management does not correct the
unclear if electrical silence will result in improved outcomes, hypothermia-induced alkaline shift. Autoregulation of the
and the increased cooling and CPB times to document electri- brain and cellular enzymatic activity is preserved by maintain-
cal silence can be deleterious. ing normal acid and blood gas values in the rewarmed blood.
Near-infrared spectroscopy and TCD sonography are com- The preserved autoregulation reduces the risk of cerebral
monly used to monitor cerebral oxygen delivery. Near-infrared edema.22 The pH-stat strategy maintains the temperature-cor-
spectroscopy uses paired optical sensors placed on the scalp to rected pH and pCO2 within a normal range at different body
measure regional brain tissue oxygen saturation continuously. temperatures by adding CO2 through the CPB oxygenator to
Compared with SjvO2, NIRS trends similarly, but has lower overcome hypothermia-induced alkalosis.101 This will disrupt
values during low temperatures, and is not superior to jugular cerebral autoregulation, leading to increased CBF, with a
bulb monitoring.95 Transient drops in regional oxygen satura- greater risk of microemboli and cerebral edema.21,22
tions are unlikely to represent a cerebral event, but persistent However, increased CBF during pH-stat management will
reductions can signal low cerebral perfusion pressure, low increase oxygen tensions and saturations on CPB. Table 5
oxygen content, anemia, decreased cardiac output, or cannula summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of alpha-stat
issues. Harrer et al. showed that upgrading from unilateral to and pH-stat.21,22,102-107 In some studies, alpha-stat manage-
bilateral ACP increased cerebral oxygen saturation from 44% ment caused less disruption in cerebral autoregulation, less
to 63%.48 Although it is limited to a small region of the cere- postoperative cerebral dysfunction, less metabolic disruption,
bral cortex and can be influenced by many hemodynamic fac- better postoperative clinical neurologic assessments, and better
tors, the ease of use and minimal risk have led to greater late survival.102-107 However, comparative studies found no
use.48,49,95 significant difference between either method,108-111 and it will
Transcranial Doppler measures blood flow velocity in the be difficult to determine the superior acid-base strategy with-
middle cerebral artery, and can detect microemboli. Although out randomized trials. Due to the data from the few studies
TCD can assess adequately collateralization of the Circle of mentioned above, most institutions employ alpha-stat manage-
Willis during unilateral ACP, TCD is somewhat difficult to ment for adult HCA cases.
position appropriately and, when malpositioned, may lead to
underestimation of microemboli.98,99 It is rarely used in adults, Coagulopathy Management
as the Doppler window is challenging to find.
Hypothermia-induced coagulopathy is presumably due to a
Acid-Base Management combination of clotting factors and platelet dysfunction,
increased fibrinolysis, and endothelial damage. Analysis of dif-
Hypothermia alters arterial blood gas analysis by increasing ferent coagulation assays has confirmed these assumptions to
the solubility of the respiratory gases CO2 and O2. Increased certain extents dependent on the temperature. Decreases to 33˚
solubility decreases the concentration of free CO2 gas. The C do not significantly affect coagulation enzyme activity, but
resulting drop in arterial PCO2 (PaCO2) increases the pH even do reduce platelet activity, secondary to impaired adhesion.
though total blood CO2 is unchanged. When a hypothermic However, both platelet and enzyme activity are significantly
patient’s blood sample is warmed to 37˚C in the blood gas ana- affected when the hypothermia is <33˚C.112
lyzer, increased free CO2 gas will bring the PaCO2 to the nor- Treatment of HCA-associated coagulopathy can include
mal range of a normothermic individual in an uncorrected antifibrinolytics, blood products, and/or factors. It is dependent
analysis. On the contrary, if the pH is corrected to the patient’s on accurately diagnosing the mechanism of bleeding. Visco-
actual temperature when warmed to 37˚C, the PaCO2 will be elastic testing is ideal because it evaluates the 4 stages of clot
reduced, and the pH will be increased despite similar arterial development: initiation, formation, stabilization, and break-
CO2 content in both samples.100 down. It also isolates components of clot development via

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