NOTE: The USCIS Policy Manual is our centralized online repository for immigration policies. We
are working quickly to update and move material from the Adjudicator’s Field Manual to the Policy
Manual. Please check that resource, along with our Policy Memoranda page, to verify information
you find in the Adjudicator’s Field Manual. If you have questions or concerns about any
discrepancies among these resources, please contact [email protected].
52.3 Adjudication
(a) Background.
The Service and USCIS have issued one form or another of reentry permit to permanent resident aliens for
many decades. The permits are all prepared and issued out of a central location, providing a high level of
security and quality of the permits. If you are unfamiliar with the security features of the current reentry
permits, you should review the relevant document alerts issued by the Forensic Document Lab.
(b) Validity.
Reentry permits are valid for a maximum period of two years unless otherwise restricted. The validity
commences from the date of issuance, not from the date the application is received. A reentry permit
cannot be extended.
52.2 Filing and Receipting Procedures.
(a) Application.
There are a number of situations wherein an alien may apply for a reentry permit, including:
· A resident alien who intends to remain outside the U.S. for a period of more than one year but no
longer than two years and who does not intend to abandon residence in the U.S. may apply in order to
establish his or her intention to return to the U.S. after his or her temporary absence from this country.
· Although a resident alien in possession of Form I-551 who intends to remain outside the U.S. for less
than one year does not require a reentry permit, a resident alien who is "stateless" or who is unable to
obtain a passport from the country of his or her nationality may apply for a reentry permit for use as a
travel document.
· On occasion, a resident alien may apply because he or she will need a reentry permit to visit a certain
country because that country will not honor a passport of the resident's country of nationality.
· A resident alien may apply for a reentry permit for any other bona fide reason.
Certain resident aliens can reenter the U.S. with only their Form I-551 even after an absence of more that
one year. Included in this group are civilian employees of U.S. Government agencies returning from
assignments abroad on official orders and a spouse or child of a civilian employee of the U.S.
Government or a spouse or child of a member of the U.S. Armed Forces as described in 8 CFR
(2) Application Form.
An alien seeking a Reentry Permit must do so on Form I-131, Application for Travel Document. This form
is also used when requesting issuance of a refugee travel document or when requesting advanced parole
(see Chapter 53 and Chapter 54 of this field manual).
An application for the issuance of a reentry permit must be filed at the following address:
Lincoln, NE 68501-7131
An alien must be physically present in the U.S. in order to file the application, and any application
submitted by an alien who is abroad when the application is made must be denied. See 8 CFR
Form I-131 should be submitted with evidence of permanent resident status, normally a photocopy of I-
551. Evidence that the alien has been processed for Form I-551 may also be presented as evidence of
permanent residence.
(c) Photograph.
(A) Review the application for completion of all necessary items and check against data in USCIS, on the I-
551 or in the alien's file. If any data are incorrect, inaccurate, or left out, and if you are satisfied that there is
no fraud on the part of the applicant, you may insert the correct information, if known. Any such changes
or insertions should be made in red ink.
(B) If the applicant has had a change of name, he or she must submit appropriate documentation to
support such a change.
(C) Reentry permits may not be delivered to the applicant's foreign address. The permits may only be
delivered to the U.S. address of the applicant, the U.S. address of an authorized representative of the
applicant (supported by a Form G-28), or a U.S. Embassy, Consulate, or DHS office abroad. Any application
showing the applicant's address to be that of travel agency, should be returned to the applicant for the
residence address of the applicant.
(A) If the applicant has not presented the original or a photocopy of his or her Permanent Resident Card,
you can verify the applicant's permanent resident status through USCIS; by requesting additional
documentation from the applicant; or if necessary, by reviewing the applicant A-file.
(B) If the file does not contain evidence of permanent resident status and the applicant claims such status,
you should request that HQ Records conduct a manual search. In emergent cases, you may request
verification telephonically. Written verification should follow the telephonic verification.
(C) Only in the most emergent cases, a permit may be issued without verification of the applicant's entry.
When a permit is issued under emergent circumstances, you will forward the completed application to the
files control office of residence for a post check of the applicant's file to assure that the permit was properly
Delay in adjudication of an application for a reentry permit may interfere seriously with the applicant's
travel plan, and may generate inquiries from the applicant or Congressional offices. If travel is imminent
because of emergent reasons, efforts should be made to adjudicate the application expeditiously.
Under certain circumstances, the government may ban the travel of a lawful permanent resident to certain
country or countries. If such ban is in effect, it will be published in the Federal Register. The Federal
Register publication may also list certain exceptions to the ban. If an applicant wishes to travel to a banned
country, his or her application must be denied, unless he or she falls within one or more of the authorized
exceptions. At the present time, there are no bans in effect with regard to travel to specific countries.
If a previously issued reentry permit was not surrendered to the Service or USCIS by the applicant, you
should request the alien return it or explain in detail the reason he or she cannot. You should resolve this
matter satisfactorily before delivering the new permit. Retain the surrendered permit in the A-file. An
expired permit may be returned to the bearer if it contains valid visas or other endorsements. The upper left
corner of the cover and identity page must be clipped before returning the permit.
Note also that a reentry permit will not be issued to a lawful permanent resident who is already in
possession of a refugee travel document, unless that (RTD) document is first surrendered.
You must determine whether the applicant's absence will be temporary. You should make this
determination through a review of the record of proceedings and the applicant's A-file, if available. Some
factors you should consider are the applicant's previous absences, the length of intended absence, and
whether the applicant has ties (property, family, employment, etc.) in the U.S.
If an applicant for a reentry permit has engaged in business or employment abroad for extended periods of
time, pay particular attention to the response to the question of whether the applicant ever claimed
nonresident alien status for Federal income tax purposes since becoming a permanent resident.
Additionally, the applicant's location of employment is a factor to consider when determining if the
applicant intends to depart the U.S. temporarily.
(5) Effect on Immigrant Status by Alien's Claim to Be a Nonresident for Federal Income Tax Purposes.
Aliens are classified for Federal income tax purposes either as "resident aliens" or "nonresident aliens."
Resident aliens are, in general, taxed the same as U.S. citizens. A nonresident alien, on the other hand, is
generally exempt from income tax on earnings derived from sources outside the U.S.
Aliens admitted to the U.S. as permanent residents or granted adjustment of status are ordinarily resident
aliens for tax purposes. Under certain circumstances, however, in spite of lawful permanent resident status
under the immigration laws, an alien may be considered a nonresident for tax purposes.
The Internal Revenue Service has identified two categories of aliens admitted or adjusted who are
considered to have the status of nonresident aliens under the tax laws and regulations:
· Category A - An alien admitted as or whose status is adjusted to that of a permanent resident but who
has no bona fide intention of establishing residence in the U.S. at the time accorded status as a lawful
permanent resident. For example: a commuter defined in 8 CFR 211.5 prior to the time of taking up an
actual permanent residence in the U.S.; an alien within the purview of section 319(c) of the Act who upon
admission or adjustment neither intended to establish nor did establish a residence in the U.S. The alien is
classified as a nonresident alien for tax purposes notwithstanding that the alien has not made application for
or claimed such classification, has not abandoned immigration status as an alien lawfully admitted for
permanent residence, and is still a lawful permanent resident alien under the immigration laws;
· Category B - An alien admitted to the U.S. as a permanent resident, or an alien whose status is adjusted,
who upon admission or adjustment intends to and does establish residence in the U.S. but thereafter
abandons it. The alien abandons residence in the U.S. and acquires the status of a nonresident alien under
the tax laws and regulations, as well as under the immigration laws, only if each of the following occurs:
– The departure is coupled with an intention to abandon residence in the U.S., or the alien forms an
intention to abandon residence in the U.S. after departure from the U.S.
Section 101(a)(20) of the Act defines the term "lawfully admitted for permanent residence" to mean "the
status of having been lawfully accorded the privilege of residing permanently in the U.S. as an immigrant in
accordance with the immigration laws, such status not having changed." It follows, therefore, that an
immigrant within the category (A) who is classified as a nonresident for tax purposes may nevertheless
continue to enjoy the status of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence, unless and until the
alien changes immigrant status by abandonment thereof. However, except for special classes of immigrants
such as commuters who are maintaining their status or aliens engaged in employment abroad qualifying
them for naturalization under section 319(c) of the Act, if a category (A) alien's absences are prolonged
and frequent, and relatively little time is spent in the U.S., the alien may be found, on other than income
tax considerations, not to be entitled to the status or benefits under the immigration laws which accrue to
lawful permanent residents.
The immigrant within category (B), on the other hand, is an alien who, after admission for permanent
residence, established residence in the U.S. and voluntarily elected to claim nonresident status to qualify for
benefits under the income tax laws.
By such election, the alien has taken on a status which is patently inconsistent with a continuance of status
as a lawful permanent resident. In claiming nonresident alien status under the tax laws, the alien has tacitly
represented that either at the time of departure from the U.S. or thereafter the intention of abandoning
residence in this country was formed. Abandonment of residence by an immigrant, for whatever purpose,
effectively extinguishes status as a lawful permanent resident because it constitute s a change of status
within the meaning of section 101(a)(20).
You should pay special attention to the responses to the question of Form I-131 regarding any claim the
applicant may have made for nonresident alien status for federal income tax purposes. If the applicant
admits having claimed nonresident alien status for federal income tax purposes (either by having filed a
return because their income was earned abroad and the alien therefore regarded it to be exempt from tax
due to being a nonresident), you should be alert to the possibility that the alien, unless in category (A),
may have abandoned residence for immigration purposes. If there is a question whether the applicant is
within category (A) or (B), resolve it by correspondence or interview.
When you request an applicant to submit copies of returns filed for suspected tax periods, and the applicant
fails to comply without furnishing a satisfactory explanation, you may deny the application for lack of
prosecution after two requests. If the applicant claims to have filed tax returns but does not have copies of
those returns, you should request that the applicant execute a consent to have copies of the returns
furnished by the Internal Revenue Service. The consent can be prepared on regular USCIS letterhead
stationery. If the consent is returned, mail it to the Internal Revenue Service Center having jurisdiction over
the address where the alien filed the tax return. If more than one center is involved, the applicant should
execute separate consents for each center. Note that if the alien used a foreign address in filing any of the
pertinent returns, the consent should be sent to the IRS Center, 11601 Roosevelt Boulevard, Philadelphia,
PA 19155.
USCIS Headquarters should be notified promptly if any difficulties are experienced in the routing of the
consents to the proper Internal Revenue Service Center, or in obtaining requested copies from that Service.
Alternatively, you may request the alien to obtain certified copies from the IRS. If, after examination of
copies of the applicant's income tax returns obtained from the IRS, you determine that the applicant did
claim nonresident status for income tax purposes and that the case appears to be within category (B),
process the application in the manner described for aliens who appear to be within that category.
(6) Possible Inadmissibility.
The fact that an applicant may be inadmissible upon return to the U.S. is not a ground for denying a reentry
permit. In such a case, however, if the alien is still in the U.S., you should notify the alien of the possible
inadmissibility and explain the ramifications of traveling outside the U.S. Several possibilities arise,
· If the alien is eligible for a waiver under section 212(c) of the Act (as someone who falls within the
decision in INS v. St. Cyr. 121 S. Ct. 2271 (2001) (see Chapter 41.2 of this field manual), he or she may
apply for such waiver in conjunction with the reentry permit application. If you approve the waiver,
annotate the “Restrictions” area of the permit.
· If the alien is eligible for a waiver under section 212(g), 212(h), or 212(i) of the Act, he or she may
apply for such waiver in conjunction with the reentry permit application. If you approve the waiver,
annotate the “Restrictions” area of the permit.
· If the alien will be traveling outside the U.S. for less than 181 days and he or she does not, or will not,
fall within the provisions of paragraph (i), (iii), (iv), (v) or (vi) of section 101(a)(13)(C) of the Act, you
may explain to the alien that if he or she is gone from the U.S. in excess of 180 days he or she will be
considered to be an applicant for admission upon return to the U.S. and may well be found to be
inadmissible. You may then approve the reentry permit for a period which does not exceed 180 days.
· If the alien is not eligible for a waiver of inadmissibility under section 212(c), 212(g), 212(h), or
212(i) of the Act, will be making an application for admission upon his or her return, and still desires to
travel, take a sworn statement which establishes the applicant’s identity, alienage, inadmissibility, and
understanding of the risks he or she would be taking be departing from the U.S. You may then approve the
reentry permit application, annotating the Restrictions area of the permit “Possible Inadmissibility, Section
212(a)(X) of the Act” (where “X” is the ground(s) of inadmissibility).
In the case of an I-131 applicant who is a lawful permanent resident, but who is within the purview of
section 247 and fails to execute the waiver Form I-508 and, if applicable, the required election on Form I-
508F, section 247 proceedings shall be instituted immediately, and the applicant informed that he will be
required to obtain an appropriate nonimmigrant visa and passport if he desires to return to the U.S. When a
permit is issued to an applicant who has executed Form I-508, the permit shall be endorsed above the line
containing the file number "Form I-508 executed ________, 20_____," followed by the initials of the
employee who prepared the permit.
The applicant will be issued the document he or she requested, if eligible. However, if the applicant has
merely checked the wrong block and is clearly eligible for issuance of a different travel document, the
application will not be denied. If the applicant can be issued a refugee travel document, approve the
application and have the refugee travel document issued. If it appears the applicant is eligible for advance
parole, return the application to the applicant, advising him or her to submit the application to his or her
local USCIS office.
A Conditional Permanent Resident may apply for and be issued a Reentry Permit, just like any other Lawful
Permanent Resident. (However, the permit may not be valid beyond the date on which the Conditional
Resident’s status will expire.)
A reentry permit may be issued only to a lawful permanent resident or to certain treaty merchants admitted
before 1932 who are physically present in the U.S. when filing the application. You will rarely, if ever,
encounter an alien who claims eligibility for a reentry permit as a treaty merchant, and any you do
encounter may be eligible for creation of a record under section 249 of the Act (see Chapter 23 of this
field manual).
If you approve the application, the permit should be made valid for two years, for multiple entries, unless
otherwise restricted. However, the validity period of a reentry permit issued to a conditional resident must
be restricted to the date of expiration of the conditional resident's status unless the applicant has filed a
Form I-751 and it has been granted. You can use the Marriage Fraud Amendment System (MFAS) to verify
the status of any Form I-751 filed.
If you deny an application, prepare and forward the decision to the alien on Form I-292, with attached I-
290B in the event the alien wishes to appeal.
When you deny an application for a reentry permit on the ground that the applicant had abandoned lawful
permanent resident status, and the applicant is within the U.S., refer the case to Investigations for
consideration of instituting expulsion proceedings on the ground that the alien was not admissible as a
returning resident at the time of last entry. If the applicant is abroad and it appears that there may be an
attempt to return to the U.S., consider posting a lookout notice, or notifying the port of entry if the date,
place and manner of proposed reentry are known.
(1) General.
· Matter of V--, 4 I&N Dec. 143 (BIA 1950; Acting Attorney General 1950). Upon return to U.S., a
reentry permit which has not been procured by fraud or misrepresentation must be accepted as establishing
that the alien is returning from a temporary visit abroad.
· Matter of M--, 4 I&N Dec. 189 (Central Office 1950; BIA 1951). Inadvertent issuance of reentry
permit to alien not entitled to such document cannot give the alien a status denied by law.
· Matter of Paparo, 10 I&N Dec. 649 (Acting Regional Commissioner 1964). Application for reentry
permit must be submitted prior to departure.
· Matter of Esposito, 10 I&N Dec. 661 (Regional Commissioner 1964). Alien who entered the U.S.
unlawfully and remained in illegal status is ineligible for a reentry permit.
· Matter of Mosqueda, 14 I&N Dec. 55 (Regional Commissioner 1972). Discretionary denial where
applicant would be executing outstanding order or deportation by departure.
(2) Residence.
· Matter of Manion, 11 I&N Dec. 261 (District Director 1965). An applicant is eligible who has been in
the employ of an American firm abroad and who has close family ties in the U.S.
· Matter of Wu, 14 I&N Dec. 290 (Regional Commissioner 1973). Despite short stays in the U.S., denial
of application was incorrect because applicant has maintained ties in U.S., absences abroad were in
connection with employment by an American firm, and application to preserve continuity of residence for
naturalization purposes had been approved.
· Matter of Souqi, 14 I&N Dec. 390 (Regional Commissioner 1973). Application granted for purpose of
returning abroad for approximately two years to dispose of business and home and to arrange to bring
immediate family to U.S. for permanent residence.
· Matter of Guoit, 14 I&N Dec. 393 (District Director 1973). An alien who desires to depart for
approximately two years to teach at a university abroad, who is taking with him his family and all
possessions, and whose principal place of abode will be abroad, but who intends to return to the U.S., is
eligible for a reentry permit.
· Matter of Thomopoulos, 15 I&N Dec. 466 (Acting Regional Commissioner 1975). In determining
intent to depart temporarily, the following factors should be considered: duration of absence; motive for
departure; location of applicant's job, family ties, and property holdings, and date of intended return.
· Matter of John, 17 I&N Dec. 534 (Regional Commissioner 1980). An alien absent for extended
periods of time performing missionary work abroad for a recognized U.S. religious denomination is
eligible for a reentry permit.
52.4 Production and Delivery.
When you approve a Form I-131, have the permit prepared as soon as possible. Remember the permit is
valid for two years from the date of issuance. If there is a significant backlog in the clerical section of your
office, it may be advisable to note the instructions "permit valid for two years," rather than indicating a
specific date. Be sure that your clerks then give a specific date two years from the date of preparation
The Nebraska Service Center uses a computer program to print the reentry permits. This I-131 program
automatically pulls the data from CLAIMS pertaining to the application. This data must be verified and
updated as necessary prior to printing the reentry permit. The following blocks on the reentry permit need
not be completed: country of claimed nationality, eyes, hair, height and visible scars and marks. Examine
the reentry permit carefully before delivery to insure that the validity date, photograph and all notations are
correct. Photographs on reentry permits should conform to the same requirements for issuance of Form I-
(c) Delivery.
When a permit is to be delivered by mail in the U.S., the applicant's signature and photographs shall be
compared with the signature and photographs contained in his file. Any question as to identify shall be
resolved by personal interview. Form M-91 shall be used to effect delivery of the permit.
(2) Abroad.
A reentry permit shall be forwarded to a DHS office abroad [see 8 CFR 103.1(c)] if one is located where
delivery is to be made; otherwise it shall be forwarded to a U.S. embassy or consulate. The permit shall be
accompanied by a properly completed Form G-94, in duplicate, and shall be forwarded abroad by
registered mail.
Do not send a reentry permit to the U.S. Embassy at the Hague, the Netherlands. A reentry permit for the
Netherlands should be sent to the Consulate at either Amsterdam or Rotterdam, as appropriate.
Note 2:
At one time the Service would, upon request of the bearer, add extra pages to a previously-issued reentry
permit if there was insufficient space available in the permit for any more foreign visas or entry/exit
caches. However, USCIS no longer adds such additional pages to a previously-issued reentry permit and
any alien who requests additional pages should be advised to file an application for a new permit. In
doing so, the alien should submit the old reentry permit. (However, the alien may request that the
Service return the old permit (after it has been cancelled by USCIS) if it contains valid nonimmigrant
visas for other countries which the alien will be visiting.)