types of cells 1
types of cells 1
types of cells 1
Types of cells
The hereditary material in bacteria is not enclosed inside a membrane. These tiny cells are called
prokaryotes (from pro; ‘before’, and karyo; ‘nucleus’).
Cells can be divided into two categories by the organelles they contain. We call the simplest cells
prokaryotic cells, because they do not have a nucleus. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that,
although they are very small and simple, they have the same components as the cells in all other living
things. In other words, in spite of being tiny, simple living things, they are made up of water, mineral
salts, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and nucleic acids.
1. This drawing shows a cell. What kind of cell is it? Explain your answer.
2. Which of its parts are common to the other cells that make up living things?
The DNA and cytoplasm
Unit 1 The Earth, a planet full of life 1 Biology and Geology ESO
Unit 1 The Earth, a planet full of life
Types of cells
4. Name a disease caused by bacteria.
6. Find the hereditary material in these cells. Are they prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells? Explain
your answer.
Eukaryotic animal Eukaryotic plant
Unit 1 The Earth, a planet full of life 2 Biology and Geology ESO