website design Syllabus

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Course Code : BCS 306 Credit: 03

Course Objective:
To design web base and context aware systems to acquire, organize process, share and use the knowledge of web sites. The field
of web site is multidisciplinary as web sites are amazingly complex systems. The major objective of this course is to provide a
sound foundation to the students on the concepts, percepts and practices in a field that is of immense concern to the industry and

Course Contents:
Module I: Overview of Internet
Introduction to Internet and WWW, Concept of Networking and Layers of OSI Model, Internet protocols like TCP/IP, http, telnet
and ftp, URL, email, domain name, Web Browsers.

Module II: Principles of Web Design

Key issues to be considered in web site design. Structure of a Web Page: Introduction to HTML, Elements of HTML syntax, Head
and Body sections, Building HTML documents, Inserting text, images, hyperlinks, Backgrounds and Color Control, HTML Editors
& Tools: Use of different HTML editors and tools like Netscape Communicator and Microsoft Front Page etc

Module III: HTML Tags

Use of Different HTML tags in web pages. Table Handling: Table layout & presentation, constructing tables in a web page,
developing a web page in a table. Ordered and unordered lists. Frames: Developing Web pages using frames. Advantages and
disadvantages of frames. Creating forms, Role of Databases in web applications.
Use of at least one graphical and animation tools like Adobe Fireworks, Abode Photoshop, Gif Animator, Gimp etc.
Module IV: Cascading style-sheet (CSS) in HTML
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Types of Style Sheets (Inline, Internal and External), CSS for Website Layout and
Print Layout.
Types of various CSS Selectors, CSS properties: Type Properties, Background Properties, Block Properties, Box Model Properties,
List Properties, Border Properties, Positioning Propeties.

Module V: Introduction to Java Script

Role of java script in a web page, Script writing basics, Adding interactivity to a web page, creating dynamic web pages,
Similarities to java, embedding JavaScript code, embedding java applets in a web page, Form validation using java script

Creating a discussion form, creating an online store, creating a job site.
Examination Scheme:

Components CA A CT EE
Weightage (%) 30 5 15 50
CT: Class Test, HA: Home Assignment, CA: Continuous Assessment, EE: End Semester Examination; A Attendance

Text & References:

 Ramesh Bangia, “Web Technology”, Firewall media
 C. Xavier, “World Wide Web Design with HTML”, Tata McGraw Hill.
 Unleashed ASP, Techmedia
 Rick Dranell, “HTML4 unleashed”, Techmedia Publication.
 Shelly Powers, “Dynamic Web Publishing Unleashed”, Techmedia.
 Don Gosselin, “JavaScript”, Vikas Publication

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