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Submitted by


ANCHAL (20BCS1171)

in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of




Chandigarh University
Nov 2023


Certified that this project report “Tutor Trek” is the bonafide work of
“Mridul,Aditya Chauhan, Shivam Pandey,Anchal,Shreya Sharma” who
carried out the project work under my/our supervision.


Dr.Navpreet Kaur Walia Er.Sourabh Budhiraja


Computer Science & Engineering Computer Science & Engineering

Submitted for the project viva-voice examination held on



We would like to express our deep and sincere gratitude to our Project Supervisor Er Sourabh
Budhiraja for helping us in the development process of the project , by providing useful input
along with doubt clearing. Also helping us in resolving the problems faced during the process. I
would also like to thank Chandigarh University for providing resources which made the
development of the project easier along with providing experienced faculty to guide us through
the whole process, helping us find new approaches to solve the problem statement resulting in
more creative ideas and better understanding of the problem statement and solution of the
problem. We owe the completion of our project to our project Mentor for his continuous support
and guidance.
At last, I would like to thank my team member who made the execution of the whole project
possible, it was their teamwork and urge to do their best which helped us achieve our goal as
accurately as possible in the given amount of time, contributing equally to complete the project.

Shivam Pandey(20BCS2582)
Aditya Chauhan(20BCS5742)
Shreya Sharma(20BCS2088)


List Of Figures….............................................................................……................................……VI


Graphical Abstract ………………………………………………………………..........................IX

List Of Abbreviations… ........................................................................ …………..........................X

Chapter 1: Introduction… ...................................................................... ........................................1

1.1 Client Identification….....................................................................………........................……1

1.2 Identification of Problem… ............................................................………........................……6

1.3 Identification of Tasks….................................................................……………....................….7

1.4 Timeline… ......................................................................................…………….........................9

1.5 Brief of chapters………………………………………………………………....................…...10

Chapter 2: Literature Survey… ......................................................................................................11

2.1 Timeline of Reported Problem…………………………………….………..........................…12

2.2 Proposed Solution……………………………………………………………..........................14

2.3 Bibiliometric Analysis………………………………………………………...........................14

2.4 Review Summary……………………………………………………………..........................15

2.5 Problem Definition …………………………………………………………...........................15

2.6 Objective and Goals…………………………………………………………...........................16

Chapter 3: Design Flow and Process…......................................................................................…17

3.1 Selection of Features… ..............................................................…………….......................….18

3.2 Design Constraints… ......................................................................…………............................21

3.3 Feature Finalization….....................................................................…………............................22

3.4 Design Flow … .............................................................................………................................23
3.5 Design Selection.............................................................................………...............................24
3.6 Implementation Plan/Methodology .................................................…….................................25
Chapter 4: Result Analysis and Validation… .......................................……................................29

4.1 Implementation of Solution…..........................................................……................................29

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Future work… ..........................................……................................41
5.1 Conclusion ....................................................................................………...............................41

5.2 Future work…................................................................................………...............................41

References… ...............................................................................……………...............................42


User Manual… ............................................................................………….…..............................45


Figure 1. –. DESIGN FLOW ..............................................

Figure 2 - ER DIAGRAM......................................................
Figure 3 -ACTIVITY DIAGRAM..........................................
Figure 4 -CLASS DIAGRAM..............................................
Figure 5 -USE CASE DIAGRAM........................................
Figure 6- OVERVIEW OF SYSTEM DESIGN.......................


Choosing a career in web development can be rewarding if you enjoy solving logical problems,
building practical solutions, and experimenting with new technologies. The demand for web
developers is high, offering a generally good work/life balance and comfortable salaries. To
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Web development involves creating and deploying websites, utilizing scripting languages on
both the server and client sides. Developers rely on a range of tools to test and debug websites,
with many modern browsers featuring built-in tools as add-ons.

These tools empower web developers to work with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more.
Accessible through the "Inspect Element" option in the context menu, these features allow
developers to examine and manipulate elements on a web page, streamlining the development
and debugging process.


वेब ववकास आपके ववए एक अचा पेशेवर ववचार हो सकता है अगर आप तकक सां गत समसायां को
वह करने, उपयोगी चीजे बनाने और नई प्रोवगवकयोां का पयोग करने मे रवच रखते है ं वेब ववकासकोां
की अववक माां ग है , सामान रप से उनका अचा काम-जीवन सां तुवनन होता है , और वे सुखद वेतन कमा
सकते है ं अपने वववशष स्ान की वेब ववकासन न्करी के अवसरोां को समझने के ववए अपने स्ान का
गूवग करे ं वेब ववकास वेबसाइट बनाने और वेब पर ववप्य करने के रप मे होता है ं वेब ववकास के ववए
सवकर सां ववदानोां के सा्-सा् काइयां ट सां ववदानोां का उपयोग करने की आवशकता होती है ं

वेब ववकास उपकरण ववकासक को वेब साइट को टे स और ववबग करने मे मदद करते है ं आजवक वेब
ववकास उपकरण वेब बाउार के सा् वए-ऑन के रप मे आते है ं सभी वेब बाउार इस उदे श के ववए
वनवमकत उपकरण रखते है ं

इन उपकरणोां की सहायता से वेब ववकासक HTML, CSS और JavaScript आवद का उपयोग कर

सकते है ं इने वेब पृष पर वकसी आइटम पर होवर करके और सां दभक मेनू से "इां सेप एववमेट" का
चयन करके एकेस वकया जाता है ं




1.1 Client Identification

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape of today, education has undergone a significant
transformation, breaking free from traditional classroom and textbook constraints. Technological
advancements have ushered in a new era of learning, rendering education more accessible,
engaging, and inclusive than ever before. Our project aims to contribute to this educational
revolution by creating an innovative and dynamic educational website, designed to cater to the
evolving needs of 21st-century learners.

The importance of this initiative lies in its potential to bridge gaps, dismantle barriers, and
democratize education. Our edtech project is fueled by the belief that every individual, regardless
of their background or circumstances, should have the opportunity to access high-quality
education. Leveraging the power of the internet, our goal is to establish a platform that
empowers learners of all ages to embark on journeys of knowledge acquisition, skill
development, and personal growth.

This report will offer a comprehensive overview of our educational website project, delineating
its objectives, features, and the technological framework guiding its development. Additionally,
we will delve into the pedagogical principles steering our content creation and delivery, ensuring
that our platform is not merely an information repository but a catalyst for meaningful learning

As you peruse the pages of this report, insights will unfold regarding how our educational
website seeks to enhance the learning experience through personalized learning paths, interactive
resources, and community-driven learning environments. We will also address the challenges
encountered during the development process and the strategies employed to overcome them.

In an era where information is abundant, the ability to navigate, critically assess, and apply it is
paramount. Our edtech project strives to equip learners with the skills necessary to thrive in an
ever-changing world. We envision our website as a digital sanctuary for curiosity—a virtual
space where learners can explore, collaborate, and innovate.

Ultimately, our educational website represents not just a project but a vision—a vision of a more
inclusive, accessible, and engaging education ecosystem. We invite you to join us on this journey
as we explore the facets of our edtech project and envision the transformative potential it holds
for learners across the globe.

1.1.1 What is React
The React.js framework is an open-source JavaScript library created by Facebook. Its primary
purpose is to facilitate the rapid and efficient development of interactive user interfaces and web
applications with considerably less code than traditional vanilla JavaScript.

In React, the development approach involves creating reusable components, akin to independent
Lego blocks. These components serve as individual pieces of the final interface, and when
assembled, they collectively form the complete user interface of the application.

1.1.2 Why React

As an integral part of the JavaScript language, leveraging React comes with numerous
advantages. React-based products offer simplicity in scalability. The use of a single language
across server, client, and mobile aspects enhances overall productivity. Additionally, established
workflow patterns facilitate convenient teamwork, while the readability and maintainability of
UI code are notable benefits. Some of the world's foremost companies have successfully
employed React and other JavaScript technologies in the development of market-defining
products, with Instagram, Reddit, and Facebook serving as prominent examples.

1.1.3 Features of React
The critical features of React encompass components, JSX, and the virtual DOM. React revolves
around the concept of components, enabling the creation of modular and reusable building
blocks for user interfaces. JSX, a syntax extension for Ja vaScript, facilitates the seamless
integration of HTML-like code within JavaScript, enhancing the expressiveness of React

The virtual DOM is a pivotal feature that contributes to React's performance optimization. By
maintaining a lightweight replica of the real DOM, React minimizes unnecessary manipulations
and efficiently updates and renders the actual DOM when there are changes.

Another key aspect is one-way data binding, which simplifies data management by enforcing a
unidirectional flow, making it easier to comprehend how data changes in an application.

React's emphasis on performance extends beyond the virtual DOM, with efficient mechanisms
ensuring that only the necessary components are re-rendered when data changes occur.

Moreover, React is renowned for its simplicity. Designed with a declarative approach to building
user interfaces, it promotes an uncomplicated process for creating complex interfaces, making it
accessible to developers of varying skill levels..

1.1.4 Life Cycle of React

In ReactJS, the creation of every component involves a series of lifecycle methods, collectively
referred to as the component's lifecycle. These methods are invoked at different points
throughout a component's existence and are organized into four distinct phases:

1.4.1 Initial Phase:

This phase marks the initiation of the component's lifecycle.

1.4.2 Mounting Phase:

During this phase, the component is being added to the DOM. It involves methods related to the
initialization of the component.

1.4.3 Updating Phase:

In this phase, the component is re-rendered due to changes in its props or state. Methods
associated with handling updates are invoked during this stage.

1.4.3 Unmounting Phase:

The final phase occurs when the component is being removed from the DOM. It involves
cleanup processes and is triggered when the component is no longer needed.
These lifecycle phases and associated methods provide a structured approach to managing the
various stages in the lifecycle of a React component.

1. Initial Phase
This phase marks the inception of a ReactJS component's lifecycle, representing its initiation on
the path to the DOM. During the initial phase, the component is equipped with
default props and an initial state. The definition of these default properties occurs within the
component's constructor. This phase occurs only once and involves the following methods:

This method is utilized to set the default value of `this.props`. It is invoked before the
component's creation, ensuring that default props are established even before any props are
passed in from the parent.

Used to specify the default value of `this.state`, this method is invoked before the creation of
the component. It allows for the definition of the initial state of the component before any
rendering or interactions take place.

These methods in the initial phase lay the groundwork for the component, setting up default
props and state, ensuring a solid starting point for its journey in the ReactJS lifecycle.

2. Mounting Phase

During the Mounting Phase of a ReactJS component's lifecycle, the instance of the component is
created and inserted into the DOM. This phase includes the following methods:

Invoked immediately after a component is rendered and placed in the DOM, this method allows
for performing any necessary DOM querying operations. It is a suitable place for actions that
require access to the DOM, such as initializing external libraries or making API calls.

This method is fundamental and present in every component. Its responsibility is to return a
Root HTML node element. If there's no need to render anything, you can return null or false.
The render method defines the structure of the component's UI, and React uses its return value to
update the DOM.

These methods in the Mounting Phase facilitate the seamless integration of a component into the
DOM and enable the execution of operations immediately after rendering. The render method, in
particular, plays a central role in defining the component's visual representation.

3. Updating Phase

In the Updating Phase of a React component's lifecycle, the focus is on receiving new
props,changing state, handling user interactions, and facilitating communication within the
component hierarchy. This phase aims to ensure that the component displays its most recent
version. Unlike the Birth or Death phases, the Updating Phase repeats in response to changes.
This phase encompasses the following methods:

Invoked when a component receives new props, this method enables handling state updates in
response to prop changes. Developers can compare `this.props` and `nextProps` to determine if
a state transition is needed, and if so, use `this.setState()` to update the state accordingly.

This method is called when a component contemplates changes or updates to the DOM. It
provides control over the component's updating behavior. If `shouldComponentUpdate()`
returns true, the component proceeds with the update; otherwise, the update is skipped.

Invoked just before a component undergoes an update, this method allows for actions that need
to occur right before the update. It's important to note that you cannot change the component's
state using `this.setState()` in this method. If `shouldComponentUpdate()` returns false, this
method will not be called.
The Updating Phase includes additional methods that contribute to the flexibility of handling
changes in props and state, controlling the updating process, and executing necessary actions
before an update takes place:


This method is invoked to examine `this.props` and `this.state` and return one of the following
types: React elements, arrays and fragments, booleans or null, strings, and numbers. If
shouldComponentUpdate()` returns false, the code inside `render()` will be invoked again to
ensure that the component displays itself properly.

Invoked immediately after the component undergoes an update, this method provides an
opportunity to execute any code desired after the update. Notably, `componentDidUpdate()` is
not invoked during the initial render; it specifically triggers after subsequent updates.

These methods, especially `render()`, play crucial roles in managing the component's appearance
and behavior during the Updating Phase. The `componentDidUpdate()` method offers a post-
update hook for executing actions or logic after the component has been successfully updated.

4. Unmounting Phase
The final phase of the React component lifecycle is the Unmounting Phase, triggered when a
component instance is permanently destroyed and unmounted from the DOM. This phase
consists of the following method:

Invoked immediately before a component is destroyed and unmounted, this method facilitates
any required cleanup tasks. Common activities in this method include invalidating timers,
removing event listeners, canceling network requests, or cleaning up DOM elements. It is
important to note that once a component instance is unmounted, it cannot be remounted.

The componentWillUnmount()` method allows developers to handle necessary cleanup

operations to prevent memory leaks and ensure the proper termination of resources associated
with the component.

1.2 Identification of Problem:

In addressing various challenges, our educational website project aims to develop a solution
harnessing technology's capabilities to deliver accessible, personalized, current, interactive, and
inclusive education. The objective is to establish a platform empowering learners to actively
manage their educational paths, arming them with the necessary skills and knowledge for success
in the contemporary world.

This problem statement serves as the foundation for our report, outlining the core issues the
educational website project seeks to address. It establishes a compelling rationale for the project,
emphasizing the significance of innovative solutions in the realm of education.

1.3 Identification of Task :

In the pursuit of creating an innovative educational website, we have outlined a comprehensive
set of tasks to guide our project. Commencing with project initiation, we've defined objectives
and assembled a dedicated team. The needs analysis phase provides insights into user
requirements and market trends, laying the groundwork for subsequent design and development.
Content creation and curriculum development are pivotal for ensuring the educational value of
the website, while personalization, interactivity, and gamification elements enhance user
engagement. Building a supportive community and providing user assistance are equally crucial
components. Rigorous quality assurance and testing procedures ensure a seamless user
experience, and continuous content updates and maintenance guarantee relevance. Marketing and
outreach efforts aim to expand our audience reach. Monitoring, evaluation, scalability planning,
and documentation play essential roles throughout the project's lifecycle, ultimately leading to
the creation of a transformative educational platform.

Furthermore, community building and user support mechanisms are integrated to foster a
collaborative learning environment, enabling learners to exchange ideas and seek assistance. To
ensure ongoing effectiveness, a comprehensive quality assurance and testing regimen has been
devised to address any detected issues. This testing phase is complemented by constant
monitoring and evaluation, allowing us to assess the platform's performance against predefined
KPIs, refine user experiences, and respond to emerging needs.

As the educational website evolves, scalability planning becomes imperative to accommodate

growing user traffic and expanding educational domains. Simultaneously, marketing and
outreach strategies are meticulously devised to promote the platform effectively, utilizing a mix
of digital marketing channels and strategic partnerships. Throughout the project's lifecycle,
diligent documentation ensures seamless knowledge transfer within the team and to end-users.
By compiling comprehensive guides, troubleshooting procedures, and FAQs, we aim to provide
ongoing support and foster user autonomy.

In conclusion, the successful execution of these tasks will not only result in the development of
an innovative educational website but also address critical challenges in traditional education.
Our project aspires to usher in a new era of accessible, personalized, and engaging learning
experiences, transcending geographical and socioeconomic barriers to education.

Project Scope:
The project scope of a real-time ed-tech website encompasses the following key components:
1.Platform Development:
Designing, developing, and deploying a user-friendly, responsive, and feature-rich educational
website is a central aspect of the project.
2.Content Creation and Curriculum:
Involving the creation of diverse, high-quality educational content covering various subjects and
levels, aligned with evolving pedagogical trends.
3.Personalization and Interactivity:
Incorporating personalized learning paths, interactive elements, and gamification techniques to
enhance user engagement and cater to diverse learning styles.
4.User Profile and Recommendation Systems:
Implementing user profiling and recommendation systems to provide tailored content
suggestions, thereby enhancing the overall learning experience.
5.Community Building and Support:
Establishing user communities and forums along with customer support channels to encourage
peer learning and promptly address user queries and issues.
6.Quality Assurance and Testing:
Conducting rigorous testing to ensure the functionality, security, and usability of the website
across different devices and browsers.
7.Content Updates and Maintenance:
Establishing a content review and update schedule to ensure the curriculum remains relevant and

8.Monitoring and Evaluation:

Implementing continuous monitoring of user engagement, retention rates, and learning outcomes,
supported by metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to assess the website's performance
and effectiveness.

1.4 Timeline of the reported problem

September 18-23, 2023: Planning and Research

• Define the target audience and personas.

• Research the competition and analyse their strengths and weaknesses.
• Develop a content strategy and brainstorm potential topics and categories for the blog.

September 24 -30, 2023: Design and Development

• Hire a web designer or use a pre-made template.

• Customize the design to reflect the brand and target audience.
• Develop the website using a CMS like WordPress or a custom solution. • Ensure the website is
responsive and optimized for search engines.

September 31-0ctober 5, 2023: Content Creation and Launch

• Create a backlog of high-quality content that aligns with the content strategy.
• Work with writers to create additional content for the blog.
• Set up social media accounts and begin promoting the blog. • Launch the blog and start
publishing content regularly.

0ctober 6 - 10, 2023: Community Building

• Engage with readers and respond to comments and questions.

• Promote the blog on social media and in relevant online communities.
• Build relationships with other bloggers and influencers in the industry.
• Collaborate with other developers to create guest posts and increase exposure.

0ctober 11-20, 2023: Analytics and Optimization

• Monitor website traffic and engagement metrics.

• Analyse the data to identify areas for improvement.
• Optimize the website and content based on the data.
• Continuously experiment with new strategies to improve the blog's performance.

0ctober 21 - Nov 02, 2023: Expansion and Growth

• Explore new channels for promoting the blog, such as email marketing or podcasting.
• Expand the content offering to include new formats like videos or infographics.
• Note that the timeline can be adjusted based on the specific project requirements and the
progress made by the team.

1.5 Organisation of Report

This project report is organised in a structured manner to provide readers with a clear
understanding of the project's background, design, implementation, and results analysis.
CHAPTER 1 – It provides an introduction to the project, including the client identification and
the relevant contemporary issue. Chapter 1 also defines the problem, outlines the tasks involved
in the project, and establishes a timeline for the project's completion.
CHAPTER 2 – It is dedicated to the literature review and background study of the project. This
chapter analyses 15-20 previously published research papers related to the topic of designing a
online e-learning system based on mern. It also includes a bibliometric analysis and a review
summary that provide insights into the existing literature and research gaps. Moreover, the
chapter defines the problem and outlines the goals and objectives of the project.
CHAPTER 3 – It details the design flow and process of the project. It includes the evaluation
and selection of specifications and features, design constraints, analysis and feature finalization
subject to constraints, design flow, design selection, and implementation plan/methodology.
This chapter also provides figures to illustrate the design process.
CHAPTER 4 – It focuses on the results analysis and validation of the project. It includes the
implementation of the solution, analysis, testing, and results. This chapter also highlights the
challenges faced during the implementation process and provides suggestions for future
CHAPTER 5 – provides a conclusion and future work of the project. It summarizes the
project's objectives, challenges, and achievements. The chapter concludes with
recommendations for future work to enhance the system's functionality and performance. The
report also includes an appendix that contains details of the software tools and techniques used
in the project, such as the programming languages, machine learning algorithms, and software
libraries. Additionally, the appendix contains the project's source code and the data sets used for
testing and analysis. Overall, this project report provides a comprehensive overview of the
design and implementation of a symptom-based online E-learning system based on MERN
stack . It presents the project's methodology, results, and recommendations for future work. The
report serves as a valuable resource for researchers, professionals, and policymakers interested
in developing and implementing e-learning-based education systems.


2.1 Timeline of the reported problem

September 18-23, 2023: Planning and Research

• Define the target audience and personas.

• Research the competition and analyse their strengths and weaknesses.
• Develop a content strategy and brainstorm potential topics and categories for the blog.

September 24 -30, 2023: Design and Development

• Hire a web designer or use a pre-made template.

• Customize the design to reflect the brand and target audience.
• Develop the website using a CMS like WordPress or a custom solution.
• Ensure the website is responsive and optimized for search engines.

September 31-0ctober 5, 2023: Content Creation and Launch

• Create a backlog of high-quality content that aligns with the content strategy.
• Work with writers to create additional content for the blog.
• Set up social media accounts and begin promoting the blog.
• Launch the blog and start publishing content regularly.

0ctober 6 - 10, 2023: Community Building

• Engage with readers and respond to comments and questions.

• Promote the blog on social media and in relevant online communities.
• Build relationships with other bloggers and influencers in the industry.
• Collaborate with other developers to create guest posts and increase exposure.

0ctober 11-20, 2023: Analytics and Optimization

• Monitor website traffic and engagement metrics.

• Analyse the data to identify areas for improvement.
• Optimize the website and content based on the data.
• Continuously experiment with new strategies to improve the blog's performance.
0ctober 21 - Nov 02, 2023: Expansion and Growth

• Explore new channels for promoting the blog, such as email marketing or podcasting.
• Expand the content offering to include new formats like videos or infographics.
• Note that the timeline can be adjusted based on the specific project requirements and the
progress made by the team.

2.2 Proposed solutions

• Enhance the blog's user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design to ensure it is intuitive,
easy to navigate, and visually appealing.

• Introduce additional features such as social sharing buttons, email subscription forms, comment
sections, and related post suggestions to boost user engagement.

• Optimize the loading speed of the blog to guarantee a seamless and swift user experience.

• Implement search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to enhance the blog's visibility in
search engine results pages (SERPs).

• Utilize social media marketing strategies to promote the blog and cultivate a loyal following.

• Foster collaborations with other bloggers and influencers to expand the blog's exposure and
drive traffic.

• Monitor and analyse website traffic and user engagement metrics systematically to pinpoint
areas for improvement.

• Consistently create and publish high-quality content aligned with the content strategy and
resonating with the target audience.

2.3 Bibliometric Analysis

• Key Features: Define the essential features of the blog application tailored for coders,
encompassing user interface design, content strategy, community-building features, and analytics
and optimization tools. Evaluate how these features collectively contribute to the overall efficacy
of the blog application.

• Effectiveness: Evaluate the blog application's effectiveness by considering key performance

indicators such as website traffic, engagement metrics, user feedback, and the success of
community-building initiatives. Assess whether the blog application is achieving its intended
goals and effectively reaching its target audience.

• Drawbacks: Identify any potential drawbacks or limitations within the blog application, which
could include technical issues, low engagement levels, or constraints in content offerings.
Analyze how these drawbacks might be impacting the overall effectiveness of the blog
application and propose potential solutions to address them.

2.4 Review Summary

The EdTech Course Enrollment and Tracking Project is a comprehensive initiative designed to
provide an innovative and user-friendly online platform for students and educators to enroll in
courses and effectively track their progress. Utilizing the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React,
Node.js) stack, this project has successfully tackled challenges in the education sector, delivering
a seamless experience for users.

Project Overview:
The EdTech Course Enrollment and Tracking Platform aims to streamline the course enrollment
process, enhance learning experiences, and facilitate efficient monitoring of student progress.
Key features of the platform include:

User Registration and Authentication:

 Implementation of secure user registration and login functionality.
 Integration of authentication mechanisms to safeguard user data and privacy.

Course Management:
 Dynamic course creation and management capabilities for instructors.
 Course categorization and search functionalities for easy access.

Enrollment System:
 User-friendly course enrollment process designed for students.
 Real-time enrollment updates for both instructors and students.

Learning Dashboard:
 Personalized dashboards provided to users for easy access to enrolled courses.

2.5 Problem Definition

In the dynamic landscape of education, the conventional classroom model is undergoing a

transformation, with online learning platforms emerging as significant complements and, in
some instances, substitutes. While these platforms offer extensive educational resources and
opportunities, they bring forth challenges for both students and instructors, particularly in the
realms of course enrollment and progress tracking. The overarching problem is to devise a
comprehensive solution that effectively addresses the following key challenges:

1. Course Enrollment Complexity:

Challenge: Students grapple with a cumbersome and bewildering course enrollment process.
Solution: Develop a simplified and intuitive enrollment system that empowers students to
effortlessly discover, register for, and manage their courses.

2. Tracking Student Progress:

 Challenge: Educators require efficient tools to monitor and assess student progress effectively.
 Solution: Design a tracking system that offers real-time insights into student engagement,
performance, and achievements, facilitating streamlined progress assessment.

3. Communication Barriers:
 Challenge: Effective communication between students and instructors is pivotal for a
successful online learning experience.
 Solution: Implement communication features such as discussion forums, chat functionalities,
and notifications to bridge the gap and foster interaction, enhancing the overall learning

4. Data Security and Privacy:

 Challenge: Safeguarding user data and ensuring privacy is paramount in the online education
 Solution: Develop robust security measures and compliance protocols to protect sensitive
information, instilling confidence in users regarding the security of their data.

In essence, the objective is to create an integrated solution that not only addresses these
challenges but also enhances the overall efficiency, accessibility, and security of the online
learning experience.

2.6 Goals/Objectives

• Develop a thorough understanding of the target audience, including their interests, needs, and
pain points related to coding and software development.

• Conduct comprehensive research on competitors in the industry to identify strengths and

weaknesses, devising strategies to differentiate the blog application.

• Formulate a content strategy aligned with the target audience's interests and needs, ensuring a
consistent and engaging user experience.

• Create a customizable and user-friendly website design that mirrors the brand and resonates
with the target audience.

• Optimize the website for search engines and mobile devices to maximize visibility and

• Implement community-building features that encourage user engagement, interaction, and


• Monitor website traffic and user engagement metrics, utilizing analytics tools to continuously
enhance and optimize the blog application's performance.

• Experiment with new promotion and expansion strategies, such as email marketing, podcasting,
or video content.

• Foster relationships with other bloggers and influencers in the industry to increase exposure
and collaboration opportunities.

• Establish a backlog of high-quality content and adhere to a regular publishing schedule to

ensure consistency and engagement.

• Conduct thorough research on the target audience through surveys and focus groups to gain
insights into their coding and software development-related interests and pain points.

• Identify and analyze at least five competitors in the industry, understanding their strengths and
weaknesses to inform the development of unique selling points for the blog application.

• Create a website design brief and collaborate with a web designer or design team to develop a
customizable and user-friendly website design aligned with the brand and target audience.

• Optimize the website for search engines and mobile devices, validating its functionality
through user testing and analytics tools.

• Implement community-building features, such as comment sections and social media

integrations, and actively monitor user engagement and feedback.

• Analyze website traffic and user engagement metrics using analytics tools, leveraging insights
to continually improve and optimize the blog application's performance.

• Experiment with at least three new promotion and expansion strategies (e.g., email marketing,
podcasting, or video content), measuring their effectiveness through analytics tools.


3.1. Evaluation & Selection of Specifications/Features

The success of any software project depends largely on the choice of appropriate specifications
and features. In this section, we will discuss the evaluation and selection of specifications and
features for the online e-learning system. The first step in the evaluation and selection process is
to identify the specific needs and requirements of the target audience. In the case of the education
system, we need to consider the needs of both the student and teacher. For student , the system
must provide an easy-to-use interface for entering and enrolling in a course, while lms providers
require a more detailed view of the student online tracking system. Based on these requirements,
we identified several key specifications and features that the system must have. These include:
Course tracking and analysis is an important feature of the education improvement system as it
allows student to record their course progress over time, and teachers to providers to analyze and
monitor their students current scenario . The system must provide an intuitive and easy-to-use
interface for student to enter their course . This can be accomplished through the use of
checkboxes or dropdown menus that allow student to select their course from a list of options.
Course providers should also have access to advanced analysis tools that allow them to track
changes in course and provide more effective assignment . Personalized recommendations are a
critical feature of the e learning improvement system. By analyzing education data, the system
can generate personalized recommendations for course changes .These recommendations can be
based on a variety of factors, including the students area of interest. The recommendations must
be tailored to each students unique needs and preferences to ensure that they are effective.
- Develop an e-learning platform centered on education that integrates React.js for a dynamic
and responsive user interface while leveraging machine learning algorithms for academic data
analysis and generating personalized recommendations.

3.1.1 React.js Integration:

Objective: Integrate React.js to create a modern, interactive, and user-friendly interface for both
students and teachers.
 Develop a component-based architecture for a responsive and intuitive user interface.
 Utilize React.js for efficient state management and seamless data rendering.
 Ensure compatibility with various devices and screen sizes.

3.1.2 Machine Learning Integration:

Objective: Implement machine learning algorithms within the React.js framework to analyze
academic data and provide personalized recommendations.

 Seamless integration of machine learning models into React components.
 Transparent and explainable algorithms to empower teachers with insights into academic
 Leverage React's state management for handling dynamic changes based on machine
learning outcomes.

3.1.3 User Interface (UI) Design:

Objective: Create an engaging and student-centric user interface within the React.js environment.

 Design an easy-to-use interface allowing students to input academic data effortlessly.
 Teachers should access student information quickly and view it in a clear, organized

3.1.4. Privacy and Security Measures:

Objective: Implement robust privacy and security features within the React.js application to
protect student data.
 Apply encryption for data in transit and at rest within the React.js environment.
 Implement access controls and auditing mechanisms.
 Adhere to educational privacy standards in the design and development.

3.1.5 Scalability:
Objective: Design the React-based system to handle a large number of students without
compromising performance or reliability.

 Utilize React's virtual DOM for efficient rendering and updating of user interface
 Implement techniques like code splitting for optimizing performance.
 Integrate with backend systems designed for scalability.

3.1.6. Development Workflow:

Objective: Establish an efficient development workflow utilizing React.js for frontend
development and integrating machine learning models seamlessly.
 Leverage tools and libraries compatible with React.js for machine learning model
 Document the development process and best practices for developers working on React-
based components.
3.1.7.Continuous Improvement:
Objective: Enable continuous iteration and improvement of the e-learning system based on
student and teacher feedback, as well as advancements in React.js and machine learning

 Gather regular feedback from students and teachers on the user interface and system
 Stay updated with React.js updates and new features, incorporating them into the system
when appropriate.
 Implement changes based on feedback to enhance the user experience and system
Pandas: Pandas is a popular open-source data manipulation library for Python. It provides
powerful data structures for efficient data manipulation and analysis. Pandas is built on top of
NumPy and provides data structures such as Series (1-dimensional array) and DataFrame (2-
dimensional table) that allow for easy manipulation of data. Pandas has become the go-to library
for data manipulation in Python and is used widely in data science and machine learning. In the
context of the symptom-based health improvement system, Pandas was used for data
preprocessing. The library's powerful data structures and functions were used to clean and
manipulate the symptom data to prepare it for machine learning. Pandas' functionality was used
to clean the data, impute missing values, and standardize the features. NumPy: NumPy is a
fundamental library for scientific computing in Python. It provides support for large, multi-
dimensional arrays and matrices, along with a collection of mathematical functions to operate on
these arrays. NumPy is designed to be fast and efficient, making it an ideal choice for numerical
computations. NumPy is widely used in scientific computing and data analysis. In the context of
the symptom-based health improvement system, NumPy was used for mathematical operations
and array manipulation. NumPy's fast array processing and math operations were used to
manipulate the symptom data to prepare it for machine learning. The library's linear algebra
functions were used to perform matrix operations for feature selection.

Flask: Flask is a lightweight Python web framework that is easy to use and quick to set up. It
provides tools for building web applications, including request handling, template rendering, and
routing. Flask is known for its simplicity, which makes it an ideal choice for small to medium-
sized web applications. Flask has a large and active community of developers who contribute to
the framework and provide support and resources. Flask is known for its simplicity and
flexibility, which makes it an ideal choice for small to medium-sized web applications. Flask
provides request handling, template rendering, and routing.

HTML/CSS/JavaScript are the primary web development technologies used to design and
develop the user interface for web applications. HTML provides the structure and content of the
web page, while CSS is used for styling and formatting. JavaScript provides interactivity and
dynamic behavior to the web page, allowing for a more engaging and user-friendly experience.

These technologies are widely used and are supported by all modern web browsers. In the
context of the symptom-based health improvement system, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript were
used to design and develop the user interface for the web application, allowing patients to easily
enter symptoms and view personalized recommendations, while healthcare providers can access
detailed views of the patient's health history.
MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database that is widely used for web applications. It provides
support for dynamic schema design, automatic scaling, and a powerful query language.
MongoDB is designed to be flexible and scalable, which makes it an ideal choice for large and
complex web applications. MongoDB stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents, which
allows for easier and faster development. Additionally, MongoDB provides support for automatic
sharding and replication, which ensures that the database is highly available and fault-tolerant. In
the context of the symptom-based health improvement system, MongoDB was used to store the
pre-processed data and the machine learning models, allowing for fast and efficient retrieval of
data during the analysis and recommendation generation process.

AWS is a cloud computing platform that provides a wide range of services for building,
deploying, and managing web applications. AWS provides a flexible and scalable infrastructure
that can be easily customized to meet the specific needs of the application. AWS offers a wide
range of services, including storage, databases, compute, networking, and security, making it a
one-stop-shop for building web applications. AWS provides an easy-to-use console for managing
the infrastructure, and it also provides APIs for programmatic management of the services.

3.2. Design Constraints

Design constraints are an essential part of any software project as they help define the boundaries
within which the system can operate. In the context of the symptom-based health improvement
system using machine learning, there are several design constraints that need to be considered to
ensure that the system is effective and efficient. In this section, we will discuss the various
design constraints that were considered during the development of the system.
3.2.1 Data Privacy and Security Data privacy and security are critical design constraints that
must be considered in any healthcare-related software project. The symptom-based health
improvement system using machine learning involves the storage and processing of sensitive
patient information, such as medical history and symptoms. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that
the system is designed with robust data privacy and security measures. To meet this constraint,
the system was designed to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
(HIPAA) regulations. HIPAA is a federal law that sets standards for the privacy and security of
personal health information. The system was designed to use encryption for data transmission
and storage, and access to patient data was restricted to authorized personnel only. Additionally,
the system was designed to maintain an audit trail of all data access and changes to ensure
accountability and traceability.

3.2.2 Scalability : Scalability is another critical design constraint that must be considered for any
software project. As the number of users increases, the system must be able to scale up to meet
the demand. In the case of the symptom-based health improvement system using machine
learning, the system must be able to handle a large volume of patient data and user requests. To
meet this constraint, the system was designed with a scalable architecture that can handle a large
number of users and data. The system was designed to use cloud computing technology, which
provides the ability to dynamically allocate computing resources based on demand. Additionally,
the system was designed to use a distributed database, such as MongoDB, which can be easily
scaled horizontally by adding additional nodes to the cluster.

3.2.3 Usability : Usability is an essential design constraint that must be considered for any
software project. The symptom-based health improvement system using machine learning is
designed for use by both patients and healthcare providers. Therefore, the system must be
designed to be user-friendly and easy to use. To meet this constraint, the system was designed
with a user-centric approach, with a focus on user experience and user interface design. The
system was designed to have a clean and intuitive user interface that is easy to navigate. The
system was also designed to provide helpful feedback to users, such as error messages and
confirmation messages, to improve the user experience. 4. Interoperability Interoperability is a
critical design constraint that must be considered for any healthcare-related software project. The
symptom-based health improvement system using machine learning must be able to integrate
with other healthcare systems, such as electronic health records (EHRs), to ensure that healthcare
providers have access to complete patient information. To meet this constraint, the system was
designed to use standard data exchange formats, such as Health Level Seven International (HL7)
and Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR), to ensure interoperability with other
healthcare systems. Additionally, the system was designed to use application programming
interfaces (APIs) to allow for easy integration with other systems.

3.3. Analysis and Feature finalisation subject to constraints.

This process was subject to various constraints, including the availability of data, the complexity
of the models, and the need for interpretability. Initially, a large set of features was identified
based on the medical literature and expert consultations. These features included demographic
information such as age, gender, and race, as well as a range of symptoms, medical history,
lifestyle factors, and environmental factors. However, due to the constraints mentioned earlier,
not all of these features were used in the final models. 29 One of the main constraints was the
availability of data. Although a large number of features were initially identified, not all of them
had enough data to be used in the models. For example, some rare symptoms or medical
conditions had very few instances in the data, which made it difficult to include them as features.
Additionally, some environmental factors such as air pollution or water quality data were not
available for all regions, which limited their use as features. Another constraint was the need for
model simplicity and interpretability. In healthcare applications, it is important to have models
that are easy to understand and interpret by healthcare providers and patients

3.4 Design Flow

3.4.1. Divide and Conquer Algorithm In our edtech project, we strategically applied the "divide
and conquer" algorithmic approach as a fundamental principle to address complex challenges
efficiently and systematically. This approach is not limited to code but is woven into the very
fabric of our project's design and execution. One prominent example of the "divide and conquer"
strategy is evident in the development of our personalized learning paths and recommendation
systems. To cater to diverse learning preferences and aptitudes, we divided the user base into
smaller, more manageable segments based on factors such as prior knowledge, interests, and
learning pace. By doing so, we could tailor educational content and recommendations more
effectively to each subgroup, thereby enhancing the overall learning experience. Additionally, the
"divide and conquer" approach is reflected in the way we manage our vast educational content
library. Rather than presenting all content simultaneously, overwhelming users with options, we
partitioned the content into structured modules and topics. This division not only simplifies
navigation but also allows learners to focus on specific subjects or skills at a time, promoting
more effective and manageable learning.

3.4.2 Web Application Development: The next step in the design flow is the development of the
web application. Flask is used to develop the web application, and HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
are used for the front-end. The web application provides a user-friendly interface for patients to
input their symptoms and receive personalized health recommendations based on the trained
machine learning models.
Deployment: After the web application is developed, the final step is deployment. Amazon Web
Services (AWS) is used to host the web application and the database in the cloud. MongoDB is
used to store the pre-processed data and the trained machine learning models. As seen in the
design flow diagram, the system is composed of five main components: data collection, feature
selection, model training, web application development, and deployment. 33 The arrows between
the components show the direction of data flow and the dependencies between the components.
The design flow of the symptom-based health improvement system is iterative, meaning that
each component may require multiple iterations before it is finalized. For example, the feature
selection step may require multiple iterations to ensure that the most relevant features are
selected, and the model training step may require multiple iterations to fine-tune the parameters
of the machine learning models

3.5 Design Selection

Creating an e-learning project using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack
involves combining various technologies to build a robust and scalable system.
Here's a methodology for developing an e-learning platform using the MERN stack:
Methodology for E-Learning Project Using MERN Stack

3.6.1.Project Planning:
Define Objectives:
Clearly outline the educational objectives and goals of the e-learning platform. Identify target

Scope and Features:

Define the scope of the project and list the features you want to incorporate, such as

3.6.2.Technology Stack Selection:

Choose the MERN Stack:
Select MongoDB as the database, Express.js for the backend, React.js for the frontend, and
runtime environment. Ensure compatibility and seamless integration among technologies.

Additional Tools and Libraries:

Identify and integrate additional tools and libraries that complement the MERN stack/Stacks
state management in React and Passport.js for authentication.

3.6.3.Database Design:
Schema Design:
Define the data schema for MongoDB to store information about users, courses, lessons, any
other relevant entities. Ensure a scalable and flexible database structure.

Data Relationships:
Establish relationships between different data entities to facilitate efficient data retrieval.

3.6.4.Backend Development (Node.js and Express.js):

API Design:
Design RESTful APIs for handling CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for user
course creation, content delivery, and other functionalities.

Authentication and Authorization:

Implement secure user authentication using JWT (JSON Web Tokens) and define access
to ensure data privacy and security.

Error Handling and Logging:

Develop a robust error-handling mechanism and implement logging for effective debugging

3.6.5.Frontend Development (React.js):

Component-Based Architecture:
Structure the frontend using a component-based architecture for reusability and

User Interface (UI) Design:

Create an intuitive and responsive UI design to enhance user experience. Implement
multimedia integration, and interactive elements.

State Management:
Use Redux or React Context API for state management to ensure a consistent and efficient
between components.

Connect Frontend and Backend:
Establish seamless communication between the frontend and backend by integrating APIs. E
flows smoothly between the client and server.

Multimedia Integration:
Integrate multimedia elements such as videos, images, and interactive simulations to enhance
learning experience.

Unit Testing:
Conduct unit testing for individual components to ensure they function as intended.

Integration Testing:
Test the integrated system to identify and rectify any issues related to data flow, API
overall system functionality.

3.6.8. Deployment:
Choose Hosting Service:
Select a hosting service for deploying your MERN stack application. Platforms like Heroku,
DigitalOcean are popular choices.

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD):

Implement CI/CD pipelines to automate the deployment process and ensure a smooth release

3.6.9.Monitoring and Optimization:

Performance Monitoring:
Implement tools for monitoring application performance, identifying bottlenecks, and
system for speed and efficiency.

Design the system to be scalable, allowing for increased user load. Implement strategies such
balancing and caching to enhance performance.

3.6.10.User Training and Documentation:

Create User Guides:
Develop comprehensive user guides and documentation to assist learners, instructors, and
administrators in navigating and using the e-learning platform.

Training Sessions:

Conduct training sessions for users to familiarize them with the platform's features alongside

3.6.11. Feedback and Iteration:

User Feedback:
Gather feedback from users, instructors, and administrators to identify areas for improvement.

Continuous Iteration
Use feedback to make continuous iterations and enhancements to the platform, ensuring it



The project necessitated careful consideration of how to implement and incorporate various
features. Balancing essential requirements fundamental to any project while introducing less
commonly executed concepts, we have outlined a summary of features that include:

4.1.1. Feature 1: Login/New Session Page

The login page of our Ed Tech website acts as the gateway to a realm of educational
Serving as a secure and user-friendly portal, it allows students, teachers, and administrators to
access their personalized accounts. Users are prompted to enter their credentials upon arrival,
ensuring the protection of sensitive information.


Figure 1: USER Login authentication

4.1.2 Feature 2: Interactive GUI

The graphical user interface (GUI) of the application is captivating, as evident. Users are likely
to find the application enjoyable and appreciate the presence of the SPARK virtual assistant.

Figure 2: Interactive GUI
4.1.3 Feature 3: Learning modules
A prevalent feature in many applications is the inclusion of learning modules. Within our
platform, students have the flexibility to select any number of courses from a pool of 53 modules.

4.1.4 Feature 4: Reference Manual

The EdTech Website Reference Manual has been meticulously crafted as a comprehensive guide
intended to support educators, students, and administrators in maximizing the potential of our
educational technology platform. This manual is a valuable resource, offering insights and
instructions to ensure a smooth and productive experience for users navigating our website.

4.1.5 Feature 5: DEMO

4.1.6 Feature 6: User Logout
Upon exploring all aspects of the application, users have the option to log out by clicking on the
'Log Out' button, directing them back to the home page.

4.1.7 Feature 7: Data Storage

The app incorporates real-time user joining and logging out features. Following the execution of
desired operations and a successful logout, all user-created data persists in the database. This
ensures that when users log in again, they can access the content created during their previous
session. The utilization of a cloud database facilitates seamless data access.

4.1.8 DFD Diagram

4.1.9 ER Diagram

Fig 2

4.1.10 Activity Diagram:

Fig 3

4.1.11 Class Diagram:

Fig 4

4.1.12 Use case Diagram:

Fig 5

Once the feasibility of the project was confirmed, the subsequent step involved meticulous
project planning. The following table illustrates the structured planning approach adopted for the

1 Task Name Duration Start Finish

2 Planning 25 days 1/08/23 26/08/23

3 Design 20 days 27/08/23 16/09/23

4 Coding 45 days 18/09/23 02/11/23

Software Risk Management is an anticipatory strategy aimed at minimizing uncertainty and

potential losses linked to a project. Various categories of risk encompass product size, business
impact, customer-related factors, process, technology, development environment, staffing (size
and experience), schedule, and cost. Risk Management is a systematic practice involving
processes, methods, and tools dedicated to effectively handling risks throughout a project.
4.2 Project Risk
4.3 Technical Risk
4.4 Business Risk
4.5 Known Risk
4.6 Predictable Risk
4.7 Unpredictable

Prior to the design phase of any system, it is imperative to have a clear understanding of the
business nature and its current operational processes. This detailed examination is crucial for
acquiring specific data needed during the design phase, ensuring the fulfillment of all client
requirements. The investigation or study conducted during the analysis phase is closely tied to
the feasibility study, and it wouldn't be inaccurate to say that the analysis and feasibility phases
overlap. High-level analysis initiates during the feasibility study, but it's essential to note that
while analysis is often represented as a singular phase in the system development life cycle
(SDLC), it is an ongoing process that starts with system initialization and continues through
maintenance. Even after a system has been successfully implemented, analysis may play a role in
periodic maintenance and system upgrades. Inadequate understanding is a primary cause of

project failures, and one of the contributors to this lack of understanding is the poor planning of
system analysis.

Fig 6:

overview of system design

Analysis: Contemporary analysis tools play a pivotal role in collecting and processing data
associated with user behavior, website traffic, and market trends. Among the widely used
analysis tools are Google Analytics, SEMrush, and Moz. These tools offer valuable insights into
various aspects, including website traffic, user demographics, keyword analysis, and backlink
analysis. By leveraging such tools, areas for improvement can be identified, and informed
strategies for optimizing the website can be developed.

Design Drawings/Schematics/Solid Models: Contemporary design tools play a crucial role in

generating wireframes, visual designs, and robust models for websites. Among the popular
design tools is flowchart.io, which offers a variety of features for creating and testing design
prototypes. These features encompass vector graphics, user interface elements, and animation
tools, facilitating the design and evaluation of website structures.

Flowchart.io: Flowchart.io stands out as a versatile and user-friendly online tool, facilitating
effortless creation, collaboration, and sharing of flowcharts for both individuals and teams. Its
intuitive interface, coupled with an extensive array of features, streamlines the visualization of
intricate workflows, decision trees, and processes. The platform boasts a vast library
encompassing shapes, symbols, and connectors, empowering users to craft detailed and
professional-looking flowcharts. Whether it's designing a project plan, illustrating a business
process, or mapping out an algorithm, Flowchart.io equips users with the necessary tools to bring
their ideas to life. The collaborative essence of the platform allows multiple team members to
concurrently contribute to a flowchart, promoting real-time collaboration and boosting overall

Report Preparation: Contemporary tools for report preparation play a pivotal role in creating
and sharing project reports with stakeholders. Widely used platforms for this purpose include
Microsoft Office and Google Docs. These tools offer a range of functionalities, including
templates, collaboration tools, and data visualization features, to facilitate the creation of
professional and effective reports.

Microsoft Office: Microsoft Office is a comprehensive suite of productivity tools that includes
applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and more. This suite empowers users to
seamlessly create, edit, and share documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and emails. It plays a
crucial role in facilitating efficient and effective work across a diverse range of industries.

Project Management and Communication: Contemporary tools for project management and
communication play a crucial role in coordinating team members, tracking progress, and sharing
project updates. Among the widely used project management tools is PowerPoint. These tools
offer features like task assignment, progress tracking, and communication tools, enhancing
collaboration within teams.

Testing/Characterization/Interpretation/Data Validation: Contemporary tools for testing and

data validation play a pivotal role in identifying and resolving website issues. Among popular
tools for this purpose are Google Search Console. These tools offer insights into website speed,
performance, and security, aiding in the identification and resolution of issues related to website
functionality and user experience.

By incorporating these modern tools at different stages of the project, the implementation of the
restaurant website solution can be both efficient and effective. They contribute to the creation of a
high-quality website that aligns with the needs and preferences of the target audience, ensuring
optimization for search engines and an enhanced user experience.


The hardware required for the development of the project is:

1. Processor: Intel
2. Processor Speed: 2.8 GHZ
3. Ram: 8 Gb Ram
4. Hard Disk: 500 GB

Software Requirements of Student Management System

1. The software required for the development of the project is:

2. Operating System: Windows 10
3. Environment: Visual Studio .NET framework
4. Framework: Version 1.0
6. NET Backend: MongoDB,SUPABASE



5.1. Conclusion

In conclusion, the development of this educational technology website has been a rewarding and
enlightening experience. Our project aimed to provide a user-friendly platform for students and
educators to access educational resources conveniently and efficiently. Through extensive
research, design, and development efforts, we successfully created a website that fulfills this

5.2. Future Work

Future Scope of the Tutor Trek Project:

1.Collaboration Features: Enhancing the collaboration features of Ed Tech is a potential area for
future work. This could involve real-time collaborative editing, commenting, module review
functionality, and the ability to easily share information and projects with other users.

2.Integration with More Platforms: While Tutor Trek currently supports GitHub
authentication, future work could involve integrating with other platforms, such as Bitbucket,
GitLab, or AWS CodeCommit, to make the tool more versatile.

3.Improved Efficiency:Future work could focus on improving the code analysis and error
detection capabilities of Tutor Trek. This might include integrating with existing code analysis
tools or developing custom analysis tools to identify potential errors or security vulnerabilities in

4.Advanced Editing Features:Adding advanced editing features to Tutor Trek could be

beneficial. This may include support for multiple teachers, advanced search and replace
functionality, and the ability to collapse module blocks or sections of the module.

5.Customization and Personalization: Future work could involve adding customization options
to Tutor Trek, allowing users to configure keyboard shortcuts, customize the color scheme, or
define code snippets or templates based on their preferences.


[1] Z. Liu, "Design and Implementation of Hospital Emergency Nursing Information Management
System," 2016 International Conference on Smart City and Systems Engineering (ICSCSE),
Hunan, 2016, pp. 218-221.

[2] GB. Koyuncu and H. Koyuncu, "Intelligent Hospital Management System (IHMS),"2015
International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN),
Jabalpur, 2015, pp. 16021604.

[3] Healthcare management system and domain search of nearest Medical services by Ruchi
Dumbre, Purva Raut, Bhagyshree mahamuni, Priyanka Khose, Prof.Jagruti Wagh. IJISET -
International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 3 Issue 3, March

[4] HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM by Digvijay H. Gadhari, Yadnyesh P. Kadam, Prof.

Parineeta Suman Department of Computer Engineering, Saraswati College of Engineering,
Kharghar, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. International Journal for Research in Engineering
Application & Management (IJREAM)-2016.

[5] Asabe.S.A., Oye, N. D., Monday Goji,” HOSPITAL PATIENT DATABASE

MANAGEMENT SYSTEM”, COMPUSOFT An International journal of Advance Computer

[6] Fellegi, A and mooney, S. (1998). “Population and higher individual standard for the quality of

[7] Miller, R. J. (1994). “Modernizing Health care through Electronic Medical Record “Information

[8] Brown, P.J. (2000). “Evaluation of the quality of information retrieval of clinics finding from a
COMPUSOFT”, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 2 (3), March -2013
(Volume-II, IssueIII) 70 computerized patient database using a semantic technological.
[9] Healthcare management system and domain search of nearest Medical services by Ruchi
Dumbre, Purva Raut, Bhagyshree mahamuni, Priyanka Khose, Prof.Jagruti Wagh. IJISET -
International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 3 Issue 3, March
[10] HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM by Digvijay H. Gadhari, Yadnyesh P. Kadam,
Prof. Parineeta Suman Department of Computer Engineering, Saraswati College of Engineering,
Kharghar, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. International Journal for Research in Engineering
Application & Management (IJREAM)-2016.

[11] Asabe.S.A., Oye, N. D., Monday Goji,” HOSPITAL PATIENT DATABASE

MANAGEMENT SYSTEM”, COMPUSOFT An International journal of Advance Computer

[12] Fellegi, A and mooney, S. (1998). “Population and higher individual standard for the
quality of life”.

[13] Miller, R. J. (1994). “Modernizing Health care through Electronic Medical Record
“Information System”.


Programming Languages: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript

Frameworks/Libraries: Reactjs,Svelte,Tailwind
Content Management System: WordPress
Hosting Platform: Netlify
Third-Party Integrations: Supabase, Express, Mongoose

Test Plan for Website Functionality Testing

Test Cases and Results for Cross-Browser Compatibility Testing User Acceptance Test Results
Training Materials:

Presentation Slides for Content Management System Training

User Guide for Updating Menu Items and Prices
Documentation for Managing Events and Promotions

Project Timeline:

Gantt Chart Illustrating the Project Schedule Milestones and Deliverables Overview SEO Strategy:

Keyword Research Report

On-Page Optimization Checklist
Off-Page Optimization Plan


Home Page
Home Page( Home page is where user will visit and can login or signup and check details) :

OAuth Github:



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