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so providing pecuniary means in due time, as not to be placed
between the alternative of starving, begging, cheating, or stealing.
912. In our republic it will be found that while the acquisition of
wealth enables one individual to raise his family by educational
superiority, the offspring of another, by the loss of fortune, sink into
the mass of illiterate labourers; so that there is a perpetual
undulation by the educational influence of money. Though public
schools may extend the advantages of education to the poor, yet
want drives the educated youth to loathsome drudgery, made more
painful by the enlargement of his views resulting from education.
913. To the consequence of hereditary noblemen hereditary
wealth is essential, having vastly more influence than titles. In those
countries where titles exist without associated wealth, they have
scarcely any weight. However incompetent money may be to give
importance to an uneducated commoner, a cotton-spinner, by
educating his son and giving him his fortune, may prepare him to
sway an empire; when, had his father been a pauper, the premier
might have lived among those so eloquently described by
Shakspeare’s Henry the Fourth, as upon “uneasy pallets stretching
them.” How different from those perfumed chambers and canopies
of costly state, to which this spinner’s boy was actually enabled to
climb through the education and position resulting from paternal
914. Civilization elevates those who have the advantages of
education, and who are either professionally employed in intellectual
pursuits, or have leisure to cultivate science and literature from
taste. But the same division of human labour and enterprise which
gives intellectual pursuits to a few as a profession, gives to the mass
occupations inconsistent with the cultivation of their intellectual
powers. Those who are engaged in the humblest species of industry,
living from hand to mouth, have little or no time to spare from that
which their necessities imperatively require; and the bodily fatigue
incurred during working hours, makes repose from all exertion the
primary object.
915. But the situation of the poor, ignorant, and uneducated
labourer in civilized society, is rendered worse than that of an
equally ignorant and uneducated barbarian, by contrast with his
educated neighbours. The lowest savage has as much scholastic
education as his chief, while the civilized labourer may be in the rear
of an educated child of five years of age. Thus the absolute evil is
made relatively still greater. When any man reflects on these facts,
can he be otherwise than anxious for those means which are
necessary to put his offspring upon a par in learning with those of
others in the same community?
916. Early in life, it is manifest to every one who does not enjoy
pecuniary affluence, that any species of indulgence which he may
desire requires money for its attainment. Even the command of
leisure for any enjoyment requires money, since, if obliged to work
to earn his bread, a man may not have leisure for any other object.
917. Among the most rational motives for the pursuit of wealth is
the love of independence. “Thy spirit, Independence, let me share—
lord of the lion heart and eagle eye!” In this sentiment every noble
soul must participate. How many have had, like the apothecary in
Shakspeare’s tragedy, to allow their poverty to rule, instead of
honest will! How many have been induced to “earn their daily bread
by their daily shame!”
918. Prudent, thoughtful, honest men, who do not choose to live
houseless, without clothes, nor upon the sweat of other men’s
brows, turn from the paths of amusement, of sensual enjoyment,
from the love of literature or science, or from the observation and
investigation of nature’s beauties and miracles, in order to get,
through wealth, the power, and honest right to indulge. But while
pursuing this great object, in the first instance only as the means of
attaining other objects, good or bad, they grow old in the chase;
their passions burn out, while avarice originates as it were from their
ashes, not, phœnix-like, to replace one parental being, but a horrid
monster, having nothing in common with a plurality of progenitors,
but the selfish, ardent love of money, unmitigated by any redeeming
aspiration. A being so actuated—or, in other words, a miser—would
certainly find it as difficult to reach a higher sphere in the spirit
world, as it were for a camel to get through the needle’s eye.
919. As swine accumulate fat to bequeath to those to whom they
leave their carcasses, so the avaricious accumulate wealth, to hoard
until it can no longer be retained. They die with an immense amount
of negative sin; since all their omissions to do good, which is within
their power, is carried to their debit in the spirit world. Their poverty
in the spirit world will be proportioned to their ill-used wealth in this
temporal abode.
920. When this is well brought home to mankind, there will be less
avarice, and fewer of those crimes which arise from selfish cupidity,
or ambition.


921. The following is a narrative of the circumstances which led to
the conversion to a belief in Spiritualism, of my esteemed friend,
Mrs. M. B. Gourlay, through whose high attributes as an intellectual
medium, I am in a great measure indebted for my conversion. I do
most devoutly believe that the information received from my spirit
father, through her mediumship, would, if duly credited, be of more
value to true religion and morality, than the forty millions of dollars
annually expended upon the Church of England.
Philadelphia, May 20, 1855.
To Professor Robert Hare:
922. My Dear Sir: Pursuant to your request, I have the pleasure to
present you the following particulars of my experience and
observation in relation to the phenomena of spiritual intercourse,—
phenomena which engage, at the present time, the serious and
profound attention of thousands of intelligent minds; manifestations
that are rapidly and steadily spreading their influence over the entire
continent, and carrying with them the evidence of their spiritual
origin, while impressing receptive minds with the truth of their
sacred importance to an extent unexampled in the history of any
other movement.
923. My attention was attracted to the phenomena in question,
about five years since, by reading sundry reports in the New York
Tribune, of certain mysterious sounds which had occurred in the city
of Rochester, and purported to have been made by the spirits of the
924. I regarded the subject at first with great distrust, supposing
it a mere imposition on the credulity of the public, and considered it
entirely unworthy of serious thought.
925. Finding, however, that it was eliciting considerable notice,
and knowing that facts are sometimes stranger than fiction, I
deemed it consonant with reason to suspend my judgment till more
conversant with the facts.
926. Having been admonished by a much-loved, intelligent, and, I
would add, practical Christian mother to worship at the altar of truth,
while exercising my reason on all subjects presented to my mind, I
was, as might be presumed, nearly, if not entirely, free from the
shackles of bigotry, superstition, and dogmatism, and was thus
prepared, so far at least as these barriers to mental and moral
progression are concerned, to investigate any subject within the
range of my capacity.
927. Hearing of the spread of the manifestations, and their actual
occurrence in the city of Bangor, Maine, where I then resided, I
resolved, with the first favourable opportunity, to investigate the
matter for myself.
928. Not many days had elapsed after forming this resolution,
before I met an intimate friend, an exemplary and respected
member of the Methodist Episcopal denomination, who informed me
that she was interested in spiritual manifestations, and desired to
investigate them. But alas! she was bound by the galling fetters of
sectarian and priestly bondage, and dared not move in such an
investigation. Her pastor had said that the “arch deceiver,” the
veritable Satan, was the prime instigator in this scheme, and,
moreover, that to participate in a movement so diabolical in its
character would render her liable not only to loss of membership in
the church, but expose her to divine wrath in this world, as well as
endless torment in the world to come.
929. I believed such an intolerant and persecuting spirit, to be
diametrically opposed to every principle of true Christianity, and
repugnant to the claims of reason; and deprecating any doctrine,
orthodox though called, that would thus stifle free thought and
inquiry, and consign to eternal misery the children of our heavenly
Father, even however depraved, I advised my friend to exercise her
reason, with which she was by nature endowed, and regardless of
the sneers of a time-serving multitude, or the anathemas of the
church, to obey the injunction of the apostle—“Prove all things—hold
fast that which is good.”
930. She consented; and a few days subsequent to this interview,
she extended to me an invitation to attend a spiritual circle to be
convened at the house of a highly respectable family, members of
the Unitarian Church, and much esteemed by a large circle of friends
for their many virtues.
931. The invitation was gladly accepted, and the ensuing evening
found us seated at a table in the domicile of our worthy friends, Mr.
and Mrs. T-—-, with some six or eight intelligent persons of both
932. Having, agreeably to request, placed our hands on the table,
we silently raised our thoughts in solemn and sincere aspirations to
the great Father of spirits, and desired to be brought into more
harmonious relation with the spirits of our dear departed friends,
and hoping that these might thereby be better able to manifest
themselves to their friends still in the earthly habiliments of
933. We had not remained long in this position, before we heard
distinct sounds like the falling of drops of water on the table.
Imagine our surprise and inexpressible delight, when first aroused to
a vital consciousness of the presence of celestial visitants in our
midst! I shall never forget the glorious expression of pleasure which
illumined the countenances of that little band of seekers for truth,
nor the electric thrill of joy which I experienced on this happy
934. The sounds continued to respond to our inquiries; three
expressing the affirmative, and one the negative. It was suggested
by a member of the circle to use the alphabet as a means of
communication; and that on passing a pencil slowly over the card,
the spirits would indicate, by the sounds, the letters required to
convey their thoughts. In this manner we received many convincing
evidences of spirit intercourse; such as getting the names of our
spirit friends, the particular localities of their birth and death, and
the precise time of their departure from this world, with many other
proofs of their presence and identity.
935. We were soon informed by the communicating intelligence
that a much more rapid mode of communication would now be
established between us. On inquiring its nature, it was spelt out—Let
Welthea (referring to my friend) take the pen, and we will write
through her hand.[17] To all of us this was a new and unexpected
revelation. My friend, being very timid and retiring in her nature, was
evidently confused by this announcement. At our very earnest
solicitation, however, she lifted the pen from the table. Her hand was
now seized by an invisible and intelligent power, and being in a
normal state, several beautiful stanzas,[18] touching her mission in
this glorious cause, resulted from this first and, to all of us,
astounding performance.
936. This, to us, was a new phase of the manifestations, and to
myself and friend was very wonderful, since, I am certain, she had
never thought of becoming a medium for spiritual intercommunion.
937. Soon after writing the stanzas alluded to, her hand was again
influenced to write a communication to a gentleman present. He was
a stranger to my friend, now regarded as a medium, and the
communication was from the spirit of a sister who had passed from
earth about thirty years before, the name, in full, of the spirit being
938. After receiving instructions from the spirits, in regard to the
manner of conducting our circle, we adjourned to the time appointed
for our next meeting.
939. On the succeeding day I visited my friend at her residence,
and received many additional evidences of the presence and identity
of spirits. My father, mother, and sister, and many other loved spirit
friends with whom the medium had no acquaintance, and whose
names even were not known to her, communicated, and reminded
me of many incidents of their life on earth of which my friend was
wholly ignorant, and some of them I had myself almost forgotten.
940. At subsequent and frequent interviews with this lady, I
received many indubitable proofs of the presence and guardianship
of angels; of which the following is an example:
941. Some weeks after our first interview, and while discussing
the ordinary topics of the day, her hand was influenced to write
these sentences:
942. “My dear M: You will be surprised and pleased to learn that
an old schoolmate is present; one that you never, while on earth,
anticipated hearing from again. Many years have fled since our last
meeting. I have come from the realms of the unseen, to renew the
acquaintance with you begun in childhood, and to advise you in
relation to your spiritual development. You are destined to become a
good impressional medium for spiritual truth. Follow the directions
which we from time to time shall give you, and you will progress
rapidly, and be greatly profited thereby. Elevate your mind to the
source of light and truth, and seek to be saved from every thing that
might hinder your spiritual advancement. Devote a portion of each
day to the development of your spirit, and investigate the principles
which govern the physical and spiritual departments of the universe.
You are living in the light of an advanced age, and are surrounded
by many advantages. Improve the privileges that you enjoy, for the
benefit of yourself and others.
Lydia Manly.”
943. The communication being finished, my friend handed it to
me, saying, “I am not acquainted with this name.” I said, on
glancing at the signature, that I never knew any one of the name of
Hanly. It was immediately written, “Let Margaret look again, and she
will find that she is mistaken in the name; it is Manly, not Hanly.”
Imagine my astonishment on recognising the name of a schoolmate
whom I had not seen, heard, nor thought of, for many years. This
was to me, and might be to any one, a full and satisfactory
confirmation of spiritual communion.
944. On a subsequent occasion, it was written, through my friend,
by my spirit sister, “Do you want instruction? I will talk to you of
friendship this time. Let the basis of your friendship be esteem, and
by all means seek to have this sure foundation. Friendship is a
source of the greatest pleasure, and when begun in a right manner,
ends not on earth, but continues to increase with unabated interest
throughout eternity. Yours has thus far been characterized by
firmness and sincerity. Oh! if you knew with what interest I look
upon you, my dear sisters, watching the progress of your affections,
and seeking a close intimacy with your spirits, it would awaken in
both of your minds a lively interest for heavenly objects, and incite
you to the pursuit of solid happiness. Friendship should begin in time
to continue in eternity. Oh! could I convey to you the worth of time
when viewed in this light!
945. “I am watching your silent communings. The lofty aspirations
of your souls are not of an earthly nature. Your minds are being
enlightened and seeking communion with God. Be encouraged, my
dear sisters; we shall all be united in love. Be well grounded in the
spiritual faith, and let your motto be—Onward in the divine life.
946. Again, it was written, “Sing with the spirit! Sister, let thy
heart make tuneful melody with an angel choir who now surround
you! Sing a song to immortality; how the dear departed, clothed in
robes of victory, now stand on heavenly hills, enwrapt in glorious
visions of the Great Eternal, bowing before the throne! Sing, ‘Death,
where is thy sting? oh! grave, where is thy victory?’
947. “While here you meet, guardian angels are in attendance.
Here is a gray-haired sire, a mother, and a sweet-lipped babe. All
have come, with noiseless wing, to listen to thee. Precious moments!
Improve them in converse sweet of heaven, and blessings, richer far
than earthly treasures, we will pour upon you.”
948. The reminiscences of the hours devoted with my friend to the
investigation of this sublime subject are among the happiest of my
life. They serve to awaken the purest, holiest, and most affectionate
sentiments and sympathies of my nature, and thereby lead me into
closer communion with the loved ones who have gone before me.
949. But in reference to my family, I was for a season destined to
be alone in my happy belief. It is true, my husband did not reject the
subject, but thought the phenomena in question might be accounted
for by a reference to the principles of mental science. I requested
him to solve the mystery. He attempted it, but failed. His
explanation, like all others adverse to the spiritual theory, was an
explanation in which nothing is explained.
950. About three months after these occurrences, a lady informed
my husband that one of her daughters, about fifteen years of age,
was a medium for the rappings. The young lady being present,
declined the appellation as a term of reproach. Perceiving her
discomfort, he requested to know what she thought of these
manifestations. Her reply was, that they claimed a spiritual origin,
but, in her opinion, they were due to “electricity, or something of
that sort.”
951. Hearing the raps on the young lady’s chair, and on various
other articles of furniture in the room, he requested her to put her
hands on the table. This being done, the sounds were made on the
table so loud and distinct, that they might have been heard in an
adjoining apartment. Inquiring of the spirits if they would
communicate with him by the alphabet, he was answered in the
affirmative by three raps.
952. Having taken a seat at some distance from the table, and
placed himself in such a position that no one could see the letters
but himself, he proceeded to take down those indicated by the
sounds as he passed a pencil slowly over the alphabet.
953. The sounds having at length ceased to respond, he tried to
read the communication, but found it impossible to do so until he
had first arranged what was written into words and sentences. This
having been accomplished, he read, to his utter amazement, as
follows: “My dear son, your parent rejoices in this opportunity to
communicate with you. Let me advise you to investigate this most
important subject; it will benefit you in time and eternity.
Your spirit father, W. G.”
954. On reading this communication, my husband said he felt
“riveted to the spot;” that he had realized the presence of a long-lost
parent, and that language failed to convey his feelings. It is perhaps
needless to say that he was from that moment a believer in the truth
of Spiritualism.
955. Months rolled on, and we continued to receive and enjoy the
delightful intercourse of our spirit friends. One day, while engaged in
sewing, the needle dropped suddenly from my fingers. At the same
instant I experienced a sensation in my right hand and arm
analogous to a slight electric shock. My husband, seeing me start,
inquired the cause. Perceiving the temperature of my hand
diminished, he became somewhat alarmed, and commenced rubbing
it. In a few moments we heard sounds on the workstand at which I
was seated. I inquired if the spirits wished to communicate, which
was responded to by three raps. Taking the card and passing a
pencil over it, the following words were given:
956. “My child, be not afraid! we are trying to develope you as a
writing medium.” I experienced the next day a similar feeling in the
same arm, and was influenced to write the following impressive
957. “My dear Child: Your mother would impart to you a few
thoughts relative to an event which is generally regarded with
unspeakable horror. I mean the dissolution of the material body.
Death should present no terror to the mind, since it is but a
transition of the spirit to a more exalted and perfected state of
being; a disunion of the imperishable and eternal principles of the
soul and spirit from their temporary home in the physical form. It is
but the door at whose threshhold the spirit lays aside its worn-out
garment, to appear clothed in its much more beautiful habiliments in
the spiritual realm—the entrance to “a house not made with hands,
eternal in the heavens.”
958. “To the mind that views this change in the condition of the
spirit in its true light, it will appear a necessary preliminary step in
the development of the immortal germ to a higher and much more
glorious existence. With the gross earthly body, the spirit could not
inhabit the celestial spheres, nor rove the elysian fields of eternal
progression. You have a rosebud in your keeping, which must
expand to an immortal flower in heaven. Earth has given it birth, but
its vitality is feeble. It needs transplanting into a more genial soil in
the garden of our Father and our God, where it will ultimately unfold
its fair and beautiful proportions. In other words, your little infant,
Emily, will soon join me; for I perceive that disease is deep seated in
her system—a disease that no remedy can reach. Be prepared, then,
my dear child, for the change which is soon to take place. Prepare
for the messenger Death! Be calm, be firm!
“Your mother, Lydia.”
959. This was a manifestation to me of a spirit mother’s love and
watchful care. She foresaw that the inevitable event was at hand.
She perceived that our darling child was incurably diseased.
Although I trembled at the thought of parting with my treasure, still
I was much calmer and more resigned in consequence of this
parental warning, when the dread summons came.
960. Three weeks passed, and still there was no apparent change
in our little one from her usual seemingly healthy condition. My
husband had business which called him to Philadelphia. At his urgent
request I accompanied him. We left our little ones in charge of a
female friend and a faithful nurse, intending to be absent about two
weeks. Ten days subsequent to the time of our departure from
home, I received a strong impression to return, and that my
presence would soon be required there. My husband objected, on
the ground that his business was unfinished. I proposed returning
alone, but he was unwilling, and we started for home the next
morning. We found our children all well. I was joked about my
spiritual impression, and was told it was the result of imagination.
On the day succeeding our return, however, our dear child was taken
sick, and after an illness of three days her enfranchised spirit passed
from earth to heaven.
961. Notwithstanding the ridicule heaped, at that time, by its
opposers upon the believers in Spiritualism, and the affected
contempt in which the votaries of this much-abused doctrine were
then held, we pursued the investigation of the subject, and became
daily more imbued with a sense of the truth and harmony of its
divine teachings. We had the pleasure of seeing many persons, who
had once denounced it as an idle dream, as a humbug, and a
delusion, now converted to a full faith in its glorious realities. A
change came over the spirit of their dream, and they are now
blessed in the enjoyment of the richest feast for mind and soul ever
bestowed by a munificent God upon his grateful children. And many
do not hesitate to proclaim the fact to the world; for, thank heaven,
the days of the Inquisition are numbered, and a brighter and more
glorious day is dawning on benighted humanity.
962. The following extracts from a letter of my brother, Dr. North,
of Waterville, Maine, in reply to my husband, may serve to show the
mind of one of the skeptics referred to, in regard to the subject of
Spiritualism, both before and after investigation. As they may not be
uninteresting to your readers, I give them to you, as follows:
963. “Dear Doctor:—Your letter of the 17th instant is before me,
and its remarkable contents noticed. Had a great man or men, for
instance, Daniel Webster, Henry Clay, or Millard Fillmore, advised a
friend to a certain course, if I thought that course improper, I should
have felt at liberty to dissent from him or them; but when the
adviser is the spirit of my departed mother, or the soul of your
departed brother, I cannot dissent, or give an opinion that would
conflict with them. It seems to me, dear doctor, that you cannot
have better advisers unless you call the spirit of Gabriel to your
assistance, and you can do no less than consult the dictates of the
964. “To be serious, I am surprised at your easy conversion to
Spiritualism. I had supposed you spirit-proof, the greatest skeptic in
the land; but I find you are completely taken in and done for! I do
not place the least reliance on your superhuman communications,
and would advise you to look upon them as phenomena of
Mesmerism or mind-reading. The medium is in a mesmeric state,
and consequently is capable of reading the thoughts of the inquirer,
and answering questions correctly. The sounds are easily accounted
for. The subject is alarmed and superstitious, and therefore easily
imposed upon. The creaking of a boot is often taken by such
persons in this state of mind as a spiritual rap. Do not be imposed
upon by such superstition, but choose rather to be guided by good
sound sense.
965. “You might consult the spirit of Lorenzo Dow. He was a good
old soul, and one that always safely advised his friends.
966. “Give my love to Martin Luther, and William Penn, and the
Wandering Jew. If you should hear any thing of M. B-—-, you may
let me know. He died three or four years since in my debt.”
967. The subjoined was received some time after the foregoing
from the same hand, but was dictated, it seems, by a more elevated
968. “In relation to Spiritualism, I am deeply convinced of its
truthfulness. God grant that the grand and glorious realities which it
reveals may so influence me that my progress in goodness and
holiness will never end! Do I believe in it? Yes! yes! It is my daily
hope and happiness; the bread of life; and it will be my consolation
in death. I have read much, but have seen little of the
manifestations. I should be very happy to spend a fortnight with you
and meet your circle.
969. “My wife is reading and approximating toward belief. We
have read the following works:—Davis’s Harmonia; Davis’s Present
Age and Inner Life; Edmonds’s and Dexter’s work on Spiritualism;
Beecher’s Report, and Brittan’s Reply to the same; Stilling’s
Pneumatology; Riechenbach’s Dynamics; Cahagnet’s Celestial
Telegraph, and the Spiritual Telegraph, weekly. I am so deeply
interested in spiritual literature that other reading is insipid to me. I
am rejoiced that people in the higher walks of life are engaged in
the subject. It will give popularity to it, and the weak and fearful
souls will be encouraged and strengthened in well-doing.” The
following was addressed to me last February:
970. “My Dear Sister: You say it is too late to wish us a happy
New Year. It is never too late to wish our friends happiness, and
strive to make them happy. This is a new year indeed; a new era to
be made memorable through time and eternity; one in which the
spirits of our friends are striving for our happiness. Then let us not
only make each other happy, but by purifying our thoughts and
conversation, strive to progress in this rudimental world, so that
when we find ourselves disrobed of these bodies, and in the sphere
of eternal progression, we may be with and make the spirits of our
friends happy. This is a glorious happy new year. The old ark of
theology and superstition is passing away. The life-blood of the
popular theology is drying up. The lens of the spiritual philosophy is
concentrating upon it the powerful and burning rays of truth. Already
a dense and fetid smoke is issuing from its decaying portals. Its
priests and votaries already are crying, Fire! fire! God grant, that
from its ashes no phœnix may arise to propagate anew its senseless
dogmas. Then will this be a happy year for all mankind.” On a
subsequent occasion he writes—
971. “The spiritual doctrine is gaining ground here. Many of our
influential citizens are believers. Some that were infidels have
become hopeful Christians. Public opinion is softening, and it is not
now esteemed a disgrace, as it was some time since, to believe. The
acquisition of such men as Professor Hare, Edmonds, Talmadge,
Chase, Simmons, Dexter, and Brittan to our ranks, has given
respectability to it, and wrought a revolution in opinion.”
972. Thus much I have said respecting my spiritual experience
anterior to leaving Maine. Concerning my experience since then,
much more might be said, but as you are already familiar with the
most of it, it remains for me to present you with a few of the best
and most unequivocal demonstrations of spiritual communion that I
have witnessed, but which have not come under your personal
observation. Among which the following touching incidents cannot
fail to interest those whose hearts and minds are not closed by the
iron bars of prejudice and superstition:
973. While spending the evening of January the 21st, 1854, at the
house of a friend, it was proposed by the lady and her husband that
we should form a circle. We had not been long seated at the table
when three ladies, two of whom I had never seen, favoured us with
their company, and took their seats at some distance from the circle.
They had been in the room but two or three minutes, when the
following was given through the table:
974. “My dear mother! In love I meet you this evening. Oh,
mother, why do you mourn my death? I have just begun to live.
Grieve not for me!
975. “I wish my husband to investigate Spiritualism. I will
communicate to him.
976. “Why should you erect a monumental slab to my memory?
Let me live in the hearts of friends.
Sarah North.”
977. When the gentleman who took down the communication read
it, I was surprised at hearing the name of North, that being my
maiden name. As there was no Sarah in our family, I asked the
spirits, Who is Sarah North? Before they had time to reply, one of
the ladies referred to (Mrs. Wightman) approached the table in
tears. She said, “That is from my daughter Sarah. I have been
engaged to-day in the solemn duty of selecting a tombstone to her
978. On Nov. 25th, 1854, I sat by appointment with Mrs.
Wightman for spirit intercourse. Mrs. W. put the question, “Is
Elizabeth Adams present?” “Yes.” “Will she communicate?” “Yes.” “My
dear aunt,” was immediately spelt out. Interrupting the
communication at that point, I asked Mrs. W. if Elizabeth Adams was
her niece. No, she replied; it must be a mistake. Thinking it probable
that there was something wrong in the conditions, I removed my
hand for a few moments. On replacing it, to our surprise, the words,
“My dear aunt,” were repeated. “Well!” we exclaimed,
simultaneously, “that is strange. Let us see what may come;” and we
received the following:
979. “My dear Aunt: This is the first time that I have
communicated. When I left the rudimental sphere, I was so young I
did not know what it meant to die; I now know. It was the beginning
of life! I will come again soon and talk with you.
Your niece, Almira Barnes.”
980. It was some moments before Mrs. W. could recall to mind the
fact that her sister had lost a child, of the above name, about
twenty-three years since, aged three months. Here is intelligence so
clearly independent of our minds, that it is, in my opinion, entirely
fatal to the theory of “mental reflection” so often adduced by the
unbelievers in Spiritualism. At the close of this communication the
following was received:
981. “Dear Mother: I am happy to have this opportunity to send
you a kind message. Although I am often with you, I cannot speak
to you through your own mediumship. Oh mother! what delight it
would give me could I make myself visible to you. What would you
say if you should see me sitting in the chair I so long occupied when
an invalid? I often sit in that chair, but you cannot yet see me. Have
you not heard me rap to you? I have tried in various ways to make
myself manifest. I think you had better go South this winter. I think
father’s health would be better there. I will visit you, if you go. The
climate where you now live is too bracing for father’s lungs. When
the warm weather returns, you can bid farewell to the sunny South
and seek your Northern home. I wish I could speak to you through
your own dear hand, but that I cannot yet do.
982. “Dear mother, you will become a medium; then we shall
have good times. Good-by, blessed mother! I look forward to a
happy reunion with all your loved ones here.
Elizabeth Adams.”
983. The above, as may be seen, was from the spirit that Mrs. W.
called for, and the communication was designed for the spirit’s
mother, who lived in the State of New York. The message was
subsequently forwarded to her address. E. A., Mrs. Wightman,
informed me, died after a lingering illness of consumption. She
occupied the arm-chair alluded to during the greater part of her
sickness, and she promised her mother she would come back and sit
in it after her death, if she could. Her step-father, whose
indisposition she refers to, is affected with a chronic disease of the
lungs. The loved ones are Elizabeth’s brothers and sisters, all of
whom, five or six, are in the spirit world. These facts were unknown
to me at the time.
984. Last January, my friend Mrs. Wightman brought two ladies to
witness, for the first time, some of the phenomena of our beautiful
philosophy. Their names were suppressed, to be disclosed by the
communications that might come from their spirit friends, in order to
strengthen the evidences of spiritual intercourse. My hand being
applied to the disk, the index spelled out the following:
985. “Dear Mother: I am not dead, but living in the love sphere of
my Father in heaven. When you laid my little body in the ground, it
caused you many tears. Kind friends wept. I see one here who was
a faithful friend to you in that hour of anguish. Cherish her, for she
was a friend in need. Oh! mother, I wish you to believe that your
little child is indeed with you. I can come to earth when I wish to
see you and father. It only causes me to feel a little sad that you and
father cannot see me.
F. H. W.”
986. One of the ladies rose from her seat and accepted the
communication as from her darling boy, who had been put in his
grave two years before. The name was all right: “Franklin Henry
Wilcox.” The friend referred to was Mrs. Wightman, who had been a
true friend in the trying hour of a mother’s sorrow, and had
performed the solemn duty of preparing her dear child for the
depository of his earthly remains, and to pour balm on the heart of a
bereaved and stricken mother.
987. About two months since, two of the professors of the Female
Medical College of Pennsylvania, one of whom, Dr. Harvey, is
favourably known to you, called to see me in relation to the subject
of Spiritualism. I had never seen either of these gentlemen. After a
few minutes’ conversation on the topic in question, Dr. H. observed
—“We should like, madam, if you will be kind enough to favour us
with a sitting, to communicate with our spirit friends.” Complying
with the doctor’s request, I placed my hand on the disk, and the
subjoined was rapidly communicated:
988. “My brothers in the glorious profession of medicine! I greet
you this afternoon with unabated affection and respect. It seems like
a dream that I have passed from your midst; but passing away is
written on all things of a perishable nature. Not so with the spirit,
which is an emanation from God.
989. “My earthly career is closed, and a brighter one is now in
view. Oh, the inexpressible delight which fills my soul when I behold
the wondrous works of Omnipotence! Here I can pursue,
untrammelled, those subjects which were so delightful to me when
an inhabitant of the mundane sphere. Oh! that I had prepared my
mind in some measure, by proper investigation, for this transcendent
world of living beauties! but the love of my profession filled my
mind, to the exclusion of the more important one of spiritual
progression. I would that I could converse with my beloved wife,
that I might console her for her early loss! Tell her that I am happy;
this will speak volumes.
990. The foregoing was accepted by the doctors, as coming from
their colleague, the late Dr. Johnson; and they said that he was the
spirit they had wished to hear from.
991. The same spirit has since communicated with Dr. H. and has
given him abundant evidence of his identity.
992. Many more incidents in my experience, giving proof of the
truth of spirit intercourse, might be adduced; but as time and space
admonish me to bring my narrative to a close, I reserve them for a
future period.
993. I have thus, my dear friend, given you a very hasty and
imperfect sketch of my experience in Spiritualism, and my
development as a medium. Little need here be said to prove, to
reflecting minds, the value of this heaven-descended philosophy. It is
a theme that all may study with pleasure and profit, when so
994. Whatever may be thought of modern Spiritualism, and
however opposed it may be to many of the preconceived notions
and opinions of mankind, it is certain that there is nothing in its
fundamental doctrines and teachings, which may not be reconciled
with the laws of God, so far as these are known to man.
995. It matters not, I should think, whether this movement is
sanctioned or not by a former revelation, as that would neither add
to nor detract from its intrinsic merit. Spiritualism is endeared to the
heart of thousands by its fond associations, and mementoes of love
and affection from those dear friends who have passed from their
sight, though still united to them by kindred ties. It has gone on in
triumph, overspreading every State in our glorious republic, and,
passing over the broad sea, has reached the shores of other lands,
binding together the brotherhood of man in the sacred bonds of
love, and dispelling the discordant elements of strife and sectism
which have hung over the world, and like a dark pall, imparted their
sombre hue to the minds of men. Progress is its name, and love its
mission. It has no affinity with vice. It makes no war with right, but
inculcates the highest standard of morality. It is noiselessly
accomplishing its divine mission. Many a widow’s heart is made to
leap with joy by its benign influence, and many an orphan feels its
silent ministration. Many a prodigal son has been reclaimed at the
brink of ruin by the voice of a spirit mother! It is not only a few
individuals who are to receive the blessings which flow from this new
dispensation—the masses are to be benefited. It inculcates principles
which will strengthen the foundations of society, promote harmony
in the social system, and ultimately unite all mankind under its broad
standard of peace. That Spiritualism is rapidly extending its bounds,
and gaining hundreds of thousands of converts, admits not of a
doubt; and that it has the elements within it to elevate, reform, and
redeem the race, it were folly, nay, madness, to deny.
996. Eighteen months have scarcely elapsed, my dear friend, since
our first acquaintance, and you are aware of the circumstances
which afforded me this highly-esteemed pleasure. The event, I am
happy to say, has proved an era in my own life that I shall always
revert to with pleasurable and heartfelt emotion; for its results have
not only proved a blessing and solace to you, but a source of much
joy and happiness to myself. Though you have encountered much
opposition, and even abuse, from the ignorant and illiterate as well
as from the professed votaries of science, in defending the cause of
spiritual philosophy, you have fearlessly and faithfully battled against
error, and planted your standard on the high pinnacle of truth. And
as David of old, with the smooth stones of Kedron, slew the Gathean
giant, and was met with songs of triumph and dances of joy by the
daughters of Israel; so you, armed with the panoply of truth, have
gone forth with the weapons of philosophy and reason to prostrate
the hydra-headed monster; and will, I trust, receive in your turn the
acknowledgments and love of your grateful friends.

997. “There is a nobler strife than clashing spears,

A nobler peril than the battle-field;
‘Tis when, with trust in God, worn as a shield,
‘Midst universal hisses, scoffs, and sneers,
The man of truth with brow serene appears
And stands forth singly, for the right appealed
To the Eternal Umpire; nor will yield
One backward step, from policy or fears.
The savage, bandit, nay, the brute, is steeled
‘Gainst bristling danger—e’en the worm uprears
Beneath the foot his tiny sting, to crave
A venomed vengeance; but immortal years
Are full of glory for the Christ-like brave,
Who dare to suffer wrong, that they from wrong may save.”
Very truly yours,
Margaret B. Gourlay.


998. Certainly, in one conclusion all zealous religious sectarians
will coincide. I allude to that which makes belief in a future state of
existence of the highest importance to the happiness of reasoning
999. Those who, for faith in immortality, have been satisfied to
rely on the creed which they may have chanced to derive from their
ancestors through education, and have consequently felt the comfort
of a belief in immortality thence arising, may readily conceive of the
benefit which must ensue to those of their fellow-creatures upon
whom such a creed has not been impressed, but who are quite
sensible of the immense value of any facts tending to create such a
belief in life to come. It is to be lamented, however, that persons
who have this impression contingently from a peculiar education, are
irritated at having analogous impressions created in a different way.
1000. But in obedience to any dissatisfaction thus arising, to assail
those who may acquire a knowledge of futurity by a new route, is
manifestly inconsistent with the golden rule. As an exemplification of
the benefit which the new evidences of another and a better world
may produce in the minds of those who are not satisfied with that of
revelation, I will subjoin the account of his conversion indited by one
of my esteemed friends, Doctor W. Geib, who preceded me in
spiritual investigation, and has longer enjoyed the influence which
Spiritualism exercises over its votaries.
1001. The author was a member of the circle under whose
auspices my experimental tests were for the most part applied, and
was present on the very occasion when my own apparatus, which
had been contrived to disprove spiritual agency, demonstrated its
1002. “The verdure and warblings of fifty springs had elevated the
souls of the writer of the present sketch in wonder, admiration, and
gratitude, to the great Omnipotent Father of the Universe, without
opening to his longing view a world beyond the grave.
1003. “There was pain in the thought, that scenes so enchanting,
feelings so susceptible to their charms, a mind constituted to
appreciate their miraculous wonders and pervading fascinations, and
to do homage to the great Intelligence which gave them existence,
should in a few short years be destined, like the foliage of the forest,
to death and decay.
1004. “Still, to his mind there was arrogance in the thought that
man could ever be the recipient of joys beyond those provided for
him in common with all animal creation; and he chased from his
mind the sombre thought of death, as a dreaded incubus upon life
and the enemy of his few remaining joys.
1005. “But how changed the scene! Death, once so disturbing to
his peace, so discordant with the moral attributes of his nature,
which ‘puzzles the will,’ and leads the mind to seek in wonder and
discouragement the motive for human life, is now but a
‘consummation devoutly to be wished,’ when this race of earthly life
shall have been duly run; when we may have filled the measure of
our destined usefulness, and secured by our moral affinities a joyful
reception in the spheres above.
1006. “And why this change in thought and feeling? How are the
horrors of the grave, the dread of dissolution into the primordial
elements of creation, exchanged for the blissful assurance of
immortal life for the soul of man, in all its associate identity, after it
shall have departed from its earthly tenement of flesh?
1007. “The answer to this all-absorbing question, which sheds
light into the gloomy recesses of the skeptic’s mind, and gives joy to
his despairing heart—which supplied evidence where none had been
sought, conviction where it had been sought in vain, and imparts to
the accepted hope and faith of the professional believer, the
confirmation of a demonstrated fact—is to be found in the irrefutable
evidence of Spiritual Philosophy.
1008. “How invaluable is this dispensation of an Almighty
Providence, which has made his despairing creature, a believer in
the immortality of the soul of man; has cleared from his mental
vision the clouds of doubt and disbelief, and has opened to his
rejoicing mind the irrefragable evidence of a future life beyond the

1009 ‘Hail now on earth the glorious day,

When infidels have learnt to pray;
When heaven’s laws by reason blessed,
Are all with fondest love confessed!

When man in bliss can look above,

And see a God in all his love;
Can own with joy the mighty King,
And loud his hallelujahs sing.

Throw back the gates, ye heavenly band,

To loved ones show the spirit land;
Hang out the beacon lights to see
A home for all, the bond and free.

And now the dreams of former days

Behold in those celestial ways;
Where sorrow’s eye is never seen,
Where love and hope are ever green.’—W. G.

1010. “The exhibition of so-called spiritual agency in New York

City by the Misses Fox and their mother, was the first incident that
claimed my notice, and excited my laughter and ridicule, in this
apparent new phase in the science of legerdemain.
1011. Blitz and his wonders crossed my mental vision, and
seemed outdone by the results of this feminine exhibition, in which
the spirits of another world were invoked, and aided in the
1012. This happened when psychology had been developed to a
wondering world, as the climax of magnetic phenomena in the
wonderful attributes of man, and was regarded by myself among
many as the culmination of human research in the science of animal
1013. Meeting an intelligent friend who had bestowed much pains
in the investigation of this department of science, and inquiring of
him as to the progress of magnetism, I was answered, that
something much more wonderful than magnetism engaged his
attention and occupied his mind at that time.
1014. Asking what the subject might be, and being asked in
return, if I had not heard of the wonders of Spiritualism, a painful
impression was made on my mind and feelings that, where all had
been regarded as sound and straight, there must be some latent
obliquity of thought; that my friend, as the Spaniards say, was a little
tonto, or that he was likely soon to become so, was quite apparent.
1015. However, my strictest scrutiny could detect no decline of his
intelligent and ingenuous mind, and his well-digested remarks
addressed to my incredulous ears, gave proof enough that this might
be another demand for the investigation of science, and a step
forward in the progressive development of nature’s laws.
1016. Being the leading member of a circle that held its meetings
at his house, and kindly acquiescing in my request to be present and
witness the phenomena, I found myself shortly afterward seated at
a table, on a Sabbath evening, with about twenty ladies and
gentlemen, whose every appearance was fatal to my preconceived
prejudices against the understanding of those with whom I expected
to be associated.
1017. It was evidently a meeting for religious devotion. Sacred
songs took the lead, and my own voice, as if impelled by a foreign
influence, was raised for the first time by the impulse of feeling to
participation in this vocal prayer of gratitude and praise, sung to the
great, almighty Founder of the universe.
1018. Indeed it would be well for the cause of spiritual philosophy
if all exhibitions of its wonderful and sacred phenomena were made
under circumstances calculated to impress the mind with the
greatness and dignity of its source. To feel protected from the
nefarious cupidity of the world is an important first step for the
successful investigation of a subject so sacred in its character, and so
absorbing, in contemplating the prospective existence of man.
1019. Seeing my associates place their hands flat on the table, I
followed their example, and was soon made sensible of the reason,
by feeling what was recognised as electric concussion, made by
spirits to denote their presence.
1020. And ever will my mind recur with delight and gratitude to
the influence on my moral nature of this mission of love and
salvation to an invulnerable heart! It flashed like electricity across
the mind; the clouds of skepticism were ruptured, and shed a
grateful and refreshing shower of hopeful joy on the feverish doubts
of an unbelieving soul. This beginning led to progressive
investigation, and that, as is uniformly the case, to a confirmed
conviction of the communion of spirits with their friends on earth.
1021. Hearing much of physical demonstrations, but having
witnessed only the concussions, vulgarly called the raps, the
question was put to my friend, the gentleman already referred to, if
a demonstration could be had to gratify my curiosity, and strengthen
my assurance, when the following dialogue occurred:
1022. ‘Will the spirits be so obliging as to make a physical
demonstration?’ Answered by three raps on the table, which were
responded to by an affirmative expression from the whole circle. My
seat was at the side of the medium, a married lady of considerably
more than ordinary weight. Question. Will the spirits move Mrs. D. in
her chair? Ans. Yes.
1023. As this demonstration was intended for my special benefit,
and our invisible friends were fully committed for its performance,
my attention was riveted on the lady who was to be the subject of it.
‘Madam, will you please put your feet on the spar of the chair?’ This
being fully accomplished—‘and your hands in your lap,’ was added.
As her hands dropped, the lady left my side, passed about two feet
backward, and immediately returned to her former position at the
1024. My astonishment was naturally raised to the highest pitch,
demanding of Dr. P., who sat on her opposite side, if I could believe
my own eyes, and that Mrs. D. had really been moved from my side.
‘Oh, certainly,’ he replied; ‘that is nothing. I have seen far more
wonderful manifestations than that.’
1025. The idea of collusion was too ridiculous to be entertained
for a moment; every consideration condemned it. The carpet on
which the chair stood on its slender legs, with at least one hundred
and fifty pounds added to its gravity, must have been extensively
injured had the chair remained in contact with it. But not even a
sound was audible, and my mind was left to contemplate an invisible
power that had effected the movement of a ponderous body in mid
1026. Showing the interest of my own dear invisible guardian
friends, it was spelt out by the card, the primitive mode of
communication at that time, that I should change my seat to the
side of the medium; and it was only after this change had been
made that my mind was impressed to ask for a demonstration.
1027. By this demonstration of supernal agency I was delighted,
humbled, and convinced. As the octogenarian Robert Owen, of
London, proclaimed to the world in a published letter, in relating his
own case, I became a convert to spiritual life and intercourse by the
force of this evidence, because I should have considered any man a
fool, who, with a mind free from the curse of a bigoted education,
and whose thoughts and feelings were not mortgaged to the world,
could reject such palpable and convincing proof, and entertain a
different conclusion.
1028. Being subsequently in the city of New York, I visited the
public circles of Mrs. C., a medium for automatic writing and the
sounds. Being requested, as the rest had been, but without
response, to ask if any of my spirit friends were present, my
interrogation was answered by three distinct raps on the table. ‘Now
ask who it is; a father, mother, and so on;’ and I was informed it was
a son. ‘Is your sister with you?’ ‘Yes.‘ ‘Will you spell her name?’ ‘Yes;’
and it was correctly given. ‘Is her little son with her?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Will you
spell his name?’ ‘Yes;’ and a name of seventeen letters was correctly
spelt out by the card, the letters being indicated, when pointed to,
by three raps.
1029. My spirit son also informed me when he had died and of
what disease. I asked if they were happy. It will be observed that my
son’s name had not been mentioned, reserving it for a test. Three
raps had replied in the affirmative to my question, when the medium
spasmodically seized a pencil, extended a sheet of paper toward me,
and wrote upside down, so that I might read it as written: ‘We are
looking forward for you to join us, when we shall be more so;’ and
to my perfect delight and astonishment, signed my son’s name to
the communication, asking whether the name was correct.
1030. On a subsequent occasion, when a large and respectable
company was present, I remarked to Mrs. C. that she had reported
the fact that foreign languages had been written by her hand. ‘All
kinds of language; but I don’t know any thing about them,’ was the
reply. ‘If you have no objection, I should like to get a communication
from my son, in a foreign language.’ ‘Oh, not the least; if he knew it
in this world, he will know it in the next.’ ‘My son, will you give me a
communication in a foreign language?’ Answer, three raps. The
company were all intent on this striking and convincing test of
spiritual intercourse. In French? no; one rap. In Spanish? three raps.
The medium’s hand, as before, seized the pencil, and wrote upside
down a communication to me in correct Spanish, though we all
accepted her declaration, that she was not acquainted with one
word of the Spanish language.
1031. As it is said of our beneficent almighty Father, that when
two or three are gathered together in his name, he is with them, so
it is with the spirits of our dear departed relatives and friends. When
a few congenial, harmonious spirits of earth are associated in
virtuous love, and their affinity for their supermundane spirit friends
is strong enough to draw them here, they come on missions of
friendship, and pour happiness into our hearts, provided the
presence of a medium, possessing the required conditions, affords
them an opportunity.
1032. It has been my good fortune to be a member of such an
association, called a spirit circle; and the communications which
have come to me from my dear departed children, and others who
are dear to me, filled with love and interest for my welfare in the
world, have given a value to life which it never had before, supplying
a stimulus to the heart and mind which has guarded them from the
influence of surrounding excitements, and strewed that path with
many sweets which was too apt, with less humility and resignation,
to be regarded with doubt and pursued with remorse.
1033. Let it not be said that spiritual philosophy imparts no benefit
to man. It need not be asked if opening heaven to the mind of the
skeptic is not a boon: it is too manifest an axiom to be made a
question. Is it no advantage to mankind to know that this life is a
prelude to one in the skies? no incentive to virtue to be taught that
the beginning of our spirit life will correspond with the termination of
our mundane existence, and that our position there will be governed
by our affinities here? Operating on spiritual, as gravity does on
physical, matter, and giving to crime a weight which holds the
criminal back in the career of immortal happiness; and that this must
be first disposed of by the redeeming laws of nature before the soul
can begin its progressive flight to spheres of celestial bliss.
1034. At one of those family harmonious associations at which
spirits are wont to come, I received a first communication from a
much-loved daughter, whose devoted affection in this world caused
her untimely death to leave a large blank in my happiness, till
spiritual philosophy gave to my mind the assurance of her exalted
bliss and unaltered love.
1035. To hear, as it were, the voice of one who had been resolved,
agreeably to my belief, into the primitive elements of her physical
nature, proclaiming her existence and transcendent happiness in
scenes of surpassing beauty and fascination, was well calculated to
soften the heart, however hard before, and make it for the future a
more ready recipient of happy impressions; to open the floodgates
of feeling, waken up the latent sympathies of our nature, and make
us participants of those fountains of joy, which flow from the
blessings of pure religion.

Letter from a Spirit Daughter.

1036. “‘Father Dear: I will give you some idea of my beautiful

home. Think of all the flowers ever seen on earth blended in one, all
the heavenly strains of music blended in one strain, all beauty
combined, and you will have a slight conception of the heavenly
1037. Poets have sung of heavenly joys, but fancy cannot paint,
nor artist sketch, the wondrous beauties of the spirit home. Darling
father, how glad I am to see you have begun to live for heaven! I
shall be one to welcome you when life’s journey is over. Oh, mother
dear, will you, for the love you bear to us, listen to the voice of your
children? We will give you all the proof you ask.
1038. This was all got by pointing to the letters on a card, and
taken down by a third person. All in such a manner as to preclude
the possibility of the least participation of any one in its production.
1039. A beautiful and much-loved son, who left this world at three
years of age, came to me, at the end of twenty-seven years, from
the seventh supernal sphere, with words of love, consolation, and
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